Contents Collages/systems Research & Serra verb Experimentation
Introduction My project looks into using typography to express yourself. We were asked to produce a system and I began by looking at typography using the grid, I tried hand typography and making it digital and looked into the use of paper, colour and layout in type. I then began looking at type and how its being used to express how you feel. I decided to create a system that will help me do so. At the end of everyday I would go onto a website which had around 4000 words to express yourself with, I would pick one that describes how I felt and using typography express the meaning of the word. I produced a diary that consists of my daily feelings.
Composition, drawing and
Here I began my own system of looking into typography within the grid and tried to form interesting type using the grid.
I then digitalised it to see how it would look like when its done well. However I couldn’t transfer what I have done on paper to the computer properly.
Type is an idea in visual form. Different type are used for different things, for example Garamond is one of the first type fonts to come out. The characters itself has a lineage that extends back. However, Helvetica is one of the most modern type being used nowadays and its simplicity says a lot about the brand or person who uses it. Different type was used to represent different characters. I decided to look at ways of expressing myself daily using one word and expressing it through type. My work is mainly digital and I experimented screen printing, letterpress and embossing and hand drawn type.
Type on screen shares many requirements and concerns as type on a printed page. The layout, font choice, colour but type on screen can also be helpful as you can use the grid to make sure the positioning and spacing is correct. Its important for the reader to understand the type. However, when Futurism began it was about pushing the borderline of typography further towards virtually typographical, to tell the difference between a text and image wasn’t possible. It was more about making the type look good then let the type speak for itself which is its original use. I looked into futurism but made sure that my work was eligible and understandable.
The layout of type, paper being used and colour all has an influence on the actual typography and what it means. I combined mainly paper and colour to express myself with typography. Following he invention if movable type and early twentieth century avant-garde art movements, the introduction of digital media was probable the most radical change in the context of typographic communication. This critical review of celebrated designs puts digital typography into perspective. It also highlights how quickly the digital revolution ran out of steam.
It is very important that typographic communication cannot be understood without understanding the process of reading. . The visual representation of typography started when trying to visualise poetry began in the early twentieth century
Letterpress was used mainly fro the 15th century to the 19th century to print of books and for other uses. It was seen as modern typography where you were allowed to move your letters and have different spacing, size and font on the same paper. Composition was important at that stage and so letterpress was used most often. Going back to traditional ways of printing is interesting as you put more effort and time into positioning, choosing font and spacing it to explain the word you are printing. I explored letterpress and used the word deadpan to express it in letterpress. I used this word because it means expressionless which is the opposite of letterpress.
Type is also used as a graphic device to represent something visual. The styling of letters used to create a visual statement about something. David Carson coined the term “cult of the scratchy� this was another trend that raised questions about typographical expressions. He wanted to form an emotional stimulation and produced it through his typography making people feel what was said using type.
Experimentation I mainly looked into typography pieces that inspired me to do digital typography and to print it off in the right way. I tried to use as many different ways of expressing my typography as I can so I screen printed “Home alone” as it gives it a faded effect which is a reflection of how I feel away from home. I used letterpress to describe deadpan as its expressionless and the use of black ink and no interesting type or spacing expressed the word. Surreal was embossed because it almost seems unreal to be on the paper. Back at home computers are often used and everything is mainly written which brought me to do Arabic handwriting written “letters” on paper.
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