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Ansel Adams became one of the most important landscape photographers during the 20th century. His work was devoted to what was or appeared to be America's remaining fragments of untouched wilderness, with a focus on national parks and protected areas [Britannica, 2022]. In addition to his work, he was a passionate leader of the conservationist movement. The importance of Adams’s work wasn't recognised by many at the time as people believed that his work should be focused on more important matters like his competition such as well-known American photographer and photojournalist, Lee Miller This was because their work was considered more ‘of the moment’ in comparison to his [Britannica, 2022]. However, the next generation was the ones to recognise the importance of the health of the natural landscape which to some was deemed the highest priority Adams’s work was a constant reminder to society of the landscapes that needed to be protected His published works aimed to raise awareness of the issue at hand which, along with others, reawakened the conservation movement in the 60’ and ’70s [Britannica, 2022].

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