The chronicle final book july sept2013

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Volume 7 Issue




JULY - SEPT 2013

The Chronicle Contents

University Communique CIDRF Research And Scholarship Academic Initiatives Innovations Faculty Achievements And Awards The Dawn Of New Chapters Out Reach Services Scholars In The Making ICMR STS Projects Other Highlights SSSMCRI IGIDS KGNC

Sanjeevita 2013 P.02 P.05 P.08 P.09 P.19 P.26 P.27 P.28 P.32 P.38 P.32 P.44 P.50 P.60

Promoting evidence-based research and clinical practice in personalized health care, Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) in collaboration with Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth organized the first Annual Summit, ‘Sanjeevita 2013’, on 06.09.2013 to influence the diversity of translational research methods, clinical practice and encourage integrative medicine in modern healthcare. Sanjeevita (meaning ‘to rejuvenate’) 2013 focused on “Current Concepts in Integrative Medicine” with a central theme, Rejuvenation. ‘Sanjeevita 2013’ was open to individuals from all disciplines and professionals engaged in integrative medicine and health. ‘Sanjeevita 2013’ offered an unique opportunity to brainstorming strategies and latest developments from leaders with a vision to translate discoveries relevant to the public. These leaders discussed the latest developments in research from discovery to validation to clinical issues and listen to real world reality check for valuable guidance in the field. Contd Page - 2


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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University University Communique

From VC’s Desk – III Quarter 2013

Which “~gogy” for Health Professions Education?

Pedagogy is derived from the Greek word “paid” meaning “child”, and “agogos”, meaning “leading”, therefore defined as the art of leading and teaching children. The pedagogical model is a ‘content-focussed’ model, concerned with the transmission of information and skills. Pedagogy is a teaching theory, rather than a learning theory. Andragogy is derived from the Greek words “anere” meaning “man” and “agogos” meaning “leading”, and is used to describe adult learning. It i) allows the learner to know why something is important to learn; ii) shows the learner how to direct themselves through information; iii) relates the topic to the learner’s experiences. Adult learning is most effective when concerned with solving problems that have relevance to the learner’s everyday experience. We now live in a world of Web-2.0 in which information is readily and easily accessible. This permits immediacy and self-determination of learning. The term ‘Heutagogy’, coined by Hase & Kenyon, derived from the Greek words for “self ” and “leading” is based on theories of self-determined learning. Heutagogy has the flexibility to permit learner-determined approach to the topics to learn or skills to acquire, the time and rate of learning and to the timing of assessment. However, the absence of the educator makes the concept of heutagogy impractical for formal university courses. That brings us to the query: Which “–gogy” is best for Health Professions Education? Perhaps, we need an eclectic approach to use the most suitable –gogy. “Academagogy” means “leading the scholar” could be used as it empowers the teacher to select from a range of teaching-learning approaches: i,pedagogy (teacher as source of all information to ‘dependent students’), ii, andragogy (teacher as source of information for ‘adult self-directed students’), or heutagogy (self-determined students seeking knowledge and skills from a teacher to fill their perceived need for improvement). The challenge for all of us is to move forward from our comfortable pedagogic educational practice to studentcentered ownership of learning, and to create a new culture of effective and eclectic University education. -Prof.K.R.Sethuraman Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

Avicenna Directory

MGMCRI has been listed in the Avicenna Directory of World Medical Colleges – a Great news for our graduates and postgraduates ! The World Health Organization (WHO) has maintained a World Directory of Medical Schools since 1953. In 2007, the WHO and the University of Copenhagen signed an agreement, which gave the University responsibility for the development and administration of the new directory. From August 2008, the information of the World Directory of Medical Schools has been available on This information will be an important tool in quality assurance and for the registration agencies, which are responsible for licensing to practice in medicine. It will be an instrument to promote international collaborations. It will provide information for potential students or staff wishing to learn about an individual school or faculty or about all schools in a particular country. Finally, as a reliable and comprehensive database, it will be a powerful research tool and an instrument for networking between schools. Now a graduate of MGMCRI can apply for a job or entrance test to enter another country anywhere on the globe!

Regional Engagement

Department of Pathology, MGMCRI has signed a Memorandum of understanding with Reliance Life Sciences, Mumbai to sale excess unused Fresh Frozen Plasma. This plasma is further used for manufacture of components like albumin for the benefit of patients.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell- IQAC Career Guidance Program for Interns

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and the Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI organized a Career Guidance Program for Interns on SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Recent Advances in Health Professional Education

04.07.2013 at the Conference Hall, Library Block, MGMCRI. The objective of the program was to sensitize the outgoing Interns on the variety of career choices that are available post-MBBS, help and guide them to make a right career choice. Dr.Selvaraj, a renowned healthcare practitioner from Cuddalore with over five decades of

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), SBVU in association with the Medical Education Unit (MEU), MGMC&RI organized a one day Regional Seminar on “Recent Advances in Health Professional Education” on 19.07.2013 at the Ground Floor, Lecture Hall, College Block, MGMCRI. Around 202 Delegates from different parts of Puducherry, Tamil Nadu and Kerala attended the seminar. Local and external experts in the field of Medical education were invited as resource persons of the program, the main objective being to provide the participants with the knowledge, skills and academic grounding necessary to work professionally within the environment of medical education. The objectives were translated into practice by the use of didactic short PowerPoint presentations and plenary sessions. Feedback was collected and delegates were awarded certificate of participation at the end of the program. This program was accredited by 10 seminar credit point by Dr.MGR Medical University, Tamil Nadu.

Workshop on ‘Question paper setting & Validation experience provided valuable inputs and career prospects as a general practitioner. Dr. (Brig) Zile Singh, Prof., & Head of Community Medicine, PIMS, Pondicherry gave a good presentation on career prospects in the defense sector. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV briefed the participants in academic prospects for the medical graduates and the need to pursue the PG career. The career prospects in the field of Medical Informatics was presented by Dr.R.Jagan Mohan, Head –IT & MI. The participants were given a detailed awareness and information on how to prepare for competitive examinations by Dr.Vinayak Sendhil, Director – SPEED Medical Institute. Earlier, Dr.N.Seetharaman, Professor of Community Medicine, MGMCRI welcomed the participants and presented an overview of the career choices. Dr.Partha Nandi, Associate Professor of Community Medicine, MGMCRI proposed the vote of thanks.


The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), SBVU in association with the Medical Education Unit (MEU) and the office of the Controller of Examinations (COE) conducted a workshop on ‘Question paper setting & Validation for the faculty MGMCRI between 19.08.2013 and 20.08.2013 from 2.00pm to 4.30pm at the III Floor-Library Hall, MGMCRI. All the Heads of Departments participated in the workshop along with senior faculty members at the level of Professors/ Associate

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professors. A role play on the need for the workshop was conducted by the COE and her team. The Purpose, Process & Concepts of the workshop was presented by the Vice-Chancellor. Dr.Seethesh Ghose organized a buzz session on the Tips & Tricks to set appropriate Long Answer Questions (LAQ’s) and another buzz session on Short Answer Questions (SAQ’s) and Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQ’s) was conducted by Dr.K.A.Narayan. A session on Pre-Validation Check list was handled by Dr.V.N.Mahalakshmi. An exclusive session on Weightage to subjects, the Blue Print & Evolving the paper setter’s guidelines was conducted by Dr.K.A.Narayan. The highlights of the program were the open sessions and group tasks in which all the faculty actively participated.

Workshop on Communications, Collaborations and Project Management Suite

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), SBVU in association with the Department of IT & Medical Informatics conducted a workshop on Communications, Collaborations and Project Management Suite for the faculty of the three constituent colleges of SBVU in Puducherry (MGMCRI, IGIDS & KGNC) on 11th and 13th September, 2013 from 2.00pm to 4.30pm in the Ground floor Lecture Hall, College Block, MGMCRI. All the Heads of Departments along with the faculty members of the Department participated in the workshop. The Vice-Chancellor set the right tone to the program by apprising the participants of the need of the workshop. Dr.Pajanivel.R, Member Secretary, IQAC explained about the objectives and the methodology of the workshop. Dr.K.A.Narayan spoke about Communications & Scheduling and gave a live demonstration. The details

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

of project management and collaboration were presented by Dr.Jagan Mohan. The Dept. of IT & MI personnel facilitated in configuring various settings related to the project in the Initiation and Configuration session. Prof. Ravishankar conducted an exclusive session on Content Management System (website) which was followed with an open session. All the participants were equipped with their own devices (Smartphones, Laptops, Tablets, etc) and actively participated in the workshop.

Technical report, Examination Wing, SBV University

Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi, Controller of Examinations and Dr Jagan Mohan, Head of Medical Informatics visited the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences - Exam division premises on 20.09.2013 and 21.09.2013 as visiting observers to study the operational issues (reg-barcode and computerization). They met Prof N.S. Ashok Kumar, Registrar, Evaluation, who gave them access permission to study various aspects of the exam management. This is the summary of the deliberations on the visit. RGHUS is a central university with about 700 constituent colleges and have exams all year around. The entire exam management system is computerized. The question papers and answer booklets have secure bar codes – preprinted and are matched to the individual candidates by OMR coding.The answer books are dispatched to various centers for evaluation and the evaluators enter the marks in designated bar coded sheets and also online. Verification of the entered marks is done at the University level using high speed scanners and a compatibility report is generated. Once the evaluations are complete, decoding of the candidates identity is done. IA marks, attendance and practical exam marks are entered online to expatiate the process and results are released early. Secure mark lists and certificates are also prepared at the University level. The entire systems of operation are outsourced. Later they were given a sample answer booklet for reference. On 21.09.2013, they met Mr. Mohan Kumar, Head of Marketing and Technology, Logisys, the vendors of the exam management system and studied their modus operandi. This company has computerized exam management systems in about 28 universities of South India to varying degrees. Based on these observations, the following operational changes for the conduction of University Examinations can be applied. The process of manual stamping, verification and decoding of dummy numbers can be reduced significantly by using barcode stickers which tag individual candidates. Control of this process would significantly reduce the operational time and


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expedite the publishing of the results and from the study of the above model, can be done securely. Student identification fly leaf and detachable mark lists in the answer book can be made as OMR. A high speed scanner will help us to scan the mark list by the examiner and correlate to the data entry. - Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi

News from Registrar’s Office, SBV University

Reconstituted Academic Council of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

The Academic Council of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was reconstituted in accordance with the Notification of University Grants Commission (UGC) (institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations 2010 on 06.06.2013. Representations were given to all four constituent colleges of the university at all cadres as per the Memorandum of Understanding of our university. The reconstituted Academic Council was duly approved by Academic Council Meeting held on 10.06.2013 and ratified in the Board of Management Meeting held on 10.09.2013.

Starting of Ph.D in clinical disciplines and CIDRF

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth has introduced Ph.D programmes in Clinical Discipline - Paediatrics, Medical Education and Community Medicine. Also Interdisciplinary Research programme is introduced in Central Interdisciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) from the year 2013-14. This year, the Ph.D guide eligibility certificate is being issued to the eligible faculty who had applied for guideship. This is done based on the eligibility criteria and the approval of Dean-Research and PG Studies, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan.

Board of Studies Meeting

The Postgraduate Curriculum which was introduced in 2008 at the time of inception of our university is being revised as it has to be done once in five years. In this regard each Postgraduate department has duly constituted a Board comprising of two external experts and Head and Other Professor / Assoc. Professors of the department. Based on the recommendations of the board, the revised curriculum will be placed before the Academic Council for approval.

Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF)

The third quarter of 2013 was a highly contributing month for CIDRF. Through the following activities CIDRF reiterates its commitment to uplift the betterment of research in our campus through inter-disciplinary, inter-departmental and inter-institutional collaborations both nationally and internationally. CIDRF in collaboration with SBV and with support from our Chairman Shri M.K.Rajagopalan was involved in organizing Sanjeevita 2013 in addition to receiving one funded grant from Government of India and submitting two project proposals to Government of India for funding.

Sanjeevita 2013 - Contd Page 1 :

A thematic workshop was conducted during Sanjeevita 2013. The following persuasive and thematic


speeches were delivered by experts in the field: • Persuasive Speech: “Medical Pluralism in Health and Healing” by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth • Thematic Speech I: “Physico-chemical nurturing of the ‘Cell’- A tool for Rejuvenation” by Dr. Samuel Abraham, Professor, Yamanashi University, Japan • Thematic Speech II: “Research in Integrative medicine: Opportunities & Challenges”, Prof. S. P. Thyagarajan, Pro Chancellor (Research), Sri Ramachandra Medical University, Chennai • Thematic Speech III: “A comparative analysis of modern and traditional medicine”, Prof. M. Prakash Rao, Scientist IV, Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, New Delhi

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The thematic workshop session was chaired by Dr.Balaji, Director, ISM&H, Government of Puducherry and Prof. G.Subramanian, Advisor, CIDRF. A scientific poster competition was held as part of Sanjeevita 2013 with a central theme: Rejuvenation: Tradition and Modern. Two prizes each in Faculty and student category was awarded for the best posters as recommended by the expert committee.

A special scientific panel discussion on “Medical pluralism to Integrative Medicine” was moderated by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Panelists included experts representing various fileds of AYUSH: • Homeopathy represented by Prof. B.D.Patel, Fmr. Director and Dean, Vinayaka Mission’s Homoepathy Medical College, Bangalore; • Yoga represented by Prof. Madan Mohan, Director, Center for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research, Puducherry; • Siddha represented by Prof. G.Ganapathy, Fmr. Jt. Director, Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy (ISMH), Chennai; • Modern medicine represented by Prof. P.H.Ananthanarayahan, Senior Professor, JIPMER, Puducherry; and • Ayurvedha represented by Dr. P. Muralikrishna, Reader, S.V.Ayurvedic College, Tirupati.

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

This panel discussion on leveraging strengths of clinical practice in modern medicine to various types of AYUSH healthcare methods helped the participants to understand, and acknowledge the existing opportunities in-hand to quench the human quest for better health and longevity.

Padmavibushan Chevalier Prof. M.S.Valiathan, National Research Professor, Manipal University graced the occasion by delivering the Motivational Lecture on “Rasayana (rejuvenation) in tradition and in recent studies”. This session was chaired by Prof. S.Chandrasekar, Fmr Director, JIPMER, Puducherry.

A large group of well known experts in their respective fields, Allopathy and AYUSH participated in our Research Cluster Inauguration - ‘an innovative


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endeavor’ as described by the participants and observers. In effect, this resulted in a very successful inaugural session. This is a first of its kind activity. Twelve research clusters from MGMCRI and Five clusters from IGIDS were inaugurated. The twelve research clusters from MGMCRI are Lifestyle Diseases, Ageing & Healthy skin, Geriatric Care, Relaxation & Rehabilitation, Allergy & Asthma, Healthcare Informatics, Lifestyle Management, Cell-based Therapies, Mother & Child care, Mental Health, Rejuvenation Therapies and Pharmacovigilence & biomarkers. The five research clusters from IGIDS are Life style based Oral diseases, Pain, Anxiety and Stress Management, Cell Based Therapy, Personalized Oral Healthcare Database and Dental Bio Materials The feedback received was unanimously positive. Based on what we have heard so far, we believe that we have achieved and that Sanjeevita 2013 has been a wondrous success, and we had 152 registered participants, many of whom cited the speakers and the theme as a major motivating factor for attending. -Dr Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director, CIDRF

Research Projects:

Project 1: Dr Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director, CIDRF obtained the first Department of Biotechnology, Government of India funded central grant for CIDRF for a period of three years to work on “Prophylactic potential of the extract of the bark of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb. ex. Dc.) Wight & Arn. in preventing osteoporosis”. Project 2: Project proposal entitled ‘To study the transcriptional control of CD147 expression in glioblastoma through cell lines’ was submitted to: DBT, Govt of India at a total cost: Rs.24.5 lakhs by Dr Pooja Pratheesh. Project 3: Project proposal entitled ‘Development of copper nanoparticles coating materials for medical implants with antibiofilm property’ was submitted to: ICMR, Govt of India at a total cost: Rs.17 laks by Dr Mubarak Ali Dawood. In addition, Dr Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

Director, CIDRF is the co-investigator in the following projects: Project 4: Study of Insulin mediated changes in plasma amino acid levels and its role in insulin resistance in obesity versus Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Principal Investigator: Dr Mahendra Gandhe, Dept of Biochemistry, MGMCRI. Project 5: A study of SNP of RAGE gene and its association with micro and macro vascular complications of T2DM in Indian population. Principal Investigator: Prof. Ramesh, Head, Dept of Biochemistry, MGMCRI. Project 6: Efficacy of immobilized and nanoparticle based phenylalanine ammonia-lyase enzyme as novel therapeutic agents for phenylketonuri. Principal Investigator: Prof. A.R.Srinivasan, Dept of Biochemistry, MGMCRI. Project 7: Effect of yoga training on cardiorespiratory health in obese subjects. Principal Investigator: Prof. Madan Mohan, Head, Dept of Physiology and Director, CYTER, MGMCRI. The following dignitaries visited CIDRF to explore possibilities of establishing research collaborations with their institutions: Prof. Vasudevan A. Raghavan, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, Texas, USA. Prof. Archana Purushotham, Visiting Scientist at Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India. Dr. Priya V.Balakrishnan, a Nephrologist from Houston, Texas, USA Dr. Francis Dunn, President, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow was accompanied by Dr John Cooper, Chief Operating Officer on October 1, 2013.

Research Collaboration

A Memorandum of Understanding on communitybased health research group has been initiated including the following: 1.Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility represented by Dr Subramanian and Dr Balanehru Subramanian 2.Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute represented by the Vice-Chancellor and the Dean (Admin) 3.Professor Edwin Michael of Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA 4.Dr Rauf of Foundation for Ecology Research Advocacy and Learning, Puducherry. 5.Professor S.P.Pani, Quest International University Perak, Ipoh, Malaysia Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

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Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute

Scientific Publications

Research and Scholarship

Sidana A, Sarkar S, Sivaprakash B, Praharaj SK. Increased sensitivity to atypical antipsychotics in a patient with Dandy-Walker variant with Schizophreni. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2013;25 (3): E31-E32. doi:10.1176/appi. neuropsych.12070162 S Ghose, V Ramya, S Samal, S Swain. Vaginoplasty in Cryptomenorrhoea with functioning uterus. The Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2013;17(1). Lahon K, Pandian J, Somu L. Effect of SubAcute administration of Celecoxib on Anxiolytic activity of Fluoxetine in Albino Mice. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. JulySep 2013;4(3):1520-6. Verma R, Lahon K. Adverse events following immunization and global scenario in vaccine Pharmacovigilance. Indian Journal of public health research and development. Jul-Sep 2013;4(3):148-53. Sudarcodi R, Selvarajan N, Manimekalai K, Kartik J Salwe. Effect of oral Clonidine on the duration of Spinal Analgesia produced by Spinal Bupivacaine. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. JulySep 2013;4(3):1017-24. Kumar VS, Ganesh M, Duraisami V, Jaiganesh K. The effect of Suryanamaskar and mantra chanting on anger among stressed men. Journal of Medical Science & Technology Sep 2013; 2(3):146 – 149. Jagadeesh JS, Jaiganesh K, Somasundaram G. In vitro antioxidant activity assessment on alcoholic extract of Cyanobacteria cultures from Spirulina platensis. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences. 2013 July – Sep; 2(3): 616 – 619. A rare diagnosis with irrelevant clincal history of abscess presentation. - a case report. Jeffrey Daniel Mathew, Ganesh Babu C.P, Balachandar M, Ramanathan M. Innovative Journal of Medical and Health Science Sept – Oct 2013;3(5):224 - 225. C.Venkatesh, D.Gunasekaran, P.Soundararajan. Feeding Tube used as a nasal cannula to deliver continuous positive airway pressure. Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci 2013;4(3):1044-1046. Russelian Arulraj, Chandrasekaran Venkatesh, Nanda Chhavi, Palanisamy Soundararjan. Hypersensitivity due to ceftriaxone mimicking measles in a child. Indian J Pharmacol 2013; 45(5): 528-9. Vineet Thomas Abraham. A rare presentation of tuberculosis- Concomitant involvement of knee and Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

proximal tibia. European Orthopaedics and Traumatology July 2013. Bahurupi YA, Acharya S and Shinde R. Perceptions and practices of traditional birth attendants in tribal area of Maharashtra: A qualitative study. The Health Agenda July 2013;1(3):77-84. Majumder N, Majumder N and Datta SS. Knowledge and perception of mothers of under five children regarding etiology of Type-II Diabetes Mellitus in Agartala, Tripura. The Health Agenda July 2013; 1(3):64-70. Siva Sree Ranga MK, Arun kumar Bilodi, Rijied Thompson Swer. Sirenomelia with Potter’s facies. NJCA.2013; 2(3): 169- 171 Charles MP, Easow JM, Joseph NM, Ravishankar M, Kumar S, Umadevi S. Aetiological agents of ventilator associated pneumonia and their resistance. Australas Med J. 2013;6(9):430-4. Kali A, Charles MVP, Joseph NM, Umadevi S, Kumar S, Easow JM. Prevalence of Candida co-infection in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Australas Med J. 2013;6(8):387-91. Kali A, Stephen S, Kumar S, Umadevi S. Detection of quinupristin-dalfopristin resistance in methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus in South India. Indian J PatholMicrobiol. 2013;56(1):73-4. Stephen S, Kandhakumari G, Vinithra SM, Pradeep J, Venkatesh C, Namachivayam V. Outbreak of pediatric Scrub Typhus in South India: A preliminary report. Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 2013;8: 125-129. Lokesh.S. Better understanding of peritoneal membrane anatomy and physiology – a success behind peritoneal dialysis. IJCMAS Aug 2013; 2(8):144-147. Sunny, Harshvardhan, Amritha Ganesh. A complicated bang’s disease, IJCRR Sept 2013;5(16):35-37. Hemanth Kumar V R, Saraogi A, Parthasarathy S, Ravishankar M. A useful mnemonic for pre-anesthetic assessment. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol 2013;29:5601. Charles MVP, Joshy M Easow,Joseph NM, Ravishankar M, Kumar S, Umadevi S. Incidence,and risk factors of ventilator associated pneumonia in atertiary care hospital. AMJ 2013;6(4):178-182. Jahagirdar SM, Laxmimani, Athiraman U, Ravishankar M. Migration of subclavian venous catheter tip: Patient positioning in ICU makes a difference. Indian J Crit Care Med 2013;17:193-4. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Singh DR, Nag K, Shetti AN, Krishnaveni N. Tapentadol hydrochloride: A novel analgesic. Saudi j Anaesth2013; 7:322-6. Sivashanmugham T, Jahirdar SM, Parthasarathy S, Muthurangan G. Predicting intraoperative cardiovascular complication in patients with anterior mediastinal massrole of central venous pressure monitoring. Indian J Anaesth 2013;57:406-8.

Maclean J, TripathyD K, Parthasarathy S, Ravishankar M. Comparative evaluation of gum-elastic bougie and introducer tool as aids in positioning of Proseal laryngeal mask airway in patients with simulated restricted neck mobility. Indian J Anaesth 2013;57:25852.

Academic Initiatives

Officiation as Chairperson in Academic / Scientific Events

Dr. K.Srikanth, Professor, Dept. of Ophthalmology was invited as chairperson for a session on “Neuro Ophthalmology” in TNOA conference in Chennai on 09.08.13. Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Prof & Head, Dept of OBGY, Chaired a session MIXED bag in “YUVA FOGSI” conference at Trichy on 18.08.13. Dr. S. Selvasundari, Prof & Head, Dept. of Ophthalmology was invited as chairperson for a session in the cornea CME organized by Vasan Eye Care Puducherry, on 22.09.13. Dr. K. Srikanth, Professor, Dept. of Ophthalmology was invited as chairperson for a session in the cornea CME organized by Vasan Eye Care Puducherry, on 22.09.13 Dr. Mossadeq A, Prof & Head, Department of Urology, attended and chaired a session on ‘Uro-Oncology with Robotic surgery’ for the Vedanayagam prize paper session, at TAPASUCON 2013 – State Conference at Trichy between 28.09.13 and 29.09.13.

Guest lectures

Prof Rajendra Dhaka, Dept of pathology delivered a talk on “Scope and limitations of component therapy in blood banking” at CME on safe blood banking on 05.07.13 conducted at Arupadai Veedu Medical college, Pondicherry. Dr. P.Karthikeyan, Prof & HOD, Dept. of ENT participated as resource person (guest faculty) for 50th


temporal bone workshop and live surgical workshop organized by Padmashri Dr.Mohan Kameswaran of Madras ENT Research foundation in Chennai held between 12.07.13 and 14.07.13. Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar, Asst. Prof, Dept of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care was invited as a faculty to deliver a talk on “Electronic equipments in ICU” in a CME organized by Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, SBV University on 01.08.13. Dr. R Sripriya, Asst. Prof, Dept of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care was invited as a faculty to deliver a talk on “Emergency Drugs” in a CME organized by Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, SBV University on 01.08.13. Dr. P. Soundararajan, Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics participated as an invited speaker for world breast feeding week celebration organized by SAMAM (WOMEN`S WING OF Puducherry Science forum) at Seliamedu, Puducherry on 06.08.13 Dr. M Ravishankar, Prof & Head, Dept. of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, delivered a talk on “Gas Man Simulation” at Jawaharlal Medical College, Belgaum, Karnataka as a part of CME & Conference organized by ISA, Belgaum branch on 12.08.13. Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, delivered a lecture on “Spirometry” on 17.08.13 at ‘South Zone PG Meet’ held at Stanley Medical College, Tambaram, Chennai. Dr. Sendhil Coumary A, Associate Professor, Department of OBGY attended as speaker for a topic on Oligohydramnios in “YUVA FOGSI” conference at Trichy on 18.08.13. Prof. Ramesh R , HOD, Dept. of Biochemistry, was invited to give a lecture on “Quality planning in clinical biochemistry lab” Organized by AGGAPEE diagnostics, on 25.08.13 at Hotel Le royal park, Puducherry. Prof. Ramesh R, HOD, Dept. of Biochemistry, was invited to give a lecture on “Recent Advances in Cardiac Biomarkers” on 07.09.13, at AVMC, Puducherry. Dr. Murugesan, Neurologist, MGMC&RI gave a talk on “MIGRAINE” on 11.09.13 in commemoration of the World Migraine awareness day Dr. Vinodh J, Asst Prof, Dept. of Psychiatry spoke

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on “Stress & related disorders”, at the State Conference of Nurses held at Hotel Mass, Pondicherry on 11.09.13. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBVU was invited by the National Teacher Training Centre of the Dept of Med Education at JIPMER to be a resource person for their 67th National course and conducted a session on “Problemistics in Medical Education” on 14.09.13. The session was well received. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBVU and Prof. K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal, MGMCRI were invited to be the key resource persons for the one-day CME on “Recent Trends in Health Professions Education” held by the Medical Education Unit of Saveetha University on 13.09.13. They conducted four of the six sessions on recent trends in medical education.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Concepts in Integrative Medicine with ‘Rejuvenation’ organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth and the Central InterDisciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) held on 06.09.13 at MGMCRI Campus, Puducherry Dr Senthil Coumary, Assoc Prof, Dept of OBGY presented a poster on “A rare case of multiple craniofacial anomalies- Arhinencephaly” at “FOGSIFIGO International Conference on Recent Advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology” between 13.09.13 and 15.09.13 at Hyderabad. Dr Sunita Samal, Assoc Prof, Dept of OBGY presented paper on ”A two year clinical study of ectopic pregnancy” at “FOGSI-FIGO International Conference on Recent Advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology” between 13.09.13 and 15.09.13 at Hyderabad.

Participation in Academic/Scientific Events

Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBVU attended a National Conference in Health Professional Education - 2013 (NCHPE-2013) at Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai between 25.09.13 and 28.09.13. The theme of the conference was ‘Progress through Partnership’. Prof KR Sethuraman was a member of its National Advisory Committee and was invited to attend the conference. He also took part in a panel discussion on the 26.09.13 on “The partnership among health professions educators of India”. http://www.nchpe2013. com/home

Presentations in Academic/Scientific Events

Dr.Bakshi, Asst Prof, Dept of ENT presented a poster “Stem Cell therapy in Otolaryngology” in Sanjeevita 2013,the First Annual Summit on Current Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

V. Kuzhandai Velu, Tutor, Department of Biochemistry attended PCMB workshop between 05.06.13 and 15.06.13 at School of Biotechnology and Science, VIT University, Vellore. Dr. Dhananjay Kotasthane, Prof & Head, Dr G Mangala, Dr K Shanmugasamy, Dr Vaishali Dhananjay Kotasthane, Asst profs, dept of pathology participated on a CME on “Safe blood banking” on 05.07.13 conducted at Arupadai Veedu Medical college, Pondicherry. The Faculty and residents of Surgery department attended the Gut Clubs organized at Accord International, Pondicherry on 06.07.13 on the topic “Upper GI Bleed” by Prof. Thomas Alexander, Medical Gastro oncologist, PIMS. Dr. M Ravishankar, Prof & Head, Dr. N. Krishnaveni, Professor, Dr. T Sivashanmugam, and Dr. V R Hemanth Kumar, Assoc Prof, Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar, Dr. R Sripriya, Dr. V. Jaya, Dr. Diwan Roshan Singh, Dr. Kush Nag, Dr. Antony John Charles, Dr. Gayatri Mishra, Dr. M.Aruloli Dr. Vijay Anand, Dr. Trilogasundari, Dr. Priya and Dr. Amrutha, Asst Profs, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, attended 29th Annual south zone anaesthesia conference (PONSZAC 2013) by ISA, Puducherry branch at JIPMER on 23.08.13 to 25.08.13. Dr Puskar S Chowdhury – Asst. Prof, Department of Urology attended as delegate, “Live surgical workshop and CME on Uro-Oncology” at Amritha Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi on 06.07.13 and 07.07.13. All the faculties and residents of Surgery department attended the Monthly ASI Meeting in Hotel Athithi on the topic “Thyroid Surgery” by Dr. Kannan, Surgical Endocrinologist, Apollo Speciality Hospitals on 13.07.13. Dr. Sunita Samal, Assoc prof, Dept of OBGY SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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attended Basic Level -1 workshop on Medical Education Technology at SRM, CHENNAI between 17.07.13 and 19.07.13. Dr. A.R. Rajalakshmi Asst Prof, Dept of Ophthalmology attended the DSAEK workshop at Aravind Eye Hospital Puducherry on 18.07.13. Dr. S. Selvasundari, Prof & Head and Dr. A.R.Rajalakshmi, Dept of Ophthalmology attended the C.M.E ‘Cornea Recontre’ at AEH, Puducherry on 20.07.13 and 21.07.13. Dr. Ganesh Babu, Dr. R. Kannan, Dept. of Surgery attended the Annual ASI Conference (TN & P) between 01.08.13 and 04.08.13 at Trichy Dr. P.Soundararajan, Professor and Raja Ramalingam, Asst Prof, Dept of Pediatrics attended the CME on Pediatric surgical problems held at AG Padmavathi Hospital, Puducherry on 04.08.13. All faculty from Department of ENT attended the talk on “Golden eye” – surgical rehabilitation of facial palsy by Dr. Vidyasagar, in AOI, Pondicherry, on 08.08.13. Prof. K. Srikanth and Dr. A.R. Rajalakshmi, Department of Ophthalmology attended the TNOA conference in Chennai from 09.08.13 to 11.08.13. Dr.Vineet Thomas Abraham, Asso.Prof, Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery attended INDO US Shoulder Arthroscopy Course in Coimbatore from 09.08.13 to 11.08.13. Dr R Anandraj, Assoc Prof, Dept of OBGY attended “YUVA FOGSI” conference at Trichy on between 16.08.13 and 19.08.13. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & Head, Dr. R. Pajanivel, Professor, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine, invited as faculty at South Zone PG Meet held at Stanley Medical College, Tambaram, Chennai on 17.08.13 and 18.08.13. Dr S. Srinivasan, Prof & Head, Dept of Pediatrics participated as an invited faculty for the CME program held as a part of 38th annual conference of IAP Tamil Nadu chapter in Chennai between 23.08.13 and 25.08.13. All Faculty from Department of Community Medicine attended ‘RNTCP Zonal Task Force meeting’ between 05.09.13 and 06.09.13 at Convention Center, Pondicherry University. Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the ‘South Zone RNTCP Workshop’ held at Pondicherry Convention Center, Puducherry on 05.09.13 and 06.09.13. Dr. Usha Kannan, attended a CME on “Expanding Frontiers of Anatomy” held at Chennai Medical college, Hospital and Research centre, Trichy on 06.09.13. Dr. Vijaya sundaram, Asst Prof, Dept of ENT attended “Rhinoplasty workshop” at MIMER hospital, Pune between 06.09.13 and 08.09.13. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Dr.Siva Ranganathan Green, Asst Prof attended a CME - AIM 2013 held at SRM College, Chennai between 12.09.13 and 14.09.13. Dr Senthil Coumary and Dr Sunita Samal, Assoc Prof, Dept of OBGY attended “FOGSI-FIGO International Conference on Recent Advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology” between 13.09.13 and 15.09.13 at Hyderabad. Prof. Ramesh R, Prof. Saha S, Dr. Reeta R, Dr. Swetha K & Dr. Niranjan G Department of Biochemistry Participated in Hematology, CME at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 14.09.13 and 15.09.13. Prof. Ramesh R, Prof. Saha S & Dr. Niranjan G Asst. Prof. from Department of Biochemistry actively participated in CSIR Sponsored National Workshop on “Emerging Trends in molecular & recombinant DNA technology” between 20.09.13 and 21.09.13, organized by Dept. of Biotechnology, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Pennalur, Irungattukottai, Chennai-602117. Dr.Vineet Thomas Abraham, Asso.Prof, Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery attended the International Congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society Meeting held in Mumbai from 20.9.13 to 21.9.13 Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Assoc Prof, Dept. of General Medicine, attended a conference on Critical Care, held at Kuala Lumpur, between 20.09.13 and 22.09.13. Dr. Rijied Thompson Swer, attended the NTTC program conducted in JIPMER between 20.09.13 to 29.09.13. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & Head, Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the Pondicherry Chest society meeting on the topic ‘Recent Trend in The Management of ILD’ on 22.09.13. Dr. A.R. Rajalakshmi, Dr. Sima Biswas, Dr. Swathi. N, Dr. Tejal S.J., Asst. Profs, Dept of Ophthalmology attended the Cornea C.M.E. organized by Vasan Eye Care, Puducherry on 22.09.13. Dr. P.Karthikeyan and Prof V. Nirmal Coumare, Dept of ENT attended the conference “3rd INDIA ENT – conclave” – recent advance in ENT held in Chennai on 22.09.13. Dr R Anandraj, Assoc Prof, Dept of OBGY attended “HYFICON 2013 – International laparascopic conference on fibroids” between 27.09.13 and 29.09.13 at Cochin. Dr. S Umadevi, Professor, Dr. S. Pramodhini, Asst Prof, Dr. R. Kalaivani, Asst Prof and Dr. Arunava Kali, Asst Prof attended the CME on “TB-HIV co-infectionan update”- conducted by Department of Microbiology, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science and IAMM Pondicherry Chapter at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

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Science, Pondicherry on 28.09.13. Dr.Senthil, Asst Prof, Dept of General Medicine attended a conference on CAD at Mumbai between 27.09.13 and 29.09.13. The faculty and residents of Surgery department attended the monthly ASI meeting on Hotel Le Royal park, Pondicherry on the topic “Vascular intervention in Diabetic Foot” by Prof. N. Sekar, Vascular Surgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai.

Medical Journal. Dr. S Parthasarathy, Asst Prof, Dept of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care organized a blood donation camp at Kumbakonam as a part of social activity of Rotary Club, Kumbakonam. Dr. Partha Nandi, Assoc. Professor, Dept of Community Medicine was actively involved in students activities during SPANDAN conducted by JIPMER and annual gathering at Chettinad Medical College.


Seminar on “Recent Advances in Health Professional Education”.

Dr. S. Srinivasan, Prof & Head, presided over the speech competition for B.Sc students on breast feeding organized by NLC Hospital at Neyveli on 05.08.13. Dr. S. Srinivasan, Prof & Head, participated as the chief guest in the valedictory function of world breast feeding week celebration 07.08.13 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical college and Hospital at Madagadipet, Puducherry. Dr. M Ravishankar, Prof & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, organized a one day workshop on “Gas Man Simulation” at Jawaharlal Medical College, Belgaum, Karnataka on 12.08.13. The workshop was a part of CME & Conference organized by ISA, Belgaum branch. Dr. M Ravishankar, Prof & Head, Simulation Center was a Chief coordinator for the workshop on “Simulations in Crisis Management” organized as a part of 29th annual south zone anaesthesia conference at Simulation Center, MGMCRI on 23.08.13. Dr. V R Hemanth Kumar, Associate Professor , Dr. R Sripriya, Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar, and Dr. V. Jaya, Assistant Professors, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care were the coordinators & faculty members for the workshop on “Simulations in Crisis Management” organized as a part of 29th annual south zone anaesthesia conference at Simulation Center, MGMCRI on 23.08.13. Dr. T Sivashanmugam, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care was part of organization committee of 29thannual south zone anaesthesia conference (PONSZAC 2013) by ISA, Puducherry branch at JIPMER from 23.08.13 to 25.08.13. Dr. V R Hemanth Kumar, Associate Professor and Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care were a part of organization and souvenir committee members of 29th annual south zone anaesthesia conference (PONSZAC 2013) by ISA, Puducherry branch at JIPMER from 23.08.13 to 25.08.13. Dr. S Parthasarathy, Asst Prof, Dept of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care was invited as an expert reviewer for Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia &Yonsei

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Organized by: Medical Education Unit of MGMCRI in collaboration with IQAC of SBVU on 19.07.2013 at 8.30hrs to 16.30hrs/ 8hrs. Target audience: Faculty from medical, dental, nursing and information technology interested in health professional education. Aims: The aim of the course is to produce practically competent and academically informed educators operating within the field of medical education. This will contribute to the improvement of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education, through the professional development of those who undertake the course. Objectives: The course will provide participants with the knowledge, skills and academic grounding necessary to work professionally within the environment of medical education. By the end of the course participants will: Understand the recent development that has taken in the Curriculum. Learning and knowledge and how theories of learning inform practice in medical teaching. Develop knowledge of the major policies governing the conduct of medical education. Understand the principles of teaching-learning methods within medical education. Develop an understanding of assessment, curriculum design, evaluation and feedback methods within medical education. Understand how to integrate advancement in computer with the medical education in teaching the


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Web 2 generation. Delegates from different parts of Puducherry, Tamil Nadu and Kerala attended the seminar Methods: The objectives were translated into practice by the use of Didactic short presentation and Plenary sessions The program was started with the invocation song by Dr.Amirtha Ganesh, Associate Professor, Department

of Cardiology, which was followed by the welcome address by Dr. K.A.Narayana, organising president, felicitation by DrS.Krishnan ,Dean Administration , key note address by Dr.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBVU and vote of thanks by Dr.Seetesh Ghose, organising secretary and Co-ordinator MEU. The topics and the speakers are as follows. Session 1: ‘MCI 2012-Opertunities and Challenges’ by Dr.D.K.Srinivas Ex-Dean JIPMER, Former consultant Curriculum development RGUHS, T’ransformative Curriculum for 21st Century’ by Dr. Santosh Kumar Professor of Urology, JIPMER. This session was chaired by Dr.Nalini, Dean Education Savitha University and Dr.N.Ananthakrishnan Professor of Surgery Dean PG Studies & Research, SBVU. Session 2: ‘Problemistics Based Education’ by Dr.K.R.Sethuraman


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Vice-Chancellor, SBVU, ‘Linking Lesson Plan to T-L Principle’ by Dr. Gitanjali Batmanabane Head of NTTC, Professor of Pharmacology , JIPMER. This session was chaired by Dr.D.K.Srinivas, Ex-Dean JIPMER, Former consultant Curriculum development RGUHS and by Dr. Santosh Kumar, Professor of Urology, JIPMER. Session 3: ‘Teaching the Web -2 Generations’by Dr. K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal, Professor of PSM,MGMCRI. ‘Learning Outcomes & their Hierarchy (SOLO taxonomy)’, by Dr.Debadatta Basu, Professor of Pathology, JIPMER, ‘Recent Advances in Evaluation’ by Dr.N.Ananthakrishnan, Professor of Surgery, Dean PG Studies & Research, SBVU. This session was chaired by Dr.K.R.Sethuraman Vice-Chancellor, SBVU and Gitanjali Batmanabane Head of NTTC, Professor of Pharmacology , JIPMER. Besides short and interesting power point presentations, the resource person shared their experience for the better understanding of the various topics. They also clarified the queries raised by the participant. Program evaluation: Evaluation of the program was done using programme evaluation form. The questionnaire involved the subjective assessment of the quality of the program, the useful ness of the subject and

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general comment. Feedback was collected and delegates were awarded the certificate of participation at the end of the program.This program was accredited by 10 seminar credit point by Dr.MGR Medical University, Tamil Nadu. Gitanjali Batmanabane through her email thanked the organizers for the conduction of such an excellent academic event - “Congrats on conducting a very successful seminar. It was a well organized highly informative programme. Thanks for inviting me. We look forward for a close collaboration with your MEU and JIPMER Dept. of MEU- Regards, Gitanjali.

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Fresher’s Orientation Program

White coat Ceremony

The White Coat Ceremony (WCC) for the III semester medical students who had successfully completed the preclinical examination was for the first time held at MGMCRI on 29.07.2013. It is a ritual which marks the student’s transition from the study of preclinical to clinical health sciences. A time when students begin meeting patients early in their education and get the feel of a doctor . WCCs typically involve a formal “robing” or “cloaking” of students in white coats. The students and their parents were invited for WCC. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBVU, Prof. Nirmal Coumare, Medical Superintendent and Prof. K.A.Narayan the Vice Principal and Prof.Seetesh Goshe addressed the students on the issues of medical ethics and praised the rising students for their success in completing the basic science coursework of medicine and the entry into the clinical world, a great step in the journey toward a healthcare career. Prof S.Krishnan, Dean addressed the students, made them to rise and gave the Oath which stressed on hard work, dedication & determination that the medical profession demands & that they should be ready to give all their might towards it. WCC conclude with Dr.Partha Nandi, Asso.Prof proposing the vote of thanks.

Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

On the 12.08.2013 an orientation program was organized for the new batch of MBBS students, the batch of 2013-14 at the ground floor lecture hall,college block, MGMCRI. The program started with Prof. Nirmal Coumare, Medical Superintendent welcoming the students & parents to MGMC & RI. The initiation of the 1st year students into the noble profession of medicine was auspiciously begun with the lighting of the Kuthuvilakku by the students themselves along with their parents. Following which senior faculty members like Prof S.Krishnan, Dean, Prof. Ananthakrishnan Dean(R&PG) and Prof. Sudha Rao, Anatomy Dept. addressed the students & spoke to them in length about the sincerity and tireless strength that they need to give in to acheive their target as a good, skilled and knowledgeable doctor. Then Dr. Abhishek (CRRI) came onto the stage & shared his reminisces about his time at MGMC &RI as a student. Next the Vice Principal, MGMC & RI, Prof.


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K.A.Narayan introduced the pre-clinical faculty members to the gathering. Lastly the Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, spoke about the congenial learning atmosphere at MGMC, he stressed on discipline & informed about the excellent facilities present that facilitated learning & assured the parents that their wards were in the best possible hands. The session ended wtih Dr.Partha Nandi, Asso.Prof proposing the vote of thanks. After the lunch break an interactive session also took place between the students, their parents & the VC, Senior Faculty and the HODs of pre-clinical departments wherein all the doubts were dispelled from the minds of the gathering in the spirit of free discussion.

(Treasurer), Dr.R.Surendher Kumar, Dr.R.Nandakumar, Dr.M.Chandrasekaran, Dr.Vineet Thomas Abraham, Dr.Varun.G.B.S, Dr.Ashish K. Jose, Dr.Muthumanickam, Dr.Sandeep, Dr.Dhiyanesh and Dr.Ramalingam organized and attended OASISCON 2013. The teams of orthopaedicians did live demonstration of one Hip & Knee replacement from operation theatre to the conference venue Hotel Anandha Inn through internet, which was first of its kind in this region. Prof.K.R.Thyagarajan has now taken over as president OASIS.

The Department of Ophthalmology Department of Psychiatry- “Mind & Medicine”

The first issue of the departmental quarterly bulletin “Mind & Medicine” was released with the blessings of the Prof.K.R.Sethuraman,Vice-Chancellor, SBVU & senior administrative faculty members on 14.08.2013.

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery OASISCON 2013

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery organized Association of South Indian States 2013 Conference (OASISCON 2013) between 23.08.2013 and 25.08.2013 at Pondicherry. Dr.K.R.Thyagarajan (Organising Chairman), Dr.V.Veerappan (Organsing Secretary), Dr.S.Ravichandran (Joint Secretary), Dr.R.Krishnagopal


The Department of Ophthalmology and the Scientific and Academic Forum conducted a poster competition titled ‘See beyond your grave – Donate Eyes’ on 28.08.2013 on the occasion of Eye donation fortnight from 25.08.2013 to 09.09.2013. Dr. Senthamizhan Rene, Program Officer, NPCB, Puducherry inaugurated the Eye Donation Fortnight and delivered a Patient Awareness talk on Eye Donation in MRD block on 28.08.2013. The Department of Ophthalmology had organized a guest lecture on ‘Keratoplasty and Cornea – Newer perspectives’, by Dr Thiruvengadakrishnan, Chief of Cornea Services, AEH Puducherry on 18.09.2013.

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Department of Physiology

A panel discussion was held on 28.09.13 with experts including Dr. Sathya Subramani, Professor & Head, Department of Physiology, CMC Vellore, Dr. Rajkumar, Professor & Head, Department of Physiology, RMMCH, Chidambaram regarding the PG curriculum review.

Department of Pathology

Pondicherry State Pathologists’ club meeting

Department of Pathology organized Pondicherry State Pathologists’club meeting on Saturday, 31st August, 2013 from 2.30 to 4.30 pm. Dr Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Prof and HOD, Department of Pathology, MGMCRI welcomed the gathering and conducted proceedings of the meeting. Dr Sajini Elizabeth, Asst Professor, department of Pathology, JIPMER, Pondicherry delivered a lecture on “Immunohistochemistry of Ovarian tumors”. This was followed by a slide seminar on Ovarian tumors. Nine interesting cases of ovarian tumors were presented by postgraduate students and faculties of Pathology departments of various institutes in Pondicherry. Dr Revathy and Dr Matariswa Samanta, Postgraduate students of MGMCRI presented two cases of ovarian tumors in this slide seminar. Dr K Shanmugasamy, Asst professor, dept of pathology proposed a vote of thanks. Senior-most pathologist in Pondicherry Prof Velliath, Prof Bhawana Badhe, HOD, dept of pathology, JIPMER, Prof Surendra Verma, Prof Basu, dept of Pathology JIPMER participated in the meeting. This meeting was attended by eighty Pathologists and postgraduate students from various institutes in Pondicherry

Clinicopathological Conferences

1.Department of Pathology in collaboration with departments of General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Radiodiagnosis organized a clinicopathological conference on 23.08.2013 from 2.30 to 4.30 pm. This meeting was chaired by Dr Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Prof and HOD,Department of Pathology, MGMCRI. The following three cases were discussed with HPE Diagnosis viz: Villoglandular variant of Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

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Endometrioid Carcinoma (Grade – I Stage – T 1b.), Tuberculosis of Ileocaecal Junction and Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Right Parotid Gland. Postgraduate students of Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gen Surgery, Radio diagnosis and Pathology presented the clinical findings, radiological findings and the histopathological findings of these cases. Heads of the departments of General surgery, Radiodiagnosis and Pathology actively participated in the discussion of these cases along with their faculties and postgraduate students. Faculties and PG students of other depts also attended the conference. 2. The Department of Pathology in collaboration with departments of General surgery, Medicine and Orthopaedics organized a clinicopathological conference on 26/09.2013 from 2.30 to 4.30 pm. This meeting was chaired by Dr Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Prof and HOD,Department of Pathology, MGMCRI. The following three cases were discussed with HPE Diagnosis viz: Multiple Myelom, Parathyroid Adenoma and Chronic Osteomyelitis. Postgraduate students of Departments of General surgery, Medicine, Orthopaedics and Pathology presented the clinical presentations, radiological findings and the histopathological findings of these cases. Heads of the departments of General surgery, Medicine, Orthopaedics Radiodiagnosis, Biochemistry and Pathology actively participated in the discussion of these cases along with their faculties and postgraduate students. Faculties and PG students of other depts also attended the conference.

Dermatopathological conference:

The Department of Pathology in collaboration with dept of Dermatology organized a Dermatopathological conference on 07.09.2013 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. This meeting was chaired by Dr Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Prof and HOD, Department of Pathology, MGMCRI . The following 3 cases were discussed. 1.Clinical diagnosis – Hansen’s disease and Histopathological diagnosisHansen’s disease (Tuberculoid leprosy).2. Clinical diagnosis-Systemic sclerosis and Histopathological diagnosis – Scleroderma. 3.Clinical diagnosisHypertrophic Lichen planus and Histopathological diagnosis- Hypertrophic Lichen planus. Faculties and postgraduate students of Pathology and Dermatology participated in this conference.

Teachers’ Day Celebration

The students of MGMCRI felicitated all the members of the faculty on the occasion of ‘Teachers day’ on 05.09.2013. Students from each batch came onto the stage & shared their reminisces about their time at MGMC&RI as a student and the way their beloved teachers helped them to be what they are today. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Prof .K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBVU gave a motivational speech that made all the teachers assembled in the lecture hall feel elated for having chosen one of the greatest profession of all time.

Department of CTVS & Cardiology

A team of eminent doctors from the department of CTVS & Cardiology successfully performed a Morrow Procedure with Mitral Valve Replacement on a patient with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardio Myopathy with severe MR.

Scientific And Academic Forum SAF - Internal meetings

During the third quarter of 2013, the Scientific and Academic Forum, Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted three internal meeting. July 2013 : The programme commenced with a Mediquiz by Dr Chetan, Executive member of SAF. A capsule talk titled “To Be or Not To Be – Issues in Genetic Screening” was presented by Dr K A Narayan, Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine,


MGMCRI. This was followed by a special talk entitled “Yoga and Psychosomatic Ailments” by Miss Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator/Yoga Therapist – CYTER, MGMCRI. Dr Arun Krihna, 2nd year Post-Graduate, Department of Pediatrics presented a case entitled “Timely Intervention in a Critical Neonate” which was followed by case report entitled “You Can’t Save me Doctor, I am Determined to Die” by Dr Udayabhanu R, 3rd year Post Graduate, Department of Forensic Medicine, MGMCRI. The final case was presented by Dr Aasim Anees, 3rd year Post-Graduate, Department of General Surgery entitled “Gastro-Jejuno-Colic Fistula – A Rarity in the Modern Era”. August 2013 : The programme commenced with a Mediquiz by Dr Chetan, Executive member of SAF. A capsule talk titled “Cardiac Marker – An Update” was presented by Dr Ramesh , Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, MGMCRI. This was followed by a special talk by Dr Mossadeq A, Professor and Head, Department of Urology on “Shock and Sound Effects in Urology”. Dr Arijit Audhya, Assistant Professor, Department of ENT presented a case series entitled “The Nose is a Matter of Pride” which was followed by case report entitled “Vulvar Pedunculated Aggressive Angiomyxoma- A Rare Case” by Dr Ramya Krishnamurthy, 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MGMCRI. Septemper 2013 : The programme commenced with a Mediquiz by Dr Chetan, Executive member of SAF. Two Special talks were followed. The first talk titled “Brain Stimulation Technique- An Update” was presented by Dr Sukanto Sarkar, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI and the second talk was presented by Dr Roshan Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology on “Labour Analgesia- An Update”. The Final talk of the meet was presented by Dr V N Mahalakshmi, Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery on Focus in Medicine entitled “Surgical Safety Checklist – Implication and Incorporation into Practice”.

SAF guest lecture on “Overseas Opportunities for Indian Doctors”

The Scientific Academic Forum (SAF), Medical Education Unit (MEU) in coordination with Department of Orthopedics organized a guest lecture on 19.07.2013 by Dr.Senthil Nathan M.S (Ortho), Consultant Spine

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Surgeon, Mediclinic Welcare Hospital, Dubai & Cincinnati Children Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, USA, who spoke on the topic, “Overseas Opportunities for Indian Doctors and Who goes for spine surgery”. The talk was a treat to listen.

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includes snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, obstructive episodes, morning headache, personality changes, poor memory, difficulty in concentrating, frequent waking, nocturnal choking and enuresis, systemic hypertension, pulmonary hypertension.

SAF guest lecture on “Improving child survival by optimizing Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices”

The Department of Paediatrics coordinating with Scientific Academic Forum (SAF) and Medical Education Unit (MEU) organized a Guest lecture on 05.08.2013 at MGMCRI, in commemoration with “Breast Feeding awareness week”. Dr. Kesavalu, Chief Civil Surgeon, State Coordinator of Breast Feeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI), Andhra Pradesh was the Guest speaker. By his lively, exhaustive lecture on “Improving child survival by optimizing Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices” (IYCF), he sent a strong message on the uniqueness of breastfeeding and the significance of early, exclusive Infant breastfeeding. The department of Pediatrics together with KGNC jointly organized poster competition and role play during the world breast-feeding week celebration from 1st to 7th August, 2013.

SAF guest lecture on “A Roaring Snore, Not Just a Partner’s Sore – An Overview of OSAS”

A guest talk was given by Dr.R.Vidhya Sagar M.S(ENT), M.D.(USA) , Fellow Sleep Apnoea And Sinus Surgery(USA), Fellow In Head And Neck Vascular Reconstruction Surgery(USA), Fellow In Pediatric ENT (USA), on – ‘A roaring snore not just a partners sore – an overview of OSAS’, organized by Department of ENT, and SAF, on 08.08.2013. A gist of the talk: OSAS is characterized by recurrent episodes of partial or complete upper airway obstruction during sleeps which are usually terminated by an arousal. Clinical features Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

Criteria to Diagnose OSAS: No evidence of OSA, if apnoea/hypoapnoea index(AHI) is less than 5 apnoea/hypoapnoea per hour, mild OSAS – if AHI is 5 or more or less than 15 apnoea/hypoapnoea per hour, moderate OSAS – if AHI is 15 or more or less than 30 apnoea/hypoapnoea per hour, severe OSAS – if AHI is 30 or moreor apnoea/hypoapnoea per hour, OSAS is diagnosed with polysomonogram. Polysomonogram is gold standard. The recent trend in diagnosing OSAS is sleep endoscopy. Grading of Sleep Endoscopy: Simple palatal level snoring / palatal flutter, Single level palatal obstruction , Palatal level obstruction with intermittent oropharyngeal involvement , Sustained multi-segmental obstruction, Tongue-base level obstruction, Isolated epiglottic obstruction, OSAS is treated by conservative management like life style modification. Surgical management consists of various surgical modalities. The most common procedure is uvuloplatopharyngoplasty. The recent trend is by radio-frequency tissue volume reduction/ thermal ablation, coblation technique and tongue base reduction. -Department of ENT

SAF guest lecture on “Clinical Spectrum of Seizure Disorder”

The Scientific Academic Forum (SAF), Medical Education Unit (MEU) in coordination with Department of General Medicine organized a guest lecture on 20.09.2013 by Dr. V. Jayakumar MD, DCH, DM (Neuro) senior consultant neurologist, JK institute of Neurology, Madurai. His lecture on “Clinical Spectrum of Seizure Disorder” was interesting and informative. He made the entire audience spell bound by his video clippings which covered the entire pattern of seizures, including rare occurrences such as “hot water epilepsy”, “eating epilepsy. The faculties, post graduates, undergraduates could gather a total knowledge on seizure disorder from this guest lecture. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Skill lab


50 interns were given “hands-on” training in basic life support in the Medical Simulation Centre from 28th to 31st of August 2013, as part of the clinical skills training imparted to the CRRIs. Basic Life Support training has been made mandatory for all CRRIs, and forms one of the requirements for completion of internship. The Medical Simulation Centre (MSC) also gave “hands-on” Basic Life Support training to 43 nurses during the months of July to September. On 05.08.2013, Dr. Hemanth Kumar (Assoc. Prof. - Anaesthesiology) and Dr. Anand Monickam (Medical Officer - MSC) were part of a team that travelled to Sri Sathya Medical College to deliver training to CRRIs as part of the Interns Orientation Programme. A lecture followed by a demonstration of Basic Life Support was delivered to the new CRRI batch consisting of about 60 interns.

AHA accredited BLS,ACLS faculty Training

SBV is also in the process of becoming an accredited International Training Centre for the American Heart Association (AHA) with a fully equipped MSC to conduct Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support training. In this regard, a team of six doctors - Dr. Hemanth Kumar (Anaesthesiology), Dr. Sameer

Jaghirdhar (Anaesthesiology), Dr. Shobana (Physiology), Dr. Mugunthan (Anatomy), Dr. Kanagaraj (Community Medicine) and Dr. Abubacker (Psychiatry) - identified to become AHA Instructors were deputed to The Academy for Clinical Training (TACT), Chennai to be trained in BLS and ACLS Providers Course held at TACT premises from 11th to 13th September 2013.

23.08.2013. The workshop was a apart of 29th annual south zone anaesthesia conference (PONSZAC 2013) organized by ISA, Pondicherry branch. Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University was invited as a chief guest to inaugurate the workshop. Prof. S Krishan, Dean, MGMCRI, felicitated the organizers of the workshop. Prof. M Ravishankar, Professor & Head of Simulation Center, MGMCRI was the chief coordinator of the workshop. Dr. Asokka Balakrishnan (Consultatant, Singapore) and Dr. Naren Krishnaswamy (Consultant, Malaysia) were the invited International faculty. Dr. V R Hemanth Kumar (Associate professor), Dr.

Sameer M Jahagirdar (Assistant Professor) and Dr. AnandMonickan (Chief Medical Officer, Simulation Center) were the faculty from MGMCRI to coordinate the workshop. The workshop featured training of delegates to

Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care

Workshop on “Simulations in Crisis Management” Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care organized a one day workshop on “Simulations in Crisis Management” at Simulation Center, MGMCRI on SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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principles involved in crisis management. Multiple real life scenarios like obstetric post spinal cardiac arrest, accidental extubation in surgical procedures in prone position, aspiration & laryngospasm in post anaesthesia care unit, local anaesthetic toxicity and malignant hyperthermia were simulated. The event was beneficial to 50 delegates all over South India.

Center for Yoga Therapy Education & Reserarch

Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani joined as Deputy Director CYTER (Department of Yoga and Music Medicine), MGMC & RI on 11.07.2013. He had been previously associated with the centre as Honorary Advisor since its inception in 2010. Dr. Madanmohan (Professor & Head, Department of Physiology and Director CYTER) was an invited speaker in the panel discussion on medical pluralism during Sanjeevita 2013, Annual Summit organized by CIDRF at MGMC&RI on 6th September 2013. Dr. Madanmohan, Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani (Deputy Director CYTER) and Mrs. Meena Ramanathan (Coordinator and Yoga Therapist) also presented five posters on behalf of CYTER.

1.Health, rejuvenation and longevity: an Ayurvedic perspective, 2.Yoga and modern medicine: need for integration, 3.Yoga works, but how? 4.Immediate cardiovascular effects of pranayamas in patients of hypertension, 5.Effect of Yoga training on cardiorespiratory health in obese subjects. Yoga Awareness and Counselling Programmes are being held in the MRD of MGMC & RI from 10AM to 12 noon every Wednesday since 4th September 2013 with good response from patients to this initiative. CYTER thanks the Chairman, Vice Chancellor, Medical Superintendent, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Dean, Registrar and Nursing Superintendent for their unstinting support. Two new books namely, Yoga Chikitsa: the Application of Yoga as a Therapy and Saraswati’s

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Pearls: Dialogues on the Yoga of Sound authored by Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani (Deputy Director CYTER) were released on September 13th 2013 by Kalaimamani Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani, Director, ICYER at Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry. The book on Yoga Chikitsa also has chapters contributed by Dr. Madanmohan (Professor & Head, Department of Physiology and Director CYTER) and Mrs. Meena Ramanathan (Coordinator and Yoga Therapist) while Saraswati’s Pearls is a series of conversations between Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani and Dr. Sangeeta Laura Biagi of Italy who is visiting professor in Italian Folklore and Music at New York University and Vassar College (NY).

Mrs. Meena Ramanathan (Coordinator and Yoga Therapist, CYTER) was selected for the Mahan Aravindhar (Sri Aurobindo) Award for the year 2013 by the Pondicherry State Artists Association. This prestigious award is in recognition of her service for society through Yoga with special emphasis on her work with children with special needs and senior citizens of Pondicherry. It is to be noted that Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani (Deputy Director CYTER) had also received this award in 2010.

Health Care Fit For The 21St Century: Integrating Yoga Into Modern Medicine

Humanity is today faced with numerous debilitating chronic illnesses related to aging, environment and an increasingly hedonistic lifestyle. These illnesses include cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease, as well as incurable diseases such as AIDS. While modern medicine has much to offer in its treatment of acute illness, accidents and communicable diseases, it cannot provide all the solutions for the many ills that plague 21st century (wo)man. Yoga, as a complement to modern medicine, can be especially useful in helping to fill in the gaps--in the fields of disease prevention, management SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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and rehabilitation. When combined, modern medicine and Yoga turn out to be more than the sum of their parts. What is the source of this synergy between modern and ancient science? While modern science looks outward for the cause of all ills, the Yogi searches the depths of their own self, finding therein many of the answers he needs to maintain a vital equilibrium. The combination of the outward and inward search proves to be more effective than either alone. Dr. Dean Ornish, the renowned American physician and author who has shown that a Yogic lifestyle can reverse heart disease, says, “Yoga is a system of perfect tools for achieving union as well as healing”. Dr. B. Ramamurthy, the eminent neurosurgeon, has observed that Yoga practice reorients the functional hierarchy of the entire nervous system. He has also noted that Yoga benefits the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and endocrine systems, in addition to bringing about other positive biochemical changes. For humanity to take full advantage of its birthright of health and happiness, it is imperative that modern, science-based medicine integrate the holistic approach of traditional healing techniques like Yoga. Only in this way can medical practitioners provide true health care, as opposed to merely caring for the sick. The result will be an improvement in the quality of health, and life, around the world. Numerous studies have been done in the past few decades on psycho-physiological and biochemical changes occurring following practice of Yoga. A few clinical trials have also been done that have shown promise despite Yoga not being ideally suited for the scientific gold standard of ‘double-blind’ clinical trials. Some of the researched benefits that are quite well proven are given below to facilitate an understanding of how Yoga works at least at the physical level though we are yet to research and understand subtler effects of Yoga. The Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER) in MGMC & RI is conducting a scientifically sound Yoga therapy programme through its Yoga Therapy OPD. This is functioning from 9.30 am to 12 noon daily (Monday-Friday). Consultations are offered by Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director (Yoga) and Mrs Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator and Yoga Therapist and qualified Yoga instructors are imparting the schedules. Individualised and group Yoga therapy sessions are being conducted for various medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal and psychiatric disorders with excellent feedback from participants. Numerous pilot studies have been completed and major research studies are being planned under the guidance of Dr. Madanmohan, Professor and Head, Department of Physiology, MGMC & RI.


Immediate Cardiovascular Effects Of A Single Yoga Session In Different Conditions

Aim and objective: This retrospective review of data was done to determine cardiovascular effects of a single Yoga session in normal subjects as well as patients of different medical conditions. Methods: Data of 1896 patients (1229 female, 633 male and 34 transgender) with mean age of 36.28 ± 12.64 y who attended Yoga therapy sessions at CYTER between November 2010 and September 2012 was used for analysis. Heart rate (HR), systolic (SP) and diastolic pressure (DP) had been recorded using noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP) apparatus before and after 60 minute yoga sessions at CYTER and indices like pulse pressure (PP), mean pressure (MP), rate-pressure product (RPP) and double product (DoP) were derived from recorded parameters. Participants were undergoing appropriate Yoga therapy protocols as per their individual condition while normal subjects had a general schedule of practice. Typical Yoga sessions included simple warm ups (jathis and surya namaskar), breath body movement coordination practices (kriyas), static stretching postures (asana), breathing techniques (pranayama), relaxation and chanting. Results: There were statistically significant (p < 0.001) reductions in all the studied cardiovascular parameters following the Yoga session. The magnitude of reductions differed in the groups, it being more significant in those having hypertension (n = 505) and less significant in those having endocrine/skin (n = 230) and musculoskeletal (n = 120) conditions. It was moderately significant in the normal subjects (n = 582) as well as patients having psychiatric (n = 302) and respiratory (n = 157) conditions. Conclusion: There is a healthy reduction in HR, BP and derived cardiovascular indices following a single Yoga therapy session. The magnitude of this reduction depends on the pre-existing medical condition as well as the Yoga therapy protocol adopted. These changes may be attributed to enhanced harmony of cardiac autonomic function as a result of coordinated breath-body work and mind-body relaxation due to Yoga.


Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI. Work shop on “Dissertation-writing”

The Work shop for First year Post Graduate on “Dissertation- writing ” was held in the forenoon from 01.08.2013(Thursday) to 03.08.2013 (Saturday) at first floor lecture hall II( college block). The programme was

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meant for first year post graduate students of all discipline due to appear for their final examination on April-2017. 58 post graduate students attended the workshop Aim: To make the postgraduate student familiar with dissertation protocol. Objectives: The program was structured in a way to enable the students : To differentiate between protocol and dissertation, To familiarise the different contents of the dissertation, To realise, what goes into the aims, objectives, subject and methods, results, observations, discussion, conclusion, abstracts and bibliography, To familiarise the software of statistics, To manage references using software, To format their own write up and, To make them aware about the plagiarism.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

useful ness of the subject, facilitatory factors, hindering factors and general comment. Feedback on each session was collected on daily basis and feedback on whole program was collected at the end. The program ended with an open session where students expressed their view on the workshop.

Intern’s Orientation program

The interns orientation program –August 2013 was held between 13.08.2013 and 14.08.2013, at Third floor Lecture Hall , Central Library Complex. The program was meant for 61 interns, passed out in June 2013. Aim of the program was to familiarize new interns

Methods: The objectives were translated into practice by the use of Didactic short presentation, Group task by the students, Presentation by the students and Plenary sessions. Topics discussed: Introduction to Dissertation, Selection of topic, Literature search & Reference management, Aims & Objectives, Types of Studies, Title, Proforma preparation, Data Collection and maintenance, Brief Introduction to Statistics, Preparation of Dissertation Protocol, Ethical issues Role of the faculty: Besides short and interesting power point presentations, faculty helped the students understanding different difficult aspect of the statistics, reference management and formatting using Microsoft word. Prof.Ananthakrishnan. N. Dean PG Studies & Research, Dr.Sivaprakash B Professor Psychiatry, Dr.K.A. Narayan Professor & Head Community Medicine, Dr.Partha Nandi Assoc. Professor Community Medicine , Dr.LokeshMaranAsst.Prof Community Medicine , Dr.R.Ramesh Professor & Head Biochemistry , Dr. A.R.Srinivas Professor Biochemistry , Dr. Jagan Mohan R Asst.Professor Pharmacology, Dr.Gunasekharan D Professor Paediatrics acted as the resource person for the workshop. Program evaluation: Evaluation of the program was by using questionnaire. The questionnaire involved the subjective assessment of the quality of the program, the

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with their tasks in the work places which include wards, OPD, emergency room and community. The objectives of the program was to enable the interns appreciate need for developing good communication skills, both verbal and written, be aware of the psychosocial needs of the patients, appreciate the principles in rational drug therapy, develop and refine the skills of requisitions for diagnostic tests, appropriate techniques for collection and transport


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of samples for laboratory test, ethical issues involved in patient care, tackle common medico-legal issue, identify their role in a multidisciplinary team , develop a sense of belonging to the institute and stress on their responsibility and accountability towards patient care, how to deal with the medical representatives. The program was structured with interactive lectures, allotment of group task, role play and discussion of ethical and medico-legal case scenarios. Evaluation of the program was done by using a feedback questionnaire. It was a collaborative effort of dedicated senior faculty from the institute which includes Dr.K.R.Sethuraman Vice-Chancellor, Dr.S.Krishnan, Dean, Administration, Dr.N Ananthakrishnan, Dean, PG Studies and Research , Dr.K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal, Prof& Head Community Medicine, Dr.SeeteshGhose, Coordinator MEU, Prof.&Head OG, Dr.M.Ravisankar Prof& Head Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Unit, Dr.S.Srinivasan Professor & Head Pediatrics , Dr.D.Gunasekharan, Professor of Pediatrics, Dr.Seetha.KS, Prof.&Head, Microbiology, Dr.TirouAroul, Prof.& Head, Surgery, Dr.S.Robinson Smile, Professor, Dr.V.N. Mahalakshmi Professor of Pediatrics Surgery, Dr.B Sivaprakash, Professor of Psychiatry, Dr.Yoganarasimha, Prof.& Head FMT, Dr.NirmalCoumare, Medical Superintendent & Professor of ENT, Dr. M Hannifa, Assoc. Professor, Medicine, Dr.Partha Nandi, Assoc. Professor, Community Medicine and Dr. Lakshmana Perumal RMO. At the end of the program Dr.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, addressed and appraised the interns about their responsibilities. He also gave away the participation certificates and interns’ diary.

procedure in the upcoming implementation of the RSBY scheme and they were very happy regarding the successful and completion of unpending works of last scheme.

Music Medicine Unit

On 30.09.2013 Mr. Ananth Vaidhyanathan, the famous voice expert and trainer, the Guru of the famous TV show “Airtel Super Singer”, who is also the younger brother of Vice-Principal of MGMC&RI, Prof. K. A. Narayan had visited our Institute. His visit was officially arranged by our respected Vice Chancellor, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman in coordination with the Vice-Principal. After the official meeting another meeting with Mr. Ananth Vaidhyanathan was fixed and all the interested

Insurance/Claim Department

RSBY Scheme Inspection : During the third quarterly, RSBY scheme inspection took place regarding second year project implementation by Dr. Rolf Schmachtenterg - Programme director GIZ, Mr.Biju Mujahari- Junior Expert GIZ and officials from labour department. The team were much satisfied by seeing our hospital infrastructure and they took many photos of our hospital. They discussed about adding additional surgical SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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students and faculty of MGMC&RI at 4.30 pm on the same day in the Ground Floor lecture hall, college block. The nonstop sensational interactive meeting lasted for more than 1 hr 30 min. wherein Mr. Ananth Vaidhyanathan demonstrated and advised numerous voice care and improvement tips especially for the singers and the teachers. The meeting followed by one to one interaction. It was indeed a great evening in the history of MGMC&RI.

Rare Case Report Department of Urology

Infant PCNL with Conventional Instruments – A Challenge

An 8 month old child was being evaluated for recurrent Urinary tract infections under Paediatric medicine. He was referred to Urology for evaluation of UTI. After treating the initial episode of UTI with IV antibiotics, the child was planned for evaluation for the cause for UTI. Clinically, there were no abnormalities seen. On USG examination, he was found to have a large 1cm right renal calculus. X ray KUB showed no radiopaque shadows. Further investigation was done with a Non-Contrast CT (NCCT) of the KUB region. It showed 2 large (1.1cm and 1cm) calculi in the renal pelvis. The conventional treatment for renal calculi in Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

infants is open pyelolithotomy, which is associated with significant morbidity. However, this infant was managed by a minimally invasive procedure - right PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy) through a small 5mm scar in the back. This procedure was technically challenging, as the infant had a very small, non-dilated pelvicalyceal system. There was no literature from the country for PCNL in such young age. Miniaturized instruments (Mini-PERC) are required.

Technical Challenges with Paediatric PCNL: 1. Anesthetic risk 2. Hypothermia 3. Radiation risk 4. Thin renal parenchyma 5 .Decreased skin to calyx distance 6. Lack of dedicated Paediatric PCNL instruments 7. Post-operative care However, all these hurdles were mitigated by use of an indigenously developed 12 Fr sheath and ureterorenoscope. The radiation exposure was reduced by use of ultrasound guidance for the initial puncture. Subsequent dilatation was done under fluoroscopic guidance. The Amplatz sheath that is conventionally used for the adult PCNL could not be used for this case. Here, we used a 12 Fr sheath that has been indigenously designed by our department. A paediatric cystoscope was SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

used as a nephroscope and the calculus was visualized in the renal pelvis. Holmium LASER tripsy was done and the fragments retrieved. Complete clearance was achieved. Antegarde DJ stenting was done with a 3Fr/26cm stent and a 10 Fr nephrostomy tube was left in the tract. Post-operative care involved treatment with IV antibiotics for 24 hours. The nephrostomy tube was removed on POD 1 and the Foley’s catheter was removed on POD 2. Stent removal is planned for POD 14. The infant was discharged on POD 3. Stone analysis and metabolic evaluation revealed that stone was composed of uric acid. Discussion: Paediatric urolithiasis is a challenge in terms of management. The ideal treatment should be minimally invasive with high stone free rate (SFR) and lower retreatment rate. Due to the higher technical demand for such procedure, MPCNL is still not commonly performed outside of tertiary hospitals. The standard PCNL tract size is usually 26-30Fr. Bleeding is a major complication of PCNL and tract size has been shown to be associated with increased bleeding rates and transfusion rates (1). Various modifications to the existing equipments have been done, with Mini-PERC instruments being developed. The sheath has a diameter of 12 Fr and has shown to decrease the morbidities associated with PCNL (2).


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Multiple series of Paediatric PCNLs have been published in the literature, with Indian series reporting a youngest patient of 11 months (3). Globally, series reporting management of paediatric urolithiasis have shown the youngest infant to undergo a PCNL has been 7 months old (4). This case report highlights the advantages of using a smaller tract size for PCNL and has shown that, when performed by experienced endourologists, PCNL is a safe and effective procedure in infants for the removal of renal calculi. References: 1.Mehrotra Sanjeev, Kekre Nitin S, Gopalakrishnan G. Pediatric PCNL - our experience. Indian J Urol. 2001; 18(1): 22-4. 2.Ganpule A, Mishra S, Desai M. Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Paediatric Urolithiasis. Indian J Urol. 2010; 26(4): 549–54. 3.Zeren S, Satar N, Bayazit Y, Bayazit AK. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the management of pediatric renal calculi. J Endourol. 2010; 16: 75–8. 4.Guohua Zeng, Zhigang Zhao. Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Infants: Evaluation of a Singlecenter Experience. Urology. 2012; 80(2): 408-11. - Prasant Nayak, Puskar S Chowdhury, Mossadeq A, Joseph Philip, Srinivasan G, Deepak David

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Faculty Achievements And Awards

Dr. M Ravishankar, Professor & HOD, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care was awarded with “Life Time Achievement Award” for contribution to development of anaesthesia specialty at the 29th Annual South Zone Anaesthesia Conference held in JIPMER, Pondicherry. Thiru N Rangasamy, Honorable Chief Minister, Pondicherry handed over the award to Dr. Ravishankar on 24.0.2013. Dr. M Ravishankar graduated in 1972 from JIPMER, Pondicherry. He obtained his postgraduate diploma & degree from JIPMER in 1975 & 1978 respectively and continued his career in anaesthesiology. His major span of career as a head of department was dedicated towards building the department, educating trainees and residentsto international standards. Many of his residents are well-recognized leaders in Anaesthesia around the world. His noticeable contributions are towards establishment of critical care unit at JIPMER and successfully running for 9 years. The state of art critical care unit of MGMCRI is metamorphosed out of his constant efforts and dedication. He had been instrumental in upgrading the department of Anaesthesiology to the International standards with respect to incorporating modern anaesthesia machines, ventilators and other anaesthesia equipments like ultrasound machine. He Prof.V.Veerappan received the “Young achiever award” which was presented to him by His excellency K. Rosaiah, Honorable Governor of Tamil Nadu during the 9th Anniversary of Spot Hospital at Chennai on 15.9.2013

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is a member of Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) for formulating specifications for anaesthesia equipments and was appointed as member of ethical committee for testing of ventilators in human beings. As an academician, he has always been contributing in terms of delivering guest lectures, orations in National & international conferences. He has organized many International & National conferences in India. In 2007, he was honoured by the British Association of Indian Anaesthetist in recognition of “Life time advancement of anaesthesia in India” with an award. Mrs. A.N.Uma , Asst Professor in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit , Anatomy Dept., presented a poster titled “Treating premalignant oral cancer using Chyawanprash Awaleha - a Bioantimutagenic agent” and was awarded silver medallion at ‘Sanjeevita 2013’, the First Annual Summit on Current Concepts in Integrative Medicine organised by Sri BalajiVidyapeeth and CIDRF held on 06.09.2013 at MGMCRI Campus, Puducherry


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The Dawn Of New Chapters

Leadership Transitions

Prof.Tirou Aroul.T , has been promoted as HOD of Gen.Surgery. He did his MBBS (1993) and MS General Surgery at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & University, Chennai. (1996) and joined in MGMC & RI on Sept 2001. Before joining here in Sept.2001 he had worked in SRMC&RI, Chennai and at RMMC, Chidambaram. He has to his credit a few research publications and was the President of the Scientific and Academic Forum for two consecutive years from April 2010 to May 2012 at MGMCRI. Prof.Srikanth.K, has been promoted as HOD of Ophthalmology. He did his MBBS (1986) and MS Ophthalmology (1994) at M.S.Ramaiya Medical College, Bangalore and Dip. in Ophthalmology at MMC, Chennai (1991) Before joining MGMC & RI on 02.01.2006 he had worked as an Asst. Professor at Joseph Eye Hospital, PG Institute, Trichy. He has to his credit eight research publications and is at present the Joint Secretary of the Scientific and Academic Forum, MGMCRI. Dr.Manoj Karthik.S Associate Professor, Gen.Surgery has appointed as Dy. Controller of Examinations.


Dr.Sadeesh.T,AsstProfessor, Anatomy has been appointed as Asst. Controller of Examinations.

Name Designation Department Dr.Riaz.B Asst. Prof CTVS Dr.Rani.P Asso. Prof Anesthesiology Dr.Tejal.S.J Asst. Prof Ophthalmology Yoga & Music Medicine Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Dy. Director(Yoga) Dr.Lokesh.S Asso. Prof Gen. Medicine Dr.Thenmozhi.N Asst. Prof Gen. Medicine Dr.Kulkarni Sweta Asst Prof Biochemistry Dr.Porkkodi.P Asst Prof Ob & Gy Dr.Priya Rudingwa Asst Prof Anaesthesiology Dr.Amrutha Bindu Nagella Asst Prof Anaesthesiology Dr.Sima Biswas Asst. Prof Ophthal Dr.Pradeerp.M.C CMO MICU Dr.Sunil Kumar Samal Asst. Prof Ob & Gy Dr.Setu Rathod Asst.Prof Ob & Gy Dr.Jayakarthik.Y Asst. Prof Gen. Surgery Dr.Ramdass.K Asst. Prof Paediatrics Dr.Vinoth Saravanan Consultant Radiology Dr.Hemachandar.R Asst Prof Nephrology Dr.Vijay.J Asst. Prof Plastic Surgery Dr.Ramachandran.R Asst.Prof DVL Dr.Jeneth Berlin Raj Asst.Prof Physiology Dr.Srinivasan.G.S Professor Ophthalmology Dr.Sivaramakrishnan Sr. Resident Paediatrics Dr.Nandhini.L.P Asst.Prof Paediatrics Dr.Deepthi Chamundeswari.P CMO Casualty


Date of Joining 01.07.2013 05.07.2013 10.07.2013 11.07.2013 12.07.2013 12.07.2013 22.07.2013 24.07.2013 26.07.2013 29.07.2013 01.08.2013 01.08.2013 08.08.2013 08.08.2013 12.08.2013 12.08.2013 23.08.2013 26.08.2013 02.09.2013 03.09.2013 04.09.2013 04.09.2013 05.09.2013 16.09.2013 19.09.2013

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Promotions Dr.Jaiganesh-Associate Professor Physiology has been promotes as Professor. He did his MBBS at Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur. (1983 – 1989), MD PHYSIOLOGY at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & University, Chennai. (2003 – 2006) and joined in MGMC & RI on 12.07.2006. He was promoted to Associate Professor on 12.07.2010 and to Professor on 12.07.2013. He has to his credit 20 research publications published in indexed, National & International Journals and has presented 17 abstracts in various conferences. He has given health talks in Suriyan FM Pondicherry many times.

Dr.G.Koteeswaran was promoted as Professor of Pathology w e f 12.08.13. He did his undergraduation at Govt.Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai (1963-1969). Before doing his PG degree he had been in TN health services & GH- Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd, Neyveli. He did his PG Degree- MD(Pathology) in Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore-(1975-1978). Before joining MGMCR, he worked as a consultant Pathologist for 24 YEARS in GH, NLC LTD, Neyveli, Private Hospitals in Saudi Arabia, ARR Hospital & Krishna Hospital-Cuddalore. Teaching experience: Honorary Prof-Raja Muthaiya Medical College of Annamalai University, Chidambaram. Publications - A few in National Journals. Hobby-Bridge game- He has participated in National & State tournaments and won a few prizes. Dr.Dharmvir Ranjan Bharati-Associate Professor Com.Medicine has been promoted as Professor.

Dr.Vineet Thomas Abraham-Assistant Professor Orthopaedics has been promoted as Associate Professor. Dr.Alok Mohanty-Assistant Professor General Surgery has been promoted as Associate Professor. Dr.Kannan.N.S-Assistant Professor Gen.Surgery has been promoted as Associate Professor.

We congratulate all the faculty members on their appointments and promotion.

Department of DVL

Out Reach Services

treatment by the consultants and post graduate trainees of the department.

A painting competition was organized by the Red Ribbon Club on the 13.09.2013 at Dr Ambedkar Higher Secondary school, Kirumampakkam. This was mediated by Dr Kandasamy S, Assistant professor, DVLand Dr Anitta Sara Thampi, Post graduate trainee, DVL. Three winners were selected among the participants and were given prizes by the organizers. A voluntary blood donation camp was organized by the Red Ribbon Club on the 226.09.2013, at the Blood Bank MGMC&RI. The camp was mediated by Dr Kandasamy S, Assistant professor DVL. The first year MBBS students of MGMC&RI were the donors. A health camp was held on the 29.09.2013, in the department of DVL wherein 40 commercial sex workers were examined, investigated and given adequate Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013


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Department of Ophthalmology

DBCS Camps were conducted at Cuddalore, Kattumannarkoil and Chidambaram on 13.07.2013, 20.08.2013 and 30.08.2013 respectively. A total of about 391 patients were screened out of which 37 patients were operated at MGMCRI.

Department of Pediatrics

Breast feeding week celebrations 2013

The Department of Pediatrics along with Kasturibai Gandhi College of Nursing jointly organized various events to commemorate the world breast-feeding week 2013. The following programs were conducted:

Symposium by the Postgraduates for the undergraduates on Breast Milk, facilitated by Prof S.Srinivasan and Prof. D.Gunasekaran

An essay writing competition on Breast feeding for undergraduates Poster competition for nursing students Role play on the importance of breast feeding by nursing students for the general public Guest Lecture on “Breast feeding promotion activities at District, State and National level” by Dr.Kesavlu, state coordinator of BPNI, Andhra Pradesh. Out-reach programs at Bahour, Madagadipet and Puducherry stressing the importance of breast feeding by senior faculties and postgraduates for the general public.

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Bones and Joints Day Celebrations

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery celebrated Bones and Joints Day on 04.8.2013. They also organized a Rally and a CME to commemorate this day. They also conducted awareness programme for care of Bones & Joints on 03.08.2013 at MRD Section, MGMCRI. The department also performed four surgeries totally free of cost to commemorate this special day.

The Department of Marketing [Health Care Services] A talk on importance of breast feeding by nutritionists Mrs V.Lakshmi and Ms. P.Rajalakshmi for postnatal mothers.

The department of Marketing [Health care services] of MGMC&RI focuses on patient services. The Department of Marketing had conducted free health camps, Health awareness programs, corporate camps, Promotional activities, Corporate tie-ups & etc.

CME Program

During the month of August, 2013, a CME program was organized by the Department of Marketing [Health care services] – Deputy Director, in collaboration with IMA. CME program was conducted at Panruti where Dr.Amirtha Ganesh, Asso.Prof, Dept. of. Cardiology and Dr.Prasanth Nayak, Asso.Prof, Dept.of Urology spoke to medical fraternity of about 30 doctors.


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Free Medical Camps

During the third quaterly of 2013 the department of marketing [Health care services] had conducted 25 medical camps in and around Pondicherry and Cuddalore district. On 21.07.2013, free medical camp was organized at Medi Assist Insurance Scheme, Karaikkal, where 293 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 79 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. 30 Patients were admitted and surgery was done for them. On 08.07.2013 & 22.07.2013, free health medical camp was organized at LHCRRD, Mettupalayam, where 233 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 72 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.

On 08.07.2013 & 22.07.2013, a free medical health camp was organized at PHC, Parangipettai, where 120 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 40 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 07.07.2013, free health check up camp was organized Nalamudan Cuddalore, Thirupapuliyur, where 143 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 43 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 12.08.2013, free medical camp was organized at LHCRRD & PHC, Mettupalayam and Parangipettai, where 133 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 43 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.

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On 15.08.2013 Independence Day celebration, the Department of Marketing [Health care services] – Deputy Director Dr.S.Ravichandran gave mementos to the members who had volunteered for the whole body donation and also offered them a free master health check. On 23.09.2013 & 24.09.2013, free medical

camp was organized at Gramavidiyal, Chidambaram& Viruthachalamwhere920 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 117 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 08.09.2013, 21.09.2013 & 28.09.2013, free health check up camp was organized Nalamudan Puduvai and Nalamudan Cuddalore, where 820 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 110 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 26.09.2013, free health mega camp was organized at Tendril Climber Trust, Thunisaramedu, where 210 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 36 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 27.09.2013 medical camp was companied with Sri Sathya Medical College, Thirupporur [Chennai], where 57 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 12 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 30.09.2013, free medical camp was organized at LHCRRD, Mettupalayam, where 78 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 23 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. Bone & joint day was commemorated on August 4th 2013 at the MRD, MGMCRI Hospital Block. The


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department of Orthopedics in coordination with the Department of Marketing conducted the event and Dr. Ravichandran, Assoc.Prof, department of Orthopedics & Deputy Director, Department of Marketing gave a talk to the public/patients focusing on disorders including arthritis, back pain, osteoporosis and trauma and also to about the prevention, disease management and treatments.

involved along with IGIDS and KGNC to celebrate the World Population Day 2013 on 11th July (Focus: Adolescent Pregnancy) and participated in a Road Rally (won 1st prize given away by Hon’able Chief Minister, Puducherry) including poster competition at MGMC & RI and celebration at UHTC, Ariyankuppam and RHTC, Seliamedu.

The Department of Community Medicine

A Village Health Survey followed by Free Medical Camp was organized by 3rd Semester students on 27.08.2013 at Melazhinjipattu village in Bahour commune under guidance of Dr. Shib Sekhar Datta and Dr. Abhijit Boratne and 150 patients attended the free medical camp. Vice Chancellor, Dean and Vice Principal were also present during the camp.

Department also organized drawing competition for high school students of Kavingararu Vanidasanar Government Higher Secondary School, Seliamedu, Bahour on 11th July with the objective of creating awareness among adolescents. Nearly 120 students participated in this competition. The theme of drawing competition was “Avoid Adolescents pregnancy”.

Celebration of World Population Day 2013

Dept. of Community Medicine was actively


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Scholars In The Making

Students Curricular Activities Mch News

Dr Srinivasan G - Final Year MCh (Urology) PG: 1.Attended as delegate a live surgical workshop and conference between 27.09.13 and 29.09.13 at TAPASUCON 2013, State Conference at Trichy. 2.Attended as delegate, a live surgical workshop and CME on Uro-Oncology at Amritha Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi on 06.07.13 and 07.07.13. 3. Attended as delegate SZUSICON 2013 – South Zone Conference at Mysore – on 12th – 14th July 2013, and presented a paper and 2 posters a.Paper – Mini PERC vs Conventional PCNL – our institutional experience. b.Poster – Bi-functional Co-secreting Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma – a rare event c.Poster – Metachronous TCC bladder and Adenocarcinoma prostate with orbital metastases – a rare entity. Dr Deepak David - II Year MCh (Urology) PG: 1.Attended as delegate between 27.09.13 and 29.09.13 at TAPASUCON 2013, State Conference at Trichy and presented a Poster titled, ‘Bifunctional, Cosecreting adrenal cortical carcinoma – a case report.’ 2.Attended as delegate meeting of the Pondicherry Renal Sciences Society on 15.09.13, and presented a paper titled, “Is bigger always better? – comparison of Ureteroscopic versus Conventional PCNL.’

PG News Awards

Dr. Suja Ray, Postgraduate student, Department of Anaesthesiology& Critical Care, awarded first prize for the paper on “Efficacy of conventional circumferential or subepinural deposition of local anaesthetic in ultrasound guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block- a randomized observer blinded comparative study” at 29th annual south zone anaesthesia conference (PONSZAC 2013) by ISA, Puducherry branch at JIPMER from 23.08.13 to 25.08.13.

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Dr. Gopinath M V, Postgraduate student, Department of Anaesthesiology& Critical Care, awarded second prize for the paper on “Estimation of effector site concentration of propofol for laryngeal mask airway insertion using fentanyl or morphine as adjuvant” at 29th annual south zone anaesthesia conference (PONSZAC 2013) by ISA, Puducherry branch at JIPMER from 23.08.13 to 25.08.13.

Scientific Presentations

Dr. Anup John Thomas and Dr. Vijoo Anto Prabhu Postgraduate students, Department of Pediatrics represented our college in the National Neonatology Forum (NNF) PG quiz at CMC Vellore on 19.07.13. They presented a poster each namely “Music therapy, a tool for pain management in neonates” and “Cognitive performance in children with learning disability” respectively at the annual Summit on Current Concepts in Integrative Medicine- Sanjeevita 2013, held at MGMCRI campus, Puducherry on 29.08.13. They also participated in the 7th Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) PG quiz divisional round at CMC Vellore on 23.09.13. Post graduate students, Department of Surgery presented posters and papers at ASI conference at Trichy between 01.08.13 and 03.08.13.Four Poster Presentations : “Giant Villous Adenoma- Not always Malignant” by Dr. CRM. Karthikeyan, “Limitations of Clinical Signs in Diagnosing Acute Abdominal pathologies-A case Report” by Dr. A. Ramesh, “Acute Post- Thyroidectomy hypocalcemia mimicking bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve injury” by Dr. Chenthil Perumal and “Laparoscopic fenestration of Polcystic Liver Disease- An Unusual case” by Dr. Harsh Chugh. Two Paper Presentations : “Abdominal cocoon” – A Case Report by Dr.S.Rajendran and “Gastro- Jejuno Colic Fistula- Rarity in modern Era” by Dr. Aasim Anees Hussain, Dr. Maithreyee, Postgraduate student, Department of Ophthalmology presented a paper on “A study of conjuctival flora in type II Diabetics mellitus” in the TNOA conference at Chennai on 09.08.13. Dr. Nancy Elizabeth, Postgraduate student, Department of Ophthalmology, presented a paper on “Assessment of foveal and macular thickness in myopia using spectral domain OCT” in the TNOA conference at Chennai on 10.08.13. Dr. Vathsalya, Postgraduate student, Department of Ophthalmology, presented a paper “Comparison of tear film in hypertensive patients on systemic ß- blockers and Non – ß blockers”, in the TNOA conference at Chennai


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on 11.08.13. Dr. Vathsalya and Dr.Varun Kumar, Postgraduate students, Department of Ophthalmology attended a post graduate CME program “Kalpa Vriksha” organized by Agarwal Eye Hospital at Chennai, from 22.08.13 to 25.08.13. Postgraduate students, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery attended and presented Posters and Papers at the Association of South Indian States 2013 Conference (OASISCON 2013) between 23.08.13 and 25.08.13 at Pondicherry namely, A Case Report of Chondroblastoma Left Distal Femur by Dr.Santhosh, Total knee Arthroplasty in Osteoarthritis knee with Genu recurvatum deformity – A case report by Dr.Arunkumar, Late Patellar Tendon Reconstruction: A Case Report by Dr. Krishna Bhargava, Unusual Presentation of Hill Sach’s Lesion, Bankart Lesion In Young Adult: A Case Report by Dr.Thayumana Sundaram, “Paget’s Disease-Case Report” by Dr.Karunakaran, “Ochronosis Leading to Cervical Myelopathy : A Rare Case Report” by Dr.Sankar Mohan, “Idiopathic Chondrolysis of The Hip- A Case Report” by Dr.Prabakaran, “Functional Outcome Of Cervical Myelopathy following Anterior Corpectomy and Fusion” by Dr. Prashanth and “Idiopathic Chondrolysis Of The Hip- A Case Report” by Dr.Prabakaran. Dr. Naveen Chandru, Postgraduate student, Department of Anaesthsiology& Critical Care, presented a paper on “Efficacy of ultrasound guided ambulatory interscalene block for periarthritis shoulder management” at 29th annual south zone anaesthesia conference (PONSZAC 2013) by ISA, Puducherry branch at JIPMER from 23.08.13 to 25.08.13. Dr. CharlyChacko Joseph, Postgraduate student, Department of Anaesthsiology& Critical Care, presented a poster on “Negative pressure pulmonary edema post inferior terbinectomy” at 29th annual south zone anaesthesia conference (PONSZAC 2013) by ISA, Puducherry branch at JIPMER from 23.08.13 to 25.08.13. Dr. Radhika, Postgraduate student, Department of Anaesthsiology& Critical Care, presented a poster on “Anaesthetic management of neonate with coexisting congenital diaphragmatic hernia with hydrocephalus” and a paper on “Comparative study of postoperative analgesia provided by ultrasound guided TAP block using two concentrations of Bupivacaine in patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair” at 29th annual south zone anaesthesia conference (PONSZAC 2013) by ISA, Puducherry branch at JIPMER from 23.08.13 to 25.08.13. Dr. Saurav Bag, Postgraduate student, Department of Anaesthesiology& Critical Care, presented a paper on “


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A comparative study between TrueViewPCDlaryngoscope and Macintosh laryngoscope in viewing glottis opening and ease of intubation: A crossover study” at 29th annual south zone anaesthesia conference (PONSZAC 2013) by ISA, Puducherry branch at JIPMER from 23.08.13 to 25.08.13. Dr. Vishnu Teja, Dr. Chinmayee, and Dr. Reema Thamas, Postgraduate student, Department of Ophthalmology designed a paper titled ‘Eye as a gift Enlighten a Life’ for a Poster competition ‘See beyond your grave – Donate Eyes’ organized by the Department of Ophthalmology on the occasion of Eye donate fortnight, on 28.08.13. Dr.Davis, Postgraduate student, Department of ENT presented a poster, “Rejuvenation therapy in Allergic Rhinitis” in Sanjeevita 2013, the First Annual Summit on Current Concepts in Integrative Medicine organized by CIDRF held on 06.09.13 at MGMCRI Campus , Puducherry

Dr. Vathsalya and Dr.Varun Kumar, Dr. Nancy Elizabeth and Dr. Maithreyee, Postgraduate students, Department of Ophthalmology attended a PG education Program organized by AIOS at AEH, Puducherry from 02.09.13 to 04.09.13. Postgraduate students, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology presented posters at “FOGSI-FIGO International Conference on Recent Advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology” between 13.09.13 and 15.09.13 at Hyderabad namely Dr Sangeetha, on “Takayasu arteritis complicating pregnancy”, Dr Saranya, on “Save the unborn child, help mothers survive”, Dr Ramya, on “Conservative management of adrenal cyst in pregnancy”A rare case report and Dr Sinduri, on ‘Recent Advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology.” Postgraduate students, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology made presentations at Yuva FOGSI conference at Trichy on 18.09.13. Dr Janani, presented a poster on “Caudal regression syndrome- a case report” while the following Post graduates presented papers: Dr Sharmila, on “Pseudotoximea of pregnancy”, Dr Mariyam, on “Premenarchal ovarian torsion” and Dr Sowjanya on “B Lynch: a technique for conservation/deformation.”

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Dr Revathy and Dr Indhuja, Postgraduate students, Department of Pathology gave case presentations in the slide seminar session of Pondicherry State Pathologists’ club meeting organized by Pondicherry State Pathologists’club meeting on 31.08.2013

Participation In Academic/Scientific Events

Dr.Israel Raja Johnley.I, Dr. Mirunalini.R, Dr. Narayanasamy.S, Dr.Velvizhy.R, Dr.Barathane D, Dr.Sabari Selvan M R Post Graduate students, Dept. of Pharmocology, attended Microbial infection and antimicrobials, on 03.07.13 at Sri ManakulaVinayakar Medical College, Puducherry. Post Graduate students, Dept. of Surgery attended the Gut Clubs organized at Accord International, Pondicherry on 06.07.13 on the topic “Upper GI Bleed” by Prof. Thomas Alexander, Medical Gastro oncologist, PIMS. They also attended the Monthly ASI Meeting is Hotel Athithi on the topic “Thyroid Surgery” by Dr. Kannan, Surgical Endocrinologist, Apollo Speciality Hospitals on 13.07.13 and the monthly ASI meeting on Hotel Le Royal partk, Pondicherry on the topic “ Vascular intervention in Diabetic Foot” by Prof. N. Sekar, Vascular Surgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai. Dr. Varun Kumar, Dr. Vishnu Teja, Dr. Chinmayee, Dr. Lavanya Aswin, Postgraduate students Department of Ophthalmology attended a continued medical education program “Indian Intraocular implants and refractive surgery”, organized by Agarwal Eye Hospital at Chennai, on 11.07.13 and 12.07.13. Dr. Sudha.B, Dr. Davis Thomas , Dr. Arun Abraham Jose – Post Graduates, department of ENT attended MERF – 50th temporal bone workshop and live surgical workshop in Chennai held between 12.07.13 and 14.07.13. Dr. Nancy Elizabeth, Dr. Maithreyee, Dr. Varun Kumar, Dr. Reema, Dr. Vishnu Teja, Dr. Chinmayee, Dr. Lavanya Aswin, Postgraduate students Department of Ophthalmology attended a Cornea DSAEK workshop and Cornea ‘Recontre’ Conference at Aravind Eye

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Hospital, Pondicherry on 18.07.13, 20.07.13 and 21.07.13. Dr. P.Jagadeesh Kumar, Dr. N.Sandeep Krishna, Post Graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the CME on ‘Recent Advances in Medical Education’ held at MGMC&RI, Puducherry on 19.07.13. They also attended the ‘South Zone PG Meet’ held at Stanley Medical College, Tambaram, Chennai on 17.08.13 and 18.08.13. They participated and Stood at fourth place in ‘South Zone RespiQuiz 2013’ held at Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Puducherry. They also attended the ‘South Zone RNTCP Workshop’ held at Pondicherry Convention Center, Puducherry on 05.09.13 and 06.09.13. Dr. Sukanya S and Dr. Valentina Y, Postgraduate students, Dept. of Microbiology and Ms. R. Priya, Ms. B. Ilavarasi, Ms. K. Punithavalli, Ms. V. Shamly, Ms. J. Jeevabala and Ms. G. Shabana Yasmin, Master of Science, Medical Microbiology Postgraduate student, attended the CME on “Mycobacterial infections & antimicrobials” organized by the Department of Microbiology and Pharmacology, Sri ManakulaVinayakar Medical College 20.07.13 at Sri ManakulaVinayakar Medical College, Pondicherry. All Post-graduates of department of ENT, attended the talk on “Golden eye”– surgical rehabilitation of facial palsy by Dr. Vidyasagar, in AOI, Pondicherry, on 08.08.13. Dr. Vathsalya, Dr. Maithreyee, Dr. Nancy Elizabeth, Dr.Varun Kumar, Dr. Vishnu Teja, Dr.Chinmayee, Dr. Lavanya Aswin, Postgraduate student, Department of Ophthalmology attended the TNOA conference at Chennai on 09.08.13, 10.08.13 and 11.08.13. Ms. R. Priya, Ms. B. Ilavarasi, Ms. K. Punithavalli, Ms. V. Shamly, Ms. J. Jeevabala and Ms. G. Shabana Yasmin, Master of Science, Medical Microbiology, Postgraduate student attended the “Workshop cum hands on training on Laboratory diagnosis of Leptospirosis” organized by the Department of Microbiology, at Madras Medical College on13.08.13 Dr.Sowjanya , Dr Sarmila, Dr Mariyam, Dr Janani Postgraduates, Department of O&G attended “Yuva FOGSI” conference in Trichy on 18.08.13. Dr. Varun Kumar, Postgraduate student, Department of Ophthalmology attended “Cornea Interface” conference at HICC – Hyderabad from 16.08.13 to 19.08.13. Dr. Sukanya S and Dr. Valentina Y, Postgraduate students, Dept. of Microbiology and Ms. G. Shabana Yasmin, Master of Science, Medical Microbiology, Postgraduate student attended the National symposium on “Emerging & reemerging viral infections” organized by the Department of Microbiology, CMCH & RC on 30.08.13 and 31.08.13 at CMCH & RC, Trichy.


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All postgraduates from the Department of Community Medicine attended ‘RNTCP Zonal Task Force meeting’ between 05.09.13 and 06.09.13 at Convention Center, Pondicherry University. Dr.Harshvardhan, Dr.Sunny, Dr.Rangareddy, Dr.Balakrishna, Dr.Shobhna, Dr.Niveditha, Dr.Jim Litton, Post graduates, Dept. of General Medicine attended PACE 2013 held at JIPMER between 06.09.13 and 08.09.13. Dr.Barathane D, Dr.Israel Raja Johnley.I, Dr.Jervin Mano M, Dr.Saranya R Dr.Sumina S, Post Graduate student, Dept. of Pharmocology, attended Cell culture and stem cell technology, on 07.09.13 at Sri ManakulaVinayaka Medical College, Puducherry. Dr.Rangareddy, Dr.Aashish, Dr.Manigandan, Post graduates, Dept. of General Medicine attended a CME - AIM 2013 held at SRM College, Chennai between 12.09.13 and 14.09.13. Dr Sangeetha, Dr Saranya, Dr Ramya, Dr Sinduri, Postgraduates, Department of O&G attended “FOGSIFIGO International Conference on Recent Advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology” between 13.09.13 and 15.09.13 at Hyderabad Dr. Davis Thomas, Dr. Sudha.B & Dr. Ramiya Ramachandran Post-graduates, Department of ENT, attended 1st Otogical live surgical worshop held in PIMS, on 21.09.13 and 22.09.13. Dr. Nancy Elizabeth, Dr. Maithreyee, Dr. Vishnu Teja, Dr. Chinmayee, Dr. Reema, Postgraduate students, Department of Ophthalmology attended a cornea CME organized by Vasan Eye Care on 22.09.13. Dr. P.Jagadeesh Kumar, Dr. N.Sandeep Krishna, Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Varunn, Dr. Roshan Kumar, Dr. Mohammed Kamal, Post Graduate students, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the Pondicherry Chest society meeting on the topic ‘Recent Trend in The Management of ILD’ on 22.09.13 . Dr.Harshvardhan, Dr.Sunny, Dr.Aashish, Dr.Manigandan, Dr.Tony, Post graduates, Dept. of General Medicine attended a CME on Movement disorders held at Apollo hospital, Chennai on 06.10.13.

UG News

IX semester undergraduate students Vignesh and John Christian participated in the 26TH IAP undergraduate Pediatric Quiz, Divisional Round at JIPMER on 05.09.13. 7th semester students (V Krithiga, A. Hema and Sam Christopher) participated in the IAPSM (Puducherry Chapter) annual quiz organized at Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical college on 19.09.13.


Department of Pharmacology

The Department of Pharmacology PHI SCI 4th anniversary was conducted with (1) Pharmacology Crossword competition for postgraduates of pharmacology on 05.08.13, organized by Dr.Padmavathi S. Results: 1.Dr. Velvizhy R, 2.Dr.Sabari Selvan M R, 3.Dr.Saranya R. (2) Pharmacology Quiz competition for undergraduates on 17.09.13, organized by Dr. Kingshuk Lahon. Results: 1.Karthick,Abinaya,Monisha, 2.Muzamil, Raghavendra Surya Prakash, Adithyan, 3.Pagavath Bharathi .P, Nishita Divakar, Saravana Aand (3) Pharmacology PowerPoint competition for undergraduates on 18.09.13, organized by Dr. Kartik J Salwe .

Department of Community Medicine

Problem Based Learning has been adopted by the Department of Community Medicine to conduct the practical classes for 3rd semester students.

Students Extra/ Co curricular Activities

News from student advisor DR.PARTHA NANDHI SPANDAN ‘13

The Spandan 2013, hosted by Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Science, Puducherry, was held in the JIPMER campus, during the first week of September. This was after 13 years that the Spandan was being conducted for a period of 7 days, with over 30 colleges taking part. It was indeed a week of nonstop competition in sports, fine arts, literary and cultural events. Students from our college, showed active participation and enthusiasm this year, with the week being cramped with activities. Day 1 (Sept 1st): This year, the Spandan organizing team came up with a 7km marathon run idea. The idea was a hit, as it seemed to have drawn huge crowds in the early hours of Sunday. Three of our college students participated, with Yetrish of the 2009 batch, completing the run. The entire event lasted for about 5hrs, with people

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breaking for the Sunday morning exhausted. Other than the marathon, a few minor events were conducted in the due course of the day. Day 2 (Sept 2nd): The inaugural ceremony was scheduled for today. The chaos and the huge number of participants led to constant change in the events schedule thus keeping the students on the JIPMER campus the whole day. The literary and fine arts events that were to hold in the morning were put up for afternoon thus letting our college students cheer for the college team in the Sports events. The inaugural ceremony turned out grand, with a laser show by the MedivialPunditz, a

Delhi based electronic Dj and a dance show. The college bus arrived at 6.64, transporting the students interested to attend the ceremony. The days events were wrapped around midnight. Day 3 (Sept 3rd): In the evening, there was a pro show by drummer Sivamani, which began at 8pm and went on for 2hours. The Music events were conducted today. Our Band, performed late night, having been placed 8th to participate out of 10 teams. The band put up a splendid performance, but with an equal fight from the other participating teams. During the day, the students, participated in literary and fine arts events. Day 4 (Sept 4th): Our students today took part in Skit, quiz and dance. Two teams participated in the quiz the dance events began after the days pro show by talented singer KarthickIyer. The solo and duet [performances by

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our students Sumedha Biswas and PallaviMaharathy of the 2010 batch were scintillating and graceful. The day’s events, like the previous days were wrapped only during early morning! Day 5 (Sept 5th): A heavy down-pour of rain, dampened the day. A lot of events were missed out, due to weather conditions. In the evening the pro show had Karthick performing. The fashion show, had rain playing havoc with dresses getting wet and the ramp drenched. Yet the college team participated, competing with 12 other teams. The events were concluded only at around 5 in the morning. Day 6 (Sept 6th): Due to a very late ending of yesterdays programs, todays events had few participants. The dj night was perhaps the only show, where the crowd turned in again. The college organized buses like all days, so that the students could attend the same. Day 7 (Sept 7th): The final day of Spandan! An aura of gloom dawned on the JIPMER campus at Spandan was coming to an end. Our college did not have much students present today, as like in other days. Only few events were conducted today and the closure of Spandan was marked by a closing ceremony. *MGMC for the very first time bagged the Overall in Sports. This brought in an immense sense of pride and joy to the college. *The Management and staff, this year especially, were more encouraging and supportive of the student’s participation in Spandan ’13. These were all possible because of the full support from our Respected Chairman (Mr. M.K.Rajagopalan), Vice Chancellor (Prof.K.R.Sethuraman), Dean (Prof.S.Krishnan), Vice Pricipal (Prof.K.A.Narayan), Secretary to Chairman (Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu) and G.M. Finance (Mr.Kannan Iyyer). Constant guidance and advice were always there with the students from the student friendly and caring Staff Advisor of Student Council of MGMC&RI (Dr. Partha Nandi), right from the pre-dated arrangements and coordination for everything up till the end of Spandan 2013. Special mention about the Physical Trainer (Mr. Saravanan.K) of MGMC&RI has to be made for his constant presence and guidance during all the sports and other events. Achievements in Spandan 2013: MGMC&RI: Sports- Overall winner.Winners in Football, Futsa, Tennis (Singles), Tennis (Doubles) and Table Tennis. Runners up in Badminton. Athletics: Men.shot-put – Silver,TripleJump–Silver & Bronze, High Jump – Bronze, Relay 4X100 – Bronze. Women. Shot-put–Gold, Discuss Throw – Silver.

Chettinad Fusion ‘13

The Chettinad Fusion 2013, the first inter medical

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college fest, hosted by the Chettinad Health City, Chennai, was held for three days, the 12th, 13th and 14th of September ’13, with over 12 colleges participating. Representing our college, a group of 25 students participated in the various events held. The participation was fully supported by the management, Dean and Vice Principal. And with the coordination and guidance of the Staff Advisor for student council of MGMC&RI our college has participated.

Sept 13th: The College organized transport for our students to the Chettinad campus. The bus reached there at 8.30 in the morning. Following registration, the accommodation for the night was set for the students in

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the college hostels. The events, our students participated in the following day were dance and music. Pallavi Maharathy and Sumedha Biswas of the 2010 batch, participated in duet category of dance. Putting up an awe inspiring performance, the duo managed to bag the 2nd prize. Pallavi also brought home the 2nd prize in the solo dance. Aadil of the 2011 batch, put up a fine performance in the western solo category. The events were extremely competitive with each college showcasing its finest talents. In music, the college band, comprising of 9 students, bagged the Best Band, for their performance. With just two categories, the male solo by Yogaraja and a medley of five songs, the band was commented on upon by the judges for their vibrance and clarity of voice. The Pro show arranged later the following night, had upcoming music sensation Hip Hop Thamizhan performing, along with other celebrity figures including Actor Mirchi and Ajeesh. The events were done by midnight and the students called it a day. Sept 14th: The fashion show was scheduled to take place in the afternoon. The Chief Guest for the days events was Actress Chinmayi. The college fashion show team. Beat 8 other teams, to bring home the 2nd place for the fashion show.The prize distribution. Marked the closure of the three day fast. MGMC stood 6th, getting prize money of 22,000/- , with a cumulative point of 275. Gaining 50pts for 2nd place in Solo and duet dance, 75pts for fashion show and 100pts for music.The bus started from Chettinad at 10 in the night, reaching back to our campus by 1.30am on Sunday. Achievements: Solo Dance- 2nd , Duet Dance -2nd, Fashion Show -2nd , Indian Music -1st (Best Band Award). *275 Points, 6th overall *Prize Money 22,000/-


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ICMR- STS Projects

Icmr-Sts(Short Term Studentship) Project: 2009-2013- A Report

Fifty four (54) projects, under the ICMR STS scheme have been awarded to MGMCRI, since the year 2009. The project reports of thirty seven ( 37) ICMR STS awardees have been approved by ICMR, N. Delhi and these recipients ( for the year 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012) have been awarded with merit certificates and stipend ( studentship). Seventeen (17 ) projects sanctioned for the year 2013 are nearing completion and the reports of the completed projects would be despatched online, to ICMR, N. Delhi before 15-10-2013.

STS 2009 Project Reports From Mgmcri, Approved By Icmr N.Delhi --Total 2

smokers and non smokers Name of the student researcher: Mr. S.Raj ( II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Ms. A. N. Uma BIOCHEMISTRY (1) Title: Serum Magnesium levels as an indicator of status of Diabetes mellitus Type 2 Name of the student researcher: Mr. S. Ramadass ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr.A.R.Srinivasan OPHTHALMOLOGY ( 2) Title: A case control study of ocular problems related to long term computer use Name of the student researcher: Ms. R.Shanmugapriya ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. M. Ashok kumar

The following details pertain to the ICMR STS (short term studentship) project reports, approved by ICMR, for the year 2009. The recipients carried out research during the summer vacation ( two months ) and submitted the reports . A certificate of merit and Rs.5,000/- were awarded to the student researchers, by ICMR N.Delhi. BIOCHEMISTRY (1) Title: Efficacy of De Ritis ratio in the diagnosis of liver diseases in patients attending MGMCRI clinics Name of the student researcher: Ms. M.Arthi ( II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr.A.R.Srinivasan ANAESTHESIOLOGY ( 1) Title: Retention of CPR skills in interns after two months of training Name of the student researcher: Ms. Anusha Balasubramaniam ( II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr.Hemanth Kumar N.B. The MGMCRI administration awarded a cash prize of Rs.5,000/- and a merit certificate to the student researchers and their guides.

Title: Intraocular pressure variation after pupillary dilatation in diabetic patients Name of the student researcher: Mr. K.Vijayashankar ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. K. Srikanth PAEDIATRICS ( 1) Title: Problems associated with breastfeeding in the immediate postpartum period Name of the student researcher: Ms. K. Bhuvaneswari ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Shanti Ananthakrishnan PSYCHIATRY ( 1) Title: A study of the effects of music on physiological measures in healthy subjects Name of the student researcher: Ms. T. Ayeesha Sithika ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. B. Sivaprakash

STS 2010 Project Reports From Mgmcri, Approved By Icmr N.Delhi -- Total 6

STS 2011 Results: Project Reports From Mgmcri, Approved By Icmr N.Delhi -Total 15

The following details pertain to the ICMR STS (short term studentship) project reports, approved by ICMR, for the year 2010. The recipients carried out research during the summer vacation ( two months ) and submitted the reports . A certificate of merit and Rs.5,000/- were awarded to the student researchers , by ICMR N.Delhi. ANATOMY ( 1) Title: Frequency of acrocentric associations in Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

N.B. The MGMCRI administration awarded a cash prize of Rs.5,000/- and a merit certificate to the student researchers and their guides.

The following details pertain to the ICMR STS (short term studentship) project reports approved by ICMR, for the year 2011. The recipients carried out research during the summer vacation and submitted the reports A certificate of merit and Rs.10,000/- were awarded to the student researchers , by ICMR N.Delhi . BIOCHEMISTRY ( 2) Title: Comparison of gamma glutamyl transferase SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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with waist circumference, blood pressure and lipid profile in obese south Indian adults Name of the student researcher: Mr. A. Ajeet Selvam ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. G. Niranjan

in urban Pondicherry—barrier for effective prevention, control and treatment Name of the student researcher: Ms. A. Nasrin Nisha ( I MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Rajkumar Patil

Title: Utility of plasma functional and non functional proteins as simple, sensitive and economical biochemical indicators of liver diseases Name of the student researcher: Mr. Gadasala Somasekhar ( II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. A.R.Srinivasan PHYSIOLOGY (2) Title: Association between waist circumference and blood sugar level with special reference to HbA1c level in Type 2 diabetics—an observational study Name of the student researcher: Mr. A. Mohammed Fazil Ali ( I MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Henri Balraj

Title: Evaluation of the revised national TB control programme ( RNTCP ) in Puducherry district, South India- a cross –sectional study Name of the student researcher: Ms. S. Santoshi ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. D. R. Bharathi OPHTHALMOLOGY (1) Title: Effect of yoga eye exercise on medical college students with refractive error Name of the student researcher: Ms. Monica Kumbhat ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. M. Ashok kumar PAEDIATRICS (1) Title: Knowledge, attitude and practice of mothers in using gripe water Name of the student researcher: Ms. V. Keerthi Jain ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. D. Gunasekharan GENERAL MEDICINE (1) Title: A cross-sectional study of the validation of MDRF—Indian diabetes risk score in rural Puducherry ( Seliamedu of Bahour panchayat) Name of the student researcher: Ms. V. Vyjayanthi ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. P.K.Siva NEPHROLOGY ( 1) Title: The role of nocturia as a screening test for early detection of CKD in asymptomatic individuals Name of the student researcher: Ms. S. Dhana malini ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Illangovan Veerappan CTVS (1) Title: Triacylglycerol/ HDL ratio and its association with LDL cholesterol - a predictor of vascular complications in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus Name of the student researcher: Mr.Arun Mitra ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. G. Muthurangan

Title: Association between waist circumference and serum triacylglcerol in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus ---a study done on rural population of Puducherry Name of the student researcher: Mr. S. Arunkumar ( II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Prabal Joshi PHARMACOLOGY ( 1) Title: HDL/LDL ratio as a risk factor in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus Name of the student researcher: Mr. K. Gowtham ( II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Kartik J. Salwe MICROBIOLOGY ( 2) Title: Anti HbSAg levels amongst vaccinated healthcare workers at a tertiary hospital in Puducherry Name of the student researcher: Mr. M. Prem Vignesh ( II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Joshy Easow Title: Detection and association of biofilm formation in catheter associated UTI Name of the student researcher: Ms. S. Nivedhita ( II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. S. Pramodhini FORENSIC MEDICINE(1) Title: Status of serum Magnesium in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus with particular reference to serum Triacylglycerol levels Name of the student researcher: Mr. A. Anish ( I MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Pragnesh Parmar COMMUNITY MEDICINE ( 2) Title: Misconceptions about Diabetes mellitus


STS 2012 Project Reports From Mgmcri, Approved By Icmr N.Delhi -- Total 14

The following details pertain to the ICMR STS (short term studentship) project reports, approved by ICMR, for the year 2012. The recipients carried out research during the summer vacation ( two months ) and submitted the reports . A certificate of merit and Rs.10,000/- were awarded to the student researchers , by Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

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ICMR N.Delhi. BIOCHEMISTRY ( 3 ) Title: Evaluation of TAG/ HDL ratio and Apo B48/ B 100 ratios as the indicators of LDL particle size and hepatocellular damage in chronic liver diseases Name of the student researcher: Mr. S. Arun Mitra ( IV MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr.A.R.Srinivasan Title: Biochemical assessment of liver damage in smokeless tobacco users Name of the student researcher: Mr. Chandrahaus Kala ( IV MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. R. Ramesh Title: Role of TSH on urinary excretion of calcium in post menopausal women of south Indian population Name of the student researcher: Ms P.V.Amrutha ( I MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. G. Niranjan MICROBIOLOGY ( 3 ) Title: Detection of metallo beta lactamase producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa in intensive care units Name of the student researcher: Ms A. Hema (II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. S. Srirangaraj Title: Virulence factors of candida respiratory and urine samples Name of the student researcher: Mr. G. Tilak Ramu ( II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Pramodhini Title: Intestinal parasitic infections in pre- school and school going children Name of the student researcher : Ms. S. Hema (III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. S. Umadevi PHARMACOLOGY ( 1) Title: Evaluation of wound healing property of lutein nanoparticles in rat burn model Name of the student researcher: Mr. M. Deepan (II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Kumaravel COMMUNITY MEDICINE ( 2) Title: An epidemiological study into risk factors of suicidal ideation and attempts among young and adult population in rural Pondicherry Name of the student researcher: Mr. Rupesh Kanna ( II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Shib Sekar Dutta Title:

Awareness and perception regarding eye

Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

donation in rural Pondicherry Name of the student researcher: Mr. E. Ramprasath (III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Rajkumar Patil PAEDIATRICS ( 2) Title: Assessment of peak expiratory flow rates in school aged children 6-12 years Name of the student researcher: Mr. S. Arunkumar (III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. C. Venkatesh Title: Assessment of the nutritional status in school aged children 6-12 years Name of the student researcher: Mr. Gadasala Somasekhar (III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Karthikeyan OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY ( 1) Title : Hearing evaluation in mobile phone users Name of the student researcher: Mr. S. John Christian (III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. P. Karthikeyan OBSTETRICS and GYNAECOLOGY ( 1) Title: Screening for helicobacter pylori infection in pregnant women with anaemia Name of the student researcher: Ms. M. Induja (III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Seethesh Ghose RESPIRATORY MEDICINE ( 1) Title: Interpretation of forced expiratory flow 2575% as predictor of chronic airway disease in smokers Name of the student researcher: Ms. Srividhya Ravi (III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. Surendra Menon

STS 2013 : Project Protocols From Mgmcri, Approved By Icmr N.Delhi (Last Date For Submission Of Completed Project Reports Is Oct. 15Th, 2013)— Total 17

The following details pertain to the ICMR STS (short term studentship) projects approved by ICMR, for the year 2013. The recipients have carried out research during the summer vacation and are to submit the reports by October 2013. Once the project reports are accepted by ICMR, a stipend of Rs.10,000/- and a certificate of merit would be issued to the successful candidates. This year, a record total of seventeen projects have been approved. The student researchers, their respective guides and the undersigned thank the Chancellor, ViceChancellor and Dean (PG studies and research) for their support and guidance. BIOCHEMISTRY (4)


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Title: Putative role of cardio-metabolic risk factors in poorly controlled asthma in Pondicherry rural population Name of the student researcher: Mr. K.P. Sree Soorya ( I MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. M.Satish Babu Title: Association of Body Mass Index with serum 25 hydroxy vitamin D status in healthy adolescents in Pondicherry population Name of the student researcher: Ms. S.R.Sree Shyamini ( I MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr.Mahendra Gandhe Title: Association of Vitamin D status with pulmonary function in adult asthmatics—an observational study Name of the student researcher: Mr.M. Abilash (I MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr.Reeta R Title: Prospect of glycated albumin as a predictor of eGFR in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients with chronic kidney disease Name of the student researcher: Ms. S.Swathi (I MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. R.Ramesh PHYSIOLOGY (1) Title: Association between heart rate variability and insulin resistance with reference to key biochemical parameters—a study on risk factors in young obese adult males Name of the student researcher: Mr.Mahesh Arvinth ( I MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. S. R. MangalaGowri PHARMACOLOGY (5) Title: Evaluation of effect of antiepileptic drugs on serum lipid profile among young adults with epilepsy in a tertiary care hospital in Pondicherry Name of the student researcher: Mr. B.Visakan (II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr.Manimekalai Title: Comparative study on the effect of hypertensives on serum electrolytes and its implication in essential hypertension Name of the student researcher: Ms. S.Monica (II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. G. Somasundaram Title: A study on polypharmacy and drug interactions among elderly patients admitted in the department of Medicine of a tertiary care hospital in


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Puducherry Name of the student researcher: Ms.Dharani K (II MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr.Kartik J Salwe Title: Efficacy, adaptability and acceptability of pictographs as non verbal communication in hospitals Name of the student researcher: Mr. S. Athipathi ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. R. Jaganmohan Title: A comparative study between prescribing pattern of private practitioner and physicians of a tertiary care hospital in semi-urban areas of Puducherry Name of the student researcher: Ms.Samiya Khan ( III MBBS) Name of the Guide: Dr. R. Sudar Codi COMMUNITY MEDICINE (3) Title: A study of knowledge and practices regarding birth preparedness and readiness of complication among the mothers of infants in rural Puducherry Name of the student researcher: Ms. E. Murugavangini ( II MBBS ) Name of the Guide: Dr. Abhijit Boratne Title: A study to assess feasibility of short messaging service in effectively delivering maternal and child healthcare messages in a rural area of tamilnadu Name of the student researcher: Mr. R. Pandyan ( II MBBS ) Name of the Guide: Dr.Shibsekhar Datta Title: A study to assess household expenditure on illnesses during infancy in rural community of Pondicherry Name of the student researcher: Ms.Bojja Saradha Sireesha ( II MBBS ) Name of the Guide: Dr.Yogesh A. Bahurupi FORENSIC MEDICINE (1) Title: Types and quantity of cooking oil used in South Indian rural families and its association with insulin resistance, serum lipids and blood pressure – a KAP study Name of the student researcher: Mr. R. Kiriprasad ( I MBBS ) Name of the Guide: Dr.Pragnesh Parmar OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY ( 1) Title: Saline nasal douching versus decongestant nasal drops douching – a comparative study of relative efficacy in post septal surgery Name of the student researcher: Mr.N.Mani Venkatakrishnan ( III MBBS ) Name of the Guide: Dr.P.Karthikeyan

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OPHTHALMOLOGY ( 2) Title: Tear function in non- insulin dependent Diabetes mellitus Name of the student researcher: Mr.R. Arun ( III MBBS ) Name of the Guide: Dr. Kirthinath Jha Title: The central corneal thickness in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus Name of the student researcher: Mr.C. Adithyan (

Biomedical Department

II MBBS ) Name of the Guide: Dr. Srikanth The undersigned thanks the Chancellor, ViceChancellor and the Dean , R and PG studies for their constant motivation and encouragement that has culminated in a record number of projects from our institute. - Report compiled by Dr. A.R.Srinivasan, Officer in charge, ICMR STS, MGMCRI

Other Highlights

Er. Karthik, Chief Biomedical Engineer, MGMCRI, was awarded the best presentation for the poster tilted, “Role of Bio-Engineering in Rejuvenation at ‘Sanjeevita 2013’, the First Annual Summit on Current Concepts in Integrative Medicine with ‘Rejuvenation’ organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth and CIDRF held on 06.09.2013 at MGMCRI Campus, Puducherry

current head of NABH-accreditation-preparatory team, he visited various sections of the hospital complex and presented his findings on the various shortcomings that need to be rectified to bring the systems up to the level of quality expected by NABH.

Department of Pathology

Department of Pathology participated in the External Quality Assurance Scheme for Transfusion medicine conducted by Christian Medical college, Vellore, External Quality Assurance Scheme for Hematology conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and in the External Quality Assurance Scheme for serology of Blood transfusion transmissible diseases conducted by JIPMER, Pondicherry.


As a first step in preparations towards NABH accreditation of the hospital of MGMCRI, a preliminary assessment by Dr B Krishnamurthy, a Consultant on Quality systems and NABH-processes visited the hospital from July 1st to 3rd. Along with Prof M Ravishankar, the Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

New equipments and Instruments DEPARTMENT OF UROLOGY

State of the art ESWL machine – Siemens Seromobil Compact Machine installed and operational – offers ESWL therapy to patients with renal calculi Siemens Ultrasound machine – for percutaneous and Transrectal procedures – commissioned and operational Siemens Modularis – C-Arm – offers imaging for Fluoroscopy guided Percutaneous Surgeries


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Independence Day Celebrations 2013

The 67th Independence Day of our Mother India was celebrated with respect and fervor at MGMCRI. The Nations’ tricolor flag was hoisted by Dr.S.Krishnan, Dean (Admn). He was accompanied by Dr.K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal, Dr.Kamalam Principal, KGNC, Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Principal IGIDS, Dr. Lakshmana Perumal RMO, Mr.Balamukundan.S, Sr.Personnel

Manager, Mr.Joseph Naresh Dy.Registrar and Prof. Kalayansundarm N Administrative Officer. This was followed by salutation of our National Flag with a patriotic song by the Nursing students. The Dean in his Independence Day message stressed on working together towards the better delivery of health care to the patients. Employee’s Welfare incentive Scheme was announced by Shri M.K.Rajagopalan, Chancellor of SBV University to benefit the kin and kith of the MGMC & RI ‘s workers. In this regard twelve children of the employees were benefitted by the scheme. They received the cash award at the Independence Day function from Dr.S.Krishnan, Dean (Admn) and Dr.K.A Narayan, Vice Principal, MGMCRI. The recipient of the cash awards are: Vignesh V, S/o V.Amoudha received a sum SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

of Rs.10000. Sowndariya S, D/o Lakshmi S received a sum of Rs.8000, Ramachandiran A, S/o Saraswathi. A, Karthikeyan K, S/o Krishnaraj R, Vincent S, S/o Soundarardjane G, Janartharanan M, S/o Murthy), Alexraj, H S/o Pashaniammal H, Keerthana K, D/o Mariammal ), Sugilda Avril S, D/o Deonisia Phip, Sudharsan D, S/o Maheswari D, Nanthini P, D/o Indira Gandhi P, received a sum of Rs.5000 and Agalya A D/o Anbarasan G received a sum of Rs.3000.



Celebrations 2013

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute

Research And Scholarship Scientific Publications

Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Application of emporiatrics in minimizing the health risks for the travellers. Healthcare in Low-resource Settings. 20 13;1(1):e14. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Childhood & Adolescence: Challenges in Mental Health. Journal of Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2013;22(2):84-85. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Curricular reforms in undergraduate medical education: An indispensable need. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013:4(8):980-981. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Implementation of cost-effective and community-based strategies for prevention and control of rheumatic heart disease. Turkish Journal of Public Health. 2013;11(2):118120. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Nutritional anemia: Analysis of the existing gaps and proposed public health measures. Health Care. 2013;1(2):43-46. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Screening of cervical cancer: Barriers and facilitators. Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2013;6(3):177-178. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Utility of kangaroo mother care in preterm and low birth weight infants. South African Family Practice. 2013;55(4):340344. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Disaster Management: Fallacies and Solutions – An Indian Perspective. Annals for Medical and Health Sciences Research. 2013;3(3):468-469. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Fostering the practice of rooming-in in newborn care. Journal of Health Sciences. 2013;3(2):177-178. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. A longitudinal study of maternal and socio-economic factors influencing neonatal birth weight in pregnant women attending an urban health centre. Saudi Journal for Health Sciences. 2013;2(2):8792. Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava. Post burn avenues in rehabilitation of female burn victims. Journal of Medical Society. 2013;27(1):25-30. Prema Sembulingam, Sembulingam K, Glad Mohesh.M.I. Gender differences in body mass index and blood pressure among normal healthy undergraduate students. Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2013; 2(3):527-532 Hemanth Kommuru., Rajeswara Rao N., Anuradha. S., Swayam Jothi S.Maximum Incidence of Appendicitis During Pubertal And Peri Pubertal Age Group Observed By Histological Study of Appendix. American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2013, 3(5):108-111 Vasantha N. Subbiah, Anoop Sreevalsan., Kavitha, Swayam Jothi. S Genito Urinary Tuberculosis Still A Prevalent Entity – A Case Report. Vasantha N. Subbiah., Journal of Medical Sciences and Technology, ISSN: 16941217.2013 Vol 2. Issue 3. Anoopm Sreevalsan., Kavitha. Vasantha N Subbiah., Swayam Jothi. S. Primary Tubal Malignancy – An Enigma – A Case Report. Journal of Medical Sciences and Technology, ISSN: 1694-1217 JMST Vol 2. Issue 3. Rajeswara Rao N .Hemanth Kommuru, Bharathy K., Anuradha, S. Swayam Jothi, S. Ganglionic cells of the Myenteric Plexuses in the wall of Appendix. Journal of Medical Science and Technology. ISSN: 1694-1217JMST. Vol 3, Issue 1. Annamalai Maduram, Harikrishnan. Prescription pattern of Anti Hypertensive drugs in Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute. International Journal of Basic Medical Science, June 2013, vol 4, (2), 68 -72. Pandian J, Lahon K, Lavakumar. S, Effect of Acute Administration of celecoxib on Anxiolytic activity of Fluoxetric in albino mice. Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and chemical sciences. 2013; 4 (2), 1259-1265. Jacob Jesurun R.S, Senthilkumaran Jagadeesh, Somasundaram Ganesan. Anti inflammatory activity of ethanolic extract of Nymph ace after flower in Swiss Albino mice. International Journal of Medical Research and Health Science. 2013, 2 (3); 474 - 478. Mohan. K, Mohana Rupa. L. Attention of cardiovascular response to laryngoscopy and Intubation by Diltiazen and lignocaime. A comparative study. International Journal of medical Research and Health Sciences. 2013 2 (3) 48-49 Dr. Mohan. K, Dr. Mohana Rupa. L Comparison of upper lip bite test with thyromental distance for predicting difficulty in endotracheal intubation. A prospective study Asian Journal of Biomedical & pharmaceutical Sciences.


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2013, 3 (22); 62 - 65.

Research Activities

Ongoing Research Projects

Dr. S. Swayam Jothi., Rajeswara Rao.N., Arun Raj. P., Dr. Rakesh Ranjan. S. Study of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Hemanth Kommuru., Dr. S. Swayam Jothi., Uday Kumar.P., Sujatha.N. Morphometric Study and Variations of Gall Bladder Dr. S. Swayam Jothi., Rajeswara Rao.N., Sujatha.N, Uday Kumar. P. Presence of Segmental Bronchi in Accessory Lobes of the Lungs Dr. S. Swayam Jothi., Dr. E. Prabakaran., Sujatha.N, Uday Kumar. P. Development of Posterior Horn of Lateral Ventricle and its Correlation with Calcrine Sulcus and Parieto-Occipital Sulcus. Aswin Karthik., Dr. Sathialakshmi., Dr. S. Swayam Jothi., Dr. A.K. Eswari. Correlation of Dermatoglyphics with Intelligence Dr Vijay Kautilya D, Pramika Study of the profile of Verbal and Non- verbal Clues of Deception among people of South Indian descent Dr Pravir Bodkha, Dr Vijay Kautilya D, Study of handwriting class characters of among south Indians, the extrinsic factors that influence these class characters and reflection of these characters on attempted imitation. Dr Vijay Kautilya D, Dr Pravir Bodkha, Swathi. Study to identify age specific class characters handwriting and their predictive accuracy among the South Indians. Dr Laishram, Dr Vijay Kautilya, Dr Pravir Bodkha, Abhishek. Study of correlation of lip print patterns in parents and their children amoung south Indians. Dr Pravir Bodkha, Sri Saijanani. Estimation of stature from length of thumb in south Indian Population. Dr. Suthanthira devi, Effect of hypothyroidism in adolescent and reproductive age group.

Academic Initiatives

Participation In Rntcp South Zone – II Workshop

Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, represented the Medical College in a two day (05.08.2013 – 06.08.2013) Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program - Zonal Task Force, South (Zone - II) Workshop, organized by the Department of community medicine, PIMS, State Tuberculosis Officer and State Task Force, Puducherry.

Participation In Scientific Events

Dr. Swayam Jothi, Professor & HOD of Anatomy has attended the STEMI INDIA and ACT 2013 course held at the ITC Grand chola,Chennai from 12.07.2013 to 14.07.2013 Dr. Suthanthira Devi, Professor & HOD, Obstetrics and Gynaecology participated and Presented a paper on “Effect of Hypothyroidism in Adolescent and

Faculty Achievements & Awards

Mr.M.I.Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology was selected for the ICMR sponsored workshop, he was one among the shortlisted 16 participants from 10 South Indian states. He participated and presented his pre-proposal in ICAPS was held at NIMHANS, Bangalore from 19.09.2013 to 22.09.2013. Dr. Swayam Jothi, Professor & HOD of Anatomy appointed as a judge to evaluate the Best Dissertation for Post Graduate Dissertation Award by Association of Anatomist, Tamil Nadu. Dr. S.Swayam Jothi chaired two Scientific Sessions at APSACON-2013 held at NRI Medical College, Guntur A.P. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

reproductive age group” FOGSI-FIGO 2013 Hyderabad. Dr. S.Swayam Jothi presented a paper on ‘Lobation

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of Lungs’ APSACON-2013 held at NRI, Medical College, Guntur, A.P Dr.Sathialakshmi.V presented a paper on ‘Double Ureter – A Case Report’ APSACON-2013 held at NRI medical college, Guntur, A.P. Dr. Eswari.A.K presented a paper on ‘Medial and Lateral Circumflex Femoral Arteries’ APSACON-2013 held at NRI Medical College, Guntur, A.P. Hemanth Kommuru presented a paper on ‘Lymphoid Infiltration into the Adjacent Layers of the Wall of the Appendix’ APSACON-2013 held at NRI Medical College, Guntur, A.P. Dr. Swayam Jothi, Professor & HOD of Anatomy has attended various CMEs organised by IMA 7th July 2013, 11th & 25th August 2013, 8th September 2013. Dr.Thulasiraman, Assistant professor of Pathology attended a CME at Stanley medical college on “soft tissue sarcoma” on 17.08.13. Dr. Manimaran, Associate Professor of Pathology attended hands on training workshop on immunehistochemistry on 27.09.13 at Madras Medical Mission Hospital. Dr. Nerune Savitri along attended the Dermatopathology CME at Meenakshi Medical College, on 28.09.13 Enathur, Kancheepuram District. Hemanth Kumar, Tutor, Department of Anatomy Attended the work shop on Immuno Histo Chemistry to implement it in his research work - Frontier Mediville, II CME Pathology on 27.09.2013–A hands on “Training Programme on Immunohistochemistry in the Differential Diagnosis of Lymph Node Pathology”.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

UG News

Representation In International Conference

Three students from seventh semester presented their papers in an international conference – EMPOWER 2013 at Stanley Medical College. They were guided by the faculties of the Department of Community Medicine for their projects. 1.U. Sharath - A study on depression among residents of old age home in Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu. [Guide – Dr. Pradeep Sukla] 2.A. Sivakami - Knowledge, attitude of adolescent school girls on menstrual hygiene and sanitary pad usage and other practices in Thiruporur, Tamil Nadu. [Guide – Dr. Syed Hasan Nawaz Zaidi] 3.M. Kumaresan - A study on knowledge, attitude and practice of organ donation among college students in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. [Guide – Dr. A. Kalaivani]

Intercollege Competition

The 4th and 5th semester students of our institute participated in a Quiz programme, Dumbcharades and collage competition of the Southern Regional Pharmacology Meet (SRPM) held at Indira Gandhi

ICTC Program

Department of Microbiology in collaboration with TANSACS conducted ICTC program with special reference to pre-test & post-test counseling for the patients on 26.09.2013. It was attended by faculty members of various Departments, para medical staffs of our hospital

Student News PG News

Post graduate students of pathology attended a CME at Stanley medical college on “soft tissue sarcoma” on 17.08.2013. Post graduate student attended hands on training workshop on immunehistochemistry on 27.09.2013 at Madras Medical Mission Hospital. Dr. Nerune Savitri along with the post graduate students attended the Dermatopathology CME at Meenakshi Medical College on 28.09.2013 Enathur, Kancheepuram District.

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Medical College and Research Institute at Puducherry on 03.08.2013. Guided by Dr. Lavakumar, Asst. Professor from the Department of Pharmacology, our students J. Hemapriya, S.R. Swathy, S. Guru Vijaya Raghavan, P. Shriviyas Pradeesh, V. Varun Kumar and S. Shyam Sundar actively and enthusiastically participated in the events. The collage depicting adverse drug reaction done by Mr. V.Varun Kumar and Mr. S.Shyam Sundar was well appreciated by the judges.

Participation & Presentation In Scientific Events

The 5th semester students participated in Anatomy Conference – 12th APSA meet at NRI Medical College, Guntur, A.P between 20.07.2013 and 21.07.2013. They presented scientific papers in the Conference ‘Segmental Bronchi in Lungs Showing Accessory Lobes’ by Hema Priya,J., ‘Myenteric Plexus in the Wall of the Appendix’ by Divya Bharathy, ‘Accessory Pulmonary Tissue in the Pulmonary Ligament of Lungs’ by Deeptha Vasudevan., ‘Enlargement of Lateral Ventricle’ by Guru Vijaya Raghavan The 5th semester students participated in CHARMS 2013 at chengelpet and presented the cases; Human sarcocystis, an uncommon etiology for motor neuron disease - A rare interesting case report by Guru vijayaraghavan, Pycnodysostosis affecting only the male siblings of a family – a rare case report by Hemapriya, Myofibroblastoma of breast in a premenopausal female by Deeptha vasudevan.

Quiz Competition

Out Reach Programmes

World Breastfeeding Week (01.08.2013 – 07.08.2013)

Department of Paediatrics and Department of Community Medicine organized awareness program regarding breastfeeding for the expectant and the lactating mothers.

A quiz competition was conducted for the 5th semester on 10.09.2013. The topic for the quiz is Hematology. This quiz competition was organized by Dr. NASEEM NOORUNISSA, Associate Professor of Pathology and Chief guest was Dr.V.T.Ramakrishnan, Professor of Paediatrics. Totally 16 students were selected from preliminary test and 4 teams were formed with 4 members in each team. Winners are Sri Sai Janani, Vaishnavi, Amirtha ponni, Monika. Prizes were given to winners by Chief guest. The awareness program was organized on 05.08.2013 at Thiruporur Urban Health Training Centre and was attended by Dr Prema, Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Dr Hasan, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Dr Sugadevi, Medical Officer, UHTC and CRRIs. Similar sort of session was organized on 06.08.2013, at the Sembakkam Rural Health Training Centre and was attended by Dr RajaKumar, Professor, Department SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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of Paediatrics and Dr Pradeep Sukla, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Dr Kumari Kesavan, Medical Officer, RHTC and CRRIs.

CRRIs displayed charts/posters for the benefit of lactating mothers and the best performing mother and child were rewarded by the chief guests.


World Health Organization reports that more than 450 million people suffer from mental disorders worldwide, casting a significant impact on the individual development and a constant struggle for the family members [1]. Thinking globally and acting locally, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute (SSSMC & RI) has extended the wide scope of preventive, curative Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

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and psychological rehabilitative services to the inmates of a Special school and home for the mentally ill / challenged and multiple-disabled individuals named Anbagam. The best part of this initiative is that SSSMC & RI has not restricted their services to the 40 inmates of the special home but has also extended the health care services to the residents from neighboring areas of Panangathupakkam, Kayar, Kolathur, Pungeri, Echankadu, and Mambakkam. In this mission to improve the health status and quality of life, Department of Community Medicine has been identified as the lead department in planning and conducting the outreach activity, well-supported with the clinicians from different clinical department in rotation. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine will coordinate in conducting regular clinics on every Wednesday. Apart from offering medical treatment by the specialist doctors, basic laboratory investigations and free medicines have also been made available to the beneficiaries with the assistance of trained and qualified team of nurses, laboratory technicians and pharmacists. Furthermore, the Institute is also committed for arranging free transport and inpatient treatment for patients who are in need of admission for diagnostic / therapeutic management of their illnesses. These initiatives will not only assist in exploring the morbidity profile but will also contribute in understanding the different potential risk factors, thereby aiding in implementation of different levels of preventive measures. To conclude, by its very location in the rural pocket, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute thus caters affordable medical / health services not only to the inaccessible rural folks but also to such underprivileged sections of the community. References 1.World Health Organization. Mental health: Strengthening our response, 2010. Available from: http:// html (Accessed on 15 August 2013). Dr. Saurabh R. Shrivastava Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

Weekly Medical Camp - Guduvanchery

As a part of healthcare services expansion, medical camp was started in Guduvanchery on 24.09.2013 in association with Lion’s Club and Leo Club. The program was inaugurated by Dr. T R Gopalan, Dean. 118 patients availed the services of specialist doctors on the first day itself. Dr Raja, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine will coordinate for conducting regular clinics on every Tuesday along with specialty departments on rotation. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Other Highlights

他他 Added 13 wet specimens to the Museum in addition to what was existing (212) 他他 Our Museum was visited by Vice Chancellor of Sree Balaji Vidyapeeth University. When he came to conduct white coat ceremony in the month of August.


Name Dr.G.Srinivasan Dr.Dheerendra singh Dr.Sivakumar Dr.L.Siva Dr.D.Gajadeepan Dr.Senthil Kumar Dr.Thulasi Raman Dr.Prakash.S Dr.S.SYuvaraj Dr.K. Dinesh

Leadership Transitions

Dr.G.Srinivasan has been appointed as Professor & HOD of Dermatology from 02/09/2013 Dr.J.Ponnu Rajeswari has been appointed as RMO w.e.f 02/09/2013

Designation Department Date Professor Dermatology 02-09-13 Professor Obstetrics & Gynaecology 02-08-13 Associate Professor Obstetrics & Gynaecology 21-09-13 Associate Professor Biochemistry 03-07-13 Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynaecology 01-08-13 Assistant professor General medicine 01-07-13 Assistant professor Pathology 11-07-13 Assistant professor Paediatrics 01-08-13 Assistant Professor Biochemistry 23-08-13 Assistant Professor Microbiology 25-09-13

Photo Gallery - SSSMCRI


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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Faculty Highlights Research And Scholarship

Jananni M, Gubernath U, Jaideep M, Sivaramakrishnan M. Capillary Hemangioma of gingiva mimicking as pyogenic granuloma – A report of 2 cases :Journal of Interdisciplinary dentistry2013;2(3):218-220. Thomas M, Manoj R, Pratebha B,Rehman A. Cynical hostility and tooth brushing -A two way relationship. Health Sciences 2013;2(3):1-4. Vineela, Harinath, Prius lochana. Evaluating the clinical and esthetic outcome of apically positioned flap technique in augumentationof Keratinized gingiva around dental implants. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry 2013;4(3):319-323. Renny paul, Saravana Kumar, Ramakrishna, Pamela emmadi, Ambalavanan. Effects of tetracycline containing gel and a mixture of tetracycline and citric acid containing gel on non surgical periodontal therapy. IJDR2013;24(1): 52-59. M. Shivasakthy, Seyed Asharaf Ali. Comparative study on the efficacy of gingival retraction using Polyvinyl Acetate Strips and Conventional Retraction Cord – An in Vivo Study. J Clin Diagn Res 2013 Oct;7(10):2368-2371.

Status Of Ongoing Research Projects Dept. of Oral Medicine

• Responsiveness of Pain Scales- A comparison of three pain intensity measures with Pain Questionnaire in patients with Odontogenic Pain- A comparative crosssectional study by Dr. Swetha Paulose. Guided by Dr. Dany. Co guided by Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol and Dr Sitra. • Prevalence of Temporomandibular disorders in patients attending the OPD in Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry – A crossectional study by Dr. .N.Madhulika Guided by Dr. Dany. Co guided by Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol and Dr Jeelani. • Prevalence of Temporomandibular disorders among BDS students (1st yr to intern) of Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences, Pondicherry – A crossectional study by Dr.B.Kayalvizhi. Guided by Dr. Dany. Co guided by Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol and Dr Jeelani.

Academic Initiatives

Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Principal IGIDS and Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R, Prof & Head, Dept of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics attended a training program in Treviso, Italy on Implants between Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

11.09.13 and 13.09.13. They had research discussions with Prof. David Zaffe and his team at university of Modena, Italy for prospective collaborative research work in osseointegeration of implants and biomaterials. They also had in depth and constructive discussion with Prof. Gabrielle Pecora at Rome, Italy for starting Microscopic Training Program in Endodontics and Implants at IGIDS, SBV University with International and National Faculty.

Guest Lecture:

Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics delivered a guest lecture on “All ceramic restorationsBonding Vs Luting” at the 4th Tamilnadu Prosthodontist and Implant Society conference held at Ocean Spray between 31.08.13 and 01.09.13. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. Nanda Kumar A, Prof & Head, Department of Orthodontics gave a key note address “Orthodontic insight on distraction osteogenesis” on 22.09.13 at Distraction Surgery Workshop, Renaissance ‘13 at Institute of Dental Sciences, Rae Bareli, U.P.

Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public health dentistry, gave a health talk on “Preservation of Stem cell during dental treatment” at Rajiv Gandhi College of engineering and technology on 27.09.13.

Presentation in Conference/ CDE:

Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS and Dr.Sanguida, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Pedodontics presented a Poster on “Traditional Medicine in Remineralization of Early Enamel Caries” and Dr. Saravana Kumar, Prof & Head, Dept of Periodontics, presented a poster on the topic “Host modulation” at Sanjeevita on 06.09.2013 at MGMC&RI.

Participation in Conference /CDE:

Dr. Ramesh, Vice Principal, Dr. Suresh, Dr. Yuvaraj, Readers, Dr. Suresh Kumar, Dr. Balaji, Senior lecturers, Dept of Oral Surgery attended CME on Urgencies Chirurgicals at MGMCRI on 15.06.13. Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, Dr. Ramesh, Vice Principal, Dr. Sathyanarayanan.R, Prof & Head, Dept of Cons & Endo, Dr. Santha Devy , Prof & Head, Dept. of Oral Pathology, Dr. Saravana Kumar, Prof & Head, Dept of Periodontics, Dr. David, Dr. Varsha, Dr. M.Shivasakthy, Readers, Dept of Prosthodontics, attended Recent advances on Health Professional education on 19.07.2013 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Ramesh, Vice Principal, IGIDS attended the conference “Facethetics” at Bangalore between 09.08.13 and 11.08.13. Dr.Bindu Meera John, Senior lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Dr. Sakthi Devi, Senior lecturer, Department of Periodontics, Dr.


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Mahendira kumar, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral surgery attended second CDE organized by Pondicherry IDA – “Dental Implants –the Journey and the future” at Mahatma Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry on 11.08.13. Dr. Suresh Kumar, Senior lecturer, Dept of OMFS, attended a CDE program on “Over view on Orthognathic Surgery” at Siddhartha Institute of Dental Sciences, Chinaoutapallu on 06.09.13. Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, Dr. Ramesh, Vice Principal, Dr. Sathyanarayanan.R, Prof & Head, Dept of Cons & Endo, Dr. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr. M.Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. Santha Devy , Prof & Head, Dr. Suganya, Senior lecturer, Dept of Oral Pathology, Dr. Saravana Kumar, Prof & Head, Dr. Pratheba, Dr. Anitha, Readers, Dr. Sakthi Devi, Senior lecturer, Dept of Periodontics attended Sanjeevita on 06.09.2013 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Department of Periodontics attended “Perio Pathogenesis- An Update 2013” at SRM Dental College, Ramapuram on 13.09.13. Dr. Saravana Kumar, Prof & Head, Dept. of Periodontics and Dr. Srinivasan J, Professor, Department of Prosthodontics attended 67th NTTC teachers training program at JIPMER, Pondicherry between 12.09.13 and 21.09.13. Dr. Ramesh, Vice Principal, Dr. Yuvaraj, Dr. Suresh, Readers, Dr. Balaji, Dr. Suresh Kumar, Senior lecturers, Dept. of OMFS, Dr. Hanumanth, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Orthodontics, Dr.Bindu Meera John, Senior lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics attended PRO-IGIDS 2013 Implant Prosthodontics- No Short cuts to Success, Lecture and Hands on Impression Techniques in Implants on 21.09.13at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry

Activities Of Scientific & Academic Forum

03.07.13 Faculty development program The 5th Faculty development program of the Health Professional Faculty Development Unit of SBV was conducted on 03.07.13. Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Post Graduate studies lectured on Microteaching. 08.07.13 Faculty development program Microteaching – 5 parallel sessions for Lecturers & Tutors was conducted by Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Post graduate studies, Prof.K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal, Prof. Srinivasan, Registrar, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Head, Dept. of OBGY. 01.08.13 Faculty development program 6th Faculty development program of the Health

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Professional Faculty Development Unit of SBV was conducted on 01.08.13. Prof.K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal, MGMCRI lectured on Teaching learning methods. 01.08.13 & 02.08.13 Oral Hygiene Day Programs Conducted Program I: Oral Health Awareness program at The Bus stand, Cuddalore Program II: “Flash Mob” - A Dance Drama on Oral Hygiene and Systemic Disease Program III: “Oral Health & Systemic Disease “Awareness Live Talk Show in FM and Local Television channels The programs were combinely organized by the Scientific and academic forum & Department of Peridontia, IGIDS, Indian Dental Association, Puducherry Branch and Indian Dental Association, Cuddalore Branch. Program I: Oral Health Awareness program at The Bus stand, Cuddalore

The program was conducted on both days at Government Bus Stand, Cuddalore between 10.00 am to 3.00pm. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS and Dr. Nethaji, Prsident, IDA Cuddalore branch. Salient Features: Free oral health screening was done to general public by type IV examination and patients were referred to the dental hospital.Oral Health educative pamphlets were distributed to the general public, bus drivers, conductors and the commercial establishments in the bus

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stand and Health educative posters were displayed in the venue to create awareness about oral health and systemic disease. Total Number of General Public Screened: 320; Total Number of Males: 237; Total Number of Females: 83 Program II: “Flash Mob” - A Dance Drama on Oral Hygiene and Systemic Disease The program was conducted on both days at new shopping complex, Nehru street, Pondicherry between 6.00pm to 9.00pm. The program was inaugurated by Dr.

Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS and Dr. Nethaji, Prsident, IDA Cuddalore branch. Description of Flash MOB: The Flash MOB “Oral Health and Systemic Disease” was directed by Dr. Geetha intern, the Dance was performed by a team 12 students from 1st year to final year. The Students played a role that they are shoppers at the shopping complex. Once the music was played, the students started dancing one by one and form a group within 2 minutes. They gained the attention of the other public and they demonstrated brushing technique by dance and conveyed a message that oral health is important to maintain general health. Other oral health instructions like brushing frequency, oral health- pregnancy and diet also conveyed by dance to general public. The street play was telecasted in the local channels like Right Channel,

Deepam TV and was published in Dinkaran & Dinamani News paper. Program III: “Oral Health & Systemic Disease “Awareness Live Talk Show in FM and Local Television

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channels In association with the above events, three faculty from IGIDS participated as resource persons in awareness show in media. Dr.Pradeepa, Reader, Department of Periodontics participated in Suryan FM show titled, Ladies special on 01.08.13 between 1.00 pm to 3.00pm. Dr. Senthil, Reader, Dept. of Public health dentistry participated in Right Channel show titled, Doctors time on 01.08.13 between 8.00 pm to 9.00pm. Dr. Saravana Kumar, Prof & Head, Dept. of Periodontics participated in Mercury Channel show titled, Doctors time on 01.08.13 between 9.00 pm to 10.00pm. Salient Features: All the shows had live callers clearing their doubt about oral health related issues.Information about the importance of the day and need for oral health and systemic disease was conveyed to viewers of the media by all three speakers 19.08.13 First BDS Induction Program The First year induction Program for the Batch 2013-14 was held on 19.08.13. The program began with the Invocation followed by the “Welcome Address” by Dr.Saravana Kumar, UG Coordinator. The event was inaugurated by lighting the Kuththuvilakku by Honorable

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Each mentor will be in charge of 3 Mentees throughout the course. This was followed by the introduction of Institutional Committees by Dr.Janani which includes Anti-Ragging Committee, Hostel Students Welfare Committee, Student Grievance Committee, SC/ST Cell, Women’s Grievance Committee, and Disciplinary Committee. The Program was concluded with Vote of thanks by, Dr.P.S.Manoharan, Students Advisor. 20.08.13 Anti ragging skit The following activities were carried out to curb ragging in the campus of IGIDS. Helpline posters were displayed in college campus and in hostels. Anti-ragging committee squads of staff and interns were appointed inside

college campus, hostel and college buses. The librarian, canteen in-charge and hostel wardens were sensitized against ragging events. Student Council members were inducted against Anti-ragging events. An anti-ragging skit was performed on 20.08.13 by Ms. K. Geetha, CRRI along with her team of 20 members. Four shows were performed subsequently from morning 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. to the entire Undergraduate (excluding first years) and post graduate students. A collective presentation of true events of ragging and their consequence with evidence were projected following the skit on the same day. The committee has conducted periodic meetings to educate the students about the consequences of ragging. A faculty team was put on night vigilance duty (7:00 pm to 7:00 am) to curb ragging in boys and girls hostels scheduled from 19th September 2013 to 10th October 2013. 21.08.13 Interns orientation program The interns’ orientation program was conducted on 21.08.13 from 2pm to 3.30 pm at the lecture hall in library block. All interns and faculty attended the program.

Vice Chancellor,Prof.K.R.Sethuraman. The inauguration was followed by the Presidential address by Vice Chancellor and then Principal’s address. Mr.Abdul Khader, President, Student Council addressed the gathering as– “My Life as an IGIDian”. The “Mentor-Mentee System” was introduced by Dr. C. Ramesh, Vice Principal.The system functions with Faculty members as Mentors.


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Prof. Ramesh.C, President, SAF welcomed the gathering. Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Principal addressed the gathering. This was followed by the lecture on “The today – Hone your skills – A pep talk to interns” by Dr. Arun Jacob Silas, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry, IGIDS & “The tomorrow - How to prepare yourself for future” by Dr. Sathyanarayanan.R, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, IGIDS. Prof. Carounanidy Usha presented the certificate of appreciation to the speakers. High tea was served at the end of the session. 24.08.13 Faculty development program The 7th Faculty development program of the Health Professional Faculty Development Unit of SBV was conducted on 24.08.13. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV lectured on Improving lecturing skills. 05.09.13 Teachers day celebration Teachers day was celebrated in an innovative manner thanks to the concept put forth by Dr. Carounanidy Usha,

Principal, IGIDS. The concept was“A day given in the hands of interns to carry the responsibilities and to put forth ideas in bringing acceptable improvements in our college.” Unexpected opportunities and placements were given to all the interns!! HODs for each department were selected by lot system by the respective heads! Mr. Abdul Khader and Mr. Vijayraja were declared as the Principal and Vice-Principal for the day . As a part of Teacher’s Day Celebration, on 04.09.13, polling was opened for the students to award Mr. Smile, Mr. Handsome , Person who inspires, Mrs. Gorgeous, Mr. fit of IGIDS faculties. The winners were honored on teachers day. Lunch was organized for Teachers by students, and two cakes were

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cut by interns as thanks giving from teachers on the same day. On the lighter side of the day, few games were conducted where in the faculties gave in their all making the day fun filled. As a token of appreciation all the teachers were honored. The ideas and suggestions put forth by the Principal was worked out with the help of Dr. P.S Manoharan, Student advisor , Dr. Saravana kumar, UG – Co – ordinator, Dr. Ramesh, Vice Principal and the Students Council. 06.09.13 Formation of Research clusters Five research clusters were formed with the theme “Integrative Medicine in Lifestyle diseases” headed by Dr. Sathyanarayanan. R, “Pain, Anxiety and Stress Management” headed by Dr. Nandakumar. A, “Cell Based Therapy” headed by Dr. Viswanath Rangdhol, “Personalized Healthcare Database” headed by Dr. Senthil. M and “Bio Materials” headed by Dr. P.S. Manoharan. 07.09.13 Student Clinician Orientation Program SCOPE Student Clinician Orientation Programme for the Batch 2011-12 was held on 07.09.13 at II floor lecture hall, MGMC & RI. The program began with the Invocation followed by the “Welcome Address” given by Students Council President, Mr.Abdul

Khader. The event was inaugurated by lighting the Kuththuvilakku by Honorable Vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof.K.R.Sethuraman. The inauguration was followed by the Presidential address by Vice Chancellor and then Principal’s address. The guest speaker of the day, Prof. Kandaswamy, Dean, Sri Ramachandra dental college & Hospital, Chennai initiated the Badging ceremony by badging the Student representative of III BDS after which other students were badged simultaneously by the


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Interns. All the Student Clinicians took the Hippocratic Oath headed by Prof.C.Ramesh, Vice Principal. The Program was concluded with Vote of thanks by Student Council Secretary, Ms.Sakthiyavathi. The meeting ended with a High-tea followed by Guest lectures on “DoctorPatient Relationship” by Prof.Kandaswamy & “Ethics in Dentistry” by Prof.K.R.Sethuraman. 14.09.13 Faculty development program The 8th Faculty development program of the Health Professional Faculty Development Unit of SBV was conducted on 14.09.13. Prof.K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal, MGMCRI lectured on Teaching learning media & ICT (information & communication technology) based education. 16.09.13 Poster competition on “Nutrition and Oral Cancer” Poster competition was conducted for under graduate students of 16.09.13 as a part of Oral Cancer Awareness program. The UG students were divided into preclinical and clinical category. A total of 19 students participated in poster competition. The posters were coded and the best paper in each category was judged

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Dental Sciences, on 18.09.13. A total of 142 teachers and Trainees from various Government and Private schools participated in the event which was inaugurated by Dr. Nirmal Kumar, Medical Superintendent MGMC&RI. Dr Jeelani S and Dr Sitra G made presentations on various aspects of Oral Cancer and prevention. The teachers made notes of the information provided and seemed to have enriched their knowledge. The presentations were followed by a Tea break following which a work shop was conducted and coordinated by Dr. Divyambika Srinivas from Sri Ramachandra Dental College Chennai. Dr. Divyambika, an expert in Tobacco Counselling and Cessation programs was ably assisted by Dr Dany A, Dr Yuvraj, Dr Sivaramakrishnan and Dr Kuldeep Singh. The teachers were segregated into 12 groups and each group was given a problem question and were asked to write solutions for the same. A representative from each group would present the solution which was commended

by a panel comprising of 4 judges. Prize distribution to the winners of poster competition on ‘Nutrition & Oral Cancer’ was held on 18.09.13 during the workshop on Tobacco addiction and oral cancer awareness for school teachers. 18.09.13 Oral Cancer Day awareness program Oral Cancer awareness program for School Teachers was conducted by Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology in association with Public Health Dentistry, SAF and Tumour Board at Indira Gandhi Institute of

corrected and commented by Dr. Divyambika. It was heartening and enlightening to find the involvement and depth of thoughts put in by the teachers. The workshop was followed by the Prize distribution to the winners of poster competition on Nutrition & Oral Cancer held on 16.09.13. In poster competition, Ms. Praisy Susan Sam, CRRI got first prize and Ms. Suganya, CRRI got second prize in clinical category and Ms. Poonguzhali, I BDS got first prize in preclinical category. 21.09.13 Implant Prosthodontics – No shortcuts to success Another milestone in Department of Prosthodontics, IGIDS is the venture of a Continuing Dental Education [CDE] programme PRO IGIDS –


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closed circuit system. Video recording of the entire hands on was made. The audience of 30 was invited to try hands on implant impression making in batches, on models with elastomeric impression materials. The participants shared

2013, with the central theme, “Implant Prosthodontics – No short cuts to success”. The program was co - organized by the Scientific and Academic Forum, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. It had an overwhelming response with 74 registrations inclusive of Post Graduates, Under Graduates, and Specialists from IGIDS, MGPGI, RMDCH, SRM Katangulathur and also included few general practitioners. The day started off with a crisp inauguration ceremony at 9:00am which was presided by the Honorable Vice Chancellor SBV University Prof K R Sethuraman. He along with the Guest speakers inaugurated the program by lighting the kuthuvilakku. Prof P S Manoharan, Head, Dept of Prosthodontics and the Organising Chairman of the PRO IGIDS-2013, welcomed the gathering. The three speakers of the day Prof Suma Karthigeyan, RMDCH , Dr R Shakila, MGPGI, Prof Seyed Asharaf Ali, RMDCH were felicitated on the dais. Prof K R Sethuraman delivered the Presidential address. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal IGIDS gave the Principal’s address. Dr A Sanguida, Secretary, Scientific and Academic forum rendered the vote of thanks.

their experiences, honed their ideas and departed with the latest knowledge on implant impression techniques. Feed-back forms were distributed and retrieved at the end of the session. The program culminated by another tea session at 5:00 pm. At the end of the Lecture and Hand on session, every participant received a certificate, which is worth 6 CDE credit points from the Dental Council of India, Puducherry. The feed-back forms were analysed

and the overall feedback was very good to excellent which accounts to more than 85%. Appraisal of the feed back forms showed that the question and answer session should be improved for a more interactive session. The outcome of such programs will help spread latest knowledge on current practices.

The lecture session commenced after high tea. The audience soaked up latest opinions, trends and insights from the speakers. The post lunch session began with Prof Suma Karthigeyan, DrShakila and Prof Seyed Asharaf giving a live demo on implant impression techniques, which was projected on screens via camera using the Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013

28.09.13 Faculty development program The 9th Faculty development program of the Health Professional Faculty Development Unit of SBV was conducted on 28.09.13. Prof Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS and Prof.K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal, MGMCRI lectured on Chairside teaching.

Leadership Transitions Appointments


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Dr.Sathyanarayanan MDS., joined as Professor and Head, Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodontics on 01.07.13 Dr.Arani Nandakumar MDS., joined as Professor and Head, Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics on 08.08.13 Dr. Manikandan MDS., joined as Reader, Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodontics on 01.08.13 Dr.Kuldeep Singh MDS., joined as Senior lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry on 01.08.13 The chronicle team welcomes the newly joined faculty. Promotions Dr. Jeelani, Dept of Oral Medicine was promoted as Reader from 01.07.13. Dr. Vineela, Dept. of Periodontics was promoted as Reader from 02.07.13 Dr. Anitha, Dept. of Periodontics was promoted as Reader from 01.09.13 The chronicle team congratulate the faculty on their promotion.

Inauguration Of Tumor Board

The tumor Board of IGIDS, SBV university was inaugurated on 01.07.13, 10.00 am at Department of Oral pathology & Microbiology, by Prof.Ananthakrishnan, Director for Postgraduate studies, in the presence of Dr. Bala Nehru, Deputy director of CIDRF, Dr.Carounanidy Usha Principal, IGIDS, Department heads and faculty of IGIDS. The tumour board was conceived with the primary intention of providing multidisciplinary care for patients suffering from head and neck cancer. All reporting cancer cases will be thoroughly investigated by the tumour board members. Each case will be presented in the Tumor

knowledge of the tumor board, the best possible ideas relevant to each patient’s care are thoroughly evaluated before treatment recommendations are made. Medical experts regard tumor board as an essential component of quality control and can improve the survival rate and the quality of life of the cancer patients by providing more appropriate treatment.

Inauguration Of Digital Opg Unit

It was a festivity of Sort at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental sciences on 03.08.13 as the Institute took its first

big step towards Digital Imaging. A state of Art Digital Panaromic and Cephalometric Radiography Section in the Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology was Inaugurated by The Honourable Vice Chancellor, Dr

board forum for the discussion of treatment strategies with experts in the field of Medical oncology, Surgical oncology and Radiation oncology. Through the collective


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Sethuraman K R. The Panaromic Machine Orthophos XG comprises of 15 different programs and is capable of performing advanced Head and Neck Imaging thereby aiding in providing excellent treatment to the patients. The Honourable Vice chancellor and the guests were briefed about the functioning of the Machine by the Head of the Department Dr Vishwanath Rangdhol. They were then felicitated by the Esteemed Principal of IGIDS Dr Carounanidy Usha. The Vice chancellor was immensely proud and congratulated the Principal for the Initiative and wished the staff and students of IGIDS good luck in the endeavour.

Inauguration Of Hi Tech Laboratory And Research Centre

The Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Indira Gandhi Insititute of Dental Sciences, had the inauguration of the Hi Tech Laboratory and Research Centre on the forenoon of 03.08.13. The guest of honour for the day was Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, honorable Vice

Chancellor, SBV University. He declared the laboratory open by cutting The Ribbon. The Hi Tech laboratory is equipped with machines, which fabricate crowns in metal, metal- ceramic and removable dentures with a cast

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metal framework, along with other prosthetic devices. The institution had been previously outsourcing the laboratory work, for the above mentioned facilities. Having a laboratory in house, will be a big boon to the patients and the Institution. A brief outline of the procedures to be carried out in the laboratory was explained to the Vice Chancellor and to the other visitors who attended the inauguration. The heads of all departments, IGIDS, as well as many esteemed guests from the SBV family were present at the function.

Student And Alumni Notable Student Accomplishments . Events

Curricular (Local, Regional, National, International) Post Graduate News Dr. M. Shyamala, Dr. Melvin, Post graduate students, Dept of Oral Surgery presented a poster on “Emergencies in Maxillofacial surgery” at CME on Urgencies Chirurgicals at MGMCRI on 15.06.13. Dr. Denny, Post graduate student, Dept of Oral Surgery attended CME on Urgencies Chirurgicals at MGMCRI on 15.06.13. Dr. Aparna. K, Post graduate student, Dept of Oral Pathology, presented a scientific poster on “Probiotics” at National PG’s convention at Tirupati between 10.07.13 and 11.07.13. Dr. Aparna. K, Dr. Poorani .R, Dr. Saravana Kumar. V, second year postgraduate students, Dept of Oral Pathology, attended National PG’s convention at Tirupati between 10.07.13 and 11.07.13. Dr. Aparna. K, Post graduate student, Dept of Oral Pathology, presented a scientific poster on “Expression of different species of candida in chronic Debilitating patients”- An Original Study at International conference in Oral Microbiology ORMICON, Chennai between 30.07.13 and 31.07.13. Dr.V.Aravindh Raaj , Dr. E. Gayathri priyadharshini, DrA.RaghuRaaman, Post graduate students, Dept of Periodontics, Dr. M. Shyamala, Post graduate student, Dept of Oral Surgery, Dr. Vishwa, Dr. Balaji, and Dr. Ilangkumaran, Post graduate students, Dept. of Prosthodontics attended second CDE organized by Pondicherry IDA – “Dental Implants –the Journey and the future” at Mahatma Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry on 11.08.13. Dr. Aparna. K, Dr. Poorani .R, Dr. Saravana Kumar. V, second year postgraduate students, Dept of Oral Pathology, attended hands-on workshop on immunohistochemistry at RMDC&H Chidambaram on 20.08.13


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Dr.B.Kayalvizhi , Dr.N.Madhulika, Dr Swetha Paulose, 2nd yr post graduate students, Dept. of Oral medicine attended CDE program and workshop on Forensic Odontology at M.S.Ramaiah Medical Collge, Bangalore between 22.08.13 and 23.08.13. Dr.V.Aravindh Raaj, Dr. E. Gayathri priyadharshini, DrA.RaghuRaaman, Post graduate students, Dept of Periodontics Dr. Ilangkumaran, Dr. Soumo goshal, Post graduate students, Dept. of Prosthodontics attended Sanjeevita on 06.09.2013 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Ilangkumaran, Post graduate student, Dept. of Prosthodontics presented a poster on “Myths and facts of Ayurvedha in Dentistry” and got first place in the Poster competition conducted at Sanjeevita, on 06.09.2013. Dr.V.Aravindh Raaj , Dr. E. Gayathri priyadharshini, DrA.RaghuRaaman, Post graduate students, Dept of Periodontics attended “Perio Pathogenesis- An Update 2013” at SRM Dental College, Ramapuram on 13.09.13. Dr.V.Aravindh Raaj , Dr. E. Gayathri priyadharshini, DrA.RaghuRaaman, Post graduate students, Dept of Periodontics, Dr. M. Shyamala, Dr. Melvin, Dr. Denny, post graduate students, Dept of Oral Surgery attended PRO-IGIDS 2013 Implant Prosthodontics- No Short cuts to Success, Lecture and Hands on Impression Techniques in Implants on 21.09.13 at IGIDS, Pondicherry. Dr. Saravana kumar .V, Post graduate student, Dept of Oral Pathology, presented a scientific paper on “Extraction of DNA from odontoblastic Process of Permanent tooth Dentin- A original Study” at National conference of Forensic odontology, Vijayawada between 21.09.13 and 22.09.13. Undergraduate News Mr. Abdul Khader, CRRI, presented a scientific paper in IAOMR UG convention titled “Smile Implants” and won “Best Paper Award” held at Maruthi Dental College, Bangalore, on 31.08.2013. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Ms Reshma Rajendiran, Ms Sakthiyavathy K and Ms Jayasree presented a poster in IAOMR UG convention titled “Advanced diagnostic aids in TMJ disorder” held at Maruthi Dental College, Bangalore, on 31.08.2013. Ms. Sakthiyavathi, Ms. Jayasree J, Ms. Praisy Susan Sam, CRRI presented scientific paper titled “Extraoral Periapical Radiography” , “Pink tooth phenomenon- a paradigm to cause of death” and “Microcolpohysteroscopy” respectively in IAOMR UG convention, held at Maruthi Dental College, Bangalore, on 31.08.2013. Ms. Shilpa and Ms. Saranya P, CRRI, presented a poster on “Oil Pulling- A traditional Rejuvenation” from Dept. of Periodontics and got second place in the Poster competition conducted at Sanjeevita, on 06.09.2013. Ug Convention, Saveetha Dental college Under graduate students from IGIDS attended the UG Convention held at Saveetha Dental college, Chennai between 29.09.13 and 02.10.13. Anija, Krishna Gopalan, Kishore, IV year students presented on Minimal Invasive Dentistry –Fact Or Fallacy, Microscope Assisted Precision Dentistry and Should We Change To New Caries Assessment - The ICDAS respectively from Dept. Of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics and have won first best papers in their scientific sessions. Sheba Varghese, III BDS presented a paper from Dept. of Oral Pathology on “Prevalence of smokeless tobacco induced oral lesions in the coastal regions of Puducherry” and got First best paper. Savitha, III BDS presented a paper from Dept. of Prosthodontics on “Stereolithography in maxillofacial prosthodontics” and got second best paper. Abinaya, III BDS presented a paper from Dept. of Oral Pathology on “Sterilization knowledge – A comparative study among the clinical students” and got third best paper. Abinaya and Savitha, III BDS secured I place in vegetable carving, II place in Flower arrangement and III place in Collage. Nalini Devi & Ranjani, CRRI secured I place in Duet singing. R. Sindhu, Smriti, Dharani, Beena, IV BDS students presented on Lasers in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Treatment Modalities of Oral Submucous Fibrosis, Osteoradionecrosis and Ludwing’s Angina respectively from Dept. of Oral Surgery.

Extra . Co-Curricular (Local, Regional, National, International)

Katherine, II BDS, Savitha, III BDS, Premavathi and Lakshmi K.V, CRRI participated in the poster competition titled “See Beyond Your Grave- Donate Eyes” conducted by Dept. of Opthalmology . Savitha, III BDS secured second prize.

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Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

Faculty Highlights Publications

• Prof. Dr. S. Kamalam. “World Population Day”. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing.July.2013; 6(2):8-9 • Prof. Annie Annal. “MEIGS Syndrome”. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing.July.2013; 6(2):15-16 • Mrs. Geetha. C.“Future Directions of Nursing” . Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing.July.2013; 6(2):19-20 • Mrs. Lavanya. “Recent Advances in Contraception”. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing. July.2013; 6(2):17-18 • Mrs. Elavarai. “Nursing Informatics” Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing.July.2013; 6(2):21-22

Status Of Ongoing Projects

The following numbers are the ongoing Projects in KGNC. The PG projects will be completed by the month of December. ¾¾ Department of Medical Surgical Nursing -1 ¾¾ Department of Mental Health Nursing -1

Academic Initiation

Scientific Presentation

Paper presented by the faculty at International conference on “Epidemiological Research for advanced Nursing practice –A Global Health Scenario” at PIMS College of Nursing, Puducherry between 26.07.2013 and 27.07.2013. Mrs.Geetha.C, Associate Professor, Dept Of Child Health Nursing presented paper on “Global Threat – Urgent Need to Fight” Mrs.Rajeswari, Associate Professor, presented a paper on “Feeding problems encountered by mother’s of Toddler” Mrs Ilavarasi,Lecturer, Dept of Community Health Nursing presented a paper on ‘Prevalence of Occupational Health Problems” Mrs.Suguna Mary,Lecturer, Dept of Community Health Nursing presented a paper on “Epidemiological Investigation.” Dr. Divya Choudhary, Professor in Nutrition, was a resource person at the National Nutrition Week Celebration organized by Achariya Arts and Science College, Puducherry on 04.09.2013. She delivered a talk on “Eat well, live long and life strong”. Mrs.KripaAngeline. A , Asso.Prof, Dept.of Medical Surgical Nursing and Mrs. Prabavathy, HOD of Dept of Mental Health Nursing were the resource persons at the Continuing Nursing Education programme

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organized by JIPMER and new medical centre at JIPMER Puducherry on 8.9.2013. Mrs. Kripa Angeline.A, delivered a talk on “Role of Nurse in Triage.” Mrs. Prabavathy delivered a talk on “Assessment and Management of patient with Delirium in ICU”.

Participation in Scientific Events CNE

Mrs.Prabavathy Asso.Professor, Ms. Annapoorani Asst.Professor, Mrs.Umamaheswari, lecturer, Mrs. Suganya, Mrs Janifer, Mrs. Deepa.B, Ms. Rekha, Ms. Hemalatha, Mrs. Sujatha, Mrs, Barkavi, and Ms.Sathyavathy, Asst.Lecturers, participated in CNE on “Stress Management” organized by Sabari College of Nursing held in Mass Hotel on 11.9.13.


Prof.Renuka.K, Vice Principal, Prof.Sumathy.P, HOD of Dept Of Child Health Nursing Prof.Annie Annal, HOD of Dept Of OBG Nursing, Mrs.Prabavathy HOD of Dept Of Mental Health Nursing,Mrs. KripaAngeline.A, Asso.Prof, Mrs.Geetha.C, Asso.Prof, Mrs.Rajeswari.S Asso.Prof, Mrs.SugunaMary,Lecturer, Ms.Annapoorani, Lecturer participated in the CME on Recent Advances in Health Professional And Education on 19-7-13 at MGMC & RI.

Scientific and Academic Forum

The SAF of KGNC in association with the Department of Mental Health Nursing organized a quiz programme on the Theme “Transgenders and sexual disorders” on 30.08.2013. The BSc.(N) students participated and won the prizes. Dr. Sukanto Sakar Associate professor, Department of Psychiatry gave a talk on ‘Transgender and Sexual Disorders’. Ms. Sheethal,


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President of SCOHD Society was the guest speaker of the day. She spoke on the topic on “Environmental and Psychological Issues of Transgenders.”


Journal Club

The following faculty presented on the following topics in the journal club of KGNC. 31-8-2013 – Ms. Annapoorani-Classroom Climate 31-8-2013 - Ms.Rekha-Phytochemicals 20-9-2013 - Ms.Geetha.C-Progeria 20-9-2013- Ms.Kanimozh- Management Protocol for Snake BiteTeaching

In-Service Training Programme

The first In-Service training programme for nurses was inaugurated on 29.07.2013 by the Vice-Chancellor Prof K. R. Sethuraman, SBV University. The theme for the In-service Training programme was “Role and Responsibilities of Nurses in Emergency Service”. The theme was unfolded by the Nursing director Prof. Dr. S. Kamalam. It was a one week training programme from 29.07.2013 to 03.08.2013. Ten staff nurses were identified and given the training programme. It was also attended

by the faculty and nursing students. Most of the classes were handled by the Doctors of MGMC & RI and a few by the Nursing Faculty. On 03.08.13 a feedback and post- test was obtained. The response was good and it was found it to be very useful and informative. The trainees were awarded with certificates.

Students Accomplishments Cocurricular

Mr.N.Shiva subramanium, B.Sc (N) IV year student of KGNC National Service Scheme unit, attended the Inter-state leadership camp held at Annamalai University from 25.09.13 to 27.09.13. The UG students of KGNC had an enthusiastic participation in the poster competition organized by the Department of Opthalmology on Eye Donation Day in, MGMC&RI on.29.8.13


B.Sc(N) IIyr, IIIyr & IVyr students participated in UDAY-ARUN MEMORIAL TROPHY-13 organised by MGMC&RI on 27.08.2013.Mr.Krishnamoorthy, Mr.Rajasekar, Mr. Harish Mohan, Mr.Siva Subramanian, Mr.Shyam Pradeep, Mr. Kota Satheesh from IV years, Mr. Suman Raj, Mr. Dinesh babu, Mr. Isaivanan, Mr. Kalidass and Mr. Parthip from III year & Mr. Gopal, Mr. Bhuvanesh, Mr, Vijayabalan from II Year were enthusiastically participated in the event of cricket, Volley ball & Football.

Alumni Association of KGNC

The success of an institution is aptly reflected by the strength of alumni.The efforts of KGNC family and alumnus succeeded in this endeavour by inaugurating theAlumni of KGNC on 11.07.2013 at, Lecture hall,


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MGMC & RI. Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University gave the inaugural message. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, PG studies and Dr. S. Krishnan, Dean, Administration, MGMC & RI, felicitated the gathering. Key note address was given by Dr. S. Kamalam, Director of Nursing. Each and every one alumni is very proud to hold the name of Kasturbians- Reaching the Heights of Excellence across the World. The first Alumni meet was conducted on 30.09.2013 at First Floor Lecture Hall, KGNC at 9:00 AM. Prof. Dr.S. Kamalam, Principal, KGNC inaugurated the Kasturbians - Blood Donation Day the first endeavour of the alumni to commemorate our Decennial Year celebration. Key note address was given by Prof. Renuka. K, Vice-Principal, KGNC. On behalf of Alumni

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community in Kirumampakkam PHC on 7.8.13. A panel discussion on the theme was organized by the Dept Of OBG Nursing to post natal mothers at Primary Health

Centre, Kirumampakkam on 08.08.2013. by the final year B.Sc(N) students. There was a very good response from the mothers

Red Ribbon Club

Panthom Mike was donated to the College. Five Alumni Members of Kasturbians donated blood in our hospital MGMC&RI. Proposed Events: KGNC has a proposal to host its first international conference in the month of November and the wheels have started to roll in this regard. News from staff nurse: MGMCRI staff nurses from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Anandhi and Archana represented our college at the divisional round of National Neonatology Forum (NNF) nursing quiz held at JIPMER on 23rd July 2013.

Out Reach Activities

World Breast Feeding Week Celebration (Aug 1 -7)

The department of Child Health Nursing and OBG Nursing in unison commemorated the World Breast Feeding Week focusing on the theme “Breast Feeding Supports –Close To Mothers .” Various activities were carried out in this regard.A poster competition was organized on 5.8.13 for the students. An role play was enacted on the theme by the final year B.Sc (N) Students in the OPD on 6.8.13 and the same was performed in the

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Red Ribbon Club of KGNC organized a Rally and a camp at Arul Ashram , Puducherry on 18.09.2013.


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World Alzheimer’s Day

The Department Of Mental Health Nursing Commemorated The“World Alzheimer’s Day” On 21.9.13 on the Theme “Dementia- A Journey Of Caring”. The B.Sc(N) IIIYear Students acted out a Role Play regarding the Care Of Elderly People in the community

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Welfare Commemorated The World Population Day on 11 .7.13. The Theme of the Year was “Focus Is On Adolescent Pregnancy”. A Rally was organized by Ministry of Health and family welfare at Puducherry from Bharadidasan thidal to Gandhi Statue. Various schools, Nursing Colleges and Medical colleges participated . Our B.Sc(N) II Year students took an active participation in the rally by using various IEC materials like balloon posters, models on small family norm, face painting, posters on slogans. KGNC bagged the shield for Best Rally Team from our honourable Minister Of Health Dr.Raja. CONGRATULATIONS DEAR KASTURBIANS. On 16/07/13 poster Competition was organized by Department of Community Medicine at Registration block, MGMC & RI, totally 18 posters were displayed by Medical, Dental and Nursing students in that 8 posters belongs to Nursing students. I Prize won by Ms. Valli and II Prize by Ms. Umarani from IIyear students.

area Pillayarkuppam, Puducherry. Pamphlets were distributed to the people in the community.

World Population Day

The Department of Community Health Nursing and the Department of Community Medicine in Association with the Ministry of Health And Family


Volume 7 Issue 3 July - Sept 2013



Editorial Board Editor-In-Chief




Executive Editors





Design & Layout Mr. GEORGE FERNANDEZ



White Coat Ceremony - 2013 Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College Pillayarkuppam, Puducherry- 605 402

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