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All parking for the event will be in the BCEC South Parking Lot:

All parking will be in the BCEC South Parking Lot. If you are carpooling and want to drop folks off before parking, you will be able to make a quick stop at the North Lobby entrance and then proceed to the South Lot to park. The cost for parking in the South Lot is $25.

To self-park in the BCEC South Lot, from Summer Street, turn onto East Side Drive and continue straight along the side of the building. At the end of the building, make a right and go down the ramp. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left and you will see the entrance to the South Parking lot in front of you.

Regular shuttles will transport all guests from the South Lot to the North Lobby entrance.


Grad Images, a division of Balfour, will photograph each graduate 2-3 times

• First as you are hooded prior to walking across the stage (graduate students only)

• Second as you walk across the stage

• Third after you walk across the stage (with diploma cover in hand – cover provided by the photographer).

Following Commencement, you will receive information from the company so that you may order prints if you wish; however, you are under no obligation to purchase any photos.

Specialty IHP Doctoral Regalia

Important note: Doctoral Students are provided with the standard Doctoral Regalia prior to the ceremony. This regalia is yours to keep.

After Graduation, students who received a PhD or Entry-Level Doctoral degrees, can order authentic Institute Regalia for keepsake from Balfour/University Cap and Gown.

This is a great item for alumni moving into teaching positions who will use regalia at annual Commencements and other important academic events. All orders should be submitted directly to University Cap and Gown after the Commencement Ceremony.

(For MGH Institute PhD/Doctoral Candidates and PhD/Doctoral alumni only).

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