Marks Thumbnails Visuals
4 marks 2 marks
Produce annotated sketches showing consideration of various(i.e. a range of):
Layouts Concepts Columns Multi-columns graphics page orientation Text fonts/size/style Margins Headers Gutters
Layout „
Definition: Page layout is the process of placing and arranging and rearranging text and graphics on the page to produce documents such as newsletters, brochures, books, etc. Page layout refers to the actual document page and its composition. The primary software programs for desktop publishing are called page layout applications.
Columns „
Definition: Normally all pages begin with a single column — the space between the margins. With multiple columns, a pair of vertical guides that move together mark gutters or column spacing between columns. Column guides control the flow of text within columns, keeping it out of the gutters.
Margins „
Definition: The margins — top, bottom, and either side — is that usually empty space between the trim (where the page is cut) and the live printing area (primary text and graphics) of the page. Sometimes headers or footers may be placed within the margins.
Headers „
Definition: text that appears, usually at the top, of each page or every other page in a book, manual, or newsletter. Although customarily at the top of the page, headers can appear in the side margins or at the bottom of the page. The header may be the book or publication title, chapter or section title, or it may alternate. Often the page number is incorporated with the header
Gutters „
Definition: The inside margins or blank space between two facing pages is the gutter. The gutter space is that extra space allowance used to accommodate the binding in books and magazines. The amount of gutter needed varies depending on the binding method.
Gutter is sometimes used to refer to the alley or space between columns of text in a page layout.