2 minute read

Accessibility survey

Town Planner Becky Cutting invites the Marblehead community to an accessibility survey: bit. ly/3GExoqi.

Register dogs before Jan. 31

Jan. 31 is the deadline for Marblehead dog owners to license their dogs for 2023. Failure to license one’s dog could lead to a monthly $50 fine. For the town’s records, dog owners should let the Town Clerk’s Office know if they no longer have their dog.

Residents can license their dogs and pay the registration fee in the following ways:

Mail to Town Clerk’s Office in Abbot Public Library, 188 Washington St.

Drop in red mail box out front of Abbot Hall or the Mary Alley Municipal Building, 7 Widger Road

Pay online at bit.ly/3GAgrgR

Those mailing in or dropping off licensing payments should include the mailed license application that the town sent out. If you did not get one, download an application online: bit.ly/3k7CdRr.

Checks should be made payable to “Town of Marblehead,” and copies of rabies and neuter certificates should be included as well, if not already on record with the Town Clerk’s Office.

Questions? Contact the Town Clerk’s Office either at townclerk@ marblehead.org or by phone at 781-631-0528.

OMIA annual meeting

The public is invited to the Old Marblehead Improvement Association’s annual meeting on Sunday, Jan. 29, in the Old Town House, 1 Market Square, from 2-4 p.m. Awards will be given, and desserts will be served.

Marblehead Police Chief Dennis King will speak about “Modern Policing Surrounded by History.”

The survey is a way for the town to collect community feedback as it develops a comprehensive accessibility transition plan.

2023 Town Warrant Open

Marblehead Select Board voted on Nov. 16 to open the town warrant for the 2023 Town Meeting to be convened on Monday, May 1. The deadline to submit citizens’ petitions is noon Friday, Jan. 27.

For a citizen’s petition form, visit bit.ly/3Fwi9k1.

Got volunteerism?

The following is a list of appointed town boards, commissions and committees with vacancies. Anyone interested in serving on one should submit a letter of interest and a resume to the Select Board, Abbot Hall, 188 Washington St., or email wileyk@ marblehead.org. Call the Select Board’s Office at 781-631-0000 for more information.

» Two one-year vacancies, Marblehead Old Burial Hill Oversight Committee

One-year vacancy, Marblehead Affordable Housing Trust Fund

» Three-year vacancy, Marblehead Design Review Board

One-year term, Marblehead MBTA Advisory Board

One-year term, Marblehead Advisory Board

» Five three-year, staggered terms, Marblehead Cultural Council

One-year vacancy, Marblehead Forever Committee

One-year term, Marblehead Task Force Against Discrimination

Animal shelter accepting volunteers

Volunteers are always needed to help feed and care for abandoned animals housed at the Marblehead Animal Shelter, 44 Village St.

The nonprofit Friends of Marblehead Abandoned Animals was formed for this purpose.

To volunteer, call 781-631-8664.

Mattress, textile waste bans

As of November, landfills, transfer stations and waste-toenergy facilities across the state can no longer accept mattresses and textiles for disposal.

Beds must be recycled, and fabrics must be donated for reuse or other secondary uses.

The fee for recycling a mattress and box spring at the Marblehead Transfer Station is $25. Textiles include clothes, shoes, linens, towels, curtains and cloth accessories.

At the Marblehead Transfer Station, residents with facility stickers can recycle textiles in the clothing collection bins for no fee. Items must be dry and in trash bags.

Volunteer at Health Dept.

Residents may volunteer to serve on the Marblehead Recycling Committee, appointed by the Marblehead Board of Health.

The Swap Shed is another place where volunteers can help. Volunteers must also sell facility stickers and check cars for up-todate stickers as they enter the transfer station.

Contact the Public Health Department at 781-631-0212 for additional volunteer information.

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