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Buried beneath Maidstone Grammar School for Girls lie World War 2 air-raid tunnels. First-hand accounts tell of lessons learned underground and drawings on the walls illustrate that nothing could prevent the girls from receiving their education, not even air raids or bombs Now, MGGS is creating an immersive, educational visitor centre where stories of yesteryear's adversity will be explored alongside today's tales of the Covid-19 pandemic, celebrating what both generations have in common: Growth, Resilience, Inspiration and Togetherness - to put it simply, GRIT.


We would like to involve as many of the community as possible in the GRIT Project; recording stories of World War 2 and the Covid-19 pandemic as well as making comparisons between the two. The visitor centre will also house a replica World War 2 classroom where our own ts and visitors will be able to experience a e lesson, complete with a visit to the s.

exciting project will provide learning unities for us all now as well as creating a to educate future generations

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