Hole Notes The Official Publication of the MGCSA
2018 MGCSA Distinguished Service Award Recipient: Richard Fredericksen CGCS
Vol. 54, No. 1 January February 2019
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Special Interest
Lakes Area Outreach at Cragun’s 2019 NG Scorecard Sponsors An Amazing First Year 2019 Northern Green Don White Memorial Match Play Info 2019 National Night at GIS
page 8 pages 10 - 11 pages 26 - 27 pages 28 - 29 pages 40 - 43 pages 46 - 47
Mark Your Calendars: March 1st Badgerland Outreach and Open Turf Forum Bristol Ridge Golf Course, Host Todd Mott March 4th Metropolitan In-Reach Education and Bowling Pinstripes, Edina March 7th Western Minnesota Outreach and Open Turf Forum Oxbow Country Club, Host David Wood
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POGO Page 4
Hole Notes Magazine Vol. 54, No. 1, January/February, 2019 Feature Articles: IMPRESSIVE: Distinguished Award Recipient pages By Jacob Kocak and Scott Thayer, Arrangements Committee On Fire, Rick Fredericksen CGCS pages From Hole Notes 2003 Discipline pages By Chris Tritabaugh, Superintendent Hazeltine National GC 2019 GLSTGS PBI Gordon Scholarship Recipients pages Chain Saw Protective Gear pages By Web Resources
Presidential Perspective pages 6 - 7
By Matt Rostal
By Jack MacKenzie, CGCS
19 - 33 22 - 25 30 - 38 48 - 53
Monthly Columns:
In Bounds
12 - 17
pages 54 -56
On the Cover The 2018 MGCSA Distinguished Service Award recipient Rick Fredericksen CGCS
Hole Notes (ISSN 108-27994) is digitally published monthly except bimonthly in November/December and January/ February by the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents’ Association, 10050 204th Street North, Forest Lake, MN 55025. Jack MacKenzie CGCS publisher. Please send any address changes, articles for publication, advertising and concerns to jack@mgcsa.org. Page 5
Presidential Perspective by Matt Rostal, Superintendent Interlachen Country Club
I am very excited to start my term as President of the MGCSA! I want to thank Class, Honorary, Life and Affiliate members for their support and confidence during my time on the Board of Directors and now as President. I want to give a big thanks to Brandon Schindele for his leadership this past year. I also would be remiss if I did not thank the other recent Past Presidents Erin McManus, Dave Kazmierczak CGCS, and Jake Schmitz for their leadership while I served on the Board of Directors. I have had a fair amount of members congratulate me on becoming President! Many have asked me, as President, what my agenda will be or what do I want to accomplish over the next year. Honestly, I have no agenda but just to carry on what these Past
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Presidents have done to strengthen the mission of the MGCSA; “Advancing the art and science of Golf Course Management, promoting the welfare and profession of the Superintendent�. The mission statement probably means different things to every member, but it means much more to me since I have served on the Board of Directors. The association has worked very diligently in advancing the art and science of Golf Course Management. We continue to support the U of M, as the Research committee works very had in conjunction with the U of M to generate ideas that can be conducted over a few years, and will provide valuable research data on topics to make our jobs easier. The association does an outstanding job of promoting the welfare of the profession through
the outreach programs conducted throughout the state. These have been very popular events that are well attended to reach outstate Superintendents. I believe this is very meaningful to bring the MGCSA to all superintendents outside of the Minneapolis – St Paul area. The education committee continues to provide outstanding education opportunities at the Mega seminar and Northern Green. It is not an easy job providing interesting and different education to our membership every year. In my view they have the most challenging committee responsibility and I thank them for the hard work.
`I must thank Jack MacKenzie for his work as the Executive Director of the Association and his passion to promote our profession. He spends many hours trying to protect our interests at the State Capital with legislative and agency entities. His passion for advocacy has opened the eyes of many decision makers and they realize we are leaders in protecting the environment. This work will go a long way in the future for our facilities and profession. Thank you for the opportunity to lead the association. I wish you all the best for the upcoming golf season in 2019!!
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Lakes Area Outreach Cragun’s Resort
Thank you Hosts Matt McKinnen and Ken Anderson
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2019 North
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hern Green
nk You
d Sponsors
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Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Richard Fredericksen CGCS
By Jacob Kocak and Scott Thayer The MGCSA’s Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is an award presented to an individual who has made an outstanding or significant contribution to the advancement of the golf course superintendent’s profession, preferably in Minnesota and/or the surrounding area. This contribution is usually the result of behaviors over a significant period of time, and takes a true dedication to our industry, its initiatives, and its vitality. Perhaps no one exemplifies these attributes, or the meaning of service to one’s industry, better than the 2018 recipient of the DSA award, Rick Fredericksen, CGCS at Woodhill Country Club.
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On his home turf, Woodhill Country Club in Wayzata
Rick share highlights of his career during the 2019 Annual Meeting Rick’s career has spanned 40 years as a member of the MGCSA, which includes, not one, but two separate stints as an active participant on the MGCSA Board of Directors, with a rise to president of the association each time. During his first stint on the Board from 1986-1992, Rick helped improve research, developed an environmental awareness program and pushed our association to another level of professionalism. It was during his second stint on the board from 1999-2003 that Rick was at the forefront of supporting a new turfgrass science professor, Dr. Brian Horgan, and enhancing the already strong relationship with the University of Minnesota. In the process Rick helped secure funding and inkind contributions that would translate into the UMN Turfgrass Research Outreach and Education Center, a permanent and nationally renowned research site and teaching facility for turfgrass science. According to Dr. Horgan, Rick inspired and encouraged the 2002 MGCSA BOD to pursue the TROE Center concept with a confident appreciation that the UMN could emulate the Penn State research program and apply the information learned locally upon area golf courses. Brian also expressed Rick’s assertive attitude of pushing the envelope in turf management, always seeking a better management plan. Furthermore, Fred-
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erickson was and is to this day, accordDistinguished Service ing to Dr. Horgan, looking to improve the sustainability of golf courses and emAward Statistics for brace environmental stewardship wherRick Fredericksen CGCS: ever possible, including the incorporation of pollinator habitat, watershed MGCSA Member 40 years enhancements and implementation of Committees: EIQ (Environmental Impact Quotient), Arrangements and thus reduce amounts of pesticide use based upon toxicity. Research Along with this service on the MGCSA board and support of the UMN, Two Terms MGCSA BOD Rick has continued his passion for the industry at Woodhill Country Club, where he has been superintendent since Twice MGCSA President 1990. Appreciating the importance of environmental stewardship, Rick purGCSAA Certified 31 years sued and established the private facility as an Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Audubon Cooperative Program (ACSP) golf course in 1996, and Sanctuary Program continues to uphold these standards Certified since 1996 for environmental stewardship. He has also hosted numerous MGA and MGCSA events, as well as one USGA event, dur- UMN Turfgrass Research ing his tenure at Woodhill. In support of Outreach and Education his strong environmental advocacy, Rick Center Leader has shared the good story of golf courses at numerous allied association meetUSGA Upper Mid-West ings and also as a guest speaker recently Green Section at the Minnesota Pollinator Summit. Throughout his career he has conRepresentative between tinued to work closely with club mem2002 and 2014 bers and Dr. Brain Horgan at the U of M Page 14
on many environmental projects and initiatives. If Rick’s commitment and legacy on the Board and at Woodhill are not enough to distinguish him, he has also spent 11 years on the Long Lake Volunteer Fire Department, including one year as Chief; using his background as an EMT to help others in need and to fight fires. He has also been traveling down to Augusta, Georgia for many years to volunteer for the Masters tournament. He not only volunteers his time during the week of the tournament in the spring, but also goes down there for a week in the fall to help out with overseeding. Rick’s dedication to this industry is well documented. He has managed to have a long successful career at a prominent club, while still finding time to donate his time and be an active member of the MGCSA, for this, the association is forever grateful. Perhaps most impressive, however, is that Rick has managed to do all Rick volunteers on the overseeding crew at of this while being a family Augusta National Golf Club man. Rick’s wife, Jackie, whom he met in college (and who he credits with keeping him enrolled at Penn State) and their two daughters, Jodi and Sandy, along with two granddaughters keep Rick busy and fulfilled. Behind a lot of successful superintendents are usually an impactful wife and family, and Rick’s family undoubtedly has been a big influence during his distinguished career. The level of commitment, dedication and time it takes to receive the DSA is no small feat, but perhaps there has never been a more obvious or deserving recipient than our 2019 winner, Rick Fredericksen, CGCS. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the entire MGCSA Page 11
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membership, we would like to congratulate Rick Fredericksen for being the 2018 Distinguished Service Award winner. And more accomplishments: Initiated MGCSA Host Tent at the 1991 US Open Hosted MGCSA Stodola Scramble...twice 1989 and 2000 Hosted 2001 USGA Women’s State Team Championship Volunteered at: 1991 US Open at Hazeltine National Golf Club 2006 US Amateur Championship at Hazeltine National Golf Club 2008 US Women’s Open at Interlachen Country Club 2009 PGA Championship at Hazeltine National Golf Club 2016 Ryder Cup Tournament at Hazeltine National Golf Club Industry Presentations: USGA Regional Seminar: Managing Push-Up Greens for Today’s Golfer Pollinator Summit at the Minnesota Arboretum Audubon Recertification Program: Osprey Nesting Platform Environmental Initiatives: Lysimeter Testing for Phosphorous run-off from golf courses Woodhill Bird Walk and Audubon International Migratory Bird Count, currently in it’s 27th year Blue Bird Trail through the Woodhill property, 500 birds fledged Converted out-of-play areas into native prairie and fescue Osprey Recovery Program, 15 ospreys fledged Developed five acres into pollinator habitat Initiated Environmental Impact Quotient pesticide program UMN Partnership for Sustainability Matrix Page 16
2018 MGCSA DSA Recipient Rick Fredericksen CGCS An inspiration for all!
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A Leading Edge Perspective:
By Chris Tritabaugh Superintendent Hazeltine National Golf Club
One of my most inspiring friends recently sent me the book Powerful by Patty McCord. The former chief talent officer at Netflix writes about creating their unique and high-performing culture. In the early pages of the book, I was struck by her writings on discipline. Page 22
When I give talks on leadership and culture, one of the most frequently asked questions is along the lines of; “with all the freedom and decision making you give your team, how does it not turn into chaos?� The answer is discipline. McCord writes of how the team at Net-
There’s no better example of this then when we hosted the Ryder Cup: the biggest event in golf, happening on our course, pressure and stress around every corner. Yet around each of those corners were Discipline means many great people in At Hazeltine, we a great environthings to many also offer our emment doing fun ployees a great different people. In our and rewarding deal of freedom tasks. The results were well docuand responsibility. operation, it means At the same time we adhere to creating mented. our cultural and operational excel- and maintaining our When it comes lence increase day to operational culture, and doing our by day, because excellence-getwe stay disciplined work in the very best ting the job done to our values and at a high level guiding principles. way possible, every day after dayHazeltine turfsingle time. When it comes to grass has its own creating and maintaining our culset of guiding principles: someture, our team here at Hazeltine thing I’ve written about in the past. concentrates on and remains disci- Safety-Teamwork-Commitmentplined to three things:1) great peo- Initiative-Honesty-Innovation-Admiple, 2) in a great environment, 3) ration-Have Fun. These principles doing fun and rewarding tasks. Our are a working document, changing experience tells us that concentrat- slightly as we recognize just what is ing on these three things will create most important to our culture. Disand maintain a great workplace cul- ciplined adherence to our guiding ture. We hire and work with them principles allows our team to work in mind-all of the time! with freedom and responsibility, flix thrived when given “freedom and responsibility”, while any potential for chaos was controlled by a disciplined adherence to their values. This is something you can read about here.
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improving excellence and efficiency ing is the way we set up the course every day, without the fear of cha- everyday, without exception. os. Managing for bentgrass-HazelFollowing are four examples of how tine’s greens and fairways were redisciplined adherence to our guid- grassed in 2010. Use of less water, ing principles manifests itself in day fewer chemicals and better ability to day operational excellence: to handle weather extremes were the reasons for making the change. Eliminate contamination in bunEight years on, six of which under kers-Grass clippings, ant mounds, or in my tenure, these surfaces are acorns, etc. are always kept from, nearly pure bentgrass; this doesn’t or quickly removed from bunkers. happen by accident. Every greenAll these items are contaminants keeping decision made considers that over time will lead to a deseg- bentgrass over Poa annua. This regation of our bunker sand. Our does not mean that on occasion we bunker sand is white and comes may not do something more benfrom Ohio. 1) We want it to look eficial to the Poa, but on the whole, as white as possible, for as long as our practices and processes favor possible. 2) It’s expensive to bring bentgrass. The positive results of new sand to the course. The better this are there for everyone to see. we take care of it, the whiter it stays and the longer it lasts. The final example is a little different from the others. It is not Changing hole locations is the last something we do, but something thing we do on our greens each we use. We paint the lips of our morning. Do golfers notice the dif- cups every day. One of the tools ference? Probably not, but if the we use for this tasks is called a Cup hole is changed, then a mower goes Saver. The Cup Saver was invented over it, the roller goes over it, it in the Twin Cities, and during my won’t look as fresh. Regardless of first season at Hazeltine, we purwhether anyone notices, cutting the chased three of the early iterations hole as the last thing of the morndirectly from the inventor, Rob Page 24
their proper place, never allowed to bounce around in the back of a cart. The Cup Savers and other tools necessary for the process are cared for in the same manner. The care and discipline shown by our staff have led these items to hold up far longer than one would expect. Grant. Five-plus years since they were purchased, we are still using the same three Cup Savers to protect our cups from paint. Each day following morning set up, the cup cutting buckets are put back in
Discipline means many things to many different people. In our operation, it means we adhere to creating and maintaining our culture, and doing our work in the very best way possible, every single time.
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1 7 1 0 A l e x a n d e r R d • E a g a n , M N • 5 5 1 2 1 • w w w. Tu r f w e r k s . c o m
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Hole Two, The Quarry
Hole Three, The Legend Page 26
An amazing first y for Superintend CGCS. Over the w Mother Nature s ice and multiple c er anomalies bad over 80 acres of g way turf. Ouch. seed and patience ter than 90 perce time the courses the fall of 2018. break
Hole Five, T
year at Giants Ridge dent Aaron Porter winter of 2017-18, smacked down the cold-season weathd enough to destroy green, tee and fairPersistence, lots of e paid of with a betent recovery by the were put to bed in . All this without a k in play.
The Legend
Hole Eight, The Legend
Hole Nine, The Quarry Page 27
2019 North Great education, social opp
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hern Green , networking and portunity
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Five MGCSA Members Sent to GLSTGS
Partnership with PBI Gordon and Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science Scholarship Program is HUGE Success In order to enhance the educational opportunities of our existing membership/staff and promote the Golf Course Management Industry, in 2018 the MGCSA partnered with PBI Gordon and provided a scholarship and reimbursement program for the Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science Online. Five reimbursement coupons were offered to approved applicants who complete the Online program and submit their Certificate of Completion and paid receipts. Congratulations to: Leon Sand Superintendent at Fulda Town and Country Club My name is Leon Sand. I am 51 years old, and I live in Fulda, MN. I had worked in sales for 20 years until this past spring when I started my new career as a golf course superintendent at Town and Country Golf Club in Fulda. I had no prior experience with anything I was doing. I learned on the fly from volunteers, friends, and YouTube and I took an extension course on Sports Turf Management from the University of Georgia. The course involved reading on my own, and taking tests. It helped, but I felt like I could learn more.
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I enjoy the line of work involved in turf management. I want to expand my knowledge as much as possible to be good at my new job. I feel this course will help me understand the grow cycles of turf grasses, fungus, weeds, and other turf diseases. I want to learn more about when to put turf applications on, and when not to. I enjoy the science of turf management. I want to learn more about irrigation repair, machine repair, and other things to do around the golf course to improve the looks, and playability of it. In a small community of 1,300 people, it’s a pretty big deal to have a luxury such as a golf course. I’ve learned that the course isn’t a big money maker, but it provides the community with not only a place to play golf, but to support other businesses in the community and
a place for people to meet once a week for dinner. I want to give back to the course and the community by being the best I can be as a superintendent. I believe knowing as much as I can will help me do this, and this course would be a good foundation for that knowledge. Thank you.
Leon Sand
Thank you Jeff Schmidt and PBI Gordon for your support of the MGCSA membership through scholarship opportunities. Page 31
Caleb Johnson Second Assistant Sand Valley, Student UW Stout, Golf Enterprise Management and restaurant. The only part of the My grandfather founded a small golf resort located between industry I had no experience in was Edgerton and Stoughton, WI. My turf. father, along with much of the rest I applied for a turf internship of the family, worked there. As a at University Ridge in Madison, WI. result, I was exposed to golf at a After that internship, I knew this is young age. When I was old enough, what I wanted to do. I continued to and through high school, I worked pursue the turf side of the industry, as a cart kid. adding internships at Sand Valley When it came time to apand Whistling Straits to my resume. ply for college, I knew I wanted to I will be graduating from UWwork in the golf industry. I started Stout in the spring with a Bachelor researching universities with a de- of Science in Golf Enterprise Mangree specific to the business of golf. I ended up choosing the University of Wisconsin-Stout. My freshman year I was aggressive looking for an internship. I wanted to know if I could do this for the rest of my life. Prior to this, I worked in the Proshop, cart attendant, Caleb Johnson with his biggest fan, his Mom. Page 32
agement and a minor in Business Administration. I have no formal education in turfgrass science and is the reason I am interested in the Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science. I will be a full-time student and will be enrolled in the Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science. The reason I have chosen to do
this is because I am willing to work hard to prepare myself for my first full time job. I have accepted a second assistant superintendent position at Sand Valley. I worked hard to get to the position, but I want to go above and beyond. I hope to bring more knowledge to Sand Valley, since when I was previously there.
MGCSA and Par Aide Legacy Scholarship applications available April 1st Plaisted Companies Scholarship applications are available NOW at mgcsa.org Page 33
Michael Freeberg Spring Hill Golf Club My name is Michael Freeberg,I am 36 years old. My wife Trinayani and I live in New Hope Minnesota. We don’t have any kids,but we have two dogs, a Great Dane and a Bulldog. My wife is a nurse with Childrens Hospital. One thing we can both say is we love our jobs. Before I stared off in the turf business I worked Landscaping for 16 years. I always liked that job but my passion was golf and golf courses. I am 2 full years into working for Spring Hill Golf Club and believe the career change was one of the greatest steps I’ve made in my life.
Matt Marzinske Assistant Superintendent Mankato Golf Club I enjoy sports and working outdoors, which led to my interest in the golf industry. I started my Golf Course Management career 23 years ago at Mankato Golf Club. It offers variety and challenges, no two days or years are alike. In the 23 years I’ve been with the Mankato Golf Club, I have worked my way up the ranks. I started as a seasonal grounds crew member and Page 34
earned a spot on the permanent crew. I passed tests to become a Certified Pesticide Applicator as well as Certified Pool Operator. In addition to the day to day tasks, I assist with reel grinding and irrigation repair. From there, I built experience, started leading crews and provided new employees with hands on training each year. I was recently promoted to Assistant Superintendent, learning yet another aspect of leadership. This promotion has led me to seek out opportunities to learn more about turf care and maintenance from turf experts. A scholarship to the Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science online course would provide me that experience and the chance to network with other professionals enrolled in the course. I feel the knowledge gained would better prepare me to meet the demands of a leadership role in this industry. Mike Waltz Superintendent Mississippi National Golf Links This past summer I worked at Mississippi National Golf Links in Red Wing Minnesota as the Assistant Superintendent. The current long time Superintendent, Randy Juliar, is retiring this spring and I have been fortunate enough to be selected to fill his position. I was born in Red Wing and have lived in the area my entire life. My wife and I have been married for 23 years and she also works in Red Wing. We have two children. Our daughter is graduating from High School this year and will be attending University of Minnesota Duluth next fall. Our son is a sophomore in High School. I became involved in Golf Course Management much later in life than many people. After graduating from college I was hired by the Pierce County Wisconsin Sheriff’s Department. I worked there as a Sheriff’s Deputy for over 25 years. During that time I worked my way through many positions including Jailer, Patrol Officer, Investigator, Patrol Sergeant, Investigations Sergeant and Patrol Lieutenant. During my years there I gained invaluable people skills and during my many years as a supervisor I had the opportunity to hone my personnel management skills. Page 35
Join Your Peers for the: 2019 MGCSA Badgerland Winter Outreach and Forum
Bristol Ridge GC Clubhouse Hosted by Superintendent Todd Mott 8:00 - 8:30 8:30 - 8:35 8:35 - 9:25 9:25 - 10:35 10:35 - 10:50 10:50 - 11:20 11:20 - 12:30 12:30 - 1:10 1:10 - 3:00
Friday, March 1, 2019
Registration with coffee and donuts Welcome, Jack MacKenzie MGCSA Member Driven Research, Ryan Schwab, UMN Irrigation , Judd Duininck, Duininck Golf Networking Break Bridge Building, Matt Gregg, Wheeler Con Renovation Considerations, Kevin Norby ASCGA Herfort Norby Gourmet Lunch Open Turf Forum: A Devil of a Summer, Horror Stories
Cost is $25 per person includes meals, education and forum
RSVP Requested by February 25th please All area members and non-members are welcome Page 36
To Participate register on-line or Contact: Jack MacKenzie, Executive Director, MGCSA jack@mgcsa.org
Working as a Sheriff’s Deputy was extremely rewarding to me on a personal level. I loved helping people in their time of need and serving the community as a whole. After 25 years, and as my age approached 50 though, I realized it was a “young person’s job”. I knew that I had another 15 years to work and that I just wouldn’t be able to do some of the required aspects of the job as well as a younger person could. I decided to make a change while I was still young enough to learn a new profession and have years ahead of me to progress in that new arena. I had done lawn care and landscaping on my own as a side job for many years. I heard about the Assistant Superintendent position at MNGL and that the current Superintendent was planning to retire and was hoping to train in his replacement. The position and timing seemed perfect! I am confident that completing the Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science certificate program will benefit me greatly. My degree from the University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture included many courses in soil science, agronomy, and related areas but did not have any study areas that were specific to Turf Management. While I did have the opportunity to learn “on the ground” with a professional that has been in the field over 30 years I know that additional formal education will definitely Page 37
enhance my ability to fill the Superintendents position. It is not likely or possible to see everything in one year, or even 5 years. Formal education helps prepare professionals to cope with problems that may only arise on rare occasions or hopefully never, but at least they are ready to handle those issues should they arise. I am specifically interested in the sections on disease and insect identification and treatment methods. I know that I will benefit from education in those areas. I am excited for the opportunity to complete the Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science program. I am confident that the knowledge gained will be of great value to me as I continue forward on my new career path.
Congratulations GLSTGS Scholarship Recipients
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Join Your Peers for the: 2019 MGCSA Winter Professional Forum and Social Bowling Opportunity Pinstripes - Edina
7:00 - 7:30 7:30 - 7:35 7:35 - 8:25 8:25 - 9:35 9:35 - 9:50 9:50 - 10: 40 10:40 - 11:30 11:30 - 1:30
Monday, March 4, 2019
Registration with continental breakfast Welcome, Jack MacKenzie MGCSA Helpful Hints For Surviving a Renovation, Kevin Norby Irrigation Technologies, Judd Duininck, Duininck Golf Networking Break Bridges Building, Matt Gregg, Wheeler Con Member Driven Research, Ryan Schwab, UMN Gourmet Lunch Buffet and bowling mixer Thank you event Sponsors:
Cost is $35 per person includes meals, education and bowling
RSVP Requested by February 25th please All members are welcome To Participate Contact: Jack MacKenzie, Executive Director, MGCSA jack@mgcsa.org or 651/324-8873
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MGCSA Announces a New Season-Long Event The Don White Memorial Two-Player Match Play Dr. Donald B. White, a professor of turfgrass at the University of Minnesota, had a significant impact on the turfgrass industry locally, nationally and internationally. White began teaching at the University of Minnesota in 1961, where he taught several courses related to turfgrass science to many of today’s golf superintendents throughout Minnesota and the United States. As a scientist, White’s most important contribution to turfgrass research was the development of a commercially viable annual bluegrass, Poa annua. As an environmentalist, he was a huge proponent of prairie grasses and reduced impact grasses, later called “sustainable” turf. As an educator, his 45 years of passionate education touched many individuals who became professionals in the turf industry, both on and off the golf course. The Don White Memorial Two Man Match Play Championship His leadership served the game well and his contributions to education and research made a lasting impact on golf course superintendents in Minnesota and beyond.
FORMAT: 1. The Don White Memorial Two Man Team Match Play event is an ongoing single-elimination tournament, with first round consolation bracket, in which two teams play match play (best ball net, aka Four Ball Match Play), during each round. The winning team advances to the next round. All players must be active members of the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association. 2. Each player plays their own ball from tee to green. The player with the lowest net score on a given hole wins that hole for his team. The match is won by the team that is leading by a number of holes greater than the number of holes remaining to be played. (e.g., 4 up with 3 holes to play – known as winning 4 &3). 3. The stipulated round is 18 holes; however, if both teams agree in advance, the stipulated round may be adjusted to 9-holes. This does not apply to the Championship match, which must be 18 holes. 4. If the match is even after the last hole, the match continues until a winner is decided. Handicap strokes remain the same for playoff holes. In the event of darkness approaching for a tied match, teams may agree to a closest-to-the-hole chip-off or a coin flip to decide the outcome. 5. USGA Rules apply - Four Ball Match Play: a. http://www.usga.org/Rule-Books/Rules-of-Golf/Rule- 30/#30-3 b. Decisions: http://www.usga.org/Rule-Books/Rules-of-Golf/Decision-30/#30-3/1
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Join Your Peers for the: 2019 MGCSA Western Winter Outreach and Forum
Oxbow Country Club Clubhouse, ND Hosted by Superintendent David Wood 8:00 - 8:30 8:30 - 8:35 8:35 - 9:25 9:25 - 10:35 10:35 - 10:50 10:50 - 11:20 11:20 - 12:30 12:30 - 1:10 1:10 - 3:00
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Registration with coffee and donuts Welcome, Jack MacKenzie MGCSA Member Driven Research, Dr. Brian Horgan, UMN Irrigation , Judd Duininck, Duininck Golf Networking Break Bridge Building, Matt Gregg, Wheeler Con Renovation Considerations, Kevin Norby ASCGA Herfort Norby Gourmet Lunch Open Turf Forum: A Devil of a Summer, Horror Stories
Cost is $25 per person includes meals, education and forum
RSVP Requested by February 23rd please All area members and non-members are welcome To Participate register on-line or Contact: Jack MacKenzie, Executive Director, MGCSA jack@mgcsa.org Page 41
HANDICAPS: 1. You must be able to produce a verifiable handicap upon request from your playing opponents. If you are unable to produce a verifiable handicap, your opponents have the right to require you to play as a “0”. 2. Identify your USGA handicap index. Max handicap for an individual is 24 for this competition. 3. Work with the Pro Shop to find your course handicap according to course and tees being played for the match. 4. Take 80% of the course handicap. (i.e., max competition handicap is 19, once 80% is applied) 5. Handicap strokes are allocated as net strokes from the lowest handicap player in the match per USGA guidelines 9-4a (iii) (i.e., lowest handicap plays with no strokes). 6. Ask the Pro Shop to prepare a card with dots on the appropriate holes for the match. Please let the Pro Shop know that this is a Two-Man Best Ball Match (Four Ball) when making your tee time so they can prepare the card in advance.
BRACKETS: 1. The winners of each round shall advance to the next round. The brackets will be displayed on the mgcsa.org website. 2. After completing your match: a. Send an e-mail or text with a picture of the signed scorecard and date of your match. Please include a picture of the winning team so we can post on website: Jack MacKenzie at jack@mgcsa.or ENTRY FEE: 1. Individual entry fee (for prizes): $25.00 Team Entry: $50 P RIZES & AWARDS: (Presented at Annual Meeting) · 1st place team - 50% split purse based on participation · 2nd place team – 30% split purse based on participation · Consolation Brackett Champion – 20% split purse based on participation · Prize amounts will be paid out in Visa gift cards. SCHEDULE & PARTNER STIPULATIONS: 1. It is the responsibility of the players to arrange their own matches, including the scheduling of tee times and course location. You may not play at your home course. In the event of one player being absent at the starting time, a side may be represented by a single player. If the second player joins during the match, they must join between holes. See http://www.usga.org/rules/rules-and-decisions.html#!rule-30,30- 3.
2. Please schedule your next match as soon as both winning teams are known. It is your responsibility to touch base with your opponents.
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3. If a match schedule cannot be mutually agreed upon by the participants, assuming both teams made a good effort to find a mutually agreeable time, both teams will be removed from the event. The main goal is to complete the final match prior to September 30th.
4. You can only change your partner before the start of the first round match. Once you play the first round, you cannot switch partners. If the event your partner is unable to play after the first round, you must compete as an individual. 5. The final round for 2019 will be hosted by Brandon Schindele at Edina Country Club. DEADLINES TO COMPLETE EACH ROUND: Round 1: 31 Days Round 2: 30 Days Round 3: 31 Days Round 4: 30 Days
May 1st June 1st July 1st August 1th
May 31st June 30th July 31st August 30th
Championship : 30 Days
September 1st
September 30th
SCORE CARDS: Please fill in your score card completely! ● Record each player’s gross and net score on every hole (put “x” if the player picked up). ● Circle the winning score for each hole. ● Clearly mark on the front of the card the match play score (for example “Newton/Wilson d. Manning/Roethlisberger, 2 & 1”). ● Sign, attest, and date your card.
SCORE CARDS: Please fill in your score card completely! ● Record each player’s gross and net score on every hole (put “x” if the player picked up). ● Circle the winning score for each hole. ● Clearly mark on the front of the card the match play score (for example “Newton/Wilson d. Manning/Roethlisberger, 2 & 1”). ● Sign, attest, and date your card. CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have questions regarding your match, please contact:
It wouldn’t be the same without you mgcsa.org Page 43
Chain Saw Safety Course March 12 Medina Golf and Country Club Host Kurt Wacker
Instructor: Alex Bildeaux, Bildeaux Services Morning session only, unlimited: $35, learn (or refresh) basic maintenance techniques and safety features. You will learn about two-cycle vs. four-cycle engines, fuels and fuel systems, bar and chain oils, air filters, bars and sprockets, saw chain sharpening, basic troubleshooting, preventive maintenance and what to do in the field Day-long session, limited to 15: $75, This full-day class will cover chainsaw basics such as proper personal protective equipment (PPE); chain saw use emphasizing proper handling and safety; and basic chain saw maintenance. There will also be outdoor tree felling demonstrations in the afternoon. It is the intent of the MGCSA to offer this program annually. Participants in the afternoon session are expected to dress appropriately.
Cost of the event: Morning session only including breaks and lunch: $35 Morning/Afternoon Sessions including breaks and lunch: $75
RSVP Requested by March 1st please To Participate register on-line or Contact: Jack MacKenzie, Executive Director, MGCSA jack@mgcsa.org Page 44
The Don White Memorial Two-player Match Play Event: Find a partner Register at jack@mgcsa.org Play your matches Turn in your scores Make new friends Win a trophy and purse
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2019 National Night at the GIS
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Chain Saw Protective Gear Web.com
Overview Chain saws are powerful cutting machines. That’s why it is critical to find and wear the right protective gear (often referred to as “personal protective equipment”) when using your chain saw, to reduce the risk of accidents and injury. While using protective gear won’t eliminate hazards, it may reduce the seriousness of an injury. Many times, protective gear is the only thing standing between a fatal situation and a nonfatal one. Tips to Keep in Mind when Choosing Personal Protective Equipment Chainsaw protective gear is designed to protect six main areas of the body: •Head •Eyes •Ears •Legs •Feet •Hands Personal protective equipment should meet the specified safety standards for the region you live in. The Oregon Forestry catalog will note when a product meets ANSI or ASTM safety requirements. Page 48
In the United States, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) sets the standards for chain saw protective gear such as safety helmets and protective eyewear. ASTM is another organization with standards for chain saw protective gear. Please note that safety standards may vary by country. Additionally, brightly colored (or “hi-vis�) personal protective equipment is recommended to ensure that you are highly visible to others who may be in the vicinity of your cutting. Visibility and awareness of your surroundings can help reduce the risk of accidents. Protect Your Head with a Safety Helmet A safety helmet or hard hat is the main type of head protection worn by chain saw users. The purpose of a safety helmet is to protect your head from the impact of falling branches. Wearing a helmet can help protect the brain against injuries such as concussions. The original safety helmets were made out of aluminum. While aluminum hard hats are still worn today, the majority of safety helmets are now made out of plastic. Page 49
Regardless of the material you choose for your safety helmet, it’s important that it is structurally sound. If it has holes, dents, bad suspension or is discolored (in the case of plastic safety helmets), it’s time to get a new hat or fix the suspension. You can test the structure of your plastic safety helmet by compressing it with your hands. If the helmet returns to the original shape after you release it, it is structurally sound. If not, your helmet should be replaced immediately. Many of today’s helmets are built with additional safety features. Some safety helmets, like the one sold by Oregon, include a face shield. Face shields can help prevent cuts and scrapes from branches, flying wood chips, and saw dust. Other helmets can also include built-in ear muffs for hearing protection. Prevent Vision Loss with Protective Eyewear
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There are several options when it comes to choosing protective eyewear including: Face shield Attaches directly onto your safety helmet. Safety glasses When selecting safety glasses, look for glasses with side shields or wraparounds for added protection. Additional features on safety glasses include scratch resistance, such as the Starlite model or UVA/UVB protection, such as Scorpion-Mag safety glasses. Goggles Goggles can offer a lot of eye protection – particularly for those who wear prescription glasses. They easily fit over regularly sized glasses and allows full vision in all directions. Coverall eyewear These coveralls fit over prescription glasses. The main US safety standard for protective eyewear is ANSI Z87.1+. The majority of Oregon’s protective eyewear products meet this standard. Hearing Protection There are two common forms of hearing protection used to block chain saw noise – ear plugs and ear muffs. Regardless of which form of hearing protection you choose, be sure to look for the noise reduction Page 51
rating (NRR). For example, Oregon’s protective ear muffs have a NRR of 21DB or 24DB. Ear plugs can be standard issue or come connected with a cord or band. Regardless of the type, ear plugs need to be inserted correctly in order to provide the best hearing protection. To ensure the best fit and greatest protection, follow these steps: 1. Roll the ear plug into a small cylinder. 2. Pull your ear up and back to open the ear canal. 3. Push the ear plug into your ear canal, holding it there for a few seconds until it fills your ear canal. This will provide the best fit and greatest protection. Another hearing protection option are ear muffs. Ear muffs will provide you with the most protection from excessive noise. In addition to the NRR, you’ll also want to consider the weight of the ear muffs and how comfortable they are. Most protective ear muffs will have PVC cushions for added comfort. For additional layer of protection, you can wear both ear plugs and ear muffs. Use Chain Saw Chaps to Prevent Cuts and Stitches Chain saw chaps are coverings worn over your pants to protect your legs from being cut. If your legs are accidentally struck by the chain saw’s chain and bar, the chaps stop the chain saw by jamming the fly wheel. This means the chain saw won’t cut through to the leg. While Page 52
you may get bruised, you likely won’t need stitches. There are two different types of chain saw chaps: apron chaps and full-wrap chaps. Apron chaps only protect the front of your upper leg, while full-wrap chaps wrap around the lower leg to protect the rear calf region as well. To ensure your chaps fit properly, make sure the bottom of your chaps come down to the top of your work boots. You’ll also want to make sure that your chaps meet international safety standards. Oregon’s apron and full-wrap chainsaw chaps conform to ASTM F1897-08 and are UL classified. If your chainsaw chaps have sustained saw damage, they should not be used again and should be replaced. Wear the Right Logging Boots to Avoid Foot Injuries Not all logging boots will protect against chain saw cuts. Choose logging boots that have specifically been designed to protect you from chain saw injuries. Steel toe logging boots can’t be cut through and also help prevent impact injuries. Other footwear features to look for are non-slip soles and a steel antipenetration plate in the outsole to protect against sharp objects. Chain Saw Gloves Chain saw gloves should always be worn during cutting to protect you from cuts and scrapes and to prevent contact with oils and fuels. Page 53
In Bounds by Jack MacKenzie, CGCS
combination of all.
Another new year. What will it bring? Happiness, tragedy, challenges, failures, success? Most likely a
When I review my careers, either as a turf manager or as an administrator, it occurs to me that almost every step I took had the potential for growth. Agronomic, political or personal in nature, living life has consequences, some within my control and most beyond. But, each is an opportunity. It is said that growing grass is the easy part of a superintendent’s job. That is, of course, if your turf is alive and hasn’t suffered damage from weather anomalies, player wear and tear, vandalism, abiotic and biotic idiosyncrasies, employee brain farts, pro shop mis and dis-information, irrigation system malfunctions, Page 54
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mechanical breakdowns, computer glitches, low tire pressure and the often misdiagnosed “bad round of golf”. Yes it is hard to believe, but some golfers suck. They would rather besmirch your turf management abilities, with no regard of issues beyond management’s control, than take a couple lessons or ac-
cept the reality that they really do suck at the game. Not that there is anything wrong with sucking at the game, as long as they keep playing and paying the green fees, I say, “Suck away... er... pardon me, play away”! Taking the golfer out of the equation focuses the wise superintendent to look inward and consider if, beyond the afore mentioned challenges, perhaps the turf condition, or lack there of, had something to do with management decisions. This comment, from one who killed more grass than most and survived to brag about it. Yup, my wrong decisions likely created optimum conditions for marginal playability. Historically the best way to maximize green speed was to cut off the water, stop fertilizing and double, triple or quadruple mow. The saying used to be that the best playing greens were, “dead or almost”. Thank goodness for PGR technology and green rollers! Poorly timed fertilizer applications
and not applying basic agronomic knowledge in my turf management program also led to injury through added disease pressure, scalping and, perhaps the greatest playability infraction of all, “clippings”. Dragging, blowing, whipping, oh my. Growth regulators were, and still are, incredible tools. Then there were times when I fell victim to the EUP, or Experimental Use Product. The fourth fairway at North Oaks Golf Club was so “bronzed” one summer from a tested growth regulator we had our own “Bronze Age”. One month was bad, but I thought I had misapplied the product during the initial stage of the trial and chose to reapply. To say the turf had a sheen the whole season was an understatement as sun glasses were required to limit eye damage. We didn’t mow the grass for eight weeks, but had to “fake mow” with the reels off so the players thought we were consistent with acceptable turf management practices. I guess there is a reason they are labeled Page 55
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EUP materials. Thank goodness it finally deregulated, just in time for snow mold apps. I’ve miscommunicated a time or two, or so I was told it was typically my miscommunication that caused an issue. Perhaps the best example was the time a key employee of mine had the staff line trim the WHOLE wildflower bed behind the 12th green. The direction I had given suggested weed whipping the perimeter around the bed, not the beautiful, in full bloom, mid-summer display just an hour prior to the commencement of the Men’s Three Day Guest Event. How does one explain that to the perplexed green committee chair, furious president, apoplectic event host and typically patient but now understandably ballistic general manager? Grass grows, flowers recover, people mature and sometimes a really bad player has an epiphany and takes up fishing. Indeed life is mi-
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raculous. What has always served me well, although at times difficult to implement, is to take a step back, breath deep, stop and think through the situation. Honestly, are we not the most gifted and intelligent creatures to roam the golf course? Isn’t taking a pause usually the very first step to remedial action following any one of a number of possible challenges? Stop, relax, take a breath and think. Cover your behind, practice your explanations, fix the problem and move on. Be patient with yourself. The grass will recover. Your staff will improve. The bad players will still suck. And tomorrow the sunrise will be as glorious as it ever was. The dew will sparkle, the crisp morning air will refresh and renew your spirits. Another day, another challenge, another solution. You are a master of your world. Sometimes.