SBV Annual Report 2013-14

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Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

ANNUAL REPORT 2014 -2015


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

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Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Message from the Chairman of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Shri M.K.Rajagopalan


It is indeed my pleasure to congratulate the Team of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for successfully sailing in the Academic journey during the year 2013-14. During the year 2014-15, I am sure that Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth has steadfastly progressed in the fields of innovative courses, doctoral programmes and research works. All the constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth have shown keen interest in developing the teaching-learning methods, evaluation methods and extra co-curricular activities keeping in mind the welfare of students and faculty. I feel happy to record my comments in the Annual progress report of SBV for the year 2014-15. Shri M.K.Rajagopalan Chairman, SBV



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Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Message from the Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Prof. K.R.Sethuraman

Message from the Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Prof. Rajaram Padagala

It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, a University unique in its innovative approaches in the field of education. The keen interest shown by the Board of Management, the apex body of the University towards the growth of the University is overwhelming. The innovations made in the fields of introducing new courses, doctoral programmes, research clusters, patient care are sure to justify our de-nova status. The other noteworthy areas are the publications made by our faculty in the indexed journals with high impact factors. Further to our credit, SBV has the most number of student projects approved and sanctioned by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). We also take pride to state that the Central Interdisciplinary Research Facility attached with us has sanctioned projects from Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. I wish all the best for the team, SBV in its academic journey. Prof. Rajaram Padagala, Chancellor, SBV. 6

Annual review of an institution gives one an opportunity to take stock of one’s performance over the past year and plan for the next year. If achievement has been above one’s expectation, one can set a higher standard for the next year and if it is below par, one can resolve to do better in future. It is indeed heartening to note the quantity and quality of outcomes and achievements during the last academic year by the constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, a deemed to be University of health sciences. In view of the various achievements in Teaching, Research, service to the public and other laudable outreach activities, we can feel a sense of pride and resolve to do even better during the current academic year. It is personally gratifying to note that this period – April 2013 to March 2014 – covers the first year of my tenure as the Vice-Chancellor of SBV. I appreciate the contribution of all the staff and students of SBV, its constituent colleges and affiliated centres like the CIDRF. Prof. K.R.Sethuraman Vice Chancellor,SBV 7

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University Communique “Objectivisation of Clinical / Practical Exams”

A National Level experts Committee meeting was convened on 23.05.2014 at MGMCRI Campus, Puducherry to review the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth’s proposal on Objectivisation of Clinical / Practical exams. The panel of experts consisted of 1. Dr. Vijayaraghavan, Dean - Medical Education, SRMC, Chennai – Expert member from regional center for Medical Educational, MCI 2. Dr. D.K. Srinivas, Dean (Retd.), JIPMER pondicherry and Retd Consultant Curriculum Development, RGUHS, Bangalore

3. Dr. Thomas Chacko, Director, PSGFAIMER South Asia Regional Institute, Secretary-General SEARAME, Prof & Head, Community Medicine & Medical Education, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Coimbatore 4. Dr. Latha Ravichandran, Co-convener of Medical Education & Prof of Paediatrics, SRMC, Chennai - Expert member from regional center for Medical Educational, MCI 5. Dr. Pankaj Badamilal Shah, Prof of Community Medicine, SRMC, Chennai - Expert


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Internal quality asurrance member from regional center for Medical Educational, MCI 6. Dr. S. Sujatha, Member – MEU, Professor of General Medicine, SRMC, Chennai – Expert member from regional center for Medical Educational, MCI 7. Dr. A.Nalini, Director of Education, Saveetha University, Chennai 8. Dr. Ragunanthan, Head of MEU, Prof of Medicine, Madras Medical College, Chennai 9. Dr. Kadambari, Prof of Surgery, Member – MEU, JIPMER, Pondicherry 10. Dr. Neelambigai, Prof & Head of Physiology, Head of Medical Education Unit, Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore 11. Dr. Hansavardhini, Deputy Controller of Examinations and Asst. Prof. of Transfusion Medicine, TN Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai As a de novo University, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is taking a national level lead in this very important part of Medical Education, namely skill based objective evaluation by implementing the directive of MCI in both letter and spirit.





On 25.9.14 IQAC –KGNC organized KGNC Kasturbians and Research club meet was organized on 25.9.14 KGNC at 1st Floor lecture hall, MGMC&RI.

KGNC IQAC unit in association with Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized a workshop on Hemodynamic monitoring of patient in critical care units on 10.04.14 at KGNC College.

State Level Conference on “Best Pract ices in Nursing Triad. Education, Practice and Research” was held on 28.11.2014 at MGMCRI where the Nursing Educators & students were the BENEFICIARIES.

On 17.07.14, Dept. of Child Health Nursing & IQAC – KGNC conducted a Workshop on Diarrhea Managementfor III year B.Sc (N) students.The Objectives of the workshop were to recognize the causes of diarrhea, to identify the clinical manifestation of diarrheal disease, to update the current treatment strategies for diarrhea and dysentery, to develop skill in identifying the dehydration, to provide competent nursing care for the children with diarrhea.

CNE on Shoo – In of Quality Care in Obstetrics was conducted on 18.12.2014 with Department of Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing as the Collaborating Department at MGMCRI . Nursing Educators, students and

From 20.08.2014 to 23.08.2014, IQAC –KGNC conducted Orientation Programme for the Undergraduate, Post Basic and Post Graduate Fresher’s on the theme.‘Strategies to Create Positive Attitude towards Nursing among Fresher’s.’ with the objectives, to orient the students regarding Nursing Profession, to provide positive strategies towards Nursing and to motivate the students Nursing staff were the beneficiaries. Around to successfully complete the course of study. 50 delegates had registered for the CNE. On 04.09.2014, the CIDRF, IQAC –KGNC &KGNC - Research Club, conducted Centre for Interdisciplinary Research Facility Orientation Programme for all Faculty Members of KGNC and M.Sc (N) II Year students. The Objectives of the program was to get familiarized with the facilities available in the department, to understand the functions of the CIDRF department, to collaborate with the department & conduct research projects and to identify the funding sources available for the nursing researches.

In association with IQAC – KGNC, the Dept of Psychiatric Nursing organized a Panel Discussion on “Preparing Nursing Teachers as Mentors” on 28.01.2015.

From 10.09.2014 to 13.09.2014, IQAC – KGNC conductedAmbassador Training Programme for Final year B.Sc (N) (VIII batch). Objectives of the program was to facilitate the students to access for career opportunities in India and abroad, to guide the students to understand the availability of various job opportunities for nursing and to empower the students with adequate knowledge and skill in different areas before stepping into clinical area.

Between 28.07.2014 and 29.07.2014 IDIGS conducted INTEGRATE 2014 with series of programs on “Science of laser and its application on dentistry’’. On 12.08.2014 there was an inauguration and induction of cleft and cranio-facial board for IGIDS.On 20.08.2014, First year B.D.S induction program with series of activities including inauguration, antiragging undertaking, certificate verification, briefing of parents on mentor-mentees, hostel facilities, Garuda and distribution of books and handbooks.On 26.08.2014, there was an

II year M. Sc (N) students joined hands with IQAC & Faculty Welfare Cell and conducted a value added programme, titled “Personality Development – A Professional Mandate” on 03.03.2015 IQAC





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MGMC&RI Floor Lecture Hall, College Block with IQAC collaborating with the office of the COE. All “Commencement day” – A Career Guidance MGMC&RI faculties participated in the Program for Interns was conducted on workshop.The main agenda of the workshop 25.07.2014 at D2 Conference Hall, Hospital were:Analysis of feedback received from faculty, Block, collaborating with the Department Summary of the individual departmental analysis, of Community Medicine, MGMCRI. The Evolving SBV Action plan for 2014-2015 and beneficiaries were outgoing batch of Interns. Structuring the viva-voce / oral examination. The objective of the program was to sensitize the outgoing Interns on the variety of career Modular Training workshop on “Good choices those are available post-MBBS and help Nutrition Practices in Clinical Care” was and guide them to make a right career choice. conducted on 17.09.2014 (Wednesday) and will be subsequently held on the third Wednesday of every month (for six modules) at I Floor, MEU Block. The collaborating Department wereIQAC, Department of Anesthesiology, MGMCRI and Fresenius Kabi. Participants were from Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Units, Gastroenterology, Oncology and faculties from Dietetics and Nursing departments.

Inauguration and induction of implant board for IGIDS. On Sept 2nd, 9th, 23rd, Workshop I on Components amenable for OSCE, Workshop II on Developing OSCE blueprint, and Workshop III on OSCE-some tips and tricks was conducted by Dr.KR.Sethuraman and Dr.VN.Mahalakshmi. On 07.09.2014, Interns orientation programme was conducted with lectures on “Practice Management” and “Role of interns in patient management in Dental college” by Dr. NandaKumar and Dr. Senthil M. On 11.09.2014, Genetics workshop was conducted with a lecture by Dr.Aravindh on ‘Application of advanced molecular technique in dental research’’. On 20.09.2014, PRO-IGIDS 2014 was conducted with lectures by Dr.Shivasankar on “Minimizing failures in All Ceramic Crowns’’,Dr.Lakshmi on Guided Implant Surgery, Dr.Abby Abraham on Immediate Implant Placement and Dr.Vigneshwaran on Prosthodontics considerations in Implantology.


Workshop on Research Methodology and Biostatistics: Introduction to SPSS and SPSS Demonstration was conducted where Prof. L. Nagesh, Head, Public Health Dentistry, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh presented on Hypothesis testing, Overview of experimental research, Concept of Normal curve and standard normal curve, Errors in research and error minimizing methods and Sample size determination. Dr. Shyam Sivasamy, Sr. Lecturer, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry, Sri Venkateswara Dental College, Thalambur, Chennai presented on Descriptive research, Analytical research, Clinical trial considerations (Clinical significance versus statistical significance), Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Sampling techniques and Tests of significance.

On the occasion of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon’s Day on 13.02.2015, Dr. Krishnakumar Raja, Prof. & HOD , SRM Dental College, presented on “Orthognathic in a nutshell”, while Dr. SainathMatsa, Founder On 15.11.14 a session titled Le Pedo Colloquium & CEO, Praseedha Hair transplant clinic, was conducted where the following speakers Chennai, presented on “The Road not taken”. spoke on the following topics Dr. Nikhil On 20.02.2015 to 22.012.2015 a programme Marwah presented on “Critical Appraisal of titled, “Gold n gold, A Restorative ExtravagPublications”, Dr. SharathAsokan presented anza” was held at SBV university. on “Made for each other”, Dr. Arun Prasad Rao presented on “Keys to successful behavior Between 18.03.2015 and 19.03.2015 a management.”Dr. Muthu M.S. presented on “Skill Enhancement Programme” for alumni “Children with special health care needs – (SEA) with the theme “An Exclusive IntensRevisiting the basics”, Dr. Joby Peter presented ive Workshop in Fixed Partial Prosthodontics” on “Early Orthodontic treatment – When & was held at SBV university. Why”



Workshop on “Orientation to PACS” was conducted on 01.09.2014 at D2 Conference Hall, Hospital Block the IQAC and Department of Radiology as the collaborating Departments. All MGMC&RI Clinical Faculties participated in the workshop.The main scope of the workshop was to promote awareness about PACS among the clinicians so as to minimize the dependence on films and for quick access to radiological investigations.After a brief overview presentation about PACS, the faculties were divided into groups for focused presentations on utility of PACS for individual specialties.The program was well received among the clinicians.

Seminar on “Knowledge Management in Healthcare Profession” was conducted on 30.10.2014. To introduce the concepts and frameworks of this new and rapidly developing field in our institution, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC.SBV) conducted this seminar, where Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV gave a note Address on Knowledge management, Mr.S. Madhavan. B.Tech. MKM, Senior Software Professional, Malaysia, spoke on Knowledge Management and Learning Organizations – an overview, Dr.Sundaramurthy Reddy, Senior Professor, Department of Management Studies, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Puducherry, spoke on Knowledge Management implementation in Health care industry and Dr.K.R.Nalini Srinivasan, M.L.I.Sc., Ph.D.,(L.I.Sc.,) Consultant in Library and Information Science, spoke on Knowledge Management (KM) in Library and Information Science. Modular Training workshop on “Good Nutrition Practices in Clinical Care” was conducted on 15.10.2014, 12.11.2014 and 10.12.2014. Participants were from medical and surgical intensive care units, gastroenterology, oncology and faculties from dietetics and nursing departments.

“Commencement Day” – A Career Guidance Program for Interns was held on 31.12.2014, D2 Conference Hall, Hospital Block. The outgoing batch of Interns benefitted from the program with the main objective to sensitize Workshop on “Post-validation of learning the outgoing Interns on the variety of career objectives” was conducted on 04.09.2014 at II choices those are available post MBBS and help


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confidence to approach their exams. NLP, Gestalt and Audio Therapies were used for therapeutic guidance’s. A 2 hours’ workshop is conducted once a month for the fresher’s regularly, followed by the orientation programme at the time of joining the course. Understanding the importance of empowering the staffs, a 1 hour workshop is conducted by the Student Counselor every month to benefit the staff nurses. Faculties and Staffs also approach the Student Counselor to get guidance for overcoming their personal issues.

and guide them to make a right career choice. Medical Education Unit IQAC of MGMC & RI, KGNC & IGIDS and Department of Community Medicine, Students counseling Service at SBV MGMCRI As part of global development, a full time systematic counseling service was started by An International Conference on Climate Change SBV in the month of May, 2014 under the and Health, to sensitize participants on the issue aegis of MEU. Students were given individual of Global Climate Change, its effects on human counseling sessions whenever identified with health & ways of mitigating and adapting to academic, behavioral or personal problems by climate change was conducted on 09.01.2015. Faculties, Institutional Heads or Hostel Wardens. The highlight of the inaugural ceremony was Students also approached on their own, to meet the presence of Prof. Michael Edwin from the Student Counselor. If and when needed, Notre Dame University USA. The Souvenir and Parental Counseling services were also provided. sticker were released on the occasion, followed by planting of saplings. The following plenary session was organized, ‘Science of Climate Change & its Supplementary batch students were given group Effects on Health’ by Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, counseling for involvement, motivation and Vice-Chancellor, SBV, ‘What Climate change means to Health Professionals’ by Dr.Devi Prasad, Pondicherry University, ‘Modeling the effects of climate change on Vector Borne diseases’ by Prof.Michael Edwin, Notre Dame University, USA, ‘Effect of Climate change on Mangroves’ by Prof.Kathiresan, Annamalai University, ‘Adapting to climate change’- A Health Perspectives by Dr. Ganapathy, Professor, Anna University and ‘Climate change: How to mitigate the threats to global Security’ by Ms.Inge Van Alphine.


The monthly meeting of SBV AHEAD was held on 11.11.2014. The Guest speaker was Dr.K.V. Devi Prasad, Head of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Pondicherry University. The topic presented was “Identifying and Reducing Environmental Health Risks”. The session was moderated by Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth.

The monthly meeting of SBV AHEAD was held on 02.12.2014. The Guest speaker was Prof SP Pani, deputy Dean, Medical faculty, QIUP, Perak, SBV AHEAD Malaysia who spoke on Medical curriculum. The session was moderated by Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Members of SBV Ahead and members Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. of Dental Education unit together organized the four days workshop on “Training of the trainers From The Office of The Registrar for dental educators” at IGIDS on 06.06.14, 07.06.14, 13.06.14 & 14.06.14 with the main D o c t o r a l Committee objectives to train the dental educators on teaching Meeting for PhD candidates. learning principles, methods and media, framing Doctoral Committee meetings for the Phd the question papers, principles of evaluation candidates admitted in Community Medicine of examination and curriculum development. and Medical Education were held on April 1 Sri BalajiVidyapeeth Academy for and April 3 respectively. Prof.N.Etirajan, ProHealth Professions Education and Academic fessor and Head of Community Medicine, Development, (SBV AHEAD ), conducted its RMMCH, Chidambaram and Dr.K.V.Prasad, second session for the year 2014 with a talk by Professor of Ecology, Pondicherry UniverProf. Rashmi Vyas, MD Physiology, Masters sity were the External Subject Experts for in Health Professions Education, FAIMER Community Medicine. Prof. Rashmi Vyas, fellow 2003, Philadelphia, USA, Professor in Professor and Core Educator, Medical EduPhysiology, Core Educator , MEU and Convener, cation, Christian Medical College, Vellore MCI recognized Regional Centre for National and Dr.G.S.subramanian, CIDRF were the Education spoke on the topic,” Innovation in External Subject Experts for Medical Education. Teaching – Learning Methods: Early Clinical Exposure and Integration” on 03.04.2014. Ac a de m ic C o unc i l M e e t i ng. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, The Academic Council Meeting of Sri Balaji Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean(R&PG Vidyapeeth was held on 17th April 2014 under Studies) SBV, Prof. Seteesh Goshe and heads of the chairmanship of Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, various Departments were present for the talk. Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. The Registrar, Prof.A.R.Srinivasan tabled various SBV AHEAD, conducted its third session agendas for approval and the main ones were for the year 2014 with a talk by Dr CS Singh, regarding the restructuring and objectivising of MGMCRI, Dept of Radiology titled, “Teach- the practical examinations of MBBS, aligning ing-Learning Methods to Impart Visual Per- the postgraduate question paper pattern with ceptual skills in Health Professions Educa- that of National Board of Examinations, tion”on 22.05.2014. The talk was moderated approval of starting of the innovative courses of by Dr.K.R.Sethuraman,Vice Chancellor, SBV. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth including the Fellowship programmes in Anaesthesiology and Nursing . A meeting of SBV AHEAD was held on 30.07.2014. The topic presented was “Innovations M e e t i ng of the S tan di ng in Teaching-Learning Methods – KGNC Committee on Policies of SBV Experience”. The speakers were Prof. Renuka The meeting of the Standing Committee Guhan, Vice-Principal of Kasturba Gandhi constituted by BOM to discuss and finalise the Nursing College, Mrs.Kirupa Angiline, policies of SBV was held under the chairmanship Assoc.Prof. of Medical and Surgical Nursing, of Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean-Research & Prof. Sumathy of Child Health Nursing. PG Studies to discuss and finalize the policies of SBV on malpractices in examinations, 13

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break of study and break of internship etc. Annamalai University and Prof. N. Sakthivel The meeting was held on 3rd June 2014. from Pondicherry University were invited as External Subject Experts. The phase 3 for Interview for the selection of screening the eligible candidates were held on Innovative Courses 22.09.2014 with Prof. Kuppuswami, Principal, The Interview for the selection of candidates for Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai as the innovative courses of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth External Subject for Medical Informatics and for the year 2014 was held in two phases on 11th Prof. Muthumanikam, Principal, Krishnaswamy and 23rd August 2014 at the Council Room of College of Education for Women, Pondicherry Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research for Medical Education. Institute. The first phase was held on 11th August All the sessions were chaired by Prof. N. 2014 under the Chairmanship of Prof.S.Krishnan, Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research & PG Dean-Administration, MGMCRI for the Studies, SBV following courses, PG Diploma in Music Therapy, PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy, PG Diploma in MBBS 250 Batch Inauguration Day Health Profession Education, B.Sc Radiology MBBS 250 Batch Inauguration Day, saw and Imaging Technology and Fellowship in the newly admitted students along with their Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia (FUGRA). The second phase of the selection of candidates for the following courses, PG Diploma in Good Clinical Laboratory Practices, PG Diploma in Health Professions Education (Internal Candidates) and M.Sc Pharmaceutical Medicine was held under the Chairmanship

parents on their final stretch of admission procedure and formalities on 27.08.2014 under the guidance of the Deans Office and the Office of the Registrar.

of Prof.S.Krishnan Dean-Administration, MGMCRI on 23rd August 2014. The list of Felicitation of student researchselected candidates was displayed on 25th August ers and their Guides held at Mahatma 2014. Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute – 16.10.2014. PhD Screening Committee Meeting Seventeen undergraduate students of medicine at The Screening test for the selection of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research candidates for the PhD programmes of SBV Institute and their respective faculty –Guides was held on 2, 3, 22nd September 2014. For were felicitated at a glittering ceremony held the day 1, for subjects Anatomy, Biochemistry on 16.10.2014, under the aegis of Sri Balaji and Microbiology, External Subject Experts Vidyapeeth. Dr.P. Jambulingam, Director, were drawn from various institutions for Vector Control Research Centre, Pondicherry the selection process. Accordingly, Prof. gave away the merit certificates and cash awards. Thangaraj from Arrupadai Medical College, These students carried out research on various Pondicherry for Anatomy, Prof. Toora from aspects of medicine, based on the prestigious Arrupadai Medical College, Pondicherry for studentship awarded by ICMR (Indian Council Biochemistry and Prof.Sethumadavan from for Medical Research), New Delhi for the year AVMC, Pondicherry for Microbiology were 2013. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice – Chancellor drawn in as External subjects for Biochemistry. of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth lauded the efforts of the For day 2 the Screening test for the subjects, young scientists and their mentors. Physiology and Interdisciplinary Research, Prof. Rajkumar from Raja Muthiah Medical College, 14

Chancellor’s Medal Intercollegiate Essay Competition in Commemoration of National Education Day held at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry. National Education Day is an annual observance in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the First Education Minister of independent India, who served from 15th August 1947 till 2nd February 1958. National Education Day of India is celebrated on 11th November every year. In this connection, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, announced a Chancellor’s Medal Intercollegiate Essay Competition for the students of health sciences from the colleges in and around Pondicherry, in commemoration of the National Education Day. The Theme for this Essay Competition was “How to reduce Environmental Health Risks in our Society”.

employees, schools and colleges students of India are going to participate in this event. Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) As per the directives of University Grants Commission (UGC), Mahatma Gandhi Medical College organized a programme for administering the Rashtriya Ekta Diwas pledge to all students, staff and Faculty on 31.10.2014. The Faculty and Students took the solemn Pledge with utmost dedication and devotion and with the idea of spreading the message of Unity, Safety and Security. It was supervised by the office of the Dean. All the batches were administered the pledge at 11.00am on 31.10.2014.

“Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” (Campaign Clean India) Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth feels proud in joining hands with “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” (Campaign Clean India), a national level campaign by the Government of India covering 4041 statutory towns to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country. This campaign aims to accomplish the vision of ‘clean India’ by 2nd October 2019, 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation. More than 3 million government 15

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A similar programme was organized at SSSMCRI, the Off Campus Institute of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. The pledge was administered by the Dean of the college. The students of various batches, the staff and the faculty took the pledge with sincerity. An inspirational speech was delivered by Prof. Swayam Jothi, Sr. Professor of the college. As per the UGC directives, the birth anniversary of Shri.Sardar Valla bhai Patel was observed on 31st October 2014 BY KGNC, as the “RashtriyaEktaDiwas” (National Unity Day), KGNC planned for a series of activities on 30th and 31st October 2014.On 30th October 2014 a poster competition was conducted on the Theme National Unity, Safety & Security. A total of 13 posters were displayed in KGNC ground floor. Prof.Seetharaman, HOD of Community Medicine, MGMC&RI & Prof.P.Sumathy HOD Dept OF Child Health Nursing evaluated the posters.

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Unity Day ) was observed in Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences by an oath taking ceremony Guest Lecture Delivered By Transgender Rights Activist, Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi, Founder Trustee – Astitva on World Aids Day at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, is a transgender rights activist, Hindi film actress and Bharatnatyam exponent in Mumbai, India. She is the first transgender person to represent Asia Pacific in the UN in 2008. She is the Chairperson and Founder Trustee of ASTITVA an organization which works for the support and development of Sexual Minorities. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth took pride in inviting Ms. Laxmi Narayan Tripathi to deliver a Commemorative Lecture on ‘Role of Medical Institutions in Mainstreaming Transgender’ at the Scientific and Academic Forum of Mahatma To create awareness among the public on Unity, Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute Safety & Security on 31st of October 2014, in commemoration of World AIDS Day on 1st around 350 students participated in a rally which December 2014. was flagged of by Prof.N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean PG studies & Research of SBV at “SBV UNIVERSITY WELCOMES rally commenced from MGMC&RI campus & DUNDEE DELEGATES” the students spread the message of Unity, Safety & Security by shouting slogans and by using The College of Medical Education, UniverPlacards. sity of Dundee, UK, one of the topmost medical institutions, is set to collaborate in MedAs per the directives of UGC, Indira Gandhi ical Education and Research with Sri Balaji Institute of Dental Sciences, a constituent college Vidyapeeth, a deemed University, Puducherry, of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth observed the National after a visit by a four member team from the Unity Day on 31/10/2014, commemorating University of Dundee on January 22, 2015. the birth anniversary of Shri. Sardar Valla Bhai Dr. Gary Mires, Dean of Medical EduPatel, the Iron Man of India with dedication cation and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynand devotion. The Rastriya Ekta Divas (National aecology, Dr. Mairi Scott, Director of Professional Development Academy, Professor of General Medicine and Medical Education, Dr. Rami Abboud, Head of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery and Dr. Susie Schofield, E-learning Lead and Senior lecturer in Center for Medical Education from the University of Dundee visited SBV and its constituent Colleges from 22.01.2015 to 24.01.2015.


Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF)


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Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) CIDRF is working with Dean (Research and PG Studies) in constituting an Institutional Committee for Stem Cell Research (IC-SCR), as required by ICMR, to conduct research on stem cells. Prof.Adithan, Senior Professor, Clinical Pharmacology, JIPMER has accepted to be the Chairman of the Committee. Dr Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director, CIDRF will be the Member Secretary. Patents: CIDRF’s research collaboration has resulted in filing of two provisional patents on June 19, 2014, with Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, Chennai, Government of India. They are entitled, i) Process of using natural carotenoids as coloring agents for characterization of acrylic denture bases and ii) Process of using natural colors for characterization of silicone prostheses customized to patient needs. CIDRF has entered into a research and development collaboration with Texas, USA based The BioSciences.Com Company to develop bioinformatics research in CIDRF. CIDRF secured grant funding support from Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust, Puducherry for two projects submitted by Dr. Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director and Dr.Satheesh Natarajan, Senior Scientist:Selective colonization of gut microbiota in children with intestinal parasitic worm load. Project Total Cost: Rs. 1.5 lakhs, duration three months. Establishment of an in-vitro human intestinal crypt stem cell model. Project total cost: Rs 1.5 lakhs, duration three months. CIDRF received the following scientists as part of its outreach, networking initiative:


SiRx 2014 SiRx, held on June 20, 2014, was CIDRF’s first national research colloquium on “In Silico Therapeutics” that focused on “In silico modeling in Modern Medicine” concepts in research and the evidence base in the practice of Modern Integrative Medicine. Si in SiRx stands for Silico (silica) and Rx stands for prescription (therapeutics). In addition, SIR is an epidemic model used to describe the transmission of communicable diseases. The objective of this colloquium was to provide attendees with: A multidisciplinary exchange of information amongst internationally recognized leading experts, on the

current concepts and challenges facing theory and applications of mathematical modeling in modern medicine, educate prospective and active students, researchers, clinicians and scholars to create a platform for strategic partnership. A total of 123 delegates including 41 medical and dental students registered for the colloquium. The participants were from medicine, engineering, science, dental field. ICMR STS projects Two ICMR STS projects, “The effect of crude extracts of traditional medicinal plants on the enzymes involved in Alzheimer’s disease” and “Isolation and validation of stem cells colostrum and breast milk, were successfully completed and their report submitted to the ICMR. The reports have been approved by ICMR. Ongoing government funded projects Prophylactic potential of the extract of the bark of Terminalia arjuna in preventing osteoporosis, funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. (Dr.Balanehru Subramaniam) To study the transcriptional control of CD147 expression in glioblastoma through cell lines, funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India (Dr.Pooja Pratheesh) New Appointment D r.J.S hanmugam,P h.D.,M.D(MA).,D. Sc(Hon.)., FABMS., FIVS., FIMSA., FIC Path., FACE(USA), joined CIDRF, MGMCRI as Senior Deputy Director 01.12.2014. Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi ,M.Sc.,Ph.D.,M.A .,M. Ed.,F.I.B (London) has joined CIDRF as Emeritus Scientist - UGC Fellow on 09.02.2015. Awards and Honours

Dr. J. Shanmugam, Senior Deputy Director, CIDRF, MGMC, got unanimously elected as the President of the Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) 20142015, at the annual conference of IAMM held at Jaipur, India. He was invited as a Special Guest of the IAMM - CME Program in Microbiology organized at Madha Medical College and Hospital, Kovur, Chennai on 12.12.2014.He was also invited as one of the three eminent Virologists and spoke on “Ebola virus- a notorious virus causing high mortality and uncontrollable outbreak,” an update talk in the plenary session at the Annual Conference of Indian Virological Society held at Coimbatore from 18.12.2014 to 20.12.2014 Dr. Doulathunnisa Jaffar Ali, Scientist, CIDRF, MGMC, received “Yellapragada Subbarao Memorial Award” for Best Paper published in the journal ‘Biomedicine’ in the year 2013. Officiation/Participation in Academic/ Scientific Events Dr.J.Shanmugam, Senior Deputy Director of CIDRF was nominated by the Director of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAK) as the Inspector for evaluating Health Science Institutions. He was invited and participated in a two days workshop on “Interaction Workshop for NAAK Inspectors for Health Professionals” held on 3rd and 4th February, 2015 at NAAK – HQ, Bangalore. Dr.J.Shanmugam as the Chairman of the IEC, conducted the “Institutional Ethics Committee meeting on 16th February, 2015 at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Government of Puducherry. He was one of the resource persons for the CME program on ”Bloodstream Infections-An Update”, held at MGMC& RI on 28th March, 2015. He delivered an update talk on “Sources and Microbial species causing Bloodstream Infections”. He was also the Organizing Secretary of the CME program. He has also delivered the inaugural address on “Importance and feasibility of research by Nursing professionals” in the KGNC Scientific Society meeting held at Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, SBV. He delivered the felicitation speech after the inaugural address by Vice-Chancellor, SBV Dr.K.R.Sethuraman, during the Symposium on “Research Methodology” organized at KGNC, SVB on 25th March, 2015. In the scientific session, he delivered a talk on “Financial Aid for Nursing Research – Achieving Strategies”. The German House for Research and Innovation (Deutsches Wissenschafts- und Innovations Haus – DWIH New Delhi) organized the

DWIH Horizon: Art Meets Science exhibition at Alliance Française Pondichéry from 21st to 26th February, 2015, which was attended by the Scientists from CIDRF. Research Scholars, Ms. Preethi Sridharan and Ms. Akshayavardhani attended a one day workshop on Science and Communication ( SCI - COMM) organized by Wellcome Trust - DBT India Alliance at the Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, on 11th March 2015. Faculty and research students from CIDRF attended a one day CME entitled – ‘Bloodstream infections - an update’ organized MGMCRI under the auspices of the IMSA Chapter, Puducherry & MGMCRI - HICC on 28th March 2015. Visits to Other Institutions The following research institutes were visited from CIDRF, for collaborative research and potential MOU with Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry: Cancer Institute, Adyar, Chennai on 13.11.2014 and Vector Control Research Center, Puducherry on 22.12.2014. C-Camp, Bangalore: On 5th February, 2015 Dr.J.Shanmugam, Senior Deputy Director-CIDRF, and Dr.Bala Nehru, Deputy Director-CIDRF, along with CEO Mr.S.Ravishankar visited the C-Camp-DBT research facilities in Bangalore and held discussions with the Scientists of the C-Camp. Institute of Biological Sciences, MKU, Madurai: On 11th Februay, 2015 Dr.J.Shanmugam and Dr.Bala Nehru visited the Institute of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University at Madurai and held discussions with their Scientists in the Department of Molecular Biology-DBT research facilities. TRPVB - TANUVAS, Chennai: On 13th February, 2015 Dr.J.Shanmugam and Dr.Bala Nehru visited the “Translational Research Platform for Veterinary Biological” at Tamil Nadu University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and held discussions with the Director of TRPVB, a DBT – TANUVAS partnership initiative. RIVER, Puducherry: On 16th February,2015, Dr.J.Shanmugam along with Dr.Selvaraj Stephen, Professor of Microbiology visited the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Veterinary Education and Research (RIVERT) in Puducherry and held discussion with Microbiologists regarding possible collaborative research project on comparative study on the prevalence and characterization of MRSA among diseased and healthy animals and human beings. 19

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Message from the Dean of MGMCRI Prof.S.Krishnan

Mahatma gandhi medical college & research institute

Prof.Ravishankar Dean-MGMCRI



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Research And Scholarship Scientific Publications Shib Sekhar Datta, Pandiyan R, Krithiga S. A study to assess feasibility of text messaging service in delivering maternal and child health care messages in a rural area of Tamil Nadu, India. Australasian Medical Journal 2014;7(4):175-80. Ashoka HG, GN Pramod Kumar, Vaidyanathan V, Adarsh P. ‘Para-suicide pact’ by yellow phosphorus Ingestion.Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology ( JIST) Jan-June 2014;10(1):42 R. Sathiya, V. Kuzhandai Velu, G. Niranjan, A. R. Srinivasan, Ganesh B. Amirtha R. Ramesh, M. Sathish Babu, Subiman Saha. Comparative Study of Serum Uric Acid levels and Lipid Ratios in Coronary Artery Disease Patients. International journal ofBiomedical science. 2014;10:124-128. G. Niranjan, D. Anitha, A. R. Srinivasan, V. Kuzhandai Velu, C. Venkatesh, M. Sathish Babu, R. Ramesh, S. Saha. Association of Inflammatory Sialoproteins, Lipid Peroxides and Serum Magnesium Levels with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Obese Children of South Indian Population. International journal of Biomedical science. 2014;10:118-123. Rangaraj S, Rani P Reddi, Kubera MS, Pampa. Late complication of uterine compression suture and uterine devascularisation – an obstetrical nightmare. BJOG 2014;121:S2 126. Sagili H, Kamalanath S, Kumar S, Rani R. Comparison of American diabetes association with WHO criteria for the diagnosis of GDM. BJOG 2014;121:S2152. Reddi Rani P. Pre pregnancy counseling. Current Medical J of India2014;20:61:26-31. Anandraj R, Latha E. Complete pentalogy of Cantrell associated with exencephaly- a rare case report. Int J Reprod Obstet Gynaecol 2014;3. Jasmina B, Pallavee P, Seetesh G. B Lynch – uterine conservation or deformation – a case report. J of Clin and Diagnostic Research 2014 Apr;8(4):OD1-4. 22

Samal SK, Rathod S, Reddi R, Anandraj R. An unusual presentation of a severely calcified leiomyoma in a post menopausal woman: a case report. Int J of Reprod Contracept Obstret Gynaecol 2014;3:463-5. Keshavamurthy Vinay, Ariganesh Chandrasegaran, Amrinder J. Kanwar, Uma N. Saikia, Harsimran Kaur, et al. Primary cutaneous mucormycosis presenting as a giant plaque: Uncommon presentation of a rare Mycosis’. Mycopathologia August 2014;178(1-2):97-101. Stephen S, Charles MV, Anitharaj V, Deepa C, Umadevi S. Early dengue diagnosis by nonstructural protein 1 antigen detection: Rapid immunochromotography versus two the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. Indian J PatholMicrobiol. 2014;57(1):81-4. K.Srikanth, M. Ashok Kumar, S. Selvasundari, M. L. Prakash . Colour Doppler Imaging Of Ophthalmic Artery and Central Retinal Artery in Glaucoma Patients with and without Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research [serial online] 2014 04[cited:2014 Sep 7] 4 VC01 - VC02 R. Sobana, K. Jaiganesh, S. Vadivel, V. Kuzhandaivelu, M. Ganesh. Association of cardio metabolic and anthropometric risk factors among impaired fasting glucose subjects in rural Pondicherry population. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2014; April 5(2): 860 – 865 R.Sobana, K.Jaiganesh, V.Kuzhandaivelu, S.Vadivel. A Cross sectional study on the autonomic modulations produced by music listening in anxious medical professionals. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2014 May-June; 5(3): 2038. Kiran LV, Radhika KS, Parthasarathy S. Lumbar laminectomy with segmental continuous epidural anesthesia. Anesth Essays Res 2014;8:236-8 N.S Kannan, C.P Ganesh Babu. Upper GI endoscopy without weep or sleep Evidence based medicine., IJCRR

2014;6(11):52-57Uma.A.Natarajan, Dhananjay.S.Kotasthane, Tirou Aroul, Lokeshmaran Anandraj. Genetic alteration in exfoliative buccal cells of oral squamous cell carcinoma patients in Pondicherry population. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary. 2014;2 (7):490-500. Uma.A.N, Dhananjay.S.K, Tirou Aroul, Satvinder Bakshi Singh, Lokeshmaran.A. Comparative cytogenetic study of exfoliative oral mucosal cells in tobacco related potentially malignant disorders in a south Indian population. International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology. 2014;3 (8): 6-12. Uma.A.N, Dhananjay.S.K, Tirou Aroul, Lokeshmaran. A. Histopathological and Cytogenetic analysis in oral potentially malignant disorders and oral squamous cell carcinoma: a hospital based study. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication.2014;4 (9):1-5. Sarkar S, Gangadhar S, Subramaniam E, Praharaj S. Seizure with sertraline: Is there a risk? J Neuropsychiatry ClinNeurosci 2014;1:26(3):E27-8. doi: 10.1176/appi. neuropsych.13070146. N. S. Kannan, Jayakarthik. Y, M. Palaniappan, K. L. Janaki . High-Output External Duodenal Fistula Treated Conservatively With Feeding Jejunostomy - A Case Report. IJCRR 2014;6(15):06-09. M.Palaniappan, N.S Kannan, T.Arun, S.Abilash. Surgucal Technique: Cholecystectomy by Gridiron approach. IJCRR 2014;6(20):39-40. N.S Kannan, Usha Kannan, C.P.GaneshBabu. Congential Bilobed Gallbladder with phyrygian cap Presenting as Cholecystitis. JCDR 2014;8(8):ND05-ND06. Tilak Ramu G, Pramodhini S, Noyal Maria Joseph, Umadevi S, Srirangaraj S, Selvaraj Stephen. Virulence Factors of Candida Species Isolated from Respiratory Tract and Urine. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2014;5(5):955-960. Kalaivani R,Nandhini L, Seetha KS. Hymenolepisdiminuta infection in a school-going child: A rare case report. Australas Med J 2014;7(9):379–381. Saraswathi R, Velayutharaj A, Kumar S, Umadevi S. Prevalence of pathogenic microbes in postoperative wound infections in various surgical specialities. International Journal of Development Research 2014;4(8):1783-1786. Reddi Rani.P . Immunization during Pregnancy. Current Medical J of India. 2014:20(4):37-42.

Sasirekha R, Reddi Rani P, Jeyalakshmi D. Genital tract Malignancies with uterovaginal prolapsed. JIPMER J of Cancer 2014:4(1):59-60. JasminaBegam. Cervical length by ultrasound as a predictor of preterm labour. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2014;3(3):646-652. SetuRathod, Sunil Kumar Samal, Seetesh Ghose. Caesarean section scar endometriosis: a case report and review of literature” in Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2014;3(3):757-759. SetuRathod, Sunil Kumar Samal, Seetesh Ghose . “Pregnancy of unknown location (PUL): a case report and review of literature” in Int J ReprodContraceptObstet Gynecol 2014;3(3):808-811. SetuRathod, Sunil Kumar Samal, Anandraj R, P Rani Reddy, Seetesh Ghose. Imperforate hymen and its complications: report of two cases and review of literature. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2014;3(3):839-842. Rathod S, Samal SK, Pallavee P, Ghose S. Non-puerperal uterine inversion in a young female- A case report.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2014;8(9). Samal SK, Rathod S, Rajasekaran A, Rani R. An unusual presentation of central cervical fibroid: A case report. Int J Res Med Sci 2014;2:1226-8. Rathod S, Samal SK. Conjoined twins: report of two cases and review of literature. Int J Res Med Sci 2014;2:1203-6. Samal SK, Rathod S, Ghose S et al. Symphysis pubis diastasis after normal vaginal birth: a case series. Int J Health Sci Res. 2014;4(8):267-71. R. Shobana, Sanath Aithal, S Srikanth. Congenital lip pits without associated anomalies. Indian Journal of Dermatology Venereology and Leprology 2014;80(5):67-68. Moutusi Audhya, Jenny S Varughese, Yuti C Nakhwa. Verrucous lichen planus: a rare presentation of a common condition. Dermatology Reports 2014;6(5):113 Ariganesh C, Vinay K, Kanwar AJ, Saikia UN, Kaur H. Primary cutaneous mucormycosis presenting as a giant plaque: uncommon presentation of a rare mycosis. Mycopathologica, April 2014 Mary Hydrina D’Silva, Rijied Thompson Swer, Anbalagan.J, RajeshBhargava: Effect of ultrahigh frequency radiation emitted from 2G cell phone on developing lens of chick embryo. – A Histological study. Advances in Anatomy 2014; Hindawi: Publishing corporation, Article ID7984252014.9 pages. 23

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Hydrina D’Silva, Rijied Thompson Swer, Anbalagan.J: Histological study of chick embryo retina exposed to radiofrequency radiation emitted from 2G cell phone. Int. J of Science & Research 2014; 3(9). Rijied Thompson Swer, DyotimoyDatta, Mary HydrinaD’Silva: Non-syndromic congenital malformation- A DNA study using COMET assay. Nat J clinical anatomy 2014;3(3): 137-142. MeeraKugananthan, Sadeesh. T, Hydrina D’ Silva, Anbalagan. J, SudhaRao: Histological study on the obliteration process of Ductus Arteriosus in still born fetuses. J dental and medical sciences 2014;13(7): 28-31. Prabavathy.G: Histogenesis of Human fetal thymus in different gestational age groups. Nat J of Clinical Anatomy 2014; 3(3):117-121. Vedha Shanmugasundaram, Meera kugananthan, Sadeesh Thirugnanam, Rijied Thompson Swer, Arunchandra singh: A rare variant of bilateral brachial plexuses: A case report. J of Int Academic Research for Multidisciplinary 2014;2(7):546-50. N.Mugunthan, J.Anbalagan, S. Meenachi: Effect of long term exposure to 2G cell phone radiation (900-1900MHZ) on mouse testis. Int.J of Science & Research (IJSR) 2014;3(9):523-29. N.Mugunthan, J.Anbalagan, S. Meenachi, ShanmugaSwamy: Exposure of mice to 9001900MHZ radiation from cell phone resulting in microscopic changes in the kidney. Int.J of Current Research & Review 2014;6(16):44-49. Soudravally Rajendran, Pooja Dhiman, Suryapriya R, Anithasri R, Yuvaraj B, Bobby Z, P.H.Anantnarayanan, Sweta Kulkarni. Making concepts of medical biochemistry by formulating distractors of multiple choice questions: Growing mighty oaks from small acornsJournal of contemporary Medical Education 2014;2(2):123-127. Kishore K Sham, B Manjunatha, H V Chandrakant, Kanchana R Ghodke, GN Pramod Kumar. Inter Observer Variation in Analysis of Palatal Rugae Pattern. Medicolgal Update 2014;14(2) . Foramen Magnum As A Tool Of Estimating Stature In A Male Population. YP Raghavendra Babu, Shankar M Bakkannavar, S Manjunath, B Suresh Kumar Shetty, PavanchandShetty H, Pramod Kumar GN, ShyamSundar. JSIMLA 2014;6(2):46-48. Buccolingual width of mandibular canines in sex determination: a South Karnataka perspective. Suraj S Shetty, Chandrakanth HV, 24

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Pramod Kumar GN ,VarunPai and Nagesh KR. JSIMLA 2014;6(2):49-54. Sudden Death Due To Septic Thrombi Associated With Septicemia. YP Raghavendra Babu, Flora D Lobo, Shankar M Bakkannnavar, AshwiniHegde, Tanuj Kanchan, Pramod Kumar GN.JSIMLA 2014;6(2):82-84. A study on prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in the medical intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Puducherry Union territory, South India. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences;6(3):235-8. Pandiamunian J., Somasundaram G. Evaluation of effect of antiepileptic drugs on serum lipid profile among young adults with epilepsy in a tertiary care hospital in Pondicherry. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research2014;8(8):HC05-HC09. Manimekalai K,Visakan B, Salwe KJ,Murugesan S Dr.Chandrasekaran Dr.S.Ravichandran Dr.Vineet thomas Abraham Dr.R.Nandakumar A Rare case of Ipsilateral Clavicle fracture with contralateral acromioclavicular joint injury. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research [JMSLR] July 2014;2(7):1577 – 1581 S. Ravichandran, R. Surendher Kumar, R. Krishnagopal, Krishna Bhargava. International Journal of Current Research and Review (IJCRR) Late Patellar Tendon Reconstruction-Novel Technique - A case Report. IJCRR 2014;6(17):48-50 R.Surendher Kumar, S. Ravichandran, Ashish K Jose, R.Krishnagopal. Management of complex non union of shaft of tibia using llizarov technique and its functional outcome. International Journal of Surgery 2014;1(2):84 – 87. Nandi Partha, Prabakaran. M, Bharati D.R., A.Lokeshmaram .Effect of Maternal Literacy Status and Socio-ecomonic Status on Child Survival; A Community Based Cross Sectional Study in Rural Puducherry. IJMCH. 2014;16(1):1-7. AN Uma, DS Kotasthane. A Cytogenetic Study on the efficacy of Chyawanprash Awaleha as an antioxidant in oral premalignant cancer. Journal of Oral Oncology 2014. vol. 2014, Article ID 864230, 5 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/864230.Hindawi Publishing Corporation. AN Uma, SK Dhananjay, T TirouAroul. Chromosomal aberrations: A tool for early diagnosis of cancer in smokers in a rural Pondicherry population, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol. App.Sci. 2014;3 (10):587-593.

JeevarajGiridharan, Uma.A.Natarajan, Dhananjay.S.Kotasthane. Predictive Value of Micronucleus Count in Cervical Smears of Normal, Infective Inflammatory & Intraepithelial Neoplasia Pathology in Perimenopausal Women. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 2014;3(10):1571-1574 Arthi G, Sadeesh T, Mary Hydrina D’sliva, Sudha Rao. Occcipital meningo encephaloceole with cleft lip, cleft palate and limb abnormalities – A case report.JCDR2014;8(12):AD03-5. Hemanth Kumar VR, Athiraman UK, Jahagirdar SM, Sripriya R, Parthasarathy S, Ravishankar M. Comparison of efficacy of three subanesthetic doses of ketamine in allaying procedural discomfort during establishment of subarachnoid block: A randomized double-blind trial. Saudi J Anaesth 2015;9:55-9. Mishra BR, Praharaj SK, Katshu MZUH, Sarkar S, Nizamie SH. Comparison of Anticraving Efficacy of Right and Left Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Alcohol Dependence: A Randomized Double-Blind Study. J Neuropsychiatry ClinNeurosci. 2014 Sep 25. doi: 10.1176/appi.neuropsych.13010013. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25255169. Mehta UM, Thirthalli J, Aneelraj D, Jadhav P, Gangadhar BN, Keshavan MS. Mirror neuron dysfunction in schizophrenia and its functional implications: A systematic review. Schizophr Res. 2014 Dec;160(1-3):9–19. PMID: 25468183. Reeta R, Srinivasan A R, Seetesh G, Sharbari B, Ramesh R, Satish B M. Utility of Heat Stable Alkaline Phosphatase in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014;8 (11):CC10-CC13. Palaniappan.M, N.S. Kannan, Jayakarthik.Y, Karthikesh.S,. Spontaneous Choledochoduodenal Fistula Due to Chronic Duodenal Ulcer – A Case Report.IJARS2014;3(4):13-14. Palaniappan.M, N.S. Kannan, T.Arun, S.Abilash, Surgical Technique: Cholecystectomy by Gridiron Approach. IJCRR oct2014;6(20):39-40. N.S. Kannan, Usha.K, Arun.T, Naseeruddin MP, Ganesh Babu CP, Karthikesh .S, Congenital middle mesocolic hernia: A case report. AMJ 2014;7(11):432-435. Sunita Samal, Rasika C, SeeteshGhose. Association of elevated first trimester serum uric acid levels with development of GDM. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2014;8:OC01-OC05. Nischintha S, Pallavee P, Ghose S. Correlation between 24-h urine protein, spot urine protein/creatinine ratio, and serum uric acid

and their association with feto maternal outcomes in preeclamptic women. J Nat ScBiol Med 2014;5:255-60. T, Ghose S, Samal S, Armugam S, Parida P. Measurement of cervical biometry using transvaginal ultrasonography inpredicting preterm labor. J Nat ScBiol Med 2014;5:369-72. Angel M, Ghose S, Gowda M. A randomized trial comparing the ovulation induction efficacy of clomiphene citrate and letrozole. J Nat ScBiol Med 2014;5:450-2. Samal R, Coumary SA, John LJ, Ghose S. Comparative study of oral, rectal misoprostol with intravenous methylergometrine in active management of third stageof labour. J Pharm Biomed Sci. 2014;04(09):828-833. P. Pallavee, SunitaSamal, Shweta Gupta, Jasmina Begum, SeeteshGhose. Misdiagnosis of abdominal pain in pregnancy: Acute Pancreatitis. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015;9:QD05-QD06 Reddi Rani P. Injectable Contraceptives. Current Med J of India 2014;20(8);47-50. Abhilashini GD, HarithaSagili, Reddi Rani. Intravenous iron sucrose and oral iron for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. J of Clin and Diag Res 2014;8(5); OC04-07. Reddi Rani P,Sasirekha R. Infectious morbidity after caesarean section-analysis of risk factors and strategies to reduce the risk. Indian J of Obs and Gynaecol 2014;4(3):14-18. Vijayasundaram, P.Karthikeyan, V .Nirmal Coumare, S. S. Bakshi, Davis Thomas Pulimoottil. A rare case of Glomangiopericytoma of the nasal cavity. International Journal of Current Research and Review Oct 2014. P. Karthikeyan,Davis Thomas Pulimoottil.Extra nasopharyngeal angiofibroma of the sphenoid sinus : A rare case report. International Journal of Current Research and Review. Oct 2014. Pramod Kumar GN, YP Raghavendra Babu, Madhu B, Prateek Rastogi, RoopaUrs A.N, Balaraj BM Middle Finger Length - A Tool for Stature Estimation. JKAMLS 2014;23(2):4-8. Sentitoshi, Pramod Kumar GN, Balaraman R. Anticoagulant Therapy & Road traffic accident – “Double danger”. JIST 2014 (Dec);10(2):36-38 Radhakrishnan H. Acute kidney injury and rhabdomyolysis due to multiple wasp stings. Indian J Crit Care Med 2014;18:470-2. Radhakrishnan H, Gopi M, Arumugam A. Ammonium dichromate poisoning: A rare cause of acute kidney injury. Indian J Nephrol 2014;24:380-1. 25

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Hemachandar R. Senior- Loken Syndrome – A “Ciliopathy”. J ClinDiagn Res. 2014; Vol8(11): MD04-MD05. Hemachandar R, Shanmugam L, Malepati B, Venugopal S. Hyper vitaminosis D: are we overprescribing vitamin D?. J Fam Med Primary Care 2014;3:464-6. Deceased Donor Transplantation – Indian Scenario. Hemachandar Radhakrishnan. Journal of Current Trends in Clinical Medicine & Laboratory Biochemistry 2014;2(1):14-17. Abhijit V. Boratne, Shib Sekhar Datta, Karthiga V, Zile Singh and Amol R. Dongre. The Health Agenda, Perception and practices regarding menstruation among adolescent school girls in Pondicherry. 2014;2(4):114-119. Vijayalakshmi.S, Rajkumar Patil, Shib Sekhar Dutta. A community based study on newborn care practice and its determinants in rural Pondicherry, India. Journal of Neonatal Biology. Vijayalakshmi.S, RajkumarPatil, Shib Sekhar Dutta. Feeding practice and morbidity pattern in infants in rural Pondicherry- A follow up study. Journal of community medicine & health education 2014;4:4. Kameshvell.C, S.Rajini, Senthil. Prevalence of domestic violence and health seeking behavior among women in rural community of Puducherry- cross sectional study. International journal of current research and review 2014;6(16):20-23. Sachin Bhaskar Palve, SuchitraBalasaheb Parkhad, et. al., Strategy to increase awareness and involvement of Private Medical Practitioners in RNTCP in Taluka Rahata of District Ahmednagar. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Accepted for Publication in Feb issue Ref. No: DOI: 10.7860/ JCDR/2015/10724.000 Suchitra B Parkhad., Sachin B Palve., Association of Physical Activity and Physical Fitness with Blood Pressure Profile in Maharashtrian Adolescent Boys and Girls. Manuscript number (IJMU/Mscript04/2013) Internet Journal of Medical Update. Issue of Vol. 9, No.1(49) January 2014. (International Journal ISSN 1694-0423) Suchitra B Parkhad., Sachin B Palve., Effect on peripheral nerve conduction after treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea.Biomedicine volume 34 NO.1 2014 (ISSN: 0970 2067) Suchitra Parkhad., Sachin Palve., Utility of nerve conduction study in early diagnosis of carpel tunnel syndrome (CTS). Manuscript number: NJPP-2013-05-017,National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 26

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2014;4(1):6-11. (ISSN ONLINE 2231-3206, PRINT 2320-4672) Arunava Kali, Srirangaraj.S, Seetha K.S. Faecal occult blood test in Intestinal Helminthiasis. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2014;5(4):(B)734-38. Arunava Kali, Rathan Shetty K.S. Endocan: A novel circulating proteoglycan. Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 2014;46(6):579-83. Ananthakrishnan N. Saying no to NEET is certainly not neat.(letter). National Medical Journal of India, 2013: 26; 250-1. Kabeer KK, Ananthakrishnan N, Manoj Kartik S, Pajanivel R, Ravishanker M. An Unusual complication of Esophageal Stenting for Corrosive Acid Injury. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2014 Nov;8(11):NJ02. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/9105.5217. Epub 2014 Nov 20. Kabeer KK, Manoj Kartik S, Chetan Anand, Ananthakrishnan N. Post-traumatic Long Segment Small Bowel Stricture – a diagnostic dilemma. Surgical Science, 2014;5:508-11. Perumal C, Chowdhury PS, Ananthakrishnan N, Nayak P, Gurumurthy S. A comparison of the efficacy of naftopridil and tamsulosin hydrochloride in medical treatment of benign prostatic enlargement. Urol Ann. 2015 Jan-Mar;7(1):74-8. doi: 10.4103/0974-7796.148624. Ananthakrishnan N,Subbarao, KSVK, Parthasarathy G, Kate V, Kalyarasan R. Long term results of esophageal bypass for corrosive strictures without esophageal resection using a modified left colon esophagocoloplasty – a report of 105 consecutive patients from a single unit over 30 years. Hepato-Gastroenterology, 61,1041, 2014. Kabeer KK, Manoj Karthik S, Chetan Anand, Ananthakrishnan N. Post-traumatic long segment small bowel stricture – a diagnostic dilemma. Surgical Science, 2014, 5, 508-11.. Shanmugasamy.K, AnandrajVaithy.K, VaishaliDhananjayKotasthane, Dhananjay S Kotasthane. Seroprevalence of HIV and Hepatitis B surface antigen among voluntary blood donors in a tertiary care centre of Puducherry. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. 2014:13(2):352-357. Kotasthane VD, Kotasthane DS, KoteeswaranG, Mohanty A Clinicopathological Study of Colorectal Tumors: A Four Year Study in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital in South India. J Pharm Biomed Sci. 2015; 05(02):139-146. Jeffery Daniel Mathew, C. P.GaneshBabu, M.Balachandar, M.Ramanathan

All bowel obstruction – A surprise. JCDR 2015;9(1):PD20PD21 CC Joseph, DR Singh, V Jaya, M Ravishankar. Efficacy of Transdermal Fentanyl Patches in Acute Post Operative Pain Relief: A Randomised Double Blinded Placebo Controlled Trial. International Journal of Scientific Research 2015;4(1):320-23. V. R. Hemanth Kumar, Umesh Kumar Athiraman, Sameer M. Jahagirdar, R. Sripriya, S. Parthasarathy, M. Ravishankar. Comparison of Efficacy of Three Subanesthetic Doses of Ketamine in Allaying Procedural Discomfort during establishment of Subarachnoid Block: A Randomized Double-Blind Trial. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia 2015;9(1):55–59. Mohambourame A, Sameer M, Hemanth Kumar VR, Ramamirtham. Submental intubation with intubating laryngeal mask airway as conduit: An airway option for oral submucous fibrosis release. Anesth Essays Res 2015;9:95-7. Sundary MT. Epidural catheter misplaced into the thoracic cavity: Utilized to provide interpleural analgesia. Anesth Essays Res 2015;9:121-3. Reeta R,Srinivasan AR,SeeteshG,Basu S,Ramesh R,Satish BM. Diagnostic utility of heat stable alkaline phosphate in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy J ClinDiagn Res 2014Nov; 8(11):CC10–CC13. Narayan KA, Sethuraman K R, Mahalakshmi VN. Challenges in teaching the Web 2 Generation. LokSwasthayVigyan2015;(1):192-200. PalveSachinBhaskar, ParkhadSuchitraBalasaheb, et al. Strategy to increase awareness and involvement of Private Medical Practitioners in RNTCP in TalukaRahata of Ahmednagar District. Journal of clinical & diagnostic research 2015; 9(2);LC10 PatilRajkumar, Ram Prasath E, BoratneAbhijit, Gupta Sanjeev Kumar, DattaShibSekhar. Status of Eye Donation Awareness and Its Associated Factors among Adults In Rural Pondicherry. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research [serial online]2015 02[cited:2015 Apr 1] 2 LC01 - LC04 Mugunthan.N, J. Anbalagan, ShanmugaSamy, S. Rajanarayanan, S.Meenakshi. Effect of chronic exposure to 2G & 3G cell phone radiation on mice testis – A Randomized controlled trial. Int J Cur Res Rev. 2015;7(4):36-47. Mary HydrinaD’sliva, Rijied Thompson Swer, J. Anbalagan, Rajesh. Effect of ultra high frequency radiation emitted from 2G & 3G cell phone on histology of chick embryo retina – A Comparative a study. Int Jr of Science And Research. 2015;4(2):1639-1652.

Rajalakshmi AR, Srikanth K, Maithreyee V. published their case report “Retinal and macular hemorrhages in Plasmodium vivax infection: An uncommon complication” in the International Journal of Current Research & Review. February, 2015. Reddi Rani P, Sasirekha R. Diagnosis and management of placenta accreta. IPOG 2014;5(6):175-9. Reddi Rani P. Polycystic ovary syndrome. Current Medical J of India, 2015;20(10):7-10. Udhayakumari J, Sasirekha R, Reddi Rani P. Clinical use of misoprostol for cervical ripening before transcervical procedures in non-pregnant woman- a randomized comparison of vaginal and sublingual administration. Int J of Research in Medical Sciences 2015;3(1):30-35. S Samal, S Gupta, AMahapatro. Laparoscopic Management of Primary Ovarian Pregnancy. Journal of Gynecologic Surgery 2015;31(1):43-45. S Samal, SK Swain, P Pallavee, S Ghose. Lymphangiocele: A very rare cause of primary infertility. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences 2015;8(1):52. Harnet Singh, SunitaSamal, AkshayaMahapatro, SeeteshGhose. Comparison of obstetric outcome in pregnant women with and without microalbuminuria. J Nat Sci Bio Med 2015;6(1):120-4. SunitaSamal, AkshayaMahapatro, BarathiPoorkodi Posterior vaginal wall cyst of Mullerian origin: a case report. Int J ReprodContraceptObstet Gynecol. 2015;4(1):245-246. P. Pallavee, SunitaSamal, Shweta Gupta, Jasmina Begum, SeeteshGhose. Misdiagnosis of Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy: Acute Pancreatitis Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015;9(1):QD05-6. SetuRathod, Sunil Kumar Samal. A Rare Case of Heterotopic Pregnancy with Ruptured Left Rudimentary Horn Pregnancy. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015;9(3):QD03-4. Sunil Kumar Samal, SetuRathod, SeeteshGhose. Tetra-Phocomelia: The Seal Limb Deformity - A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015;9(2): QD01-2. Sunil Kumar Samal, SetuRathod . Cervical ectopic pregnancy J Nat Sci Bio Med 2015;6(1):257-60. Sunil Kumar Samal, SetuRathod. Sirenomelia: The mermaid syndrome: Report of two cases. J Nat Sci Bio Med 2015;6(1):264-66. Lahon K. Couterfeit and substandard medicines: Lessons learnt from Chattisgarh 27

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sterilisation deaths. The Health Agenda 2015;3(1):1-2. Sudarcodi R, Khan S, Manimekalai. K, Somasundaram G. Prescriptions of Private Practitioners and Physicians of a Tertiary Care Hospital: an Rationality Assessment and Comparison. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2015;6(1):66 – 70. Sudarcodi R, Khan S, Manimekalai. K. Prescribing Practices of Non Teaching General Practitioners of Private Clinics And Physicians of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital: A Comparative Cross Sectional Study. Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(1):72-77 YPR Babu, Shankar MB, Debarshi S, S Manjunath, Pramod Kumar GN. Accidental Electrocution- reconstruction of events. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal 2015;48(2): 97-102. G.N. PramodKumar ,Sentitoshi , DhritimanNath , Ritesh G. Menezes, TanujKanchan. Student’s perspectives on objective structured practical examination (OSPE) in Forensic Medicine - A report from India. JFLM 2015;32:39-41. Selvaraj Stephen, BalakrishnanSangeetha, Prabakhar X. Antony. Seroprevalence of coxiellosis (Q fever) in sheep & goat in Puducherry & neighbouring Tamil Nadu. Indian J Med Res 2014;140:785-787. Kandhakumari G, Stephen S. Extra pulmonary tuberculosis: Rapid identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis grown in Mycobacterium growth indicator tube 960 and Lowenstein-Jensen media, employing Standard diagnostics Bioline Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein 64 antigen detection kit. Indian J Med Microbiol 2015;33:S122-5. Arunava Kali: Microbial infection imaging: A novel diagnostic approach. Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2015;30(2):189-190. DOI:10.4103/0972-3919.152993 Arunava Kali. Schistosome infections: An Indian perspective. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015;9(2):DE01-DE04. Saranathan R, Vasanth V, Vasanth T, Shabareesh PR, Shashikala P, Sheela Devi C, Kalaivani R, Asir J, Sudhakar P, Prashanth K. Emergence of Carbapenem Non-susceptible Multidrug resistant Acinetobacterbaumannii strains of CC 103B and CC 92B clonal complexes harboring OXA-type Carbapenemases and Metallo-beta-lactamases in Southern India. MicrobiolImmunol. 2015 Feb 28. doi: 10.1111/1348-0421.12252. Chandran D, Roopesh N, Raj A, Channaveerachari N, Joshi S, Paramita P, Somanathan R, Kasi S, Badamath S. Psychosocial impact of the 28

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Uttarakhand flood disaster on elderly survivors. Indian J of Gerentology 2015;29(1): 62-76.

Chapters published in books

Ananthakrishnan N, Kate V. Corrosive injuries and strictures. In, Surgical Gastroenterology, 2nd Edition, Ed. Sanjiv Haribhakti, Hyderabad, Paras Medical Publisher, 2014, 387-390.


Dr. Srirangaraj S wrote the chapter on Microbiology in ‘Target JIPMER 2014’, edited by Dr. T. ArunBabu, pages 124-136, ISBN: 978-81-8445-166-5. Dr. SetuRathod, Asst Professor, Dept of OBGY, became peer reviewer of International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research. [Pubmed] Dr.N.S.Kannan, Associate Professor, Dept of General Surgery, has become peer reviewer for the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research and has so far done 10 reviews.

Academic Initiatives Officiation as Chairperson/ Resource person In Academic /Scientific Events Prof. Ramesh R, HOD of Biochemistry, attended and judged a scientific poster competition at south zonal conference organized by “Association of Medical Biochemists of India (AMBI MIDCON-2014) at SMVMCH, Puducherry on 07.07.2014. Dr.Seetesh Ghose, Prof and HOD, OBGY, Dr.Sunita Samal & Dr.Pallavee P, Associate Professors, OBGY, were resource persons in basic workshop on Medical Education held in MGMCRI from 28th to 30th April. Dr.Anandraj R, Associate Professor, dept. of OBGY, gave a talk on Pre-ecclampsia in IMA meeting in Neyveli in May 2014 Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics, participated as resource person for workshop on “PALS” conducted at JIPMER on 21st& 22nd June 2014. Dr. M. Ravishankar, Prof & Head, Dept. of Anaesthesiology attended an international Conference,” Asia Anaesthesia Summit” on 19th and 20th April 2014 at Mumbai. He conducted a workshop on “Inhalational anaesthesia using GASMAN” for international faculty. Dr. M. Ravishankar, Professor & Head, Dept. of Anaesthesiology delivered a guest lecture on “Safety in Anaesthesia” at “Asia Anaesthesia Summit” on 19th and 20th April 2014 at Mumbai. Dr. M. Ravishankar, Professor & Head, Dept. of Anesthesiology was nominated as an expert for faculty selection at SrichitraThirunal Institute of Science & Technology, Trivandrum on 07.05.2014. Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar, Asst.Professor, Dept of Aanesthesiology delivered a talk on “Ventilatory management in CTVS postoperative unit” at a symposium on “Postoperative management & infection control following open heart surgery” at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 28.04.2014 Dr. C.P.Ganesh Babu , Dr. ManojKarthik , Dr. R. Kannan, Department of General Surgery

were resource person for faculty development programme workshop held on April 28,29,30 in MGMCRI. Dr.Sivaprakash B, Professor of Psychiatry, conducted a workshop session titled, Interpersonal skills in medical practice: Doctor-patient communication”, in the orientation program for interns held between 23.07.2014 and 24.07.2014. Prof. Sivashanmugam, Dept of Anesthesiology, gave a lecture on “Anesthetic Management of patients with Intra Abdominal Sepsis” at AVSM 2014 Conducted by Salem ISA city Branch on 26.07.2014. Dr. Ravishankar, Prof. & Head, Dept of Anesthesiology, conducted the Gasman workshop for postgraduate students of JIPMER at GRT, Sunway on 29.07.14. Dr. S. Srinivasan, Professor of Pediatrics, delivered a talk on Breastfeeding – “Breastfeeding - A Winning Goal for life” on the occasion of the World Breast Feeding Week celebration at SRMC, Porur, Chennai on 01.08. 2014. Dr.T.TirouAroul, Prof and HOD, Department of General Surgery, chaired a session in the CME on Pancreatic Diseases in Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Pondicherry on 02.08.2014. Dr.C.P.Ganeshbabu, Department of General Surgery, chaired a session in the Tn. & P State Conference held on 07.08.2014 to 10.08.2014 at Chennai. Dr.C.P.Ganeshbabu, Department of General Surgery, delivered lecture on Speech obstructive Jaundice in Tamilnadu and Pondicherry State Conference held between 07.08.2014 and 10.08.2014 at Chennai. Dr.Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology, delivered a lecture titled “Mental health & wellbeing of medical students” during the orientation program for the I MBBS students on 28.08.2014. Dr.Sukanto Sarkar, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, presented a paper titled “Risk factors for the development of delirium in alcohol dependence syndrome”, at KANCIPS, between 29

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06.09.2014 and 07.09.2014 at Manipal, Karnataka. Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Associate Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology delivered Guest lecture for Interns in orientation program on “Legal aspects in Medical Practice” held on 24.07.2014 at MGMCRI. Heattended Basic Workshop on Medical Education conducted at MEU Annex, MGMCRI from 26.08.2014 to 28.08.2014. Dr.Aneelraj D, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, delivered a capsule talk titled “De-addiction services in a tertiary care setting” at SAF, MGMCRI, on 12.09.2014. Prof. Dr. Ravishankar, Prof & Head, Dept of Anesthesiology, gave a lecture on” Mechanical Ventilators” at the CME – Basics of on Mechanical Ventilators at Indira Gandhi Medical College & research Institute held on 21.9.14. Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Associate Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology was invited as resource faculty/Jury for National Level Quiz Program in Forensic Medicine & Toxicology held at KMC Manipal, Manipal University, Karnataka on 27.09.2014. Dr. S. Srinivasan, Professor of Pediatrics was the Chief Coordinator of Training Programme, and conducted the Infant and Young child feeding counseling (IYCF) specialists courses, the 4 in 1 Training at Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Women and Child Hospital, Puducherry from 23.10.2014 to 29.10.2014 Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & H.O.D, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended a ‘CME on current perspectives in the management of airway allergy’ as a faculty and chaired a session on ‘Asthma & COPD – Differences in Pathology & Management’, which was organized by department of Pulmonary Medicine, Chettinad medical college, Chennai, and Indian academy of Allergy, conducted at Chennai on 05.07.2014. Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘PULMOCON 2014’ as a faculty and gave a guest lecture on 30

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‘Pulmonary function test – Spirometer & Mini-Spirometer’, which was conducted at Madurai on 17.08.2014. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & H.O.D, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a guest lecture on ‘Long Term Oxygen Therapy’ and Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a guest lecture on ‘Interpretation of Chest X-rays’ at ‘South Zone Chest PG CME’, which was organized by Institute of thoracic medicine, Chetpet and Department of Respiratory Medicine, Madras Medical College, conducted at Chennai on 13.09.2014 and 14.09.2014. Dr. M. Ravishankar, Professor and HOD, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care delivered lecture on “Low flow Anaesthesia” in CME conducted at Coimbatore Medical College, CARE 2014 on 05.10.14. Prof. C.P. Ganesh Babu, Department of General Surgery delivered lecture on “Calcium Metabolism” in IAES CON -2014 at Poovar, between 10.10.14 and 12.10.14. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & H.O.D, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a guest lecture on ‘Flip side of COPD management’ at the Pondicherry Chest society meeting on 12.10.14. Dr. Aneelraj D, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, delivered a lecture titled “Psychosocial assessment & management of schizophrenia”, at Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry, on 13.10.14. Prof. Ramesh R, HOD of Biochemistry, chaired a session and presented a paper in the CME “Recent Advances in cardiac markers” in Sri Venketaswara Medical College, Ariyur, October 2014, Puducherry. Prof. Ramesh R, HOD and Prof. A R Srinivasan, Dept. of Biochemistry chaired a session in the CME on “Sleep Consciousness and Meditation: Neurophysiological Correlation” conducted by Dept. of Physiology and CYTER, November 2014, MGMCRI.

Prof. Ramesh R, HOD of Biochemistry, chaired a session and presented a paper in the CME “Need for educating M.B.B.S students on laboratory Medicine” organized at Vinayaga Mission Medical College, November 2014, Karaikal, Puducherry. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department Of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended as chairperson for “Live cochlear implant surgery” by Padmashri Professor Dr. Mohan Kameswaran during the conference held at MMC ENTCON on 2.11.14 Dr. M. Ravishankar, Professor and HOD, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care delivered lecture on “Scavenging System in Operation Room” at the State Anesthesiology Conference – PONCON 2014 held on 8.11.14 & 9.11.14 at Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry. Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care delivered lecture on “Cardiac patient for non-cardiac surgery – How I do it? At the State Anesthesiology Conference – PONCON 2014 held on 8.11.14 & 9.11.14 at Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry. Dr. Sameer M. Jahagirdar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, delivered talk on “Aspiration Pneumonitis – Prevention and Management at the State Anesthesiology Conference – PONCON 2014 held on 8.11.14 & 9.11.14 at Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry. Dr. Partha Nandi, Professor of Community Medicine was invited as resource faculty for PG

and PhD students’ workshop on study design and methodology at Medical Education Unit on 26.11.14 and 3.12.14 Dr.K.A.Narayan, Professor of Community Medicine was invited as resource faculty for PG and PhD students’ workshop on study design and methodology at Medical Education Unit

on 26.11.14 and 3.12.14 and was also invited as resource faculty for dental education unit workshop. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department Of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended as chair person for “Recent Trends in management of Allergic Rhinitis” during the Physicians Conference APIDIAS 2014 held at Hotel Accord, Puducherry on 30.11.14. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department Of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended as chair person for1st National convention of Indian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck surgery at Hotel Park Sheraton, Chennai for Instructional course on “Newer technology in vestibular assessment” by Prof. NuriOzgirgin from Turkey on 13.12.14. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department Of Otorhinolaryngology and Head

and Neck Surgery attended as a chair person for 1st National convention of Indian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at Hotel Park Sheraton, Chennai for Invited talks on “Paradigm on JNA management” by Prof. Sanjeev Mohanty, “Recent trends in management of Migraine” by Prof. Balasubramaniam and “Revision Cochlear Implant” by Prof. Levent Sennaraglu from Turkey on 13.12.14. Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology& Critical Care delivered lecture on “Automated anaesthesia control technique” at the National Anesthesiology Conference – ISACON 2014 held at Madurai, Velammal Medical College between 26.12.14 and 29.12.14 Dr. M. Ravishankar, Professor and HOD, Department of Anaesthesiology& Critical Care delivered lecture on “Dynamics of Inhalational Anaesthesia” at the National Anesthesiology 31

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Conference – ISACON 2014 held at Madurai, Velammal Medical College between 26.12.14 and 29.12.14 Dr.G.Ezhumalai, Sr.Statistician & Research Consultant, R & PG Studies, participated in SPSS training programme for M.Phil (R&D) scholars as a resource person, Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University) on 28.11.2014 and 29.11.2014. Dr.Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a guest talk on “Algorithm of Transudative and Exudative pleural effusions” in Pleural Update 2015 which was conducted by Apollo Hospitals at Chennai on 25.1.2015. Dr Reddi Rani, Prof, OBG gave a guest lecture on ‘Modern trends in Management of PPH’ in ManakulaVinayagar Medical College in January, 2015. Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, delivered a lecture on “Ultrasound Guided Upper Limb Nerve Block” at 30th National Conference- International Society for Study of Pain Conference, Chennai, held on 6.02.15. Prof. Joseph Philipraj, Department of Urology chaired a session on “Vijayawada Prize

Poster Session” in USICON 2015 organized by Urology Society of India held from 05.02.2015 to 08.02.2015 at Ranchi Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, delivered a lecture on “RSI-Current Concepts” at RACE-2015 (Ramachandra Anesthesia Continuing Medical Education) in Chennai held on 8.02.15. Dr.Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘Ramachandra Respiratory Rapid Review’ (RRRR) as a faculty and gave talk on ‘Surviving Sepsis Guidelines’, which was organized by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai on 14.2.15 and 15.2.15. Dr. V.R. Hemanth Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, 32

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delivered talk on Role of Anesthesiologist in Trauma Care at the CME on “Golden Hours in Trauma” conducted by MGMCRI, held on 20.03.15. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology, participated as a Chairperson on CME program “Golden Hours in Trauma” conducted by MGMC&RI, Pondicherry held on 20.03.15. Dr.G.Ezhumalai, Sr.Statistician & Research Consultant, R & PG Studies, participated in an UGC sponsored “National workshop on Statistical application and uses of SPSS in Research for Faculty and Research Scholars” conducted at Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University) as a facilitator between 25.03.2015 and 26.03.2015 Dr.K.SurendraMenon, Professor & HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended a ‘RNTCP State level conference’ as a faculty and chaired a session on ‘HIV-TB’, which was organized by department of Community Medicine, Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry on 25.03.15. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Head of the Department, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated in afternoon session as a Chairperson on CME program, “Bloodstream Infections” organized by IMSA and MGMC&RI, Pondicherry held on 28.03.15. Dr.Seetharaman, Professor & HOD, Department of Community Medicine, was invited as resource person for the CME “Modern Concepts in Clinical Nutrition” organized by Department of Bio-Chemistry at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry on 28.03.15. Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar, Associate Professor, delivered a talk on “Catheter Acquired BSI” at Blood Stream Infection Conference conducted by MGMCRI, held on 28.03.15. Dr. K.S.Seetha, Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology, was invited to be the Chairperson for the II session of the CME on “Bloodstream Infections-An Update” organized by International Medical Science Academy, Pondicherry Chapter and MGMC & RI Hospital Infection Control Committee held at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry on 28.03.2015. Dr.Manimekalai K. and Dr.Somasundarm G., Department of Pharmacology attended and chaired a session in ‘CME on Clinical Nutrition’, MGMCRI on 28.03.2015 Dr.P.Karthikeyan Professor and HOD, Department of ENT gave a talk on “Allergic Rhinitis – GP’s perspectives” held on 31.03.15 at Hotel Accord, Pondicherry.

Dr Seetesh Ghose, Prof and HOD, OBG, gave a guest lecture on ‘Polycystic disease of ovary’ in ManakulaVinayagar Medical College in March, 2015. Dr SunitaSamal, Prof, OBG, gave a guest lecture on ‘Early Pregnancy loss’ in monthly OGSP meet in March. In the CME Programme organized by the Dept., of Biochemistry, MGMCRI, Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Professor, Dept., of Paediatrics was the Chairperson for a Panel discussion on the topic “Role of Nutrition & Dietetics to Health Professionals”. Dr Madanmohan (Prof & Head), Department of Physiology chaired a workshop on yoga and delivered guest lecture on “Yoga Therapy” during International Yoga Festival organized by Government of Puducherry. Dr.K.A.Narayan, Professor of Community medicine conducted a Panel Discussion on “NCD Prevention and Control on Curriculum implementation” for UG Medical Students.

Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care conducted workshop on “Ultrasound-guided Regional Anaesthesia” in Coimbatore Medical College, CARE 2014 on 05.10.14. Dr. E. Selvam, Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, conducted workshop on “Ultrasound-guided Regional Anaesthesia, in Coimbatore Medical College, CARE 2014 on 05.10.14. Mrs.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof., in Medical Genetics, Dept. of Anatomy presented a paper titled “Ring chromosomes and oral cancer” at the 37th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists, Tamil Nadu, CHEN MED COL ANAT CON 2K 14 at Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu held from 10.10.2014 to 13.10.2014. Dr. Srirangaraj.S presented a poster entitled ‘Candiduria- prevalence and susceptibility testing pattern: A study from Puducherry’ at

Conduction of Workshops / Presentations in Academic/Scientific Events Dr. N. Mugunthan, Asso. Prof, Anatomy Dept., presented a paper titled, “Effect of cell phone radiation on Hippocampal neurons of mice”– a Histomorphometric study.” , at 3rd National Conference of society of Clinical Anatomists held on 24th& 25th May 2014, Puducherry. Dr. G.Prabavathy Asst. Prof, Anatomy Dept., presented a paper titled, “Anomalous origin of left vertebral artery and its clinical significance – A case report” at 3rd National Conference of society of Clinical Anatomists held on 24th& 25th May 2014, Puducherry. Dr. Gayathri Mishra, Dept of Anesthesiology, presented a case Report on “Anesthesia for a Complex Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease Posted for LSCS” at the ISA Meeting Pondicherry on 5.7.14. Dr. Thirulogasundhari , Dept of Anesthesiology, presented a case report on “Anesthesia For Thoracic Spine Surgery In A Patient With Severe Ankylosing Spondylitis”at the ISA Meeting Pondicherry on 5.7.14. Dr. Vineet Thomas Abraham, Dept. of Orthopedics, presented a paper titled, “Mucoid degenaration of the anterior cruciate ligament. A case report and review of literature”, at the 9th International Symposium held from 04.09.2014 to 11.09.2014 at The Leela Ambience Hotel, Gurgaon, Delhi.

MICROCON – 2014, the 38th Annual conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) on 18.10.2014 at B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. Dr. V.R. Hemanth Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, conducted workshop on EFAST, at the State Anesthesiology Conference – PONCON 2014 held on 8.11.14 & 9.11.14 at Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry. Mrs.MaryHydrinaD’silva, Asst.Prof, Anatomy Dept, presented a paper titled, “A comparative study on growth & development of Chick embryos exposed to ultra high frequency radiation emitted from 2G &3G cell phone.”, held at 62nd National conference of anatomical society of India held at RIMS, Manipal between 17.11.14 and 20.11.14. Rijied Thompson Swer, Asso.Prof, Anatomy Dept, presented a paper titled, “A comet Assay 33

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study on DNA damage in children with Non Syndromic Congenital malformations” held at 62nd National conference of anatomical society of India RIMS, Manipal between 17.11.14 and 20.11.14. Dr. Amrutha Bindu, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology presented paper titled “Anaesthesia Practice and Reproductive outcomes” at the National Anesthesiology Conference – ISACON 2014 held at Madurai, Velammal Medical College between 26.12.14 and 29.12.14. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, presented a paper titled “Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry services in a tertiary care hospital in South India”, at the Annual National Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS), organized at Hyderabad, from 08.01.15 to 11.01.15. Dr Pallavee, Assoc.Prof. Dept. of OBG attended 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held from 21.01.15 to 25.01.15, Chennai and presented a poster on “Foetal fibular hemimelia with focal femoral deficiency following perinatal misoprostol use’. Dr Lopamudra, Assoc Prof., Dept. of OBG attended 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held from 21.01.15 to 25.01.15, Chennai and presented a paper on ‘Twin Delivery – is routine caesarean section necessary’. Dr JasminaBegum ,Assoc Prof., Dept. of OBG attended 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held from 21.01.15 to 25.01.15, Chennai, and presented a paper on ‘Fallopian tube carcinoma’. Dr Shweta Gupta, Assistant Prof., Dept. of OBG attended 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held from 21.01.15 to 25.01.15, Chennai, and presented a poster on ‘Successful management of live cervical ectopic pregnancy’. Dr AishwaryaJagan, Asst Prof., Dept. of OBG attended 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held from 21.01.15 to 25.01.15, Chennai, and presented a paper on ‘Incidental Diagnosis of velamentous insertion of placenta at cesarean section’. Dr SetuRathod, Asst Prof., Dept. of OBG attended 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held from 21.01.15 to 25.01.15, Chennai, and presented a paper on ‘Spontaneous quadruplet gestation’. Dr Sunil Samal, Asst Prof., Dept. of OBG attended 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held from 21.01.15 to 25.01.15, Chennai, and presented a paper on ‘Mature teratoma with uterine fibroid’. 34

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Dr RupalSamal, Asst Prof., Dept. of OBG attended a workshop on ‘caesarean section’ at the 58thAll India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held from 21.01.15 to 25.01.15, Chennai and presented a paper on ‘Caesarean section in Multipara’. Prof.Ananthakrishnan N, Department of Surgery presented a paper titled, “Surgery for corrosive strictures – Indications, choice of con-

duit, need for esophagectomy, difficult strictures, high strictures with airway involvement” at the Master Class on Esophageal Diseases & Live Operative Workshop on Robotic Esophageal Surgery” conducted at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi on between 02.02.2015 and 03.02.2015. Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology conducted workshop on US guided regional anesthesia at 30th national conference by International Society for Study of Pain at Chennai on 05.02.15. At the National Conference, DERMACON-2015 conducted in Mangalore from 13.02.15 to 15.02.15, Dr.Anuja Anna Varghese, Assistant Professor, DVL presented a paper on “Unusual Presentation of Vesiculobullous disorders” & a poster on ‘Congenital erythropoietic porphyria-A rare case report’, Dr.Behanan Santhosh, Assistant Professor, DVL presented a poster on “3 cases of Unilateral nevoid acanthosisnigricans” and Dr.Sandra Eliza Mathew, Assistant Professor, DVL presented an e-poster titled, ‘A case of Giant Porokeratosis of Mibelli treated with 5-Fluorouracil’. Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, conducted workshop on “US guided sciatic nerve block” in “Coimbatore Anaesthesia program” CAP in Coimbatore held on 08.03.2015. Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, conducted workshop on “US guided sciatic nerve block” in “Coimbatore

Anaesthesia program” CAP in Coimbatore held on 08.03.2015. Dr.BehananSanthosh and Dr.Sandra Eliza Mathew, Assistant Professor, DVL presented papers in the Award paper category at the CUTICON-Puducherry which was held on 22.03.15 at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Puducherry. Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a guest talk on ‘Lung health’ to the public, in a function arranged by ‘Puducherry SindhanaiPeravai’ on 28.12.2014. Participation in Academic/Scientific Events Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & H.O.D, Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Dr.Bhairava Swamy Kanakala, Senior Resident, attended the Pondicherry Chest society meeting on 08/06/2014 – ‘Difficult Asthma’. Prof.SudhaRao, Dr.Mugunthan, Dr. Sadeesh, Dr. Meera, Dr.Prabavathy & Dr.Vedha, from the dept. of Anatomy attended the 3rd National conference of Clinical Anatomists- on 24th & 25th May 2014, GRT Hotel in Puducherry. Dr.Prabavathy, Asst. Prof., Anatomy Dept., participated in MEU Program on “Basic course workshop on Medical Education Technology”on 28th, 29th&30th of April 2014. Dr. KulkarniSweta , Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, actively participated at AMBI MIDCON-2014 at SMVMCH, Puducherry on 7th of June, 2014 Dr. K. S. Seetha (Professor & Head), Dr. Umadevi S (Professor) and Dr. Arunava Kali (Assistant Professor) dept. of Microbiology attended the CME on “Ethical &legal aspects of medical practice” – conducted Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, MGMC & RI,Pondicherry on 28.06.2014. Dr. R. Kalaivani, Assistant Professor, dept. of Microbiology and Dr. R. Sobana, Assistant professor of Physiologyattended the seminar on “Grantsmanship” – conducted Medical Education Unit, JIPMER, Pondicherry on 10.05.2014. Dr. A. R. Rajalakshmi, Dr. Swathi. N & Dr. VeniPriya. S, faculty members, Department of Ophthalmologyattended a CME on “Uveitis for general ophthalmologists” by Pondicherry ophthalmic association on May 11, 2014 held at GRT Sun ways, Pondicherry. Dr. A. R. Rajalakshmi&DrSimaBiswas Departmentof Ophthalmology, faculty members attended the “CME on Ethical & Legal

aspects in Medical Practice (E-LAMP) at MGMCRI on 28th June 2014. Dr. P. Soundararajan, Professor and Dr. L.P. Nandhini, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics participated in the EEG workshop. Dr. Raghuram, Department of General Surgeryattended faculty development workshop held on April 28th, 29th&30th at MGMCRI. Dr. C.P. Ganesh Babu , Dr. K.V. Rajan, Dr. Raghuram, Dr. Alokmohanty, Dr. Jayakarthik, Dr. Gnash, Department of General Surgery, attended conference onCorock held on 22.06.14. Dr. C.P.GaneshBabu, Dr. R.Kannan, Dr. ChetanAnand, Department of General Surgeryattented E- lamp CME on 28.06.2014 at MGMCRI. Prof. S. Robinson Smile, Prof. T.TirouAroul, Prof. C.P.GaneshBabu, Dr. R.Kannan, Dr. S.ManojKarthik, Dr.S.Boopathy,Department of General Surgeryattended the meeting on Liver Transplant by Dr. Mohd.RelaON 25.05.2014 at IMA Meeting Hotel Accord, Puducherry Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine, attended a MCI approved ‘Basic Course Workshop on Medical Education Technology’ at MGMC & RI during 28-30 April 2014. Dr. V. Jaya, Dept of Anesthesiology, attended a workshop on Perioperative Echocardiography (TEE) from 9.7.14 to 12.07.14 held at CMC Vellore. Prof. C.P.GaneshBabu, Dr. K.V. Rajan, Dr. Ganesh .T, Department of General Surgery, attended PSG Surgicon held between 18.07.2014 and 20.07.2014 at Coimbatore. Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, attended TANPSYCON 2014 on 26.07.14 and 27.07.14 at Trichy, Tamil Nadu. Prof. C.P.Ganesh Babu, Dr. R. Kannan, Dr. N.S. Kannan, Dr. S. Boopathy, Department of Surgery, attended CME on Pancreatic Diseases in Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Pondicherry dated on 02.08.2014. Dr Krishnan S, Dean (Administration) MGMCRI and Professor, DVL attended the conference CUTICON Tamil Nadu held at Madurai on the 8.08.14 and 9.08.14. Prof. Joseph Philipraj, Department of Urology, chaired a session on moderated E-posters in Silver Jubilee Conference of Association of Southern Urologists (SZUSICON 2014) held between 8.8.14 and 10.8.14 in Kochi. Prof. Mossadeq, Prof. Joseph Philipraj, Dr. PrasantNayak, Department of Urology, attended the Conference of Association of 35

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Southern Urologists (SZUSICON 2014) and held between 8.8.14 and 10.8.14 at Kochi. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor of Psychiatry, attended SCARF-ICONS 2014 from 21.08.14 to 24.08.14 at Chennai. Dr. Moutusi Audhya, Assistant Professor, DVL, attended the workshops on PRP therapy and on cellulite management at the Aesthetics, 2014 held at New Delhi on the 22.08.2014. Dr. Abirami D, Assistant Professor, DVL, attended the workshops on PRP therapy and on Chemical Peeling at the Aesthetics, 2014 held at New Delhi on the 22.08.14 Dr. Moutusi Audhya and Dr. Abirami D, Assistant Professors, DVL, attended the conference Aesthetics, 2014, New Delhi between 23.08.14 and 24.08.14. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor of Psychiatry, underwent Basic Course workshop in Medical Education Technologies conducted by MEU, MGMCRI between 26.08.14 and 28.08.14. Prof. Somasundaram G, Dr.Kartik J. Salwe, Department of Pharmacology, attended 2nd Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education from 26.08.14 to 28.08.14. Dr. SeeteshGhose, Prof and HOD, Department of OBG attended conference on Subfertility in Madras Medical Mission Chennai in August 2014. Dr. R. Kalaivani, Assistant Professor, Dept of Microbiology, attended the CME on “Genomic studies in diagnostic microbiology” in Pudhuvai life line hospital, Pondicherry on 14.09.2014. Dr S Srikanth, Professor & HOD, DVL, attended the CME of Dermazone South, 2014 from 19.09.2014 to 21.09.2014 held at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Dr. Hemanthkumar, Dr. Antony John Charles, Dr. Thirulogasundari, Dept of Anesthesiology, attended a CME on Basic of Mechanical Ventilation held at IGMC on 21.09.14. Dr. SeeteshGhose, Prof and HOD, Department of OBG attended conference 36

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on Clinical Ultrasound for Practitioners in Chennai between 25.09.14 and 28.09.14 Prof. Mossadeq, Prof. Joseph Philipraj, Dr. PrasantNayak, Department of Urology, attended the Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Association of Urologists Conference (TAPASUCON 2014) held between 26.09.14 to 28.09.14 at Tuticorin. Dr. SunitaSamal, Dr. Pallavee, Dr. Anandraj, Associate Professors attended conference on Laparoscopy, International Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy in Cochin between 10.10.14 and 12.10.14. Dr.Bakshi S.S, Assistant Professor, Department Of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended “16th Annual conference of the Skull Base Surgery Society of India” between 09.10.14 and 12.10.14 at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Prof. R. Krishnagopal , Dr. Vineet Thomas Abraham, Dr. Suresh Kumar, Faculty members, Dept of Orthopedics, attended the Annual conference of Indian Arthroscopy Society, IASCON 2014. at Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, India held from 10.10.14 to 12. 10.14. Dr. Srirangaraj. S, Associate Professor, attended a workshop on ‘Medical education – systemic approach to student assessment in Microbiology’ conducted by the Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) on 16.10.2014 at B.M.Birla auditorium, Jaipur. Dr.Pramodhini. S, Associate Professor, attended the CME on “Recent advances in diagnosis of Tuberculosis” conducted by Department of Microbiology, IGMC & RI, Chest Clinic, Pondicherry and Department of Health & Family Welfare at IGMC & RI, Pondicherry on 31.10.2014. Dr.SunitaSamal, Dr.Pallavee P, Dr.Anandraj R, Associate Professors, Dept of OBG attended ISGE (International society of gynaecologic endoscopy) conference in Kochi in October2014. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department Of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended Live surgery workshop, MMC ENTCON 2014, from 31.10.14 to 02.11.14 at Upgraded Institute of Otorhinolaryngology (UIORL), Madras Medical College, Chennai. Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care attended “International Symposium on spine & paravertebral sonography” at ISSPS-2014 in Hotel Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha

Tin between 31.10.14 and 02.11.14 conducted by Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong. Dr. Raj Kumar Patil, Faculty member, Dept. of Community Medicine attended the first IPHA- IAPSM Meeting held in IGMC on 26.10.14, Dr Munendar Kumar Singh [SMO], WHO addressed the audience on AFP case reporting. He also attended the three day MPH training session from 1.11.14 to 3.11.14 held in JIPMER International School of Public Health by Prof SS Vasan from “Public Health England” Dr. Indumathi, Asst.Prof, Department of Pediatrics, attended Basic epidemiology workshop at JIPMER between 10.11.14 and 15.11.14. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Dr.Nirmal Coumare, Professor, Dr.Vijayasundaram, Associate Professor and Dr. S S. Bakshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended 23rd Annual conference of Indian Society of Otology( ISOCON) held between 14.11.14 to 16.11.14 at hotel Taj Coromandel and KKR ENT Hospital and Research Institute, Chennai . Dr. Reeta R, Asst. Prof. of Biochemistry, participated in a pre-conference workshop, “Immunoassay”, organized by AMBICON 2014, on 16.11.14. Dr. Anandhi, Asst.Prof, Department of Pediatrics, attended conference in Chennai on 16.11.14 held at Pediatric Critical Care CME by Mehta Hospital. Prof. Saha S, Prof. Ramesh R, Dr. Reeta R, Dr. Swetha K, Dr. SathishBabu and Dr. Niranjan G, Dept. of Biochemistry, attended a national conference organized by AMBICON between 17.11.14 and 19.11.14. Prof.K.R.Thyagarajan , attended Indian Orthopaedic Association conference held at Hyderabad held from 19.11.14 to 22.11.14. Prof. Saha S, Prof. Ramesh R, Dr. Reeta R, Dr.Sweta K, faculty members, Dept. of Biochemistry participated in a training programme, “NABL/ Internal quality control training” at PIMS , Puducherry conducted by quality council of India from 20.11.14 to 23.11.14. Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Dr. Srirangaraj. S, Associate Professor, and Dr. R. Kalaivani, Assistant Professor attended an NABL internal auditor course on ‘Quality Management System Training for Clinical Lab as per ISO-151892012’ conducted by the Quality Council of India from 20.11.2014 to 23.11.2014 at Pondicherry institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended a

National Pulmonologist conference ‘NAPCON 2014’ which was organized by S. N. Medical College, Agra (UP) & Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh (UP), conducted at Agra from 20.11.14 and 23.11.14. Dr. R. Kannan, attended, Associate Prof., Department of General Surgery attended Live Laparoscopic Hernia Workshop at JIPMER held on 29.11.14 at Pondicherry. Dr.SunitaSamal, Dr.Pallavee P, Dr.Jasmina Begum , Faculty members, Dept of OBG attended conference on epidemiology in JIPMER in November 2014. Dr.Keshavan.Namboothri, Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a guest talk at a Clinico-Pathological meet which was organized by the department of Pulmonary Medicine, Pondicherry institute of Medical Sciences on 5.12.14. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department Of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, attended the 1st National Convention of Indian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery between 12.12.14 and 14.12.14 at Hotel Park Sheraton, Chennai organized by Prof. Padmashri Mohan Kameswaran. Dr. S. Parthasarathy, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology attended KUMB METCON 2014 at Kumbakonam on 20.12.14 and 21.12.14 conducted by Indian Medical Association. Dr. Anandhi , Dr. Umamaheshwari, Dr. Indumathi, Dr. Dhanalakshmi A. Asst.Profs, Department of Pediatrics , attended “ IAP – Pulmonology Chapter”, conference in Chennai on 21.12.14 . Prof. C.P.Ganesh Babu, Department of General Surgery attended ASICON 2014 held between 26.12.14 and 30.12.14 at Hyderabad Dr. Dhanalakshmi A. Asst.Prof, Department of Pediatrics, attended a workshop on EEG at Trivandrum, Kerala, conducted in SreeChitra Medical College: held between 27.12.14 and 28.12.14. Prof.Kingshuk Lahon, Department of Pharmacology attended a CME on Diabetes conducted by Tagore Medical College on 6.12.14 Prof. K.A.Narayan, Prof. Raj Kumar Patil, and Dr. S. Vijayalakshmi, PalveSachinBhaskar, Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine participated in “International seminar on Research for prevention and control of NCD” held at PIMS between 13.01.15 and 14.01.15, organized by Dept. of Community medicine, PIMS, Puducherry along with the University of Alabama Birmingham, 37

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Florida International University, Madras Diabetic Research Foundation, the US NIH Fogarty International Centre and Indian Council of Medical Research. Dr. Bakshi Assistant Professor, Department of ENT attended “MEGA FESS” held between 16.01.15 and 17.01.15 at Kochi, Kerala. Dr SeeteshGhose, Prof and HOD, and Dr Vasavi , Assistant Prof., OBG Department attended CME at the 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held from 21.01.15 to 25.01.15, Chennai. Dr.V.Keshavan, Asst Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended a ‘Pleural update 2015’ CME, which was conducted by Apollo Hospitals at Chennai on 25.01.15. Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a panel discussion titled “Balancing within & beyond classroom - Teachers & learners perspective”, organized by the IQAC of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, MGMCRI campus, Puducherry, on 28.01.15 Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, &Senthil Kumar M, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a mental health camp, jointly organized by Tamilnadu Pudhuvazhvu Thittam& Department of Health Care Services, MGMCRI, at Vallalar High School, Kandamangalam (Ariyur), on 29.01.15. Dr Rupal Samal, Asst Prof., OBG, underwent training in Basic course in Ultrasound in Sonoscan Coimbatore in January. Dr Sima Biswas, Department of Ophthalmology, attended the CME on “Glaucoma update” - on 25.01.15& “Management of Endophthalmitis” on 29.03.15 conducted by the Pondicherry Ophthalmology association. Dr Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Prof and HOD and Dr Vaishali D Kotasthane, Asst Prof, Dept of Pathology participated in International CME in “Pathology, Histopathology & Cytology” held between 5.02.15 to 7.02.15 at Goa organized by Indian Academy of Cytologists, Goa chapter & supported by European Federation of Cytology Societies) & International Academy of Cytology). Prof. Mossadeq, Prof. Joseph Philipraj, Dr. Prasant Nayak and Dr.Vasudevan, Dept. of Urology attended the national conference organized by Urology Society of India (USICON 2015) held from 05.02.15 to 08.02.15 at Ranchi, Jharkhand. Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, & Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a discussion with 38

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Mark Gevisser, a South African author and journalist, on various issues related to the mental health of transgender individuals, on 05.02.15. This was in connection with an article being prepared by Mr. Gevisser on the problems faced by transgender population in India, for publication in The Guardian - a British national daily newspaper. Dr VijayaSundaram, Associate Professor and Dr.Sithananda Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of ENT attended “35th Sinuses and Beyond- Live Endoscopic Sinus Surgery” held on 5.02.15 at MAA ENT center, Hyderabad. Dr. K.A.Narayan, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, attended the First All India Peoples Medical and Health Science Convention, organized by Peoples Council for Education and NITTE University, Mangalore at NITTE University, Mangalore between 05.02.15 and 08.02.15 Dr Rajendra Dhaka, Professor, Dr K.Shanumgasamy, Dr Vinita Singh, Dr Madhumitra, Asst Professors, Dept of Pathology participated in CME on Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Pathology on 7.02.15 at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Prof. Kirtinath Jha, Professor of Ophthalmology attended the AIOS Annual Conference – New Delhi on February 08.02.15&09.02.15. Dr.Srikanth.S, Prof. & HOD, DVL participated as a delegate in the national conference, DERMACON-2015 conducted in Mangalore, between 13.02.15 and 15.02.15. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Prof. & HOD, ENT attended “Master class on vertigo, Dizziness and its management” by Prof.Micheal Strupp University of Munich, Germany held on 21.02.15 at Hotel Marriott, Kochi, Kerala. Dr. P. Soundararajan, Professor of Pediatrics, attended East Coast Pedicon 2015, Conference on 1.03.15 in New Delhi. Dr.C.Kameshvell, Associate Professor, Community Medicine, attended a CME on “The role SNRI- desvenlafaxine as first line treatment in Major Depressive Disorder” organized by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals at Hotel Accord, Puducherry on 01.03.15. Dr.P.Vaithiyanathan, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine, participated in CME on “Fever on day to day Practice” on 01.03.15 organized by Indian academy of PaediatricsVillupuram, Cuddalore and Pondy chapter at Hotel Accord in Pondicherry. An in house seminar on LCMS was conducted by WATERs and Dept of Pharmacology MGMCRI on 5.3.2015. which was attended by faculty members, Dr.Manimekalai

K., Dr.Somasundarm G., Dr.Kartik J. Salwe, Dr.Padmavathi S., Dr.Sudarcodi R., Dr. Johan Pandian J., Dept of Pharmacology; Dr.SubimanSaha, Profressor of Biochemistry, Dr.Hemachandran, Professor and HOD, Dept of Nephrology, Dr. Sameer, Associate Professor of Anaesthesiology, Dr.Easwaran Professor & HOD Dept of Psychiatry and staff members from CIDRF. Dr.Manimekalai, Dr.Somasundaram G., Dr.KartikJ.Salwe, Dr. Johan Pandian J,Department of Pharmacology attended a ‘Seminar on consumer and NPPA’ at Anna Institute of Management, Chennai on 07.03.2015 Dr.Sudarcodi R., Dr. Johan Pandian J., faculty members, Department of Pharmacology attended ‘Post validation workshop for BDS Pharmacology’ IGIDS, on 11.03.2015 Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Associate Professor, Dept of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, attended Forensic Workshop on “Ballistics and Scene of Crime –A Live Demonstration” held at Karnataka State Police Training Institute, Channapatna, Bangalore, on 14.03.15. Practical demonstration on range of fire & wound

ballistics, crime scene investigation, Forensic Photography was the key features of workshop. Dr.C.Kameshvell, Associate Professor, Community Medicine, attended a CME on “The advantage of early treatment of stroke and its recent advancement” by Dr.Paranjyothi, Senior Neurologist, Pondy Neuro Centre at Hotel Accord, Puducherry on 22.03.15. Dr.Seetharaman, Professor & HOD, Dr. Raj Kumar Patil, Professor Department of Community Medicine, attended a RNTCP state level conference on “ Tuberculosis: Reach, Treat and Cure every one” organized by Puducherry State Task Force and RNTCP core committee at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry on 25.03.15. Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended one day

CME workshop on Thoracic Anesthesia in CMC Vellore held on 28.03.15. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended one day CME workshop on Thoracic Anesthesia in CMC Vellore held on 28.03.15. Dr. Antony Charles, Asst. Prof., Department of Anaesthesiology, attended one day CME workshop on Thoracic Anesthesia in CMC Vellore held on 28.03.15. Dr.Subramaniyan R, Department of Ophthalmology attended the CME on ‘Management of Endophthalmitis’ on 29.03.15. Dr SunitaSamal, Prof., OBG, attended a workshop on ‘Advanced training in medical education’ in SRMC Chennai in March. Miscellany Dr. Sobana, Assistant Professor of Physiology, has been appointed as an Adjunct faculty for Post graduate Diploma in music therapy, conducted by the Center for Music Therapy and Research (CMTER) MGMC&RI. Dr Sunil Kumar Samal, Assoc. Prof, dept. of OBG, is a reviewer of The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. DrSendhilCoumaryA , Professor, dept. of OBG, went for training in laparoscopy and infertility in Lifeline hospital in Kerala for 15 days during the second quarter of 2014. Dr. Rajkumar Patil, Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine has been selected as a reviewer for ‘Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research’ in June 2014. Dr. Partha Nandi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine, was part of organizing team and acted as resource person for the session ‘Writing the Introduction’ in the workshop on ‘Final year Postgraduate Dissertation Write-up’ during 9-11 June 2014. Mrs.A.N.Uma, Assistant Professor, Medical Genetics, Department of Anatomy, Dr.Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology & Mr. Rajkumar, Clinical Psychologist were elected as members of the Cleft & Craniofacial Board, IGIDS, on 12.8.14. Dr. P. Soundararajan, Professor, Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Professor, Department of Pediatrics have successfully completed the NRP District Instructor course of the IAP –NNF Neonatal Resuscitation Program Project held on 26th& 27th July 2014 at Pondicherry.They are now recognized by Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) & National Neonatology Forum (NNF) as NRP District Instructor until 27.07.2016.


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The Department of Psychiatry conducted mental health screening for 1styear MBBS students of MGMCRI, in September 2014. The Department of Psychiatry started providing mental health services in the Transgender Clinic, MGMCRI, on all Mondays& Wednesdays, from September 2014. 2016 Conference of Association of Southern Urologists (SZUSICON) will be conducted by Department of Urology, MGMC&RI under the guidance of Prof. Mossadeq as the Organizing Chairman, and Dr. Prasant Nayak as the Organizing Secretary. Prof.Ananthakrishnan N, Dept. of General Surgery has been appointed as the Member of the Task force constituted by the Union Government of India for reviewing pending legislations regarding Medical Education Dr.Somasundaram.G Department of Pharmacology obtained Professional diploma in clinical research from Catalyst Clinical Services, New Delhi. Dr.KingshukLahon Department of Pharmacology obtained Professional diploma in clinical researchand Professional certificate in pharmacovigilance from Catalyst Clinical Services, New Delhi. Record book named “Objective Structured Practical Instructions (OSPI)” was prepared by the Department of Physiology for First Year MBBS students. Prof & HOD, Dr.Manimekalai K., Department of Pharmacology was the Organizing chairman for 6th State conference IPS Puducherry chapter 12.2.2015 ‘Time’ Magazine is one of the most prestigious news publication in the world. In the latest issue of ‘Time’, (Cover dated Feb 2, 2015.) under the health column, in an article on the benefits of Yoga, referred to the article published in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research by our faculty members titled, ‘Effect of Yoga Therapy on Selected Psychological Variables among Men Patients with Insomnia’, authored by S.Parthasarathy, R.Sobana, Duraisamy, K.Jaiganesh and S.Vadivel of MGMCRI.

Officer was done. Respected V.C. who completed one year in our university presented status report of our university, academic achievements, progress needs. Dr. Manoj Karthick.S (secretary) gave capsule talk on ‘Secrets of successful Presentation’. Followed by case presentations‘Labial fusion in adult female’ by Dr. Saranya Devi (PG) from dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, ‘Enterocutaneus fistuta a case report’, by Dr.Venkata Prasana(PG) from dept of surgery , ‘Missed Mixed Disease’ by Dr.Jony kadavanu (PG) from dept of Medicine. Certificate were issued for all PG (case) presentation and subsequently ended with a thanking note of the meeting was given by Dr. Logesh(Joint secretary) and totally 100 members attended the meeting.


09.05.2014 The 2nd SAF meet was held on 9th May 2014. President Dr.S.Ghose welcomed the gathering. Introduction of newly joined faculties and Medical Officer was done. Mediquiz was conducted by Manoj Karthick.S (secretary). Prof.Dr. K N.Jha, Dept of Ophthalmology gave capsule talk titled ‘Why we are blind to Ocular Trauma’. This was Followed by subsequent case presentations by Dr. Vivek (PG)-Surgery titled ‘Delayed Presentation Of Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia’, Dr. Arun Krishna (PG)-Pediatrics titled ‘A surprising story of refractory wheezer’and Dr. Sankar (PG)–Medicine titled Hypervitaminosis D are we overprescribing Vitamin D’ and respected VC Spoke about UGC Inspections subsequent issue of certificates for MediQuiz winners and case series presentations and meeting end by thanking note by Dr.Logesh

04.04.2014 The 1st SAF meet was held on 4th April 2014. President Dr.S.Ghose gave inaugural speech and welcomed the gathering. Introduction of newly joined faculties and Medical

06.06.2014 The 3rd SAF meet was held on 6th June 2014. President Dr.S.Ghose welcomed the gathering followed by last meets minutes , Introduction of newly joined faculties which was followed by .

Scientific & Academic Forum


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Miss. Sumenda Biswas (MBBS student) capsule talk titled ‘Learn More And Worry Less; The Student Perspectives On OSPE’. Session was followed by VC’s comments and Case presentations by Dr. Harsh chugh (PG)-Surgery ‘Is less better – the future of minimally invasive surgery’ , Dr. Depak david (PG)-Urology case presentations ‘A data base analysis of risk factors in stent removal and Glomangiopericytoma of nose : A rare case report by Dr. Danis Thomas (PG)- ENT which was followed by announcement of mediquiz answer and the winner, distribution of prizes, certificate and finally meeting ended with vote of Thanks by Joint Secretary 01.07.2014 On the occasion of Doctor’s day celebration , a panel discussion on “Idealism / Pragmatism / Realism” was conducted with the panelists being , Dr.Sathyanarayana Reddy , Dr.M Ravishankar, Dr.NS. Kannan , Dr.KN. Jha & Dr.M.Hanifah. A variety of interesting and thought provoking topics were discussed in detail by the panelists. The topics and questions discussed were: The use of placebo, Is it acceptable to cover up or avoid revealing a minor mistake if it is not harming the patient?, Is it right to discuss the patient information in situations that do not fully protect their privacy?, Would you ever give life sustaining therapy when you judge that it is futile or halt life sustaining therapy because family demands, even if you feel it is premature? and Hippocratic Oath. The panel members were felicitated and honored with mementos and certificates. 11.07.2014 The regular SAF monthly meet started with welcome address by the SAF President and presentations of minutes of previous monthly meet by the Secretary. Introduction of new faculty members by the Executive committee member was followed by the much awaited MEDIQUIZ. Capsule talk on, “The importance of education in lab medicine practicing clinicians” was given by Dr. Ramesh R (Prof. & Head, Dept. of Biochemistry). This was followed by 3 case reports. Dr Deepak David, Resident, Dept. of Urology presented on “Mini Access Guide in simplifying access in PCNL”, Dr. Porkodi P, Asst. Professor, Dept. of OBGY presented “Successful management of cervical ectopic pregnancy” and Dr.Vivek J, Resident, Dept. of General Surgery presented, “Carotid body tumour - A case report”. 08.08 .2014 The SAF president welcomed the gathering, followed by minutes of previous meetings by

Dr. Lokesh, Joint Secretary, who was also the quiz master. Dr Rajalakshmi AR, Executive committee member, introduced and welcomed the new faculties of MGMCRI. Dr VN Mahalakshmi, Professor, Dept. of Paediatric Surgery & Controller of Examinations, SBV, gave a Capsule Talk on “Necessary fallibility in health care”. Three case reports were presented viz: “A Rare case of primary fallopian tube carcinoma” by Dr.Saranya C, Resident, Dept. of OBGY, “Actinomycosis presenting as RIF mass”, by Dr Raj Swaroob, Resident, Dept. of General Surgery and the third presentation was on “Non- union of intertrochantric fracture- A rare case report” by Dr.Prabakar A, Resident, Dept. of Orthopedics. 12.09.2014 Dr.Seetesh Ghose, the SAF president welcomed the gathering followed by presentation of minutes of the month of August by Dr.Manoj karthik, who also conducted the Medi Quiz. A special capsule talk was given by Prof Dr.GS Srinivasan, Dept. of Ophthalmology, in view of the Eye donation fortnight on the topic “An eye opener – eye donation fortnight ”.Capsule talk was delivered by Dr Aneell Raj, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry on “De-addiction services in a tertiary care setting”. A TED TALK on “Human microbiomics” was presented by Mr. Satish Natrajan, Senior scientist, CIDRF. A case series on “Ubiquitous use of diuretics and its side effects” was presented by Dr.Shobana, Resident, Dept. of General Medicine. The scientific forum came to an end with the SAF president honouring NGO member Mr. Ramachandiran for his selfless service in promoting Eye donation. 10.10.2014 The SAF monthly meet for the month of October was conducted on 10.10.2014. DrKarthikeyan, Vice President, presided over the meetingand welcomed the gathering.Dr. ManojKarthik, Secretary, presented the minutes of the previous meet and this was followed by the Mediquiz by Dr.Lokesh, Joint Secretary. The Capsule talk of the day was delivered by Dr. Abu Backer, Senior Resident, Dept. of Psychiatry on“Mental capital and global well- being”.There were 3 case reports presented one each from the department of Obstetrics &Gynecology, Paediatrics and Paediatric Surgery namelyDr. SaloniArora – “Vulval elephantiasis – A diagnostic dilemma.”Dr. Janaki – “Umbilical reconstruction,” and Dr. Janani – “Pain Relief to Adult; Toxic to Child,”respectively.The answers to the Mediquiz were announced and prizes were distributed to 41

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the winners. The vote of thanks was delivered by 28.01.2015 and 29.01.2015- Postgraduate Dr. Lokesh. poster and podium presentation SAF conducted postgraduate poster and 14.11.2014 podium presentation competition on 28.01.2015. The SAF monthly meeting for the month Postgraduates from Mahatma Gandhi Medical of November was conducted on 14.11.2014. College and Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental The meeting started with welcome address Science presented their thesis as poster. by the President of SAF Dr. SeeteshGhose. Honorable Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Prof N Dr.Lokesh, Joint Secretary, presented the Ananthakrishnan (Dean, Research & PG studies) minutes of the previous meet and conducted visited the venue and had interactions with the the Mediquiz.T here were 2 capsule talks for postgraduates. Judges were Dr. Robinson Smiles the day.Dr. Thumbanatham, Asst. Prof, Dept. of General Medicine, spoke on “A Comprehensive Diabetic Care Clinic in MGMC&RI – A Vision” and Dr. Udayakumar, Interventional Radiologist, delivered a talk on “Introduction to Interventional Radiology”. This was followed by case reports.Ms. Mary HydrinaD’Silva, Asst Prof, Dept. of Anatomy, presented a paper on “A comparative study of growth & development of chick embryos exposed to ultrahigh frequency radiation emitted from 2G & 3G cell phone” and Dr. Mugilan, Resident, Dept. of General Surgery, presented a case report on “A rare combination of synchronous primary malignancies”.The answers to the Mediquiz were announced and prizes were (Emirates Prof, Department of Gen. Surgery), distributed to the winners. Dr. AR Rajalakshmi, Prof. Karthikeyan (HOD, Department of ENT) SAF member, delivered the vote of thanks. and Prof. Krishnan (Dean, Administration). The afternoon session had podium presentation 06.02. 2015 where one postgraduate student from each Vice-President Dr. Karthikeyan gave the department was selected for the competition. welcome address. Minutes of previous meet was Judges were Dr.Usha Carounanidhi, Principal, given by SAF secretary Dr. Manoj Karthik. He IGIDS, Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Prof, Department conducted the mediquiz. Capsule talk was given of Radiotherapy and Prof. Phillips, Department by Dr. Madan Mohan, HOD, Physiology, on ‘Yoga of Urology. After the presentation, SAF and its therapeutic potential’. He emphasized president and the Chancellor congratulated all the uses of regular yoga practice in improving the presenters on their good work and motivated physical, mental, spiritual status of mankind and everyone gathered in the scientific session to get also as a stress reliever. He shared his work done in involved in research activities. yoga at national and international level. He also mentioned that CYTER has planned to conduct Podium presentation by postgraduates workshop twice every year. This was followed continued on 29.01.2015. After the presentation, by case reports: Dr.Elamaran, Asst.Prof, CTVS Prof. N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & spoke on, ‘Lower limb arterio-venous fistula- PG studies congratulated the presenters and rare site of choice for hemodialysis’, Dr. Bahanan gave valuable tips for future presentation like Santhosh , resident, Dept of Dermatology time management during presentations, quality spoke on, ‘An unusual presentation of vesiculo- of slides and posters, objectives and limitations bullous disorders’ and Dr. Prabhakaran, Resident, of the study and to give importance to statistics. Dept of Orthopedics, spoke on, ‘Late patellar He acknowledged the guides and co-guides tendon reconstruction’. HOD, Department for improving the standards of thesis and of Pharmacology distributed prizes to the emphasized the importance of attending the undergraduate students for 100% attendance, research methodology workshop conducted by university rank and overall performance in the the Medical Education Unit. Judges gave their subject of Pharmacology. This was followed by comments about the presentation which was vote of thanks given by SAF secretary. followed by prize distribution. 1st prize for the Podium presentation was bagged by Dr. Swetha Paulose, Dept of Oral 42

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Medicine & Radiology and the 2nd prize went to Dr.Dalena Mathew, Dept. of Anaesthesiology. 1st prize for the Poster presentation was bagged by Dr. Radhika, Dept. of Anaesthesiology and the 2nd prize was shared by two post graduates, Dr. Saravanakumar, Dept of Oral Pathology, and Dr. Madhulika Dept. of Oral medicine and radiology. The first best paper award went to Dr. Keerti, Dept of Gen. surgery and the 2nd prize went to Dr. Vishnupriya, Dept of Physiology. Faculties were awarded with certificate for their publications with impact factor >1. The awardees were Dr.Uma.A.N.(Anatomy), Dr.Mary Hydrina (Anatomy), Dr. A.R. Srinivasan (Biochemistry), Dr. N.Mugunthan

(Anatomy), Dr. Stephen Selvaraj (Microbiology), Dr.Rajan.K.V (Gen.Surgery) Dr. Shobana.R (Physiology) and Dr. Umadevi. S (Microbiology) from MGMCRI, Dr. Swayanjothi (Anatomy), Dr. Sathyalakshmi (Anatomy), Dr. Kalaivani (Community Medicine) and Dr. Sourabh Srivastava (Community Medicine) of SSSMCRI, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan from Oral pathology, IGIDS and Ms. Ramya Mohan from KGNC. The Vice-Chancellor addressed the gathering and thanked the Chairman of SBV for all the support and encouragement, he also emphasized on further advancements in PG research activities and shared his dream of conducting a Regional Conference of Postgraduate presentation in the future.

- Vector Control &Research Centre Pondicherry on the occasion of World Health Day 2014 .VC Honored the speaker with a memento followed by discussion on the topic and thank note was given by SAF Secretary. SAF Guest lecture on “Osteoporosis and Fracture Management’’ A guest lecture was conducted on behalf of SAF MGMCRI unit in collaboration with Dept of Orthopedics on June 20th 2014 speaker Dr.SC

Goel, Professor, Institute Of Medical Science, Banaras University, Varanasi, gave informative talk on Osteoporosis and Fracture Management. Dr. Ravichandran(DD) welcomed the guest with bouquet and shawled by Prof.Thiyagarajan and Dr. Krishna Gopal (HOD), Dept of Orthopedics welcomed the guest , after informative talk speaker was honored by SAF President Dr.S.Ghose with a memento followed by vote of thanks by Dr. Manoj Karthick.

Doctors’ day celebration 2014 SAF Panel discussion - “I dealism / P r agmatism /R ealistic ” SAF Guest lecture on Prevention and To commemorate Doctor’s Day (01.07.2014) control of vector borne diseases with a Panel discussion was organized by SAF with welcome address by President World Health Day Celebration, 2014 Dr.S.Ghoshe. Introduction to day celebration SAF conducted special guests talk on April 11, and panelist was done by secretary. The 2014 Topic: Prevention and control of vector panelists were Dr. Sathyanarayana Reddy, Dr. borne diseases by Dr.Jambulingam, Director, Ravishankar, Dr. Kannan, Dr. Jha, and Dr. 43

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patients. It included a presentation on ‘Why we should know about cancer.’ SAF - Commemoration of the “World AIDS Day” On account of the World AIDS Day, the SAF organized an awareness program with a special guest lecture by Mrs. Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, Chairperson & Founder Trustee – ASTITVA, (Organization for the support and Development of Sexual Minorities) on 01.12.2014. She spoke on “Role of medical Hanifa. Panel discussion was on the topic, “Idealism/Pragmatism/Realistic” which touched upon various aspects of use of placebo in clinical medicine, Is it acceptable to cover up or avoid neither revealing a minor mistake if it is nor harming the patient?, Is it right to discuss patient information in situation that does not fully protect their privacy?, Would you ever give life sustaining therapy when you judge that it is futile? (or) Halt life sustaining therapy because family demands, even if you feel it is premature. . Panel Members were facilitated and honored with mementoes & certificate. The session ended with vote of thanks by Joint Secretary. SAF Guest Talk On Breast Feeding - A Winning Goal For Life On 07.08.2014, as a part of breast feeding week celebration, a guest lecture was arranged by SAF and the Dept. of Paediatrics. The SAF President welcomed the gathering. The guest speaker was felicitated by Prof. S Srinivasan, Dept. of Paediatrics while Prof. Gunasekaran D, HOD, Dept. of Paediatrics introduced the speaker of the day. Prof.S Srinivasan, Professor of Pediatrics, ICH, Chennai, gave a talk on “Breast feeding - a winning goal for life”. The talk was illuminating and humour laced, and the speaker shared his own experiences in dealing with Breastfeeding practices in Tamil Nadu. SAF Guest Talk on “CKD- A Silent Global Epidemic”. The SAF team were honored to have Dr.Shankar D Navaneetham, Director, Dept. of Nephrology, Cleveland clinic, Ohio, who gave us a talk titled, “CKD- A Silent global epidemic” on 22.08.2014.The speaker was introduced by Dr. Manoj Karthik, followed by an inspirational talk from our chancellor to promote research amongst student and faculty alike. Dr Shankar spoke about his experiences in dealing CKD in the US. He encouraged the audience to take up 44

research in CKD as there was lack of published Epidemiological studies from India. During the discussion Prof. Dr. Narayanan, Head, Dept. of Nephrology, spoke about the programs conducted by Government of Puducherry on Free renal replacement therapy and Post Op management. SAF Guest Lecture on “Research on vector borne diseases” On 16.10.2014, there was a special guest talk and felicitation of ICMR STS awardees and their guides for the year 2013. The meeting started with a welcome address by the President, SAF, Dr.SeeteshGhose. This was followed by a motivational speech given by our beloved Vice Chancellor Dr KR. Sethuraman. Dr KA Narayan. Vice Principal, welcomed the chief guest Dr. P. Jambulingam, Director, Vector Control & Research Centre (VCRC), Pondicherry, with a bouquet and introduced him to the gathering. The ICMR STS awardees and their guides were felicitated by the chief guest Dr P Jambulingam who then delivered his keynote address on “Research on vector borne diseases”. He described in detail the burden of vector borne diseases, the present day situation and the on-going activities to control these diseases. Dr. N Ananthakrishnan honored the chief guest with a memento. The session came to an end with DrMano jKarthik, Secretary, proposing the vote of thanks. SAF Guest Lecture on “Chronic abdominal pain syndrome” The Guest lecture for the month of October was held on 17.10.2014 and was delivered by Prof. Dr. Thameem Ansari, Professor of Paediatric surgery, AIMST University, Penang. He is also the Head of GI Motility lab and Research. The topic of the day was “Chronic abdominal pain syndrome – Searching for fruits in a fruitless tree”. The SAF president addressed the gathering and welcomed the chief guest. The speaker shared his vast research experience and role of brain gut axis in cases of chronic abdominal pain. He

spoke about the various causes of diarrhoea and abdominal pain in children. He also emphasized the need to talk to school teachers as they can be a source of stress for kids. He also suggested that proper parental love & affection can alleviate the stressors. He also spoke about the ill-effects of in-judicious use of proton pump inhibitors. The chief guest and his wife were honored with bouquet and memento. The scientific forum came to an end with DrManojKarthik, Secretary, proposing the vote of thanks.

SAF - Commemoration of the “Cancer Awareness Week”

The SAF, in commemoration of the “Cancer Awareness Week”, organized a special guest lecture on 07.11.2014. Dr.Sathyanarayana Reddy, Prof, Radiation Oncology, MGMC & RI and Dr.BiswajitDubashi, Asso. Prof, Medical Oncology, JIPMER were the speakers of the day. Dr.SeeteshGhose, President, SAF, addressed the gathering and welcomed the chief guest with a bouquet. Dr.ManojKarthik introduced the chief guest. Dr.Sathyanarayana Reddy, Prof, Radiation Oncology, MGMC & RI, gave on introductory talk on “Cancer – Magnitude of the Problem”. He spoke about Cancer, its burden and history of radiation Oncology. Dr.Biswajit Dubashi, Asso. Prof, Medical Oncology, JIPMER, delivered his special talk on “The Art of Delivering Chemotherapy”. Dr Dubashi spoke on history of chemotherapy and the various chemotherapeutic agents in use and explained in detail how to handle and deliver these agents. He told about the complications of chemotherapy and their management. He also explained the concept of “Personalized medicine” & “Cancer Genome Challenge”.The lecture was followed by an interactive open house discussion.The chief guest was honored with a memento& Certificate. DrJeneth Berlin, Treasurer SAF, delivered the vote of thanks. On the same day SAF organized an awareness program was organized in Hospital MRD premises, MGMC&RI for the gathered

institutions in mainstreaming transgender”. In her talk she spoke about hurdles and problems faced by her and the role of doctors in enhancing the quality of life of hijra community. She was all praise for our respected Chairman, Sri MK Rajagopalan for recruiting transgenders and for having a transgender clinic at our hospital. She also thanked him for giving her an opportunity to talk in front of doctors and scientists. She emphasized their need to be loved by all. Her talk was followed by an interactive open house discussion. There was also an interactive session between the deputy director, Expert panel and other transgenders.

13.02.2015, SAF Guest lecture on “Newer pathogenesis on type II diabetes mellitus” by Dr. Krishna Seshadri

SAF President Dr.Seethesh Ghose welcomed the gathering. The meeting was attended by Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Dean (Academics) and MS. Dr Jayasingh, HOD, Dept. of Medicine gave the welcome address. Dr. Lokesh, Associate Prof., Dept of Medicine introduced the speaker. Our Chancellor felicitated the Guest speaker with a bouquet. The guest speaker Dr. Krishna Seshadri, Endocrinologist from SRMCRI, Chennai enlightened the risk factors for diabetes and pointed that the current lifestyle 45

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presentation of Langerhans cell histiocytoma.” Dr. Manoj Karthik delivered the vote of thanks.

13.03.2015, Srimathi Rukumani Ammal Internal Oration 2015

is the primary cause for the higher incidence of diabetes. A good interactive session followed and guest speaker was honored by the ViceChancellor. This was followed by short lecture on swine-flu by Dr. Mohammed Hanifa and Dr. Seetharaman. They explained when and who needs prophylactic treatment, who needs to be admitted and precautions to be taken. Dr. Thumbanathan, proposed the vote of thanks.

Srimathi Rukumani Ammal Internal Oration given by our beloved Vice-chancellor Prof. K. R. Sethuraman on “Capacity buildingmultidimensional approach”. SAF president Dr. Seetesh Ghose welcomed the gathering and briefed about origin of internal oration. ViceChancellor Prof. K. R. Sethuraman and Mrs. K. R. Sethuraman were felicitated with bouquets.

used innovative method of OSCE for remedial education. He wrote the first book on OSCE in medical education worldwide. He improved the student’s analytical and interpretational skills by conducting regular ECG class. He emphasized the importance of quality care by conducting integrated orientation programme on quality care for interns from 1988 to 2005, on oral and written communications, rational diagnostics and therapeutics and ethics. He also mentioned his failures mainly as utilization failure of telemedicine project with ISRO, multiple terminal hospital computerization project, and

20.02.2015, SAF Guest lecture on “Role of a doctor in Antartica” by Dr. Venkatachalam

SAF President welcomed the gathering. The Guest speaker, Dr.Venkatachalam (Anesthesiologist, Cochin) was felicitated by Vice-Chancellor with a bouquet. Dr. Jeneth introduced the speaker. Dr. Venkatachalam gave an excellent outline about the nature of Antartica with volumes of beautiful photos. With his photos he made the audience feel the place with him. He shared his experience of giving anesthesia and doing surgery on his colleagues and management of myocardial infarction. The Guest speaker was honored by Dr. Seetesh Ghose. Dr. Manoj Karthik delivered the vote of thanks.

06.03.2015, SAF Guest lecture on, “Newer horizon in management of cancer” by Dr.T.S.Ganesan Dr. Seetesh Ghose welcomed the gathering and guest speaker. Dr. Manoj Karthik introduced the speaker. Dr. T. S. Ganesan, Head Clinical Research, Medical Oncology, Cancer Institute Adyar, Chennai, delivered a talk on cancer genomics. He elaborated in detail about the history of DNA discovery, different types of mutations and method of sequencing of gene done for past 20 years. He told about the genome projects, cosmic database work done on ovarian carcinoma. He presented few case summaries and said about the challenges faced today which were followed by an interactive session. Case presentation was given by Dr. Nirmala, Resident, and Dept of General medicine on “A unique 46

Prof. M Hannifa gave a formal introduction of the Vice-Chancellor – ‘Dr KR Sethuraman was the first to introduce echo and ultrasound in JIPMER, held many prestigious administrative posts in Malaysia and Sri Lanka (universities), author of nine books and 30 publications, introduced video based learning, international advisor for Davidson, Text book of medicine (21& 22 edition)’ SAF president presented the oration medal and citation to Prof. K. R. Sethuraman. Prof. K. R. Sethuraman described the process by which individuals can increase their inner potentials and their abilities. He elaborated the steps how he developed dental educational unit with IGIDS Principal Dr.Usha and their plan to start mentorship programme training of dental educators. He described the steps for successful capacity building. He described the methods he used to develop capacity building of clinical competence among medical students in JIPMER in clinical examination such as history taking and physical examination, in technological aspect such as procedural skills and ECG interpretation, on humanistic basis about the doctor patient relationship and ethics and in social and preventive method. He used role play simulation for history taking to overcome the language problem and obtained excellent feedback from examiners for excellent history taking by the students. He

modular training for sixth semester students. His advice for younger generations based on what he learnt is to focus on the process with diligence, not to worry about what others will think of their performance, not to pursue the rewards and trust that will reach, and view each attempt as mere practice for next attempt.

White Coat Ceremony Commencement Day towards their clinical learning for the II MBBS students of 2013 batch was organized on 01.08.2014, which is also known as White Coat Ceremony. The White Coat Ceremony was started in the year 2013 by the Vice

Chancellor and HOD of Community Medicine, presently the Vice Principal. This function is basically carried out to honour the undergraduate students who have passed the barrier of 1st MBBS final examination and for the first time getting into the grove to clinical curriculum, coaching of being exposed to actual patients. The program started with the introductory inspirational speech Vice Chancellor, Deputy Registrar’s talk on dress code and etiquettes of students, Vice Principals over view on the courses and Administration of Oath by the Dean (Admin.) The students were asked to wear their white coat and with the stethoscope hung on their shoulder they took the Hippocratic Oath. The Oath was delivered by the Dean (Administration) and students repeated word by word in front of their proud parents and teachers. - Prof. Partha Nandhi, Student Staff Advisor MBBS 250 Batch Inauguration Day In the history of MGMCRI, 27th of August 2014, stood out as a Remarkable day, for all the faculty members , students, members of the academics and administration. The Inauguration Function of the first ever batch of 250 students in MGMCRI filled the arena of MGMCRI Campus with an atmosphere of joy, anticipations and celebrations. With appropriate suggestions and timely support from the Management and Administration, the Students’ Council of MGMCRI, under the guidance of Staff Advisor for students, worked hard day and night to make the venue, pleasant, beautiful and comfortable for all the newly admitted 250 MBBS students who were welcomed with roses along with their parents and guardians. These preparations helped smooth sailing of the inaugural function followed by admission procedure till the end of the day. The program started with welcome address by the Medical Superintendent, Prof. Nirmal Coumare V., followed by lighting of auspicious 47

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lamp (Kuthuvillaku) by our respectable Madam Chairman Srimathi Gorwri Rajagopalan, Trustee- SBECPT, along with recitation of a poem by one of our student at the background. This was followed by felicitation of the gathering by the Dean (Administration), Prof. S. Krishnan, who basically stressed upon the journey, the course of MBBS. Deputy Director Hospital Services, Prof. S. Ravichandran, took everyone to a virtual tour of the SBV, Chancellery, MGMCRI, Campus, Hostel, Playgrounds, Gymnasium, etc. Then Dr. Ramachandran, Assistant Professor of DVL, was invited to share his experiences and sweet memories of his olden days at MGMCRI, who actually is an undergraduate alumnus of MGMCRI and did his post graduation from Madras Medical College. He shared his emotional and nostalgic reminiscences. Prof. K.A. Narayan, Vice Principal MGMCRI, introduced all the faculty of the preclinical departments/subjects, under whom the newly admitted MBBS students would be trained. He also introduced the various Administrators holding various posts. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean of Research and Post Graduate, was then invited to felicitate the gathering, who shared his views about the learning methods to be adopted in the course of the MBBS curriculum. This was followed by Key note address with thought provoking words by our vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, who stressed upon course of MBBS, the life to be adopted to fit oneself into the course, importance of attendance and about the in and/or off campus difficulties and how to manage them. He also stressed upon 48

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hard work that was required to be a successful doctor in the making. It was an honor to have our Chancellor, SBV, Prof. Rajaram Pagadala, to deliver Presidential address. He shared the secrets of great success in his life. He shared his life during his undergraduate, postgraduate and teaching/service periods. His saying that, “every success comes by clear objectives, strong dedications and hard works, and there is no alternative to hard work” was well understood by all. The session came to an end with the vote of thanks by Dr. Partha Nandi, Professor of Community Medicine and Staff Advisor for the students, MGMCRI. Everyone present in the inauguration ceremony were elevated spiritually by the speeches from the great and experienced leaders of SBV and MGMCRI. The great inaugural ceremony ended with high tea and the newly admitted students along with their parents dispersed to the respected lecture halls, as directed, for the admission procedure and formalities which took a whole day to complete. - Prof. Partha Nandhi, Student Staff Advisor

Conduction of CME’s, Seminars & Workshops

International Conference on Climate Change and Health (CCCON), 2015

Department of Community Medicine along with in-campus constituent colleges of SBV University namely IGIDS, KGNC and MGMCRI with active support from Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized an International Conference on Climate change and

Health (CCCON), 2015 on 9th January, 2015 at MGMCRI, and Prof. B.D Toora the president MGMCRI campus. of Association of medical biochemists of India Puducherry chapter offered felicitation. Dr Invited lectures, panel discussion and Reeta R, Asst. Prof. of Biochemistry proposed competitions were part of the event. The resource the formal vote of thanks. Later in the day distinguished speakers spoke persons were Prof. K. R. Sethuraman (SBV University), Prof. Devi Prasad (Pondicherry at length about various facets of clinical nutrition. University), Prof. Michael Edwin (Notre Dame The topics covered included, ‘Nutrigenomics, University, USA), Prof. Kathiresan (Annamalai Advances in Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, University), Prof. S. Ganapathy Venkata and Assessment Tools in Clinical Nutrition. Subramaniyan (Anna University), Ms. Inge van The distinguished speakers were Dr. Ramesh R, Alphen (FERRAL, Pondicherry). Competitons Prof. & HOD of Biochemistry, MGMC & RI, were held under the categories of photography, SBV, Puducherry, Dr.A.J.Hemamalini, Associate short videos and posters based on the theme of Professor and HOD of Clinical Nutrition, Sri Environment Health. The organising members Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai and were Dr. N. Seetharaman, Dr. Partha Nandi, Mrs. Dr Josephine Nirmala Many. Asst./Associate Kripa Angeline, Dr. R. Pajanivel, Dr. R. Kannan, Professors, HODs, PGs of MGMCRI, IGIDS Dr. G. N. Pramod Kumar, Dr. AbhijitBoratne, and KGNC and Research Dept of Home Dr. P. Sachin Bhaskar, Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Dr. Science, Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women Vijayalakshmi, Dr. M. Senthil, Dr. David, Dr. (Autonomous), Puducherry participated in the Varsha Murthy, Mrs. S. Lavanya, Mrs. S. Suganya, event. Ms.Rajeshwari, Ms.Benya, Ms. Ilavarasi, Mr. Mufeeth, Ms. Guna and Ms. Barkavi.

CME on “Modern Concepts in Clinical Nutrition”

The Department of Biochemistry, MGMC & RI, SBV, organized a CME titled “Modern Concepts In Clinical Nutrition” on 28th of March 2015, under the chairmanship of Prof. Ramesh.R, HOD, Biochemistry. The CME was a grand success with over 150 participants from various parts of Puducherry and Tamilnadu. The inaugural function took place in the morning with soulful prayer and lighting of kuthuvilakku. Prof AR Srinivasan, Organizing Secretary welcomed the gathering. The Dean (Admin) Prof.S.Krishnan presided over the function. The key note address was delivered by Prof. K.R Sethuraman, the vice chancellor of SBV. Prof. NirmalCoumare, Medical Superintendent,

The scientific session was followed by Panel Discussion on the theme “Relevance of Nutrition and Dietetics in Health Professions”. It was chaired by Prof. D. Gunasekharan, Head, Department of Paediatrics, MGMC&RI, SBV, Puducherry, Prof. R. Ramesh, Head, Department 49

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of Biochemistry, Dr.Lokesh, Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine, Prof. N. Seetharaman, Head, Dept. of Community Med MGMC & RI, SBV, Puducherry, Prof. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC, Prof.Usha Carounanidy, Principal, IGIDS, Dr.A.J. Hemamalini, HOD of Clinical Nutrition, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai and Dr Josephine Nirmala Many, HOD of Home Science, Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women, Puducherry were the panelist’s.

CME Program on “Bloodstream Infections”

At Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, a CME program was organized under the auspices of the International Medical Sciences Academy, Puducherry Chapter and the Hospital Infection Control Committee, MGMC & RI, on 28th March, 2015 at Puducherry. The theme

of the CME was “Bloodstream Infections-An Update” The Bloodstream Infections (BSIs) is one of the leading causes of hospital acquired infections along with Respiratory (Pneumonia), Urinary tract (UTI) and Surgical site infections (SSI), among the hospitalized patients and in particular among patients admitted in ICUs. Such infection of the blood lead to serious complications including death, if not treated in time or if the causative agent is a multidrug resistant organism. The bacteria or fungi enter into blood stream from various sites of the body harboring pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. The CME was inaugurated by Prof.K.R.Sethuraman,Vice-Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. The Chief Guest of the function was Dr.K.Jagadeesan, President of the International Medical Sciences Academy and Director of the K.J.Hospital, Chennai. A newly designed logo for the HICC-MGMCRI was released by Dr.Nirmal Coumare, Medical Superintendent, and felicitations were offered by 50

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Dr.G.Subramanian, Director of CIDRF and Dr.S.Krishnan, Dean(Admini), MGMCRI. The CME was coordinated by Dr.J.Shanmugam (Organizing Secretary), Dr.P.Pajanivelu ( Jt. Secretary) and Dr.K.Kalaivani (Treasurer). The eight eminent Speakers invited for the CME program delivered state of art talks on various aspects of bloodstream infections. Dr.J.Shanmugam (CIDRF-MGMCRI), narrated the sources of blood infections and the causative organisms, Dr.Abdoul Hamide ( JIPMER), delivered an update talk on accidental sharp injuries occurring among healthcare workers and post-exposure prophylaxis, Dr.K.Lailtha (PIMS) covered the diagnosis and management of Neonatal septicemia-a leading causing of death among new borns, Dr.M.Narayan (MGMCRI), narrated the management of septicemia in adult patients, Dr.Radha Madhavan (SRM), described current trends in rapid laboratory diagnosis which can help in timely and successful treatment, Dr.J.Sameer (MGMCRI), explained in detail about catheter acquired blood infections and modes of preventing the same by observing strict sterile precautions and clinical hand washing, Dr.D.Sureshkumar (Apollo, Chennai), covered the list viruses and fungi responsible for blood stream infections and problems of management and Dr.K.Renuka (Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College), described the roles to be played by the Nursing professionals in preventing bloodstream infections and saving the precious lives. The CME was attended by more than 150 delegates (Faculties, PG students, Research scholars and practicing Doctors) from various Medical colleges and Hospital from Puducherry and neighboring parts of Tamil Nadu. Medical companies exhibited their products in the exhibition stalls. This CME program was accredited by Tamil Nadu Medical Council with two credit points.

CME on ‘Golden Hour in Trauma’

A medical education programme on ‘Golden Hour in Trauma’ was conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Pondicherry on the 20th of March 2015, to mark the opening of their new trauma operation theatre complex. The state of the art operation theatre complex which will function round the clock was inaugurated by eminent surgeon Prof. S. Robinson Smile. The medical education programme which was inaugurated by the Vice

Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman. The programme was attended by over 300 doctors from Pondicherry and neighbouring states. Eminent speakers from Pondicherry, Chennai and Bangalore, from the departments of Emergency Medicine, Neurosurgery, General Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Urology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Anaesthesiology, Paediatric Surgery and Maxillo facial Surgery enlightened the delegates regarding the various aspects of management of accident victims starting from the site of accident to hospital care. The speakers included Dr. Sasi Kumar and Dr. Saravana kumar from Chennai and Dr. Srinath Kumar from Bangalore. The topics ranged from pre hospital care and disaster management to the care of patients with head injury, chest injury, abdominal injury and various fractures. The role of triage in selecting the patients needing urgent medical care in case of natural calamities and accidents was discussed. The recent advances in trauma surgery were discussed. Earlier the patients with multiple fractures and wounds required a number of surgeries but now with the advances in medicine and technology it is possible to treat such patients with a single surgery. Prof. K.R. Thiyagarajan stressed upon the need of expert care in the management of fractures by showing examples of how simple fractures that could have been easily treated in a few weeks’ time by an Orthopaedician, were turned into disabling and life threatening complications by native bone setters. Prof. Ananthakrishnan suggested that 3 simple measures – avoiding cooking at ground level, lighting kerosene stoves while the fire was on and sleeping with lighted lamps in the room at night, would drastically bring down the number of domestic fire accidents in the country. Prof. Robinson Smile emphasized on the need to implement compulsory helmet rule to prevent fatal head injuries in two wheeler accidents. The need to educate the public about road safety and basic first aid measures in an accident scenario was stressed upon.

A training course on “Research Methodology and Bio-Statistics”

A training course on “Research Methodology and Bio-Statistics” was conducted by Dean, Research & PG Sudies from 19.11.2014 to 18.02.2015 in all Wednesdays afternoon to the 1st year PGs, Ph.D Research scholars of MGMCRI. The course was inaugurated by the Dr.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean R&PGS on 19.11.2014. Course coordinator was Dr.G.Ezhumalai, O/o Dean R&PGS. The training sessions were dealt by Prof. Dr.N.Ananthakrishnan (General Surgery), Prof. Dr,K.A.Narayan, (Community Medicine), Prof. Dr.Seetharaman (Community Medicine), Prof. Dr.ParthaNandhi (Community Medicine), Prof. Dr.Ramesh (Bio-Chemistry), Dr.G.Ezhumalai, Sr.Statistician & Research Consultant, Asst. Prof. Mr.Lokesh Maran A (Community Medicine).

INSPIRE – Quarterly newsletter on Pulmonary Medicine

The Department of Pulmonary Medicine, as an academic initiative, has come up with a quarterly newsletter on Pulmonary Medicine, ‘INSPIRE’. The first issue was released by our Vice-Chancellor on 24th March 2015, on commemoration with the ‘World TB Day’. The newsletter will be a mirror of academic and clinical activities of the department and various advances taking place in Pulmonary Medicine. The newsletter is intended to be circulated among various departments in our institution and also to other medical institutes around Pondicherry.


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Spirometry technician training workshop

The Department of Pulmonary Medicine, MGMCRI has been approved by the Indian Chest Society as one of the centers for conducting Spirometry technician training workshop. The first training workshop was successfully completed in March 2014. The second ‘Spirometry technician training workshop’ was conducted on 19.02.2015

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A guest lecture on the topic “Physicians and Pharmacologist” - The Two To Tango was given by Prof. Mohammed Hanifah, Dept. of Medicine, MGMC&RI which was chaired by Prof. Raveendran, Dept. of Pharmacology JIPMER. Postgraduates of various colleges presented around 13 scientific papers in the free oral session. Dr.Saranya R., Dr.Barathane D., Dr. Sumina S., Dr. Jervin Mano M., Post Graduates of Pharmacology department participated in the oral presentation. Prof.Lorudh Jafrin, Dept of Pharmacology, IGMCRI and Prof, HOD Dr.Meher Ali, Dept. of Pharmacology, Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Puducherry were the judges for the free paper session.The prize winners of the free paper session were Abiallon Paul, Neel Shah, Magesh from JIPMER. Inaugural function proceedings was headed by Prof. G. Somasundaram Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMC&RI. The session was well coordinated and organised by Dr.Kartik J. SalweAsso. Professor, Dr.Padmavathi, Asst. Professor,Dr. Johan Pandian, Asst. Professor. The function ended with the vote of thanks by the organizing secretary Dr.Sudarcodi R. , Asst. professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMC&RI

and 20.02.2015. Spirometry technicians form Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu attended the workshop. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & HOD, Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Dr.Keshavan.V, Asst Professor and Dr.Vimal Raj.R, Asst Professor coordinated the workshop. MIDASICON 2015 – Department of

6th State Conference of the Indian Pharmacological Society, Puducherry chapter

General Surgery

Finding a cure is our goal, spreading awareness

The Department of Pharmacology organized the 6th state conference of the Indian Pharmacological Society, Puducherry chapter on the 12th of February 2015. Delegates from all the medical colleges attended the conference. The conference started with the inaugural function. Prof & HOD Dr.Manimekalai K. Organizing Chairman & President, IPS - Puducherry chapter delivered the welcome address. Prof. Krishnan, the dean gave the inaugural address, and the plays a role!!! We have a situation in our hands! An inaugural function was concluded with a vote of issue that needs to get solved. A common illness thanks given by Prof.Kingshuk Lahon . that searches for a cure - cancer. MIDASICON 2015, organized by Association of Surgeons of


Breast Cancer. During the two day fest on the 7th of March, there was only a single feeling in the airs of MGMCRI…Time to thrive… Cancer must Die!!!

Orienting Surgeons to treat Sleep Apnoea

India, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry chapter is a conglomerate of Surgeons from far and near, stalwarts and novices in an attempt to join hands in our attempt to fight the Deadly Disease. The two day intellectual extravaganza had held at MGMCRI which comprised of a series of lectures, case discussions and panel discussions on day one and a live operative Workshop on day two. “Surgiquiz”, a quiz competition for the post graduates and delegates and a “poster “competition added more charm to the 2 day fest Lectures were delivered by experts in the field of oncology and aiming to spread the awareness amongst doctors of tomorrow about the need for the correct approach and the need to catch it early. The awareness about such a common illness still seems lacking among the general population at large. This intellectual transfer of experience and expertise from the doyens of surgery to the novice will in turn benefit the population and make our fight against cancer – Stronger. The Live operative workshop focused not only on learning the correct surgical techniques but also on the novel Minimally Invasive Techniques to cure common surgical ailments. While focusing on the new, we can’t let go of the “Gold Standard” and time tested techniques of open surgery too. The workshop also aimed to project the blend of science and technology and open surgery in

A live surgery workshop was hosted by the ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Department of the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMCRI) sought to raise awareness and skill of surgeons on OSA procedures. Four patients, including a woman in the 45 to 50 age group, who were reported to have snoring issues, were operated upon to correct their OSA condition. The procedures were led by Dr. R. Vidyasagar, Associate Professor, NRI Medical College and General Hospital, Vijayawada.ENT specialists point out that while not all snoring is problematic, episodes of frequent loud snoring could be a sign of sleep apnoea. OSA is a potentially serious disorder

where air intake is briefly suspended, and if left unattended for a long time, could lead to serious compli cations such as high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. This workshop was attended by about 80 delegates, including ENT surgeons from Puducherry and Cuddalore and residents doctors of various medical colleges.


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for CPR training in the community. Basic ECG training was offered to all nurses-in-charge at the medical simulation centre. Both lecture and rhythm identification training was done followed by an ECG test.12 staff members of a senior citizen community called Serene Pelican, near MGMCRI were offered CPR and first aid training at the Medical Simulation Centre. Patient doctor communication skills were taught to Semester III students posted in general medicine. Students participated in role plays as part of learning activity. Semester IV students were trained in the use of various routes of drug administration using simulators. Direct ophthalmoscopy and ear examination simulation training was conducted for Semester V MBBS students. Semester IX students were trained in CPR, basics of airway management, lumbar puncture and defibrillation.

Innovations Skill lab

on 17th September 2014, with the American Heart Association (AHA) to become an AHA Medical Simulation Centre accredited International Training Centre (ITC). The centre is now authorized by the AHA to During the second quarter of the year 2014. conduct BLS, ACLS & PALS Provider and the Medical Simulation Centre conducted four Instructor Courses as an independent training centre, and issue AHA Course completion cards to successful students. The Simulation Centre is only the 7th medical college in India to achieve this status. Prof.M.Ravishankar, Director of Medical Simulation Centre and Head of the Dept. of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, is ITC Coordinator. 5 BLS Provider courses and 3 ACLS Provider courses were conducted. 70 achieved BLS certification and 29 achieved. Among those who underwent BLS training and certification were the new batch of CRRIs who joined internship in July 2014. Mandatory BLS certification is required for all CRRIs, and ACLS certification for all First Year Postgraduates. Two CPR awareness and training programmes were organized at AHA accredited BLS courses and two ACLS Amalorpavam HSS, Vanarapet, Puducherry, courses during the past three month period. 56 candidates received AHA BLS certification and 17 achieved ACLS certification. A formal application to the American Heart Association was made by the Medical Simulation Centre to achieve an independent International Training Centre (ITC) status. The application is in processing phase and since our center has met all eligibility criteria, we would soon become the first ITC of the AHA in Pondicherry state. Semester III MBBS students were initiated in OSCE skills training. They were taught essential examination skills, communication skills, clinical procedures such as intravenous cannulation, lumbar puncture, nasogastric intubation, on the 09th & 23rd August 2014 (Saturday). urinary catheterization etc. Regular simulation About 600 school students participated in the training classes in ophthalmology, ENT and programme and learnt the basics of CPR using Paediatrics were also organized for Semester “hands-on” practical training. A team of doctors, VI / VIII MBBS students.In-service training postgraduate students and nurses deputed by for staff nurses on “Basic ECG” was organized. Prof. M.Ravishankar offered the training at A “hands-on” IV cannulation workshop was the school premises using manikins and AEDs. organized by BD Systems for the benefit of Regular CPR training was conducted for staff fresh nurses, at the Simulation Centre. Regular nurses. 6 senior nurses also underwent AHA CPR training classes were also conducted. certified BLS training. Those with instructor potential would be identified to become AHA During the third quarter of the year 2014 certified BLS instructors to offer CPR training Medical Simulation Centre signed an agreement to other nurses and also to serve as instructors

The last quarter of the year 2014 saw the first AHA certified course being held on the 28th October after the Medical Simulation Centre became an authorized International Training Centre. In total, eight BLS Provider courses were held and 149 participants achieved BLS certification. Among those who achieved BLS certification were 97 CRRIs from Sri Satya Sai Medical College and Research Institute, Nellikuppam, Kanchipuram District. Three ACLS Provider courses were conducted and 28 participants achieved ACLS certification. The first AHA Instructor course at the Medical Simulation Centre to train new instructors was held on 6th December. 12 new BLS instructors and 10 ACLS instructors underwent the course. A total number of 21 AHA certified instructors are now aligned with the Medical Simulation Centre. In November 2014, B.Sc., Nursing students of year II, III & IV underwent simulation based training. Year II students were taught basic suturing and suture removal techniques, intravenous



cannulation, nasogastric tube placement and bowel wash procedure. Year III students were taught CPR, endotracheal tube suctioning, cardiac monitoring and ENT assessment. Simulation based mechanism of normal labour and delivery was taught to year IV students. 21 nursing staffs were given training on basic ECG interpretation. First year MBBS students were initiated into simulation based training. All 250 students were given orientation training in CPR. They also attended simulation training in small groups, in which they were taught deltoid intramuscular injection, surface anatomy of radial pulse, median cubital vein and carpal tunnel.In the month of November & December 2014, the Department of Paediatrics organized training using simulation based case scenarios to teach paediatric emergencies for Year I, II & III postgraduates. They were also taught neonatal resuscitation. Thirty two, III Semester students participated in Patient doctor communication skills teaching in two sessions on 12th November and 10th December, to improve their bedside history taking skills. The highlight during November was the inauguration of the American Heart Association (AHA) authorized International Training Centre (ITC) at the Medical Simulation Centre on 25.11.2014. The Honourable Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Prof. K R Sethuraman presided over the function as the Chief Guest. Prof. M Ravishankar, Director-Medical Simulation Centre & HOD Anaesthesiology, Prof. N Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Research & PG Studies), Prof. S Krishnan, Dean (Administration) were present on the occasion. The Medical Simulation Centre is only the 7th medical college in India to become an ITC of the AHA. By becoming an ITC, the Medical Simulation Centre can not only conduct BLS, ACLS & PALS Provider Training but also train new AHA certified Instructors.

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Center for Yoga Therapy Education &Reserarch

The first AHA PALS Provider course at Medical Simulation Centre was held on the 30th and 31st of January 2015. Ten doctors participated and achieved AHA PALS Provider certification. All exam-going postgraduate residents of Paediatric department participated in the course. Prof. Gunasekaran D, HOD of Dept. of Paediatrics was the lead instructor for the course and was assisted by Dr. Soma Venkatesh, Assistant Professor, Dept., of Pediatrics. Prof. Shuba S, Prof. of Paediatrics from Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research

Institute, Chennai was the Course Director. A second PALS provider course was held on the 19th and 20th of February. All first year Paediatric Dept. postgraduate residents participated in it and achieved PALS certification. Paediatric PGs also participated in training using simulation based clinical scenarios on paediatric emergencies during January 2015. Regular AHA certified BLS & ACLS courses were held – 9 BLS provider courses in which 128 participants achieved BLS certification. Three ACLS courses were held and 22 participants achieved ACLS certification. On 21st March 2015, a BLS course was organized as part of the CME on Trauma held at MGMCRI. 13 doctors – including dentists and doctors from NLC, Neyveli participated in the training. Formal CPR training and certification of nursing staff was started in January 2015. Over 6 training sessions a total of 54 nurses were trained. CPR training and training in recognition of life threatening arrhythmias was offered to all staff of the cardiac catheterization laboratory.Training in communication skills for effective patient-doctor relationship was conducted for Semester III MBBS students posted in the department of medicine. The Medical Simulation Centre, conducted a training programme on Basic Life Support (BLS) and First-Aid to Tamil Nadu Police


Modern medical advancements provide the rationale for the integration of various traditional healing techniques like Yoga to promote healing, health, and longevity. Thanks to the foresight of Chairman and management of SBVU and MGMCRI, CYTER was started on 1 November 2010 and is currently functioning in 1st floor, I block, adjacent to the main Hospital block, MGMCRI since December 2013. At CYTER we have an integrated set up where we are educating future Yoga therapists while simultaneously helping patients recover from illnesses and at the same time developing an understanding through scientific research. Whereas Yoga is usually found in departments of Physical Education & Sports in most universities, we at CYTER have it in a medical institution thus enhancing the learning curve of our trainees. This also enables us to offer integrative and holistic therapeutic benefits for all patients in our hospital as many departments refer their patients for Yoga therapy on a regular basis.

Personnel, Cuddalore District on 12th February 2015 (Thursday) from 9.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M. Two hundred Police personnel (including women constables, sub-inspectors & inspectors) participated and benefitted from this training programme. The AHA Certified Instructors Dr. Anand Monickam, Medical Officer-incharge, Medical Simulation Centre, Dr. N.Mugunthan, Associate Professor of Anatomy, MGMCRI, and Mr.Kingsle Kishore Coumar, Quality Educator, MGMCRI, led the training programme. Mrs. Sudharsana, Public Relations Officer, MGMCRI and Mr. Sudhakar, Marketing Co-Ordinator, MGMCRI, were also present during this training programme. In this training programme, the police personnel were taught single and two rescuer adult BLS, child and infant BLS, use of AED, management of trauma & accident and transport of accident & burn victims, medical emergencies such as MI, Stroke, Epilepsy and management of poisoning including snake bite and dog bite. Feedback received from the trained personnel include a) They have learned hands-on training in BLS for the first time during this programme, b) They are sure about themselves that they can resuscitate someone in a medical or trauma related emergency c) Essential programme for their profession d) Programme conducted is very much practical and beneficial to everyone.


CYTER is conducting a scientifically sound Yoga therapy programme through its Yoga Therapy OPD in I Block from 9 am to 1 pm, Monday-Saturday. Consultations are offered by Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER and Mrs Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator and Yoga Therapist. Qualified Yoga instructors are imparting the schedules daily from 9 am to 1.30 pm. Individualised and group Yoga therapy sessions are being

conducted for various medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal and psychiatric disorders with excellent feedback from participants. Year Male Female TG Total Grand total 2010 31 28 - 59 12607 2011 440 750 27 1217 2012 210 542 10 763 2013 553 817 2 1372 2014 2047 2276 122 4445 2015 (Jan-June) 1527 3216 8 4751

Yoga therapy and lifestyle consultations are offered daily as part of Basic, Superior, Complete Cardiac and Deluxe Health Check packages of Master Heath Check-up in the Corporate Services Wing of the hospital since October 2013.


Holistic health, integrative treatment and mind– body medicine are now buzz words. Integrating Yoga with modern medicine will enable us to produce holistic physicians for health delivery of tomorrow as integrative medicine becomes popular. Our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) is one of the innovative courses in the country as it is offered through a medical institution and combines the ancient wisdom with evidence based approach of modern medicine. The course is conducted by experienced faculties who have Yoga and modern medical training as well as a wealth of therapeutic and research experience with more than 200 publications to their credit. This two semester (480 hr) part time course aims to produce qualified Yoga therapists competent to impart a scientifically sound Yoga therapy programme for patients of different conditions. The syllabus includes topics dealing with teachings drawn from ancient texts combined with modern medical advancements thus exposing students to various clinical applications of Yoga as a therapy in a medical institution. The first batch of students graduated from our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) in March 2015 and we are very proud that are the first set of Yoga Therapists graduating from a modern medical university. The second batch of students is currently pursuing the second semester with great interest. We are planning to convert the course into a two year Master of Science in Yoga Therapy (MSc YT) from the upcoming academics session (Aug 2015).



Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

• Our Deputy Director, Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, was invited to present workshops, seminars and talks at various venues in Australia and New Zealand from 24th March to 14th April 2014. He presented highly successful programmes organized by

the Gitananda Yoga Association of Australia at IYTA-Wellington, Lotus Yoga CentreParaparaumu in New Zealand and Anand Yoga Academy at Adelaide. He also conducted intensive 3-day retreats at Tatum Park, New Zealand and Integral Yoga Academy of Australasia at Adelaide. He presented a special 2-day workshop for the International Yoga Teachers Association at Sydney, Australia and visited Sivanna Integrative Health Centre, Sydney to discuss further collaboration in Yoga therapy. • Dr. Ananda was invited to attend Board of Studies meeting of GS College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis on 14-1`5 June 2014, at Kaivalyadhama in Lonavla. He has been nominated as the chairperson for the subject, “Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body in the Context of Yoga.” This appointment is prestigious as Kaivalyadhama is one of the oldest and premier Yoga institutions of India. • Dr. Ananda attended the Governing Body Meeting of the South Zone Cultural Centre at Chennai that was presided by the Governor of Tamil Nadu who is also Chairman of the SZCC in June 2014. Dr. Ananda was nominated by Pondicherry Govt Department of Art and Culture to the Governing Body of the South Zone Cultural Centre, Tanjavur under Ministry of Culture, Govt of India in 2013. He has also served as member in the Expert committee of SZCC to select “Young Talented Artistes awardees for 2013-14. • Dr. Ananda was invited to be Resource Person for the One Day National Seminar on “Dimensions of Yoga and its dynamics” organized jointly by the Krishnamacharya Yoga

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Mandiram and MoP Vaishnav College, Chennai on July 4th. • Dr. Ananda was invited to be a peer reviewer for BioPsychoSocial Medicine, an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine. • Dr Meena conducted an interactive session as a CNE for nurses, staff and faculty of

and Post Graduate Institute (IGGGH&PGI) Pondicherry. • The 4th CYTER Foundation Day was celebrated on 1 November in a gala manner. Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Prof S Krishnan, Prof VR Srinivasan, Dr Nirmal Courmar, Dr Ravichandran felicitated the occasion. Mrs Asha and Mr Balamukundan represented the administration and Nursing Superintendent graced the occasion. A yoga demonstration was done by students of the PGDYT course and the Senior citizens from Serene Pelican Township. Participants, students and faculty gave their positive feedback on the past 4 years of the activities at CYTER since its inception in 2010. • CYTER conducted a special Programme for people of the third gender from SCHOD Society, Cuddalore from 3rd to 7th November 2014. • CYTER Team took part in Pondicherry Yogasana Association’s 29th Yoga Sport Championship held on 15-16 November 2014. More than 1200 participants were given awareness about CYTER. • Dr Meena conducted a CME on 23 November 2014 for Nurses, Educators, Social Workers, Sisters and Nuns, staff and faculty of the congregation of St.Cluny as part of The South East Province Health Commission Meet for the South Zone. • A CME on “SLEEP, CONSCIOUSNESS AND MEDITATION: NEURO-PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRELATES” was held at MGMC&RI, Pondicherry on 27 November 2014. This event was organized by Department of Physiology and Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER), MGMC&RI, Pondicherry. More than 300 medical and

Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital and Post Graduate Institute (IGGGH&PGI) Pondicherry on August 3rd 2014. • Yoga Awareness programme was conducted by Smt Meena Ramanathan for Senior Citizens on 7 August at the Serene Pelican Belfort Township. • CYTER inaugurated a special Silver Citizens Yoga and Health Programme for Senior Citizens of the Serene Pelican Belfort Township on 21st August and more than 25 senior citizens attended the sessions at CYTER. • Dr Ananda was nominated to the Consultative Committee of the WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE (YOGA) at the Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY), New Delhi. He attended the 1st Consultative Meeting at MDNIY on 22nd and 23rd September 2014. WHO identifies institutions from member countries to work in specific areas of health and designates them as WHO Collaborating Centers. Across the globe there are 23 WHO Collaborating Centers for Traditional Medicine, but the only one for Yoga is at MDNIY while one for Ayurveda is in Jamnagar, Gujarat. It is a historic achievement for the country to have two WHO Collaborating Centers of Traditional Medicine and MDNIY is privileged to be the only WHO Collaborating Centre in the world to engage in achieving Yoga specific outcomes. • An interactive session was conducted by Meena Ramanathan as a CPE on 26 October for in service pharmacists, staff and faculty of Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital 58


paramedical professionals and students as well as Yoga practitioners and enthusiasts took part in the day-long event that updated knowledge of participants in fields of sleep, consciousness and meditation and introduced them to the practices leading to meditation. • Dr Meena gave a special motivational/ interactive session on “Positive SelfEmpowerment for the Youth” for the students, faculty and staff members of Avvaiyar College of Engineering and Technology for Women, Pondicherry on 18 December. • The CYTER team presented a special Workshop on Yoga Therapy and Yoga awareness programme was conducted at 21st INTERNATIONAL YOGA FESTIVAL organized by the Department of Tourism, Government of Pondicherry from 4 to 7 January 2015.

• Prof Madanmohan, Dr Ananda and Dr. Meena were invited resource persons for the CME on “Therapeutic Potential of Yoga” organized by Department of Physiology, Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital & Research Center, Ariyur, Pondicherry. The event

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

on 20th January was attended by more than 200 participants and presentations by CYTER team were well appreciated by all. • Dr Ananda was invited to be a Resource Person for the online MEDITATION SUMMIT organised by Ananda Sanga Educational Institute of South Africa. A worldwide audience listened to eminent Meditation experts from around the World from 23 to 29 January 2015. • Dr Ananda was an invited speaker for

NATIONAL YOGA WEEK-2015 held at MDNIY, New Delhi from 12-18 February, 2015. • Dr. Meena successfully completed her Doctor of Philosophy in Yoga (PhD) from the Tamilnadu Physical Education and Sports University and received her degree from the hands of the Governor of Tamil Nadu at the convocation held at Rajbhavan in Chennai on 18th February 2015. • A three month biweekly Yoga training programme was conducted at CYTER for 2nd year BSc nursing students of KGNC. 50 of the 2nd year BSc nursing students of KGNC (1st Batch) underwent intensive training program. The valedictory of the Yoga training programme for the 1st batch was held on 4th March at CYTER. Prof KR Sethuraman, VC, SBVU

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

• Dr Meena was invited to be a panelist for the Woman’s Day celebrations event organized by Pondicherry Tourism and The Hindu at Hotel Surguru. She was felicitated for her significant contribution to welfare of women in Pondicherry and presented her views on the empowerment of women through Yoga. • Dr Ananda attended the Board Meeting of the Council for Yoga Accreditation International of which he is a member of the Board of Directors. The meeting was held at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavla, India on 14-15 March 2015. • Dr Ananda was invited to be on the AYUSH Ministry Committee of Yoga Experts for International Day of Yoga celebrations 2015. He attended the meetings in New Delhi in April and May 2015 chaired by Dr HR Nagendra, Chancellor SVYSA University and attended by eminent yoga experts as well as secretaries and officers from departments of AYUSH, MEA, HRD and Culture. • Dr Ananda participated in the Executive Council meeting of the Indian Yoga Association at MDNIY, New Delhi where many important decisions were taken regard celebration of the International Day of Yoga and the accreditation and registration of Yoga practitioners in India. The meeting was attended by heads of premier Yoga institutions. • Dr Meena conducted an interactive CME on Yoga at the St Joseph’s Hospital (Cluny), Pondicherry that was well attended by senior doctors of Pondicherry. CYTER staff and students gave an excellent demonstration. • Dr Ananda was nominated to the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy in Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India. This is very prestigious as this is the council that oversees research and propagation of yoga at the national level. His tenure will last three years from 2015-2018.

reviews and more than two dozen educational videos made by the CYTER team are available on The CYTER FACEBOOK page at www. has more than

1000 likes and is very interactive with many articles and Yoga tidbits and regular updates.

PUBLICATIONS IN THE CURRENT YEAR (2014-15): • Souvenir of the CME on “Sleep, consciousness and meditation: neurological correlates.” Department of Physiology & CYTER, MGMCRI. 27.11.2014.


1. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M, Madanmohan. Immediate effect of alternate nostril breathing on cardiovascular parameters and reaction time. Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 2014; 4; (Sp Issue): 297-302. 2. Bhavanani AB. Yoga. Clinical Roundup: Selected Treatment Options for Depression. Alternative and Complementary Therapies 2014; 20: 54-55. 3. Meena Ramanathan, Bhavanani AB. Immediate effect of chandra and suryanadi pranayamas on cardiovascular parameters and reaction time in a geriatric population. International Journal of Physiology 2014; 2 (1): 59-63. 4. Rajajeyakumar M, Amudharaj D, Bandi harikrishna, Madanmohan T, Jeyasettiseloune, Bhavanani AB. Immediate effect of different pranayam on short term heart rate variability in health care students. A preliminary study. International Journal of Physiology 2014; 2 (1): 39-43. 5. Bhavanani AB. Yoga: A novel integrative therapy. NisarVarta 2014; 6 (5): 13-15.


gave away the certificates for the 50 students in the presence of Dr Madanmohan (Director CYTER) and Dr Renuka (Principal KGNC). The second batch of 50 students started their training on 9th March.

CYTER has given training to nursing students, faculty members, senior citizens, special children and transgender participants and published 38 papers and 12 abstracts on the short and long term, health enhancing benefits of such training and therapeutic programmes. We are currently studying the immediate effects of different yoga techniques such as asanas, pranayamas and relaxation in different groups of patients and normal volunteers. The CYTER presence on the net has been receiving many favourable 60

6. Dinesh T, Gaur GS, Sharma VK, Bhavanani AB, Rajajeyakumar M, Sunder AS. Effect of slow and fast pranayama training on handgrip strength and endurance in healthy volunteers. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2014; 8 (5): BC01-03. 7. Bhavanani AB, Meena Ramanathan, Madanmohan. Yoga and mind body therapies in health and disease: a brief review. Annals of SBV 2014; 3 (1): 29-41. 8. Bhavanani AB. Yogic perspectives on mental health. Annals of SBV 2014; 3 (1): 47-52. 9. Bhavanani AB. The yoga of interpersonal relationships. Annals of SBV 2014; 3 (1): 53-60. 10. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M, Balaji R, Pushpa D. Comparative immediate effect of different yoga asanas on heart rate and blood pressure in healthy young volunteers. International Journal of Yoga 2014; 7: 89-95. 11. Bhavanani AB. Diverse dimensions of Yoga. Yoga Mimamsa. 2014; 46:3-8. 12. Lee Majewski, Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani. A novel rejuvenation program for cancer patients at Kaivalyadhama, India. Yoga Mimamsa 2014; 46:20-24. 13. Bhavanani AB and Meena Ramanathan. Meditation the Inner Yoga. Souvenir of the CME on “Sleep, consciousness and meditation: neurological correlates.” Department of Physiology & CYTER, Puducherry. 27.11.2014. pg 30-35 14. Dinesh T, Gaur G S, Sharma V K, Madanmohan T, Harichandra Kumar K T, Bhavanani A B. Comparative effect of 12 weeks of slow and fast pranayama training on pulmonary function in young, healthy volunteers: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Yoga 2015; 8: 22-26. 15. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani. Role of yoga in health and disease. Journal of Symptoms and Signs 2014; 3(5): 399-406. 16. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani. Role of yoga in non-communicable diseases: A brief review. Souvenir of the National Yoga Week 2015. MDNIY, New Delhi, Feb 2015. Pg 53-60. 17. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M, Trakroo M. Single session of integrated ‘silver yoga’ program improves cardiovascular parameters in senior citizens.. J Intercult Ethnopharmacol 2015; 4(2): 134-37.


The Govt of India, Ministry of Health & FW is currently promoting indigenous systems of 61

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health in a strong manner through AYUSH. The limitations of modern medicine in managing stress induced psychosomatic, chronic illnesses are the strength of Yoga and hence a holistic integration of both systems enables best quality of patient care. CYTER can be projected a nodal centre to train medical educators and administrators for setting up such integrative health centers in our country as we have the necessary infrastructure and man power. We can proudly state that it is only in the supportive and innovative milieu of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth that the holistic art and science of Yoga, our cultural heritage, has been able to reach both the classes and the masses of our society optimally, effectively and holistically.

Centre For Music Therapy Education And Research (CMTER) CMTER has been engaged actively in music therapy clinical practice, training and research activities during the second quarter of 2014.. Dr. SumathySundar, Head CMTER is a reviewer for the International Journals “Music and Medicine “and “Music Therapy Today” in the year 2014. She served on the scientific committee of the 3rd International Conference on Music and Medicine held in Toronto in June 2014. She was elected as a member of Board of Directors of the International Association of Music and Medicine for the period 2014 -2019 Publications: Book Chapter: Sundar, S. (2014) (in Press) (Ed) Goodman. Music Therapy Education in India: Developmental Perspectives in International Perspectives in Music Therapy Education and Training: Adapting to a changing world. Charles C Thomas Ltd. Illinois. US.

International Conference Presentations

Dr. SumathySundar participated in the International Health Care Summit held in Hyderabad between 20th – 22nd June, 2014 at Taj Krishna and chaired the session on music therapy. She presented an invited talk on Music Therapy as an evidence based practice. Interns from CMTER Mrs. Bhuvaneswari Ramaesh and Miss Priyanka B Dixit performed a music session during the summit in Hyderabad along with Dr. Sumathy Sundar.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Dr. SumathySundar delivered a spotlight speech on “Traditions and Cultural Diversity in Music Therapy” at the World Congress of Music Therapy, organized at Austria from 07.07.2014 to 12.07.2014. Dr. SumathySundar participated as a panelist in the session titled “Music Therapy Training from West to East”, at the World Congress of Music Therapy, organized at Austria from 07.07.2014 to 12.07.2014. Dr. SumathySundar delivered a lecture titled “Cultural Context in Music Therapy Education World Wide” (Round Table Speech) at the World Congress of Music Therapy, organized at Austria from 07.07.2014 to 12.07.2014. Dr. SumathySundar has been elected as the Chair for Commission on Education and Training of the World Federation of Music Therapy

Ms. Priyanka Dixit, the internship trainee received the most popular student award from Chennai School of Music Therapy from the University of Applied Sciences, Kres, Austria in July 2014 at Austria.


Dr. Sundar is the recipient of the Health Care Excellence Award in Music Therapy from

Expansion and New Faculty Appointments at CMTER Two internship trainees from Chennai School of Music Therapy on their successfully completing the internship training at CMTER and PGDMT program from Chennai School of Music Therapy have been appointed as faculties at CMTER with effect from 01 08 2014. Miss Priyanka Dixit, MA (Indian Music), PGDMT has been appointed as lecturer and Mrs.Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, MBA., PGDMT as tutor. They join the core faculty at CMTER to teach the students enrolled for Post Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy Program in the first and second semester modules of the program. Dr. K. Ramya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology has been appointed as an adjunct faculty with effect from 01.09.2014. Professional Training from CMTER CMTER has been a pioneer in introducing a medical music therapy course in India. The first batch of Post Graduate Diploma Program have completed the first semester in August and continuing with the second semester. The second batch of PGDMT program started on 17.09.2014.

the joint organizers Indian medical association and Indus Foundation in Hyderabad for outstanding individual contribution in the field of music therapy from the Deputy Chief Minister and Health Minister of TelenganaShri T. Rajaiah on 22.06.2014 at Hyderabad. Internship students international participatory activities Mrs. Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, Music Therapy student of Chennai School of Music Therapy and intern from CMTER has been appointed as the Student Assembly delegate from South East Asia to serve the World Federation of Music Therapy for the period 2014 -2017. Dr. SumathySundar received the Music Therapy Advocacy Award from the World Federation of Music Therapy, in July 2014 at Austria.

Uniqueness of the training program: This is the only university-based professional music therapy training program offered from a medical college in India. Innovative and interdisciplinary course curriculum: The course content includes chronobiology, time theory of ragas; neonatology, gerontology; abnormal psychology; mindbody medicine and psychosomatic medicine, 62

traditional healing practices; music psychology, autistic spectrum disorder, communicative musicality, and so on, in the context of music therapy. Unique methods of learning: The students learn to work with different methods such as providing active and passive musical experiences ranging from vocal improvisations, improvisations using melodic and rhythmic musical instruments, song-writing, relaxation techniques and providing participatory experiences by playing diverse musical instruments and drumming. They also learn different techniques within these broad methods and not merely the listening experience techniques.The students learn to provide customized therapeutic experiences to the clients. They also learn the difference between subjective healing practices and the objective scientific clinical music therapy practices which are observable and measurable. Student learning outcome: Becoming skilled music therapists is the primary learning outcome. The students begin their entrylevel clinical practice by honing their clinical and music therapy skills and enhancing their personality in physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions. The students become reflective, and become sensitive to the aesthetic and therapeutic qualities of music. In addition, they develop a commitment to the subject of music and its therapeutic use. Innovative teaching approach: The course provides a structured and interactive learning environment through didactic and active experiential approaches through a multimedia platform, classroom role playing, interactions with patients, and analysis of actual clinical problems. Multidisciplinary teaching: The teaching faculty include professionals drawn from various clinical and para-clinical specialities such as music therapy, musicology, psychology, psychiatry, microbiology, physiology, biochemistry etc. Hands-on experience: The students gain hands-on clinical experience during internship/ practicum opportunities throughout the course. They interact with patients of all ages and also work in diverse clinical settings such as General Medicine, Psychiatry, Paediatrics, Cardiology etc. In addition, they work with patients in surgical and antenatal wards, transgender individuals and neonates. State-of-the-art research opportunities: The students have an opportunity to participate in research involving diverse clinical populations and collaborate with the Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) of SBV. 63

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Special Events A very novel event was organized at the Department of Pediatrics OPD on 17.09.2014 for infants undergoing immunizations by injections. To minimize pain perception during vaccination which could subsequently also can help to reduce distress and prevent needle fears and immunization avoidance behaviors, music ther-

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Live Music Performance in the ICU Waiting Area on 05.11.2014

Venkatesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. Prarthana Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Priyanka Dixit, Lecturer, CMTER and Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, Tutor, CMTER. Status: Data collection in progress A study on the effect of music on labour pain and cervix dilation during the first stage of labour: Student investigator: Jayapreetha R. Guide: Dr. Sumathy Sundar, CMTER, Co-guide: Dr. SunithaSamal, Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Status: Data collection in progress

The intensive care unit waiting area is one of the most stressful environments in the hospital for the patients’ caretakers. They face a wide range of stressors ranging from fear of losing their dear ones, anxiety for the prognosis

Effect of music therapy during venepuncture in neonates (Postgraduate MD dissertation): Student investigator: Dr. Haarika V, Guide: Dr. Soundararajan P, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Co-guide: Dr. SumathySundar, Head, CMTER. Status: Data collection in progress apy services were provided as a source of distraction and active focus of attention to positively affect the distress levels and pain perception of the children during immunization injection procedures and the responses recorded from the care takers, doctors administering the immunization procedures were positive that the live singing and playing instruments music therapy interventions reduced pain perception and distress levels during injection immunization procedures. Nearly 50 infants receiving immunization injections participated in the event on this day. Priyanka Dixit, Lecturer and Bhuvaneswari Ramesh Tutor administered live singing interventions and Stephen Sathiamoorthy, the internship trainee played key board to the infants and made the event very successful. On 18.09.2014, a therapeutic chanting and singing bhajans program was organized in the antenatal OPD for pregnant women. All the pregnant women present in the OPD eagerly participated actively in this program. Priyanka Dixit, Lecturer and Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, Tutor conducted the music therapy program in the antenatal OPD and all pregnant women reported alleviation of anxiety and absolute relaxation after the program.

Ongoing research projects

Effect of music therapy on pediatric pain and distress during immunizations: Principal investigator: Dr. SumathySundar, Head, CMTER, Co-investigators: Dr. Soma


of the disease, the hospital costs that they have to bear and so on. A unique event was conducted on 05.11.2014 by the CMTER staff led by Dr.Sumathy Sundar who performed live music to the care takers at the ICU waiting area. The live performance was by way of singing devotional songs, favourite songs of the care takers and the instrumental version of the popular movie songs. All the participants were taken by pleasant surprise and very much appreciated the efforts of CMTER to relax the caretakers who were extremely stressful and anxious.

Fetal programming in utero with music therapy: Investigators: Dr. SumathySundar, CMTER, Dr. Balanehru Subramanian, CIDRF, Dr. Kalaivani, Department of Microbiology, and other faculty of CIDRF and CMTER. Status: Inclusion criteria defined and patient population identified Does Indian classical raga reduce perioperative anxiety? A randomized controlled study: Principal investigator: Dr. Hemanth Kumar VR, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Co-investigators: Dr. Ravishankar M, Professor and Head, Department of Anesthesiology, Dr. SumathySundar, Director, CMTER, Dr. Srinivasan AR, Professor, Department of Biochemistry.Status: Proposal awaiting approval of institutional ethics committee Does distraction and active focus of attention with music enhance patient’s comfort under regional anaesthesia: A randomized controlled study: Principal investigator: Dr. Hemanth Kumar VR, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Co-investigators: Dr. Ravishankar M, Professor and Head, Department of Anesthesiology, Dr. SumathySundar, Director, CMTER, Dr. Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director, CIDRF, Dr. Srinivasan AR, Prof. Department of Biochemistry,Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry.Status: Proposal awaiting approval of institutional ethics committee

Music Therapy Event for Health and Well-being of the Geriatric adults in the Serene-Pelican Neighbourhood on 12.11.2014


The workshop was organized primarily with the objective of creating awareness on music therapy benefits on geriatric adults. Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Head CMTER gave a talk on the geriatric health issues and how music could help them by empowering them, improving their Qualify of Life, enhancing the moods, uplifting the spirits and promoting a sense of joy. Dr. Sumathy Sundar also addressed the gathering with the benefits of group singing on the health and well-being of the geriatric adults. There were around 50 geriatric adults and the CMTER team comprising of Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Ms. Priyanka Dixit, Mrs. Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, Dr. Sobana Jaiganesh, Mr. Sephen Sathiamoorthy and Mrs. Kala Varadhan actively engaged all the participants in drumming and group singing activities. All the participants sang

many devotional songs together with accompanying simple rhythmic musical instruments. The coordinator of the geriatric community thanked CMTER for the innovative efforts which spiritually elevated and energized them.

Visit to Rathna Special School, Life Health Center for Rural Rehabilitation and Development in Alapakkam, Chidambaram District on 13.11.2014

The music therapy event was an attempt to empower the children with disabilities through a music, movement and playing of musical instruments program. A proposal was placed to the coordinator in the school to offer a very safe and non threatening environment through music to enhance self expression, encourage creativity and self expression. The CMTER team met the other staff and therapists (special educators, occupational therapists and speech therapists) working in the school to explore the possibilities of integrating this program efficiently and regularly in their learning environment with the goal to enhance physical and psycho social growth of the children housed in the school. The school authorities thanked CMTER for the initiative and welcomed CMTER to visit the school regularly for music therapy programs from Jan’ 2015. The SBV university approved this program to be an on-going one from Jan’ 2015, not only as a community project but also as a way to provide opportunities to the music therapy students to learn to work with this population as a part of internship training offered during the PGDMT program from CMTER.

Release of Official Bulletin “The Harmony” from CMTER

The focus of this issue of “The Harmony” was on clearing common myths and misconceptions that clouds the field of music therapy in India. Though music therapy is an established academic discipline and an insurance reimbursable health care profession in Western countries, the field is yet to develop fully in India.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

CMTER is a pioneering initiative from Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth to promote music therapy in clinical practice, education and research. The goal of the bulletin was to share information on the activities of the Centre to expand professional music therapy knowledge by reporting empirical studies, clinical cases, patient and photo stories and many other interesting music therapy information to benefit practitioners from diverse clinical specialities. In this issue, the featured article by Dr. Sumathy Sundar Understanding Music Therapy: Clearing Misconceptions clarified all the myths and misconceptions, distinguished between healing and music therapy, discussed the various methods and procedures adopted during the music therapy process and also clearly explained the difference between music medicine approaches and musi therapy approaches. Also, often, the clinicians wonder as to what are the appropriate referral areas for which they could refer to music therapy services and so a chart of referral areas for music therapy services for various clinical specialities was provided in this issue. The clinicians are encouraged to use this chart for recommending music therapy services through CMTER. The focus of the December issue of “The Harmony” was music therapy research at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute which is in tune with the mission of CMTER to foster high quality scientific research that would facilitate evidence-based application of music therapy. This is the thrust area for SBVU, the Health Sciences Deemed-to-be University ( Integrative medicine blending modern medicine with alternative and complementary medicine). The featured article was a study done from Center for Music Therapy Education and Research on the topic “A Study on The Effects of Music Therapy on Patients Posted for Upper Gastro-Intestinal Endoscopy. The study was a collaborative effort of CMTER with the Department of Surgery and Department of Physiology. The article presented on the positive effects of music therapy on patients posted for upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy. The conceptual model of music and health (an international perspective on the influence of music through its emotional states, photo stories, global music therapy events and also interesting music therapy information were presented in this issue.


Community mass singing and sharing music program at Seliamedu Village at Bahour Commune on 06.01.2015

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

A mass community singing event was organized in the Seliamedu village at Bahour

who were actively engaged by the CMTER team comprising of Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Ms. Priyanka Dixit, Mrs. Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, Dr. Sobana Jaiganesh, Mr. Stephen Sathiamoorthy and Mrs. Kala Varadhan in devotional group singing with accompanying simple rhythmic musical instruments. The participants felt that they were all singing with their heart which energized them, spiritually elevating and felt very peaceful. They all loved the music, the rhythm, and the repetitive words which was a divine bliss that elevated their moods. transgender population on 07.01.2015

Rathna Special School of Life Health Center for Rural Rehabilitation and Development in Alapakkam, Chidambaram District 08.01.2015

Music therapy awareness campaign with the clinicians in MGMC &RI campus on 07.01.2015

Flash Mobs for Students in Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Campus on 09.01.2015

Sing along program with

Commune during which the CMTER team shared, learnt and sang together along with the villagers in an attempt to build community, and share culture. The villagers very enthusiastically shared songs which they usually sing during diverse occasions like marriage, grief, praying and working and the CMTER team also sang the preferred and favourite songs of the group participants. The CMTER team also celebrated the New Year with all the children and adults in the community and engaged in a street play. Mass Singing and playing simple rhythmic musical instruments made all the participants very happy and uplifted their moods and spirits. CMTER has begun to strategize about the singing ways to help the participants to overcome their difficulties that they face in every- day life and go forward!

This sing- along event was organized by the CMTER team, at SCOHDS, Sahodaran Community Oriented Health Development Society funded by Tamil Nadu State Aids Control Society at Pudupalayam, Cuddalore District. The transgender population gathered at the SCOHDS Center had the opportunities to sing their most favoured and preferred songs in a group along with the CMTER faculty and students team under the guidance of Dr. Sumathy Sundar, increased the social connectedness of the community, reduced personal stress, promoted a sense of self esteem and also developed a sense of oneness within the group. The high energy of the group was felt during the drumming activity which the participants felt made them to focus their mind on the present and forget all their worries when they were musically engaged. All the participants thanked the CMTER team for organizing the program. The event was attended by the Project manager from Tamil Nadu Aids Control Society who also appreciated the efforts of CMTER to organize this program for the transgender community.

Music therapy event on health and well-being for geriatric adults in Serene-Pelican neighbourhood, Pinnachikuppam, Bahour Commune 06.01.2015

The event was organized with the objective of increasing the self confidence, empower, improving well-being and inter personal skills, enhancing the moods, lifting the spirits and promoting a sense of joy. Dr. Sumathy Sundar addressed the gathering with the benefits of group singing on the health and well-being of geriatric adults. There were around 35 to 40 geriatric adults who attended the program


visited the Dental College and created awareness on the music therapy goal areas and the procedures to refer the patients to CMTER. All the clinicians appreciated this effort and also shared their ideas and thoughts about the scope of music therapy services within their fields of specialization and also research areas in the application of music. There were some good research questions which emanated during this campaign from the Paediatric and Pulmonary rehabilitation department.

In order to create an awareness on the problem areas for which music therapy services could be recommended, the CMTER team under the guidance of Dr. Sumathy Sundar visited the heads of various clinical specialties and explained the music therapy referral procedures and also presented posters indicating the possible referral areas pertaining to each clinical speciality as an illustrative list. The faculty and the residents were addressed of the benefits of music therapy. The CMTER team visited Department of Paediatrics, Surgery, Anaesthesiology, Radiology, Cardiology and Dermatology to name a few. The team also

The music therapy event was an attempt to empower the children with disabilities through a music, movement and playing of musical instruments program. The focus was to offer a very safe and non threatening environment through music to enhance self expression, encourage creativity and self expression. All the children participated with great interest in all the activities and some interesting responses for the program from the children who could verbalize were “Please come every day”, “Will you all come home with me?” The event motivated the faculty and students to make this a regular program to integrate effectively music in their learning environment with a goal to make previously difficult learning tasks easy and to enhance physical and psycho social growth of the children housed in the school. The SBV university approved this program to be an on-going one, weekly once from CMTER from Jan’ 2015 not only as a community project but also as a way to provide opportunities to the music therapy students to learn to work with this population as a part of internship training offered during the Post Graduate Diploma program in music therapy. While there is a growing interest in the field of music therapy as a complementary medicine among budding medical professionals and students studying medicine, there is a lack of clarity as to what are the exact benefits of music in medicine and also about the music therapy process. In an innovative attempt to subject the medical students to a music therapy intervention flash mobs were conducted as a part of the 4th Anniversary celebrations on 09.01.2015. The aim of the flash mobs also is to create awareness about the therapeutic properties of music experienced through unexpected and sudden participative music

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

performances during the class hours. Flash mobs as a music therapy intervention increase concentration, improve focus and reduce levels of personal stress and also improve other cognitive functions by stimulating the brain. The CMTER team under the guidance of Ms. Priyanka Dixit, Lecturer performed flash mobs to the students of MBBS, MGMCRI through rhythmic improvisations using percussion instruments. The team also engaged the students to improvise rhythmically during the flash mobs.

Medical Education Unit

1st Basic Course Workshop in Medical Educational Technologies

Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies was conductedby SriRamachandra Medical College, Chennai, Regional Centre in Medical Education technology, at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Puducherry from 28th to 30th April 2014 at conference hall . The aim was to Sensitize teachers about new concepts in teaching and assessment methods, Develop knowledge and clinical skills required for performing the role of competent and effective teacher, administrator, researcher and mentor, Assist clinicians to acquire competency in communication and behavioral skills and Update knowledge using modern information and research methodology tools. The Objective was to improve the quality of medical training by training the teachers.The objectives were translated into practice by the use of Didactic short presentation, Workshop, Role play and Video demonstration. It was attended by 18 faculty from the various department. Dr.Pankaj B Shah, Professor of Community Medicine from SRMC ,Chennai was the MCI observer for this program. Dr.SeeteshGhose Professor & Head O&G; Dr.C.P. Ganeshbabu Professor of surgery, Dr. ManojKarthik , Dr.R.Kannan, Assoc. Professor ,Surgery ; Dr.SunitaSamal, Dr.P.Pallavee, Assoc. Professor, O&G; Dr.Surendher Kumar R, Asst. Professor,


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

orthopaedics and Dr.Niranjan G, Asst.Professor, Biochemistry were the internal faculty. Besides short and interesting power point presentations, the resource person participated in various group activity. They also clarified the queries raised by the participant. The program ended with post-test, filling of evaluation form, feedback from the participants, MCI observer Dr. Pankaj B Shah. Finally workshop certificates and course material were given away by MCI observer Dr. Pankaj B Shah to the participants and the resource person.

discussion; writing introduction and abstract. Dr.N.Ananthakrishnan , Dean PG Studies and Research; Dr.SeeteshGhose, Professor & Head O&G;Dr.R.Ramesh, Professor & Head Biochemistry;Dr. D.Gunasekharan ,Professor & Head, Pediatrics;Dr.B.Sivaprakash, Professor, Psychiatry; Dr.Partha Nandi, Associate Professor, Community Medicine; Dr.R.Jagan Mohan, Assistant Professor, Pharmacology; Dr G.Ezhumalai and Mr. A.Lokeshmaran from Dept. of Statistics were the resource persons for the workshop.

Intern’s Orientation Program-July-2014

Postgraduate ( MD / MS / MDS ) Dissertations Workshop -2014

The Intern’s Orientation Program , July2014 was held on 23.07.2014 and 24.07.2014, at 2nd floor D2 Conference Hal, MGMCRI. The program was meant for 39 interns, passed out in May 2014. Two students were absent. Aim of the program was to familiarize new interns with their tasks in the work places which include wards, OPD, emergency room and community. The objectives of the program was to enable the interns appreciate need for developing good communication skills, both verbal and written, be aware of the psychosocial needs of the patients, appreciate the principles in rational drug therapy, develop and refine the skills of requisitions for diagnostic tests, appropriate techniques for collection and transport of samples for laboratory test, ethical issues involved in patient care, tackle common medico-legal issue, identify their role in a multidisciplinary team, develop a sense of belonging to the institute and stress on their responsibility and accountability towards patient care, how to deal with the medical representatives. The program was structured with interactive lectures, allotment of group task, role play by students and faculty and discussion of ethical and medico-legal case scenarios. Evaluation of the program was done by using a feedback questionnaire. It was a collaborative effort of dedicated senior faculty from the institute

The ‘Postgraduate dissertation write up workshop-2014’ was held from 9th to 11th June, 2014, at Library block lecture hall. The program was meant for all the post graduate of SBV which include 68 (MD/MS) from MGMCRI and 24 from IGIDS. The aim of the program was to fine tune the dissertations write up of the final year post graduate. The program was structured in a way to enable the students to differentiate between protocol and dissertation; to familiarize the different contents of the dissertation ; to realize, what goes into the aims, objectives ,subject and methods ,results ,observations ,discussion ,conclusion, abstracts and bibliography; to familiarize the software of statistics ;to manage references using software; to format their own write up; to make them aware about the plagiarism. The objectives were translated into practice by the use of didactic short presentation, group task by the students, presentation by the students, plenary sessions. The program was held over a period of 2 ½ days in five sessions. The topics discussed were how to get started with the dissertation, writing objectives. Materials and methods , writing review literature and references; cleaning data, preparing master chart, analysis, generating tables and figures; writing observations and result; writing


which includes Prof. Rajaram Padagala, Chancellor, Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor and Dr. S. Krishnan, Dean Administration. In the workshop following topics were discussed with workshop by respective faculty: Rational considerations before you order diagnostic tests was given by Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Professor, Medicine, Guidelines to write a rational prescription was given by Dr. S. Ragupathy, Professor, General Medicine, Issues on Drug Promotion was given by Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Coordinator MEU, Prof. & Head OG, Interpersonal skills in Medical Practice was given by Dr. B Sivaprakash Professor of Psychiatry, Group tasks was conduct by Dr. Partha Nandi, Assoc. Professor, Community Medicine, Written Communication was given by Dr. TirouAroul, Prof.& Head, Surgery, Why errors occur in the healthcare system and how to prevent them was given by Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Professor of Pediatrics Surgery, Medical Ethics was given by Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Professor of Pediatrics, Legal aspects in Medical practice was given by Dr. Pramod Kumar Assoc. Professor of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. At the end of the program Prof. RajaramPadagala, Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, addressed and appraised the interns about their responsibilities. He also gave away the participation certificates.

2ndBasic Course Workshop in Medical Educational Technologies

Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies was conducted by Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai, Regional Centre in Medical Education technology, at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Puducherry from 26th to 28thAugust 2014 at MEU conference hall in college annex . The Aim of the workshop was to Sensitize teachers about new concepts in teaching and assessment methods, Develop knowledge and clinical skills required for performing the role of competent and effective teacher,

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

administrator, researcher and mentor, Assist clinicians to acquire competency in communication and behavioral skills and Update knowledge using modern information and research methodology tools. The Objectives was to improve the quality of medical training by training the teachers. The method followed was Didactic short presentation, Workshop, Role play and Video demonstration. It was attended by 26faculty from the various departments.

Work shop on “Preparation of Dissertation Protocol”

Work shop on the Preparation of Dissertation Protocol was conducted by Medical Education Unit , Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and research Institute from 09.10.2014. to 11.10.2014 at MEU Conference Hall in the College Annex. The main aim and objectives of the workshop was to sensitize PG students about new concepts in dissertation, to develop knowledge on Aims and objectives of dissertation preparation, to assist PG students in the preparation of dissertation, to update knowledge in ethical issues in the Dissertation preparation protocol, and to improve the quality of Medical Research by training the PG students.The objectives were translated into practice by the use of Didactic short presentation,Workshop , Role playa nd Video demonstration. It was attended by 55 students of PG courses from various departments. The resource persons for the day were Prof. Ananthakrishnan N. Professor, General Surgery, Dean PG studies, Dr. Sivaprakash B. Professor , Psychiatry , Dr. K. A. Narayan, Professor, Community Medicine, Dr. Partha Nandi , Associate Professor, Community Medicine, Dr. Seetesh Ghose Professor & Head OB&GY , Dr. Lokesh Maran , Assistant Professor, Statistics, Dr. Ezhumalai ,


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Statistician, P.G. Studies, Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor & HOD, Biochemistry, Dr. A. R. Srinivasan , Professor, Biochemistry, Dr. Jagan Mohan R. Assistant Professor, Pharmacology and Dr. Gunasekaran D. Professor, Paediatrics.Besides short and interesting power point presentations, the resource person participated in various group activities. They also clarified the queries raised by the participant.

Intern’s career guidance program -31.12.2014

The Intern’s career guidance program-December 2014 was held on 31st December 2014. The program was meant for CRRI’s who had completed their internship. The objective of the program was to sensitize the outgoing interns on the variety of career choices available post-MBBS and guide them to make a right career choice. Dr. Seetharaman, Professor of Community Medicine, MGMCRI welcomed the participants and presented an overview of the career choices. Dr.S.Krishnan, Dean, MGMCRI briefed the participants in academic prospects for the medical graduates and the need to pursue the PG career

Precautions by Dr. Prateesh Ravindran (Associate Professor, Dept. of Neuro Surgery), OPD and Ward by Dr. D. Gunasekaran (Professor & HOD of Paediatrics) and Peripheral Health Care by Dr. N. Seetharaman ( Professor & HOD of Community Medicine). This programme will be followed by another 2 days programme after 4 weeks.

Intern’s Orientation Programme -30.01.2015 and 31.01.2015

The intern’s orientation programme was conducted on 30.01.2015 and 31.01.2015, at 2nd floor D2 Conference Hall. The programme was meant for 99 interns, passed out in Dec 2014.

Interns’ Orientation Programme -01.01.2015

On 01.01.2015 MEU conducted Interns’ Orientation Programme at College Block, Ground Floor Lecture Hall. The total number of 83 interns participated in the orientation programme. The programme started with the Registration of interns followed by TED talk on “Doctor’s Touch” by Dr. Abraham Verghese (video).Further the talk about General Medicine by Dr. Nirmal Coumare (Medical Superintendent), Introduction to Emergency by Dr. Sivaraman (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Emergency Medicine), Universal


In the workshop following topics were discussed by respective faculty: ‘Why errors occur in the healthcare system and how to prevent them’ was given by Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Professor of Pediatrics Surgery, ‘Written Communication’ was given by Dr. P. Rani, Assoc. Professor Anaesthesiology, ‘Group tasks’ was conducted by Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Prof. & Head OBG, ‘Interpersonal skills in Medical Practice’ was given by Dr. Abu Backer, Senior Resident Psychiatry, ‘Group tasks’ was conducted by Dr. Partha Nandi, , Professor, Community Medicine and Dr. B Sivaprakash, Professor of Psychiatry, ‘Medical Ethics’ was given by Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Professor of Pediatrics Surgery, ‘Group tasks’ was conducted by Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Professor of Surgery, Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Prof. & Head OG and Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Professor of Pediatrics Surgery, ‘Legal aspects in Medical practice’ was given by Dr. Pramod Kumar, Assoc. Professor of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, ‘Group tasks’ was conducted by Dr. Satish Kumar, Professor & HOD Forensic Medicine, ‘Concept of ‘P’ drugs’ by Dr. K. A. Narayan, Professor, Community Medicine, ‘Rational considerations before you order diagnostic tests’ was

given by Dr. Manoj Karthik, Assoc. Professor Surgery, ‘Group tasks’ was conducted by Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Professor Medicine, Dr. Smile Robinson, Professor, Surgery and Dr. D. Kotasthane, Professor & HOD Pathology, ‘Rational approaches of therapeutics’ was given by Dr. Lokesh, Professor, General Medicine, ‘Group tasks’ was conducted by Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Professor, Medicine, Dr. Smile Robinson, Professor, Surgery and Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor.At the end of the programme Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice - Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth and Dr. S. Krishnan, Dean, Administration addressed and appraised the interns about their responsibilities.

Insurance/Claim Department

TNCMCHIS Health camp was organized by the Minister of Fisheries Mr. Jayabal on 02.08.2014 @ sirkazhi- Vaitheeswaran temple. Orthopedic, Paediatrics, General Medicine, General Surgery, OBGY, ENT Departments participated in the health camp. More than 2500 patients attended the camp, out of which 450 patients were screened to our hospital for further treatment, In our hospital, under TNCMCHIS, more than 30 nephrology cases per month were benefitted through dialysis. Patients suffering from kidney problems were attending Nephrology OPD and benefitted through dialysis under TNCMCHIS scheme. TNHSP members visited the Nephrology Department and appreciated Dr.HemaChandar – Nephrologist for his service towards the Kidney failure patients. During the third quarter of 2014, more than 3000 patients from Tamil Nadu had benefited under CMCHIS Scheme from MGMCRI. Under the scheme MGMCRI had done a rare case from the Interventional Radiology department for a patient named Master. Kalaivanan, aged 17 years, amounting to a tune of Rs.45000/. MGMCRI is newly tiedup with RSBY Scheme for the Weavers and Artisans - Tamil Nadu region where patient can avail 30,000/- per family for operation procedures. Beneficiaries under RSBY are entitled to hospitalization coverage up to Rs. 30,000/- for most of the diseases that require hospitalization. Government has fixed the package rates in their RSBY Scheme website for the hospitals that can claim money for the cited Interventional Radiological treatment. The policy also includes the OPD treatment with different sub-limits as mentioned in the above Package list.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University Biochemistry, Prof. Somasundaram G, department of Pharmacology, Prof. Karthikeyan, HOD, Dept. of ENT and Prof. D.Gunasekaran, HOD, Department of Pediatrics got the Most Popular Teacher Award on the occasion of the Teacher’s day, 2014.

Faculty Achievements and Awards

Dr. Dhanalakshmi A. Asst.Prof, Department of Pediatrics won the first prize in Neuropedicon 2014 held in Pune on 12.10.2014, for best platform paper presentation titled “ Safety, Feasibility & Effectiveness of oral Zonisamide monotherapy in comparison to intramuscular ACTH in infants with West syndrome : - A Randomized control trial”


Oration Medallion

Prof.N. Ananthakrishnan, Dept. of General Surgery was awarded the prestigious “Annual Oration of the Indian Association of Day

Mrs.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof., in Medical Genetics, Dept. of Anatomy presented a paper titled “Ring chromosomes and oral cancer” at the 37th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists, Tamil Nadu, CHEN MED COL ANAT CON 2K 14 held at Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu

Surgery” at ‘ADSCON 2014’, the 7th National Conference held in Chennai on 19th& 20thof April, 2014.Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan gave an oration titled, ‘Day Surgery: making it happen in India’.

M.Ch Gold Medallist

held from 10.10.2014 to 13.10.2014 and was judged as the best paper presentation. She also received MM Cooper best paper award for her last year’s presentation titled, “Evaluation of Cytogenetic

Alterations in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients” held in the month of September, 2013 at the 36th Annual Conference, Association of Anatomist –Tamil Nadu, SRM University, Chennai. Dr. Raj Kumar Patil participated and presented Poster titled “ Prevalence of Yoga Practice in selected areas of Urban and Rural Puducherry a comparative study in “ Sleep,Consciousness & Meditation: Neurophysiological correlates “ by CYTER and Dept.of Physiology MGMC&RI Pondicherry on 27.11.2014 and was awarded the first prize in the poster presentation category Dr.Sandra Eliza Mathew, Asst.Prof., DVL was awarded the First Prize for the paper titled Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in males’ at CUTICONPuducherry which was held on 22.03.2015 at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Puducherry. Dr Sunita Samal, Prof, OBG, presented a poster on Vulval elephantiasis and was awarded the third prize at the 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held from 21.01.2015 to 25.01.2015 at Chennai. The Chairman of SBV, Shri MK Rajagopalan honoured three Emeritus Professors, namely Prof. Robinson Smiles, Dept. of Surgery, Prof.Sudha Rao, Dept. of Anatomy and Prof.Selvasundari, Department of Ophthalmology with the ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ for the selfless service to the society and for fostering an excellent academic wisdom to the medical students and medical fraternity on 07.02.2014 at the faculty Night party at Le Pondy resort, Puducherry.

Dr. Vasudevan. T who recently joined as Asst. Prof in Dept of Urology, MGMC&RI, received Dr. MGR University GOLD MEDAL for his M.Ch final year exams 2013.

Most Popular Teacher Award

Certificate of appreciation was awarded to Prof. R. Ramesh, HOD, Dept. of 72


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Out Reach Services Department of Marketing

The main focus of the department of Marketing [Health care services] of MGMC&RI is patient services & Care. The team led by Dr.S.Ravichandran - Deputy Director, Department of Marketing had conducted many free health camps, Health awareness programs, corporate camps, Promotional activities, Corporate tie-ups & etc with a team of dedicated officers - Mr.R.K.Selvakumar – Executive Marketing, Mr.M.Sudhakar – Coordinator Marketing, Mr. Fazulu Rahman – Asst.Manager Marketing, Mr.E.Thirugnanam – Coordinator Marketing, Mrs.Sudharsna – Public Relation officer, and Mr.Vinothkumar – Jr.Executive Marketing.

Free Medical Camps

From April to June, 2014 the department of marketing [Health care services] has conducted 45 medical camps, Health awareness programs, corporate camps, Promotional activities, Corporate tie-ups & etc.. in and around Pondicherry district. On 26.04.2014, free health check up camp was organized at Rotary club, Parangipettai, where 160 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 35 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.

On 08.05.2014, free medical camp was organized Sai baba kovil, Kirumampakkam, where 116 Patient’s were the beneficiaries out of whom 33 Patient’s were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 11.05.2014, free medical camp was organized Nalamudan Cuddalore, Collector office (opp), where147 Patient’s were the beneficiaries out of whom 31 Patient’s were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 31.05.2014, free medical camp was organized at Kattumannarkoil, where 246 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 46 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 03.06.2014, free medical camp was organized at Lions club, Vadalore, where 367 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 52 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 08.06.2014, 15.06.2014, 22.06.2014 & 29.06.2014 free health mega camp was organized Nalamudan cuddalore, Cuddalore, where 497 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 70 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation, treatment and master health check up. On 11.06.2014 Transgender free health mega camp was organized at Sagodharan organization, Kothattai, where 300 patients were the

beneficiaries out of whom 37 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 14.06..2014, free CM scheme mega camp was organized at Government sector, Sirkali, where 2600 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 65 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 18.06.2014 & 25.06.2014, free health camp was organized at Gramavidiyal Organization, manjakuppam & Kumaratchi, where 628 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 98 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 20.06.2014 free Mega health camp was organized at Rotary club, Chidambaram, where 308 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 31 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 28.06.2014 free Mega health camp was organized at Lions club, Thirukovilore, where 356 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 148 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation, treatment and master health check up. From 05.07.2014 to 12.07.2014, free health check up camp was organized at Lions club, Vettavalam and Sangarapuram, where 829 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 67 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. On 08.07.2014, free medical camp was organized at Gramavidiyal, Sirkali, where 395 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 27 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. 74


On 19.07.2014, free medical camp was organized at Social organization, Neyveli, where 285 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 19 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. 25.07.2014 & 29.07.2014, free medical camp was organized at Krishnasamy Institution, Cuddalore, where 480 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 41 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. On 02.08.2014, free mega medical camp was organized at CM scheme camp, at Vaitheeshwaran kovil, where7000 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 125 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 07.08.2014, free medical camp was organized by Deva organization at Srimushnam, where 525 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 60 Patients were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 09.08.2014, free medical camp was organized at Lions club, Cuddalore, where 246 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 46 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. On 12.08.2014 & 19.08.2014, free medical camp was organized at Gramavidiyal, Villupuram and Vadalore, where 885 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 75 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. On 22.08.2014, free medical camp was organized at Vishwakarma association, Mangalampettai, where 376 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 31 patients were referred to MGMC & RI . On 23.08.2014, free medical camp was organized at Lions club, Sangarapuram, where

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

327 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 42 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. On 24.08.2014 free health mega camp was organized Nalamudan cuddalore, Cuddalore, where127 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 23 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation, treatment and master health check up. On 08.09.2014, free medical camp was organized at Govt. Pudhu Vazhvu project, Siruvanthadu, where 72 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 32 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. On 13.09.2014 free health camp was organized at Lions club, Srimushnam, where 420 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 56 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. On 17.09.2014, free health camp was organized at CM scheme camp, Sundarasolapuram, where 230 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 25 patients were referred to MGMC& RI. On 23.09.2014, free health camp was organized at Viyabarigal sangam, Thavalakuppam, where 100 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 15 patients were referred to MGMC& RI. On 24.09.2014, free health camp was organized at Lions club, Sethiyarthope, where 396 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 45 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. On 27.09.2014, free health camp was organized at Lions club, Kalamaruthur, where 525 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 41 patients were referred to MGMC & RI On 10.10.2014, free health check up camp was organized at Vishwakarma foundation, Vellimalai, where 325 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 45 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 13.10.2014, free medical camp was organized at Adena School, Chidambaram,

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

where 450 students were the beneficiaries out of whom 62 students were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 17.10.2014, free medical camp was organized at Vasavi International school, Puducherry, where 450 students were the beneficiaries out of whom 43 students were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 14.11.2014, free mega medical camp was organized Baby Sara Home, Ariyankuppam, where 135 children’s were the beneficiaries out of whom 35 children’s were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 15.11.2014, free medical camp was organized Tendril Climber Trust, Dharmanallore, where357 Patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 37 Patient’s were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 09.08.2014, free medical camp was organized at CM Scheme, Uraiyur, where 460 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 42 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 22.11.2014, free medical camp was organized at CM Scheme, C.N.Palayam, where 470 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 39 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 30.11.2014, free medical camp was organized at NalamudanPuduvai, MGMCRI City Centre, Puducherry, where 75 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 15 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 03.12.2014, 04.12.2014 & 05.12.2014 free medical camp was organized at The Study School, Kalapet, where 1350 students were the beneficiaries out of whom 87 students were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 03.12.2014 free health camp was organized at Jwala Home, Puducherry, where 152 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 29 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 10.12.2014, free health camp was organized at Tendril Climber Trust, Gingee, where 321 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 37 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 23.09.2014, free health camp was organized at Viyabarigalsangam, Thavalakuppam, where 100 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 15 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 17.12.2014 & 24.12.2014, free health camp was organized at Gramavidiyal,

Cuddalore OT & Chidambaram, where 603 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 68 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 18.12.2014 & 26.12.2014, free health camp was organized at Lions club, Vadalore & Neyveli, where 560 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 56 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 20.12.2014, free health camp was organized at Senior Citizens, Neyveli, where 190 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 28 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 29.12.2014, free health camp was organized at Viswakarma Foundation, Neyveli, where 246 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 27 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 07.12.2014, 14.12.2014, 21.12.2014 & 28.12.2014 free medical camp was organized at NalamudanPuduvai, MGMCRI City Centre, Puducherry, where 147 patients were the out of whom 27 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 01.01.2015 & 11.01.2015, free health check up camp was organized at Nalamudan Puduvai, MGMCRI – City Centre, where 68 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 25 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 09.01.2015, free medical camp was organized at Primary Health centre, Bhuwanagiri, where 375 students were the beneficiaries out of whom 46 students were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 10.01.2015, free medical camp was organized at BWDA, Nellikupam, where 350 students were the beneficiaries out of whom 72 students were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 12.01.2015, free medical camp was organized at Primary Health centre, Kattumanarkoil, where 252 students were the beneficiaries out of whom 42 students were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On behalf of MGMC&RI, Deputy Director Dr.Ravichandran participated in VASAVI CLUB Installation function on 17.01.2015 and inaugurated the RO waterpurifier which was Donated by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth to VASAVI school PANRUTI, on the same special occasion a general camp was conducted, promoting Master Health Check up and for MOKSHA( Body Donation programme). Ten members of 76


the club registered for Body Donation and those forms were received by Dr.S.Ravichandran. On 22.01.2015, free medical camp was organized at Power Plant, Parangipettai, where 272 students were the beneficiaries out of whom 31 students were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 24.01.2015, free medical camp was organized at Tendril Climber Trust, Maharajapuram, where 377 students were the beneficiaries out of whom 58 students were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 29.01.2015, free medical camp was organized at Tamilnadu Pudhuvazhvu Thittam, Kandamangalam, where 242 students were the beneficiaries out of whom 34 students were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 01.02.2015 & 15.02.2015, free mega medical camp was organized Nalamudan Puduvai, Pondy Beach, where 209 children’s were the beneficiaries out of whom 44 children’s were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 19.02.2015, free medical camp was organized MGMCRI-MUNA Hospital, Parangipettai, where 292 Patient’s were the beneficiaries out of whom 43 Patient’s were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 21.02.2015, free medical camp was organized Lions Club, Vikravandi, where 250 Patient’s were the beneficiaries out of whom 28 Patient’s were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 26.02.2015, free medical camp was organized Primary Health Centre, Pudupettai, where 264 Patient’s were the beneficiaries out of whom 47 Patient’s were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 21.02.2015, free medical camp was organized Lions Club, Sankarapuram, where

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

360 Patient’s were the beneficiaries out of whom 59 Patient’s were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 01.03.2015 free medical camp was organized at Shasun Company, Embalam, where 214 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 36 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 01.03.2015 free health camp was organized at Social organization, Mangalampettai, where 363 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 80 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 07.03.2015 free health camp was organized at Vishwakarma Foundation, Vellimalai, where 422 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 79 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 07.03.2015 World Women’s day free health camp was organized at Indian Bank staffs, MGMCRI - City centre, where 85 Employees were the beneficiaries out of whom 19 Employees were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 08.03.2015 free health camp was organized at Primary Health Centre, Melpattampakkam, where 370 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 42 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 14.03.2015 free health camp was organized at Lions Club, Thirukovilur, where 346 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 27 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. Commemorating the International Women’s Day, Department of Health Care services conducted a paid camp at Thirukovilur Vasavi club on 14.03.15, under the “HEALTH CHECK AT YOUR DOOR STEP” programme. Mrs. Sudharsana PRO, organized this camp Along with OG department basic blood Investigations and Pap-smear were included in this well women’s Package. 45 of them were benefited in this health check programme, and 220 were benefitted from free medical camp. 20 of the patients were referred to the MGMCRI. On 14.03.2015 free health camp was organized at Primary Health Centre, Thookkanampakkam, where 332 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 55 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 18.03.2015 free health camp was organized at Palmyra Group, Auroville, where 210 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 40

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment On 26.03.2015 free health camp was organized at DMK Blood donation, Periyakulathupalayam, where16 members were participated. On 27.03.2015 free health camp was organized at Star Health Insurance, Moolakulam, where 112 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 24 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment On 28.03.2015 free health camp was organized at Village panchayat, Vazhisodhanaipalayam, where 480 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 95 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment On 31.03.2015 free health camp was organized at Aruna Foundattion, Ulunthurpettai, where 445 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 73 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.

Prof.K.R.Sethuraman,Vice-chancellor,SBV, Advisory Board – Dr.S.Krishnan, Dean[admin], Dr.S.Ravichandran, Deputy Director, Dr.V.Nirmal Coumare, Medical Superintendent, Dr.Ravishankar, Head, Anaesthesia & critical care. Organising chairperson – Dr.T.Tirou Aroul, Organizing Secretary – Dr.R.Krishnagopal, Joint secretaries – Dr.Surendher Kumar & Dr.R.Kannan, Scientific secretary – Dr. Pratheesh Ravindran and Conference secretariat – Mr.M.Sudhakar, Mr.R.K.Selvakumar & Mr.Kathavarayan contributed much for the grand success of the program. A total of 220 doctors participated in the CME program

Dr. Kanagarajan P (Assistant Professor), Dr. Hema priya (Postgraduate) along with other members of RHTC. Health check-ups, dental check-up, measurement of BMI, hemoglobin estimation and random blood sugar estimation were done. The programme was attended by 28 members of the NGO and 40 school students.

WHO Day celebrated at UHTC, Ariyankuppam: World health day was celebrated at UHTC, Ariyankuppam from 5-10 April 2014 under guidance of Dr. Shib Sekhar Datta (Associate Professor) and was co-ordinated by Dr. Krithiga (Postgraduate) and Dr. Devaki (Medical Department of Community Officer) and interns posted at UHTC. Health Medicine talk was given on the theme for Year 2014 ‘Vector Borne Disease’. All patient and their Health Education Sessions Conducted at attendees visiting UHTC were given awareUHTC and RHTC: ness about risk factors, prevention and control of various vector borne diseases. Videos depictHealth awareness programme at ing mosquito breeding places and how to preSeliamedupet: vent breeding of mosquitoes, and various perA health education and awareness programme sonal protection measures were shown to the was organized by Dr. Kanagarajan P (Assistant participants. professor) and Dr. Hema priya (Postgraduate) along with medical and dental interns, ANM, Health awareness session on WHO Day lab technician on 22 April 2014 at Seliamedupet theme at RHTC, Seliamedu: anganwadi. Topics discussed were: Proper steps In the view of World Health Day theme of hand washing, worm infestations, Scabies, (Prevention and Control of Vector Borne Discauses and management of dehydration and oral eases), a health education and awareness session hygiene. The programme was attended by 28 was conducted at RHTC, Seliamedu. Causes, mothers. symptoms and prevention of mosquito borne diseases like malaria, filarial, dengue were Health Camp for members of ‘Sharna’ NGO: explained with the aid of videos and power point A health camp was conducted for members presentations to attending patients, school stuof ‘Sharna’ NGO and school students on 18th dents in the nearby schools and adolescent girls and 25th April 2014 at RHTC, Seliamedu by groups at Seliamedu village in multiple settings.

CME Program

On 23.07.2014, a CME program were organized by the Department of Marketing, [Health care services] Dr.S.Ravichandran, Deputy Director, in collaboration with GH – Cuddalore. CME program was conducted at Government Hospital, Cuddalore, were Dr. V. Narayanan, Prof.HOD., Dept. of Plastic Surgery [Practice of Plastic Surgery Myths & Facts], Dr. Hemachandar, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Nephrology [Chronic Kidney Disease Stopping the Unstoppable] had a talk with the 55 doctors of hospital. On 31.08.2014, a CME program were organized by the Department of Marketing, [Health care services] Dr. S. Ravichandran, Deputy Director, in collaboration with IMA –Villupuram Branch, CME program was conducted at Hotel Ramakrishna, Villupuram, were Dr. J. Vijay, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Dept. of Plastic surgery [Spectrum of Plastic Surgery & Wound care To Aesthetic Surgery] had a talk with 32 doctors. On 20.03.2015, a Grand CME program headed by Dr.S.Ravichandran, Deputy Director was organized by the Department of Marketing [Health care services] & Dept.of Orthopeadics, dedicated a trauma care centre. A CME was also organized to commemorate this occasion with the theme of “Golden Hours in Trauma” with 55 doctors speaking on the occasion. This was followed by a BLS course on 21.03.2015. Patrons – Shri.M.K.Rajagopalan, Chairman, SBV, Prof.P.Rajaram, Chancellor, SBV, 78


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Health awareness programme on Cancer at UHTC, Ariyankuppam: A health awareness programme was conducted by Dr. Hema pria (Postgraduate) on 13 June 2014 for geriatric population, mothers and anganwadi workers at Arunthathipuram anganwadi center under the field practice area of UHTC, Ariyankuppam. The session was attended by 35 beneficiaries. Topics discussed were: Carcinoma, its characteristics and the raising trends in recent years, risk factors, symptoms and signs, early detection (screening test) and management, preventive measures of oral, esophageal, colon, ano-rectal, breast and prostate carcinoma using audio-visual aids.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Health education session on Personal Hygiene at RHTC, Seliamedu: A health education session was organised at RHTC, Seliamedu on 31 June 2014 which was conducted by Dr. Ramya M.R (Postgraduate) along with medical interns. The session was attended by 34 participants. Topics discussed were handwashing, care of young children and menstrual hygiene.

check-up including haemoglobin and blood sugar estimation of all the geriatric participants was conducted. Other topics discussed were hypertension, diabetes and life-style disorders. Health Awareness Programme on Hypertension and Diabetes A health awareness programme was conducted on 5th July 2014 at Urban Health Training Centre, Ariyankuppam by Dr.Ramya M.R., postgraduate of Dept. of Community Medicine, Dr.Devaki, Medical Officer in-charge, ANMs on duty and other staff. A health awareness talk was given by Dr. Ramalakshmi and Dr.Ramprasad, interns posted at UHTC on hypertension and Diabetes. Approximate 35 residents from nearby locality attended the programme. Health awareness programme on communicable diseases during monsoon A health awareness programme on prevention and control of common communicable diseases during monsoon like Malaria, Dengue and Chikungunya was conducted on 11th August, 2014 at UHTC, Ariyankuppam by Dr. Fredrick Stephen, postgraduate from Dept. of Community Medicine and other staff at UHTC. Dr. Sharath, medical intern posted at UHTC gave a talk with informative charts prepared by interns posted at UHTC during the event. Around 30 participants attended the programme.

Health awareness programme at UHTC, Ariyankuppam: A health awareness programme was conducted in Ariyankuppam anganwadi on 3 April 2014 which organized by Dr. Krithiga (Postgraduate) with help of medical interns and ANMs. The programme was attended by ante-natal mothers, mothers of under-five year children, and anganwadi workers. General health check-up of mothers and children were done. Other topics discussed were risk factors, prevention and control of blood pressure, nutritional advise for patients with high blood pressure, prevention and management of nutritional anaemia and mothers and children and prevention of diarrhoea among under five years children.

Health education session on Diabetes at UHTC, Ariyankuppam: Health education session on management and control of diabetes was conducted at UHTC, Ariyankuppam on 21 June 2014 which was attended by 28 participants. Health education session focused on following topics: Symptoms, prevention and management of hypoglycemia, importance of regular blood sugar check-up, role of physical activity, food needed to be avoided during diabetes, role of Awareness programme at UHTC, early detection of complication in diabetes, foot Ariyankuppam: care in diabetes. An awareness and health education programme in was conducted at Anthoniyar Koil Focus group discussion with women at Anganwadi under the field practice area of UHTC, Ariyankuppam: UHTC, Ariyankuppam on 25 April 2014, which A focus group discussion was conducted with was organized by Dr. Krithiga (Postgradu16 reproductive age group women on 22 June ate) with the help of medical interns posted at 2014 at RHTC, Ariyankuppam on menstrual UHTC and ANMs. Around 35 ante-natal and health. This was followed by a health educa- post-natal mothers, under five children attention session on symptoms of post-menopausal ded the programme. General check-up of all bleeding and spotting, post-coital pain, irregular the under five children was conducted. Topics menstruation, and white discharge P/V. Vari- discussed were: National Immunization Schedous risk factors, sign and symptoms, available ule, various vaccine preventable diseases among screening test (endometrial thickness by USG, children. Vector Borne Diseases - the theme for PAP smear etc) were explained to them for early 2014 WHO Day was also discussed with the detection of genital malignancies. Importance of help of audio-visual aid. regular screening tests and preventive measures were also discussed in detail. Awareness programme at Aranganoor Anganwadi: Health awareness session on Preventable An awareness and health education proBlindness at UHTC, Ariyankuppam: gramme was organized at Aranganoor anganA health awareness session on preventable wadi under the field practice area of UHTC, blindness was conducted at UHTC, Ariyankup- Ariyankuppam on 27 June 2014, which was pam by Dr. Hema priya (Postgraduate) on 30 organized by Dr. Krithiga (Postgraduate) with June 2014 which was attended by 34 benefi- help of medical interns posted at UHTC and ciaries. Various causes of visual disturbance and ANMs. A total of 35 participants includpreventable blindness were discussed. ing ante-natal mothers, post-natal mothers, under five children and geriatric population were present during the event. General health

Breastfeeding week celebrated at PCP Nagaranganwadi ‘World Breastfeeding Week’ was celebrated at PCP Nagaranganwadi on 12th August, 2014 in the field practice area of UHTC, Ariyankuppam. The theme of the programme was ‘Advantages of breastfeeding and proper breastfeeding practices’ and it was organized by Dr. Fredrick Stephen, postgraduate from Dept. of Community Medicine, medical interns posted at UHTC and other staff. The programme was attended by approximate 35-40 beneficiaries of anganwadi comprising of mothers and their under five children. A health education session on advantages of breastfeeding and best breastfeeding practices was conducted during the event.

MGMC & RI. The theme of the programme was ‘Importance of Mental Health and Awareness of Common Mental Disorders Prevailing in the Community’. Dr.Sivaprakasam introduced the theme to the audience, Dr. Abu Becker discussed on mental health and its importance, while Dr. Aavuadiappan discussed about alcoholism and its consequences during the programme. A community mobilization activity was conducted by staff of UHTC through self help group leaders prior to the programme. Approximate 30 residents from the nearby area participated in the programme. Health Education Programme at Seliamedu anganwadi A health education programme was conducted at Seliamedu anganwadi on 30th September, 2014 which was supervised by Dr. Kanagarajan P., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine and conducted by Dr. Arthi, postgraduate from Dept. of Community Medicine in coordination from anganwadi in-charge, medical and dental interns posted, ANMs and other staff of RHTC, Seliamedu. Health education on prevention of malnutrition among under five year children, ill effects of childhood malnutrition and prevention and management of diarrhoea and upper respiratory tract infection among children was discussed by medical interns. A talk on oral hygiene was also delivered by dental interns posted at the RHTC from IGIDS. Various doubts raised by the participants were clarified with the help of videos during the session. Approximate 25-30 participants attended the session consisting of antenatal and postnatal mothers and mothers of under five years of age were present in the anganwadi. A medical and dental examination of all the children under five years of age was also done after the session to look for any illness.

Availability of Auto analyzer at UHTC, Ariyankuppam A new Auto analyzer has been made available at UHTC, Ariyankuppam from 9th August, 2014. The Auto analyzer was inaugurated by Dr. Devaki, in-charge Medical Officer and other staff with a pooja at the centre. The patients attending the centre will now be benefitted with rapid results of various blood investigations Mental Health Awareness Programme at which will help in quick diagnosis. UHTC, Ariyankuppam Pulse polio immunization 2015: A Mental Health Awareness programme was In collaboration with department of health conducted at UHTC, Ariyankuppam on 13th August, 2014 by Dept. of Psychiatry in coordin- and family welfare, Puducherry IPPI was ation with Dept. of Community Medicine,



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Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

implemented in both RHTC and UHTC on and help keep antibiotics effective for the use of 22nd February 2015. future generations. UHTC, Ariyankuppam: The programme was implemented under the guidance of Dr.C.Kameshvell [Associate Professor] and ably supported by Dr.Nitesh Mangal [PG], CRRI’s and para-medical workers. A total of 52 children under 5 years of age were administered OPV between 7 am to 3 pm. RHTC, Seliamedu: The programme was implemented under the guidance of Dr.S.Vijayalakshmi [Assistant Professor] and ably supported by Dr.Nishanthini [PG], CRRI’s and para-medical workers. A total of 19 children under 5 years of age were administered OPV between 7 am to 3 pm. Anganwadi health education programme ‘Swachhbharatabhiman’ was celebrated at Pudukulamanganwadion 17th November 2014. The programme was co-ordinated byDr.M.Arthi (PG), the interns posted gave a talk on personal hygiene and on environmental cleanliness. 4 ante natal, 2 post natal and 15 other females participated.

on August 23rd 2014.Totally 140 students and their staffs were benefited in this programme. Dr.Sendhil Coumary, Associate Prof. from OBG and Prof..Gunasekaran D, HOD from Paediatrics were interacted well with beneficiaries.

World AIDS day celebration

World AIDS day was celebrated at Urban heath centre at Ariyankuppam on 1st December 2014. The theme of the programme was ‘prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV’ and it was organized by Dr.M.Arthi(PG), interns and other staffs. The programme was attended by 46 beneficiaries.

World Breastfeeding Week Celebrations

Department of Psychiatry

The gathering signed to show their support to eye donation. Dr.Ravichandran, Deputy Director of the Hospital services, Dr.Srikanth HOD of Ophthalmology, Dr.Seetharaman HOD of Community Medicine along with students took active participation in this awareness campaign.

World Mental Health Day

In commemoration of World Mental Health Day 2014, Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, delivered a mental health awareness talk for the benefit of patients & the public, in the MRD lobby, MGMCRI, on 10.10.2014.

Department of Pulmonary Medicine Health camp :

On the occasion of World Asthma day, the Department of Pulmonary Medicine conducted a health camp from 05/05/2014 to 10/05/2014 to improve asthma awareness and care. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & H.O.D, Dr. Pajanivel, Professor,Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a Public awareness speech. Free Spirometry and blood tests were done to all the patients who attended the camp. On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day 2014, Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine was invited for a special interview on Suryan FM 93.5 in the program ‘Vanakkam Puduvai” which was aired on 31.05.2014 from 8am to 9am.

Antibiotic Awareness day

In commemoration of Antibiotic Awareness Day 2014, Dr. Seetharaman, HOD, Dept. of Community Medicine delivered an awareness talk for the benefit of patients & the public, in the MRD lobby, MGMCRI, on 18.11.2014. He said that the Antibiotic Awareness Day is an annual public health initiative that takes place on 18 November to raise awareness about the threat to public health of antibiotic resistance

Dr. Abu Backer, Senior Resident, delivered a special capsule talk titled “Mental capital & global well-being”, under the auspices of the Scientific & Academic Forum, MGMCRI, on 10.10.2014. Dr. Jeyan A, Senior Resident, participated in a panel discussion on health issues of transgender individuals, organized at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry, on 01.12.2014, in commemoration of World AIDS Day.

Department of ONCOLOGY

Department of ONCOLOGY along with Dept. of Psychiatry Department of Health Care Services organized The International Day against Drug Abuse a public awareness programme on 31st May and Illicit Trafficking” was commemorated on 2014, at 9.00am in view of World No Tobacco 26th June at MRD with a brief programme. Day Celebration at MRD. Drawing inspiration from this occasion the Dept. of Psychiatry are in the process of upgrading the currently available De-addiction facilities available at MGMCRI under the Dept. of Department of OBG and Psychiatry.

Department of Ophthalmology

Signature campaign on account of World Sight Day

and prudent antibiotic use. The latest data confirms that across the world a number of patients infected by resistant bacteria is increasing and that antibiotic resistance is a major threat to public health. Thus prudent use of antibiotics can help stop resistant bacteria from developing

World Breast Feeding Week (August 1-7) was celebrated by Department of Pediatrics, Department of Preventive and Community Medicine and Kasturba Gandhi College of Nursing in a grand manner. The schedule of events was as follows. 01.08.2014: Symposium by the Postgraduates of Pediatrics to the Undergraduates. Topic: Importance of Breast Feeding & this year’s theme 02.08.2014: Poster Competition for Nurses on this year’s theme - “Breast Feeding: A Winning Goal - For Life!” 04.08.2014: Counseling in the antenatal & postnatal wards – for the mothers and future mothers regarding the importance of breast feeding. 05.08.2014: Quiz for the Postgraduates & Interns of Pediatrics & OBGY. 06.08.2014: Selection of “Best cared Baby” among those who come to well baby clinic and Immunization clinic on that day 07.08.2014: Guest Talk by Dr. S. Srinivasan., Professor of Pediatrics, Institute of Child Health, Madras Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu & State and Coordinator of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM). He mentioned the Millennium goals and described how they can be achieved by Breast feeding alone. He delivered this speech with lots of humour which was well enjoyed by the audience.

In commemoration of World Sight Day on 09.10.2014, MGMCRI along with District Blindness Control Society and Lion’s Club of Cuddalore had organized for a signature campaign. The campaign was organized with an objective to create awareness among public on eye diseases and eye donation. District collector Mr.Suresh Kumar inaugurated the function.


Department of OBG and Department of Pediatrics conducted awareness programme under guidelines of Dr. S. Ravichandran, Deputy Director of MGMC & RI for World Breast feeding day at Bhavani College of Education, Koothapakkam along with Rotary Club 82


World Suicide Prevention Day

The Department of Psychiatry distributed mental health awareness posters and information leaflets to all departments of MGMCRI, in commemoration of World Suicide Prevention Day on 10thSeptember 2014.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Dr Abu Backer, Senior Resident delivered a lecture titled ‘Dementia: Can we reduce the risk?’ at Kirumampakkam, Tamil Nadu on 19thSeptember 2014, in commemoration of World Alzheimer’s Day,organised by KGNC. Dr Abu Backer, Senior Resident, participated in a screening program for dementia at Kirumampakkam, Tamil Nadu on 19th September 2014 in commemoration of World Alzheimer’s Day, organised by KGNC. The Department of Psychiatry conducted a mental health camp at KrishKidzee School, Cuddalore on 18thJuly 2014. Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry& Mr. Senthil, social worker, participated in the program. The Department of Psychiatry started weekly outreach mental health services at urban & rural health centres at Ariyankuppam (Wednesdays) & Seliamedu(Thursdays), from August 2014. Mr. Rajkumar M, clinical psychologist, gave a talk on mental health & stress management for 10th& 12thstandard school students at Srimushnam, near Chidambaram on 7thAugust 2014. The Department of Psychiatry conducted a mental health camp at RHC, Seliamedu on 8thAugust 2014. The Department of Psychiatry conducted a mental health camp at UHC, Ariyankuppam on 13thAugust 2014. The Department of Psychiatry conducted a mental health camp under the PudhuVaazhvu Project, Villupuram district at Siruvandhadu PHC, Kandamangalam Block, on 8thSeptember 2014.

World Heart Day

This year, World Heart Day’s theme is creating heart-healthy environments. The places in which we live, work and play should not increase our risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). But individuals frequently cannot make heart-healthy choices due to environmental factors, such as the availability of healthy food or smoke-free zones. The department of Cardiology headed by Dr.M.Dhanabal commemorated the event on 29.09.2014 where all the medical officers and staff members spoke to the patients and the public regarding cardiovascular disease (CVD) and how it could be avoided if four main risk factors – tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol – are controlled. All were requested to join the global movement for better heart-healthy choices, wherever they live, work and play.

World Blood Donor day Celebrations

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Department of Pathology and Department of Health Services jointly celebrated “World Blood donor day” on 14th June 2014. On this day, at 8.45 am, a public awareness programme was organized at the MRD Complex of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Hospital. This function was graced by the presence of Dr. Ravichandran, Deputy Director Health services, MGMCRI, Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Dept of Pathology and Dr. Rajendra Dhaka, Professor of Pathology and Resident Medical Officer Dr. LaxamanaPerumal. On this occasion, Dr. G Jeevaraj, PG student of dept of pathology addressed the public gathered at the MRD complex. In his speech, he explained the Importance of Blood donation, the eligibility for becoming a Blood donor, how a unit of whole blood can be separated into four components and there utility in saving the lives of needy patients. This year’s theme of WHO for “World Blood donator day” was “Safe Blood for saving Mothers”,which was also explained to the patients and their relatives gathered at the MRD complex. This was followed by deliberations of Prof. G.Koteeswaran, Blood Bank Medical Officer and Resident Medical Officer Dr. LaxamanaPerumal, who appealed to the public to come forward and donate blood in blood bank. Dr. R Thangam, PG student of Pathology department compeered this function.On this occasion, Mr. R Shanmugam, who has donated blood for 51 times, was the Guest of Honour. He narrated his experiences of blood donation and the sense of satisfaction of social service which he got from donating blood. He made an emotional appeal to the gathering to donate blood. After his speech, he was felicitated by Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane and Dr. Ravichandran. Faculties and postgraduate students of pathology department, nonteaching staff of MGMCRI also attended the function.Also, on this day, in another function held in Blood bank of MGMCRI at 10.30 am, Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. K R Sethuraman inaugurated SBV Blood donors club. He also released enrolment forms of SBV Blood donors club and the Register of the club.This function was graced by presence of Prof N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Postgraduate Studies and Research, SBV University and Prof S Krishnan, Dean, MGMCRI. Prof Dhananjay S Kotasthane, president of SBV Blood donors club, Dr. Avudaiappan, secretary, staff wing of the club, Dr. M D Varunn, secretary, Students wing of the club and Dr. A Jeyaprakash, NSS Prog. officer from Rajiv

Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology, Pondicherry, HODs , faculties and staff of MGMCRI were also present on this occasion.Mrs. K Kanchana, Technical Supervisor of Blood bank and other technical staff, PRO Mrs. Sudarshana, who actively participated in making these functions a grand success.

of HIV infection were displayed in the stalls to create public awareness. A HIV/AIDS awareness programme was organized in Hospital MRD premises, MGMC&RI. It included:A presentation on HIV/AIDS to increase public awareness was done by Dr. S.R.Sathya, Ist year post-graduate, DVL, MGMC&RI and a short film, for HIV/ Transgender camp AIDS awareness was screened for the gathered Transgender camp was held at Kothat- patients. tai, Cuddalore District on 11.06.2014 . The camp was attended by faculties, Dr.Abirami, Department of Pulmonary Dr.R.Ramachandran and postgraduates Medicine Dr.Santosh, Dr.Sandra from the Department On the occasion of World COPD day which of DVL, MGMC&RI. Relevant clinical assess- is being commemorated every year, the Department was done and some of them were referred ment of Pulmonary Medicine conducted a to MGMC&RI for further investigations and patient awareness health camp on 19.11.2014. management. Dr. Pajanivel, Professor &Dr.Vimal Raj, Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary MediHealth awareness programme cine addressed the gathering.Also a special program was conducted on the occasion of World on cancer A health awareness programme was con- COPD day at the MRD at the hospital block. ducted on 7th November 2014 at rural health training centre, Seliamedu by Dr.M.Arthi(PG), Glaucoma Awareness Week Dr.VindhyaGowri Siva (MO in charge), Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreinterns, ANMs on duty and other staff. A health versible blindness in the adult population. In this awareness talk was given by Dr.Saranya and disease, there is increase in intra ocular pressure, Dr.Manimozhi(interns) followed by breast/oral damage to the optic nerve and constriction of examination and registration for PAP smear. the visual field. Usually asymptomatic, this conApproximately 40 residents from nearby locality dition is diagnosed when the patient is examined attended the programme. by an ophthalmologist. It is therefore important to have intra ocular pressure & optic nerve reguDepartment of Dermatology larly evaluated even when there is no perceptible World AIDS Day- 01.12.2014 visual loss. Given the fact that the optic nerve A poster competition was conducted by damage is irreversible, the necessity to diagnose Red Ribbon Club & Department of DVL, MGMC&RI for MBBS undergraduates on the topic “Social stigma of people living with HIV/ AIDS(PLHA). Red Ribbon Club & Department of DVL, MGMC&RI had organized a stall near Gandhi Thidal, Puducherry. Public awareness charts & photographs of common skin manifestations

and treat the condition at the earliest cannot be over emphasized. To create awareness about this blinding condition, “Glaucoma Awareness Week” is observed worldwide in the second week of March. This year March 12th was World Glaucoma Day. In this regard, Department of Ophthalmology, MGMCRI had conducted an awareness campaign at the MRD. Prof. Dr. G. S. Srinivasan presented an awareness talk about 84


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2015 at 11am in the OPD premises of the Department of Pulmonary Medicine. Around 25 students from all the three colleges had displayed their posters for the competition. Prof.K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor,


in the


M.Ch News Awards

the disease. He emphasized the importance of early detection of glaucoma and those who are likely to be at a higher risk for the disease. Dr. Lakshmana Perumal, RMO, also emphasized the need for early diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. Dr.Krishnan, Dean, MGMCRI had also participated in the campaign. Prof. Dr.K.Srikanth, HOD, Department of Oph- SBV, Prof.Krishnan, Dean, MGMCRI and thalmology gave the vote of thanks. Prof.Surendra Menon, Professor and Head of Pulmonary Medicine judged the posters and DBCS Inspections decided the winners. Certificates were given The district blindness control society to all participants. The details of the win(DBCS), Cuddalore, conducted an Inspection ners are: First prize- Ms.Poornima,BDS.IIIyr 25th March 2015 & approved the department BDS, IGIDS (Cash award – Rs.1000), Second of Ophthalmology for conduct of free surgical prize - Mr.Mahesh, B.Sc (N), KGNC (Cash eye camp in Cuddalore District for the year award – Rs.750), Third prize - Ms.Preethika, 2015 – 2016. A total of 12 DBCS Camps IIIyr MBBS, MGMCRI & Ms.Umarani B.Sc were conducted from January to March, 2015. (N), KGNC (Cash award – Rs.500). Out of 2366 patients screened, 160 patients were identified with defect and were operated. Department’s Newsletter

World Tuberculosis Day 2015

In commemoration with the World TB Day 2015 observation, the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at MGMC&RI organized the following events:

Public Awareness Talk:


The first issue of the Department’s Newsletter –“INSPIRE” was released by the Vice-Chancellor of SBV-Prof.K.R.Sethuraman and this issue was focused on Tuberculosis.

An awareness talk was arranged for the World Cancer Day public and patients attending the hospital in An awareness talk was arranged for the the MRD Premises on 24th March, 2015 at public and patients attending the hospital in 9AM. Prof. K.Surendra Menon, Head of Pul- the MRD Premises on 04.02.2015 at 9AM monary Medicine, MGMCRI welcomed the commemorating World Cancer Day gathering. Dr.Pajanivel.R, Professor of Pulmonary Medicine addressed in Tamil to the public and patients on Tuberculosis –cause & how it spreads, importance of regular treatment and about RNTCP. Most patients clarified their doubts and the talk had a good reception among them. Free pamphlets on Facts about Tuberculosis were distributed during the program.

Poster competition for Students: 86

A Poster competition for all the students of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC) was organized on 24th March,

Dr. Deepak David, MCh student, Department of Urology, presented a paper on ‘A Randomized Study Comparing Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Access By Conventional Bull’s-Eye Versus Mini-Access Guide Technique’ and was awarded the BEST PAPER AWARD in the category of Ideas And Innovation in Tamilconference (TAPASUCON 2014) held between 26.09.14 and 28.09.14 atTuticorin. Dr.S.Brahadeeswaran (MCh Urology PG) presented a poster on “Transient Bladder Dysfunction After Pelvic Fracture Associated Urethral Distraction Defect (PFUDD) RepairA Rare Entity” and a another poster presentation on ‘’Left Retrocaval Ureter- A Rare Case Report” in Urology Society of India (USICON 2015) held from 05.02.2015 to 08.02.15 at Ranchi. Dr. Deepak David and Dr. Brahadeeswaran, (MCh Urology PG) attended the national nadu and Pondicherry association of Urologists conference organized by Urology Society of conference (TAPASUCON 2014) held from India (USICON 2015) held from 05.02.15 to 26.09.14 to 28.09.14 atTuticorin. 08.02.15 at Ranchi

Scientific Presentations

Dr. Deepak David, MCh student, Department of Urology, presented a poster on ‘Giant Adrenal Cyst in Pregnancy – A Management Conundrum’ and a paper presentation on ‘Buccal Mucosal Graft Substitution Urethroplasty – An Audit Of Donor-Site Complications’ at the Silver Jubilee Conference of Association of Southern Urologists (SZUSICON 2014)held from 8.8.14 to10.8.14 at Kochi. He also participated in Prof. N.Krishnamurthy Point - Counter Point Debate ‘Urological Training- Simulators or Stimulators’ at SZUSICON 2014. Dr. Brahadeeswaran, MCh student, Department of Urology, presented a poster on ‘A Nephron Sparing Approach Of High Grade Renal Injury in A Hemodynamically Unstable Patient- A Case Report’ and a paper on ‘ Dorsolateral Buccal Mucosal Graft Augmentation Urethroplasty- Our Experience’ at the Tamilnadu and Pondicherry association of Urologists

PG News Awards

Dr. DalenaMerin Mathew, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care won the second prize for poster Presentation: A survey on Emergency management of “neck breather’s” at the State Anesthesiology Conference – PONCON 2014 held on 8.11.14 & 9.11.14 at ManakulaVinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry. Dr. DalenaMerin Mathew, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care won the first prize for Free Paper Presentation Quantification of the influence of epidural analgesia on entropy guided general anesthesia using sevoflurane -A randomized controlled trial and was awarded a memento with certificate at the National Anesthesiology Conference -ISACON 2014 held at Madurai, Velammal Medical College between 26.12.14 and 29.12.14. 87

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Dr. LakkamVamseeKiran, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care won the second prize for Free Poster presentation - A rare cause for recurrent respiratory distress in an infant with normal Chest x-ray - Foregut duplication Cyst and was awarded a memento with certificate at the National Anesthesiology Conference -ISACON 2014 held at Madurai, Velammal Medical College between 26.12.14 and 29.12.14. Dr. SruthiArun Kumar, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care was selected to present her paper - Comparison of dexmedetomidine and clonidine as an adjuvant to 0.75% Ropivacaine for epidural anesthesia in lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries - A randomized controlled trial, in the TN Jha and Chansoriya memorial award category and was awarded a medal and certificate along with a travel grant of rupees 1000 at the National Anesthesiology Conference -ISACON 2014 held at Madurai, Velammal Medical College between 26.12.14 and 29.12.14 Dr. KusumaSrividyaRadhika, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care was selected to present her paper To compare the efficacy of non inflatable cuff of I - gel with inflatable cuff of laryngeal mask airway supreme in providing an adequate seal in anesthetized paralyzed patient receiving controlled ventilation in the Dr. KOP’s award category and was awarded a medal at the National Anesthesiology Conference -ISACON 2014 held at Madurai, Velammal Medical College between 26.12.14 and 29.12.14. Dr. LakkamVamseeKiran, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology& Critical Care was selected to present his paper -A Prospective randomized observer blinded

comparative study of Ultrasound guided ilioinguinaliliohypogastric nerve block or transverse abdominis plane block for post operative analgesia after lower segment caesarean section in the Dr. KOP’s award category and was awarded a medal at the National Anesthesiology Conference -ISACON 2014 held at Madurai, Velammal Medical College between 26.12.14 and 29.12.14. Dr. Roshan Kumar, Postgraduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a paper on ‘Clinico-radiological profile of patients with interstitial lung disease in tertiary care centre’ in NAPCON award paper session at NAPCON 2014, Agra on 22.11.14 and got second place Dr. SruthiArun Kumar, Dept of Anesthesiology was awarded the IPrize in the free paper presentation “Compansion of dexmedetomidine and clonidine as an adjuvant to 0.75% ropivacaine in lower abdominal & lower limb surgeries. A randomised trial”, at the PONCON 2014 – Presentation conducted on 21.09.14 at Indira Gandhi Medical college, Puducherry. Dr.DalenaMerin Mathew, Dept of Anesthesiology was awarded the 3rd Prize in the Presentation – “Quantification of the influence of epidural analgesia on entropy guided general anesthesia using sevoflurane. A randomised controlled trial”, at the PONCON 2014 – Presentation conducted on 21.09.14 at Indira Gandhi Medical college, Puducherry. Dr. S. Krithiga, Post Graduate, Community Medicine, participated and got first prize in oral presentation titled “An epidemiological study of prevalence of common mental disorders and associated factors among rural married women in Puducherry” at “International seminar on Research for prevention and

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control of non-communicable diseases” held at PIMS between 13.01.15 and 14.01.15,organized by Dept. of Community medicine, PIMS, Puducherry along with the University of Alabama Birmingham, Florida International University, Madras Diabetic Research Foundation, The US NIH Fogarty International Centre and Indian Council of Medical Research Dr. Sukanya S, post-graduate, Dept. of Microbiology, was awarded the first prize for Best Paper for oral presentation titled ‘Prevalence of metallo beta-lactamase producers among non-fermenting gram negative bacilli isolated from a tertiary care hospital’ in the conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM), Puducherry chapter at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry on 23.01.15. Dr.Varunn.M.D, Post GraduateTBCD got 3rd place in RESPIQUIZ 2015’ on 31.1.15 at SMVMCH, Pondicherry which was organized under the auspices of Academy of Respiratory Medicine, Mumbai and has got scholarship to

attend National Conference on Environment, Respiratory & Lifestyle diseases (NESCON 2015) Mumbai. Dr. Greeshma. Y, Post graduate from the Department of Radiology was awarded certificate of excellence for giving a Lecture on Interventional Radiological Procedure – Endovascular coil embolisation of Splenic Artery Aneurysm eroding in to stomach at the MIDASICON between07.03.15 and 08.03.15 MGMC & RI (Mid – Term association of Surgeons of India Conference)

Scientific presentations

Dr. Varghese Louis, Post Graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a poster ‘A Misdiagnosed Case of Sleep Apnoea’ at Pulmocon 2014 held at Thrissur, Kerala between 03.05.14 and 04.05.14. Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Post Graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a poster ‘Hemoptysis - An Uncommon Cause’



at ‘Pulmocon 2014’ held at Thrissur, Kerala between 03.05.2014 and 04.05.14. Dr Jeevaraj, Post Graduate, Dept. of Pathology, presented an oral paper on “Predictive value of micronucleus count in cervical smears of normal, infective inflammatory, intraepithelial neoplasia pathology in perimenopausal women” at Society of Clinical Anatomists Conference on 20.05.2014 which was conducted by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science. Dr Annu, Post Graduate, Dept. of Pathology, presented an oral paper on “Thymic cyst a rare differential diagnosis of lateral neck swelling” at Society of Clinical Anatomists Conference on 20.05.2014 which was conducted by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science. Dr.Revathy, Post Graduate, Dept. of Pathology, presented an oral paper on “Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome- A rare case report” at Society of Clinical Anatomists Conference on 20.05.2014 which was conducted by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science. Dr Matariswa, PG, Dept. of Pathology, presented an oral paper on “A rare case report of congenital fetal anomalies with polydactyly, oligodactyly, cystic kidney with ascites” at Society of Clinical Anatomists Conference on 20.05.2014 which was conducted by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science. Dr. Janet Konthoujam, final year MD Psychiatry resident, presented a paper titled “A novel approach in the detoxification of IV buprenorphine dependence: A case series”, at TANPSYCON between 26.07.14 and 27.07.14 at Trichy, Tamil Nadu. Dr.Lakshmy S, final year MD Psychiatry resident, presented a paper titled “A cross-sectional study of the prevalence of depression and anxiety in patients with psoriasis vulgaris”,at TANPSYCON between 26.07.14 and 27.07.14 at Trichy, Tamil Nadu. Dr.BehananSantosh, Post graduate, Department of DVL, presented a poster titled “A rare case of unilateral nevoid telangisctesia” atthe CUTICON Tamil Nadu held at Madurai on 8.8.14 and 9.8.14. Dr Sandra E Mathews, Post graduate, Department of DVL, presented a poster titled “A rare presentation of hypertrophic lichen planus”atthe CUTICON Tamil Nadu held at Madurai on 8.8.14 and 9.8.14. Dr. Charlychacko joseph, Dept of Anesthesiology presented a paper – Efficacy of transdermal fentanyl patches in acute post-operative pain relief: A randomised double blinded placebo controlled trial – at PONCON 2014 on 21.09.14.

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Dr. Vamseekiranlakkam, Dept of Anesthesiology presented a paper – A prospective randomized observer blnded comparative study of ultrasound guided ilio inguinal, iliohypogastric nerve block or transverse abdominis nerve block for post-operative analgesia after lower segment caesarian section – at PONCON 2014 on 21.09.14. Dr. G.ThayumanaSundaram and Dr. V.KrishnaBhargava, Postgraduate, Department of Orthopedics presentation their posters at the Annual conference of Indian Arthroscopy Society, IASCON 2014 at Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, India between 10.10.14 and 12.10.14. Dr. SruthiArun Kumar, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology& Critical Care presented a poster - “Nothing CLEAN after this cleaner –A case report on management of laryngeal altered anatomy after acid ingestion” at the State Anesthesiology Conference - PONCON 2014 held on 8.11.14 & 9.11.14 at ManakulaVinayagar Medical College Pondicherry. Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Postgraduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a paper on ‘Case series of Endocrine disorders associated with Tuberculosis’ at NAPCON 2014, Agra on 21.11.14. Dr. Varunn.M.D, second year Postgraduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a paper on ‘Clinico-laboratory profile of non-malignant exudative pleural effusion in a tertiary care hospital’ at NAPCON 2014, Agra on 22.11.14.

Dr. Varghese Louis, Postgraduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a paper on ‘A comparative study of spirometric patterns in obese and non-obese asthmatics’ at NAPCON 2014, Agra on 23.11.14. Dr. Diego Edwin, post-graduate, Dept. of Microbiology, presented a poster entitled ‘Prevalence of ESBL and AmpC beta-lactamases

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in Gram-negative isolates from various clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital’ at CONFECTION 2014, organized by Indian Association of Medical Microbioligists (Tamil Nadu Chapter) on 12.12.14 at Madha Medical College, Chennai. Dr. BanipreetKaur, Postgraduate, Department of Psychiatry, presented a paper titled “A case of rhombencephalitis presenting as acute and transient psychosis and catatonia, at the annual conference of the North Zone of the Indian Psychiatric Society, organized at Ludhiana, Punjab, on 21.12.14. Dr. Robbin Bose, Postgraduate Resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a poster titled “Extrapyramidal symptoms associated with Aripiprazole - A case series”’ at the Annual National Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS), organized at Hyderabad, from 08.01.15 to 11.01.15. At the “International seminar on Research for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases” held at PIMS between 13.01.15 and 14.01.15, the Post Graduates from the Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Fredrick Stephen, presented a research paper titled “Prevalence of hypertension in selected urban areas of Puducherry”, Dr. Nishanthini, on “Distribution of blood pressure and its correlates among school children of rural Puducherry”, Dr.M.Arthi, on “Determinants of nutritional status among primary school children in rural Puducherry” and Dr. S. Ramkumar, on “Practices of self-medication and public perception on role of pharmacist in self-medication in a rural Puducherry”. The event was organized by Dept. of Community Medicine, PIMS, Puducherry along with the University of Alabama Birmingham, Florida International University, Madras Diabetic Research Foundation, The US NIH Fogarty International Centre and Indian Council of Medical Research Dr.Varunn.M.D, Dr.RoshanKumar.M, Postgraduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated and presented cases in ‘ICS TALENT SEARCH 2015’ which was organized by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, A.J institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore on 17.1.15. At the 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 21.01.15 to 25.01.15, Chennai , the following Post graduates of OBG presented papers, namely Dr. Sangeetha K, on ‘Obstetrical and perinatal outcome in newborns with Nuchal cord a descriptive study’, Dr.Saranya Devi AC, on ‘Periodontitis As A Risk Factor

For Preterm Labour And Low Birth Weight - A Case Control Study’, Dr. Ramya Krishnamurthy, on “Evaluation of isosorbidemononitrate for preinduction cervical ripening – a randomised placebo controlled trial” and Dr. Sindhuri T R, presented a paper on ‘Mifepristone- Misoprostol versus only Misoprostol in the management of intrauterine fetal death - A randomised comparative study’. Dr. Diego Edwin, Dr. Sukanya S and Dr. Valentina Y, post-graduates, Dept. of Microbiology, attended the CME on “Microbial infection-An update” conducted by the Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM), Puducherrychapter on 23.01.2015 at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry. Dr. Valentina Y, post-graduate, Dept. of Microbiology, presented a oral paper entitled ‘Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy’ in the conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM), Puducherry chapter at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry on 23.01.2015. Dr. Diego Edwin, post-graduate, Dept. of Microbiology, presented a oral paper entitled ‘Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Acinetobacterspp in a tertiary care hospital’ in the conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM), Puducherry chapter at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry on 23.01.2015. Post graduates from the Department of Radiology, Dr. D. Jagadeesan, Dr. Peyush and Dr. Siddarth presented papers titled, ‘Evaluation of Normal variants of circle of Willis at Magnetic Resonance Angiography’, ‘Pancreatic duct variants and anomalies’ and ‘An unusual extradural extramedullary entity’ (Poster) respectively at the National conference 2015 (KOCHI), 68th Annual Conference – IRIA 2015 held between 29.01.2015 to 01.02.2015. Post Graduate students from the department of Pathology, Dr Jeevaraj G, presented oral paper on “Study of Blood Component Therapy in Neonates”,Dr Thangam R, presented oral paper on “Role of FNAC in diagnosing neoplastic salivary gland lesions” while Dr Annu Zachariah, presented oral paper on “study of neoplastic sinonasal lesions presenting as polypoidal mass” at International CME in “Pathology, Histopathology & Cytology” held between 5.02.15 and 07.02.15 at Goa organized by Indian Academy of Cytologists, Goa chapter & supported by European Federation of Cytology Societies) & International Academy of Cytology). 90


Dr.Barathane, post graduate student, Dept of Pharmacology, Presented a paper on Evaluation of antiulcer activity of aqueous extract of cocciniagrandis in Indomethacin induced gastric ulcer model at 6th State Conference, Indian Pharmacological Society Puducherry on 12.02.2015 Dr.Jervin Mano, post graduate student, Dept of Pharmacology, Presented a paper on Pattern of Antihypertensive Drug Utilization in a Tertiary Care Hospital at 6th State Conference, Indian Pharmacological Society Puducherry on 12.02.2015 Dr.Saranya, post graduate student, Dept of Pharmacology, presented a paper on Anticonvulsant activity of ethanolic extract of Argyria species leaves in Wistar rats at 6th State Conference, Indian Pharmacological Society Puducherry on 12.02.2015. Dr.Sumina, post graduate student, Dept of Pharmacology, presented a paper on Evaluation of anxiolytic activity of methanol extract of Aeglemarmelos leaves in Wistar rats at 6th State Conference , Indian Pharmacological Society Puducherry on 12.02.2015 Dr. Senthil Kumar, Department of Anaesthesiology conducted workshop on “US guided femoral nerve block in “Coimbatore Anaesthesia Program” CAP-2015 in Coimbatore held on 8.03.15.

Participation In Academic/Scientific Events

Dr.Vineeth Alexander, postgraduate in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated in the monthly Quiz program conducted by the Scientific and Academic Forum in April 2014 and secured the first place. Dr.Chinmayee and Dr.Vishnu, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended “Cadaveric workshop on aesthetic surgery” on 12.04.3014 at M. S. Ramaiah hospital, Bangalore. Dr.Chinmayee, Dr.Vishnu, Postgraduates, Department Of Ophthalmology participated in the CME “Uveitis of general ophthalmologist” by Pondicherry Ophthalmic Association on 11.05.2014. Dr. Krithiga, Postgraduate, Dept. of Community Medicine participated in a training course on ‘Infectious Disease Epidemiology & Health Protection’, conducted at Rajarajeshwari Medical College, Bangalore from 12.05.2014 to 16.05.2014. Dr. Arulraj, Dr. Varghese Mathew & Dr. YazhiniNeelambari, Postgraduates, Dept. of Pediatrics have undergone Pediatric Advanced

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Life Support (PALS) course conducted by Indian Association of Paediatrics (IAP) at Trivandrum 06.06.2014 and 07.06.2014. Dr.Vineeth Alexander, Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Varunn.M.D, Dr. Roshan Kumar.M, Dr.Muhamed Kamaludeen.M.M, Postgraduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the Pondicherry Chest society meeting titled, ‘Difficult Asthma’ on 08.06.2014. Dr. Fredrick Stephen, Dr. Hema priya, Dr. Krithiga and Dr. Ramya M. R, Final year postgraduates from Dept. of Community Medicine attended a workshop on ‘Dissertation Writing’ at MGMC & RI organized by MEU from 09.06.2014 to 11.06.2014. Dr. Nancy, Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology attended CME on “Oculoplasty” at RIO GOH, Egmore, Chennai on 21.06.2014. Dr. HemaPriya, Dr. Ramya M. R., Dr. Fredrick Stephen, postgraduate students, Dept. of Community Medicine attended a workshop on ‘Epidemiological Research Course (ERC): Workshop on Principles and Practice of Epidemiology’ at Community Health Training Centre, Christian Medical College, Vellore between 7.7.14 and 19.7.14. Dr Jenny S Varrughese, Dr Sandra E Mathews and Dr. BehananSanthosh, Post Graduate students, Department of DVL, attended the conference CUTICON Tamil Nadu held at Madurai on 8.8.14 and 9.8.14 Dr. Amruthkumar & Dr. G. Madhu, Dept of Anesthesiology attended “ Eurocaps “ – in New Delhi from 4.09.14 to 14.09.14. Dr.Vignesh, Dr.Arulraj, Dr.Ramkumar, Dr. Preethi, Dr.YazhiniNeelambari, Post Graduates, Dept of Pediatrics attended the KovaiNeocon 2014 at Kovai Medical Centre Hospital, Coimbatore from 19.09.14 to 21.09.14. Dr.Kusuma Srividhya Radhika, Dr.CharlyChacko Joseph, DrDalenaMerin Mathew, DrVamseeKiranLakkam, Dr.Sruthi Arunkumar, Dr. Hussain Ahmed, Dr. Senthil Kumar , Dr. Shyamsundar, Dr. Balaji, Dr. Arjun Ashok, Dr. Ramsesh, Dr. Chandan

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Paul, Dept of Anesthesiology attended a CME on basic of on Mechanical Ventilation held at Indira Gandhi Medical College on 21.09.14. Dr. Varunn.M.D , Dr.Muhamed Kamaludeen Post Graduates, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine attended a ‘CME on current perspectives in the management of airway allergy’, which was organized by department of Pulmonary Medicine, Chettinad Medical College, Chennai, and Indian Academy of Allergy, conducted at Chennai on 05.07.2014.Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Vineeth Alexander, & Dr.Muhamed Kamaludeen Post Graduates, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘South Zone Chest PG CME’, which was organized by Institute of thoracic medicine, Chetpet and Department of Respiratory Medicine, Madras Medical College, conducted at Chennai between 13.09.2014 and 14.09.2014. Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Dr.Muhamed Kamaludeen, Dr. Varunn.M.D, Dr.Roshan Kumar, Dr.Pariventhan, Dr.Mohammed Washid, Dr.Aarthi, Post Graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attendedthe Pondicherry Chest society meeting on 12.10.14 – ‘Flip side of COPD management’. Dr. Diego Edwin, Dr. Sukanya S and Dr. Valentina Y, post-graduates, Dept. of Microbiology, attended the CME on “Recent advances in diagnosis of Tuberculosis” conducted by Department of Microbiology, IGMC & RI, Chest Clinic, Pondicherry and Department of Health & Family Welfare on 31.10.14 at IGMC & RI, Pondicherry. Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Varunn.M.D , Dr.Muhamed Kamaludeen, Dr. Roshan Kumar, Post Graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended a CME ‘Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) 2014’, which was organized by department of Pulmonary Medicine, Apollo hospital, Chennai, conducted at Chennai on 2.11.14. Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Dr.MuhamedKamaludeen, Dr. Varunn.M.D Dr. Roshan Kumar, Post Graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended a National Pulmonologist conference ‘NAPCON 2014’ which was organized by S. N. Medical College, Agra (UP) & Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh (UP), conducted at Agra from 20.11.14 and 23.11.14. Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Dr.MuhamedKamaludeen, Dr. Varunn M.D Dr. Roshan Kumar, Post Graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended a Clinico-Pathological meet, organized by the department of Pulmonary Medicine,

Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences on 5.12.14. Dr. Arulraj, Dr. Arunkrishna, Dr. Varghese Mathew, Dr. Vigneshwaran , Postgraduates, Department of Pediatrics attended the IMA conference at Karaikal on 13.12.14. Dr.Anuja Varghese, Dr.BehananSanthosh, and Dr. Sandra Eliza Mathew, post-graduates of Dept. of DVL attended a peripheral posting in Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute, Chengalpet for training in tertiary care management of Leprosy. Mr.M.Lenin, Research scholar, Department of Biochemistry attended “CME & Hands on training in PCR” in 8.1.15 and 9.1.15, at KAPV Govt. Medical collegeTiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu. Dr.Jervin Mano, Post graduate student, Dept of Pharmacology attended an ‘Advanced workshop on Bioavailability and Bioequivalence studies’ conducted by Chettinad Medical College &Research Institute and Azidus Laboratories Chennai between 9.1.15 and 10.1.15 Dr.M.Arthi, and Dr. S. Ramkumar, Post Graduate, Community Medicine, participated as External Monitor in IPPI 2015 round 1on 18.1.15 and round 2 on 22.2.15 and covered Perambalur district, Tamilnadu. Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Dr.MuhamedKam, Dr. Varunn.M.D, and Dr.RoshanKumar.M, Post Graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended a ‘Pleural update 2015’ CME, which was conducted by Apollo Hospitals at Chennai on 25.1.15. Postgraduates of DVL, Dr.Dharani, Dr. Girlly, Dr.Nithya, Dr.Shobana and Dr.Jenny, attended a CME titled ‘Update on HIV & AIDS’ conducted in Sri Venkateshwara Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Ariyur, Puducherry on 30.01.15. Dr.Varunn.M.D and Dr.Roshan Kumar. M, final year postgraduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated in ‘RESPIQUIZ 2015’ on 31.1.15 at SMVMCH, Pondicherry which was organized under the auspices of Academy of Respiratory Medicine, Mumbai. Postgraduates of DVL, Dr.Dharani, Dr. Girlly, Dr.Ben George, and Dr.Sathya attended a Dermatopathology CME in Sri Manakula Vinayakar Medical College & Hospital on 2.2.15. Dr.Davis Thomas and Dr. Niranjan, postgraduates, Department of ENT attended “QUAESTIO ENT” held between25.01.15 and 26.01.15 at PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore. 92


Dr. Sruthi, Dr. Dalena, Dr. Vamsee, Dr. Radhika, Dr. Madhu, Dr. Anusha, Dr. Amruth, and Dr. Vivek, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended Ramachandra Anesthesia Continuing Medical Education (RACE-2015) in Chennai held between 6.2.15 and 8.2.15. Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Dr.MuhamedKamaludeen, Dr. Varunn.M.D, Dr.Roshan Kumar, Dr.MohammedWashid, and Dr.Aarthi, Post Graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended a CME conducted by Pondicherry Chest society on 8.02.15. Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Vineeth Alexander, and Dr.MuhamedKamaludeen Post Graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘Ramachandra Respiratory Rapid Review’ (RRRR), which was organized by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai on 14.2.15 and 15.2.15. Dr. Haarika V.B., Dr. Ajay Prakaash T.R., Dr. Sumathi Sri, Dr. Sridhar Sangaigh, and Dr. AijasMoidu Post Graduates, Dept., of Paediatrics attended EAST Coast Pedicon 2015, Conference attended on 1.03.15. Postgraduates of DVL, Dr.Girlly, Dr.Ben George, Dr.BehananSanthosh and Dr.Sandra Eliza Mathew, attended a CME on paediatric Dermatology in JIPMER, Puducherry on 1.3.15. Dr.Barathane D., Dr. Jervin Mano, Dr.Saranya R, and Dr. Sumina S, Post graduate students , Dept of Pharmacology attended an in house seminar on LCMS conducted by Waters and Dept of Pharmacology, MGMCRI on 5.3.15. Dr.Varunn.M.D, Dr.RoshanKumar.M, postgraduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended a ‘RNTCP State level conference’ which was organized by department of Community Medicine, Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry on 25.03.15. Dr. Vivek, Dr. Hussain, Dr. Aravindraj, and Dr. SiyamSundar, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended CME & workshop on Thoracic Anesthesia OLV conducted in CMC Vellore held on 28.03.15.


Dr. Varghese Louis, Postgraduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine represented the PG basketball team for the annual intra-college sports day and secured first place in the tournament. Dr.Varunn.M.D, Postgraduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine was selected as the

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Student’s wing secretary of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Blood Donors club, which was inaugurated on 14.06.14 on the occasion of World Blood Donor’s day.



Sports day , Literature & debate and Fine arts’14: Sports day, the literature and debate events 2014 were held alongside the fine arts events in the week – 18th to 22nd of March. The halls were packed thanks to the afternoon classes having been suspended for the time. We had a variety of events meticulously planned out……along with a few new ideas that had been tried out for the first time. Extempore: An event that is quintessential…having been a part of the Literature & debate events from the very beginning, this year we had 23 eager orators. Dr.A.N.Uma and Dr.PrasantNayak provided their expertise and the winners were chosen…Mahesh (Ryz) and Haranchal (Sz) won the first place and SreeSooriya (Kz) won the second. Dumb Charades Prelims were held with a massive number…72 participoants – 24 teams. 9 made it to the finals. All the artists of MGMC had gathered in the FM department to showcase their talents…Sketching and painting and a new event- make up, these were the events held to test the creative minds. They also had interesting themes – goth, peacock, fire and water. Block and Tackle: 13 participants went through a tough session of “block” and “tackle” under the able supervision of Dr. Parthanandi and Dr. SimaBiswas. Sumedha (Xz) came first, Bhavithra(Ryz) came second and Haranchal (Sz) came third. Dumb Charades finals were held with Dr. Manimekalai and Dr. Prabhakaran as judges. 3 teams won after 3 intense rounds of testing their acting and interpreting skills. Two written events – HAIKU writing( a 17 syllable poem on the topics- Romance, Anonymous and Nostalgia) and Letters to Nowhere were conducted. Mehendi – hands adorned with intricate designs, Clay modeling – from human organs to a bright minion park…models of everything and anything, face painting – vampires, werewolves and the much rarer nephilim could be seen lounging casually in the demo room. What’s the Good Word: an event which was a chance for the walking encyclopedias to prove their intellectual provess….A total of 47 teams participated. Pictionary: 32 teams took part. The event turned out to be pretty confusing, after a lot of funny moments and glitches…

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the winners were picked. Four pictures: A popular and trending online game…it was met with a lot of enthusiasm. We had a whopping 65 teams! Jewellery making with a variety of crystals and beads was a new event. Wealth out of waste- papers, plastic cups, used beakers and straws were recycled to create something beautiful. Vegetable carving…roosters, peacocks, ships were created from vegetables. Spin – A – Yarn: Story telling time…a few really funny tales were told on stage with the hints provided. Quiz prelims were held with a round of trivia about music, movies and of course…books! Rangoli, Floral arrangement – Onam style… the corridors were decked in colors. Nail art and hair coloring were the other two events. Take – home events…T-shirt designing and pot painting were also judged. The finals of Four Pictures and Quiz marked the end of the eventful week! The whole student body had assembled for the two final events…delicious aroma wafted from the demo room, as participants displayed their skillful cooking. And the highlight was the “ PANI PURI “ – eating competition…needless to say, it was quite a week indeed!

Talentia’ 14 -Cuturals

“Talentia ‘14”, the two day fest organized by the “Xanthronz” was held in the college grounds on the 26th and 27th of April 2014. This year, the cultural porogramme was themed on the “Hawaiin Luau Party” and it was brought out remarkably by the décor – the lighting and background provided a natural ambience and the guests were welcomed with seashell necklaces and leis…refreshment was provided with tender coconut drinks! There was also a Hawaiin themed entrance, complete with a “Hula” model! The first day of the fest featured a medley of events, presided over by our Vice Chancellor, Dr. K.R.Sethuraman. It started off with the prize distribution for all the talented winners of the Literature & debate and Fine arts events. This was followed by Mime – a special performance by the Sternarsterz. Solo Dance was next Pallavi (Xz) second and Akshada(kz) third. Then the younger guests- children of the members of faculty gave a special performance! After the dinner break, Themed dance was held…Xanthronz came first, Sternarsterz second. Then came the much- awaited event of the day…Fashion show. This year’s theme was “Mazai” – African Culture, and the stage was lit up by the dazzling colours and the exotic prints of the Amazon. A special ramp walk by the judges marked the end of the first day.

On the second day, the Dean of Indira Gandhi Medical College, Pondicherry was the honorary guest of the day. The first event of the day was the duet dance. Again our dancers gave a mesmerizing performance. Pallavi and Sumedha (Xz) came first, Thushitha and Sivaranjanee(Sz) came second and Akshadha and Vinithra( KZ) came third. Then came the event of the day – the “Prism launch”. A modern- day Hagrid arrived on his motorcycle carrying a bundle of freshly printed copies of the “PRISM ‘14” onto the stage…and as the chief guest flipped open the magazine, the sky was set ablaze with a firework show. The overall prizes were distributed next and the “Xanthronz” 94


triumphed. After dinner, we were serenaded by the bands from all the batches along with a special performance by the college band. The last event marking the end of the two-day programme was the non-themed dance. Xanthronz gave a parting guest performance. With a lot of memories and excitement, Talentia ’14 was indeed a riot! Xanthronx, students forever

Alumni of MGMC&RI

Dr. Vishnoukumaar aged 25 years a native of Pondicherry belonging to MGMCRI MBBS batch of 2006 has done it differently; a doctor and an engineer. He liked electronics,

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physiology and computers and mechanics. Physiology because of the bodily mechanisms involved.Dr. Vishnoukumaar started feeding his brain-child in true earnest by preparing for U.S. examinations like GRE and TOEFL from the 2nd year onwards to enter an M.S. programme in bio-medical engineering. He joined the course in 2012 at the University of Texas at Dallas, USA and completed the course with a thesis titled, ‘Noveltechnique in sleep apnoea monitoring’. He obtained a renowned scholarship in the second year. This August, 2014 he is to join a Ph.D programme in neural engineering.

Extra currucular activities

II MBBS Vth semester students participated in National Level Quiz Program in Forensic Medicine & Toxicology at KMC Manipal, Manipal University, Karnataka on 27.9.14. MeenaR,Soundharya, Nandhini P and JeyaPrakash participated in quiz & exited in Semi final round. Dr.RajkumarPatil, faculty member, Dept of Community Medicine, organized and conducted rally on the occasion of “World AIDS Day” on 1.12.14 in which a student rally was held from “City Centre, MGMC&RI” to Gandhi Thidal Beach road to spread awareness on the approaches to prevent AIDS and minimize the stigma of the affected victims. Mr. Aravind Doss, III year student was awarded 3rd in elocution competition conducted by Directorate of Health & Family welfare. The competition was conducted to sensitize the public on female infanticide in September 2014.

Intercollegiate Pharmacology Quiz Competition - 2014

The Department of Pharmacology organized an intercollegiate Pharmacology quiz competition on September 19th 2014for the undergraduate medical students. There were totally 32 teams (2 students per team) from other colleges in and around Puducherry.There were 23 teams from our college. To select 5 out of 23 teams from our college an intra-college preliminary test was conducted on 18th September

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2014. These 5 teams along with the 32 teams from other colleges participated in the intercollegiate prelims held on 19th September at 11am. The intercollegiate prelims questions were contributed by Dr. Sudarcodi, Assistant Professor which helped us to select the 5 best teams out of the best. The 5 finalists on the stage were fromMahatma Gandhi Medical College & RI (MGMCRI), Indira Gandhi Medical College & RI (IGMCRI) and JIPMER, Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Sciences (MAPIMS) and Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS).The quiz master for this year was Dr.Padmavathi S, Assistant Professor. The finalists participated enthusiastically and gave a positive feedback at the end about the event. At the end team from JIPMER won the first place and received a cash prize of Rs 3000. The 2nd (cash prize of Rs 2000/-) & 3rd (cash prize of Rs.1000/-) places were secured by the teams from PIMS & MAPIMS respectively. The Prizes & certificates were distributed to the winners by our HOD, Prof K Manimekalai.

as our teachers left the hall with smiles on their faces which filled our hearts. - Penned down by students

Teachers’ Day Celerbration

Adrena ‘14 Awards

The 5th of September! A day celebrated as a tribute to the selfless and valuable contributions made by our teachers. We the Sternarzterz (Batch of 2011), took the pleasure in commemorating the “Teacher’s Day Celebration-2014” with the guidance of our beloved Prof. Partha Nandi, Staff Advisor for student, MGMC&RI. Our teachers, who are no less than celebrities, walked the red carpet and were warmly welcomed by the students with roses and a photo session. The festivity kick-started with a small video clip that portrayed how much our teachers mean to us. Following this, awards were given to the teachers who were voted as the favorites by our students themselves. One student from every batch took the opportunity to express their love and gratitude for their teachers, which warmed our teachers hearts even more. Our loving Prof.A.R.Srinivasan gave us an enjoyable mini-musical treat which left us all awestruck. After the students, the stalwarts of our institution- Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Prof.S.Krishnan, Dean of Administration, Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean-PG Studies & Research and Prof.K.A.Narayan, Vice-Principal, MGMC&RI shared us the importance of the day and of a teacher. The fun games were the highlight of the day, as we saw enthusiastic participation from the teachers, which turned out to be fun for both the teachers and us. The celebration concluded

Overall winner by MGMCRI Students in Adrena With the blessings from the Honorable Chairman of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Shri. M. K. Rajagopalan and the Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, the students were permitted by the Dean of Administration, Prof.S. Krishnan and the Vice-Principal, MGMCRI, Prof. K. A. Narayan to participate in ADRENA ‘14, which took place from 5th to 9th of September, held in Sri Venkateshwara Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry. With tremendous support from the management and under the relentless guidance of our Prof. Partha Nandi, Staff Advisor for Students, MGMCRI. The strong dedication and supervision of Dr. Mugunthan, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and our Physical Trainer, Mr. Saravanan was noteworthy.It was an absolute ‘stand out performance’ by the students of MGMC&RI, as our college bagged the overall trophy. The event saw keen participation of 43 colleges, but what’s remarkable is that, it is for the ‘second time’ our college has walked away with this prestigious title. We were crowned the winners in Football, Music, Fashion Show and overall in Literature and Fine art events. It was a tremendous display of coordination, talent and unity by our students which was the main reason that paved our path towards success.



inter-college competition for sports

Dr. Partha Nandi, Staff Advisor for the student, MGMCRI, facilitated and monitored participation of undergraduate student’s inter-college competition for sports in Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College. MGMCRI won Badminton Championship and Table Tennis Championship. Mr. Sudhan from 2010 MBBS batch and Mr. VarunChakrabarty from 2012 MBBS batch won the best players’ awards in Badminton and Table Tennis respectively.

Anatomy quiz competition

Ms.SreePriyanka, Mr.Pratyush, Mr.Lochan and Mr.Balasubramanyam of I MBBS 2014-15 batch participated in the Anatomy quiz competition organized by the Karpakam Faculty of Medical Sciences & Research, Coimbatore on 13.03.15.At the end of preliminary elimination round, out of 88 students from 22 Medical colleges, only 6 medical colleges representing 2 students each were selected. Out of 6 selected, ours is the only private Medical institution and the remaining 5 were Government institutions. Ms.SreePriyanka and Mr.Pratyush successfully contested in the puzzles, riddles and tricky trap quiz programs and were judged for the fourth position and were awarded memento and all the four students were given certificate of participation. Dean, Prof.S.Krishnan and Vice-Chancellor Prof.K.R.Sethuraman appreciated student’s endeavor and congratulated all the four students for bringing laurel to our institute MGMCRI.

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Other Highlights MAY Day Celebrations 2014

“May Day” also called the International Worker’s Day was celebrated in a grand manner last year, and this year it witnessed another milestone. The Institution has taken another step in ensuring that the employee welfare is taken care of. Our Respected Chairman wanted the celebration to be conducted every year. The personnel department under the guidance of the Sr. Personnel Manager, Mr. Balamukundan and Personal Secretary Mrs. Asha Sureshbabu organized a special programme for all the

The constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences and Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College participated in the Educational Expo conducted by Dinakaran, the daily belonging to Sun TV group. The three day Educational Expo was held between 25th and 27th April 2014 at Anthoniyar Hall, Pondicherry. SBV was allotted a stall, and various courses available for the students who had passed Higher Secondary were highlighted. Educational counseling was provided by the faculty of IGIDS and KGNC. The programme was co-ordinated by Ms.Sudharshana, Public Relations Officer of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute. The programme was well attended by nearly 3000 students along with their parents. A memento was presented to SBV at the valediction.

Farewell to Prof.Selvasundari

Prof.Selvasundari, after her more than one

workers at 8:30 a.m. on the 1st of May 2014 at the Hospital- I block. All the workers of the Institute including clerical staff, technicians and attenders were invited to attend the function. Sr. Personnel Manager welcomed and addressed the gathering with an inspiring speech about employee importance and about man power. He also explained about the importance of cordial relationships with employees. Dean, Prof. Krishnan.S was the guest of the day. RMO, Dr. Lakshmana Perumal enlightened and encouraged the employees about maintaining the workmanship quality. The Medical superintendent, Dr. Nirmal Coumare addressed the crowd, inspiring them to work in unity towards fulfilling the vision and mission of the Institution. The function ended with the Asst. Personnel Officer reciting a Tamil poem telling about unity with diversity. All the workers were given special gifts on behalf of the Chairman of SBV.

Conducted An Awareness Programme of Body Donation (Moksha) With Cuddalore Junior Chamber International Members Meet at Cuddalore on 02.05.2014 In that day Handbills were distributed to their members more than 150 peoples were participated in that Occasion and members were interacted effectively and 10 of them were registered their name for body donation. On the behalf of MGMCRI , Mrs. Sudharsana received will form from the president of JCI, and the team of healthcare services involved in activities of MOKSHA effectively.

Independence Day Celebrations 2014

The 69th Independence Day of our Mother India was celebrated with respect and fervor at MGMCRI. The program started with distribution of Indian National Flag badges and brief introductory-welcome address by a member of student council, MGMCRI, which follows Guard of Honor to the Dignitaries and hoisting of flag by V.C., Prof. K.R. Sethuraman accompanied by the Dean of MGMCRI, Principals of Dental and Nursing Colleges with National Anthem being played simultaneously. The program followed by a few patriotic song by the students of nursing college, speech by a student of MGMCRI and Independence Day speech by Vice Chancellor. The program ended with high

tea and distribution sweets. Everyone disperse with high spirit of patriotism in them. As a part of MGMCRI Employees’ welfare Incentive Scheme 2013-2014, Sekar D, OT Assistant‘s son Anandheswar S, Anbarasan G, Plumber’s daughter Agalya A, Indira Gandhi P, Nursing Supervisor’s daughter, Nanthini.P, Maheswari D, Nursing Assistant’s son Sudharsan D and Kanchana K, Blood Bank Technical Supervisor’s, daughter Arthi S were given cash prize totaling to 23,000 for their excellent academic performance in their school examinations by the Vice Chancellor of SBV, Prof.K.R.Sethuraman.

Transgender Column

The Festival :Transgender Film Festival 2014 Sahodaran Community Oriented Health Development (SCOHD) & Progressive Writers Artists Association’s Puducherry Film Forum jointly organized “Transgender Film Festival” for two days 21st & 22nd June 2014 at Puducherry. Mr.S.Karuna, Miss. Sheethal, President of SCOHD Society, Famous documentary film Director & film Eminent Documentary Film Director and Editor B. Lenin, Dr. Ravichandran .S, Dep. Director of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute , Film Educator & Director M. Sivakumar,

decade of service as Professor, formerly HOD, Department of Ophthalmology at MGMCRI, was given a warm felicitation and farewell on her retirement of service on 30.04.2014.

Department of Health Care Services

Dinakaran Educational Expo -2014

Educational Expo conducted by Dinakaran of Sun TV group (25th to 27th April)



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Writer S. Tamilselvan were present on the occasion. Representatives from Pondicherry AIDS Control society conveyed the greetings message from the Project Director Dr.Gurumoorthy.

function of Rotary club of Koothapakkam on 04.07.2014. More than 300 peoples and club members were involved in Health promotional activities. Five of their club members registered their names for body donation in that day and the Deputy Director received registered forms The International AIDS Society (IAS) Ms. Sheethal participated as a representative of Body Donation. of Pondicherry State attended the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014) at the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Misin Melbourne, Australia from 20th to 25th July sion) is a national campaign by the Government 2014. of India, covering 4041 statutory towns, to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country. This campaign was officially launched on

Ms. Sheethal was given an award on the occasion of Worlds Woman’s day at Puducherry on 24.08.2014 for her tireless service for the 2 October 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi, where Transgender society Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself cleaned the road. It is India’s biggest ever cleanliness drive and 3 million government employees and school Pillayrakuppam 2014 : Transgender and college students of India participated in this Festival Ms. Sheethal, Project Director of SCOHD event. Taking up the initiative, MGMCRI also Society organized Miss Pillayarkuppam Contest took up the Clean India Mission on 15.11.2014 at Pillayarkuppam of Puducherry district on 13th where all the faculty members, students, manMay 2014 for the MSM and transgender Com- agement, administration dept., transport dept, munity. Nearly 42 transgender enrolled their maintenance dept, housekeeping unit and many name and. Miss. Vaishu of Chennai was awar- more divisions of the college actively took part ded for Ist Prize and recognized by Mr. Ran- and cleaned the areas in and around the campus ganath and II nd prize was awarded by Police and roads, creating awareness among all that Superintend Mr. Subash to Ms. Vaishnavi of ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness.’ Pondicherry and Ms. Priya of Erode, Tamilnadu was recognized by Inspector Gunasegaran MGMCRI Opens New City Centre for IIIrd Prize.. The City Centre of Mahatma Gandhi MedMs. Sheetal Nayak was awarded “Mercury Award” by the Mercury TV channel on ical College & Research Institute, located at 16.11.2014, in a function held at Pondicherry Thiruvalluvar Salai, Pillaithootam, Pondicherry Hotel Atithi for the selfless service rendered was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister for the cause of transgendered community of Puducherry Shri. N. Rangasamy in the presby Mr.Rajavelu, Social Welfare Minister, ence of Shri. Om Sakthi Sekar, MLA of the Constituency on 17.11.2014. The Chairman Pondicherry. of Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Rotary Club Trust Shri. M.K. Rajagopalan, Vice-ChancelOn the behalf of MGMC &RI our Deputy lor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Prof. K.R. SethDirector Dr.S.Ravichandran and the team of uraman, Dean- Research & PG Studies Prof. Health care services participated in installation N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean- Prof. S. Krishnan, 100

Medical Superintendent, Prof. Nirmal Coumare, Deputy Director, Prof. S. Ravichandran, Prof. Robinson Smile, Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Surgery, all heads of departments, faculty, management staff, Nursing Superintendent and many others were present for the function. The City Centre will provide General, Specialty and Super Specialty health care including Medical and Surgical Oncology, all under one roof and is the first of its kind in Puducherry. City Centre will thus be a liaison between the patients of Pondicherry town and MGMCRI. The City Centre which is of corporate type will be a referral as well as treating centre for general ailments and super specialty health problems under one roof. General OPD services will function between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm daily including E.C.G, Echo, Ultra Sound and Laboratory services. Master Health Check up packages is available here. Specialty and Super Specialty OPD services will be available on all days between 5 pm and 9 pm. In addition to the above, on all days City Centre also provides Music Medicine and Yoga Therapy consultations and sessions. Further City Centre will also serve as an Information Centre for the services of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and a booking centre for MRI and CT Scans.

at JIPMER and got the runner up trophy in KABADDI, bringing laurels to MGMCRI.

MGMCRI Observed National Unity Day

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, a constituent college of Sri Balaji Vidhyapeeth took pride in observing the National Unity Day (Rashtriya Ekta Diwas) on the birth anniversary of Shri Sardar Valla bhai Patel, the Iron Man of India. Mahatma Gandhi Medical College organized a programme for administering the Rashtriya Ekta Diwas Pledge to all students, staff and faculty on 31.10.2014. The faculty and students took the solemn pledge with utmost dedication and devotion and with the idea of spreading the message of Unity, Safety and Security. It was supervised by the office of the


Employees of MGMCRI participated in a sports meet conducted in December 2014 101

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Dean. All the batches were administered the with an invocation by Mrs. R. Bhuvaneswari, pledge at 11.00am on 31.10.2014. Tutor and Mrs. Kala Varathan, Student, Dept of Music Therapy. Mrs. Rajeswari, Asso.Prof. of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College welcomed Exclusive Theatre Complex For the gathering. Ms. Lakshya introduced all the Trauma Care - MGMCRI launches guest invitees. Dr.D.Sharmila, District Revenue trauma toll line 18004251008 Officer, Cuddalore was the chief guest. She An exclusive trauma operation theatre com- spoke on women’s health and violence against plex has been launched at the Mahatma Gandhi women. Prof. Jayanthi Ravichandran, Head of Medical College and Research Institute on English department, St.Joseph’s College of Arts 20.03.2015. The 20-bedded unit situated adja- and Science, Cuddalore addressed the gathering cent to the Casualty will now provide better regarding Women’s empowerment and female coordinated care round-the-clock for victims infanticide. Ms.Bhuvaneshwari, Social Welfare of traffic accidents or patients with fractures Officer felicitated the gathering. She placed a or injuries in the head, spine or abdomen. The request that MGMCRI should take steps to state-of-art equipment includes new versions create an awareness among public regarding of CT/MRI machines, ventilator support and female infanticide. Her speech was followed by an ambulance service. The hospital can now Mr.Ramamurthy, Deputy Superintendent of expect to improve upon survival chances of road Police, Cuddalore. He spoke about more suitraffic accident victims on Cuddalore-Pondy cidal rate among females. highway. Getting these victims into a hospital Dr.Ravichandran.S, Deputy Director, within the golden hour (one hour) of sustain- MGMCRI addressed the gathering. He ing a traumatic injury can vastly improve sur- insisted that all females above 35 years should vival rates and treatment outcomes. Though the undergo screening for breast cancer and cervical general surgery and orthopaedic units will lead cancer. He requested all government officials the management of the exclusive trauma sur- should give permission for Medical, Dental gery unit, the different forms of patient injuries and Nursing College for conducting camps. He will involve liaisons with many other specialties assured that MGMCRI will not involve in any such as Emergency Medicine, Neurosurgery, criminal offences (female infanticide/revealing Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Anaesthesiology and sex of fetus). Maxillo facial Surgery. The MGMCRI has also All guest invitees were honored with launched a trauma toll line (18004251008). memento by Mrs. Asha SureshBabu, PS to Chairman, Convener of Women’s Cell. Finally International Women’s Day -7.3.15 the vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Bindhu, All around the world, International Women’s Asso.Prof, IGIDS. All faculty members, PrinDay represents an opportunity to celebrate the cipal from IGIDS, Principal from KGNC, achievements of women while calling for greater Deputy Registrars, Nursing Superintendent and equality. Make it happen is the theme for 2015. Management staff from SBV participated. It signifies encouraging effective action for Followed by this an awareness rally was advancing and recognizing all women. inaugurated by all guest invitees. It started from Women’s cell of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Com- Anna stadium proceeded through the main memorated the International Women’s day streets of Cuddalore and finally ended up at, on 7th March 2015. An Awareness Rally was Pudupalayam in Cuddalore. All the constituorganized from Anna Stadium, Cuddalore to ent college students participated and held PlacPudupalayam, Cuddalore. Program started ards based on the various aspects pertaining

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to women’s welfare. Mrs. Sudharshana, PRO for fostering an excellent academic wisdom to and the Department of Health Care Services the medical students and medical fraternity. coordinated this Programme. The faculty members thanked the Chairman and all the management staffs who worked hard Faculty Night with the Organizing team for making the night Every person needs to take one day away a sensational one. from routine. A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future, jobs and fam- Human Rights Council On February 21st, Human Rights Counily. That day came on 7th Feb 2015 from 6.30 pm onwards at Le Pondy resort at Puducherry cil celebrated their Annual Day Celebration as “FACULTY NIGHT” where the stage was at Gandhi Thidal, Beach Road, Pondicherry. set for every faculty members to explore their Human Rights Council President Mr.D.S.Sakcultural and inbuilt talents. Faculty enthusi- thivel, Local Administration Minister Mr.Panastically participated in karaoke singing, dan- nerselvam, Speaker Mr.Sabapathy, Ex.MP. cing, instruments play, etc and also enjoyed the Mr.Ramadoss honoured our Deputy Director Dr.Ravicandran by giving “Manithaneya Maruthuva Semmal Virudhu” for improving the Transgender’s Quality of Life by recruiting them in SBV University, and adoption of Rural villages, providing free services. Also Ms.K.Sheethal “I “Block Executive got honoured from the Judge Mr.Sethumuruga Boopathy. Speaker Mr.Sabapathy for enlightening the Transgender Community.

lovely dinner. The Chairman of SBV, Shri MK Rajagopalan honoured three Emeritus Professors, namely Prof.Robinson Smiles, Dept. of Surgery, Prof.Sudha Rao, Dept. of Anatomy and Prof.Selvasundari, Department of Ophthalmology with the ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ for the selfless service to the society and 102


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Staff Nurses MGMCRI In- service education programme for staff nurses of MGMC& RI

On 16/04/14, in co-ordination with BD Medical Surgical Systems, Mr. T. Jayavelan, areas sales manager, presented a topic on “Basic steps in I.V cannulation” and were taken to the medical simulation centre for practical session. Mr. T. Jayavelan demonstrated the steps of I.V cannulation and re-demonstration was taken from the staff nurses. On 23/04/14 in co-ordination with the BSN medical Pvt.Ltd, Mr. Venkatraman, District Manager and Mr. K. Manivannan, sales manager, presented a topic on “Wound Care Management”. On 23/04/14, Dr. Sameer Jahagirdar. M, Assistant Professor and I.C.U incharge (Dept of Anesthesiology) emphasized and presented a topic on “the selection and care of Enteral feeding”. At the end of the session post-test was conducted for the staff nurses. JIPMER conducted GFATM training for two days in the month of April, on HIV/AIDS at college of nursing, Puducherry. In view of this program two ANM’s were deputed namely Kavitha & Poorniammal attended the training program. In view of International Nurses Day celebra-

Employees Welfare Day Celerbrations -31.01.2015 The success story of MGMCRI has always been the hard work of its dear employees and so in order to honor them we have been conducting “The Employee welfare function” consecutively for the past three years and this year to make it even better we also conducted a Sports and Rangoli competition for the employees to entertain and motivate them, the welfare day function was conducted on the 13th of February 2015 at ADR Mahal, the function was enlightened by the presence of our honorable chairman Shri. M.K. Rajagopalan, he was welcomed by the staffs &union members of MGMCRI with garlands and crackers, the chairman gave a heartfelt talk on the how much of success MGMCRI has risen to and thanked the employees for their sincerity towards the institute and he also talked about the 250 MBBS students intake that the institution has achieved, the Sr. Personnel Manager ,Mr. Balamukundan.S welcomed the gathering, Dr. Ravichandran.S, the Additional Director, Dr. Sethuraman.K.R., Vice Chancellor felicitated the crowd, the winners of both the Sports and Rangoli Competition were given prices and mementos. The vote of thanks was given by the Assistant Personnel Officer Mrs. Zaibunesha Begum, who thanked all the members of the various committees, Management Staffs and also Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, Personal Secretary to Chairman and

Mr. Kannan Aiyar, General Manager (F&O) for the success of the program. The employees were given the opportunity to bring out their talents through the culturals organized by the Management which was a source of fun and relaxation and a special dinner was also arranged as a good will gesture by the management. This year the following employees were given away cash awards of for their sincere services to the institution, the employees names are as follows : Ms.Zaibunesha BegumAssistant Personnel Officer, Mr.Vijay.AForeman Electrical, Ms.Amudha.V- Clerk, Ms.Jayalakshmi.N- OT Tech, Mr.Arokiaraj.S- Housekeeping In Charge, Mr.Raja.SDriver, Mr.Murugaiyan.S- Ortho Plaster, Ms.Suguna.M, Ms.Pazhaniammal.H and Mr.Murugaiyan.M – Attenders.

tion, various events such as musical chair, chess, carom, drawing, dance, song, poster, extempore and procedure competition were conducted for the staff nurses on 5th, 6th and 7th May, for the staff nurses of MGMC & RI. 104


of On 08.05.14, nurses meet with Deputy Director, Medical Superintendent and Nursing Superintendent was held at the conference hall between 2p.m to 4p.m (I floor). Mrs. Amir Alikan Asmath, Mrs. Ruth Vijayakumari Ebenezer, Mrs. Prema Rajasekaran, Mrs. Chandra Sivasubramanian, DNS, ANS, Nurse Educator, Department Chief Nurse and Nursing Supervisors participated in the meeting. The meeting was been emphasized regarding the measures to be taken and focused towards the improvement of the patient’s safety and nursing care. Focusing on the theme the International Nurses day celebration -2014 was commemorated on 19.05.14 with the support of Dr. S. Kamalam, Director of Nursing and the KGNC faculty members. Mrs. Amir Alikan Asmath (Nursing Superintendent), delivered the welcome speech. Dr. S. Kamalam, Director of Nursing, unfolded the theme and recited Florence Nightingale Pledge. Prof. K. R. Sethuraman (Vice-Chancellor), was the special guest of the day who kindled the spirits of all, through his motivational speech. Dr. Nirmal Coumare (Medical Superintendent) and Dr. Lakshmana Perumal (Residential Medical Officer), felicitated the gathering. Prizes were distributed to the winners(both staff nurses and KGNC faculty) who participated in the various events such as musical chair, chess, carom, drawing, dance, song, poster, extempore and procedure competition. Mrs. I. Therasa (Assistant Nursing Superintendent) rendered vote of thanks. The program ended with various cultural events. This day was a memorable one for the entire nursing fraternity. On 21.05.14, Mr. V. Sridharan and Mr. R. Balamanikandan (Roche Diabetes Care), presented and demonstrated regarding ACCUCHEK PERFORMA (self-monitor of blood glucose) for the staff nurses. To have an increased awareness of improving the safety of the I.V drug therapy presentation was done by Mrs. J. Deepa, Nurse Educator, with the co-ordination of Baxter company. Mr. Aravind Sahayaraj, Key account manager

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demonstrated the Mini-Bag plus for the staff nurses. The session was informative. On 29.05.14, Venkateswara Medical College of Nursing conducted a CNE program on “Prevention of Hospital acquired pressure ulcer”. In view of this program two staff nurses namely Mr. Mohilarasan and Mr. Ramesh were deputed to attend the program. To attain proficiency in interpreting ECG, a theory class was arranged on 04.06.14 and presented by Dr. Anand Monickam,(in-charge of medical simulation centre). The in-charge staff nurses from the respective wards attended the class. On 11.06.14, in co-ordination with BD-Medical Surgical Systems, Mr. Siva- area sales manager, presented a topic on “Prevention of Needle stick injuries” for the staff nurses. On 18.06.14, Dr. Jagan presented a topic on “Nursing Informatics 101”, for the staff nurses. Third semester MBBS students were posted in Medical Simulation Centre to learn practical skills in all specialities of Medicine from 27th May until 20th June 2014 (from 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m). A bedside basic nursing skill class was arranged and taken for five MBBS students in F4 (female medical ward). The following nursing skills was taken by Mrs. J. Deepa, MSc (N), Nurse Educator: General ward/room bedmaking, Patient positions, Patient transfer from bed to trolley and vice versa, Using a glucometer, Common bandage techniques, Using a nebulizer, Using an insulin syringe to administer insulin medication, Wearing cap, mask, gown & gloves, Demonstrate contents of a typical tray-(bone marrow biopsy tray). Queries were clarified at the end of the session. Indian Medical Association, Tamilnadu State Branch-Paramedical wing, 10th Zonal

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the role of HICC-Hospital Infection Control Committee was discussed in the session. Another group of about 20 students were taken to the injection OPD & shown regarding the needle destroyer and disposal of syringes and injections. Registers were shown and explained in detail. JIPMER conducted GFATM training for two days in the month of July/August, on HIV/AIDS at college of nursing, Puducherry. In view of this program two ANM’s were deputed namely Ms. Vasanthi&Ms. Subhashini attended the training program. On 16/07/14, In co-ordination with BD Medical Surgical Systems, Mr. T. Jayavelan, areas sales manager, presented a topic on “Prevention of Needle Stick Injuries” and at the end of the session. Mr. T. Jayavelandemonstrated how to use the sharp (container) collector and hub cutter and proper way of disposal. Mrs.JupithaBegam, nurse educator/ product specialist, NIC- South, emphasized on the NABH standards & Qualities of a nurse for the staff nurses. Mr. Manikandan, area sales manager focused and highlighted on their company products. Staff nurses namely Esther. Y (nursing supervisor), EppaEzhil Rani (ICU in-charge) Dhiviya (Dialysis in-charge) andSumala (staff nurse-MICU) attended the computer practical class in the IT department based on Hospital Information System taken by Mr. Ramji-IT in-charge. In order to attain competent skill in interpreting ECG, on 08.10.14, an ECG class was presented by Dr. Anand Monickam, Junior Resident, for staff nurses in the medical simulation center. Mr. Karthick and Mr. Prabu (Bio-Medical Department), demonstrated “How to use the E.C.G machine” for the staff nurses. At the end of the session, NIPRO-South company & Hand Hygiene certificates were issued for the staff nurses. The following candidates namely Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator), Mr. Kishore (Dept. Chief Nurse), Ms.S. Arivukkarasi (ICN), Mrs. Dhivya, Mrs. Vennila (I.C nurses) & Ms. Niveda (staff nurse) attended a seminar on “Knowledge Management in Health Care & Information Science” in the Central Library lecture hall between 2 p.m to 4 p.m. Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator), attended a training program organized by the Women’s Empowerment Unit of SBV on “Women’s Life Safety-Physical & Emotional Self Defense Awareness” in the II floor lecture hall between 2.30 p.m to 4 p.m.

meet (East)- We all can and we will- let this be our guiding path, conducted conference and workshop on “Practical aspects in Nursing care” on 21.06.14 at Krishnaswamy Engineering College between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. In view of this, nearly 15-20 staff nurses including nurse educator, assistant nursing superintendent, infection control nurse, nursing supervisors, theatre nurses attended the conference which was very effective and informative. Nursing Documentation was presented by Mrs. J. Deepa, MSc (N), Nurse Educator on 25.06.14 for the staff nurses. At the end of the session, blood transfusion checklist was explained and doubts were clarified by the department chief nurse, Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar. Newly printed registers such as casualty, OPD and nominal registers were shown to the staff nurses and explained in detail regarding documentation by the nursing superintendent. At the end of the session, certificates was issued for the staff nurses those who have attended Bio-shields, “Disinfection and Sterilization” by the nursing superintendent. To improve competency in interpreting ECG, on 07/07/14 a theory class(II session) and practical session was arranged and presented by Dr. AnandMonickam,(in-charge of medical simulation centre). The in-charge staff nurses from the respective wards attended the class. On 09/07/14“Preventing I.V complications” was emphasized by Mr. Siva (Regional sales manager) of 3M-Minesota Mining Manufacturing Health Care for the staff nurses. On 14/07/14, a group of 14 students from VII semester MBBS students were taught and shown them the different types of biomedical wastes generated in our hospital, how they are handled and disposed. A brief overview of


Mrs. S. Kiruba and Mrs. T. Manimala (Nursing Supervisors) successfully completed BLS training program on 4.11.14 in the medical simulation center. Mrs. S. Rama (Student Counsellor.Psychologist) emphasized on “Functions of the mind-Hierarchy of motivation” for the staff nurses. Dr. Pajanevel, Professor , Department of Pulmonology medicine emphasized on “Nebula: A Refresher for Nurses on Good Nebulization Practice. Pondicherry City Center inauguration was commenced on 17.11.14. In view of this, Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath (NS) Mrs. Deonisia Philip (DNS) & Mrs. S. Uma (ANS) attended the function. In view of educational visit, two candidates namely Mrs. Priya and Mrs. Pramila pursues MSc (N) in PSG college of Nursing & working as nurse educators visited MGMC & RI on 20.11.14 and shared job responsibilities. Mrs. I. Therasa (ANS), Mrs. Uma (I.C nurse), Sumala, Poonguzahali & Gomathi (staff nurses) participated in “Good Nutrition Practices” in MEU class room. CPR class was arranged & conducted in the medical simulation center by Dr. Anand Monickam. At the end of the session, posttest was conducted. Global Health Groups Nursing Directorate organized National Nursing Conference “Theatre on Stage” hosted by Operation Theatre Nursing Team with the theme “Bringing Operating Theatre Nurses to visibility with Hidden Pearls- Their Role & Commitment”. In view of this six candidates attended on 23.11.14 between 8 a.m to 6 p.m in Chennai. Medical simulation center commemorated an inauguration of the International Training center (ITC) of American Heart Association (AHA) on 25.11.14 at 10.30 a.m in MGMC & RI college block. In view of this, various cadres from nursing department participated. Mrs. Amir Alikhana Asmath (NS), Mrs. Danakala (NS), Mrs. Chandra (NS), Mrs. Ruth (NS), Mrs. Glaxie (DNS), Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kishore (DCN) attended medical audit meeting on 25.11.14 between 2 p.m to 4 p.m. I. Therasa (ANS) focused on Death checklist for the staff nurses in D2 lecture hall. State level conference on “Best Practices in Nursing Triad- Education, Practice & Research” was organized by K.G.N.C. In view of this, many nurses attended the conference. Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kishore (DCN) attended BLS Instructor


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

course on 06.12.14 between 12.30 p.m to 6 p.m in Medical Simulation Center, under the guidance of Dr. S. Ravishanker (HOD Anaesthesiology. NABH Co-ordinator) & regional faculties. CPR class was arranged & taken by Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kishore (DCN) in the medical simulation center. At the end of the session, post-test was conducted for the staff nurses. Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kishore (DCN) emphasized on “Nursing Skills”, for the I year M.B.B.S students in the Medical college block demonstration room from 12 p.m to 4 p.m on 13.12.14. On 15th, 26th , 27th, 29th & 30th, Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kishore (DCN) worked as instructors to train the CRRI candidates of Sri Sathya Sai Hospital & Research center in the medical simulation center. On 17.12.14, Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) focused on “Handling of GlucometerDo’s and don’t s for the staff nurses. On 20th & 21st, Vijaya group of hospitals (Unit of Vijaya Medical & Educational Trust) organized State Level “Infection Control Conference for Nurses”, Chennai. In view of this, six candidates from the nursing department attended the conference. On 24.12.14, Mr. R. Ramakrishnan- Sr. Business development executive, presented a topic on Immunoglobulins for the staff nurses. National Conference with a theme “Emerging trends in Emergency Nursing” was conducted in Rani Meyyammaicollege of nursing, Annamalai University. In view of this 19 nurses were deputed to attend the conference. “Nursing Documentation” was presented by Mrs. J. Deepa, MSc (N), Nurse Educator on 30/07/14 for the staff nurses. On 03/08/14, Olympus Medical Systems India Private Limited conducted a training course on Cleaning, disinfection and Sterilization of bronchoscopes, at Nungambakkam, Chennai. In view of this program, two nurses namely Mrs.Kumari. R and Mrs. Mary Seema. J were deputed to attend the training course. On 09/08/14 & 23/08/14 Ms. Gomathystaff nurse (D2 POW) attended and conducted training on CPR at Amalorpavam HSS, Puducherry between 9 a.m to 1p.m. On 12/08/14 JIPMER conducted 9th Neonatology forum Nursing Quiz in Neonatology- Divisional Round. With this reference, s/n Archana& s/n Papitha Devi won 2nd place with certificates. On 13/08/14, E.C.G post test was conducted for the ward in-charge nurses in the

medical simulation centre and the proctor was Mrs. J. Deepa, MSc (N), Nurse Educator. On 18/08/14, in co-ordination with NICSouth Mrs.JupithaBegam, nurse educator/ product specialist emphasized on the NABH standards and focused on Human Resource management & Facility management and safety for the staff nurses, personal department fraternity and security delegates. Aseptic technique- Dressing & Disposable Items was presented by Ms. Malarkodi Tagore (s/n- F1 Deluxe ward), on 20/08/14 and 24/09/14. On 27/08/14 in co-ordination with the BSN medical Pvt.Ltd, Mr. Venkatraman, District Manager and Mr. K. Manivannan, sales manager, presented a topic on “Wound Care Management”- Proctocol for post-operative cases. On4/09/14and10/09/14,Mrs.S.Rama-studentcounselor/Psychologist, emphasized and conducted a role play on “Communication with higher authorities, sub-ordinates, colleagues, patient attenders and patients for the staff nurses which guided in improving the communication skills. Hepatitis-B vaccination was organized for MBBS and BSc nursing students and totally 210 MBBS students and 100 BSc nursing students were vaccinated. (8/09/14 to 17/09/14, 10/09/14 to 12/09/14 and 16/09/14) Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College conducted an Ambassador program on 10th,11th and 12th September, for the outgoing batch nursing students. In view of this Mrs. J. DeepaMSc (N), (Nurse Educator) presented a topic on “Novice Nurses- Expectation of a nurse leader.” On 15/09/14, Mr. Prabu and Mr. Karthik from the bio-medical department demonstrated the usage of E.C.G machine for the staff nurses. In view of this,Blood transfusion audit was focused by Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar (Department Chief Nurse) on 17/09/14 for the staff nurses. On 17/09/14, in view of “Good Nutrition practices (GNP) in clinical care”, eight staff nurses attended the workshop in the medical education unit- college block annex. Mrs. J. Deepa – nurse educator, Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar- department chief nurse, Ms. Y. Esther- nursing supervisor and Ms. Rini Cynthia-staff nurse (ICU) successfully completed BLS training program on 23/09/14. On 25/09/14 Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator), attended the Alumni and Research club meet in the I floor, Lecture hall, between 3 p.m to 4 p.m.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

In order to attain competent skill in interpreting ECG, on 08.10.14, an ECG class was presented by Dr. Anand Monickam, Junior Resident, for staff nurses in the medical simulation center. Mr. Karthick and Mr. Prabu (Bio-Medical Department), demonstrated “How to use the E.C.G machine” for the staff nurses. At the end of the session, NIPRO-South company & Hand Hygiene certificates were issued for the staff nurses. The following candidates namely Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator), Mr. Kishore (Dept. Chief Nurse), Ms.S. Arivukkarasi (ICN), Mrs. Dhivya, Mrs. Vennila (I.C nurses) & Ms. Niveda (staff nurse) attended a seminar on “Knowledge Management in Health Care & Information Science” in the Central Library lecture hall between 2 p.m to 4 p.m. Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator), attended a training program organized by the Women’s Empowerment Unit of SBV on “Women’s Life Safety-Physical & Emotional Self Defense Awareness” in the II floor lecture hall between 2.30 p.m to 4 p.m. Mrs. S. Kiruba and Mrs. T. Manimala (Nursing Supervisors) successfully completed BLS training program on 4.11.14 in the medical simulation center. Mrs. S. Rama (Student Counsellor.Psychologist) emphasized on “Functions of the mind-Hierarchy of motivation” for the staff nurses. Dr. Pajanevel, Professor , Department of Pulmonology medicine emphasized on “Nebula: A Refresher for Nurses on Good Nebulization Practice. Pondicherry City Center inauguration was commenced on 17.11.14. In view of this, Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath (NS) Mrs. Deonisia Philip (DNS) & Mrs. S. Uma (ANS) attended the function. In view of educational visit, two candidates namely Mrs. Priya and Mrs. Pramila pursues MSc (N) in PSG college of Nursing & working as nurse educators visited MGMC & RI on 20.11.14 and shared job responsibilities.


Mrs. I. Therasa (ANS), Mrs. Uma (I.C nurse), Sumala, Poonguzahali & Gomathi (staff nurses) participated in “Good Nutrition Practices” in MEU class room. CPR class was arranged & conducted in the medical simulation center by Dr. Anand Monickam. At the end of the session, posttest was conducted. Global Health Groups Nursing Directorate organized National Nursing Conference “Theatre on Stage” hosted by Operation

Theatre Nursing Team with the theme “Bringing Operating Theatre Nurses to visibility with Hidden Pearls- Their Role & Commitment”. In view of this six candidates attended on 23.11.14 between 8 a.m to 6 p.m in Chennai. Medical simulation center commemorated an inauguration of the International Training center (ITC) of American Heart Association (AHA) on 25.11.14 at 10.30 a.m in MGMC & RI college block. In view of this, various cadres from nursing department participated. Mrs. Amir Alikhana Asmath (NS), Mrs. Danakala (NS), Mrs. Chandra (NS), Mrs. Ruth (NS), Mrs. Glaxie (DNS), Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kishore (DCN) attended medical audit meeting on 25.11.14 between 2 p.m to 4 p.m. I. Therasa (ANS) focused on Death checklist for the staff nurses in D2 lecture hall. State level conference on “Best Practices in Nursing Triad- Education, Practice & Research” was organized by K.G.N.C. In view of this, many nurses attended the conference. Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kishore (DCN) attended BLS Instructor course on 06.12.14 between 12.30 p.m to 6 p.m in Medical Simulation Center, under the guidance of Dr. S. Ravishanker (HOD Anaesthesiology. NABH Co-ordinator) & regional faculties. CPR class was arranged & taken by Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kishore (DCN) in the medical simulation center. At the end of the session, post-test was conducted for the staff nurses. Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kishore (DCN) emphasized on “Nursing Skills”, for the I year M.B.B.S students in the Medical college block demonstration room from 12 p.m to 4 p.m on 13.12.14. On 15th, 26th , 27th, 29th & 30th, Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kishore (DCN) worked as instructors to train the CRRI candidates of Sri Sathya Sai Hospital & Research center in the medical simulation center. On 17.12.14, Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator) focused on “Handling of GlucometerDo’s and don’t s for the staff nurses. On 20th & 21st, Vijaya group of hospitals (Unit of Vijaya Medical & Educational Trust) organized State Level “Infection Control Conference for Nurses”, Chennai. In view of this, six candidates from the nursing department attended the conference. On 24.12.14, Mr. R. Ramakrishnan- Sr. Business development executive, presented a topic on Immunoglobulins for the staff nurses.


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

In order to attain competent skill and to provide excellent and competence nursing care, on 11.01.15,Olympus Medical systems India Pvt Ltd, conducted a training courses for Nurses on Cleaning, Disinfection & Sterilization of Bronchoscopes at Nungampakkam, Chennai . In view of these two nurses namely Mrs. Kalaiselvi & Ms. Victoria Rani were deputed & successfully completed the training course. Nurses meet with Medical Superintendent was held in D2 lecture hall along with the other cadre of nurses and later Mrs. S. Kiruba (Nursing Supervisor) presented a topic on “Good Attitude of Nurses towards patients and patient attenders” on 12.01.15. NABH meeting was held in C1 conference hall on 13.01.15. In view of this Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath (Nursing Superintendent), Mrs. J.Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar (Dept Chief Nurse) attended the meeting. Nurses meet with Medical Superintendent Dr.K.Nirmal Coumare was held in D2 lecture hall on 13.01.15. Dr. Mangaiyarkarasi Ravirajan, FSB, Educationist, SBV University emphasized on “Well Woman Care” for the staff nurses of MGMC & RI in D2 Conference hall on 4.02.15. Mr. Manikandan (Regional Manager), Mr. Veenith (Area Manager) & Mr. Jayaprakash (Product specialist)- Dynamic Techno Medicals emphasized on “Post partum Care”- Glycerin Magnesium Sulphate, Crepe bandage for the staff nurses on 11.02.15 in the II Floor lecture Hall. BLS training program was conducted on 13.02.15, 24.02.15 and 27.02.15 for II, III, IV& V batch staff nurses by the BLS instructors, between 9 a.m to 1.p.m in the Medical Simulation Centre. Ms. G. Rajaselvi MSc, (N), Ms. Soniya,MSc (N), Ms. S. Kiruba, MSc (N), Ms. K. Uma Maheswari MSc, (N)-Nursing Supervisors focused on Reikai Therapy, Eect, Breath holding spells in children, Ultrasound gel as a potential mode of infection in post operative patients for the staff of the nursing department on 19.02.15 in the II lecture hall. National Conference on ‘’ Empowering emergency Medicine and focus on reviving the academic legacy of Emergency Medicine ‘’covering the holistic syllabus in three days was organized by SRM Institutes for Medical Science, Vadapalani, Chennai. In view of this, five candidates from the nursing department attended the conference on 19.02.15 to 21.02.15 .

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath (Nursing Superintendent) attended the first anniversary of Muna Health Centre, on 19.02.15. Mrs. I. Therasa (ANS), Mrs. M. Uma (I/C) and three staff nurses attended “Good Nutrition Practices” on 26.02.15 in Medical Education Unit. Mrs. J.Deepa (Nurse Educator) & Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar (Dept Chief Nurse) submitted the Nursing Manual to the Nursing Superintendent on 26.02.15. Mrs.Uma Chandran (DNS) has been relieved from the services on 28.02.15

Mrs.S.Rama, Psychologist/student counselor, emphasized on ‘’Essence of counseling for the staff Nurses of MGMC&RI on 04.03.15 &11.03.15 in D2 Conference hall. Dr.Anand M.D from Abbott, Nutrition focused on ‘’the Role of Nutrition in hospital for the staff nurses ‘’ of MGMC&RI on 18.03.15 in D2 in lecture hall. Dr.Krishnamoorthy (NABH Consultant), Dr.Ravisankar. NABH (Chairman / Co-ordinator), Dr.Lakshmana Perumal (R.M.O) Organized a meeting on 24.03.15 for the Nursing department to discuss regarding NABH Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath presided over the meeting Mrs.J.Deepa (Quality educator) and Mr.Kishore (quality educator) emphasized on Achieving NABH Accreditation . Dr.Sameer, Assistant Professor (ICU incharge) Dept. of Anaethesiology emphasized on ‘’I pass better Handoffs safer care ‘’for the staff nurses of MGMC&RI on 25.03.15 in D2 in lecture hall. Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath (Nursing Superintendent), NS, DNS, ANS, and supervisors attended the Medical Audit meeting on 27.03.15. Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath (Nursing Superintendent), Mrs.Danakala (NS) and the staff nurses attended the CNE Programme on ‘’Role of Nursing staff in oncology ‘’in Pondicherry Cancer trust centre on 28.03.15. Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath(NS) and the condemnation committee board members had a condemnation board meeting on 31.03.15 in the I Block 4th floor.




Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Research and Scholarship PUBLICATIONS

RajeswaraRao N, SwayamJothi. S. Modified Pelvic Floor Repair in Prolapsed Uterus with Total Prevention of Vault Prolapse. J ClinDiag Res 2014; 8(6): 1-3 K.Bharathi, V.S Ajay Chandrasekar, G.Hemanathan, S.Anuradha. Myofibroblastoma Of Female Breast Masquerading As Schirrous Malignancy - A Rare Case Report with Review of Literature. J ClinDiag Res .2014 ;8(6):10-11. Thulasi Raman R, Hemanathan G, Manimaran D, Dost Mohamed Khan and Anuradha S. Lymphatic Filariasis presenting as Paratesticular Tumour - A Case Report. RJPBCS May- June2014;5(3):1871. Thulasi Raman R, Manimaran D Dost Mohammed Khan, AnuradhaS. Osseous Metaplasia Of Endometrium . IJUPBS.2014;3(2):264-271. Rao BN, Pal GK, Pal Pravati. Effect of subcutaneous injection of estradiol on feeding and drinking behaviors and body weight in basolateralamygdaloidlesioned rats. Annals of Neurosciences 2013; 20(4): 139-144.doi:10.5214/ ans.0972.7531.200404. TambiMedabala, Rao BN, Glad Mohesh MI, Praveenkumar M. Effect of Cigarette and Cigar Smoking on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research August 2013; 7(9):1886-1889. PrabhuNatesan, Glad Mohesh.M.I., Poornima P, Dilip Chandra Das. Orthostatichypotension (OH) in middle aged obese males - a comparative study. The Antiseptic 2014;111(6):284-286. M.I.GladMohesh, K.Ratchagan, A. Sundaramurthy. A study of short term heart rate variability in dipping tobacco users. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences.2013;5(3):91-94. Glad Mohesh.M.I, Prabhu .N. Tobacco users and their opinions: a short communication. The Antiseptic. 2014; 111 (3):123-125 Mohesh, G. M. I. & Abinaya, V. Tobacco use and nicotine dependence among the adult males of different socioeconomic groups within a medical college campus in Ammapettai, Kancheepuram district of South India. Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe, 2014;4(1),5-13. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Exploring the role of health sector in prevention of human trafficking. Annals for Medical and Health Sciences Research 2014;4(7):61-62.

Message from the Dean of SSSMCRI Prof.T.R.Gopalan

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, our affiliating University has set standards for the academic growth of our institution. We feel proud for being a constituent college of SBV. The innovations in teaching methods and examination processes introduced by SBV makes the learning atmosphere more conducive. Faculty training is one of the key factors which is regularly provided by SBV. At this juncture, it is my pleasure to assure our continued support to Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth in all the innovations being introduced. Prof.T.R.Gopalan Dean SSSMCRI.



SaurabhRamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Exploring the dimensions of doctor-patient relationship in clinical practice in hospital settings. International Journal of Health Policy and Management 2014;2(4):159-160. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Pre-treatment evaluation: Setting a foundation in the management of drug resistant tuberculosis. El-Mednifico Journal 2014;2(2):164165. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Herd immunity: A realistic goal for elimination of communicable diseases. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 2014;13(2):187-188. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Holistic measures for the welfare of the differently-abled children. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences 2014;2(1):114-115. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Public health measures to combat airborne infections in hospitals. The Journal of National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers 2014;1(1):18-19. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Scope of public health measures in ensuring road safety.Journal of Injury and Violence Research. 2014;6(2):95-96. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Scope of acculturation in globalization and remodeling of health and disease-related outcomes.International Medical Journal of Sifa University. 2014;1(2):27-28. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Vitamin-A deficiency: A global cause of public health concern. International Medical Journal of Sifa University. 2014;1(2):29-30. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Occupational cancer: Public health interventions to minimize its burden and impact on the society. Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014;7(2):111-113. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Baby-friendly initiative: A blueprint to enable breastfeeding in hospital settings. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics 2014;1(1):61-62.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Medical education: Entrusting faith in bedside teaching. Research and Development in Medical Education 2014;3(1):1-2. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Holistic approach for teaching tuberculosis in medical curriculum. Research and Development in Medical Education 2014;3(1):3-4. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Unsafe abortions: A cruel way of birth control. African Health Sciences 2014;14(2):487-488 SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Iodine deficiency disorders: Public health measures to mitigate the global burden. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research 2014;1(2):119-120. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. The midday meal scheme: A holistic initiative to augment the nutritional and educational status of the children. Journal of Medical Society 2014;28(1):38-39. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Social defence and globalization: A public health tool to safeguard the modern society. Journal of Behavioral Health 2014;3(2):138-140. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Incorporating private health sector in tuberculosis control activities in India: An overview. International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management 2014;2(1):69-71. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Strengthening infrastructure in management of drug resistant tuberculosis in India. Progress in Health Sciences 2014;4(1):277-279. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Standards of Tuberculosis care: An Indian perspective. Progress in Health Sciences 2014;4(1):280-282. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, PrateekSaurabhShrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. Utility of pre-treatment evaluation in initiation of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis treatment. Muller Journal of Medical Sciences and Research 2014;5(2):193-194. Geetha Mani, Raja Danasekaran, KalaivaniAnnadurai.Perceptions and health-seeking practices among an urban population of Tamil

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Nadu, India – A baseline survey. MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences. 2014;2(1):37-39. Geetha Mani, KalaivaniAnnadurai, Raja Danasekaran.Frugal innovations: The future of affordable health care. Asian Journal of pharmaceutical research and health care 2014;6(2):1-2. Raja Danasekaran, KalaivaniAnnadurai, Geetha Mani. The need to create awareness about autism.International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics 2014;1(1):63-64. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. Health sector and human trafficking: A systematic review. Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academics Publishing House; 2014. [ISBN 978-3-659-58559-3]. SaurabhRamBihariLalShrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, JegadeeshRamasamy. The determinants and scope of public health interventions to tackle the global problem of hypertension.International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2014;5(7):807-812. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. JegadeeshRamasamy. Scope of Consumer Protection Act in medical profession in India.Journal of Clinical Sciences. 2014;11(1):25. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. JegadeeshRamasamy. Extending community based health care services to counter the multi-dimensional threat of hypertension. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2014;8(2):55-59. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. JegadeeshRamasamy. Evidence-based strategies to reduce the magnitude of occupational cancer.Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal. 2014;3(5):454-455. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. JegadeeshRamasamy. Prevention of childhood blindness: Strengthening primary health care. Journal of Ophthalmic & Vision Research. 2014;9(2):287-288. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. JegadeeshRamasamy. Exploring the utility of qualitative research in the health sector.International Medical Journal of Sifa University. 2014;1(3):45. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. JegadeeshRamasamy. Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program: Progress in the diagnostic front.Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences. 2014;19(2):164-165. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. JegadeeshRamasamy. Socioeconomic status scale: Tool to eliminate

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Geetha Mani, Raja Danasekaran, KalaivaniAnnadurai. ICMR: Leading the nation with low-cost innovations. Journal of comprehensive health. 2014;2(2)83-6. Geetha Mani, KalaivaniAnnadurai, Raja Danasekaran. Antimicrobial Stewardship: An Indian Perspective. Online journal of Health and Allied Sciences. 2014;13(12):1-2. KalaivaniAnnadurai, Geetha Mani, Raja Danasekaran. Deadly combo of HIV and Mental ill-health.International Medical Journal of Sifa University. 2014;1(3):46-7. KalaivaniAnnadurai, Geetha Mani, Raja Danasekaran, JegadeeshRamasamy. Surrogacy in India: From Taboo to common practice. Reviews in Health care. 2014;5(3):107-8. KalaivaniAnnadurai, Raja Danasekaran, Geetha Mani, JegadeeshRamasamy. Quaternary prevention: Preventing overmedicalization. Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences. 2014;3(3):216-7. KalaivaniAnnadurai, Raja Danasekaran, Geetha Mani. Coping with obesity: Targeting the triple B’s.Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Research. 2014;1(3):193-194 Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Preventing the emergence of Ebola disease in unaffected countries: Necessity of preparedness. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2014;3(7):417-418. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Utility of contact tracing in reducing the magnitude of Ebola disease. Germs. 2014;4(4):97-99. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Fight against Ebola disease: Strengthening laboratory framework in low resource settings. Healthcare in Low-resource Settings. 2014;2(2):4800. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Holistic approach for teaching tuberculosis in medical curriculum. Contemporary Educational Researches Journal. 2013;3(2):64-66. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Scope of the integrated child development scheme in ensuring holistic development of the child. Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2014;43(9)1303-1304. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Family-centered care: Innovative tool for child care. Journal of Indian Association

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for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2014;10(4):299-303. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Scope of pre-placement examination in reducing occupational health hazards. Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences. 2014;7(4):322-323. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Feasibility of community diagnosis in ensuring prioritization of health concerns: Perspective of developing countries. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research. 2014;1(4):291-292. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Antenatal and postnatal depression: A public health perspective. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice. 2015;6(1):116-119. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Assessing the utility of contact tracing in reducing the magnitude of tuberculosis. Infection, Ecology and Epidemiology. 2014;4:25265. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Developing a coordinated response to counter the public health menace of street children. Biology and Medicine. 2014;6(3):1000e112. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Assessment of nutritional status in the community and clinical settings. Journal of Medical Sciences. 2014;34(5):211-213. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Meeting nutritional requirements of community in disaster – A guide to policy makers. International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management. 2014;2(4):246-248. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Formulating a comprehensive strategy to counter the menace of malnutrition in developing countries. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences. 2014;2(2):266-268. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Role of drug-resistant tuberculosis center in improving the treatment outcome in tuberculosis patients. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2014;7(1):79. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Facilitating accreditation of health care establishments: A holistic tool for ensuring benefits to employers, employee and patients.

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Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Profile of inmates of a special school for the mentally ill and disabled in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu: An institution based cross-sectional study. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research. 2015;2(1):51-56. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. A comprehensive approach to reduce sickness absenteeism. Journal of Injury and Violence Research. 2015;7(1):43-44. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Exploring the importance of incubation period in epidemiology of infectious diseases. MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences. 2014;2(2):69-71. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Utility of epidemic curve in public health: An epidemiologist’s perspective. Singularitas. 2015;1(1):62-67. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Public health measures to combat the menace of drug abuse. Primary Health Care: Open Access. 2014;4(2):110. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. A community-targeted and scientifically formulated approach to remould health behaviour: Behaviour Change Communication. Primary Health Care: Open Access. 2014;4(2):112. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Exploring the importance of informed consent and ethics committee in clinical research. Global Journal of Advanced Research. 2015;2(1):38-40. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Strategies to reduce the magnitude of avoidable blindness in developing nations. Sudanese Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014;6(2):70. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. A systematic review to explore the scope of interventions to minimize the incidence of congenital anomalies. Primary Health Care: Open Access. 2014;4(3):164. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Utility of community-based rehabilitation in developing countries. Applied Medical Research. 2015;1(1):30-31. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Formulating evidence-based public health policies:

A guide to Policy Makers. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2015;6(1):4. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Scope of community-based health promotion in health conditions. Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences. 2015;20(1):112-113. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Negating the impact of radiation in development of cancers. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2015;2(1):52-53 Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Public health strategies to fasten the achievement of the millennium development goal - 4A related to under-five mortality. Journal of Contemporary Medicine. 2015;5(1):67-70. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Mainstreaming of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy with the health care delivery system in India. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2015;5(2):116-118. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Ebola disease: An international public health emergency. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease. 2015;5(4):253-262. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Why my manuscript was rejected? What next? Primary Health Care: Open Access. 2014;4(4):113. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Lessons learnt from the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2015;20(1):107-108. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Exploring the scope of community-based rehabilitation in ensuring the holistic development of differently-abled people. African Health Sciences. 2015;15(1):278-280. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Scope of ergonomics in ensuring improvement of the health sector. Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences. 2015;4(1):62-63. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Informed consent in clinical research. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research. 2015;2(2):183-185. 118


Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Public health interventions to stabilize the asymmetrical sex ratio in India. Biology and Medicine (Aligarh). 2015;7(2):e115. Kalaivani Annadurai, Geetha Mani, Raja Danasekaran, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Waist circumference: A key tool for action against central obesity. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2015;3(1):93-96. Kalaivani Annadurai, Geetha Mani, Raja Danasekaran. Road map to organ donation in Tamil Nadu: An excellent model for India. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2015;6(1):21. Kalaivani Annadurai, Raja Danasekaran, Geetha Mani. Global eradication of guinea worm disease: Toward a newer milestone. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2014;19(12):1207-1208. Raja Danasekaran, Geetha Mani, Kalaivani Annadurai. Averting drug diversion in healthcare settings. Al-Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015;8(1):86-87. Raja Danasekaran, Vinoth R. A study on relation between BMI and hypertension among adolescents in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Applied Research. 2015;1(2):8-12. Raja Danasekaran, Kalaivani Annadurai, Geetha Mani. National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme: Current Updates. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2015;3(1):9-16. Geetha Mani, Kalaivani Annadurai, Raja Danasekaran. Application of Indian Diabetic Risk Score in screening of an undiagnosed rural population of Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu-A cross-sectional survey. MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences. 2014;2(2):81-83. Geetha Mani, Kalaivani Annadurai, Raja Danasekaran. Bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation in out of hospital cardiac arrest: need of the hour. African Health Sciences. 2015;15(1):307-309. Wills Sheela. Familiar Pathogen In An Unfamiliar Site. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 2015;5(2 ). Karthika Jayakumar, Gindhusha, Mridushana, Sridhar and Sunil Kumar Jada. Epidemiological Survey of Skin Flora in Hospitalised Patient in a Tertiary Care Center, International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR), February 2015;4(2). Karthika jayakumar, Willis sheela, Sudhanthira Devi and Sunil Kumar Jada. Familiar pathogen in an unfamiliar site, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Feb 2015; 5(2).

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Karthika jayakumar, Keerthana, Divya.G et al., The aerobic bacterial profile of high vaginal swab- in suburban Chennai. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. 2015; 4(4): 2042-2046. Karthika Jayakumar, Jenoffia, and Divya G.Isolation and Characterisation of Rare Gram Positive Cocci in Clinical Samples by Simple, Cost-effective, Reproducible Technique. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2015; 6(2): 313-318. J Mowna, Dinesh Kaliyamoorthi. Mycological spectrum in sputum samples of pulmonary tuberculosis attending TB clinic - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. 2015; 2(2): 487-490. M. Anitha et al., effect of least concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) against air borne fungi, IJSRD. March 2015;3(1). Divya.G, et al., Detection of the Most Effective Disinfectant against MDR Bacteria in Hospital Infections. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. 2015; 4(4): 1989-1999. Swayam Jothi.S, Eswari.AK, Hemanathan, G,Sujatha N. Interfamilial and intrafamilial polycystic kidney disease. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. Jan.2015;14(1):14-16. Cystic diseases of the organs Sathialakshmi.V, Swayam Jothi.S , Saroja Sundararajulu.,Kafeel Hussain A.Sree Lekha .D. Rajeswara Rao .N. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. Jan 2015;10(1):13-16 Polycystic kidney – A cadaveric study Eswari.AK, Swayam Jothi ,S, Sathialakshmi.V , Hemanth Kommuru, Sai Sucheethra.D. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. Jan 2015;14(1):16-18 Limb anomalies Sundararajan.T , Swayam Jothi S, Balasubramanian.B , Eswari AK, Grandhi Ashok, SujathaN. Hemanth Kommuru. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. Jan 2015;14(1):19-23 Yugesh . K , Swayam Jothi .S, Ranganathan.K , Ch. N.V. Bharath, Kafeel Hussain A, Appa Rao, Sujatha N, Hemanth Kommuru. Differences in the microscopic appearance of thymus of male and female pig Journal of Medical Science & Technology., 2015;4(1):26. Morphological variations of thyroid gland., Kafeel Hussain A, Sujatha N , Hemanth Kommuru , Bhavani Prasad, Swayam jothi ,IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Mar 2015;14(1): P1. Dr. Harshavardhan B, Dr. Anandapadmanabhan J, Dr. Himabindu T, Dr. Gurubharath I,

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Dr. Arul Yagappa, Dr. Subramanian V., Transposition of IVC (Left sided IVC), European Society of Radiology.2014,DOI: 10.1594/ EURORAD/CASE 11846. L.Mohana Rupa, K.Mohan et al., Portulaca oleracea inhibit vincristine induced peripheral neuropathy; involvement of ATP- sensitive K+ Channels. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2014;l 3: 474-478. Dinesh Kaliyamoorthy, Sridhar Govindaswamy, Jamal Mohammad. Septic arthritis due to beta haemolytic streptococci in a type 2 diabetic mellitus patient- case report. International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research And Development. 2014:1(6); 4-6. Dr. Will Sheela . Hemoperitonium: a diagnostic dilemma. A solid ovarian tumour mimicking ruptured ectopic pregnancy. International journal of reproduction, contraception, OBG 14 April 2014. Dr. Karthika Jayakumar, Dr.Will Sheela et al., Familiar pathogen in an unfamiliar site. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2015:Vol 5(2). Santhosh Kumar S., Muthukumaran Jagannathan. From hydrocephalus to hernia. Journal of Health Specialties.2015; 3(1):41-43.

Dr.S.Anuradha, Prof and Head, Dept. of Pathology, Mr.M.I.GladMohesh, Assistant Professor, Dept of Physiology, participated in RePORT India Grantmanship seminar on 10.05.2014 at JIPMER, Puducherry. Dr.S.Anuradha,Dr.D.Manimaran, Dr.K. Bharathi, Dr.G.Hemanthan, Dr.S.Ishwarya, Dr. SwayamJothi, Mr.RajeswaraRao and Mr.Hemanth along with 2nd& 3rd M.B.B.S Students attended In Silico In Modern Medicine on 20.6.2014 held at MGMC &RI, Puducherry. Dr.B.NarasimhaRao, Professor & Head, has participated in the Orientation program for Dean, Coordinators, faculty of medical education units, at Christian Medical College, Vellore, MCI regional center for National Faculty Development on 10.07.2014 Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy, attended CME on Management of Brain Tumors -Preoperative pain management and Polycystic ovarian syndrome at Accord Metropolitan organized by IMA Poonamalle branch, Chennai. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy,attended CME on Bariatric & Metabolic surgery- video section ,Question and Answer interactive section at Hotel Pride organized by IMA. Chennai. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy, attended CME programme on Common Orthopaedic problems by C.Rajasekhara Reddy conducted by TAMPA at Halsted surgical, Chennai. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof & Head, Department of Anatomy, attended CME on Coagulation cascade and platelet function by Dr K

Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy, presented the case report of Dr.Sathiyalakshmi’s - Aneurysm at the bifurcation of Basilar artery in the Scientific Society meet at SSSMC &RI. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy, attended CME on Noisy breathing & paediatric chest Radiology by Dr L Subramanian at Lifeline –Rigid hospital conducted by TAMPA. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy, attended Chennai Jackson’s symposium and 12th MV Arunachalam Endowment Oration on Childhood Neurological Disability at Hyatt Regency organized by Neurokrish and IMA. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy,attended CME on Diabetic foot-a preventive approach by Dr. Sarma and ECG class by Dr. Joy Thomas at Frontier Life Line. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy, attended a talk on ‘How not to go to a doctor by Dr. Kailash at SundaramFoundation , Anna nagar, Chennai. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy, attended a Spiritual talk on Prayers. Rituals and Rites by Dr. Sarma followed by CME on Dyspepsia by Dr. Sarma at Kauvery Hospital. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy, gave a Guest lecture on ‘Development of Urinary system’ for the P.G. students at the Institute of Anatomy at Madras Medical College, Chennai. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof and Head, Department of Anatomy, appointed as judge for the K.G Saxena Memorial award, 2013 by Anatomical society of India. Dr. S. SwayamJothi, Prof & Head, Department of Anatomy,attended Orientation programme for faculty of Medical Education Units at C.M.C, Vellore on 01.07.2014. Dr.V.Sarthy and Dr.M.Thenral, faculty , Dept. of Psychiatry attended the basic course workshop on Medical educational technologies at CMC Vellore from 02.07.2014 to 04.07.2014. Mr. RajeswaraRao N and Dr. KafeelHussain attended a C.M.E. on ‘Brain death, Organ donation and Rules regarding Cadaver donation to Teaching Medical Institutions’ at SreeBalaji Medical College & Hospitals on 07.07.2014. Sarma, Anti platelet therapy-current scenario Dr. S. SwayamJothi, attended CME at by DrDamodaranK and Anticoagulant treat- K.J,Hospital- Surgical management of breast ment – An update by Dr. Arun, at K T Hotel cancer by Dr. Jegan C. Bose Role of RadiotherSavera, Chennai. apy in Breast cancer by Dr. P. Balasubramaniam

Book Publication

Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava. Tuberculosis Control: An Indian Perspective [Chapter 1: Tuberculosis: A Social Disease with Medical Aspects; Chapter 2: Revised National TB Control Program; Chapter 3: Directly Observed Treatment Short Course (DOTS) Strategy; Chapter 4: Drug-resistant TB; Chapter 5: Airborne Infection Control; Chapter 6: Recent Advances in RNTCP]. S M Group Open Access e-books: USA; 2014. p: 1-63.

PRESENTATIONS / PARTICIPATIONS IN SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC EVENTS: Mr.Ratchagan, Tutor has participated in Spirometry technician training workshop 2014 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute held between 06.03.2014 and 07.03.2014 Department of Pathology, contributed 2 interesting cases for the cytology CME program at MMC on 29.03.2014. It was attended by the post graduates along with Dr.Manimaran, Associate Professor as the resource person. Dr. Hemanathan & Dr. Ishwarya presented the cytology case, Medullary Carcinoma of thyroid and Mucinous Carcinoma of Breast respectively. 120


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

. Role of medical oncology in treating breast cancer by Dr. V. Vedamoorthy on 12.07.2014. Dr. S. SwayamJothi, attended CME on Newer Diagnostic Modalities in Coronary artery disease by DrDamodaran and Non Alcoholic Fatty liver by Dr RSVN Sarma on 27.07.2014. Dr. S. SwayamJothi attended the CME on Jaundice-Medical consideration by Dr. A.R. Venkateswaran, Gastroenterologist, S.M.C. and surgical considerations by J.S. Rajkumar at Life Line Rigid Hospital organized by TAMPA on 03.08.2014. Dr. S. SwayamJothi, attended the Academic council meeting at MGMC, Pondicherry on 06.08.2014 and on 25.09.2014. Dr. KafeelHussain presented ‘’Comparitive study of regional lymph nodes” at the Scientific Society Meet on 28.08.2014. DrSwayamJothi attended CME on Common surgical Emergencies by Prof C M K Reddy at Life line rigid hospitals organized by TAMPA on07.09.2014. Dr. S. SwayamJothi Attended Post validation workshop on Analysis of feedback received from faculty,Summary of the departmental analysis and Evolving SBV action plan from 201415 by Internal Quality assurance cell SBV on 09.09.2014. Internal faculty Ph.D students of Anatomy attended seminar on connective tissue stains by Pathology presented by P.G. Student of Pathology Dr.Hemanathan on 11.09.2014. Dr. SwayamJothi, attended Annual General Body Meeting Chinmaya Mission, Chennai at 10:30 AM at Chinmaya Heritage Centre on 14.09.2014. Dr. SwayamJothi, attended CME on “Emergency Roles in Oncology” by Dr R Siva Prakash& Advances in the management of Para Nasal sinus Lesions by Dr S Kannan organized by IMAAMS,Apollo hospitals & IMA,Poonamalle branch, Chennai on 14.09.2014. Integrated Teaching on Fetal Autopsy was conducted in the department of Anatomy on 27.08.2014 and a Lecture on Fetal Autopsy was given by Dr. PravirBodka. Age determination of the fetus was highlighted with the help of slides by Dr. S. SwayamJothi on 28.08.2014. Dr. SuthanthiraDevi,Professor and HOD, dept. of OG attended colonoscopy work shop and PAP smear technique at bloom fertility center, Velachery on16.09.2014 Dr. SuthanthiraDevi, Professor and HOD, dept. of OG attended International fertility colloquium at Chettinad Medical College on 21.09.2014.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Dr. Geetha, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine participated in a CME organized by the Department of Microbiology on 26.09.2014. She also sensitized the students of fifth semester regarding National AIDS Control Program – An overview of Nation’s response to HIV. Dr. S.SwayamJothi and Dr. KafeelHussain attended the CME, Infertility ‘A Gift of Life a Reality’ at Chettinad Hospital &Research Instituteon27.09.2014. The following scientific papers were presented by the faculty members Anatomy at the 13th Regional Society of Anatomist’s Meet on 4th & 5th July at Mamata Medical College, Khammam 1. Bronchial pattern variations in the lungs – A cadaveric study - Hemanthkommuru, HemaPriya J, DeepthaVasudevan, SwayamJothi S. 2. Limb anomalies :Eswari.A.K, SwayamJothi S., Balasubramanian S., Sundararajan T, Grandhi Ashok Dr. S.SwayamJothi presented a scientific paper for the Award session and also chaired a session for a guest lecture at the 13th Regional Society of Anatomist’s Meet at Mamata Medical College, Khammam on 04.07.2014. Dr. Gajatheepan, Assistant Professor,Department of O&G,presented a poster on Perioperative morbidity of cervical cancer: 5 year

Absence of Internal carotid artery-A cada- MDAby Dr.V. Sivaprakasam-Approach to veric study: Dr. K. Mani. poor scholastic performance in child. A Comparative study of Human regional Lymph nodes by Kafeel Hussain A. . Palmar Dermatoglyphics in Diabetes mellitus by Sunita Bharati. Department of Microbiology Dr.Krishnappa, Asso.Prof, Department Department of Anatomy of Microbiology attended Continuing MedOn 02.11.14, Dr. S. Swayam Jothi , attended ical Education Programme at Dhanalakthe CME on Diagnostic update recent advances shmi Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital in Imaging by Dr. Ram Gopal at LIFE LINE- Perambalur on “Hospital Acquired infection RIGID HOSPITAL conducted by TAMPA, – An Update” organized by Department of a CME on Post prandial hyperglycemia at Microbiology, DSMCH, Perambalur, Chennai Cherian hospital at Mugapair, Chennai by Dr. Sarma followed by ECG Class and another CME on Resurgence of Piaglitazone by Dr. Surender, MRC Medical center at Savera hotel, Chennai. On 03.11.14, Dr.Kafeel Hussain attended a workshop -Hands on training on FISH in the Dept. of Pathology, at MMC, Chennai and also attended CME on Ebola virus in the college on 04.11.14. On 09.11.14, Dr. S.Swayam Jothi attended the CME on adrenal gland- medical and surgical aspects by Dr.Kannan and Dr. Vittal .S at K.J. Hospital, Chennai. On 16.11.14, Dr. S.Swayam Jothi attended National Neonatology Forum at Centre of Excellence for Obstetrics & Neonatology, Chennai. On 7.12.14, Dr. S.Swayam Jothi attended the CME on Risk Markers for Cardiovascular Diseases by Prof RVSN Sarma at Life Line – Rigid Hospital, Kilpauk, Chennai and on 27.12.14 , she attended Neurokrish lecture 2014 by Prof S H Subramanany M.D at Hyatt Regency ,Chennai, She also attended IMPAI ‘s 30th Annual conference at Deccan plaza Hotel, Chennai on 28.12.14. On 04.01.2015, Dr.S.Swayam Jothi, Prof & HOD, attended the CME on Cancer Thyroid by Dr. CMK Reddy, on 11.01.2015 attended CME and Liver Transplant at K.J. Hos- held on September 2014. Six of the faculty projects, of the department pital, on 21.01.2015 attended CME on Ethical issues by Dr. Ravi Shankar, on 10.02.2015 of Microbiology, funded by TB Association of attended CME on Pain and Palliative care at India were selected for Oral and poster PresentSSSMC&RI, on 28.02.2015 attended CME ation in NATCON Mumbai 2014. TB Diagnosis: Early detection of TB infecon “Donation and Transplantation of Human Organs Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects” tion in clinical samples- Dr. Karthika Jayakumar. Screening of DM patients for active pulmonat SSSMC&RI, on 21.03.2015 attended the CME on effective use of inhalers in asthmatic ary tuberculosis- Dr. Krishnappa Comparison of IGRA: T Spot TB assay, patients by Dr.Kailash at Hotel Raj park, on 22.03.2015 attended the CME on Hepatitis quantiferon TB Gold test & tuberculin skin test B updated knowledge by Dr. Sarma at Nobal for the evalution of young children at high risk hospital and on 29.03.2015 attended the CME for TB- Dr. Dinesh on DYSLEXIA organized by IAPCCB &

review in a Tertiary hospital in South India at the 15th Biennial Meeting of the International Gynaecologic Cancer Society-IGCS Melbourne, Australia 2014. The following faculty from the Department of Anatomy attended the 37th Annual conference of the Association of Anatomists, Tamil Nadu at Chingalpet Medical College and presented the following scientific papers between11.10.2015 and 12.10.2015. Basilar artery aneurysm -A case report by Sathia Lakshmi.V. Femoral artery occlusion by Eswari,A.K. 122


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A comparison of clinical, laboratory & radiological imaging in assessing the prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis among adults in rural Kancheepuram- Mr. Sunil Air borne infection control bacterrial and fungal yields of air samples in hospital environment- Ms. Anitha. Rapid detection of multidrug resistance tuberculosis by simple culture methods- Ms. Divya. Dr. Chitra attended 2 day workshop on research methodology on Jan 21 & 22, 2015 organized by Chettinad Medical College in association with APTCON. Dr.Shalini & Mr. Ratchagan participated in the ICMR sponsored workshop on “Bioethics” at JIPMER in Puducherry on Jan 24,2015. Mr. Ratchagan attended “CME on Gastroenterology diseases on March 28th 2015 at Govt.KAP Viswanathanan Medical College, Trichy. TB Association of India short term research project for the year 2015 has granted rupees 50,000 for Diagnostic & therapeutic management of TB by telemedicine to Dr. Karthika Jayakumar. Department of Microbiology conducted Quiz Programme for the fifth semester, on 24th April, 2015. Hepatitis B & Swine flu (nasal) Vaccination Programme was conducted in the Department of Microbiology on 02.04.2015. 134 people were vaccinated. This included faculties & students too. For the new batch CRRI’s, new staff, new technician, Housekeeping, and Physiotherapist, Biomedical Waste Segregation Orientation Classes was conducted on 13th March & 20th March 2015 in lecture hall hospital block by Dr. Karthika Jayakumar and Dr.Dinesh respectively along with questionnaire. Dr.Karthika Jayakumar, spoke on “MENTORING” system for the First Year Students & Faculties of Anatomy, Biochemistry & Physiology. The programme had interactive session with Role play, Problem Solving Exercises for the groups. The Programme was conducted on 16.3.2015 between 9.00 to11.00 am.

Department of Internal Medicine:

On 19th May 2015, A CME on “A Pinch of Salt” was organized by Dr. Nasreen Begum in the view of World Hypertension Day (17.5.2015) and World Hepatitis Day (19.05.2015). The following events like quiz competition on Internal Medicine, skit entitled Ennai Paar Un Ennnai Paar (Theme- Know your Number i.e. BP), Posters & interesting video clippings on

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

OHH!! This is Hypertension was organized as a stimulant of knowledge & visual treat for the medical students.

Dr. Harshavardhan B of Radiology Depart- Vice Principal of SSSMC & RI. The guest of ment presented Digitalizing Medical Teaching honour was Mr.Sathesh kumar who delivered in Scientific society meeting on 30th April 2015. the key note address. It was a well organized & well attended program. Audience comprised of Department of Physiology students and faculties of the college and the folMr. Glad Mohesh, Asst.Prof, Department lowing topics were discussed as a highly interof Physiology participated in one day workshop active session. on “Innovative research methods based on cost effective equipments in physiology & medicine” Awareness and Sensitizing Program on Ebola held on 12.01.2015 at Sri Venkateshwara Med- Virus ical College, Puducherry. With the encouragement of the Vice ChancelThe research paper of Mr. Glad Mohesh, lor of SBVU & efficient coordination by our Dean Asst.Prof, Department of Physiology “Cor- & Medical Superintendent, along with the collabrelation of BMI on cardiovascular reactivity oration work of departments of General Medicine, to exercise induced stress in young adults” has Pediatrics, Community Medicine and Microbiology, been selected for presentation in conference on awareness and sensitizing CME on EBOLA virus Experimental Biology, Boston ,USA. was conducted on 04.11.2014. The department of Mr.M.I.GladMohesh, Assistant Professor, Pulmonology and Microbiology prepared pamplets Dept. of Physiology, has earned an online cer- and mini posters to create awareness among CRRIs. tificate from The Norwegian Medical Association on “Fundamentals of Medical Ethics” “Pain & Palliative Care”- Guest lecture through online learning.Mr.M.I.GladMohesh, On 10th Feb 2015, Guest Lecture was Assistant Professor has earned an Adaptive cer- conducted on “Pain & Palliative Care” by tification on Plagiarism from Indiana Univer- Dr.M.Azhar Hussain M.D, DA,PhD, H.O.D sity, Bloomington through online learning.Out Pain & Palliative Care Cancer Institute Adyar, Reach Programmes. Chennai, Former Prof of Anesthesia Govt. KMC Chennai. His lecture was very InformACADEMIC EVENTS ative & beneficial to both students and the elite audience.

Department of Dermatology:

A CME on LEPROSY was conducted at SSSMC & RI on 20th May 2015 in co-ordination with district medical and rural health service (Leprosy) Chennai and Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute (CLTRI) Chengalpattu. The programme was organized by Prof and HOD Dr.Srinivasan, Dr.Kandaswamy, Asst Prof, Department of Dermatology, SSSMC and RI. The following resource persons gave lectures on the topic LEPROSY, Dr, Mohammed Afsar Aci, Additional director Medical and Rural Health Service Leprosy, Dr. T. Azar Shanthi- Deputy Director Leprosy and Dr. V.C Giri- Asst Director of CLTRI. The event was followed by clinical demonstration of various types of leprosy patients in five stations was given by Dr. Ramani, to Health educators and staff members.

Department of Radiology

Dept of Radiology conducted a work shop in “MUST KNOW RADIOLOGY”- Intra cranial hemorrhage - a CT Emergency on 16th May 2015.

Department of OBG

CME on Ebola: A talk on the “Prevention of Ebola” Out Reach Programmes CME on Ebola: A talk on the “Prevention of Ebola” was given by Dr. Pradeep Sukla, Pro- World Health Day – 08.04.2014 fessor, Department of the Community MediTheme - Preventing vector-borne diseases: cine on 04.11.2014. Different faculties from “Small bite, big threat” the college and the hospital along with CRRIs At College The Department of Community Medicine observed World Health Day in order to spread awareness about vector-borne diseases for the undergraduate medical students of sixth and seventh semester. Students were divided into seven groups and all these groups participated in three different events – Quiz, Connection, and Dumb charades. The session was organized and attended by Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja D, Dr. Geetha M, Dr.Saurabh Shrivastava and Dr. Prateek Shrivastava ,Assistant Professors, Community Medicine. The best performing group was suitably rewarded at the end of the attended the informative session. competition.

Dr. Wills Sheela, Department of OBG presented a paper in 58th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Chennai trade centre from 23-25th Jan 2015. Dr. Mohanambal, Dept. of OBG was the Organizer in All India Conference (AICOG) Jan 2015 for Tamil Nadu Chennai. She was also a president at OGSSI.

Department of Radiology

On10th and 11th January 2015, Dr. Harshavardhan B, Dr. Anandapadmanabhan J, Dr. Himabindu T of Radiology department attended 2nd Heart and Body Imaging update 2015 USpdate – Teach The Teachers In Radiology And Imaging India (TTRII), at Hyatt Regency, Chennai. On 7th March 2015, Dr. Harshavardhan B , Dr. Gurubharath I attended Indian Society of Neuro radiology (ISNR), Annual CME 2015, CMC, Vellore. On 30th April 2015, Dr. Subramanian, Dr. Harshavardhan B, Dr. Anandapadmanabhan J, Dr. Himabindu T attended Scientific Society Meeting in SSSMC & RI.

CME on “Update on HIV” At UHTC Thiruporur The Department of Microbiology conThe CRRIs of Community Medicine organducted a CME on “UPDATE ON HIV” on ized a program in UHTC, Thiruporur, based on 26.09.2014. It was presided by Dr.Anuradha, the theme ‘Small bite, big threat’. The audiences 124


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were explained about the common vector borne diseases and their prevention through posters.

World No Tobacco Day – 31.05.2014

Theme: Raise Tobacco Tax – Lower death and disease The Department of Chest Medicine, Psychiatry and Community Medicine observed World No Tobacco Day in the hospital with an aim to create awareness about side effects associated with consumption of tobacco in any form. The sensitization session consisted of a skit and small health talks by the enthusiastic students of the sixth semester. Suitable guidance was given to the participating students to present the message to the beneficiaries to quit consumption of tobacco in a clear and an understandable way. The session was attended by Dr. Sundaramurthy (Prof & Head, TBCD), Dr. Mohanambal (Prof, Obs&Gyn), Dr. SriVidya (Asst Prof, TBCD), Dr. Thendral (Asst Prof, Psychiatry), Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava (Asst. Prof, Community Medicine), Dr. Arsappan (Asst Prof, Dentistry), and Dr. Renny (SR, TBCD). The participating students and the best performers were rewarded for their efforts to boost their confidence.

On the 03.12. 2014, the Department of Internal Medicine celebrated the World AIDS Day with a theme “Aware and Beware/JanengetohManenge/ ArindadumAryaadadum”. In view of the day a poster competition was organized by the department under the leadership of Dr. Nasreen Begum, Professor of

was followed by cultural programmes by the Paramedical staff and HR Personnel. A CME on HIV / AIDS was conducted by CRRI on 03.12.14. In association with the departments of DVL and TBCD, Pediatrics, OBG, Microbiology and Pathology departments of SSSMC&RI.

World COPD day

of future generations and achieve meaningful outcomes for people with diabetes and those at risk. Dr. Sukla, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Geetha & Dr. Suganthi, Assistant Professors, Community Medicine, and Dr. Sahaya Sona Thresa (Post-graduate student) were present for the observation in UHTC. Dr. Kalaivani, Assistant Professor, and students from the fourth semester attended the session in Sembakkam RHTC. CRRIs posted under the department delivered health talks regarding importance of lifestyle modification & balanced diet in delaying the onset of diabetes with the help of posters.

On account of World COPD Day ,a camp was conducted by the Dept of TB & CD on 20.11.14. Around 50 patients were screened by Breath CO Analyser & Spirometry was done & initiated on appropriate treatment. Patients with high levels of Breath CO were World AIDS Day: referred to Psychiatrist for smoking cessation On 01.12.2014, the World AIDS Day . Thanks to the Management & Administra- with the Theme for 2014 - Closing the gap in tion for extending their support in conduct- HIV prevention and treatment was observed ing this camp . in both Sembakkam RHTC and Thiruporur UHTC. The day was observed to remind both World Diabetes Day the public & the health professionals that HIV World Diabetes Day with the Theme for has not gone away and there is still a vital need 2014 - Healthy Living and Diabetes, was to increase the awareness, fight prejudice and observed in UHTC Thiruporur on 14.11.2014 improve education pertaining to this public and on 21.11.2014 in RHTC Sembakkam in health menace. Dr. Suganthi (Assistant Proorder to emphasize the importance of immedi- fessor, Department of Community Medicine) ate action to protect the health and well-being was present in the Thiruporur UHTC for the session. Dr. Geetha, Assistant Professor & Dr. Sahaya Sona Thresa (Post-graduate student), of Department of Community Medicine, conducted the session in Sembakkam RHTC along with the CRRIs.

Awareness Campaign on Obesity 21.04.2014

An awareness program on obesity was conducted for general public in Achravakkam by CRRIs of Community Medicine on 21.04.2014 under the guidance of Dr. Kalaivani, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine. They were explained about the adverse effects of obesity and its management through a role play by the Internal Medicine. The illustrated form of the CRRIs posted in the department of Community carry home messages regarding the control and spread of HIV/AIDS enabled to spread the Medicine. awareness amongst all the sections of the society. The prize for the best poster was awarded to World Diabetes Day Chinmayee of III MBBS. Dr.Manasa, Intern, Following the World Diabetes Day on 14th was given a honorary award for displaying a of November 2014, the department of Internal marvelous work of an art “count the faces” along Medicine celebrated the World Diabetes week. with other exemplary work. In this regard a three day awareness programme Dept of DVL & TBCD - World AIDS was organized by the department under the Day leadership of Dr. Nasreen Begum, Professor of World AIDS Day was observed on Internal Medicine. Students, teachers as well as 01.12.2014 at the Hospital premises. Awareness interns from various departments of the college Programmes and other cultural activities were took part to spread the awareness of controlling organized by the Dept of DVL and TBCD of Diabetes Mellitus, which has currently become SSSMC& RI where the welcome address was a pandemic in our country. given by Dr. G. Srinivasan, Prof and HOD, Dept of DVL, residential address was given World AIDS day by the Dean Dr. J.Mohanasundaram and felicitation by Medical Superintendent. The event

Department of Community Medicine - Outreach Camps In the quarter of April – June 2014, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 51 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, 126


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Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy. In the quarter of July - September 2014, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 49 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy. Two medical camps were conducted by the department of Obstetrics &Gynaecology in association with Sai Baba trust at Oragadamin September. Monthly camps were conducted by the department of Ophthalmology in the nearby villages namelyPulikundram [OP-40 cases/Surgery-5 cases]on 25.07.2014, Nallanpillai [OP47 cases/Surgery-5 cases]on 05.08.2014and Pattikadu [OP-64 cases/Surgery-1 case]on 19.09.2014. In the quarter of October - December 2014, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 47 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy. In the quarter of January - March 2015, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 44 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Indian women’s achievements and Women’s empowerment on March 9th 2015. Students, teachers and interns from various departments actively participated in this programme. Following the World Women’s Day, Department of Internal Medicine celebrated World Women’s on 10th March 2015. In the view of the day a Debate on “Women in India are safe/ unsafe” was organized by Dr. Nasreen Beum, Professor of Internal Medicine.

With the encouragement of Dean and Medical Superintendent of SSSMC & RI, Department of Internal Medicine observed WORLD CANCER DAY on 4th and 5th Feb 2015 based on the theme “Cancer Is Messy & Scary”. The department conducted various events like Poster presentation titled “Let Me Have Life like a Bird” A Righteous Feel Of Cancer Patient, Poetry competition entitled “Did you really want to die?” No one commits suicide because they want to die “Then why they do it?” Because they want to kill the pain. Debate- on “Euthanasia”. Is it Benevolance or Malevolence? and Tricky Poster. Many students and interns participated the events with enthusiasm and won various prizes.

Students News PG & UG News


Post Graduate Students of Pathology Dr. Suchitra & Dr.Arefa , attended a CME on “Current concepts in molecular diagnosis” along with Hands on training workshop from 1.11.14 to 3.11.14 at Madras Medical College, Chennai.

Dr. Wills Sheela, Department of OBG won Dr. C.S.Dawn prize- Best paper on the

Post Graduate Students of Pathology Dr. Hemanathan, Dr. Ishwarya, Dr. Suchitra, Dr. Arefa attended a CME on “Head & Neck Pathology on 8.11.14 at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry.

Dr. A. Sundaramurthy, Professor of TBCD Dept, has been awarded the status of Fellow of the Indian Chest Society ( FICS) on 22.11.2014.

World Cancer Day

Honorable Vice-Chancellor for publishing research articles in journal with impact factor in excess of one at MGMCRI , Puducherry.

Dr. Sahaya Sona Thresa joined as a Post-graduate student in the Department of Community Medicine on 24.07.2014

World Asthma Day:

official theme- premenopausal. For Impact of surgical menopause on quality of life in young women, FOGSI Prize (AICOG). Abstract AICOG 2015. Abstract ID – 79575 and also she was a CHAIRPERSON for session on health care in women on 23.1.2015 (AICOG 2015).

On the view of world Asthma day, DepartWorld Tuberculosis Day ment of Paediatrics and Department of PulTheme for 2015: Reach 3 million – Reach, monology organized Asthma Day with the Treat and Cure Everyone theme “you can control your asthma” and also World Tuberculosis Day was observed in the conducted “OSCE in Asthma” for final year College on 26.03.2015 in order to create aware- MBBS students on 15th may 2015. ness among students of the VI & VII semester regarding prevention of tuberculosis. A poster World Women’s Day On account of World Women’s Day, Dr. competition was organized and 7 different topics – Prevention of TB; Clinical features of adult Suthanthira Devi and Dr. Mohanambal, & paediatric TB; Diagnosis of TB; Treatment Department of OBG organized various awareof TB – DOTS; Revised National TB Control ness speech regarding women’s health is wealth, Programme; Epidemiology of TB and drug resistance; and TB-HIV & TB-DM - to 7 different groups have been allotted to the participating students by the faculties of Department of Community Medicine. The posters were assessed by Dr. Venkatadri, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology, and Dr. Sundaramurthy, Professor & Head, Department of Pulmonology. Out of the seven groups, two best groups were rewarded by the judges. The rewards were sponsored by Dr. Sundaramurthy.

On 28.01.2015 Dr. Swayam Jothi .S , Dr. Sathialakshmi .V from the Department of Anatomy and Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava and Dr. Kalaivani Annadurai, Assistant Professor from the Department of the Community Medicine was felicitated with Certificates of Recognition along with cash award by the

Students of seventh semester Mr.Satish and Mr.Darshan won second place in the State Level Psychiatry quiz conducted by the Tamilnadu branch of Indian psychiatric society in TANPSYCON-2014 held on 26.07.2014 at Trichy and have qualified for South Zone Psychiatry Quiz. The following scientific papers were presented by students of Anatomy at the 13th Regional Society of Anatomist’s Meet between 04.07.2014 and 05.07.2014 at Mamata Medical College, Khammam. Radio-ulnar synostosisby HemaPriya J, SwayamJothi S., Sundarajan T. Location of the mental foramen in different age groups to give mental nerve block bySwathy S R., SreeLekha D, Sujatha N., SwayamJothi S., Hemanth.Kommuru., Sathia Lakshmi V., RakeshRanjan S. Polycystic kidney K R, SwayamJothi HemanthKommuru.

byRakesh Kumar S, Hemanathan.,

Study of the mandibular foramen in relation to different sex and different age groups.


Guru VijayaRaghavan, SreeLekha D., Sujatha N., SwayamJothi S., Eswari A K., RakeshRanjan S.


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Neurofibromatosis with gigantism of right leg – A case report byVarun Kumar V., ShyamSundar S., SwayamJothi S., RajeswaraRao N. Kartagener’s Syndrome – A Case report byShyamSundar S., Varun Kumar V., SwayamJothi S., RajeswaraRao. On 3.12.14 “World Aid Day” CME Program on AID by the CRRI Undergraduate students Mr.Satish and Mr.Darshan got first place in the South Zone Undergraduate Psychiatry Quiz Competition conducted by the Indian Psychiatry Society in the month of October, 2014. The following students attended the 37th Annual conference of the Association of Anatomists, Tamil Nadu at Chingalpet Medical College and presented the following scientific papers between11.10.2015 and 12.10.2015. Tracheal bronchus - A case report by Shyam Sundar S. Aortic Aneurysm - A Case Report by Mohamed Nidhal S. Isolated unilateral pulmonary hypoplasia – A case report by Varun kumar V. Septate uterus – A case report by Meena Priya.S. Morphometric study of infra orbital foramen in dry adult skulls and its surgical relevance by Guru Vijaya Raghavan S. 6 students from I-yr MBBS, participated in inter-college quiz competition “Gastro-enterology Quiz” on March 28th 2015 at Govt.KAP Viswanathanan Medical College, Trichy.

by Dr. Nasreen Begum Prof, Department of Internal Medicine 10th March 2015.


Pre final year students Mr. Sathish and Mr. Darshan won 3rd place in the National level UG psychiatry Quiz in the Annual conference (ANCIPS) in Hyderabad on Jan 10th Jan 2015.


Thiruselvan and Sathish won 1st prize, followed by S. Suruthi and Banmathi won 2nd prize and Sri Sai Janani won 3rd prize for poster presentation in World Cancer Day “Cancer Is Messy & Scary” on 4th feb 2015.

Dr. Sahaya Sona Thresa (Postgraduate student – Community Medicine) attended the two day confere.01.2015. Dr. Sahaya Sona Thresa (Postgraduate student – Community Medicine) was rewarded with the Chancellor Medal for coming second in Essay writing on the topic “Climate Change and Health”. The reward consisted of a Silver medal and a cash prize of Rs. 2000/-. Final Year student Nivedita Emily Jothi won the prize for best speaker in Debate competition entitled “Women in India are Safe/ Unsafe” on World Women’s Day organized



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Research and scholarship Publications

Message from the Principal of IGIDS Prof. Carounanidy Usha

Change has become the norm for Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental sciences since the dawn of 2013. The institute indeed has smartly evolved with those changes, because it knows that progress is not bereft of change. As the Mahatma said, ‘be the change that you wish to see’, this collective change of IGIDS is a pro-active change contributed by every individual of this dental family. Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences aims to create dental graduates who are adept in knowledge, clinical skills, professionalism and leadership. To achieve and integrate all these components in the graduates, the teaching faculty had stepped of of their comfort zones to undergo the training of the trainers (TOTS) under the tutelage of iconic teachers of SBVU AHEAD. The result of this training is the change from teacher-centered education to student-centred training program. The teaching-learning methods are evolved now that every teacher in IGIDS is acutely conscious of what the student is learning rather than what has been taught. To bring about a change in the attitude of the student community to receive and respond to the educational transitions, platforms for intimate interaction beyond academia, with them have been created. This is bridging the gap between the faculty, students and the parents. To foster a comfortable and joyful learning experience, co-curricular activities, such as physical activity and music, have become an integral part of the curriculum. The great divide between the pre-clinical and the clinical learning, which is a consequence of fragments curriculum designing, is being bridged now with the newly introduced integrated learning concepts. This ensures that they have seamless learning and develop as holistic healers, which is the final outcome in dental education. Dental sciences is inextricably associated with technological and materials science advancements. The quality of services rendered to the patients is dependent on these facilities. So apart from equipping the students with knowledge and skills, gadgets and materials have been made available, to cater to the needs and wants of the patients effectively and efficiently. Periodic review of the patient feed backs also help us enhances their comforts and to reduce their grievance. Intense activities to improve the public’s dental health awareness have been one of the highlights of last year. Research becomes the pivotal point of Dental education, student training and patient services. IGIDS with the young, dynamic faculty and post graduates has taken initiatives in various clinical, alternate medicine and bio material researches. IGIDS is expertly sailing through the sea of changes because of the blessings of the Chairman, Sri MK. Rajagopalan. His benevolence and support is inspiring and encouraging. Prof. KR. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean PG studies have been as guiding navigators to sustain us through the occasional turbulence. IGIDS has begun its journey towards excellence; the wings are in formation now and the coming years it will be ready to soar high.

Prof. Carounanidy Usha


Murthy V, Vaithilingam Y, Livingstone D, Pillai A. Prosthetic rehabilitation of palatal perforation in a patient with syphilis: the great imitator. Case Reports. 2014 Jun 2; (jun02 1):bcr2014204259–bcr2014204259. Vidhyalakshmi Santhanam, Dinesh Shankar, Yoitha Prabhunath. Trigemianl Neuralgia: Revisited. Journal of Indian academy of dental specialist researchers JanJune 2014;1(1). Sathyanarayanan R, Gayathri N. Endodontic Management with Mesiobuccal Root Resection of Bilateral Maxillary First Molar: A Picture Presentation.Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 4(1), 2014:70-77 Anamika T, Sathyanarayanan R.Endodontic management of tooth with open apex using MTA as apical barrier and platelet rich fibrin membrane as internal matrix: A case report. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 4(1), 2014:46-52 Mithunjith K, Jerry J, Sathyanarayanan R.Calcium Hydroxide Therapy for Persistent Chronic Apical Periodontitis: A Case Series. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 4(1), 2014:24-37 Geena MG, Kevin RG.Building Proximal Contacts and Contours in Resin Composite Restorations: A Technical Report.Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 4(1), 2014:62-69 Vidhya Rekha, Jayamathi, Ramakrishnan, Devaki Vijayalakshmi, Nandakumar. Anti Cariogenic effect of Terminalia Chebula. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. August 2014;8(8):1-4. Sajeev R, Nayak AU, Reddy V, Ramesh V and Bindu MJ. Comparison of bond strength of Pit & Fissure Sealant in permanent & deciduous molars. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2014;4(1):3-8 Gurusamy Kayalvizhi, T D Vishwas, R Mahantesh, Balaji Subramaniyan. Dental management of severe Early Childhood Caries. El Med J 2014;2:3 Kayalvizhi, Balaji , Suganya G. Clinical management of Oculodentodigitaldysplasia. Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry 2014; 32(4):350-352 Kayalvizhi, Balaji , Suganya G. Have a cuppa for caries free teeth. International Journal of Current Medical Research 2014;1(1):19-27 Venkateshwaran R, Karthigeyan S, Manoharan PS, Konchada J, Ramaswamy M, Bhuminathan.

A newer technique to program a semi adjustable articulator. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2014 Jul;6(Suppl 1):S135-9. doi: 10.4103/0975-7406.137421 R Venkateshwaran, PS Manoharan, Suma Karthigeyan, Jagadish Konchada, Manikandan Ramaswamy, Dineshshankar Janardhanam. Denture markers: A comparison. Journal of Indian Academy of Dental Specialist Researcher 2014;1(1):9-11 Murthy V, Manoharan, Balaji, Livingstone D. Effect of four surface treatment methods on the shear bond strength of resin cement to zirconia ceramics- a comparative in vitro study. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Sep;8(9):ZC65-8. V U, Sivasankari T, Jeelani S, Asokan GS, Parthiban J. Lymphangioma of the tongue a case report and review of literature. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Sep;8(9):ZD12-4. Jeelani S, Asokan GS, Anuradha G, Parthiban J, Sivasankari T. The baffling human body and the boundless nanomaterial boon-a trap for cancer crab. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Jul;8(7):ZE09-12 Jeelani S, Reddy RC, Maheswaran T, Asokan GS, Dany A, Anand B. Theranostics: A treasured tailor for tomorrow. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2014 Jul;6(Suppl 1):S6-8 Maheswaran T, Abikshyeet P, Sitra G, Gokulanathan S, Vaithiyanadane V, Jeelani S. Gustatory dysfunction. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2014 Jul;6(Suppl 1):S30-3. Shekar Vandana, Austin Ravi David, Mathew Phillips. A case-control study to evaluate salivary cortisol levels in patients with dry mouth. JIAOMR; 2014:26(1):8-12 Sitra G, John Baliah, Sivasankari T, Kayalvizhi EB. An Overview Non Periodontal Oral Manifestations of Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2014;4(1):53-61 S Subhashini, GL Perumal, S Shanmugam, VishwanathRangdhol. Critical Scrutiny of the visualization and Detection of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders by Chemiluminiscent Illumination Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2014;7(10):1481-1487. Sitra G, Kayalvizhi EB, Sivasankari T, Viswanath Rangdhol A new venture with sclerotherapy in an oral vascular lesion. Journal of basic clinical pharmacology 2015;6:40-3. G S Asokan, S Jeelani, N. Gnanasundrarm Promoter hypermethylation profile of tumor suppressor genes in oral leukoplakia and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Jounal of clinical and diagnostic research. 2014;8(10):ZC09 – ZC12. Viswanath Rangdhol, N.Madhulika. A. Dany, S. Jeelani, G.S.Asokan. Idiopathic


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Orofacial granulomatosis – A diagnostic and Treatment Challenge. Journal of Clinical and diagnostic research. 2014;8(10): ZD15 – ZD18. Natarajan Balan, Thangadurai Maheswaran, Abikshyeet Panda, Siccandar Ali Jeelani, Govindasamy Sitra, Baladubramanian Saravana Karthikeyan. Attitude towards oral biopsy among the dental surgeons of Puducherry Journal of Indial Academy of Dental Specialist researchers. Jul – Dec 2014;1(2):59-61 Vandana Pavithranand. Eagles Syndrome – Cause for atypical facial pain - Case report and review 2014;28:97-99. Arishiya FT, VishwanathRangdhol,Faraz Mohammed, Sharaz Mohamad, SarananShanmugam Grayscale Ultrasonographic Imaging of the Buccal Mucosa in various stages of Oral Submucous fibrosis Oral Radiology2014;1-6. Santha Devy .A. Evaluation of ploidy status using DNA- image cytometry of exfoliated mucosal cells in Oral Lichen Plannus. Journal of Cytology December 2014;31 Ravi Teja,Venkatesan Ramesh, Regunathan priyanka “The role of dental surgeons in combating drug resistance: A study in south india. Original article. IJNPND 2014 Dec; 4(1):S12-S16. Vivek K, Kayal vizhi G, Arun Jacob Silas, Sajeev R Saravana Kumar. Modern Concepts in Esthetic Rehabilitation Of Primary Anterior Teeth In Pediatric Dentistry. JIDENT 2014 Nov; 4(2):1-4. Aparna K, Vezhavendhan N, Pramodhini. Prevalence of candida species in chronic debilitating patients with oral candidiasis – a pilot study. International journal of contemporary medical research. 2015; 2(1): 32 -38 Poorani R, Vezhavendhan N, Ramesh R , Vidyalakshmi S, Sivaramakrishnan M, Suganya R. Estimation of malondialdehyde level in oral sub mucous fibrosis. Journal of scientific dentistry 2014; 4(2): 9 -13 Livingstone D,Murthy V,Reddy VK,Pillai A. Prosthodontic rehabilitation of a patient with aggressive periodontitis.BMJ 2015 Murthy V, VaithilingamY, Soorya S, Yadav N, Dayalan S. Does periodical department audit really works to make things fall in place: A Geriatric/General Oral Health Assessment Index based audit in prosthodontics. Jrnl of Ind Prosthodont Soc 2015. Published Online. Pratebha B, Jaikumar ND, Sudhakar R. Scanning electron microscopic observations of fibrous structure of cemento-dentinal junction in healthy teeth. Ind J Dent Res 2014; 25(6): 758-61.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

IGIDS, formation of Dental Education unit and the Training of Trainers program conducted by DEU for Melmaruvathur dental college faculty. All the nine dental education unit faculty were awarded certificates on the same day. Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, delivered Guest lecture on Ecclires-2014 – “National Convention on Clinical Research and Ease Reports in Balaji Dental College, Chennai on 22.08.14. Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & HOD, Dept of Cons & endo, delivered Guest lecture on Ecclires-2014 – “National Convention on Clinical Research and Ease Reports in Balaji Dental College, Chennai on 22.08.14. Dr Nandakumar A, Prof and Head, Dept of Orthodontics gave a guest lecture titled “Distraction Osteogenesis” at Sibar Dental College, Guntur on 4.09.14. Dr Nandakumar A, Prof and Head, Dept of Orthodontics gave a guest lecture titled “Practice Management” at Sri Balaji Dental College, Chennai on 19.09.14. Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, delivered Guest lecture on Rotary Endodontics for Private Practioners at Trichy IDA on 26.10.14. Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dept of Cons & endo, delivered Guest lecture on Fibre Re-inforced Composite at Trichy IDA on 26.10.14. Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, delivered Guest lecture on Literature Search in Evidence Based Dentistry for the Post Graduates at GDC, Chennai on 27.11.14. Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dept of Cons & endo, delivered Guest lecture on Citation Management at GDC, Chennai on 27.11.14. Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, delivered Guest lecture on Cons Vs Endo at 29th IACDE National Conference, Jaipur on 06.12.14. Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dept of Cons & endo, delivered Guest lecture on Endo Vs Implant at 29th IACDE National Conference, Jaipur on 06.12.14. Dr.Senthil, Reader, Dept of Public health dentistry, delivered a guest lecture in the topic “Preventive Dentistry – Bun or Butter in GDP” in the continuing dental education program organized by IDA Puducherry Cuddalore Branch on 8.02.15. Dr Nandakumar A, Prof and Head, Dept of Orthodontics gave a guest lecture titled “Inventory management in practice” in Nashik on 23.02.15.

Kannan AL, Bose BB, Jananni M, Perumalsamy R, Pushparajan S, Ambalavanan N. Efficacy of combination therapy using anorganic bovine bone graft with resorbable GTR membrane vs. open flap debridement alone in the management of grade II furcation defects in mandibular molars - A comparative study. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2015; 4(s1):S38-43. M.Shyamala, C.Ramesh, V.Yuvraj, V.Suresh, R.Sathyanarayanan, T.S.Balaji, Neil Dominic, Nithin Joseph Jude. A comparative study between bupivacaine with adrenaline and carbonated bupivacaine with adrenaline for surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar. Accepted : 30th march, 2015. (JOMS)

Academic initiatives Guest Lectures

Dr.Viswanath Rangdhol, Prof.& Head Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, had attended “Implant Surgery & Imaging course” (Module I and II) in the month of May and June 2014 in Bangalore. Dr.Manoharan.P.S, Professor & Head, Dept of Prosthodontics, conducted an “One on one session” on the topic “Surveying and Designing of RPD” targeting the postgraduate students in the 16th PG Convention conducted by Indian Prosthodontic Society, held at Visakapattinam between 05.06.14 and 07.06.14. Dr.Srinivasan.J, Professor, Dept of Prosthodontics, conducted a preconference course on “CBCT in Prosthodontics and hands on virtual implant planning in virtual implant software” and also “One on one session” on the topic “How to select your thesis topic, choose the correct study design & frame your research protocol” targeting the postgraduate students in the 16th PG Convention conducted by Indian Prosthodontic Society, held at Visakapattinam between 05.06.14 and 07.06.14. Dr Nandakumar A, Prof and Head, Dept of Orthodontics gave a guest lecture titled “Treatment of Vertical Maxillary excess” at 1st National Symposium on “Holistic Approach to an Orthognathic Patient”, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital on 14.06.14. Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, spoke on “Capacity building for dental educators-Initial experience at IGIDS” on the SBV Ahead monthly meet at Ground floor library hall on 26.06.14. She spoke on the Faculty development program undertook by faculty of


Dr.Senthil, Reader, Dept of Public health dentistry, delivered a guest lecture in the topic “Update on Recent Preventive Modalities – Dental Caries, Malocclusion and Dental Fluorosis” in PILOT program held at Sri Ramachandra University on 27.2.15. Dr.Senthil, Reader, Dept of Public health dentistry, delivered a guest lecture in the topic “Art of Conquering Patients” in the CDE program titled “Guide to Dental Practice” Held at Kaparga Vinayaga Institute of Dental sciences on 18.3.15. Dr.Vikneshan, senior lecturer, Dept of Public health dentistry delivered a guest lecture in the topic “Ethics in Dentistry” in the CDE program titled “Guide to Dental Practice” held at Kaparga Vinayaga Institute of Dental sciences on 18.3.15. Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dept of OMFS, delivered a guest lecture on Maxillofacial trauma at CME on Golden Hour, MGMCRI on 20.03.15.

Presentation in Conference/ CDE: Prof. Srinivasan, Dept. of Prosthodontics presented a paper on “Implant Impressions – An Intergrated Review” at the ICOI conference held at Hyderabad between 25.07.14 and 27.07.14. Dr. Kayalvizhi, reader, Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry, presented a paper “plectranthus amboinicus-an aromatic anticariogenic agent?”At indian society of pediatric and preventive dentistry, national conference. Lucknow between 14.10.15 and16.10.14. Awards: Dr.Vikneshan, has been awarded best picture captured in community dental outreach programs, moments that have touched you under V-capture: Photography competition at XIX National Conference of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry at Cochin. Picture was taken on National Tooth Brushing Day program, 7th November 2014 at Thiyagi Subramaniam Padayatchi government higher secondary school, Koravallimedu, Puducherry. The photograph was captured by Preetham, Final year BDS student. Officiation as chairperson: Dr.Senthil M, Reader, Dept of Public Health Dentistry, chaired a session of scientific paper presentation and poster presention at the XIX National Conference of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry held at Cochin between 20.11.14 and 21.11.14.

Participation in Conferences /CDE


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Dr Nandakumar A, Prof and Head, Dept of Orthodontics attended the Continuing dental education programme on “Drift to Contemporary Trends- A Paradigm Shift In Orthodontics, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Chennai on 19.06.14 Dr. Ramesh.C Prof & Head & Dr.Yuvraj.V Reader Dept of OMFS attended the National Colloquium on “In Silico Modelling in Modern Medicine” conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry on 20.06.14. Dr.Vezhavendhan,Reader, Dr.Sivaramakrishnan, Dr.Suganya, Dr.Vidhyalakshmi, Senior lecturers participated in the CDE program, TOPAZ-14 on the topic “Recent advances in Head and Neck tumors” held at Thaai Mookambikai Dental College and Hospital Chennai on 26.06.14 Dr. Sanguida.A & Dr. Premalatha., Senior Lecturers, Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry attended the symposium on ‘LASERS & Piezo surgery’ at INTEGRATE 2014 jointly organized by the Indian Society of Periodontology and Dept. of Periodontics, IGIDS on 28.06.14 and 29.06.14. Dr Nandakumar A, Prof and Head, Dept of Orthodontics attended the” Orthognathic Orthodontic workshop” at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai on 18.07.14. Dr. Pratheba, Professor and Dr. Vineela, Reader, Dept of Periodontics attended ICOI conference in Hyderabad between 25.07.14 and 27.07.14. Dr.Manoharan, Prof & Head and Prof. Srinivasan, Dept. of Prosthodontics attended the ICOI conference held at Hyderabad between 25.07.14 and 27.07.14. Dr. C. Ramesh, Prof & Head, Dept. of OMFS attended the CME program on Oral Cancer held at Chennai on 19.09.14. Dr. C. Ramesh, Prof & Head, Dr. Neil Dominic, Senior lecturer, Dept. of OMFS, Dr.R.Saravana Kumar, Prof& Head and Dr. SakthiDevi, Senior lecturer, Dept of Periodontics attended PROIGIDS CDE program on 20.09.14. Dr. Mithunjith K, senior lecturer, Dept of Cons & Endo, attended “Digital Smile Design”- Three days hands on course held at Bangalore between 26.09.14 and 28.09.14. Dr.R.Saravana kumar, Professor& Head, Dr.S.Sakthi devi, Senior lecturer, Dept of Periodontics attended the CDE program on “Le Pedo Colloquim” on 12.11.14. Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dr. Bindu Meera John, Reader, Dr. Saranya, Senior lecturer, Dept of Cons & endo, Dr.G.S.Prathima,

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Professor & Head, Dr. Sanguida, Dr. Ramesh, senior lecturer, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. A.Santha Devy, Professor, Dr. S. Vidyalakshmi, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology attended Research Methodology – Post Graduate orientation program at Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences between 24.11.14 to 26.11.14. Dr. Amsavardini Tayaar @ Padmini .S, Professor & Head, Dr.Sivaramakrishnan, Senior lecturer from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, has attended XXIII National Conference IAOMP at Bangalore, between 29.11.14 and 31.11.14. Dr.Arun kumar, Senior lecturer, Dept of Periodontics, attended the CDE program on Implantology for beginners on 14.12.14. Dr. N. Vezhavendhan, Reader, Dr. R. Suganya, Dr.Sivaramakrishnan, Senior lecturer from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, has attended the CDE Program on stems cells, on 29.12.14 at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai. Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Pratebha, Professor, Dr. Vineela. R, Reader, Dr. Jannanni. M & Dr. Arun Kumar. A, senior lecturers, Dept of periodontics attended CDE on Conscious Sedation held at Karpaga Vinayaka Institute of Dental Sciences on 08.01.15. Dr. David, Professor, Dr. Varsha Murthy, Reader, Dept of prosthodontics were part of organizing team of CCCON-2015 held in MGMCRI, SBV on 09.01.15. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, Dr. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr. David, Professor, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Dr. Sanguida, Dr. Suganya, Senior lecturers, Dept of Pedodontics, Dr. M. Senthil, Reader, Dr. Vikneshan, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Public health dentistry, Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Pratebha, Professor, Dr. Vineela. R, Reader, Dr. Jannanni. M & Dr. Arun Kumar. A, Dr. S. Sakthi Devi , Senior lecturers, Dept of periodontics attended the international conference on climate change and health (CCCON – 2015) & also participated for movie clip competition (short film) entitled “passive smoking causes preterm birth” on 09.01.15. Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Pratebha, Professor attended the Bioethics workshop on 24.01.15 organized by JIPMER. Dr. Pratebha. B, Professor, attended workshop on Epidemology and research methodology on Feb 2015 held at CMC, Vellore. Dr.Prathima,G.S, Professor & Head, Dr. Kayalvizhi.G, Reader, Dr. Selvabalaji.A & Dr. Ramesh Senior Lecturers, Dept of

Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry attended the 63rd Indian Dental Conference at Manpho Convention Centre, Bangalore from 13.02.15 and 15.02.15. Dr. Srinivasan, Professor, Dept of Prosthodontics, was resource person at Stepping Stones at RMDCH for hands on and CBCT in implant planning on 16.02.15. Dr Nandakumar A, Prof and Head, Dept of Orthodontics attended the 19th IOS PG Convention at AECS Maruthi Dental College, Bangalore between 27.02.15 and 02.03.15. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, Dr. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr. David, Professor, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Dr. Sanguida, Dr. Suganya & Dr. Selvabalaji, Senior lecturers, Dept of Pedodontics, Dr. M. Senthil, Reader, Dr. Vikneshan, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Public health dentistry, Dr. Sakthi Devi, Senior lecturer, Dept of periodontics attended IQAC seminar on Examination and Evaluation Reforms In Health Sciences at Chettinad health city, Chennai on 23.03.15. Dr. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr. Varsha Murthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior lecturer, Dept of Periodontics attended CME on “Modern concepts in clinical nutrition” on 28.3.15.


Dr.Suganya, Senior Lecturer guided a UG student (Miss.Swathy .U) for an ICMR funded STS project 2014 and got ICMR approval Dr. Shivasakthy M, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, judged the poster competition on “Drug use disorders are preventable and treatable” conducted by the Department of Psychiatry on 25.06.14 Dr.Senthil M, Reader, Dept of Public health dentistry has been elected as Joint Secretary of Indian Dental association, Pondicherry Dr.Senthil M, Reader, Dept of Public health dentistry, was honored by IDA cuddalore for conducting various dental health programs in Cuddalore for the year 2014 Dr.Sanguida has been elected as the “convenor CDH 2015” of Indian Dental Education Puducherry Branch on 21.10.2014 Dr.Prathima,G.S, Professor & Head, Dept of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry completed the PG certified course in “LASER DENTISTRY” conducted by Manipal University between 09.01.15 and 12.01.15. Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior lecturer, Dept of Periodontics participated in IGNITE “ 15 certificate of appreciation for Loquentia’15, Dextrix ’15 & Celestial ’15, & won second

prize in “story writing entitled - “Romantic Thriller“ on 21.03.15

Academic activities

Institutional Review Board

The 3rd Institutional Review Board meeting was held on 30.05.14 from 10:45 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Sathyanarayanan, PG Co-ordinator in the presence of Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS and the IRB Panel members - Dr. Ramesh.C, Dr. Saravanakumar.R, Dr. Manoharan.P.S., Dr. Mahalakshmi. T, Dr. Krithika Datta, Dr. Sridhar Premkumar. S and Dr. Srinivasan. The progress status of 24 Post-graduate dissertations was being reviewed. Few modifications were accepted by IRB & to be sent to IEC as a letter of Communication. One new research project from faculty was evaluated for IRB approval.

Humanitarian Dental Project at Leh, Ladakh

The aim of a public health dentist is to provide oral health services covering a wide spectrum of population. The first such initiative in the history of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences for an outreach program at a place as far as Leh, Ladakh became reality in the month of May 2014. This initiative was very much supported by the Principal Dr. Carounanidy Usha. A team of 3 dentists volunteered for this project. Dr. Senthil M, Reader, Dr. Kuldeep singh, Senior lecturer, Dept. of PHD and Dr. Ramesh, Senior lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics. The team members left for this humanitarian project on 6/05/2014 and reached ladakh on 9/05/2014. The team provided free dental services on a humanitarian basis for 3 weeks with main focus on comprehensive dental care with the concept of extracting the tooth “as last resort”. Since prevention is better than cure, emphasis was also given on Oral Health Education. The total strength of the school is about 2750 students with most of the students residing in the hostels. An interactive oral health education session was also conducted for all the students and in response the students opened up with some questions regarding their oral hygiene practices. In addition to this oral health education was also given to 4 other neighboring schools and our efforts were appreciated. As per the request of the project coordinator, the stay was extended for a week and during the stay another school was screened not far away from the town. Apart from our institute, there were dentist from other countries


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like Sweden and USA, and a lot of ideas were exchanged to improve the oral health status of the population of Ladakh.

Activities of Scientific & Academic forum

06.05.2014 - Webinar. Scientific and academic forum, IGIDS organized A webinar on “Make implants a part of your daily practice”by Dr Ratandeep Patil. The program was attended by the faculty,post graduates and interns from the department of Oral surgery,Periodontics and Prosthodontics.The session was very informative as eight dental colleges participated in the session over skype. 16.05.14 - Cleft Lip and Palate Program Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics in association with Scientific and Academic Forum ,IGIDS conducted a program on cleft lip and palate. Dr Manikandan MDS, Head and incharge for cleft centre-Meenakshi Ammal dental college and hospital,Chennai delivered a guest lecture on “Surgical management of cleft lip and palate”.This was followed by Dr Venkatesh MDS Senior lecturer Dept of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics,IGIDS on the topic “Orthodontic management of cleft lip and palate”. 20.06.14 - Clinical Society Meeting The Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS conducted the clinical society to discuss interesting cases and research studies. The session began with the collaring of the president of SAF Dr. Saravanakumar by the secretary of SAF Dr. Vandana. The session was chaired by Dr. Saravanakumar. There were three presentations from the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics and two presentations from the Department of Oral Pathology: The Bout “Flame, laser, sand blaster” by Dr Rajab Ali, 2nd year PG Dept of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics; “LOC”-Line of complication by Dr Divya kanya, 1st year PG Dept of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics; Orthodontic kaleidoscope by Dr Jauhar ,1st year PG Dept of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics; Mucous membrane pemphigoid –a case report by Dr Aparna, 3rd year PG Department of Oral Pathology; Extraction of DNA from odontoblastic tooth processes of permanent tooth dentin-A Invitro study Dr V Saravanakumar, 3rd year PG Department of Oral Pathology. Questions from audience were 138

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answered by the presenters and moderated by the chairperson.

Training of the Trainers for Dental Educators

Dental Education Unit, Indira Gandhi Instiute of Dental Sciences Objectives: To train the dental educators on 1.Teaching learning principles, methods and media 2. Framing the question papers 3. Principles of evaluation of examination 4. Curriculum development Report: Members of SBV Ahead and members of Dental Education unit together organized the four days workshop on “Training of the trainers for dental educators” at IGIDS on 06.06.14, 07.06.14, 13.06.14 & 14.06.14. 24 faculty from Adhi parasakthi dental college, Melmaruvathur participated in the program. Resource personnel involved: S. No Name Designation / institute Topics covered 1 Dr.K.R.Sethuraman Vice Chancellor, SBV Teaching learning principles, Adult learning principles, SOLO taxonomy, Curriculum development 2 Dr. N. Anathakrishnan Dean, PG studies, SBV Principles & practice of evaluation, Slow & problem learners 3 Dr.K.A.Narayan Vice Principal, MGMCRI Taxonomy of objectives, Web 2 & dental education 4 Dr.V.N. Mahalakshmi Controller of Examinations Question paper setting & blue print, OSCE 5 Dr. Carounanidy Usha Principal, IGIDS Lesson plan, Evaluation of oral examination 6 Dr. Saravanakumar Vice principal (Academics), IGIDS Specific learning outcomes 7 Dr. P.S. Manoharan Prof & Head, Dept of Prosthodontics, IGIDS Evaluation of written examination 8 Dr. Pratheeba Prof, Dept of Periodontics, IGIDS Chairside teaching 9 Dr. M. Senthil Reader, Dept of Public health Dentistry, IGIDS Large group teaching 10 Dr. M. Shivasakthy Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, IGIDS Small group teaching 11 Dr. Bindu Reader, Dept of Cons & endo, IGIDS Teaching learning media

12 Dr. Sanguida Senior lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics Introduction to Microteaching 13 Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics Teaching learning media


The Department of Periodontics and Indian Society of Periodontology (ISP) conducted INTEGRATE 2014, a National symposium on lasers and piezo surgery on 28th and 29th june. The symposium was inaugurated by Prof. K.R.Sethuraman vice-chancellor SBV University and Dr. Jagadish Pai, joint secretary ISP. 210 Delegates from 29 institutes from all over the country attended the symposium. 9 eminent speakers in the field of lasers and piezo surgery delivered the guest lectures. Live demonstration of the surgical procedures using hard and soft tissue lasers were telecast from the Dental college to the venue. Quiz program was conducted on lasers by the Department and cash prizes were awarded to the winners and runners.

Anti tobacco workshop

The Department Of Public Health Dentistry on 26.06.14 conducted a tobacco cessation workshop at Sri Ganesh College of Engineering and Technology, Mullodai, Puducherry. In this program 150 Engineering students participated and they were trained on tobacco Cessation. The salient features of the program include the following. A role play depicting the scenario of a engineering students going in to the habit of tobacco by the influence of friends and peer group was enacted. Dr. Kuldeep singh, Senior lecturer and Miss. Sruthi interns from the department conducted a group discussion on tobacco and its health effects. A workshop was conducted where the engineering students participated in providing solution for tobacco related issues in the public and on tobacco cessations. At the end a health education poster titled “tobacco and its oral effects” was donated to the college by the intern Miss.Krithiga.

Child Oral Health Clinic at Pediatric OPD

Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry started the Child Oral Health Clinic at Pediatric OPD MGMCRI on 05.07.14. Oral Screening of all patients is done there and dental health education is provided.

Tobacco cessation training program

Tobacco cessation training program for college student on 4.07.2014 conducted the above program at Rajiv Gandhi arts and science college thavalakuppam and 28.08.2014 same program conducted in Rajiv Gandhi college of Engineering and technology, Kirumapakkam. In both the program 150 college students participated and trained on tobacco cessation. The salient features of program includes, A role play depicting the scenario of a engineering students going in to the habit of tobacco by the influence of friends and peer group was enacted; Dr. Senthil from the department conducted a group discussion on tobacco and its health effects; A workshop was conducted where the engineering students participated in providing solution for tobacco related issues in the public and on tobacco cessations; At the end a health education poster was donated

30.07.2014- Clinical Society Meeting.

The Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS conducted the clinical society to discuss interesting cases and research studies. The session began with the collaring of the presdent of SAF Dr Saravanakumar by the secretary of SAF Dr Vandana. The session was chaired by Dr Saravanakumar. There were three presentations from the Department of Periodontics:Autologous platelet rich fibrin:a boon to periodontal regeneration by Dr Raghuraman ,3rd year PG Dept of Periodontics; Platelet rich fibrin applications in hard tissue augmentation by Dr Aravind Raaj ,3rd year PG Dept of Periodontics and Platelet rich fibrin applications in soft tissue augmentation by Dr Dr Gayathri , 3rd year PG Dept of Periodontics. Questions from audience were answered by the presenters and moderated by the chairperson.

02.08.14-Oral hygiene day

Oral hygiene day flash mob at Cuddalore silver beach on 2.08.14 and 3.08.14. The salient features of the program includes, The Flash MOB “Oral Health and Systemic Disease” was directed by Dr. Geetha intern, the Dance was performed by a team 10 students from 3rd and final year; The Students played a role that they have come to beach once the music is played the students start dancing one by one and form a group within 2 minutes; They gain the attention of the other public and they demonstrated brushing technique by dance and conveyed a message; that oral health is important to maintain general health; Other oral health instruction like brushing 139

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frequency, oral health pregnancy and diet also that bestowed good spirit and inspiration in the conveyed by dance to general public . upcoming Igidians. Dr. Santha Devy, Professor, Dept of Oral Pathology, introduced the various 12.08.14-Cleft Lip and Palate Board committees in the Institution. Alumini students Inauguration currently joined for Postgraduation in the instiScientific and academic forum, IGIDS in tution addressed the freshers. On the same day, association with the Deparments of Oral Sur- online registration for anti ragging was done by gery, Prosthodontics,Pedodontics organized the the students and the parents. New uniform sysinauguration of the cleft lip and palate board on tem was introduced in the institution and strict 12.08.14. Prof Saravana Kumar, President of protocol against ragging was ensured by anti SAF,IGIDS welcomed the gathering. Honour- ragging squad headed by Dr.Yuvaraj. Registraable vice chancellor,SBVU Prof K.R. Sethura- tion forms were filled in the Garuda website and man inaugurated the program by unveiling the the students were provided with college hand board. Prof Nandakumar HOD Department of books. The text books and full set of first year Orthodontics introduced the board members, instruments were distributed. Dr Courounanidy Usha,Principal IGIDS; Dr Ramesh Prof and Head Department of oral and Activities of Anti-ragging committee maxillofacial surgery; Dr Vishwanath Rangdhol On 20.08.14, Anti-ragging committee along Prof and Head department of oral medicine with the members, we have conducted Online and radiology;Dr Senthil M Department of Anti-Ragging Affidavit Registration was held public health dentistry,Dr Manoharan, Depart- for the whole day for the first year students along ment of Prosthodontics; Dr Sajeev Department with parents and also for few senior batches. of Pedodontics;Dr narayanan and Dr Vijay Students & parents counseling was done. On Department of Plastic surgery; Dr Mahalak- 25.08.14, Anti-ragging film screening program shmi Department of Pediatric surgery, Dr has been conducted between 11 am to 1 pm for Karthikeyan Department of E.N.T, Mrs Sathya 2nd,3rd, Final year BDS and Interns in the 2nd and Mr Arul kumar from the Department of floor lecture hall, MGMC&RI. speech and hearing;Dr Sunaina Chaudhry and Mr Rajkumar from the department of Psycho- 25.08.14-Clinical Society Meeting logy and Mrs AN Uma Department of AnaThe clinical society meeting for the month of tomy. After which the vision,mission and action August began with the collaring of the presidof the cleft lip and palate board was delivered ent of SAF Dr Saravanakumar by the secretary by Prof C.Ramesh HOD Department of Oral of SAF Dr Vandana. The session was chaired surgery.Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr by Dr Saravanakumar. There were 4 presentaVandana, secretary,SAF,IGIDS . tions that day all from the department of conTwo guest lectures were planned for the day: servative dentistry and endodontics :Compar(1)“Craniofacial anomalies and craniofacial sur- ative evaluation of stain resisting capacity of gery” by Dr Ananthnarayan ,Associate Professor nano hybrid resin based composite with hybrid Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery, resin based composite to the Indian food colMeenakshiammal dental college and Hospit- ourants-an invitro study-by Johnsy John final al,Chennai. (2) “Role of Orthognathic surgery yr BDS; Building Proximal Contact Composand distraction osteogenesis in correction of ite Resin Restoration-Technical Report-Kevin facial deformities” by Dr Viveknarayanan, Prin- Ruther 3rd Year BDS;Management of non cipal Professor and Head Department of oral vital discoloured tooth using direct composite and maxillofacial surgery, Priyadarshini dental venner-a case report Dr Mintu 3RD YEAR college and hospital, Chennai. PG; Accidental ingestion of endodontic irrigating needle-a rare case report by Dr Sudakar 20.08.14, First BDS induction program 2nd yr PG. The session was moderated by Dr The first year induction program was Saravanakumar. held on 20.08.14 at the Medical block ground floor lecture hall. The program commenced in 26.08.14-Implant Board Inauguration the presence of Prof. Rajaram Pagadala, ChanScientific and academic forum ,IGIDS in cellor, SBV, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chan- association with the Deparments of Oral Surcellor, SBV and Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Prin- gery, Prosthodontics and Periodontics organcipal, IGIDS. Around 90 Freshers with their ized the inauguration of the implant board on parents had gathered for the occasion. Enlight- 26th August 2014. Prof Prathiba delivered the ening speeches were rendered by the dignitaries welcome address,the program was inaugurated 140

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by lighting the kutthuvelakku .Prof Carounanidy Usha delivered the principal’s address. Prof R Saravana kumar spoke about the vision mission and action of the board. Prof Rajaram Pagadla Honourable Chancellor, SBVU felicitated the gathering. Veteran implantologist Prof Muniratnam Naidu Founder vice chancellor Meenakshiammal University the chief guest for the program delivered the inaugural address. Prof C.Ramesh vice principal, administration delivered the vote of thanks. Following the inauguration two guest lectures were delivered: “Surgical aspect of implantology” by Dr Senthilnathan and “Diagnosis and treatment planning for implant” by Dr Vinod Krishna.

08.09.14 Interns Orientation Program

The Interns orientation program was conducted on 08.09.14 at 2pm in the library ground floor seminar hall. The program started with a welcome address by Dharani. B, intern. It was then followed by felicitation of the speakers Dr. Senthil. M, Reader, Dept of Public health dentistry & Dr. Nanda Kumar, Prof & Head, Dept of Orthodontics by the Principal, Dr. Carounanidy Usha. The first lecture was on “Are we taking care of stakeholders of dental hospital? Myths and Facts” by Dr. Senthil. M, Reader, Dept of Public health dentistry and the second lecture was on “Practice management and financial balance” by Dr. Nanda Kumar, Prof & Head, Dept of Orthodontics. The program ended with a vote of thanks by Vishvaja. S, Intern.

11.09.14-Guest lecture

A guest lecture on the topic “Applied Genetic research for dental postgraduates” was delivered by Dr Aravind Ramanathan, Director of central research facility, Sree Balaji Medical and Hospital, Chennai. All post graduates attended the program and faculty who had research concepts related to genetics attended the program.

13.09.14 Student Clinician Orientation Program (SCOPE) 2014-15

The Student Clinician Orientation Program was conducted for the academic year 2014-15 on 13.09.14. The event started at 10.30am. Mr.Agathian, President, Student council welcomed the gathering. Dr.Ramesh, Vice-Principal (admin) welcomed the chief guest, Mr.Naveen from IT, CISCO Technologies Bangalore with a bouquet. Dr. Saravana kumar, Vice-Principal(academics) illustrated the overall idea of conducting the program and enlightened

the new clinicians about their duties and ethical practise. He then badged Miss. Savitha, the class representative of the present third year. This was followed by the badging ceremony of all third years by the interns batch. Dr.Ramesh guided the new clinician by helping them to take a Hippocratic Oath. Mr. Naveen took a lecture on “Communication Skills and Personality Development”. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Neil Dominic, Students advisor.

18.09.14 – Oral Cancer Awareness program

On 18.09.14, Oral Cancer Awareness day was conducted in the premises of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry under the banner of tumor board. The program started by 9:00 am in the medical hospital block near medical records department and 4th floor tumor board, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. More than 500 patients and their relatives attended the program and were informed about oral cancer and its preventive measures and pamphlets were given for the same. All were screened for oral cancer by the team of doctors. Patients with early stages of oral cancer were given free preventive medicines and advice. Mrs. Lakshmi nutritionist has given away valuable speech regarding the role of diet in oral cancer. There was mutual discussion between the doctors and patients regarding the program. The event was headed by Dr. Carounanidy usha, Principal, Dr.N. Vezhavendan, Tumor board Co-ordinator, Dr. A. Santhadevi, Dr. Vishwanath and Dr. Ramesh and other board members. The sponsors were Cipla and Warren pharmaceuticals pvt ltd.

20.09.14 – PROIGIDS

PRO – IGIDS -2014, CDE program on fixed partial denture and implant prosthodontics was conducted by the Department of Prosthodontics on 20.09.14. Resource personnels involved includes; Dr. Lakshmi S, Professor, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Chennai on “Prosthodontic options in Implant placement”; Dr. Abby Abraham, Associate Professor, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Chennai on “Guided Implant Surgery”; Dr. Vigneshwaran, Associate Professor, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Chennai on “Immediate Implant Placement” and Dr. Sivashanker, Director, Confident Lab, Bangalore on “Minimising failures in all ceramic restorations”. Undergraduates, interns, post graduates and general practitioners who aspire to do implants and 141

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fpd as a part of their practice participated and obtained hands on experience with materials and techniques for implants in Guided Implant surgery, which are crucial for the success of the superstructure provided above. The program provided depth of insight into the fixed partial denture success with all ceramics and implants which are placed with guided stents fabricated out of STL implants.

26.09.14-Clinical Society Meeting

The clinical society meeting for the month of September began with the collaring of the president of SAF Dr. Saravanakumar by the secretary of SAF Dr. Vandana. The session was chaired by Dr Saravanakumar. There were three papers from the department of Pedodontics: Attitudes, practice and knowledge regarding primary preventive measures among general dental practitioners in and around Puducherry by Dr. Vivek, 3rd year PG Department of Pedodontics; Space regainer made easy-a case series Dr Megalaa,3rd year PG Department of Pedodontics; Teachvisual and verbal guide for ASD Dr Arunkanth, 3rd year PG Department of Pedodontics.

General Health Check Up- First Year BDS - 2014

A General health check up program – a first of its kind in SBV University for the first year BDS students (2014-15) was conducted by Public Health Dentistry Department, IGIDS in co-ordination with MHC, MGMC&RI. The program was held between 5.9.14 and 23.9.14. A total of 96 Students were subjected to General examination, routine blood and urine investigations, out of which 16 were diagnosed with different conditions (Anemia, Renal calculi, Hypothyroidism, Maturity Onset Diabetes in Young etc.). The diagnosed students and their parents were informed to initiate treatment accordingly. The program has greatly helped the First year BDS students to know about their health status. The program was co-ordinated by Dr.Dilip, Dr.Ashwanth and Dr.Iswarya junior lecturer from the Department of Public health Dentistry.

Letter from Prime Minister

A birthday card was designed by dental students containing dental health education messages. The greeting was sent to our prime minister to convey birthday wishes and to stress him to make India with healthier (teeth) and a tobacco free nation. The reply letter was received from prime minister dated 20.10.14.


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

National tooth brushing day – 2014 November 7 is observed as National Tooth brushing day in India to reinforce the importance of children’s oral health and promote good tooth-brushing habits recommended by dental health Professionals. This program is launched from 2014 to educate parents and kids to brush twice daily for at least two minutes to help reduce the risk of oral diseases. On this day, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental sciences, Pondicherry has organized a mass tooth brushing demonstration in K.R. Subramaniya Padayatchi Govt. Higher secondary school. Koravelimedu. In collaboration with Colgate Palmolive, free Oral Health Kit was distributed to all the school children as well as proper brushing technique demonstration was done to all the school children. Around 470 schoolchildren were provided with Oral Health Kit and benefitted from this program. The schoolteachers were also educated regarding importance of oral health and maintaining oral hygiene. Students were interested in correcting their brushing technique also; they demonstrated proper brushing technique on the tooth model.

Inauguration of National Service Scheme unit

The NSS unit at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences was inaugurated on 11/11/14 in the presence of our honorable Vice-Chancellor Dr.K.R Sethuraman, Prof Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS and chief guest Dr Kuzhundaswamy, State Liason Officer, NSS, Pondicherry state. The main agenda of the program being initiating, supporting and consequent follow up of the “Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan”. The Dental Council of India has also appealed to all the dental colleges in India to mark the Swachh Bharat, Swach Bharat mission from 4.11.14 to 14.11.14. Sharing the view of Dental Council of India, the NSS unit of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences decided to kick start the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan’ in the college premises. The program proceeded with a ribbon cutting ceremony to inaugurate the unit by the chief guest Dr Kuzundaswamy. The NSS coordinator of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences Dr Senthil M, delivered the mission-vision statement of NSS. This was followed by handing over the NSS Flag to the volunteer. An oath was taken by all the volunteers of NSS, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, pledging to keep their immediate premises clean and

also advocate the same to 100 other individuals. The dignitaries then handed over the necessary cleaning equipment’s and materials to the volunteers and vote of thanks was delivered. The volunteers then formed small groups and in methodologically started the mission and cleaned the surrounding premises. The collected waste was then packed and sealed in black plastic wrappers and handed it over to concerned officials for appropriate disposal.

Inauguration of Red ribbon club

The RRC unit at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences was inaugurated on 11.11.14 in the presence of honorable Vice-Chancellor Dr K. R Sethuraman, Prof Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS and chief guest Dr Kuzhundaswamy, State Liason Officer, NSS, Pondicherry state. Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Program organizer, RRC, IGIDS spoke on the vision & mission of RRC, IGIDS. Program activities: On 11.11.2014, the inauguration of Red Ribbon Club of IGIDS was marked by two sets of Programs. Program 1: Mini Marathon by the student volunteers and faculty volunteers from IGIDS campus till Thavalakuppam bus stand covering a distance of about 6 km was flagged off by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV. The Marathon was aimed to spread the awareness of HIV/ AIDS among the public. The winners of the marathon were awarded cash price sponsored by Dr. Neil, Students advisor, IGIDS. Program 2: A free blood grouping drive for the public was held at two areas, near the Thavalakuppam bus stand and in the Ariyankuppam Urban health centre. Blood grouping was done for 200 people inclusive of both areas. A card was issued to those people with their personal details and blood group. Pamphlets reinforcing HIV/AIDS awareness and blood donation motivation of PACS were distributed to the public. The program was widely covered by press and media.

Le Pedo Colloquium

The Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry in association with Scientific & Academic Forum organized its 1st Continuing Dental Education programme titled “Le Pedo Colloquium” on 15.11.14 at the Lecture hall in 2nd floor of Medical College Block, MGMCRI. The CDE program was accredited with 6 credit points by the Puducherry State Dental Council. Five eminent guest speakers were invited

; Dr. Nikhil Marwah M.D.S.( Professor, Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry, Mahatma Gandhi Dental College, Jaipur, Rajasthan), Dr. Sharath Asokan, M.D.S, M.Sc, MPhil, Ph D.( Professor, Dept. of Pedodontics, KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research, Tiruchengode), Dr. V. Arun Prasad Rao, M.D.S.( Professor & HOD, Dept. of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, MGPGI, Pondicherry), Dr. Joby Peter, M.D.S. (Professor, Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry, Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital) & Dr. M.S.Muthu, M.D.S., PhD. (Professor & HOD, Dept. of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Sciences, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai). The target audience for the CDE program were the interns, PGs and Faculty. An E poster competition for the interns on the topic “Pediatric Dentistry- Evolution to Revolution” was also conducted. Total number of registrations was 137 (the participant colleges were: Aadhiparasakthi Dental College, Rajah Muthiah Dental College, Annamalai, Thai Moogambikai Dental College, Ramachandra Dental College, Porur, KSR Dental College, Tiruchengode & IGIDS) The program began with an inauguration ceremony at 9.30 AM. Prof. G.S.Prathima, Head, Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry, IGIDS welcomed the gathering. The guest speakers were felicitated with bouquet and memento. The program was inaugurated by Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Principal IGIDS. Dr. Sanguida.A, Senior Lecturer, Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry, IGIDS delivered the vote of thanks. The scientific session began at 10.15AM after high tea. The first session was a skype presentation and discussion on ‘Critical Appraisal of Publications” by Dr. Nikhil Marwah from Jaipur, Rajasthan. The E poster presentations were sandwiched between the guest lectures. A total of nine E posters were presented and were judged by the guest speakers and Dr. Sajeev, Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, IGIDS. The second lecture was on Child Psychology ‘Made for each other’ by Dr. Sharath Asokan, followed by ‘Keys to successful behavior management’ by Dr. Arun Prasad Rao. The post lunch sessions were on ‘Children with special health care needs- Revisiting the basics’ by Dr.M.S.Muthu & ‘Early orthodontic treatment- When & Why’ by Dr. Joby Peter. This was followed by the prize distribution for the three best E posters. The program concluded at 5 PM with a tea. 143

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The overall feedback was that the program lunch. This was followed by a group discussion was excellent. on “T-L methods & Media” which was conducted by Dr. Pratheba. B, Dr. Senthil.M, Dr. Research methodology Shivasakthy.M, Dr.Bindu Meera John and Dr. A Workshop on Research Methodology Jananni, Resource Persons, DEU. This session and Biostatistics was conducted for 3 days from was chaired by Dr. R. Narasimman. Following 24.11.14 to 26.11.14 at IGIDS which was this, Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS participated by Faculties and First year Post & resource person, DEU presented her lecture Graduates. The resource personnel involved on “Lesson Plan”. The day ended with a high were Prof. L. Nagesh Head, Public Health tea. Two participants were requested to write Dentistry, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh and Dr. the report of the events along with their feedShyam Sivasamy, Sr. Lecturer, Dept. of Pub- back about the sessions. lic Health Dentistry, Sri Venkateswara Dental The second day began with the report readCollege, Thalambur, Chennai. Interesting top- ing by one of the participants, Dr. Arunkuics were covered with hands on in all the topics mar, Senior lecturer. The first session was on through appropriate questions and problems. “Microteaching” by Dr. Sanguida.A, Resource SPSS software demonstration was a significant person, DEU. This was followed by the lecture highlight of the session. Online feedback was on “Purpose & process of evaluation” by Dr. obtained at the end of every session. N.Ananthakrishnan, Resource person, SBV AHEAD. Dr. Manoharan.P.S, resource perTraining of the Trainers for Senior son, DEU presented lecture on “Theory exams: Dental Educators Problems & solutions”. This was followed by the The Dental Education Unit & the Academy lecture on “Clinical exams: Problems & soluof Health Professions Education and Aca- tions” by Dr.V.N. Mahalakshmi, resource perdemic Development, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth son, SBV AHEAD. Two lectures “Structured (SBV AHEAD) conducted its 2nd Training of oral exams” and “Curriculum review process” The Trainers program for the Senior Dental were given by Dr. Carounanidy Usha & Dr. Educators of Aadhiparasakthy Dental College K.R.Sethuraman followed lunch respectively. & Hospital, Melmaruvathur on 28.11.14 & The session ended with a game “Broken 29.11.14 at the Conference Hall in the New square” which emphasized the importance of building, 7th floor, IGIDS. Twenty one parti- coordination and cooperation in the education cipants were present for the workshop. The pro- system. The participants then gave their overall gram started at 9 am with a welcome speech by feedback on the workshop. Dr. Saravanakumar (Vice Principal, IGIDS & The day ended with a valedictory ceremony. resource person, DEU). An introductory speech Dr. Carounanidy Usha thanked the participants was given by Dr.N.Ananthakrishnan, (Dean, for their enthusiastic participation. Dr. SubResearch & PG studies, SBV & resource per- ramanya Sharma, Principal, Aadhiparasakthi son, SBV AHEAD) followed by an ice break- Dental College thanked the organizers and ing session conducted by Dr. Saravanakumar.R. presented mementos to the DEU team and to The ice cards contained questions on designa- Dr. K.R.Sethuraman. Participants individually tion, previous exposure to training programs approached the DEU members and gave a positand the participants view about their expecta- ive feedback about the two day session. Dr. K.R. tions about the workshop. This was followed by Sethuraman thanked the management & Printhe pre-test. cipal of Aadhiparasakthi Dental College. An The first lecture was on ‘Education as a award was announced for the ‘best lesson plan’ system’ by Dr. K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal, and it was bagged by Dr. A.S.Ramesh, Prof & MGMCRI & resource person, SBV AHEAD. Head, Dept. of Prosthodontics, APDCH. A The participants were provided with online links letter of intent was signed between the two colto give feedbacks after each lecture. This was leges for collaborative work in research & edufollowed by a high tea. Dr. Saravanakumar.R cation. Certificates of participation were given presented his lecture on “Intended learning out- to the participants by Dr. K.R.Sethuraman. The comes” which was chaired by Dr. R. Narasim- overall feedback was excellent. man (Resource Person, SBV AHEAD). This was followed by the lecture on T-L Principles/ Children’s Day The Department of Pediatric and Preventive Adult Learning principles by Dr. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV & resource per- Dentistry conducted Children’s Day program on son AHEAD. The participants then broke for 28.11.14 at Irulansandhai Government Primary 144

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School. The team comprising of Dr.Sajeev R, Professor, Dr. Selva Balaji, Senior Lecturer, Dr Vivek and Dr. Jerin (Post Graduate) conducted various competitions, delivered health education talk & distributed plates, tumblers and toothpastes for all the children. The department also presented a mini sports kit for the students. The winners of the competitions were awarded prizes. The feedback obtained from the school was that the program was excellent.

World AIDS Day Awareness Program

On 01.12.14, World AIDS day was commemorated by all the Red Ribbon Clubs of all the constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth in a grand manner. Two events were marked on that day. A rally was conducted from City center of SBV, Saram, Pondicherry till Mahatma Gandhi statue on the beach road spreading awareness to the Public on AIDS awareness. Students from all the constituent colleges participated in the rally. The second part of the program include stalls in Gandhi Thidal with posters on AIDS awareness and skit by the students on Treatment aspects of HIV/AIDS by the students of IGIDS. The stalls and skit was played from 4.00- 8.30 pm for the benefit of the public.

5.12.2014- Clinical Society Meeting. The Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS conducted the clinical society to discuss interesting cases and research studies. The session began with the collaring of the president of SAF Dr. Saravana kumar by the secretary of SAF, Dr. Vandana. The session was chaired by Dr. Saravana kumar. There were four presentations by the post graduate students from the Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery: Approaches to the lateral and inferior walls of the orbit by Dr. Melvin arul dev 3rd year PG, Dept of OMFS; Carbonated Bupivicane with Adrenaline for Surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar-A Case Report by Dr Shyamala, 3rd year PG, Dept of OMFS; Glandular Odontogenic Cyst-a rare case report by Dr Lucky Kumari,2nd year PG, Dept of OMFS; Dermoid cyst- a case report by Dr Madhu, 2nd year PG, Dept of OMFS and one faculty presentation by Dr Neil Dominic on Management of frontal sinus injuries. Questions from audience were answered by the presenters and moderated by the chairperson.

Future Dental Professionals Program - 2015

Department of Public Health Dentistry in association with Scientific & Academic Forum, IGIDS organized the future dental professional program on 13.01.15. The program was entirely sponsored by Colgate & Palmolive Ltd. and Indian Dental Association. The sponsorship was in the form of hospitality, gifts for speakers, chief guest and registration kits to speakers, undergraduates, post graduates, staff delegates. A total of 573 participants registered from the dental college. In connection with CDE program a poster competition was organized on 12th Jan 2015in 3 categories preclinical, clinical, Pg & staff, under various topics. There were 60 participants for poster competition; best 2 posters were selected in each category. Certificate & gifts were awarded to the winners; 5 guest lecturers were delivered simultaneously for 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Interns, Pg & staff. Three external and two internal speakers delivered the lecture on respective topics. I Year - Implements For A Healthy Smile by Dr.Suganya.M (Sr.Lecturer, Dept. of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry, IGIDS); II Year - Acute Pain Management – Hypersensitivity by Dr.Jananni.M, (Sr. Lecturer, Department of Periodontia, IGIDS); III Year - Oral-Systemic Relation by Dr.Srinivasan (Professor, Dept. of Oral Medicine and Radiology, MGPGI); IVYear - Understanding the Science behind Mouth rinses by Dr.Grace T Paul (Associate Professor, Department of Periodontia, MGPGI); Interns/PGs - Practice Management by Dr.Srinivasan.S (Associate Professor, Department of Periodontia, Rajah Muthiah Dental college and Hospital).

Oral surgeon’s day

The oral surgeon’s day was commemorated on 13.2.15 by Dept. of oral & maxillofacial surgery along with SAF, IGIDS. Dr. Krishnakumar Raja, Prof & Head, Dept of OMFS, SRM dental college, Chennai spoke on “Orthognathic in a nutshell”. Dr. Sainath Matsa, Founder & CEO, Praseedha Hair transplant clinic, Chennai spoke on the topic “The Road not taken”.

Gold n Gold

Forum for conservative dentistry and endodontics (FORCE) conducted CDE program on Gold n gold: A Restorative Extravaganza, three day workshop was conducted from 20.02.15 to 22.02.15. 130 Registered delegates consisting of Postgraduates and faculties from Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu attended the 145

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program. This CDE program was powered by IACDE. On the first day 20.02.15 the inauguration session was started at 9.00am with prayer song followed by welcome address given by Prof Sathyanarayanan. The diginitaries were Prof. Kandaswamy, (Dean, Dental sciences of Sri Ramachandra Medical college and Hospital) and Prof Lakshmi Narayanan (Hon. Secretary IACDE, Principal Thai Moogambika dental college) were honoured by Prof. Carounanidy Usha. The program was presided by Vice Chancellor of SBV UNIVERSITY, Prof.K.R.Sethuraman. Felicitation was done by Prof Kandaswamy. Inaugural address was delivered by Prof .Lakshmi Narayanan, followed by opening the inauguration box “The Treasure Chest” to reveal the instruments for gold restorations. He handed the first ellectro mallet which was fabricated in India by Prof.Sathyanarayanan. Then the vote of thanks was delivered by Dr.Bindu Meera John. After the high tea session following lectures were taken by the dignitaries. Prof Kandaswamy gave lecture on “Do we require gold”; Prof. Carounanidy Usha gave lecture on “current cariology and gold restorations”; Prof. Sathyanarayanan gave lecture on GOLD and gold restorations. In the afternoon session Prof Sathyanarayanan gave lecture cast gold restoration and live demo of cast gold restoration. On the second day 21.02.15, first guest lecture started by Prof. A.P.tikku, Dean, KGMCU, Lucknow on gold foil techniques. Tea and snacks were served and the second lecture and demonstration of gold foil instruments was done by Sathyanarayanan R. Post lunch session, live demo on gold foil restoration was done with surgical operating microscope. The program ended at 5.00 pm and closing remarks was given by Principal Carounanidy usha. On the third day 22.02.15, ten registered participants were trained in direct foil restorations by Prof. Sathyanarayanan R. Ten work stations with all necessary instruments and equipments was arranged in the conference hall. Ten assistants were assigned for the participants and the hand on program was started All participants were given certificates and Precious gold foil as registration gifts. Feed backs were taken at the end of every day session.

07.3.2015- Clinical Society Meeting

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Department of Oral medicine and Radiology). There were five presentations that day: 1. Clinical concepts in implant occlusion by Dr Ilangkumaran, 3rd year PG, Dept of Prosthodontics.2. Impression making in implants by Dr Vishwanathan, 3rd year PG, Dept of Prosthodontics.3. Methods of preventing crestal bone loss by Dr Balaji, 3rd year PG, Dept of Prosthodontics.4. Virtual articulator-a myth turned into a reality by Dr Bejoy, 1st year PG, Dept of Prosthodontics.5.Face Bow! Is it essential or not....? by Dr Devameena 1st year PG, Dept of Prosthodontics. Questions were asked by the audience and moderated by the moderator.

HUG- “Help Unite Generation” Campaign

The National Service Scheme units of IGIDS (Department Of Public Health Dentistry) & KGNC, along with HelpAge India-Puducherry, on 31st March 2015 conducted “HUG - Help Unite Generation”, program at 2nd Floor Lecture Hall, MGMC, Pillayarkuppam, Puducherry. In this program 100 BDS students, 50 B. Sc. Nursing students and 50 elders participated. Dr. KR. Sethuraman, Vice- Chancellor, SBV University was the chief guest and addressed the gathering. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal- IGIDS; Mrs. Sumathy- Professor, KGNC gave the felicitation address. Dr. Sathiyababu, DD-Helpage India, briefed about the Help Age India organization and the need of HUG Program. The salient features of the program were the importance of elders for a valuable society and caring them was explained for the young generation through AV presentations and statistics. The motto of this program was to break the stress and isolation factor of the elders in Care taking homes and provide relief by interaction and entertainment. HUG – Band was worn for elders by the students, as a symbol of uniting generations. Students had an one on one interaction with elders, with mutual sharing of thoughts. Cultural program were performed by IGIDS & KGNC students to entertain the elder people.

OUTREACH PROGRAMS World No Tobacco Day Program – 2014

The clinical society meeting for the month of March was conducted by IGIDS. There were A Road rally was conducted on 31.05.14 four sessions for that day. The sessions were by Dept. of Public Health Dentistry to create moderated by Dr Vandana (Senior lecturer, awareness among general public about harmful 146

effects of tobacco related habit and to submit a memorandum to the Government of Puducherry containing list of rules and regulations that can be implemented to reduce the use of tobacco among young adult. The program included Road Rally covering the main streets of Puducherry town from Anna statue to Gandhi statue. The rally was flagged of by Dr.Saravanan, Vice Principal (Academics), Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences. About 200 members including Faculty, CRRI, 3rd year and 1st year students and IDA members participated in the rally. Slogans were shouted to emphasis more on tobacco free youth. Posters and leaflets were distributed to the commercial establishments present in the route. Students carried health educative posters and chart made by them self in the road rally. The program was covered by various television media and newspapers.

Outreach activities

Comprehensive school oral health program was conducted at Government girls higher secondary school at Kathirgamam puducherry. The school program covered 1250 children in that 640 were treated for various dental problem(extaction 70,scaling 398,restoration 177). The program also included class room oral health education as a part of the program we donated health education poster(cariogenic and non cariogenic diet)

Camp at Narikuravargal colony

As a part of the batch day celebration on 15.09.14, a free dental treatment camp at Narikuravargal Colony, Lawspet was conducted by 2011 BDS batch of IGIDS. The camp was organized in colloboration with the Dept of Public Health Dentistry. The camp was inaugurated by Hnble. MLA. Kalyanasundaram & Hnble. MLA. Vaithiyanathan at 09:30 am. The camp started with screening of all people. Scaling, extraction, Restorations were done for the patients. Around 146 patients were treated in this camp and Personal Hygiene Aids like Soap & Dress were distributed to needy people. Out of 146 patients 84 patients were females & remaining 62 were males. Treatment done: Scaling: 70 patients; Extraction: 22 patients; Restoration: 20 patients; After the treatment, oral hygiene aids like Tooth Paste, Tooth Brush & Mouthwashes were given to the patients & oral hygiene instructions were also given.

World Dentists Day commemoration by Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry On the occasion of World Dentist Day on 6.3.15, the Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry in association with the Dept. of Public Health Dentistry, IGIDS and the Indian Dental Association- Puducherry Branch, conducted an oral screening & treatment camp at the NGO- Baby Sarah’s home for Children with Special Healthcare Needs & orphans at Kakayanthope, Ariyankuppam. Mr. Stephen Raj, Director, Baby Sarah’s Home welcomed the team of 21 members comprising faculty, post graduates and interns from the Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry & the President of Indian Dental Association- Puducherry Branch, Dr.S.V.Srinivasan & Secretary Dr. C.Ravishankar. The camp began with dental health education to the kids and caregivers and distribution of toothpaste & brush samples to the children. The toothpaste and brush samples were provided by Warren Pharmaceuticals & Colgate. This was followed by oral screening and treatment for the children with special healthcare needs and other children. A total of 89 children (Children with Special Healthcare Needs- 50 & school children- 39) were screened & 60 children were provided with treatments like scaling, sealants & restorations. The nature of the dental problems present in the children was explained to the Director of the Home, who also assured continued co-operation in bringing the children to the Department for further treatment. The Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry & IDA would also take efforts to procure powered toothbrushes for the children with special healthcare needs. The Dept. also plans to extend the services to these children by providing comprehensive treatment for those children with special healthcare needs at our department, at regular intervals.

World Dentist Day Program – Vaccination campaign Oral health awareness program was conducted at new Bus stand, Puducherry by Dept. of Public health Dentistry and Indian Dental Association, Puducherry Branch on 06.03.2015 between 9.30 am- 3.30 pm. The following activities were conducted. Activity 1: Oral health screening and awareness for general public. In this activity all the general public was given free dental consultation and referred to the dental hospital for treatments. Total No. of General 147

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public Screened: 410. No. of Male patients: 248; No. of female patients: 162. Activity2: “I respect my oral health”. General public and traders had participated in this activity. They had answered a set of question relating their respect &attitude towards oral health and oral clinical examination has been done to match their claim. The best respecting individual were identified and rewarded with certificate and a gift. Number of traders participated – 172; Number of Prize Winners- 50. Activity 3: Best tooth brushing demonstrator. General public and traders participate in this activity. They demonstrated the brushing method they are currently applying followed by another round of demonstration after tooth brushing demo is give using model. Best demonstrator was identified and rewarded with the certificate & gift. Total number of participants – 32. Total Number of prize winners -29.

Volunteering dental services on board LIFELINE EXPRESS

Lifeline express or so called; “hospital on wheels” is the first train in the world to provide healthcare services to the rural population of India. Over a million people have been treated on board this train. The 161st project was scheduled from 08.02.15 to 23.02.15 at Motihaari, Bihar. The dental camp was held between 11.02.15 to 19.02.15. The treatment provided was extractions, restoration and oral prophylaxis. Over a 1000 patients were screened and treated appropriately.

Student and Alumni news Alumini News

Skill Enhancement program for Alumni (SEA) As a part of the annual Skill Enhancement Program 2015 for the alumni of IGIDS, Prosthodontics showcased with its intensive two day module on fixed partial dentures with the central theme – Principles and Practice of Fixed Partial Prosthodontics on 18.03.15 and 19.03.15. The program was planned to have a series of lectures and live demo on typodonts and on patients for an all ceramic and a metal crown preparation. Sixteen participants registered and 15 participants turned up for the program. The first day had a series of four lectures on the principles and armamentarium in the morning session. The afternoon session had live demo with hands on typodont teeth for ceramic and metal restorations. The second day had a series of five lectures 148

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on Provisionalisation, impression making shade selection, gingival retraction and cementation. The later part of the forenoon started with the participants doing crown preparation on patients root canal treated teeth. Various situations demanding metal ceramic, metal restorations were distributed randomly to the participants. All crown preparations were carefully guided by the faculty. Later all the preparations were provisionalized using direct technique. Shade was selected and Impressions were made with elastomeric impression materials which were guided by faculty on one to one basis. The patients were all planned to be followed up till the final restoration. The alumni also had a feedback which showed that they were immensely happy with the program. Special highlight was hands on experience on patients. The certificates for the participants were given on the next day at the alumni get together - Confluence 15. The program was also credited for 12 DCI credit points.


Awards Dr.Swatha, III Year Post Graduate participated in15th IACDE - IES PG Convention at S R M University, Chennai and won best poster for “Comparative Evaluation of Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin to dry and wet enamel when it is treated with water/alcohol/ acetone based 5th Generation Bonding Agent”. Presentation/ participation in Conferences Dr. V.L. Lakshman, Dr. Lakshmi Priya and Dr. Shiva Santhosh Second year postgraduates, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended CBCT course in 3D diagnostic centre Bangalore from 01.04.14 to 05.04.14. Dr.E. B. Kayalvizhi, Dr.Madhulika and Dr.SwethaPauloseThird year postgraduates, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended 3 days workshops on “How to write Thesis” 9.04.14 to 11.04.14. Dr. Denny George, Dr. Melvin Arul Dev, Dr. Shymala, III Yr Post Graduates Dept of OMFS attended & presented Paper in MIDCOMS 2014 at Trishur between 23.05.14 and 25.05.14. All the III year Postgraduate students attended the “PG Dissertation Workshop” held at MGMCRI, Puducherry between 09.06.14 and 11.06.14 Dr Dhivya Kanya S, Dr Jauhar P M, Dr Naga Keerthi V, 1st year, Post Graduates, Dept of Orthodontics, attended the Continuing dental education programme on “Drift to Contemporary Trends- A Paradigm Shift in Orthodontics,

Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Chennai on 19.06.14. Dr.Aparna, final yr PG Dr.Poorani, final year PG Dr.Saravana Kumar, final year PG Dr.Uma Devi, 2nd year PG participated in the CDE program, TOPAZ-14 on the topic “Recent advances in Head and Neck tumors” held at Thaai Mookambikai Dental College and Hospital Chennai on 26.06.2014 Dr.Shouvik Malakar 1st Year Post Graduate Participated in Evidence Based Dentistry Debate on “Amalgam Vs Composites” in Saveetha Dental College, Chennai on 11th July. Dr.Shouvik Malakar and Dr.Vijayaraja.S 1st Year Post Graduate attended in the workshop on “Bulk Fill Composites” in Saveetha dental college, Chennai on 11th July. Dr.Gopika, Dr. Shouvik, Dr.Vijayaraja1st Year Post Graduates, Dr.Maneesh, Dr.Renju, and Dr.Sudhagar 2nd Year Post Graduates attended Ecclires-2014 – “National Convention on Clinical Research and Ease Reports in Balaji Dental College, Chennai On 22nd And 23rd Of August. Dr. Shouvik, Dr.Vijayaraja Presented on Data Documentation: A Gateway to Clinical Research on 23rd August. Dr.Gopika, Dr. Shouvik, Dr.Vijayaraja1st Years Post Graduate, Dr.Maneesh, Dr.Renju, and Dr.Sudhagar 2nd Years Post Graduate attended Recapitulation (“Evolving Trends”) in Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai on 19th September. Dr Dhivya Kanya S, Dr Jauhar P M, Dr Naga Keerthi V, Post Graduates, Dept of Orthodontics attended the” Orthognathic Orthodontic workshop” at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai on July 18th 2014. Dr.S.Monica, Dr.S.Deepika , & Dr.V.Venugopalan, 1st year post graduates, Dept of OMFS, attended the cde program PROIGIDS on 20.09.14. Dr. V.L. Lakshman, Dr. Lakshmi Priya and Dr. Shiva Santhosh Second year postgraduates, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended workshop on Essentials of head and neck ultrasonography conducted by Department of oral medicine and radiology, GDC, Trivandrum on 21.08.2014. Dr.Shiva Santhosh and Dr. Lakshmi Priya gave awareness speech about Non tobacco causes of Oral Cancer to the public on Oral Cancer awareness Day on 18.09.2014 Dr.Megalaa, 3rd year postgraduate in the Dept.of Pediatric dentistry presented a case series on Space regainer made easy at the Clinical society meet at IGIDS on 26/09/2014

Dr.Vivek, 3rd year postgraduate in the Dept. of Pediatric dentistry presented an original research titled Attitude , practice and knowledge regarding primary prevention among general dental practitioners in and around Puducherry at the Clinical society meet at IGIDS on 26/09/2014 Dr.Arunkanth, 3rd year postgraduate in the Dept.of Pediatric dentistry presented an original research titled Evaluating the different behaviour management technique in autistic pediatric dental patients at the Clinical society meet at IGIDS on 26/09/2014 All postgraduates from Dept. of Pediatric dentistry attended a workshop on : Chronic Kidney Diseases at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College And Research Institute on 22/08/2014 All postgraduates from Dept. of Pediatric dentistry attended a workshop on: Chronic Kidney Diseases at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College And Research Institute on 22.08.2014 Dr.Annamary Kattakayam, I year Post Graduate, Dept of Pediatric and Preventive dentistry presented poster on “Heal enamel the non fluoridated way” at 36th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, held on Indira Gandhi Prathisthan, Lucknow from 14.10.14 to 16.10.14. Dr.Gayathri K, I year Post Graduate, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, presented poster on “ Kalpavriksha –A selfless service towards oral health” at 36th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, held on Indira Gandhi Prathisthan, Lucknow from 14.10.14 to 16.10.14. Dr.Abhishek Shaji Varghese, I year Post Graduate, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, presented poster on “Honey –Boon or Bane to oral health” at 36th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, held on Indira Gandhi Prathisthan, Lucknow from 14.10.14 to 16.10.14. Dr. Jerin kurian, II year Post Graduate, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, presented a paper on “Association between Dental caries and Body mass index in primary school children of Puducherry at 36th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, held on Indira Gandhi Prathishtan, Lucknow from 14.10.14 to 16.10.14 Dr. Eldho Babu, II year Post Graduate, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, presented a paper on “Validity Of Demirjian And Cameriere Methods For Dental 149

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Age Estimation Of Children Aged 9-13 Years in and around Puducherry – Pilot study”at 36th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, held on Indira Gandhi Prathishtan, Lucknow from 14.10.14 to 16.10.14. Dr. D.Nivedha, II year Post Graduate, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, presented a paper on “Effects of Xylitol Wipes on Cariogenic Bacteria in 19-35 months young children”at 36th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, held on Indira Gandhi Prathishtan, Lucknow from 14.10.14 to 16.10.14. Dr.Megalaa.N, III yr post graduate, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, presented a paper on Evaluation of salivary pH and Streptococcus mutans count on chewing Mentha piperita leaves- A short clinical trial at 36th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, held on Indira Gandhi Prathishtan, Lucknow from 14.10.14 to 16.10.14. Dr.CH.R.Arun Kanth III yr post graduate, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, presented a paper on TEACCHVisual and Verbal Guide for ASD and won the Best Paper Award, at 36th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, held on Indira Gandhi Prathishtan, Lucknow from 14.10.14 to 16.10.14. Dr.Vivek.K III yr post graduate Knowledge Regarding Primary Preventive Measures among General Dental Practitioners in and around Puducherry and won the Best Paper Award, at 36th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, held on Indira Gandhi Prathishtan, Lucknow from 14.10.14 to 16.10.14. Gayathri, Raghu, Aravindh, Dept of periodontics attended the CDE program in Meenakshi Ammal Dental College on 14.11.14. All post graduates of pediatric dentistry department attended Continuing Dental Education programme “Le- Pedo Colloquium” conducted by Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry,Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, SBV University on 15.11.14. Dr.Saravana kumar, III year Post Graduate, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology presented a poster on Amelanotic melanoma – A rare case report at 32ndTamilnadu State Dental conference, Namakkal between 22.11.14 and 23.11.14. He was awarded for the best poster presented. Dr. V.L. Lakshman II year postgraduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology 150

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presented paper titled “Post traumatic regeneration of bone in mandibular condyle - A radiographic interpretation dilemma” in 26th IAOMR National conference 2014 Mangalore, from 21.11.2014 to 23.11.2014. Dr. Lakshmi Priya, II year postgraduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, presented paper titled “Glandular Odontogenic Cyst – A rare Case Report” in 26th IAOMR National conference 2014 Mangalore, from 21.11.2014 to 23.11.2014. Dr. Shiva Santhosh, II year postgraduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, presented paper titled “Pindborg Tumor of Unusual Site – A Rare Case report” in 26th IAOMR National conference 2014 Mangalore, from 21.11.2014 to 23.11.2014. Dr. Abdul Khader, Dr. Santhosh Palla and Dr. Yoga First year postgraduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented paper in 26th IAOMR National conference 2014 Mangalore, from 21.11.2014 to 23.11.2014. Dr. Abdul Khader, I year postgraduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented paper titled “Coalition of attitude, practice behaviours of dental pregnant patients perception toward their oral health in and around Pondicherry – A cross sectional questionnaire study” in 26th IAOMR National conference 2014 Mangalore, from 21.11.2014 to 23.11.2014. Dr. Santhosh Palla, I year postgraduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented paper titled “Comparative fractal analysis of bone quality in dentulous and edentulous regions on digital OPG’s – A retrospective study” in 26th IAOMR National conference 2014 Mangalore, from 21.11.2014 to 23.11.2014. Dr. Yoga, I year postgraduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented paper titled “Occult Pathology in OPG” in 26th IAOMR National conference 2014 Mangalore, from 21.11.2014 to 23.11.2014. Dr. E. B. Kayalvizhi, III year postgraduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology had presented Poster titled “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy” in 32nd IDA, Namakkal on 23.11.2014 Dr. Madhulika, III year postgraduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology had presented Poster titled “Role of Ozone in Dentistry” in 32nd IDA, Namakkal on 23.11.2014 Dr. Madhulika, III year postgraduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology had won best Poster titled “Role of Ozone

in Dentistry” in 32nd IDA, Namakkal on 23.11.2014 Gayathri, Raghu, Aravindh, Dept of Periodontics attended the CDE program “IDA State Conference, Namakkal between 22.11.14 and 24.11.14. Minu P. Mathew, Agila, Ughabharathi, Dept of periodontics attended the CDE program “IDA State Conference, Namakkal between 22.11.14 and 24.11.14. Dr.Abhishek Shaji Varghese, Dr.Gayathri K and Dr.Annamary Kattakayam, I year Post Graduates attended Workshop on Research Methodology on 24.11.14. Dr. K.Sateesh Kumar, Dr. G. Uma Mageswari, Dr. A. Aroumougam, I year Post Graduate from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has attended the work shop on Research methodology & Biostastics conducted between 24.11.14 and 26.11.14 at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry. Dr.Umadevi, Dr. R.Poorani, Dr.Aparna .K, Dr Saravana kumar. V, Post Graduates from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology attended XXIII National Conference of IAOMP & presented a poster for the topic Glandular Odontogenic cyst between 29.11.14 and 31.11.14 at Bangalore & poster abstract is published in Journal of Oral & Maxillo facial pathology. Dr.Aparna .K III year, Post Graduate, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, attended & presented a paper for the topic Immunohistochemical expression of Bax in oral pemphigus (Original research) in XXIII national conference between 29.11.14 and 31.11.14 at Bangalore. Dr.Shouvik Malakar, Dr.Vijayaraja I Year Post Graduate and Dr.Renju, Dr.Sudhagar II Year Post Graduates attended 29th IACDE National Conference and 29th IACDE National Preconference Hands on Workshop on SAF at Jaipur between 4.12.14 and 7.12.14 Dr.Umadevi, II year Post Graduate from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology attended the CDE Program on stems cells, on 29.12.14 at Meenakshi ammal dental college & Hospital, Chennai Dr. Megalaa N, Dr. Vivek K, Dr. Ch.R Arun Kanth (3rd year Post Graduates, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry) attended a Continuing Dental Education programme “Hands – on Workshop on Nitrous Oxide Conscious Sedation” on 8.01.15 at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Dental Sciences, Chennai

I year post graduate students Dr. Satheesh Kumar. K, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G, Dr. Aroumougam. A have attended the conference “CCCON 2015”- International Climate Conference at MGMCRI on 9.01.15 and have presented the posters: Dr. Satheesh Kumar. K on “Climate change and its Impact on Health – An Overview”; Dr. Uma Maheswari. G on “Incidence of Herpes Virus Infection due to climate change”; Dr. Aroumougam. A on “Sun Induced Lesions in Head and Neck”. Dr.E.Gayathri priyadharshini, Dr. A. Raghuramanan, Dr. Aravind Raj.V, Dr.Minu.P.Mathew (Presented Poster), Dr.Ahila, Dr.UghaBharathy, Post Graduate students, Department of Periodontics attended the International Conference on Climate Change and health (CCCON – 2015) at MGMCRI on 9.01.15 Dr. E. Gayathri priyadharshini, Dr. A. Raghu ramanan, Dr.Aravind Raaj. V, Post Graduate students, Department of Periodontics attended Rapid review course 2015 conducted at Ramachandra University between 23.1.15 and 26.1.15 III year post graduate students Dr. Saravana Kumar, Dr. Aparna, Dr. Poorani presented poster in “Postgraduate symposium” organized at SBV University between 28.01.15 and 29.01.15: Dr.Aparna.K –“ Immunohistochemical expression of Bax & caspase-8 in Pemphigus and Lichen planus of oral cavity”; Dr.Poorani.R – “Oxidative stress and Antioxidant level in Potentially Malignant disorder”; Dr.Saravana Kumar.V – “Extraction of Mitochondrial DNA from odontoblastic process of Permanent and deciduous dentin-In vitro study”; Dr. Saravana Kumar has received the “Second place” in “Postgraduate symposium”. Dr.E.Gayathri priyadharshini, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Podium Presentation on thesis titled “Preterm low birth weight” at SAF held at MGMC college block, on 30.01.15. Dr. A.Raghuramanan, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented poster on thesis titled “Depigmentation treated by Laser and Conventional scalper method” at SAF held at MGMC college block, on 30.01.15. Dr.Aravind Raj.V, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented poster on thesis titled “Light microscopic analysis of toothbrush bristles” at SAF held at MGMC college block, on 30.01.15. Dr.Mintu, Dr.Rajeswari, Dr.Swatha 3rd Year Post Graduates attended “Finish line” 151

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in Sree ramachandra dental college, Chennai between 2.2.15 and 4.2.15. Dr. Nivedha, Dr. Eldho Babu, Dr. Jerin Kurien (2nd year Post Graduates, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry) attended Pedozest 2015, 12th ISPPD National Post Graduate Convention from 26.02.15 to 28.02.15 at Tumakuru and presented a Poster on “Catch them young by CAMBRA”. Dr. Abhishek Shaji Varghese, Dr. Anna Mary, Dr.Gayatri K (1st year Post Graduates, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry) attended Pedozest 2015, 12th ISPPD National Post Graduate Convention from 26.02.15 to 28.02.15 at Tumakuru and participated in the short movie competition titled “Fears and Tears: Modify and Overcome”. Dr Dhivya Kanya S, II yr Postgraduate, Dept of Orthodontics presented a paper titled “Make it vs brake it to move it”, at 19th IOS PG Convention at AECS Maruthi Dental College, Bangalore between 27.02.15 and 02.03.15. Dr Naga Keerthi , II yr Postgraduate, Dept of Orthodontics presented a paper titled “The simple jumper”, at 19th IOS PG Convention at AECS Maruthi Dental College, Bangalore between 27.02.15 and 02.03.15 Dr Jauhar P M, II yr Postgraduate, Dept of Orthodontics presented a poster titled “Light and Orthodontics made for each other” at 19th IOS PG Convention at AECS Maruthi Dental College, Bangalore between 27.02.15 and 02.03.15 Dr Suresh Babu, I yr Postgraduate, Dept Of Orthodontics presented a poster titled “Influence of curves in Orthdontics”, at 19th IOS PG Convention at AECS Maruthi Dental College, Bangalore between 27.02.15 and 02.03.15 Dr Lidhiya , I yr Postgraduate, Dept Of Orthodontics presented a poster titled “Orthodontic Gymnastics”, at 19th IOS PG Convention at AECS Maruthi Dental College, Bangalore between 27.02.15 and 02.03.15 Dr Geetha, I yr Postgraduate, Dept Of Orthodontics presented a poster titled “Postural Malocclusions”, at 19th IOS PG Convention at AECS Maruthi Dental College, Bangalore between 27.02.15 and 02.03.15 I year post graduate students Dr. Satheesh Kumar. K, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G, Dr. Aroumougam. A have attended the conference “MIDASICON 2015” at MGMCRI on 7.3.15 and 8.3.15 and have presented the poster: Dr. Satheesh Kumar. K on “Oral Cancer with Distant Metastasis”. Dr. Shouvik Malakar, Dr. Vijayaraja, Dr. Jeyagopika 1st Year Post Graduates and Dr.Renju, 152

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Dr. Sudhagar, Dr. Maneesh 2nd Year Post Graduates attended Master Class on Clinical Endodontics in Thai mookambikai dental college & hospital, Chennai on 27.3.15. Dr. Abhishek Shaji Varghese, Dr. AnnaMary, Dr.Gayatri K (1st year Post Graduates, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry) attended Continuing Medical Education programme “Blood stream infection” conducted by Department of Microbiology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, SBV University on 28.03.15.

UG News

Devi Asok, Gaayathiri.M, Gayathiri.RS, Gifta Juliat.S, Gopika.LG., Hasini VR from Final year under graduate students have presented poster in Oral Cancer awareness Day on 18.09.2014 . Interns Nivethitha and Dharani have participated in oral cancer awareness day by presenting a model Miss.Smiritha P Kumar – Intern received Best Poster Award for the poster titled “Zero Dentistry” in the Poster Competition Titled “Occupational Hazards in Dental practice”in the CDE program Titled “Guide to Dental Practice” held at Kaparga Vinayaga Institute of Dental sciences on 18.0315.

Report on Disclosing Ceremony of The New Student Council For The Year 2015

The disclosing ceremony of the new student council for the year 2015 was held on 03.01.2015 around 10:30AM at the 2nd floor lecture hall of MGMC & RI. The whole of IGIDS gathered in the hall. The office bearers of the 2014 student council enlightened the audience as they shared their experience in organizing the college day and various other programs. Momentoes were given to the council’s staff advisors. The student council advisors handed over their duties to the new members by badging the corresponding member. The new council was headed by Prasanna Eshwar,Intern as the President, Vishvaja and Santhosh, Interns as the vice-president, Durai Murugan,Intern as the General Secretary, Akshaya Balaram and Narendran. Interns as the Joint General Secretary, Hema.P as the treasurer, Janani and Neha gani, Interns as Joint Treasurer, Krishnagopalan, Intern as Sports Secretary, Vijayamanohari and Devi Gayatri as Joint Sport Secretary, Tamil Murali Krishnan, Intern as the Cultural Secretary, Lincy and Vijayalakshmi,Interns as joint

Cultural Secretaries, Dharani,Intern as Literary Secretary, Sarguna and Priyanka,Intern as Joint Literary Secretaries, Niveditha,Intern as Fine Arts Secretary, with Karthika and Pooja,Intern as Joint Fine Arts secretaries, Anija.R,Intern as the Editorial Secretary with Lavanya A,Intern as Joint Editors.

Report on 68th IDC Bangalore 2015

The 68th National IDC was held from 13.02.15 to 15.02.15 at Manpho convention center, Nagavara, Bengaluru. The students were accompanied by four faculties Dr.Ramesh Venkatesan, Dr.Selvabalaji, Dr.Gayathri and Dr. Prasanya. Almost 55 students participated in scientific presentations from various departments. On 12.02.15 the students visited Confident Dental Equipments Manufacturing Unit where they were enlightened about the functioning of the unit. In scientific session, Ms. Johncy John was awarded first prize for the scientific paper along with Ms. Anupama, Mr.Durai murugan who won the second place. Ms. Bella was given consolation prize for her scientific paper presentation. . In poster presentation, Ms. Meena kumari and Ms. Dhivya together won second prize for their poster.

Mr.Rajamanickam, Director, Sangeetha Salangai Natyalaya and Mrs.Razia, Director, Triveni Kala Kendra dance academy. Guests were invited by Principal Dr. Carounanidy Usha. Participants from all the batches rocked on stage for fashion show. Fashion show judges were Mrs. Anitha Rheeman and Mrs.Moor Nandhi. The gala event came to an end with cake cutting by the organizing batch flamboyantz.

Ignite’ 14

IGnite-14, the college day celebration of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences took place on 13.04.14. The chief guest of the day was Prof. Jyotindra kumar, Joint Director-Generalof Medical education, Government of Kerala. Our Vice Chancellor, Prof K.R.Sethuraman, presided over the function. The event started with the welcome address by Student Council President Mr.Agathian. Annual report was presented by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS. The e-magazine, E-Glaze’14 CD was released by the chief guest. The winners of Dextrix’14, Loquentia’14 and Celestial’14 were awarded the prizes by Vice Chancellor and the chief guest. Mr. M. Kishore, General Secretary, Students council proposed the vote of thanks. Guest performances were given by fire dance academy, blind school people and dance by the Report on Sangamam 2015 The Sangamam’15 was held between 8.01.15 kids of the faculty of IGIDS. and 10.01.15 at Karpaga vinayaga institute of dental sciences, Kanchipuram. The students Interns Farewell were accompanied by two faculties Dr. Arun The Farewell party was organized by 2010 Kumar and Dr. Prasanya. Almost 75 students batch for the 2009 batch on 13/09/14 evening at from our institution took part in various cultural DuParc. The guest for the day was a reputable and sports events. dental practitioner from Pondicherry Dr.Vishnu On the second day, the students excelled in Prasad. He gave a very fruitful message on the various events. Ms. Ravipadmapriya won second topic ‘To build up a successful Dental Career’. place in 100 m; Mr.Siddarth got first place in The party was well inspected and guided by Dr. solo dance performance, Ms. Vijayalakshmi got Ramesh, Dr. Saravanakumar, Vice principals first place in adaptune, Ms.Nalini Devi won and Dr. Neil Dominic, students advisor. first place in solo singing following first place in skit. The Students of IGIDS whole heartedly Teacher’s Day Program The Students council of IGIDS organized thanked our Principal Dr. Carounanidy Usha for giving this opportunity to participate in the Teachers day program on 05.09.14 at 11am this convention and other faculties for their in the second floor lecture hall, MGMC&RI. The program started with a welcome address by assistance. Anija. R, intern. It was then followed by felicitEXTRA / CO-CURRICULAR ation of the award winners based on the voting which was conducted 3 days prior to the proCelestial’14 gram. The awards were given in the following The Cultural night begun with rising of categories which includes; The most creative balloons by Dr.Saravana Kumar, Vice prin- faculty (Dr. David Livingstone); Inspirational cipal (Acad) and Dr.P.S.Manoharan, student faculty male (Dr. Rajkumar); Inspirational facadvisor followed by the cultural programs adapt ulty female (Dr. Carounanidy Usha); the best tune, duet dance, and theme dance. Chief smile (Dr. Bindu); The most humorous faculty guests for the occasion were Kalaimamani (Dr. Suresh Kumar); The most stylish faculty 153

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male (Dr. Anoop Mathew); The most stylish faculty female (Dr. vineela Reddy.) The toppers of each batch from first year to final year and the anti-ragging team were rewarded with Rs1000 by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS and Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Head, Dept of Conservative & Endodontics sponsored from their Online Dental learning. com training center. Few games were conducted for the faculties. Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Neil Dominic. The program came to an end with silent mourning for condolence of late Dr. Jayaraj.

Graduates reception Day – The Crescendo’14 & Alumni Program – The Confluence’14.

On 11.04.14, Graduate Reception Day, Crescendo’14 was conducted to recognize and appreciate the graduants passed out from of IGIDS. The chief guest of the day was Dr. Deepak Kumar, Collector, Puducherry who was basically a dentist too. The graduants entered the hall with their juniors carrying jasmine chain on either side of them followed by Dr. Deepak Kumar, Chief guest, Prof K. R. Sethuraman,Vice chancellor, SBV, Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS and all heads of the Departments in their robes. The parents of the graduants and the guests were welcomed by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS. The academic report was read by Dr. Saravana Kumar, Vice principal. Scroll of Honor distribution was done for 42 candidates. The graduants took the pledge. Chief guest of the day addressed the gathering. Certificate and medal for 22 toppers including overall and year wise toppers was given by the dignitaries. The Program came to an end with the speech of few graduants and vote of thanks. The Alumni of IGIDS were remembered in a special way. Academic events were arranged for them including a Skype conference. A panel discussion was organized with Dr. Vijayalakshmi Acharya, leading Orthodontist from Chennai, Dr. Thangavelu, Prof & Head, Dept of Oral surgery, Annamalai University and Dr. Yohan Chacko, Professor, Dept of Cons & Endo on the various aspects in Scope for dentistry. A campus interview was also arranged for the alumini. The event ended with alumini dinner. Anija and Ann Sara (Interns) presented a poster titled “A Step forward evolution to revolution” at the Continuing Dental Education program “Le-Pedo Colloquium” conducted by Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry,Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, SBV University on 15.11.14.


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University


The IDA Dentophoria 2014 UG Student’s convention was held on 24th to 26th October 2014 at Kongunandu Engineering College, Namakkal. On 23rd November, the college bus started around 6:30 AM and reached the venue at 9:00 AM. We were accompanied by two faculties Dr. Ramesh kumar and Dr. Prasanya .Almost 90 students participated in scientific presentations,cultural events and sports. In scientific session, our students brought laurel to our IGIDS. Ms. Kalai selvi and Ms.Ramya was awarded best paper in scientific paper presentation along with Ms.Arungani who won consolation prize. In poster presentation, Ms. Ann Sara George won first prize for her poster. On the second day of event, the students excelled in the athletic events and bagged several prizes in various events. In the sports events, IGIDS bagged runner up in boys kho-kho and girls throwball. In individual events, Ms. Thirupurasundari secured first prize in 100m, 200m, Ms. Sree vinupriya won second place in javelin throw and also IGIDS bagged first prize in 4*100 m relay race. We secured third prize in overall sports events. In culturals events, Ms. Parvathavardhini got first in solo dance and IGIDS bagged third prize in group dance competition. As a whole, IGIDS secured second place in overall championship.


On the 28th February 2015, the sports extravaganza of IGIDS, ARENA’15, started off with a bang. The sports events were officially inaugurated by a symbolic ribbon cutting by our esteemed Professor K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, in the presence of Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS and our energetic Dr. Saravana kumar, Vice Principal, IGIDS. The indoor sports events of Carom, Chess and Table Tennis were started around 1.30 pm almost simultaneously. All the houses were allowed unlimited entries and the response was overwhelming. The Sports day was inaugurated by our special Chief Guest Dr. Sultana, Head of the Department, Dept of Physical Education and Sports, Pondicherry University. Welcome address was given by Sports Secretary Mr. Krishna Gopalan, which was followed by march past, Flag hoisting and lighting of torch. Then our special chief guest gave our welcome speech. Then the vote of thanks was given by Joint Sports Secretary Ms. Devi Gayathri. 16Mar’15- Prize distribution for Track & field events

The programme Started at 9am and the chief guest of the day was Prof.K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV University. The welcome address was given by Ms. Anija. Validatory report was given by Sports Secretary Mr. Krishna Gopalan .The prizes were distributed to the winners by the chief guest. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Devi Gayathri, Joint Sports Secretary. Following which the fun games were conducted for the faculties. On 21 Mar’15-Ignite’15, Prize distribution for the team events were given away by the chief guests, Prof. J.Balachandran, Medical Superintendent, JIPMER & Lioness Ms. Vijayalakshmi Sivakumar, District Governor, Liones club in the presence of Prof.K.R Sethuraman,Vice Chancellor, SBV University, Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal and Dr.Saravana Kumar,Vice principal, IGIDS. The Overall ARENA’15 Championship was won by “RED HOUSE”

DEXTRIX’15 Dextrix 2015 started with flying colors on the morning of 2nd March 2015 with Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arrangement, held in the Department of Oral Pathology, IGIDS. Twenty teams from various houses participated with two members per team. Tattoo designing was conducted on the afternoon of 2nd March 2015 in the preclinical Prosthodontics lab, IGIDS, in which 22 members participated with 2 members per team. The students disclosed their amazing creative potential in tattoo designing competition. Rangoli was conducted on the morning of 4th March 2015 at the 5th floor of old building, IGIDS, in which 30 teams participated with 3 members per team. Sculpting competition with any material was conducted on 5th March 2015 at the same venue in which 32 members participated. The judges were completely impressed by the sculptures displayed by the students and faculties of IGIDS. Origami competition was conducted on the morning of 9th March 2015 at the Department of Oral Pathology lab in which 20 members participated. The Origami competition was followed by craft from foam sheet in which 9 teams participated with 2 members per team. The famous cookery event of IGIDS was conducted on 11th March 2015 at the preclinical Prosthodontic lab in which 22 teams with 3 members per team participated. Mouth watering recepies were made and displayed to the judges. The flag designing competition was held on 12th March 2015 at the Department of the Oral Pathology in which 5 teams participated

with 2 members per team. Glass painting competition was conducted in the afternoon of same day at the same venue. The participants made an amazing display of glass painting which was a true visual treat.


The literary fest of IGIDS, LOQUENTIA’15 started on the afternoon of 3rd of March 2015. The participants and students gathered in the Preclinical lab, Department of Prosthodontics, IGIDS. The lab was bustling with activity with the crowd being extremely eager and excited. The events were Pictionary, connections, quiz compettion, dumb charades, snack o snack, treasure hunt.


Our college cultural fest, CELESTIAL’15 started with Melomania (singing competition) on 17th March 2015 at 2:30 pm. The programme was anchored by Ms Lincy & Ms Narmatha. The Chief guest & Judge of the event were Mr.Sivakumar from Bharathiyar Pallkalai Koodam & Dr. Ranjani, Alumini of our college. The competition was divided into solo singing, duet singing and group singing. The event concluded with a performance by the Chief Guest @ 6:30pm. The second part of the Celestial’15 was held on the eve of 20th march 2015, at the college ground in a grand manner. The programme was anchored by Ms. Akshaya, Ms. Anija, Mr. Santhosh and Mr. Sriram. The Welcome address was given by Cultural secretary Ms. Lincy Stephen Joseph. The Chief Guest and Judge for the events was Mr. Krishnan from Barathiar Palkalai koodam. The events included dance competitions, pre-recorded short films, and mime shows .The dance events were divided into Classical solo, Solo any genre, Adaptune, Duet dance, Group dance. The overall champions of the Celestial’15 were Green House and Runner up was Purple house. Celestial’15 concluded at 11:30 pm and the last event for the day was a group photo of IGIDians.

IGnite 15 The most awaited College Day function, Ignite’15, was celebrated on the eve of 21st March 2015. The program was honoured by the Chief Guests Dr. J. Balachandhran, Medical Superintendent, JIPMER and Lioness Ms. Vijyalakshmi Sivakumar, Governor of Lions Club, Cuddalore. The other dignitaries for Ignite’15 155

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were Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, Dr.Saravana Kumar, Vice Principal, Mr. Durai Murugan, General Secretary and Mr. Prasanna, President of student council. The function was hosted by Dr. Vijyaraja and Dr Lidiya after which Mr. Prasanna, President of Student Council, IGIDS, welcomed the gathering. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, presented the annual report of our college enumerating the various events that took place in 2014. Both the chief guests addressed the gathering after which Dr. J. Balachandhran inaugurated the Student Council web page of IGIDS and Lioness Ms. Vijyalakshmi Sivakumar released the e-glaze’15 magazine online accompanied with a sizzling display of fireworks. Prizes for the various events such as Dextrix, Loquentia, Arena and Celestial were distributed to the winners and runners. The program ended with vote of thanks by Ms. Vishvaja, Vice President, Student Council, followed by grand dinner.



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Message from the Principal of KGNC Prof.S.Kamalam

kasturba gandhi nursing college

Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College located in Puducherry a pacific landmark of Mother India, blossomed in the year 2003 with 60 students enrolled for B.Sc (N) degree. Our institution has traversed a long way as a remarkable and trend setting institution in the “Decennial� years of service, upgraded to Post Basic B.Sc (N) and Masters in Nursing with 400 students on its roll. Our aim is to achieve academic glory with hands on experience and competency based learning. To empower all the students to be self-disciplined, problem solvers, techsavvy, effective & efficient nurse and lifelong learners in a rapidly changing global community by providing challenging experiences in a safe, concerned, supportive and amicable environment. The totality in protection, absolute affection provides an enriching atmosphere to gain erudition. We prepare our students to be successful and happy in the highly competitive future global scenario. We offer the best opportunity to learn under the tutelage of learned and dedicated team of faculty in a peaceful environment with a state of artistic and most sophisticated infrastructure for both scholastic and co-scholastic activities. Every student in KGNC is equipped with the excellence in knowledge & practice to meet the challenges of the world and mould their future. Our institute provides quality education within the reach of all socio-economic status people. It provides an appropriate ambience for every student to aspire and acquire adequate knowledge with understanding and implicate skills in reality world leading to success and happiness. We believe when young minds are opened to the exceptional world of talent & technology, that lie deep within them, they will surely lead the world to a greater height tomorrow. Dr. S. Kamalam Principal KGNC



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Renuka. K, Kripa Angeline. A, “Effectiveness of balloon therapy on respiratory status of patients with lower respiratory disorder”. InterPublication national Journal of Educational, Science and Renuka. K, “Information bundle to people Research. March 2015; 4(3): 496 – 500. living with HIV /AIDS.” Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. April.2014;7(1):12-14 Chair/resource person in Academic Prabavathy. S, “Loneliness-A Dis- events ease?” Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Prof. Renuka, Vice-Principal and Ms. Kripa April.2014;7(1):18-20 Angeline.A were resource persons at the Indian DivyaChoudhary, “Foods to boost our Medical Association Conference and Workshop brainpower.” Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. with the Theme “Practical aspects in Nursing April.2014;7(1):40-41 care” organized by Indian Medical Association S. Lavanya, “A Comparative study to assess Cuddalore zone on 21.6.14. at Krishnasamy the prevalence of Preterm labour among Primi college of engineering and technology campus, and Multigravida women admitted in MGMC cuddalore & RI, Pudhucherry” .Pondicherry Journal of Mrs.Suguna Mary, Associate Professor, Nursing; April 2014; 7(1):25-28. Department of Community Health Nursing Kripa Angeline .A, Janifer Xavier Albertina.J, was a resource person and deliberated on “Pub“Carcinoid Syndrome –Case Report”. Pondich- lic Health Emergency” in Continuing Nursing erry Journal of Nursing.Aug.2014;7(2):16-19 Education programme organized by Vinayaka Rekha.E, “TB-Meningitis–Case Mission’s College of Nursing, Puducherry on Report”. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 10.07.2014. Aug.2014;7(2):20-22 Prof. Renuka.K, Principal was a chair perMrs.Geetha C, “Knowledge regarding AIDS son/resource person in National conference on among transport workers in Pondichery “. Pon- “Improving Role Medical Modeling Programme dicherry Journal Of Nursing. Mrs.Geetha C, Associate Professor, “Knowledge regarding AIDS among transport workers in Pondichery“. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing Dec 2014:7(3): 25-28 Mrs.Sugunamary.D “A study to Assess the knowledge regarding of Pulse Polio Immunization among mothers of under five children in Pillaiyarkupam at Puducherry”. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing.Dec2014;7(3): 38-40 Mr.Vijayaraj.P “Post Traumatic Stress among orthopedic trauma patients” .Pondicherry Journal of Nursing.Dec2014; 7(3): 29-31 Kripa Angeline. A Renuka. K, “Effectiveness of Lecture method Vs Panel discussion among nursing students in India”. International Through Mentorship And Preceptorship In Journal of Educational Science and Research. Medical Surgical Nursing” organized by E.S. Feb.2015;5(1):77-84. College of Nursing,Villupuram on 7.11.2014. G.Kandakumari. “Extra Pulmonary TuberProf. Renuka.K, Principal was a resource culosis: Rapid Identification of Mycobacterium person and deliberated on “Statutory Bodies in Tuberculosis Grown In Mycobacterium Growth Nursing Profession” in Adiparasakthi College Indicator Tube 960And Lowensterin-Jensen of Nursing, Melmaruvathur on 12.11.2014. Media, Employing Standard Diagnostics BioProf. Renuka.K, Principal was also a resource line Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Protein64 person in Global College of Nursing, Bangalore Antigen Detection Kit”. Indian Journal of Med- and deliberated on “Evidence Based Quality ical Microbiology, Feb 2015;33(5)122-25. Management” on 12.12.14. Sumathy.P, Ms.S.Rajeswari., Ms.GeethProf.Renuka.K, Principal gave a enlightena.C. “Locked–In Syndrome as a Presentation of ing talk on “Thai Sei Nalam” in the CitizenSnake Bite –A Case Report”. TNNMC JPN – ship Training Programm for B.Ed Student at Vol III issue Jan-June 2015 26-27 Manapet organized by Krishnasam College of Education for Women, Cuddalore on 10.01.15.



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Prof. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal was a resource person in a CME on “Blood Stream Infection” organized by International Medical Sciences Academy Puducherry Chapter and Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC) MGMC&RI on 28.03.15 Prof. Dr Renuka.K, Principal was a resource person in the CME on “Modern Concept of Clinical Nutrition”. Organized by department of Biochemistry, MGMC&RI on 28.03.2015. She deliberated on “Relevance of Nutrition in Health Profession (Nursing)”. Prof. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal was invited as a resource person for the conference “Nitty Gritty on Research Process” in Vignesh College of Nursing, on 31.03.2015. She delivered a lecture on “Hypothesis and Variable.

Scientific Presentation

Mrs.Elavarasi, Assistant Professor, presented a paper on “Approaches of Hand Hygiene”& Mrs.Aruna Devi, Lecturer, presented a paper on“Infection Control Measures” in the National Level Conference on “Healthy Ageing”& “Nosocomial Infection-A menace for health care providers” on 30.09.14 & 01.10.14 organised byPIMS College of Nursing, Puducherry. Mrs.Kripa Angeline, Associate Professor, presented a poster on “Emerging Technologies Changing Tide – Challenges Ahead” in E.S. College of Nursing, Villupuram on 7.11.2014 An International Conference was organized by IQAC-SBV on the Theme “Climate Change & Health” On 09.01.15 All the faculty of KGNC participated & presented Poster, Photography & Painting Based on the theme.

Scientific Participation

memorable for patients and public” organized by Global Hospitals, Chennai on 27.4.14. Prof.Mrs. Annie Annal, Mrs. Prabavathy.S, Associate Professor ,Mrs. Rajeswari. S, Associate Professor, Ms. Janifer Xavier Albertina, Asst. Lecturer and Ms. Viruthambigai, Asst. Lecturer, Mr.Nithiyanandam, Asst. Lecturer,Ms.Jayalakshmi Asst. Lecturer, Ms.V. Ilavarasi, Asst. LecturerRajalakshmi.RAsst. Professor,Jhansi.K Asst. Lecturer,Priyadarshini.S Asst. Lecturer attended the conference cum workshop on the theme “Practical aspects in Nursing care” organized by Indian Medical Association cuddalore zone on 21.6.14. at Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology campus, Cuddalore. Mr. Vijayaraj R, Asst. professor,Mrs.Sudha .K.S, Asst. Lecturer,,Mrs.Rajalakshmi, Lecturer participated in the National level conference on the theme “Healthy Aging”& “Nosocomial Infection-A menace for health care providers” on 30.09.14 & 01.10.14 held at PIMS College of Nursing, Puducherry . Mrs. Prabavathy, Asso. Prof, participated in National conference on “ Psychology for safe school and healthy students” organized by Indian Psychiatric Society and Pondicherry Psychiatric Society, held at Blessed Mother Theresa Higher Secondary School ,Puducherry on 14.02.15. Mrs. Prabavathy, Asso. Prof, participated in regional training programme organized by TT Ranganathan Clinical Research Foundation on 25.02.15 to 27.02.15 focussing on the theme “Detoxification and Dealing with Emergencies”. Ms. Hemapriya, Lecturer , Ms. Guna.S, lecturer, were members of Organizing team and Mr. Vijayaraj R, Asst. Professor, Ms. Sangeetha Asst. Lecturer, Ms. Anitha.B, Lecturer, Ms.S.Saranya, Lecturer participated in Continuous Medical Education Focusing on “Blood Stream Infection” which was organized by International Medical Sciences Academy Puducherry Chapter and Hospital Infection Control Committee(HICC) MGMC&RI on 28.03.15. Mrs.P.Rajalakshmy, Lecturer in Nutrition and Mrs. Jayanthi. Asst, Prof in Biochemistry participated in CME on “Modern Concept of Clinical Nutrition organized by Dept of Biochemistry, MGMC&RI on 28.3.15

Prof. Renuka. K Vice-Principal, attended as an observer appointed by the TamilNadu Nurses and Midwives council Chennai for the 1st State level conference organized by Pondicherry Government Nurses Association on the Theme “Prevention of Hospital Acquired Infection” Which was held on 20.06.14 at Mother Theresa College of Nursing, Puducherry. Mrs. S. Lavanya, lecturer, Ms. J. JayasakthiPrabavathy, Asst. Lecturer, Ms. V. Ilavarasi, Asst. Lecturer, Ms. Rumashanthini, Lecturer, Mrs. Arunadevi.M ,Lecturer participated in conference on “Cardiac Emergencies” held at Vinayaka Mission Nursing College on Academic activities 28.04.2014. Mrs. Prabavathy.S ,Associate Professor Continuous Nursing Education The Department of Obstetrics & gynecoloattended the National Conference on “Nursing Care Malters – Making an experience gical Nursing, KGNC joined hands with IQAC to organized a CNE on 18.12.14 focusing


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Founder of Centre Puducherry were the Guest speakers of the day Dept of Nursing Foundation organized SAF on 30.01.2015 focusing on the theme “Healthy Lifestyle – Healthy Living”, followed by quiz competition on the above theme for I & II Year B. Sc Nursing students. Dr. Shobana. R, Asst. Prof, Dep. of Physiology, MGMC& RI, was the guest speaker.


on “SHOO-IN OF QUALITY CARE IN OBSTETRICS”. Prof. Latha Able, Principal,Pauls college of Nursing was the Chief Guest. The resource speakers were experts from in around the state.


Ms. Ruma Shanthini, Asst. Professor, was deputed by INC &NACO as GFATM Trainer for Nurses on HIV/ AIDS at JIPMER, College of Nursing (Sub – Sub recipient of GFATM), Puducherry on 13th &14th of May 2014, Mr. Vijayaraj R, Asst. professor, was deputed by INC &NACO as GFATM Trainer for Nurses on HIV/ AIDS at College of Nursing JIPMER, Puducherry between 21st to 23rd of July 2014,10th to 12th of November 2014,25th & 26th of February 2015 and 19th & 20th of September 2014 in Christian Medical College. Mr. Vijayaraj R, Asst. professor, & Ms. Ruma Shanthini K, Asst. professor, were also deputed by INC to undergo the training programme “Training of Trainers on Tuberculosis” at Christian Medical College, Vellore between 4th to 6th of September 2014.

The Department of Community Health Nursing organized Scientific Academic forum on 04.04.14 focusing on theme “Vector Borne Disease”. A Quiz program was conducted in this regard II & IV year B.Sc (N) students. Dr. Bhaskar, Senior Entomologist, Dept. Social & Preventive Medicine, Cuddalore was the guest lecture. The Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized the SAF on 20.06.14 focusing on Skill Lab the theme “Emergency Management and care B.Sc., (N) II & IIIyr students had Hands –on of patient with stroke”. Dr. Murugesan, HOD, skills training in Simulation Lab for assisting Dept of Neuromedicine, MGMC & RI was the various invasive and non –invasive procedures in Medical &Surgical Nursing. Headed by Dr. Anandmonickam simulation lab and team of of Medical Surgical Nursing faculty .The students were grouped in different schedules distributed over the whole month of October.

Career Guidance Programme

Career guidance programme was organized on 03.03.2014, Mr. Bernard Ryder, International Educational Consultant from United Kingdom gave a broad outlook on “Global career opportunities for higher education in Nursing in United Kingdom”.

guest lspeaker. Quiz program was conducted for III & IV year B.Sc(N) students. The Department of Psychiatric Nursing organized SAF on 27.09.14 focusing on the theme “Suicidal Prevention among Adolescents”. Mr. Mariappan, Manager – Market Analysis, Air India, Chennai and Dr. K .Kumar, 180

Literary Club

Debate Kasturbians Literary Club of KGNC and Women’s Cell jointly organized a Debate on “Women’s Empowerment – A Myth or Reality”. “Ensayo – concorrenza” In commemoration of “World No-Tobacco day”, “Ensayo – concorrenza” (Essay

competition) for B.Sc.,(N) students was hosted innovative teaching in order to enhance the on 12.6.14 on the selected topics. knowledge , skill and attitude of students . The topics regarding teaching method were presenElocution &Essay Competition ted on behalf of KGNC in SBV AHEAD on The Department of Family Welfare and 30.8.14 Maternal & Child Health conducted the Elocution &Essay Competition in both English Performance Appraisal and Tamil on the topic “Role of Women in As a part of the Performance Appraisal Female Foeticide and Infanticide” on 9.9.2014 evaluation process, spot test for the faculty ,our greatest pride Ms.D.E.Mary Catherine, members was kept by the Director of Nursing B.Sc.,(N)Iyr and Ms. Viveka B.Sc.,(N) IV year in Research Methodology and in Nursing spebagged prizes. cialties during the first quarter of 2014. Prof. Renuka K, Vice-Principal secured first in both “Literario Competizione” the evaluation test and was greatly appreciated LCK in association with Shakespeare Insti- by Director of Nursing in the faculty meeting. tute of English Studies, Chennai took pride in organizing “Literario Competizione” for UG Transgender clinic And PG Nursing students . Transgender Short Film Movie Festival was held on 21st& 22nd June 2014 in Puducherry “National Education Day” organised by SCOHD Society. The faculty In commemoration of “National Education members from Dept of Psychiatric Nursing Day” which is celebrated on November 11th of attended the Festival. every year SBV conducted “Chancellor’s Medal Intercollegiate Essay Competition” for UG & Leadership Transitions PG students. Prof. Renuka,K Vice Principal has been promoted as Principal of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing “Oratoria’14” College with effect from 1.8.14. “Oratoria’14” – elocution on “An AIDS free generation Is it possible to achieve through OUT REACH PROGRAMME Focus & Partnership” was conducted for UG & PG students. Intensified Pulse polio campaign As a part of Community Health service, “Eslogan” B.Sc(N) II year students of KGNC actively par“Eslogan” competition was conducted for ticipated in the Pulse polio campaign 1st phase B.Sc (N) students in both English and Tamil on 19.01.14. on the topic of “Environment and Health” on 12.01.15. International Women’s Day The Department of Obstetrics and GynaecoFolktale- 15 logy Nursing celebrated International Women’s “Folktale- 15”- story writing competition was Day on 11.03.2014 between 10:00 am – 12:30 conducted on the topic of “Common Issues and pm at Pillaiyarkuppam village Puducherry. Challenges Faced by Adolescents” on 09.02.15 Nearly 40 women attended the programme. in commemoration of language day.

Learning Management System

Learning Management System (LMS) on 11.02.15.The programme was inaugurated by the Prof. K.R. Sethuraman Vice-Chancellor SBV, Dr. Jagan Mohan, HOD, Medical Informatics and Dr. S. Krishnan Dean (Admin) MGMC&RI. The first LMS was on Hemodynamic Monitoring. Ms. Saranya, Lecturer gave a lucid explanation on how to use and excel in LMS.

Medical Education Unit

Women’s Day celebration-women cell

In commemoration of the International Women’s Day celebration on 8th March ,the Women Cell of KGNC organized debate, painting competition and rally for nursing students. The topic for the debate and painting competitions was Women empowerment- A Myth or Reality and Ensuring the safety of women respectively.

Women’s Day Rally

Department of Family welfare services, Govt Constituent colleges of SBV join hands of Puducherry conducted rally on 08.03.14 that with the motto of improving the methods of focused on the theme “Safety of Women” at 181

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in commemoration of Mr. Sardar Vallabhai Patel’s birthday on 30.10.14 at Pillaiyarkuppam, Kirumampakkam. B.Sc. (N) IV& II year students conducted a rally in view of creating awareness on UNITY with slogans on “RUN FOR UNITY, REACH FOR SUCCESS”.

Gandhi Thidal, Puducherry. 1st year B. Sc (N) and Essay competition. The rally focused on the students. theme “Ill Effects of Drug Abuse and Student’s

World Tuberculosis Day

Department of Community Health Nursing commemorated World Tuberculosis Day in Kirumampakkam Primary Health centre on 25.03.14.

Mass cooking demonstration

The Dept of Community Health Nursing, along with B.Sc (N) IV year students of KGNC conducted Mass cooking demonstration focusing on various concepts which is as follows; on 03.04.14, on the theme Protein Rich Diet,Balanced diet. On 05.04.14, Mass Cooking demonstration was conducted on the theme “Balanced diet” in KGNC for B.Sc (N) II year students.

Participation in Prevention of Drug Abuse” The rally was organized on 26th June 2014 at 10.00 The Department of Community Health am. The Rally began from Kamban KalaiNursing, P.B.B.Sc (N) II yr& B.Sc (N) II yr arangam and the rally got over at Jenmarakini students participated in the Awareness Rally on Church, Mission Street. “World Health Day “ programme organized by Government of Puducherry, Dept. of Health & World Breast Feeding Week Family Welfare services, NVBDCP. The Dept of Child Health Nursing commemorated The World Breast Feeding week International day against Drug Abuse from 1-7 Aug 2014. On 2nd August we organand illicit trafficking ized Poster Competition on this year’s theme International day against Drug Abuse and “Breast Feeding – A Winning Goal for Life”. illicit trafficking was commemorated on 26th June 2014. Kasturba Gandhi Nursing Col- World Alzheimer’s Day lege had joined hands with Dept of Psychiatry, The Department of Psychiatric Nursing, MGMC & RI in organizing poster competition along with B.Sc(N) IV & III Year students of for nursing students on the theme “Drug use KGNC commemorated World Alzheimer’s Day disorders are Preventable & Treatable”. based on the theme “Dementia – Can we reduce the risk?”on 19-09-14 from 10.30 am to 12.30 Rally on Ill Effects of Drug Abuse pm among the Public at Kirumampakkam. The Department of Psychiatric Nursing, KGNC joined hands with Bharat Matha World Unity Day-30.1.14 Detoxification and Treatment Centre for AlcoThe Department Of community Nursholic & Drug Dependence, to organize a Rally ing conducted an awareness programme

World Health Day-8.04.2014


theme “Prevention Of Type I Diabetes Among Young Adults”.

Awareness Programme on Care of Challenged Children

B.Sc. (N) IV year students did a role play on “Taking care of challenged children” and gave World Osteoporosis Day-5.11.14 health talk to the parents on 26.11.14 at Sathya The World Osteporosis Day was commem- Rehabilitation Centre, Seliamedu. orated by the Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, on 05.11.2014 at Seliamedu Ms.N- School Health Programme and Mass andhini, Mr.Promoth and Ms.Patchaiamma Cooking Demonstration B.Sc.,(N) IIyr gave a health talk on “ PrevenB.Sc. (N) IV year students organized a tion and Management of Osteoporosis”. school health programme and performed a “puppet show on avoiding junk foods”, conBreast Cancer Awareness Programme ducted health screening among school children -6.11.14 and demonstrated a mass cooking on High proThe Reproductive health unit of department tein diet on 04.12.14 at Government Primary of OBG Nursing, KGNC. Conducted a Breast School, Pillaiyarkuppam. Medical Camp Cancer Awareness Programme on 06.11.14 B.Sc. (N) IV year and II year students at 10.30 – 12.00 Noon in Seliamedu village, together took part in the medical camp conducPuducherry. The programme was conducted in ted by MGMC & RI , City centre on 01.01.15 at Anganwadi Centre & 30 women were gathered. Panchavadi, Puducherry. People in and around puducherry visited this camp and got benefitted.

World Diabetes Day -14.11.14

The Department Of Medical Surgical Nurs- New Born Week Celebration ing, KGNC and the Department Of General 15.11.2014 to 21.11.2014 Health talk on “New born care and danger signs of New born” based on the theme NEONATAL-PERINATAL HEALTH CARE AT COMMUNITY INTERFACES” was presented by IV year B.Sc Nursing at Kirumampakkam PHC ,Pondicherry. The Child Health Nursing Department also conducted Elocution competition and Essay competition based on the theme .

Pulse Polio Campaign Phase I & II

B.Sc. (N) II year students actively participated in the Pulse Polio campaign phase I & II on 18.01.15& 22.02.15 at Kirumampakkam, PHC, The programme covered 2100 children in Phase I and 2150 children in Phase II.

International Women’s Day -7.3.15

Women’s cell of SBV unit (We @ SBV) Celebrated the International Women’s day on 7th March 2015 by organizing a Rally at Anna stadium, Cuddalor at 9.30am. Dr. D. Sharmila, RDO, Cuddalore. Prof. Jayanthi Ravichandran,. Ms. Bhuvaneshwari, Mr. Ramamurthy, DSP, Dr.Ravichandran.S, flagged the rally.

World Glaucoma Week-13.03.15

Medicine, MGMC & RI commemorated The World Glaucoma Week was commemWorld Diabetes Day on 14.11.14 based on the orated by the Department of Medical Surgical 183

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Nursing, on 13.03.15 in C. N. Palayam. The demonstrated the WHO techniques of hand theme of the year was “Beat Invisible Glauc- washing oma” which was enacted by a skit. On 21.01.15 NSS volunteers organized a special programme on Road Safety. Mr.AnSchool Health Programme -13.03.15 bazhagan, Sub-Inspector of traffic police was School Health Programme was conducted invited as a Chief Guest. on 13.03.15 at Government Middle School, On 25.01.15 Election department of Adingapatt by Dept. of Community Health Puducherry organized “National Voter’s day” Nursing and final year B.Sc (N) students. The at Mother Theresa post-graduate and research students enacted a role play on “Head lice pre- Institute. NSS volunteers participated in various vention” and Human puppet show on “Scabies prevention”.

Mass Cooking Demonstration-26.03.15

B.Sc. (N) IV year students initiated and conducted mass cooking demonstration on 26.03.15, highlighting on “Iron Rich Diet” to the general public residing in Pillaiyarkuppam. A health talk was given regarding anemia.

NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME Road Safety Week Celebration -21.01.15

Foundation, Tiruchirapalliduring her period of training from 1.3.14 to 31.3.14. Ms. LintuFrancis, IIyearMSc(N) secured a position among the Top Twenty Five articles in the National Article Writing Competition 2013 organized by the Health Care Management, Post Graduate Program and Goa Institute Of Management. Mr. Mahesh III Year BSc(N) won the Chancellor’s gold medal and Ms. Umarani III Year BSc(N) bagged the bronze medal for poster competition on Importance Of Education held in MGMC&RI in commemoration of National Education Day on 11-11-13. M.Sc (N) &P.B.B.Sc (N) students organized a Panel Discussion on the theme “How to organize the school of Nursing” on 22.04.14 between 11:00am- 12:30 pm at KGNC lecture hall. Ms. Thenmozhi. N, Mr. Surendran. S. R, Ms. Valli. C, from III YearBSc(N) received first ,second and third prize respectively for the essay

NSS volunteers participated in the “Tsunami Mock Drill” in which they acted as ambulance nurse in emergency medical setup in that competition conducted by Election department. drill organized by NDRF and Government of The NSS unit of KGNC conducted a Special camp for one week in Pillayarkuppam focusing on the theme “Green week Pudhucherry” from 25.03.15 to 31.03.15 under the leadership of Mrs.Elavarasi.R, Programme Officer of KGNC unit.


Red Ribbon Club commemorated World AIDS Awareness Week -2014 from 11.11.14 – 04.12.14 by conducting various programs.

As a part of the Indian Nursing Council, 35 students from final year B.Sc Nursing went for an educational trip to New Delhi and they were accompanied by two faculties. The students visited various places from 06.04.2014 to 15.04.2014.


Our (Nursing) students of KGNC participated in AURA 2014 which was organized by PIMS from 19th – 22nd March 2014 and bagged prizes. Ms.Athira,Ms.Sahana,Ms.Aarthi of IV year B.Sc(N) bagged the I prize for Semi Classical Dance and Mr.M.Manikandan of III B.Sc(N) received special performance award in Dancing Divas -2015 on 01.02.2015. Ms.Nandhini.S II Year (N), Ms.Priyadharshini.T and Mr.Dandapani.S (N) IV year received consolation prize for Slogan Writing, Essay Writing, Elocution competition respectively conducted by MGMC&RI in commemoration of National Voters Day. The Alumni Association of KGNC (KASTURBIANS) with generosity donated Rs.2000/- to Ms. Sheethal, President, SCHOD society, Puducherry for Transgender Short film festival 2014 which was held on 21st and 22ndJune 2014 at St. Antony’s multipurpose Hall, Puducherry. Our Alumni Association of KGNC has taken its next step. It has been Registered under the Societies of Registration Act, 1860 (Act No.XXI of 1860) on 26.06.14. And the Alumni Registration number is 239

Reproductive health unit inauguration was organized by Department of OBG Nursing, KGNC on 17.10 2014 at10.15 am to11.00a.m in OG OPD, MGMC& RI. Our honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. K. R. Sethuraman inaugurated the Reproductive Health .The Reproductive Health Unit of department of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a Screening and Health Awareness Camp for women on 05.3.15 in commemoration International Women’s Day Celebration in Seliyamedu village, Puducherry.


Educational visit



Puducherry on 09.09.14. NSS volunteers of KGNC of participated in the “Legal Service Authority of India Programme” organized by NSS and Government of Puducherry on 13.09.14. NSS volunteers in commemoration of “International Cleaning Day” cleaned the coastal area in Moorthikuppam Beach on 20.09.14, organized by ICG, Pudhucherry coastal zone manStudent And Alumni agement Authority, LAD & NSS. NSS Volunteers commemorated the “Global Highlights Ms. Lintufrancis, II yearMSc(N) secured Hand washing day” on 15.10.14. In this programme B.Sc (N) II Year Volunteer Mr.Ku- first place (excellent grade) in the evaluation maresan ,Ms.Nandhini, and Ms.Narmadha.K, test conducted by Athma Institute of Mental Health and Social Sciences and Research

second and third prize respectively in the poster competition on the theme “Drug Use Disorders are Preventable & Treatable” organized by Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College and Dept of Psychiatry, MGMC & RI on 26.6.14 As part of Children’s Day Celebration the Child Health Nursing department conducted Collage competition based on the theme ‘Stop Violence among children” on 14.11.2014.

Alumni meet -2014 competition on“Ill Effects of Drug Abuse and Student’s Participation in Prevention of Drug Abuse” on 26.6.14. Mr. Mahesh, III Year B.Sc. Nursing bagged the first prize.Ms. Gayathri Gajendran, IV Year B.Sc. (N),Mr. Ajith, I year B.Sc. (N) bagged the

KGNC and Research club meet was organized on 25.9.14. at 1st Floor lecture hall, MGMC&RI. congregation was welcomed by Ms. K. Ruma Shanthini, President, Kasturbians Society. Mr. R. Vijayaraj, Secretary detailed the activities carried out by the association from inauguration to till date. Financial summary was given by Ms. Arunadevi, Treasurer. 185

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Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

Nutrition” organize by Dept of Biochemistry, MGMC&RI ON 28.3.15.

Participation In National Conference

Mr.Mahesh,Mr.Isaivanan,Mr.Apsara of Ms.Indhumathi IV year B.Sc Nursing participated in a National Conference on “Nitty Gritty on Research Process” organized by Vignesh College Of Nursing on 31.3.2015.


Panel Discussion-28.01.15 Student Welfare Committee Election -2014

Student Welfare Committee election was held on 24.09.2014 where in all the Kasturbians casted their votes to the candidates for the post of Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer in the ballot box. The vote counting was processed on the same day.

The Department of Psychiatric Nursing along with IQAC organized panel discussion on preparing nursing teachers as mentors on 28th Jan 2015. Moderator of the panel discussion was Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi Ravirajan, Educationist, Medical Education Unit, SBV ahead, MGMC&RI. Panel members were Dr.Kumar clinical psychologist, Mr.Senthil.V Psychologist and Dr.Avudaiappan, Psychiatrist, MGMC&RI, Mrs. Prabavathy.S, Asso Prof.

programme continued with the 7 sessions for three days. D.Gunasekaran, HOD, Dept of Paediatric, MGMC and RI, followed by Prof P.Sounda- Other Highlights rajan, Dept of Pediatrics, on Chronic and Per- International Nurses Day Celebration sistent Diarrhea. 2014 KGNC and nursing fraternity of Orientation Programme MGMC&RI celebrated the international nurses day celebration on 19.05.2014 at II floor lecture Strategies To Create Positive Attitude hall, college block, MGMC&RI. The theme Towards Nursing Among Fresher’s. of the Day “Nurses-A Force For Change- A KGNC IQAC Unit in association with Vital Resource for health” was unfolded by Dr. S. Kamalam, Director of Nursing. The special message was given by the chief guest Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University.

CIDRF Activities - Orientation Programme

The KGNC IQAC unit in association with KGNC - Research Club, organized the Orientation Programme on CIDRF on 04.09.2014 . Prof. Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director (CIDRF), MGMC & RI deliberated on the topic regarding Perspectives & Opportunities Of Biomedical Research In Nursing.

Faculty Welfare Cell-03.03.2015

Teacher’s day celebration

In association with IQAC & Faculty Welfare Cell of KGNC, II year M. Sc (N) students organized a Faculty welfare Programme on “Personality Development- A Professional Mandate .Mr.Sridharan.M, Yoga Master of PSBB Millennium School, deliberated on “Rejuvenate Mind & Body of Mentors”.The second speaker of the day Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi Ravi Rajan. N, Emeritus Scientist, CIDRF, SBV threw light on “Meditation – Speak with the Soul”. Later, Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi Ravirajan. N demonstrated various meditation techniques to relax our mind.

The Teacher’s Day Celebr.ation was organ- Workshop On Haemodynamic ised by B.Sc(N) IV year students on 5.09.14. Monitoring Of Patient In Critical the game show was conducted for the faculties. Care Units KGNC IQAC unit in association with Participation in SBV conference/CME Department of Medical Surgical Nursing All the students of II year B.Sc Nursing had organized a workshop on Haemodynamic an enthusiastic participation in the International Monitoring of patient in critical care units on Conference conducted by SBV-IQAC on “Cli- 11.04.14 Dr. Rani, Asso. Professor, Dept. of mate change & health” held at MGMC&RI on Anesthesiology, gave a broad view on Haemo09.01.15. dynamic Monitoring of patient in CCU. Skill Final year B.Sc Nursing participated in the session was moderated by Dr. Hemanth and CME on “Blood stream Infection” organized Dr. Anandmonickam for the students. by International Medical Sciences Academy Puducherry Chapter and Hospital Infection Workshop On Management Of Control Committee (HICC) MGMC&RI on Diarrhea 28.3.15. Dept of Child Health Nursing along with I year BSc (N) students (8) participated in IQAC, conducted a workshop on Managethe CME on “Modern Concept of Clinical ment of diarrhea on 17.07.2014..Acute diarrhea & its management was presented by Prof. 186

Department of Psychiatric Nursing organized Research Club Meet – 2015 - Orientation programme - Strategies to CreThe KGNC - Research Club, organized ate Positive Attitude towards Nursing among the Research Club Meet–2015 on 13.01.15 at Fresher’s from 20-08-2014 to 23-08-2014. Ground Floor Lecture Hall, KGNC. Dr. Shanmugam. J, Senior Deputy Director (CIDRF), Ambassador Training Programme MGMC& RI deliberated on “Creating InitiatIQAC KGNC Unit organized an Ambas- ives in Research and Publication”. sador Training Programme (10.9.14 to 12.9.14)

DUNDEE Visit to KGNC – 24.01.15

The University of Dundee, Scotland visited our university to establish possible collaborations on 24th January. The various innovative activities and out reach activities were exhibited under the banner of KGNC PORTFOLIOS.

Women’s Cell Program

for the final year B.Sc (N) (VIII batch) students which commenced on 10.09.2014. The 187

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Women Empowerment unit of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Sri Balaji Vidhyapeeth conducted a program for female students and faculty members .The programme was held on 31.10.2014. . Shihan Srinivasan Chairman, TAG professionals deliberated on “Women’s Life Safety Physical and Emotional Self Defence Awareness Training Programme”.

Inauguration of Sports Meet – 2015- 26.02.15

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

march-past. Chief guest Prof.S.Ravichandran administered the sports oath to the athletes. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan declared the sports meet open .

RADIANCE - 2015”- 19.03.2015

The college day, “RADIANCE - 2015” was organized o 19.03.2015 Dr.R.Christodas Gandhi, IAS was invited as the special chief guest. The auspicious occasion begun by 05.30 pm. Prof. The chief guest released of 1st students magazine, “SPARKLSS”. The overall trophy was bagged by Green House – Emerald.

Symposium on Research Methodology & Intercollegiate PG Dissertation Competition- 25.3.15.

The inauguration of Sports Meet - 2015 was held on 26.02.2015 under the guidance of our Principal Prof. Renuka. K Chief Guest of the day Prof. K. R. Sethuraman , Vice Chancellor, SBV hoisted the National Flag, and then started with

SAF & Research Club of KGNC joined hands to organize a symposium on “Research Methodology & Intercollegiate PG Dissertation Competition” on 25.3.15.The scientific session began at 10.00 am, it was deliberated by the following persons Dr. R. Dhanusu, Principal, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Nursing College, Puducherry, Prof. Malliga Kannan, Principal, Indiraani College of Nursing, Puducherry. Dr. Shanmugam.J, Sr Deputy Director, CIDRF, MGMC&RI & Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College Pillayarkuppam, Puducherry- 607 402

Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute Nellikuppam, kancheepuram Dist., Tamil Nadu - 603 108.

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