Entered the field names according to the list provided on the SPB Changed the data types to the appropriate ones Entered appropriate validation. Genre validation is as shown on the right, restricting the data entered to the five valid codes. Effort rating validation is as shown below.
TESTING : My test buddy checked my database and said “I have checked your table. The field names seem fine and your validation should work properly.”
IMPORTING THE DATA The SPB provided all the data. This was imported into my table. There were 214 valid records and no rejected ones (as shown on the summary at the bottom of the table).
DATA ENTRY FORM AND NEW RECORDS I next created a data entry form to make entering the data much easier. I added two new records to check the data entry form worked, and to bring the database up to date with good music!
As you can see from the forms, I have made the form attractive, in keeping with the music theme, and included an instruction panel on the right which gives details of the codes to help the user get the codes right. USING THE DATABASE – QUERIES FROM THE QUIZ