Hole Notes May 2022

Page 58

From the High Grass By: Chris Aumock

Is this where you thought you would be? What did you want to be when you grew up? Maybe it was one of the stereotypical ones, firefighter, movie star, astronaut, and then probably superintendent. Wait, what? That’s an actual job? I’m sure many of us, myself included, came to that same realization one day. What a great job, working outdoors on a golf course every day, sign me up! From where I started, I wouldn’t have guessed this is where I would end up. There are plenty of us that didn’t necessarily intend to follow a path into golf. Not only is that OK, but it’s probably extremely beneficial to help one properly grow. As a kid, I truly don’t remember being asked the question, “What do you want to be someday,” but my answer would have been professional hockey player. However, being rather scrawny, 56

that wasn’t going to be a reality. After high school, I actually started out as an art major! Yes, you heard me correctly. I got accepted into a program for Industrial Design. Basically, that’s designing every type of product that we consume. Seemed like a viable job opportunity! I still think about it all the time, when I buy a product that just doesn’t work, or look like it should. Some of my vendors have heard my thoughts on certain items. I tell my wife all the time, I could have designed this better! Mainly though, I wanted to design cars. I always loved cars growing up, specifically Audi’s. Mostly because my dad would always buy and trade cars rather quickly, often older Audi’s. I asked him once

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