Brought to you by
The Twins
Organic and Fairtrade black cotton and red cord dress ‘Come Play with Us’ conjoined acrylic knuckledusters Blood drop acrylic earrings
Organic and Fairtrade poplin dress with fairtrade net detail collar
The Birds
Remnant Bute Tweed dress with fairtrade black net underlay Acrylic birds headpiece
Organic and Fairtrade bamboo silk evening gown with silver chain detail Blood drip acrylic earrings on silver Blood drip acrylic bracelet
Blue Velvet
Upcycled vintage blue velvet cloak with mini cape, finished with fairtrade net Howling wolf acrylic brooch Gretel dress
Photography: Levi Macdonald Model 1: Bora Zabransky Model 2: Lauren Andrews Model 3: Emma Toner Hair Stylist: Anne Marie Mcelroy Make Up Artist: Emma Hopkins Special thanks to Aly Nelson, star intern. Location: Isle of Bute
Enquiries Mhairi Mackenzie : Bonnie Bling Joanna Nethery: Raksa