to the highest regard. No more worthy individual could possibly define the intent of this award. The White Bear Yacht Club, fine turf management, the MGCSA and John Steiner will all be synonyms associated with the recreation enjoyed by many. For years to come, new player expectations will push the limits of agronomy and grass genetics, turf management equipment will be developed to enhance player enjoyment and products will find their way to the market to be the cure for all that challenges the turf. But it will always come down to the professionalism of the golf course turf manager who knows how to use the tools to trick the ‘elements’, to provide the surface, to encourage the staff, to subdue the critic, to educate the ignorant and to powder the golf course with the magic dust of greenkeeping. John Steiner CGCS is such a superintendent and worthy of all the honor associated with receiving the 2021 MGCSA Distinguished Service Award. On behalf of Minnesota Golf and the members of the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association, “Congratulations John on your hardearned success as a premier Golf Course Superintendent”. Photo credit Hod Irvine
Congratulations John Steiner CGCS for more then a half century of dedicated and Distinguished Service to the MGCSA and Minnesota Golf.
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