Registration Advising Manual - Winter/Spring 2021

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REGISTRATION INFORMATION FOR ADVISORS – WINTER/SPRING 2021 Advising/Registration for the Winter/Spring 2021 semesters opens on Monday, October 19, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. and closes on Friday, November 6, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. During that time, all continuing degree and certificate students should be advised and registered. Because you are listed as an advisor in our system, I am providing you with the information necessary to complete this process with your advisees. If you are not advising students, or if your students are block registered by the Registrar’s Office, please disregard this message. In preparation for the upcoming registration period, you will find 2 helpful documents included in this manual and a link (Item 3) to the most current registration guide for continuing students. 1. Instructions for completing the Registration Advising Process This document outlines the process for those advisors that need to approve registration for their advisees. Follow these instructions as advisees that need approval will not be allowed to register until you have cleared them by following the instructions in this document. 2. Some Important Registration Advising Tips This document provides tips for successfully completing the advising experience. 3. Student Registration Guide – Spring 2021 – Click this link for access This guide contains information for students about the Registration process and details how registration is approached for each program. It is important that you read through this as some programs will be registered by the Registrar’s Office because of the lock-step nature of their curriculum. Those students will not require advisor approval. Other students will require advisor approval as explained in the booklet, and this is where your role as an advisor becomes critical to the process. These documents will help you with the entire process and as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!! Sincerely,

Jim Vitagliano Assistant Dean of Enrollment Services/Registrar

Faculty Advisor Training Guide For Registration Advising Using IONLINE Important note: For the advising period covering registration for Winter/Spring 2021, you will use IONLINE to advise and clear your students for registration only if you are working with students that were not already block registered. Please read through the following instructions carefully which will assist you with and simplify the advising experience for both you and your advisees.

Accessing IONLINE from any computer with Internet Access Step 1 Open up the Institute’s website on your browser- and click on “Ionline Information System” in the upper right corner after clicking on “LOG IN”.

Step 2 When IONLINE opens, click on “LOG IN” in the upper right corner/

Step 3: After clicking LOG IN, you will be brought to the login screen. Here you will enter your user ID (usually lastname plus first initial) and password and click submit. Remember, your IOnline username and password is different from others at the Institute. Contact the IHP Helpdesk ( if you require assistance with either.

Smitha password

Step 4 Click on the green box labeled “IOnline for Advisors�. This will bring you to the screen where you can begin work on your advisees.

Step 5 Once you reach the “Advisor” screen, you will be able to look at your advisee list by clicking on “My Advisees”:

This will bring you to the following screen where you will need to select a term from the drop-down menu. Select the CURRENT term to see your most current advisee list.

Step 6 Using the drop-down menu under “Action”, make a selection for an action. To assist you with the advising process, please select “Evaluate Program” under “Action”. This will pull-up a degree audit for the student and will allow you to help the student with planning for courses for the upcoming semester(s).

Step 7

Clearing your students to register. You must clear your advisees before they will be able to register for classes for the upcoming term. Your student will receive a message informing them that they need to meet with their advisor if they attempt to register before being cleared. You can clear a student easily by returning to the ‘Advisors Menu’. Click that tab at the top of the page. Once you arrive at the Advisors Menu, click on “Advisee Registration Clear”

Step 8 Clear your advisees for registration. Before you arrive at the screen below, you will once again need to select a term as you did previously. Again – select the latest term to bring you to the most up to date list of your advisees. Once you have done that, you will be brought to a screen that looks like this:

Just click the “Clear” box for any student you wish to clear. After you have checked off your student(s), hit submit and your student(s) will be cleared for registration. Note: You will only see students who have yet to be cleared on this list. Once you have completed this step, you can log out of IONLINE as your advising session will be complete. If you wish to view the schedule of classes for any given term, go to the “Advisor Menu” and click on “Search for Sections”. You will need to enter a term and you can narrow down your selections by choosing from the drop-down menu under “Subjects”. Note: Using any of the other search criteria is not advisable as they do not always produce the desired results. If you should have any questions, you can always contact the Registrar’s Office at We hope you enjoy your IONLINE advising experience!!

Some Important Advising Tips Winter/Spring 2021


Remember that students who have not already been block registered will have access to the registration system only after you have advised and cleared them for registration for the semester. Review the Student Registration Guide for specifics on Registration Procedures. Also – they will have access to the registration system on IONLINE only during the advertised registration dates. For the upcoming registration period (Winter/Spring 2021), access will be granted starting October 19, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. and will end on November 6, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.


When advising students about courses that are variable credit, make sure that they are registering for the correct amount of credits. Also let them know that they will need to verify the credit amount at the point of registration. When they select courses, only the minimum credit amount will show. They must enter the correct credit amount if it is over the minimum amount listed.


When advising students about the process for setting up an Independent Study, make sure that they complete an “Independent Study Agreement Form”. This form can also be found on the Registrar’s page under “Important Forms”.


Try to have all your advising done before the last week of registration. This will allow students ample time to sit at their computers and complete the registration process. It also helps to control system traffic.


You will use IONLINE to do all your academic advising. You will also clear students for registration using IONLINE. Please review the information in this manual for all instructions.


If you are having problems logging on to IONLINE, please contact the IT Help desk. If you have any other questions related to the advising process and registration, feel free to contact

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