2 minute read
Chief calls for firing of suspended officer
At a combative disciplinary hearing on May 16, Marblehead Police Officer Chris Gallo, who has been suspended with pay since June 2021, denied multiple misconduct allegations after Police Chief Dennis King recommended he be fired. A resolution to the case is expected in September.
Gallo is accused of spending more than 100 hours at home while on duty over a four-month period and of violating police policies involving a domestic disturbance at his home.
In the first case, the state’s Office of Inspector General received photos from an anonymous citizen in 2021 showing Gallo’s cruiser parked outside his home for hours during his shifts, which began at midnight. Gallo admits to spending some time at home (to use the bathroom, grab a snack or do online training), but claims the photos were fabricated by former Marblehead police officer Tim Tufts. Tufts resigned after Gallo win-win for everybody.”
Every Friday at 7:30 a.m., Fleming greets several kids and parents at the old Gerry School, with pop music playing from a speaker and a box of Dunkin’ Munchkins for motivation.
They pedal down Elm Street and make their way to the bike path near
Fishing captain saves young kayakers in rough waters
Marblehead fisherman Jacob Abbisso came to the rescue when a young woman and two little girls out kayaking were caught in choppy waters outside Marblehead Harbor and could not get back to shore.
Abbisso was captaining a fishing charter with two customers late in the afternoon of May 16 when they heard cries for help.

“We realized they were pretty much defeated and were being blown out to sea,” Abbisso told the Marblehead Current. “They were very tired from fighting the winds and waves.”
The girls are 6 and 10 years old.
Abbisso believes the woman with them was their babysitter.
Abbisso, who owns Big Fish Mojo Sports Fishing, said the conditions were rough, with 20 mph winds and 3-to-5-foot waves. The water
Gilbert & Cole. There, they pick up more kids and parents and ride the path the rest of the way to the Brown and Tower schools.
Last Friday morning, about 20 kids and a handful of parents joined the Bike Bus.
Sadie Codd, 6, loves riding with the group.
“You get in a good workout,” said the kindergartner.
Elliott Parenteau looks forward to the rides.
“There are some cool jumps I like to hit,” he said. “There’s a big rock near Tower [School].” Finishing a chocolate Munchkin,
MEMORI a L Day Weekend activities to honor town veterans

The town has several Memorial Day weekend activities planned, beginning with a traditional veterans breakfast and culminating with a parade and wreath-laying ceremony.

The veterans breakfast, sponsored by the Masons, will be held at the Council on Aging on Friday, May 26 at 9 a.m.
On Saturday at 9 a.m., the public is invited to place flags on the graves of veterans at Waterside Cemetery, according to Veterans Agent Dave Rodgers. On Sunday at 1 p.m., the VFW will hold a public veterans service at Star of the Sea Cemetery.
Then on Monday, all veterans are invited to muster at the Old Town House at 7:45 a.m. and walk together to State Street Landing. “There’s a brief service there to honor the men and women who lost their lives at sea in the wars, including Merchant Marines,” Rodgers said. “We throw flowers in the water.”
FOR marbleheadcurrent.org A2 Wednesday, May 24, 2023 Marblehead Current
Community Editor - Will Dowd wdowd@marbleheadnews.org
Consulting Editor - Kris Olson kolson@marbleheadnews.org
Associate Editor/Senior Reporter - Leigh Blander lblander@marbleheadnews.org
Sports ReporterJoe McConnell jmcconnell@marbleheadnews.org
Tristan Ashlock
Stephen Bach