2 minute read
MGCSA vs WGCSA Border Battle

MGCSA team members celebrating our win over WGCSA in the inaugural Border Battle Event!!

Thank you to our host Superintendent Bryan Wasilewski, his team, and Lake Wissota Golf Course!

On May 22, I had the honor to host my very first GCSAA First Green Event at the Benson Golf Club in Benson, MN. We hosted 65 5th grade students for education, lunch, and Dairy Queen dilly bars. It was a great day and the students were really engaged in the event.
Although this was my first First Green, this wasn’t the first time I have hosted such an event. Last year, we hosted the 5th grade for a much more scaled down event. Finding the kids was quite easy. One of the 5th grade teachers serves on our club’s Board of Directors, organizes our Jr Golf Program, and is the Boys Varsity Golf Coach. He has bought into the idea of making a huge push to get youth involved in golf and it really has helped the kids feel more comfortable at our facility. There is the small fact that I spend a very small part of my winter months Substitute Teaching, so these kids were familiar with me which made the event even more enjoyable.
The event could not have been as successful as it was without the help of my wonderful peers, who made the long trip out to share their knowledge. MGCSA President Matt Cavanagnah from Rush Creek, fellow Board Members Nikk Dickerson from Faribault CC and JT Hauser from Rochester GCC, Brad Smith from Heritage Professional Products, Adam Lesmeister from Clesens, and Chris Aumock, MGCSA Executive Director. I even was able to rope in one of my staff, Brayden Haugen. Brayden has the enthusiasm for the industry we all have held. It truly is really exciting to share with him as much of what the industry has to offer as I can. I’m certain he will make a great Superintendent one day.
Each person came bearing tools and information to help with stations about geometry, soils, irrigation, cool tools, equipment, and a short golf lesson. The kids enjoyed looking into the turf canopy with the macroscopes, climbing up on the various Toro pieces of equipment that were on display, and ripping into irrigation heads, but the most exciting thing seemed to be to learn how to set a new pin location. of homemade “Thank You” cards that I received from the kids later that night. Some proclaimed their enthusiasm for the game of golf. Some simply stated that they don’t like golf, but the things they learned made it more interesting. One thanked everyone for “traveling ALL THAT WAY” to teach them about golf. But my absolute favorite is the uplifting message that simply said “Sally, You are a Queen”. I had no idea!
A huge shout out to the GCSAA for coordinating such an awesome experience for the kids. LeAnn Cooper was a huge help when organizing the event. She sent over lots of information, including previous event agendas which I was able to easily change to tailor the needs of our event. She helped me secure a grant from the GCSAA which helped me pay for lunch for the students, teachers, and volunteers. With lunch and the cool swag bag she sent over for each of the students, and the free 9-hole passes our club donated, the kids left with some good loot and a good reason to come back and show mom or dad what they had learned.
One of the greatest gifts I have ever received is the stack
If you have ever thought about wanting to host a First Green event, please do so. The day was greatly rewarding for myself. There is no age limit to the kids who you invite, but older kids tend to have a longer listening capacity and tend to get more out of the experience. To get involved, you can reach out to myself, LeAnn Cooper, or our First Green Liaison, Nikk Dickerson. Please consider hosting your own event soon. Our youth is our future and this is a great way to expose them to our industry. #seeitbeit