4 minute read
to be on patrol, as documented in photographs purportedly showing his police cruiser parked in his driveway.
In a second case, the town alleges that Gallo exercised “poor judgment” during a domestic dispute with his girlfriend on July 26, 2021.

Between the two alleged incidents, Marblehead Police alleges Gallo violated several department policies, including: conduct unbecoming of an officer. falsifying records. off-duty use of alcohol.
» professional image.
» devotion to duty.
» cooperation with investigations.

So far, Detective Theresa Gay and Sgt. Sean Brady had given testimony, and Gay had not finished hers before Kezer concluded the hearing’s first day.
Police Chief Dennis King, Gallo and one other unidentified witness are expected to testify.
Attorneys Gary Nolan and Peter Perroni of the firm Nolan Perroni in North Chelmsford are representing Gallo, while Town Counsel Jane Friedman of the Newburyport firm Mead, Talerman & Costa is representing the town of Marblehead.

Building Commissioner Appointed
Ives steps up as official pursues overdue certification
The Marblehead Select Board has appointed Bob Ives as interim building commissioner effective May 1 because Marblehead’s current building commissioner, John Albright, was unable to fulfill his state-mandated certification requirements before an April 30 deadline.
From P. A1
Michael Hull in a close race among the three candidates in 2022.
As for the one-year, unexpired term, interim Light Commissioner Adam Smith and Nathanael Burke of Mitchell Road will compete for it. The Select Board and Light Commission selected Smith to fill the vacancy created when Karl A. Johnson resigned his seat following the June election, citing health reasons.
Library Board of Trustees: Two Abbot Public Library Board of Trustees seats with threeyear terms are open in the election. Incumbent Gary Amberik returned papers, as did newcomer Katherine Barker of Locust Street and Marblehead’s perennial candidate Rose
The Select Board’s appointment comes even after Albright was granted a sixmonth extension related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Massachusetts, municipal building commissioners are responsible for overseeing and enforcing local and state building codes and regulations. Their primary duty is to ensure that buildings within the town are safe, structurally sound, and comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
“When you hire a building commissioner, they have to already be a certified local inspector, which our building commissioner is,” Town Administrator Thatcher Kezer said. “They also have one year to study for and complete three exams.”

Albright is scheduled to take the state-mandated tests but has yet to complete them, Kezer informed the Select Board.
“So after April 30, he cannot serve as our building commissioner,” Kezer said.
“That’s why Bob Ives has stepped up to take on that additional duty for a period of time as we work our way through resolving the commissioner issue.” term. The Select Board and the Housing Authority unanimously appointed Tauro to fill the vacancy created after former commissioner Joan Cutler resigned in September.
Ives is a familiar face, having served as Marblehead’s building commissioner from the early 2000s until his retirement in 2016.
Before his interim appointment, Ives was working as the town’s zoning official and a local inspector.
Other incumbents running for reelection include Moderator Jack Attridge, Assessor John Kelley, Cemetery Commissioner Pam Peterson and Water and Sewer Commissioners Thomas Carroll and Barton Hyte.
Town Clerk Robin Michaud reminds prospective candidates of the Office of Campaign and Political Finance’s filing requirements. All candidates must file three campaign finance reports, regardless of the election’s outcome or the amount of personal money spent.

Critical dates to file campaign finance reports are as follows:
Eight days before the election or June 8.
» Thirty days after the election or July 30.
» End-of-year report, Jan. 20, 2024.
Ann Wheeler McCarthy of Hewitt Street. Rec and Parks Commission: Five, oneyear terms are open on the Recreation and Parks Commission. Four of the five members of the Recreation and Parks Commission — Linda Rice Collins, Matthew Martin, Karen Ernst and Rossana Ferrante — are running for
FaVORITE FELINE Community asked to pick the best adopt-a-cat logo
This June, Friends of Marblehead’s Abandoned Animals (FOMAA) has partnered with Marblehead High School students to launch the annual Adopt-a-Cat Month t-shirt contest. The public is invited to vote for their favorite design among five student finalists throughout May.

The winning t-shirt will be available for purchase in June, with proceeds benefiting the Marblehead Animal Shelter. Voting details can be found on FOMAA’s Facebook page at facebook.com/Marblehead.
Animal.Shelter. The organization also plans to set up paper voting at the Jacobi Community Center, Abbot Public Library and a few small businesses around town. FOMAA, a non-profit organization founded in 1993, operates as a no-kill shelter that provides food, shelter, medical care and loving homes for abandoned animals. Funded by donations and adoption fees, the organization also supports animal placement in assisted living homes, low-income families and spay/neuter/ release programs. re-election. Newcomers Shelly Bedrossian of Jersey Street and Larry Simpson of Rowland Street returned papers. Recreation and Parks Commissioner Derek Norcross is not seeking re-election.
“Though I took out papers for re-election, I will not be turning them in,” said Norcross, who served 18 years on the commission. “I’m hopeful that by letting people know, maybe some other — hopefully younger — person will be interested in running and joining the commission.”
At the Housing Authority Board of Trustees, Thersa Taura is running for the remaining two years on an unexpired is held in accordance with the provisions of the Marblehead Zoning Bylaw and Chapter 40A of the General Laws as amended and Pursuant to Governor Baker ’s Order allowing suspension of Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law G.L. c. 30A, § 18, this public hearing of the Board is being conducted via remote participation. The public can attend this 1neeting via the remote participation platform through the following ways: Join Zoom Meeting
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558 8656 Meeting ID: 878 7834 7282 Passcode: 404568 Those only dialing in will not have access to the visual presentation at the 1neeting but can follow along with the project materials available for download at https://www.marblehead.org under the zoning board of appeals page and the date of meeting. Members of the public attending this meeting virtually will be allowed to make comments if they wish to do so, during the portion of the hearing designated for public comn1ent. Interested persons n1ay also submit comment in writing electronically and send to lyonsl@marblehead.org and the comments, will be included in the record.