Sales Guide November 2014

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Elders Real Estate Mawson Lakes 9C/1 Main Street, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095 08 8359 0048 |

Current Listings

Mawson Lakes 16 Santorini Walk




Mawson Lakes 10 Grenada Court




When Only T he Best Will Do - Waterfro nt Living in T he Bridges!

Large Family Ho me in T he Bridges - Priced to Sell!!

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud t o present t his absolut ely St unning Brand New Wat erfront Rivergum Home Locat ed in t he Bridges Dist rict of Mawson Lakes. St unning Wat erfront Views and Low Maint enance wit h Fully Landscaped Grounds. Qualit y fixt ures and fit t ings are feat ured t hroughout t his brand new residence including t he t hree bedrooms including built -in's, ensuit e bat hroom and modern kit chen wit h ...

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud t o present t his fant ast ic 5 Bedroom Family Home in The Bridges dist rict of Mawson Lakes. Upon ent ry one is immediat ely st ruck by t he spacious Formal Lounge and Dining spaces which lead int o t he Kit chen & informal Living spaces, t hen gent ly flowing out int o t he Pergola Area for added Out door Ent ert aining. Rarely do we come across a propert y wit h such a wide front a...

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979

$540,000 $550,000

Web ID 7308850

Mawson Lakes 46 Grasswren Way

$520,000 $530,000

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979 Web ID 6718797




Mawson Lakes 22 Cascades Drive




Stunning Quality-Built T o wnho use

Perfect Investment in the Cascades

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud t o present t his absolut ely St unning Melisi Built Townhouse propert y const ruct ed in 2008 wit h Brick mat erials. Rarely do we come across such an out st anding Townhouse perfect ly posit ioned on a corner allot ment and t aking full advant age of t he neighbouring Reserve. A definit e st and-out of t his propert y is t he clever Floorplan design. Taking advant age of t he gent le surrou...

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud t o present t his magnificent Townhouse sit uat ed in t he Cascades Dist rict of Mawson Lakes. The Ground Floor is comprised of large open-plan fully t iled Living & Meals area; linear kit chen equipped wit h qualit y European appliances including St ainless st eel oven and gas cook t op. The Living Area overlooks t he generous court yard, feat uring low maint enance gardens. Th...

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979 Web ID 7154417

$485,000 $495,000

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979 Web ID 6320772


Current Listings

Mawson Lakes 84 Harvey Circuit




Stylish T errace in Mawso n Lakes Central Elders Mawson Lakes is proud t o present t his cont emporary 3 bedroom Terrace perfect ly posit ioned on t he pict uresque Linear Park Reserve. This t errace home is superbly const ruct ed by Melisi Homes and boast s high qualit y fixt ures and fit t ings. Open-plan design wit h modern kit chen offering convent ional gas cooking wit h st one-look bencht ops and dishwasher. Also feat uring: * Reverse-Cycle Duct ...

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979


Web ID 7299157

Pooraka 36 Muriel Drive




This immaculat ely present ed Solid Brick 3 Bedroom home is locat ed on a corner allot ment of 717 sqm wit h plent y of room t o move! The Bat hroom has been fully renovat ed wit h qualit y fixt ures & fit t ings including floor t o ceiling porcelain t iling. The Bedrooms are good in size all wit h t iled flooring, wit h Bedroom 2 feat uring a Built -in Robe. The Lounge Area is also fully t iled and Spacious....

Web ID 6552430




Sandsto ne Fro nted Co ttage in Shearwater! Elders Mawson Lakes is proud t o present t his gorgeous cot t age inspired Three Bedroom Home, embellished wit h charact er t hroughout . Locat ed in t he highly sought -aft er Shearwat er Dist rict of Mawson Lakes, t his home is finished wit h qualit y fixt ures and fit t ings equipped wit h gas cooking in a modern kit chen set t ing overlooking an Open-Plan Lounge and Dining Area. The Lounge Area eloquent ly flows...

$365,000 $375,000

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979 Web ID 7225152

Perfect First Ho me o r Investment Oppo rtunity!

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979

Mawson Lakes 12 Prion Circuit

$335,000 $345,000

Mawson Lakes 103 Elder Drive




Stylish Apartments o n Elder - BRAND NEW & AVAILABLE NOW!! Comprising of 12 modern apart ment s, t he Elder Apart ment s offer st ylish comfort able living in Mawson Lakes wit hin walking dist ance from Public Transport and t he Mawson Lakes business communit y. Ot her feat ures include: - Two spacious bedrooms wit h built in robes plus st udy - Duct ed reverse-cycle air condit ioning - Designer bat hrooms wit h st ylish hardware - Securit y alarm wit h int ercom syst em Secu...

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979 Web ID 4564423

$289,000 $319,000

Current Listings

Mawson Lakes 7/10 Light Common




Rare 3 Bedro o m Apartment in Mawso n Central Lo catio n!


Web ID 6895973

Mawson Lakes 203/102 Elder Drive




Locat ed in t he Vero Apart ment Complex, Sit uat ed on t he Second Level, t his 2 Bedroom Apart ment Exudes Modern St yle and Qualit y. The Open-Plan Living Areas Lead t o a Spacious Tiled Balcony Overlooking Elder Drive. The Main Bedroom also has Access t o t he Balcony. Bot h Bedrooms Offer Built -in Robes. The Tiled Kit chen is Magnificent Present ing an Array of Cupboard Space Finished in a Fresh Colour...

Web ID 7308825



Beaut ifully sit uat ed on t he Second level of t his 3 St orey European inspired and archit ect urally designed building, t his Two Bedroom apart ment exudes ult ra modern st yle and qualit y. Locat ed just a few minut es walk from Mawson Lakes Shopping Precinct , offering Rest aurant s, Cafes, Hot el, Supermarket ,Depart ment St ore and lakeside shopping, all of t his sit uat ed in an award-winning environment just 15 ...

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979


Web ID 6642007

Mo dern Apartment o n Elder Drive!

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979


Mo dern Euro pean-Style Apartment o n Metro

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud t o present t his Magnificent and Modern 3 Bedroom Apart ment in t he Heart of Mawson Lakes. Const ruct ed in 2011 wit h qualit y Fixt ures and Fit t ings t his Apart ment is blessed wit h such an out st anding locat ion. Sit uat ed direct ly opposit e t he newly built Shopping Cent re Complex and also locat ed only a st ones t hrow from t he Universit y of Sout h Aust ralia, t his apart ment is set ...

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979

Mawson Lakes 8/30 Metro Parade

$275,000 $285,000

Mawson Lakes 30/5 Goodall Parade




T o p Flo o r Street Facing Investment $310/week! This modern 2 bedroom TOP Floor Apart ment is convenient ly fit t ed wit h Built -in Robes t o bot h bedrooms, reverse-cycle split air condit ioning, a generous open-plan lounge & dining area wit h feat ure down light s, modern decor and st unning views from t he corner balcony overlooking Goodall Parade and beyond. Addit ional Feat ures include: * a modern-st yle kit chen wit h st ainless st eel dishwasher *...

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979 Web ID 7260771

$260,000 $265,000

Current Listings

Parafield Gardens 39 Joanne Terrace




Ideal Investment Oppo rtunity o r First Ho me! Elders Mawson Lakes is proud t o present t his fant ast ic real est at e opport unit y in Parafield Gardens. Whet her it may be your first Invest ment Propert y or perhaps your First Home, never has it been a bet t er t ime t o secure your own piece of real est at e in t he ever popular suburb of Parafield Gardens. Come and see for yourself, t his one is Great Value and is sure t o impress! Feat ures of t his prope...

Domenic Mastrogiacomo 0412 284 979 Web ID 7202039

$240,000 $250,000

Current Listings Smithfield Plains 804/ Peachey Road





Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this 904sqm residential allotm ent in the heart of the P layford Alive P recinct. P resented only m inutes walk from all planned facilities; future town centre with specialty shops, cafes and adjacent to the new super Medical C entre, 4 new state-of-the-art schools, childcare centres and adult education. Further inspired by 70 hectares of parks, wetlands and reser... Web ID 45 6 448 2

Parafield Gardens 39 Joanne Terrace




Ideal Investm ent O pportunity or First Hom e! $24 0 ,0 0 0 - $250 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this fantastic real estate opportunity in P arafield Gardens. Whether it m ay be your first Investm ent P roperty or perhaps your First Hom e, never has it been a better tim e to secure your own piece of real estate in the ever popular suburb of P arafield Gardens. C om e and see for yourself, this one is Great Value and is sure to im press! Features of this prope... Web ID 720 20 3 9

Mawson Lakes 30/5 Goodall Parade




Top Floor Street Facing Investm ent - $310/week! $26 0 ,0 0 0 - $26 5,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

This m odern 2 bedroom TO P Floor Apartm ent is conveniently fitted with Built-in Robes to both bedroom s, reverse-cycle split air conditioning, a generous open-plan lounge & dining area with feature down lights, m odern decor and stunning views from the corner balcony overlooking Goodall P arade and beyond. Additional Features include: * a m odern-style kitchen with stainless steel dishwasher *... Web ID 726 0 771

Blakeview 12 Adamson Street




Investor Alert - Set and Forget Investm ent O pportunity! $26 5,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

This is a superb investm ent opportunity with instant return on your m oney. The new owner can sim ply set and forget with this one already tenanted at $265.00 per week until January, 2015. Features: * 2 bedroom s with built-in robes * Main bathroom with separate toilet * O pen plan kitchen, fam ily and dining areas * Dish Washer and kitchen Appliances included * Window Treatm ents and Rubbish Bin... Web ID 6 9 173 19

Mawson Lakes 203/102 Elder Drive




Modern Apartm ent on Elder Drive! $275,0 0 0 - $28 5,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Located in the Vero Apartm ent C om plex, Situated on the Second Level, this 2 Bedroom Apartm ent Exudes Modern Style and Q uality. The O pen-P lan Living Areas Lead to a Spacious Tiled Balcony O verlooking Elder Drive. The Main Bedroom also has Access to the Balcony. Both Bedroom s O ffer Built-in Robes. The Tiled Kitchen is Magnificent P resenting an Array of C upboard Space Finished in a Fresh C olour... Web ID 73 0 8 8 25

Current Listings Mawson Lakes 17/21-25 Goodall Parade




Spectacular Investm ent! $275,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

This m odern two bedroom TO P Floor Apartm ent is located in the Mawson Lakes C BD close to all the shops, transport, cafes and the Uni SA C am pus.Features include: - Well equipped kitchen with stainless steel appliances including a dishwasher - R/C Split System Air C onditioning - Generous bedroom s with robes to one - Beautiful neutral decore' Web ID 45 6 445 2

Mawson Lakes 8/30 Metro Parade




Modern European-Style Apartm ent on Metro $28 0 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Beautifully situated on the Second level of this 3 Storey European inspired and architecturally designed building, this Two Bedroom apartm ent exudes ultra m odern style and quality. Located just a few m inutes walk from Mawson Lakes Shopping P recinct, offering Restaurants, C afes, Hotel, Superm arket,Departm ent Store and lakeside shopping, all of this situated in an award-winning environm ent just 15 ... Web ID 6 6 420 0 7

Mawson Lakes 7/10 Light Common




Rare 3 Bedroom Apartm ent in Mawson C entral Location! $28 5,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this Magnificent and Modern 3 Bedroom Apartm ent in the Heart of Mawson Lakes. C onstructed in 2011 with quality Fixtures and Fittings this Apartm ent is blessed with such an outstanding location. Situated directly opposite the newly built Shopping C entre C om plex and also located only a stones throw from the University of South Australia, this apartm ent is set... Web ID 6 8 9 5 9 73

Mawson Lakes 103 Elder Drive




Stylish Apartm ents on Elder - BRAND NEW & AVAILABLE NO W! ! $28 9 ,0 0 0 - $319 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

C om prising of 12 m odern apartm ents, the Elder Apartm ents offer stylish com fortable living in Mawson Lakes within walking distance from P ublic Transport and the Mawson Lakes business com m unity. O ther features include: - Two spacious bedroom s with built-in robes plus study Ducted reverse-cycle air conditioning - Designer bathroom s with stylish hardware - Security alarm with intercom system - Secu... Web ID 45 6 4423

Mawson Lakes 13 Cathedral Circuit




2 BEDRO O M STUDIO HO ME $30 5,0 0 0 - $315,0 0 0 - Two large bedroom s with high loft ceilings - A m odern bathroom and separate European laundry Large open plan living area com plete with stunning wooden floors - Includes your very own outdoor courtyard area with carport and autom atic roller door - Located in a quiet tranquil setting Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Web ID 45 9 10 0 0

Current Listings Parafield Gardens 56 Wyatt Road




P erfect First Hom e or Investm ent O pportunity! $310 ,0 0 0 - $320 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this fantastic real estate opportunity in the highly sought after suburb of P arafield Gardens. Ideal for the First Hom e buyer or P erfect as an Investm ent O pportunity this 3 Bedroom Solid Brick 1974 constructed property is in pristine condition and ready to m eet its next challenge. The Features of this fantastic property include; * P olished Tim ber Floorb... Web ID 6 8 9 6 0 41

Mawson Lakes 20-24 Metro Parade




3 STYLISH AP ARTMENTS AVAILABLE (103,203,303) $315,0 0 0 - $330 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

- Located within walking distance from P ublic Transport and the Mawson Lakes business com m unity - Spacious open-plan living with generous balconies - Modern designer kitchens with European appliances - C aesar stone bench tops and dishwasher - Security alarm system with video intercom Web ID 45 6 4425

Blakeview Lot 12, 175 Swinden Crescent




$500 deposit - no m ore until settlem ent! $325,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Sm all deposit down, nothing m ore to pay until settlem ent C onstruction is well under way with anticipated com pletion due Decem ber, 2014. $15,000 First Hom e O wners Grant applies to this property! Why wait 12 m onths plus to build your new hom e. With C hristm as fast approaching you could be settling in to one of the last rem aining hom es to be built in this stylish town house developm ent. Enjoy the ... Web ID 6 8 40 424

Pooraka 36 Muriel Drive




P erfect First Hom e or Investm ent O pportunity! $335,0 0 0 - $34 5,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

This im m aculately presented Solid Brick 3 Bedroom hom e is located on a corner allotm ent of 717 sqm with plenty of room to m ove! The Bathroom has been fully renovated with quality fixtures & fittings including floor to ceiling porcelain tiling. The Bedroom s are good in size all with tiled flooring, with Bedroom 2 featuring a Built-in Robe. The Lounge Area is also fully tiled and Spacious.... Web ID 6 5 5 243 0

Blakeview Lot 9, 175 Swinden Crescent




$500 deposit - no m ore until settlem ent! $34 9 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Sm all deposit down, nothing m ore to pay until settlem ent C onstruction is well under way with anticipated com pletion due Decem ber, 2014. $15,000 First Hom e O wners Grant applies to this property! Why wait 12 m onths plus to build your new hom e. With C hristm as fast approaching you could be settling in to one of the last rem aining hom es to be built in this stylish town house developm ent. Enjoy the ... Web ID 6 8 40 3 9 7

Current Listings Mawson Lakes 12 Prion Circuit




Sandstone Fronted C ottage in Shearwater! $36 5,0 0 0 - $375,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this gorgeous cottage inspired Three Bedroom Hom e, em bellished with character throughout. Located in the highly sought-after Shearwater District of Mawson Lakes, this hom e is finished with quality fixtures and fittings equipped with gas cooking in a m odern kitchen setting overlooking an O pen-P lan Lounge and Dining Area. The Lounge Area eloquently flows... Web ID 7225 15 2

Mawson Lakes 14 Weatherstone Crescent




P icture P erfect C ontem porary C ottage with Brand New Kitchen! ! $36 9 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this im pressive newly renovated C ontem porary C ottage located in the Shoalhaven district of Mawson Lakes. Be prepared to be im pressed from the m om ent you enter; this property has been renovated from Top to Bottom and em its that wonderful new-hom e feel. The vendors have m eticulously refreshed all aspects of this property m aking this hom e a definite standout. ... Web ID 6 9 20 6 6 3

Mawson Lakes 15 Dotterel Place




Magnificent C ourtyard Hom e $379 ,0 0 0 - $38 9 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this Magnificent 3 Bedroom Federation-style C ourtyard Hom e located in the Shearwater district of Mawson Lakes. P erfectly positioned on a corner allotm ent and overlooking a peaceful Reserve this property takes advantage of all the benefits this location has to offer. Situated only m om ents walk from the spectacular Shearwater Lake m akes this offering one not t... Web ID 6 9 45 0 49





Huge Stam p Duty Savings If You Buy off P lan $38 5,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

A perfect fit every tim e. We m atch the perfect block with the perfect house to provide com plete peace of m ind and ease of purchase. With everything taken care of from the ground up youll have peace of m ind in knowing theres nothing left to do but m ove in and enjoy your new hom e. Buy off the plan and save over $10,000 in stam p duty. Just think what you could do with all that saving; new furni... Web ID 71718 26

Mawson Lakes 84 Harvey Circuit




Stylish Terrace in Mawson Lakes C entral $38 7,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this contem porary 3 bedroom Terrace perfectly positioned on the picturesque Linear P ark Reserve. This terrace hom e is superbly constructed by Melisi Hom es and boasts high quality fixtures and fittings. O pen-plan design with m odern kitchen offering conventional gas cooking with stone-look benchtops and dishwasher. Also featuring: * Reverse-C ycle Duct... Web ID 729 9 15 7

Current Listings Wynn Vale 57 Greenridge Court




Tranquil Location O verlooking a Reserve $39 9 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this Fantastic 3 Bedroom Hom e located in a Tranquil setting overlooking a picturesque nature Reserve. This generous hom e is split over two Levels with plenty of room to m ove for the whole fam ily. Built in 1990 and with m any attractive features this property is sure to im press. Features of this Fantastic property include: * Repainted Throughout * New C ... Web ID 6 8 6 9 0 3 8





Lightsview @ Northgate - Huge Stam p Duty Savings If You Buy off P lan $4 14 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Lightsview recognized as the best address in Australia by the Urban Developm ent Institute of Australia. A perfect fit every tim e. We m atch the perfect block with the perfect house to provide com plete peace of m ind and ease of purchase. With everything taken care of from the ground up youll have peace of m ind in knowing theres nothing left to do but m ove in and enjoy your new hom e. Buy off... Web ID 71719 72

Blakeview 5 Broadwater Place




Display Hom e with Guaranteed 7% Annual Return = $62,000 incom e for 2 years (approx) $4 4 9 ,0 0 0 - $4 55,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Blakes C rossing @ Blakeview - P osition P erfect O pposite the Lake a Blakes C rossing Do you im agine owning a hom e where a professional interior designer has chosen all the elem ents - from contem porary paint colours, stunning feature walls, m odern light fittings, luxurious carpets and stylish window treatm ents; A hom e where a professional landscaper has created gardens which are not only beautif... Web ID 719 2419

Mawson Lakes 22 Cascades Drive




P erfect Investm ent in the C ascades $4 50 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this m agnificent Townhouse situated in the C ascades District of Mawson Lakes. The Ground Floor is com prised of large open-plan fully tiled Living & Meals area; linear kitchen equipped with quality European appliances including Stainless steel oven and gas cook top. The Living Area overlooks the generous courtyard, featuring low m aintenance gardens. Th... Web ID 6 3 20 772

Mawson Lakes 46 Grasswren Way




Stunning Q uality-Built Townhouse $4 8 5,0 0 0 - $4 9 5,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this absolutely Stunning Melisi Built Townhouse property constructed in 2008 with Brick m aterials. Rarely do we com e across such an outstanding Townhouse perfectly positioned on a corner allotm ent and taking full advantage of the neighbouring Reserve. A definite stand-out of this property is the clever Floorplan design. Taking advantage of the gentle surrou... Web ID 715 4417

Current Listings Mawson Lakes 10 Grenada Court




Large Fam ily Hom e in The Bridges - P riced to Sell! ! $520 ,0 0 0 - $530 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this fantastic 5 Bedroom Fam ily Hom e in The Bridges district of Mawson Lakes. Upon entry one is im m ediately struck by the spacious Form al Lounge and Dining spaces which lead into the Kitchen & inform al Living spaces, then gently flowing out into the P ergola Area for added O utdoor Entertaining. Rarely do we com e across a property with such a wide fronta... Web ID 6 718 79 7

Mawson Lakes 16 Santorini Walk




When O nly The Best Will Do - Waterfront Living in The Bridges! $54 0 ,0 0 0 - $550 ,0 0 0

Age nt De t ails : Dom enic Mastrogiacom o 0412 284 979

Elders Mawson Lakes is proud to present this absolutely Stunning Brand New Waterfront Rivergum Hom e Located in the Bridges District of Mawson Lakes. Stunning Waterfront Views and Low Maintenance with Fully Landscaped Grounds. Q uality fixtures and fittings are featured throughout this brand new residence including the three bedroom s including built-in's, ensuite bathroom and m odern kitchen with ... Web ID 73 0 8 8 5 0

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