Vol. 7 Issue – 1: Jan – March 2017
Message from Dean’s Desk
Editor / Reviewer
Awards and Recognitions
Scientific Events
Medical Education Unit
Scientific Society Meeting and CSF
Faculty Development Programs
New Appointments
Postgraduate News
Undergraduate News
Observation of Health Days
Innovation and Best Practices
Scientific Write-ups
Outreach Camp and Activities
Community Extension Via E- Learning
Editorial Board
Disclaimer: The views expressed by the Authors in the Articles published in “Saigenesis” are their Own. The Editorial Board is in no way responsible for any liability arising out of the contents/Text of this Publication. 2
MESSAGE FROM DEAN’S DESK Indeed it is a matter of pride that the 2017 Volume of ‘Saigenesis’ is seeing the light of the day despite several hassles; the delay does not need to be explained. I congratulate the efforts of Prof Semmal and his Team. Being the constituent unit of the prestigious NAAC Grade A University, the activities of the first quarter of the year have been quite vibrant and befitting to our parent University. Apart from the routine academic events reflected through various CMEs, Guest lectures, etc, the institution has organized several ‘Capacity building’ activities for the staff as a part of faculty development programs; thanks to the vibrant Medical Education Unit(MEU). As per the mandate of the MCI, ‘Revise Basic Medical Education workshop’ was conducted in February, with MCI observer from CMC Vellore. The institution has the unique distinction in the country of offering an undergraduate medical program (MBBS) with an integrated curriculum and the Postgraduate medical (MD/MS) program based on assessing competencies. As a result the environment in the institution is totally and academically salubrious with multiple activities of planning, implementing and evaluating various educational reforms, going on simultaneously. The back bone of the institution has always been our ever supporting visionary management, especially our young dynamic trustee - Dr Prashant, who takes special interest for the growth of Shri Satya Sai always! I wish everybody a happy reading the pages to follow.
With wishes
Prof P F Kotur Dean
Medical Education is constantly evolving and grows at a rampant pace. The modern scenario of medical education has dramatically changed over the years. Innovation has now become a norm and outreaching the society has become an essentiality. The huge output in dimensions of academic and research activities of the faculty and students stand a testimony for the renewed outlook of the system as a whole. The Current issue of Saigenesis (Volume 7; Issue 1; Jan to March 2017) Expanding for 44 Pages reflects the vibrant activities revolving across the Institution in tune with the Vision and Mission of the Balaji Vidyapeeth University.
Dr.Semmal Editor – In – Chief Professor, Department of Physiology
PUBLICATIONS 1. Revathishree R, Dinesh Kumar S, Naseem, Syed Ahmed Hussain, Senthil N. Ganesh. Expression of Cathepsin D in Pancreatic Carcinoma. IJPRP 2017 ; Jan 6(1) : 53-6 2. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Responding to the public health threat of Lassa fever in West Africa. Journal of Earth, Environment and Health Sciences. 2016;2(3):135-6 3. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Envisaging plain packaging of tobacco products: Appeal to national policy makers. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):131 4. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the public health concern of childhood pneumonia: Global perspective. Journal of Medical Society. 2017;31(1):63-4 5. Shrivastava SR. Integrated health care. Primary Healthcare: Open Access. 2016;6(3):e116 6. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Extending humanitarian assistance to the survivors of gender-based violence in Ukraine. Primary Healthcare: Open Access. 2016;6(4):e117 7. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Extending care and support to the survivors of genderbased violence in Iraq during humanitarian emergencies. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(1):51-2 8. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Rising trends of risk factors for non-communicable diseases in African region. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(1):52-3 9. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Tapping into the resources of skilled birth attendants in reducing the maternal mortality rates in developing nations. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2017;22(1):81-2 10. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preventing attacks on health facilities and health professionals by terrorist groups or conflicting parties: An urgent need. International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management. 2017;5(1):28-9 11. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Progress made in Mali and South Sudan towards eradication of dracunculiasis: World Health Organization. Community Acquired Infection. 2017;4(1):20-1 12. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the scope of enhanced gonococcal antimicrobial surveillance programme. Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. 2017;38(1):100-1 13. Annadurai K, Danasekaran R, Mani G. Elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus in India: A triumph tale. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017;8:15
14. Annadurai K, Mani G, Danasekaran R. Preconception care: A pragmatic approach for planned pregnancy. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;22:26 15. Annadurai K, Danasekaran R, and Mani G. Exploring the role of self care in preventive nephrology. Scholars Report. 2016;1(2):1-3 16. Mani G, Danasekaran R, Annadurai K. Endocrine disrupting chemicals: A challenge to child health. The Journal of Pediatric Research. 2017;4(1):39-41 17. Kumar MT, Chauhan RC, Samuel AK, Singh Z. Perception of medical freshmen towards public health. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2017;5(1):117-9 18. Rajkamal R, Kumar MT, Raj M, Rajesh M, Kiruthiga J, Bazroy J. Assessment of water quality standards in the villages of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2016;3:3179-83 19. Sathiyakala R, Srinivasan S, Karnaboopathy R. Comparison of vaginal hysterectomy and laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy in women with benign uterine disease: A retrospective study. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016;5(11):3915-8 20. Gopalan U, Rajendiran S, Jayakumar K, Karnaboopathy R. Composition of vaginal microbiota and their antibiotic susceptibility in symptomatic women. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017;6(2):427-2 21. Gopalan U, Rajendiran S, Karnaboopathy R. Study of endometrial histopathology in women with abnormal uterine bleeding. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017;6(3):824-8 22. Rajendiran S, Gopalan U, Karnaboopathy R. Evaluation of histopathology of cervix in
with unhealthy cervix. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017;6(3):842-5 23. Ayyappan S, Kalyananibehra A, Ilanchezhian T. Comparison of post prandial lipid profile at an interval of 2 hours and 4 hours in patients of coronary heart disease IJPSR. 2017; 8(4):1846-9 24. Swayam
Research.2017;5(1):7197-203 25. Sunita P Bharati, S.Swayam Jothi. Morphometric and Morphological Study of First Rib. International Journal of Biomedical Research,2017;8(1):49-50 26. Gopalan U, Rajendiran S, Jayakumar K, Karnaboopathy R. Composition of vaginal microbiota and their antibiotic susceptibility in symptomatic women. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2017;6(2):427-32 6
27. Raghuraman M.S. Comments on an article published in SLJA in July 2016. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2017;25(1):59 DOI: 10.4038/slja.v25i1.8197 28. Raghuraman M.S. Comments on an article published in EgJA in Oct. 2016. Egypt J Anaesth 2017 29. Sathiyakala Rajendiran, Ushadevi Gopalan, Karthika Jayakumar. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B infection among pregnant women in South India. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2017, Jan;6(1):249-51 30. Dipayan Deb Barman, Vijaya Kumar Nair.G, Karnaboopathy .R. Estimation of stature from measurement of the percutaneous length of radius in adult Tamil males. JSIMLA, 2017 March ; 9(1):51-4 31. Wills G Sheelaa, Vijayalakshmi P, Mohanambal, Deepadarshini. Detection of protozoal trichomonas vaginalis and abnormal vaginal flora in high vaginal smear. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception , Obstetrics and Gynaecology Feb 6, 2017,563-6 32. UshaDevi, Gopalan, Satyakala, Karnaboopathy R. Study of endometrial histopathology in women with abnormal uterine bleeding. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception , Obstetrics and Gynaecology,2017; 6(3):824 33. Satyakala Rajendran, Usha Devi, Gopalan, Karnaboopathy R, Evaluation of histopathology of cervix in women with unhealthy cervix. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception , Obstetrics and Gynaecology, March 6,(3) 2017, 842-845 34. Lavakumar S, Jacob Jesurun RS. A study on the level of drug compliance among the outpatients who are on a long term drug therapy in a tertiary care teaching hospital at Kancheepuram district in Tamil Nadu. Asian journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research.2017; 10(3): 174-6. 35. Krishnan RDY, Kumarasekaran P, Raja RV; Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2017. doi:10.1007/s12070-017-1109-12. 36. Naseem Noorunissa, Prema Saldanha, Radha R Pai. Role of Fine needle aspiration cytology in the preliminary diagnosis of Hodgkins’s disease.International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology.2016.20(2):245-47. 37. Naseem Noorunissa, Prema Saldanha, Pushpalata Pai. Carcinoid / Neuroendocrine tumors- A clinicopathological
Technology.2016.20(2): 236-39. 38. Shantha Mohansundaram, Syed Ahmed Hussain. The Incidence of ER, PR and HER2/neu in Breast Cancer Cases in Rural Thiruporur, Kancheepuram District. IJBAMR.2016; Dec6 (1):648-657. 39. Venkataraman.S, Meerasa SS. Analysis of relationship between memory functions and blood indices across parturition in primigravidae. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and 7
Gynecology. 2017 Mar 30:6(4):1455-60.
EDITOR / REVIEWER Dr.K.N.Viswanathan, Vice – Principal, Clinical and PG Studies from the Dept of General Medicine, had submitted MCQs in Internal Medicine for the PG entrance examination in JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine has peer reviewed articles from the following journals – Education for Health, Journal of Medical Society, Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Dr S Prasanna, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology is the author and editor for Microbiology in TARGET JIPMER PGMEE MCQS questions with explanatory answers supplementary book December 2016.
Mr.Glad Mohesh M I was appointed as Reviewer in the Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal on 13.02.2017. Mr.Glad Mohesh M I was appointed as member of the Editorial panel of the Journal EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine on 13.02.2017.
AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS Professor. Dr.K.N.Viswanathan, Vice – Principal, Clinical and PG Studies from the Dept of General Medicine, was invited as an external examiner in medicine at the Royal college of medicine, Perakat University of KL,Malaysia from 27.02.17 to 03.03.17
Dr.Latha R Won the second prize in Oral presentation on the topic “Hypoxic stress on learning and memory in a zebrafish model” International conference “SYMMEDCON” on the theme Stress, Yoga and mind-body, medicine at SRMC, Chennai on 2nd and 3rd January, 2017.
Dr Kafeel Hussain, Assistant Professor of anatomy won the II Prize & Dr. Swayam Jothi, Professor of anatomy won the III Prize in poster presentation during the SBV Research Week held at MGMCRI on 6/1/2017. Professor.Dr.Semmal, Head of the Physiology Department Delivered a Special Lecture titled "Explaining Neurophysiology for Language Students Using Ancient Tamil Literature” Conducted by Department of Scientific Tamil, and Tamil Development, Tamil University Thanjavur on 17 - 03 – 2017. Officiating as Chairperson in Academic / Scientific Events Dr Karthika Jayakumar Associate Professor of Microbiology chaired a session in the “National conference on Parasitology - PARACON 2017”, Held at Sri Balaji Medical College, Chennai on 04/02/17. Dr.Latha R served as a Chairperson in SYMMEDCON 2017, on stress, yoga and mind body medicine conducted by Department of Physiology, SRMCRI. Officiating as Judge in Academic / Scientific Events 9
Dr G Sridhar, Associate Professor of Microbiology was the Judge for poster presentations in the “National conference on Parasitology - PARACON 2017”, Held at Sri Balaji Medical College, Chennai on 04/02/17. SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Resource Persons in Academic Events Dr. Maduram A, Associate Professor of Pharmacology was a resource person and gave a talk on Essential Documents in Clinical trials and guidelines in protocol writing at Good Clinical Practices workshop on Clinical trials and Bioethics on 21.03.2017 at SSSMCRI and 23.03.2017 at MGMCRI. Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology gave a talk on Investigator’s responsibilities at Good Clinical Practices workshop on Clinical trials and Bioethics on 21.03.2017 at SSSMCRI.
Examiner / Evaluator 1. Dr.Naseem Noorunisa, Professor of Pathology, went as an external examiner to Madras Medical College from 12/3/2017 to 19/3/2017. 2. Dr Karthika Jayakumar, Professor of Microbiology went as an external examiner to St John’s Medical College, Bangalore from 03/02/2017 to 05/02/2017. 3. Dr G Sridhar, Associate Professor of Microbiology went as an external examiner to Aarupadai Veedu Medical College &Hospital, Pondicherry from 20th to 23rd Feb 2017. 4. Dr Karthika Jayakumar, Professor of Microbiology went as an external examiner for Ph.D., to Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore on 28/03/2017. 5. Dr. Maduram A, Associate Professor of Pharmacology went as an external examiner for MBBS at SRMC, Chennai from 02nd - 03rd March 2017 6. Dr.N.Arivazhagan, Associate Professor of Pharmacology went as an external examiner for MBBS at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research from 07/03/2017-11/03/2017. 7. Dr.N.Arivazhagan, Associate Professor of Pharmacology went as an external examiner for MBBS at K.A.P.V Govt. Medical College, Trichy from 14/03/2017-17/03/2017. 8. Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology went as an External examiner for MBBS Practical Examination held at CMC, Vellore on 07th -08th March 2017. 9. Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology went as an External examiner for BDS Practical Examination held at SRM Dental College, Katankulathur on 17/02/2017. 10
10. Dr Mohanambal, Professor of OBG went as an external examiner for final MBBS exams at SRM University on 16, 17 & 18/02/17. 11. Dr.Chitra, Associate Professor of Physiology went as an external examiner for BPT exams at ACS medical college on 30 & 31/03/17.
Fellowship/Online course participation/Completion Dr.Dilip Kumar, Asst Professor in Department of Anesthesiology attended an Online CME on Pain Management Strategies in the Elderly Inpatient Conducted by Harvard medical school, USA on 15/02/2017. Presentation in Academic / Scientific events 1. Dr. Muthukumar T. Assistant Professor from the Department of Community Medicine attended and presented a paper, titled “An Epidemiological study of Road Traffic Accidents among patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry” in the 44th Annual National Conference organized by the Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) at Science city, Kolkata from 10th -12th Feb 2017. 2. Glad Mohesh MI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology presented a paper titled, “Effect of moderate exercise using pedometers on certain selected cardiovascular parameters in young adults” at CHETPHYSI-EXCON 2017, National conference on exercise physiology & Movement sciences conducted by Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute between 3rd & 4th March, 2017. 3. Dr. Rajini Samuel, Assistant Professor;Mr. Ilanchezhian,Ms. Shanmuga Priya and Mr. Sarguru tutors, Department of Biochemistry presented posters during the SBV research week poster competition held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 06/01/2017. 4. Dr. Rajini Samuel, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry presented an e - Poster titled Newer models of acid base balance- convincing / confusing ) in National Conference HICCON 2017 at Sree Balaji Medical College & hospitals on 10.03.17.
5. Dr. Vidhyalogini, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry presented an e - Poster titled Biochemical Analysis of Glycated hemoglobin in alcoholism in the National Conference HICCON 2017 at Sree Balaji Medical College & hospitals on 10.03.17.
Sunilkumar Jada, Tutor Department of Microbiology presented a poster during the SBV Research week poster competition held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 06/01/2017.
Dr V Jayashree, Assistant Professor of Microbiology presented a poster at MGMCRI on “Gut
Microbiome Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance Augmented� during SBV Research Week at Pondicherry on 6/1/2017.
Mr Rajeswara Rao, assistant professor and Mr Hemanth Kommuru, Ms Sujatha, tutors in
Department of Anatomy presented posters during the SBV Research Week held at MGMCRI on 6/1/2017.
Participation in Academic / Scientific Events 1. Dr. Swayam Jothi attended the CME programme of IMSA on “Dermatophytosis - Current Trend and Management” held at K.J. Hospital, Chennai on 12/03/2017. 2. Dr. Aparna Sharma, Assistant Professor from the Department of Community Medicine attended a CME on ‘Challenges in Leprosy control in India’ at Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute, Chengalpet on 09/02/2017. 3. Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Senior Resident, Department of Dermatology attended the national conference of Indian academy of Dermatologists, venereologists & leprologists “DERMACON 2017” held in Kolkata from 13th -16th January 2017. 4. Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology attended the SPARSH Leprosy awareness campaign conducted by CLTRI, Chengalpet on 07/02/2017. 5. Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Senior Resident, Department of Dermatology attended the workshop on “Lasers in Dermatology” in Stanley Medical College, Chennai on 23/02/2017. 6. Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology attended Demonstration workshop on “Botox & Fillers” held in Chennai on 26/03/2017. 7. Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology attended a National conference on recent management in diabetes mellitus “PHARMDIACON” at Sree Balaji Medical college Hospital, Chennai on 20/01/2017 8. Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology attended a National workshop on Good Clinical Practices, Bioethics and Conference on Strategies in conducting Clinical trial at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical college Hospital, Perambalur on 24th & 25th march 2017.
9. Glad Mohesh MI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, attended the skill development course on the topic of “Laboratory Animal Experimentation for Researchers-Part I of IV” conducted by CARETS, CIDRF, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth campus, on 2nd February, 2017. 10. Glad Mohesh MI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, attended the seminar on HPTLC-MS technique, applications and Hyphenation conducted by the Interdisciplinary Institute of Indian System of Medicine (IIISM) at SRM University, Kattankulathur on 15th February, 2017. 12.
Glad Mohesh MI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, participated in the two
days (15th & 16th March) training program on Lab animal handling organised by the department of CLARET in Sathyabama University, Chennai. 13. Dr.Dilip kumar.G & Dr.Krishnaprasad.T, Asst Professors, Department of Anesthesiology attended, Fellowship in Pain Management at Daradia Pain Clinic, Kolkata from 09/01/2017 to 20/01/2017. 14. Dr.Vinod. K, Asst Professor in Department of Anesthesiology attended the conference titled as “Hospital acquired infections:, HICCON 2017, held at Sree Balaji medical college on 10/03/2017. 15.
Dr Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry participated in a
Workshop on Good Clinical Practice Guidelines (GCP) & Bioethics, conducted by Department of Pharmacology at SSSMCRI on 21/03/2017. 16.
Glad Mohesh MI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology participated in the training
programme for CPCSEA nominees as shortlisted, selected candidate at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi between 29th & 30th of March 2017. 14
Dr.Naseem Noorunisa, Professor, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Diagnostic
Molecular Pathology 2017” at Apollo Hospitals held on 26/02/2017. 18.
Dr.Naseem Noorunisa, Professor ; Dr. Revathishree, Dr. R.Gomathi, Dr. P.Priyanka,
Assistant Professors, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “The colours that count-Red,White and Grey” at Govt Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate held on 28/02/2017.
Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja, Dr. Saurabh, Dr. Prateek, Associate Professors, Dr. Gopinath, Dr.
Muthukumar, Dr Aparna & Dr. Karnaboopathy, Assistant Professors from the Department of Community Medicine participated and Dr. D. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor and Head, gave a speech titled as Growth & Development – Public Health Perspectives in a CME on “Growth & Development” organized by the Department of Anatomy, Community Medicine & Pediatrics in SSSMCRI on 14/02/2017.
20. Dr.S.Gurumani, Prof and Head, ENT attended the CME “MERF OTOVAGANZA” held at Hotel Crowne plaza, Chennai on 24th – 26th February 2017. 21.
Dr Mohanambal, Professor ; Dr Wills Sheela, Associate Professor and Dr Vijayalakshmi, Dr
Chellatamizh, Dr Deepa Dharishini, Assistant Professors Department of OBG attended HACON held at MGMCRI on 21/01/17. 22.
Dr. Mohanambal, Professor, Department of OBG attended FOGSI Workshop organized by
OGSSI, Egmore, Chennai on 12/02/17. 23.
Mr. Saravanan, Tutor of anatomy participated in Genesis 2017 National conference on
Embryology and Research conducted by Dept of Anatomy at Saveetha Medical College on 15 th & 16th Feb 2017. 22. Dr Swayam Jothi attended CME program of IMSA TN chapter on Diet & Kidney Diseases at KJ hospital, Chennai on 08/01/17. 23. Dr Swayam Jothi attended student’s Seminar on Obstructive & Restrictive Lung Diseases, the event was moderated by Dr Sundaramurthy Prof & HOD, Department of TBCD on 09/01/17. 24. Dr Swayam Jothi attended CME on Dermatology in family practice and Child with fever Organised by TAMPA at Hotel Sarovar Porico, Chennai on 29/01/17. 25. Dr Swayam Jothi attended CME of IMSA on Surgical Emergencies and Approach to acute dyspnea at K J hospital, Chennai on 12/02/2017. 16
26. Dr S Prasanna participated as a delegate in the “National conference on Parasitology PARACON 2017”, Held at Sri Balaji Medical College, Chennai on 04/02/17. 27. Dr V Jayashree gave a lecture titled as “Enigma of the Brain – Understanding Autism” during the CME on Growth and Development conducted by Dept of Anatomy in collaboration with Dept of Community Medicine and Pediatrics at SSSMCRI on 14/ 2/ 2017. 28. Dr.Raj prakash, Associate Prof, ENT attended the “4th International Rhinoplasty Workshop” held at Pune on 10th – 12th February 2017. 29. Dr.Puja Ghosh Asst Prof, ENT attended the “AOICON 2017 KOLKATA” held at Science city convention centre, Kolkata on 3rd – 5th February 2017. 30. Dr Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry has participated in a Workshop on Good Clinical Practice Guidelines (GCP) & Bioethics, conducted by Department of Pharmacology at Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute on 21st March 2017. 31. Dr.S.vijayakumar attended the national conference of Indian academy of Dermatologists, venereologists & leprologists “DERMACON 2017” held in Kolkata from 13-16th January. 32. Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assistant Professor, attended the SPARSH Leprosy awareness campaign conducted on 07-02-2017 in CLTRI, Chengalpet. 33. Dr.S.vijayakumar, Senior Resident attended the workshop on “LASERS IN DERMATOLOGY” IN STANLEY Medical College, chennai on 23-02-2017. 34. Dr.Naseem Noorunisa, Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2017” at Apollo Hospitals held on 26th Feb 2017. 35. Dr.Naseem Noorunisa, Professor of Pathology and Dr. Revathishree, Dr. R.Gomathi, Dr. P.Priyanka, Assistant Professors, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “The colours that count-Red, White and Grey” at Govt Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate held on 28th Feb 2017. MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT The “Revised Basic Course Workshop” was conducted by the Medical Educational Technology Unit along with CMC Vellore Nodal Centre. The academic event was held at SSSMCRI from 15/02/201717/02/2017, various faculty members participated in the academic exercise.
SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY MEET The scientific society meeting for the month of January was held on 30.01.2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Dr.Dipayan Berman, Asst Professor of Forensic Medicine presented a topic on Gastric lavage colon – Is it really a satisfactory means on internal decontamination in case of poisoning?. Dr.Balasubramaniam, Professor of General Medicine presented a rare case of Non cardiogenic pulmonary edema The scientific society meeting for the month of February was held on 23.02.2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Dr.Mohamed Iliyas, Asst Professor of General Medicine presented a rare case of intractable headache Dr.Gokul; Asst Professor of General Surgery presented a case entitled: Something fishy about that neck swelling The scientific society meeting for the month of March was held on 30.03.2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Dr.Nasreen Begum, Professor of General Medicine presented a case entitled: The postman always rings twice Dr.Gokul; Asst Professor of General Surgery presented a case of 14 years old girl with an epigastric mass. Dr.Sundaramurthy, Professor of Pulmonary Medicine conducted Chest Radiology Quiz for PG’s and JR’s CSF (CRRI’s SCIENTIFIC FORUM) 19
The CSF meeting was held on 18.01.2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Dr.Raveena, CRRI from Dept of Radiology, presented a case on Retrocardiac shadows Dr.Shyam Sundar, CRRI from Dept of Pulmonary Medicine, presented about Domiciliary Oxygen. Dr. K.N.Viswanathan, Professor of General Medicine conducted clinical quiz for CRRI’s The next CSF meeting was held on 08.03.2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Dr. Govardhan, CRRI from Dept of General surgery presented two cases of blunt injury abdomen resulting in jejunal perforation. Dr. Karishma, CRRI from Dept of OBG presented a Retroperitoneal cyst mimicking an Ovarian tumour.Dr. Kaphila, CRRI from Dept of OBG presented a case on Knife on PID.Clinical Quiz was conducted by Dept of Pulmonary Medicine DEATH AUDIT MEETING The death case audit meeting for the Jan – March 2017 quarter was held on 31.01.2017, 28.02.17 and 28.03.17 respectively at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. All the faculties, Postgraduates and Junior Residents attended the meeting. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY The department of Pharmacology, SSSMCRI organized a Good Clinical Practices workshop on Clinical trials and Bioethics, under the guidance of Prof. P.F.Kotur, Dean, SSSMCRI. The external resource person was Mrs. Nagalakshmi, CEO, Consortium and the internal resource person was Dr.A.Maduram, Associate Professor of Pharmacology. Nearly 25 delegates from various departments of SSSMCRI attended the workshop on 21/03/2017.
Dr. Maduram A, Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology were resource persons in Good Clinical Practices workshop on Clinical trials and Bioethics on 21/03/2017 at SSSMCRI and at MGMCRI on 23/03/2017. DEPARTMENT OF OBG Department of OBG conducted a CME programme on “Infertility” on 24/02/2017. The guest speakers were Dr T.K. Shaanthy Gunasingh and Dr T.P. Kanagu. 21
DEPARTMENT OF TBCD Department of TBCD conducted a seminar on Obstructive & Restrictive Lung Diseases at SSSMCRI on 09/01/17. DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL MEDICINE Department of General Medicine conducted a CME programme on “Diabetes a Clinical Perspective on 22/02/2017, the guest speaker was Prof., R.S. Hariharan. DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SURGERY Department of General Surgery conducted a CME programme on “Inguinal Canal and Inguinal Hernia” on 15/02/2017. Dr Gokul D Y, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery organized the CME. DEPARTMENT OF DERMATOLOGY World leprosy day was celebrated by the Department of Dermatology, venereology & leprosy by conducting a Leprosy Awareness Campaign (SLAC) Speakers from Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute CLTRI: Dr.V.C.Giri, Deputy Director, Epidemiology of Leprosy; Dr. T. Pugazhenthan, Medical Officer, Clinical Aspect of Leprosy; Dr. V.Durai, Assistant Director, DPMR and RCS in Leprosy; Dr.Vijay Bhagat,Assistant Director NLEP and Recent Advances; CME followed by clinical demonstration held at SSSMCRI on 14/02/2017.
FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS 1. MCQ Workshop was conducted by Dr S.Swayam Jothi, Dr. Chithra, Dr.Vanaja, Dr. Latha and Dr. Rajini Samuel as part of Faculty development programme at SSSMCRI on 27/02/2017. 2. Dr. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor & Head, Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja, Dr. Saurabh, Dr. Prateek, Associate Professors, Dr. Gopinath, Dr. Muthukumar, Dr Aparna & Dr. Karnaboopathy, Assistant Professors from the Department of Community Medicine participated in an Orientation programme on “MR Vaccination campaign”, organized by the Government of Tamil Nadu in association with World Health Organization on 31.01.2017 at SSSMCRI.
3. Dr. Aparna Sharma, Assistant Professor from the Department of Community Medicine attended a one day CME on ‘Challenges in Leprosy control in India’ at Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute, Chengalpet on 09.02.2017. 4. Dr. Muthukumar T. Assistant Professor from the Department of Community Medicine attended the 44th Annual National Conference organized by the Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) from 10-12 Feb 2017 at Science city, Kolkata. He presented an oral paper, titled 23
“An Epidemiological study of Road Traffic Accidents among patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry” 5. Dr. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor & Head, Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja, Dr. Saurabh, Dr. Prateek, Associate Professors, Dr. Gopinath, Dr. Muthukumar, Dr Aparna & Dr. Karnaboopathy, Assistant Professors from the Department of Community Medicine participated in a CME on “Growth & Development” organized by the Department of Anatomy, Community Medicine & Pediatrics in SSSMCRI on 14.02.2017. Dr. D. Jegadeesh Ramasamy gave a speech on ‘Growth & Development – Public Health Perspectives’. 6. Dr. Kalaivani & Dr Raja, Associate Professors, Department of Community Medicine, participated in the ‘First Revised Basic Course Workshop’ conducted by CMC Vellore, MCI recognized Nodal center for Medical Education Technologies, held in SSSMCRI between 15-17th February, 2017. 7. Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja, Dr. Prateek, Associate Professors, and Dr. Muthukumar & Dr. Karnaboopathy, Assistant Professors, from the Department of Community Medicine participated in a CME on “Infertility” organized by Department of OBG, SSSMCRI on 24.02.2017. 8. Dr. Kalaivani and Dr. Raja, Associate Professors, Department of Community Medicine, participated in a “MCQ workshop” at SSSMCRI on 28.02.2017. 9. Dr. D. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor & Head, Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja, Dr. Saurabh, Dr. Prateek, Associate Professors, and Dr. Gopinath, Dr. Muthukumar Assistant Professors from the Department of Community Medicine participated in a CME on “World TB day” organized by the Department of TBCD, SSSMCRI on 22.03.2017. Dr. Indra Bala, first year postgraduate, Department of Community Medicine gave a presentation on “Recent Updates in RNTCP”.
NEW APPOINTMENTS Dr.P.F. Kotur was appointed as Dean / Professor in the Dept of Anaesthesiology on 04.01.2017. Dr. S. Guru Vijaya Raghavan, a MBBS graduate from SSSMCRI joined as a tutor in the Dept of Pharmacology from 01.02.2017. Dr.Arthi.P.S was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Dept of General Medicine on 02.01.2017. Dr.E.Dinesh Ragav was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Dept of General Medicine on 02.01.2017. Dr.Pushpa P was appointed as Professor in the Dept of OBG on 04.01.2017. Dr.L.Y.Sathyanarayana was appointed as Senior Resident in the Dept of Orthopaedics on 05.01.2017. Dr.Mohamed Arsath. S was appointed as Assistant Professor in the Dept of General 24
Surgery on 01.02.2017. Dr.S.J.Sri Meena Pushya was appointment as tutor in the Dept of Pathology on 15.02.2017. Dr.Vyshnavi.R was appointment as tutor in the Dept of Biochemistry on 01.03.2017. Dr. M. D. Vanmugilan was appointment as tutor in the Dept of Pathology on 02.03.2017. Dr.Jaishree Vasudevan was appointment as Professor in the Dept of Paediatrics on 15.03.2017. Dr.Kathija Begam was appointment as tutor in the Dept of Community Medicine on 29.03.2017 Dr.Usha Devi. G was promoted to Professor in the Dept of OBG on 07.02.2017. Dr.Mohamed Arif.S.A was promoted to Assistant Professor in the Dept of Anaesthesiology on 07.02.2017. POSTGRADUATE NEWS 1. Dr.Syed Ahmed Hussain, II yr PG and Dr. Senthil .N Ganesh I year PG from the Department of Pathology, SSSMCRI, attended a CME programme on “An update in Uropathology”at CMC, Vellore on 3rd and 4th February 2017. 2.
Dr.Syed Ahmed Hussain II yr PG, Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary , Dr. Senthil N Ganesh ,Dr. Shubhra Sharma I yr PG’s from the Department of Pathology, SSSMCRI, attended a CME programme on “The colours that count-Red,White and Grey” at Govt Medical College , Omandurar Government Estate held on 28th Feb 2017, Chennai.
3. Dr. Sona, Final year PG, Dr. Indra Bala & Dr. Seetharaman, I yr postgraduate students from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI attended a CME on “Recent updates in vaccination” at Omandurar Government Medical College, Chennai on 25.01.2017. 4.
Dr. Sona, Final year PG, Dr. Indra Bala, first year postgraduate student from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI, attended a CME on “Leprosy updates” on 30.01.17 at SSSMCRI.
Dr. Sona, Final year PG, Dr. Indra Bala & Dr. Seetharaman, I year postgraduate students from the Department of Community Medicine attended an Orientation programme on “MR Vaccination campaign” at SSSMCRI. The orientation was given by Dr. Ragunath, WHO consultant.
Dr. Seetharaman, I year PG student from the Department of Community Medicine , SSSMCRI, attended a National Workshop on “Study designs in clinical trials” at SRM Medical College, Chennai between 03.02.17- 04.02.17.
Dr. Indra Bala & Dr. Seetharaman, I year postgraduate students from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI attended a CME on “Growth & Development” on 14.02.2017 at SSSMCRI.
Dr. Seetharaman, I year PG student from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI, attended a CME on “Diabetes: A clinical perspective” on 22.02.2017 at SSSMCRI.
Dr. Seetharaman, first year PG student from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI, and attended “All India Workshop on Software Modules for Hospital Based Cancer Registration” organized by NCDIR-ICMR, held at Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati, Assam between 02.03.2017 and 03.03.2017. 10.
Dr. Indra Bala, I year post-graduate student from the Department of Community Medicine
attended 61st Annual National Conference of Indian Public Health Association from 24-26 February 2017 at AIIMS Jodhpur. 11.
Dr. Sona, final year PG, Dr. Indra Bala & Dr. Seetharaman, first year postgraduate students
from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI, attended a CME on “World TB day” on 22.03.2017 at SSSMCRI. 12.
Dr.Roopak Visakan Raja, PG ENT attended the “MERF OTOVAGANZA” held at Hotel
Crowne plaza, Chennai on 24th – 26th February 2017. 13.
Dr. Indra Bala, first year postgraduate, Department of Community Medicine gave a
presentation on “Recent Updates in RNTCP” at SSSMCRI on 22/03/2017. Dr.A.G.Balaji Viswanaath, Postgraduate, Department of Orthopedics attended the scientific event Ortho PG Crash Course at MMC, Chennai on 18th & 19th January 2017. 14. Dr.A.G.Balaji Viswanaath, Postgraduate, Department of Orthopedics attended the CME on spine pain management and microlumbar discectomy, Tanjore on 04/03/2017. 15. Dr.Indra Bala, first year Post-graduate student from the Department of Community Medicine, attended 6st Annual National Conference of Indian Public Health Association from 24-26 February 2017 at AIIMS, Jodhpur.
Awards/Recognitions for Postgraduates: Dr.Syed Ahmed Hussain, II yr PG, from the Department of Pathology, SSSMCRI won first prize in poster presentation at CME in “Treasure Hunt in Pathology” Sri Venkateshwara Medical college and research Institute, Puducherry on 28th January 2017
UNDERGRADUATE NEWS 1. Fifth semester U.G students Raja, Vignesh & Hemalatha and 60 students from fourth semester attended the CME “The colours that count-Red,White and Grey” at Govt Medical College , Omandurar Government Estate held on 28th Feb 2017.
2. Ms. Sri Kiruthika and Ms. Annalakshmi, II MBBS students guided by Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor of Anatomy, attended the Inter collegiate competition and made a presentation of her ICMR STS project at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry on 03.01.17. 3. P Nithin Kumar B, Srihari S., Ch. Sathyabhusan, I MBBS students accompanied by Mr.Saravanan attended the CME on CHD Connect & Karyokwiz at K.A.P.V Govt Medical College, Trichy on 06/01/17. 4. Fourth Semester Students seminar conducted on 21.3.2017 on Microcytic anemia on 27.3.2017 Macrocytic anemia and 28.3.2017 Hemolytic anemia. 5. Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology delivered a lecture on Prescription writingPrinciples and Practices to the newly joined CRRIs as a part of Orientation programme held by MEU at SSSMCRI on 06/02/2017. 6. Dr Kafeel Hussain, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, conducted Inter table Quiz competition on Lower limb and Thorax on 06/03/2017.
7. Dr.Rajini Samuel, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry accompanied by one Team members at Inter College Quiz Biochemical case Scenarios held at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital on 31.03.17 attended by I M.B.B.S Students 8. Department of Biochemistry guided the I M.B.B.S Students to attend the guest lecture on stress management at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital on 31.03.17.
9. Miss Preethi. P presented seminar on “Post mortem changes and their MLI; Miss Srinithi. M presented seminar on “Burn injuries and their MLI. Mr. Srivatsan presented seminar on” Mechanical injury: Laceration and incised wound & their MLI; Miss. Ramyashree presented seminar on Mechanical injury: Abrasion and contusion and their MLI” conducted by the Department of Forensic Medicine on 23/03/2017.
Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman, Assistant professor of Forensic Medicine delivered a lecture on “Medical Ethics and its interface-vis a vis doctor-patient-state” in the CRRI orientation program held at SSSMCRI hospital on 06/02/2017.
During the student seminar conducted by Department of Forensic Medicine on 23 March Mr. Srivatsan presented seminar on” Mechanical injury: Laceration and incised wound & their MLI and Miss .Ramyashree presented seminar on Mechanical injury: Abrasion and contusion and their MLI.
12. Fifth semester U.G students Raja, Vignesh & Hemalatha have won the first prize in Hematoquiz at Omandurar Medical College on 28/02/17.
Inter College Quiz Biochemical case Scenarios was held at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical
College & Hospital on 31.03.17 attended by I M.B.B.S Students. 11 teams participated with 3 students per team. Team members at Inter College Quiz Biochemical case Scenarios
OBSERVATION OF HEALTH DAYS ROAD SAFETY AWARENESS WEEK (11.01.2017 – 17.01.2017) Road safety awareness week was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on January 12th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the 29
patients attending the centre. Beneficiaries were educated about the safety measures to be taken while driving by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also educated about the basic traffic rules by the medical officer. NATIONAL DEWORMING DAY – 10.02.2017 Theme: “Worm-free children healthy children” National Deworming Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 10th February by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients and children attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer. Patients, children and health personnel were educated regarding the importance of worm infestations and its effects in our community and the measures taken to prevent it. INTERNATIONAL CONDOM DAY – 14.02.2017 Theme: “Always In Fashion” International Condom Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 14th February by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients, especially adults attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was delivered by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and Medical Officer. Patients and health personnel were educated regarding the importance and awareness of usage of condom and its role in the prevention of acquisition of sexually transmitted infections. CANCER AWARENESS DAY – 16.02.2017 Theme: “We can. I can” Cancer awareness day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on February 16th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Patients were educated about the symptom and risk factors common cancers by the CRRI posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the treatment facilities available for various types of cancer. 30
Similarly, cancer awareness day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on March 14th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Awareness regarding prevention and early identification of endometrial carcinoma and ovarian tumor was explained through health talk and a powerpoint presentation was given by Dr. Mohanambal, HOD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Dr. Wills Sheela, Dr. Vijayalakshmi from Department of OG, and Dr. Muthukumar from Department of Community Medicine along with Medical officer, RHTC and CRRIs posted in center also participated in the awareness program. Participants were explained about various risk factors, signs, symptoms and treatment of various cancers. The awareness program was concluded with health camp and screening.
HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AWARENESS DAY – 19.02.2017 Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on February 19 th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Participants were explained about the healthy food habits, importance of physical activities and ill health effects of smoking and alcohol by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. The session concluded with a quiz regarding the healthy lifestyle for the participants.
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY – 08.03.2017 Theme: “Women in the changing world of work: Plant 50-50 by 2030” International Women’s day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on March 8th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. Dr. Indrabala, first-year post graduate from the department of Community Medicine gave a speech on women empowerment. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. WORLD TB DAY – 25.03.2017 Theme: “Unite to end TB” World TB day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on March 25th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A role play about the risk factors, signs, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment of TB was organized for the beneficiaries. Role play was done by the interns posted at RHTC, Sembakkam, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. The participants were shown a video about stigma prevailing around TB and the importance of complete treatment for TB.
World TB Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 25th March by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk and role play was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre .The health talk and role play was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Patients as well as health personnel were educated regarding preventive measures and consequences of tuberculosis infections, if not treated properly and the necessity for the compliance to therapy. On 23-03-2017, the World TB day was celebrated by Departments of Microbiology and TBCD with Poster presentation by UGs, AHS students- we distributed prizes in separate categories for First year (1 prize), Second & third year (4 prizes) and AHS students (1 prize) with certificates for all participants. This event was organized by Mr Sunil kumar jada, Dr S Prasanna, Dr V Jayashree, Ms Lavanya and Dr G Sridhar. Organizing secretary (Dr Karthika Jayakumar) and Co-ordinator (Dr Sundaramurthy, Prof & HOD-TBCD)
INNOVATION AND BEST PRACTICES Poster Presentation titled ‘Electron Transport Chain- I.M.B.B.S Student during an event organized by Department of Biochemistry
II year B.Sc M.L.T Students participated in poster presentation competition held on 23.03.17 at SSSMCRI in view of world Tuberculosis Day on 24.03.17 and won first prize among Allied Health Sciences Students.
Poster Presentation Competition –Stop TB Fight Poverty
Poster Presentation Competition First Prize Among Allied Health Sciences Students
MISCELLANEOUS Faculties from Basic Sciences Department attended the MCQ Workshop organised by MEU of MGMCRI on 23, 24 Feb 2017
The Faculties who attended the MCQ workshop at MGMCRI shared their knowledge and gain to other Basic Science Faculties of SSSMCRI on 28th February 2017.
SCIENTIFIC WRITE-UPS TESTICULAR ADRENAL REST TUMOR CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA Dr. HARSHAVARDHAN BALAGANESAN (Department of Radiology) Aberrant adrenal cells can be present within the testes which could become hyperplastic after exposure to elevated levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone. These aberrant adreno cortical cells migrate with gonadal tissues in the fetus to form adrenal rests within the testes. Patients usually are asymptomatic but may present with testicular mass or enlargement and with precocious puberty. It is usually bilateral, multiple and is typically located at the mediastinum testis (near testicular hilum). In ultrasound the testis shows predominantly hypoechoic lesions with mild heterogeneity. There may be presence of spoke like vascularity of the lesion. Testicular venous sampling will show increased 38
cortisol levels which is diagnostic. Usually, if the patient has the appropriate hormonal abnormalities and appropriate findings of ultrasonography associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia no further workup is necessary. If confirmation is required, a biopsy under ultrasound guidance may be obtained.
Figure 1: Right sided testis shows two hypoechoic heterogenous lesions. (Multiple)
Figure 2: The hypoechoic lesion noted within the testis is located in the mediastinum testis (near the testicular hilum).
Figure 3: Spoke like vascularity with multiple peripheral vessels radiating towards the lesion.
Puzzle: We are all aware that how to frame a sentence where the word “Because” should come thrice i.e “No sentence can end with the word “because”, because, “because” is a conjunction”.[Courtesy: Late.Chief minister of Tamilnadu, Mr.Annadurai]. Few years ago, while I was reading this, a question flashed in my mind i.e How to frame a sentence where “Because” should come four times? After scratching for a while, I framed it as follows: “Although a sentence can begin with the word “because”, no sentence can end with the word “because”, because, “because” is a conjunction. - Raghuraman M.S. Prof. & HOD of Anesthesiology, SSSMCRI.
OUTREACH CAMPS & ACTIVITIES In the quarter of January - March 2016, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 41 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy.
The blood bank, Department of pathology conducted Blood Donation camp on 12.3.2017 at Ganesh mahal Thiruporur. 100 volunteers donated blood.
Prof Dr. Ushadevi attended the Family welfare meeting conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu at Kanchipuram on 21/03/2017. Dr.N.Arivazhagan, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, conducted an awareness programme about Measles Rubella vaccine for SMVB Matric. Hr. Sec. School, Erode on 27 Feb, 2017. Sathya Sai Mobile Camp at Sirudhavur Camp was attended by Dr. Karunya Lakshmi on 06.01.2017; Dr. Tamilarsan on 03.02.2017; Dr. Anandapadmanabhan J on 03.03.2017. Mr.Sunilkumar. Jada, PhD scholar in Anatomy Department outsourced stool samples are for the Institute - Rs: 4000/- to Karpagam Faculties of Medical science, Coimbatore and Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute, Kanchipuram
Community Extension via E – Learning
1. Dr. Semmal Delivered a Lecture Online to the Student Community in France during the Launch of France Tamil Ilaignar Sangam - YouTube Link - https://youtu.be/jJlOxhnwhs0
2. Dr.Semmal Released an Educational Video about Intelligent Water Resource Management of Ancient Tamils - YouTube Link - https://youtu.be/-70FldCBc-M 3. Dr.Semmal Released an Educational Video about the Details of his Tamil book – Health Education Using Tamil Literature - YouTube Link -
4. Dr.Semmal Released an Educational Video about Using Spirituality to Impart Health Education YouTube Link - https://youtu.be/cVW1imINbFk
5. Dr.Semmal Released an Educational Video about Designing Physiology Curriculum in Yoga Related Education YouTube Link -
6. Dr.Semmal Released an Educational Video about Introduction to Siddhar Neuroscience Course YouTube Link - https://youtu.be/Ksvy-UHV8UU
Dr.Semmal Released an Educational Video about Using Poems as Stress Relaxers -
YouTube Link -
EDITORIAL BOARD PATRONS : Chairman – Shri. M.K. Rajagopalan Madam Chairperson– Smt. Gowri Rajagopalan Vice Chairman – Dr.Prashanth Rajagopalan CHIEF ADVISORS: Chancellor –Prof. Pagadala Rajaram Vice - Chancellor- Prof. K.R.Sethuraman Dean – Prof. Dr P.F. Kotur Vice Principals – Dr. K.N.Viswanathan (Clinical/ PG Studies) ; Dr. Karthika Jayakumar (Pre / Para Clinical)
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: 1. Dr.Semmal Syed Meerasa, Prof & Head Physiology – Editor –In-Chief 2. Dr. Swayam Jothi , Prof & Head, Anatomy 3. Dr. Sundaramurthy, Prof & Head, TB & Chest 4. Mr. Glad Mohesh, Asst Prof, Physiology 5. Dr. Lavakumar S, Asst. Prof , Pharmacology 6. Dr. Gomathi, Asst. Prof , Pathology 7. Dr. Pragadeesh, Asst. Prof, ENT 8. Dr. Vijay Kumar, Senior Resident , DVL 9. Dr. Raja, Asst Prof, Orthopaedics 10. Mr. Suresh Kumar, Technical Staff STUDENTS COMMITTEE: 1. Mr. Ajay Dev
- Jubiliants 2012
2. Ms. Shruthi.K
- Jubiliants 2012
3. Mr. Rishabh Vardhanan
– Genezens 2014
4. Ms.Hari priya
– Genezens 2014
5. Mr. Arunachalam Ashwin - Warriors 2015 6. Ms. Srinidhi
- Warriors 2015