8 minute read

Parent group pushing for $2.5M override


Local parents who support the $2.5 million permanent tax override on the ballot in the June 20 election are launching a “Vote Yes for Marblehead” campaign.

“Vote Yes for Marblehead will be working in the coming weeks to advocate for the successful passage of the override,” the committee said in a statement to the Marblehead Current. “As residents, taxpayers and parents, we simply could not stand by

News In Brief

The Current welcomes submissions (150-200 words) to News in Brief. Send yours to info@marbleheadnews.org.

Democrats to elect state convention delegates June 3

On Saturday, June 3 at 10:30 a.m., Democrats will convene in person at the Village School cafeteria, 93 Village St., to elect 14 delegates and four alternates to represent Marblehead at the 2023 State Democratic Convention.

Registered and pre-registered Democrats in Marblehead 16 years old by May 23 may vote and be elected as delegates or alternates during the caucus. Youth (age 16 to 35), people with disabilities, people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community not elected as delegates or alternates are encouraged to apply to be add-on delegates at the caucus or by visiting massdems.org/ massdems-convention.

The 2023 convention will be in person at the Tsongas Arena in Lowell on Sept. 23.

Those interested in getting involved with the Marblehead Democratic Town Committee should contact Kathy Hempel at kathy_hempel@yahoo.com or 617-548-8517.

Voting by mail allowed

No-excuse early voting by mail is available for the June 20 town election. Ballots can be requested using the state Vote by Mail application. A written request including the voter’s name, voting address, mailing address and signature is also acceptable. Applications for both mail-in and absentee ballots must be received by 5 p.m. on the fifth business day before the election, which in this case is June 12. More details about absentee ballot eligibility can be found on the state’s website.

The deadline for voter registration is June 9. Town Clerk Robin Michaud emphasizes that all ballots must be returned to her office by the close of polls on Election Day. As there is no drop box, ballots must be handdelivered or mailed.

For comprehensive voting information, visit the state’s website at https://bit.ly/3o4Tvkt.

Nominate an unsung hero

Marblehead’s Special Education Parent Advisory Council is set to hold its Unsung silently while critical public safety and education services are at risk of being drastically reduced.”

The override, which will prevent cuts in the schools and other town departments, including police and fire, passed by more than a two-thirds vote at Town Meeting this month.

School Committee Chair Sarah

Fox is confident the Vote Yes committee is up to the task.

“It’s a great group of energetic parents who are committed to getting out the word about

Hero event in June. This annual event salutes the unsung heroes in the special education community who make significant contributions, often beyond their expected responsibilities.

These heroes can be anyone from the school or local community who have demonstrated exemplary work in supporting special education. Every nomination should detail one individual, sharing a brief story of their impact on the special education community or an individual within it. To nominate an unsung hero, visit bit.ly/3M3CZtf.

Rotary Club camperships

Marblehead Rotary Club

Co-Presidents Nancy Gwin and Blair Lord of the Rotary Club of Marblehead announced the availability of funds for local children in need of financial assistance to attend summer camps. The Rotary Club raises funds for camperships through its annual summer lobster raffle, with over $219,716 awarded to more than 380 children in the past 23 years.

Gwin and Lord said the goal is to help children attend their chosen camp, with popular local options including the Marblehead Park and Recreation Department’s playground camp, YMCA’s Children’s Island and Camp Rotary. Camperships may be up to $500 per child, and children living in Marblehead can receive assistance twice.

Call or email Ellen Winkler at 781-631-6404 or ewinkler@ emwinklerlaw.com with questions or to request an application for a campership. Each household needs to fill out one form. Applications will be handled on a first-come, firstserved basis.

Council on Aging speaker series

Join Mike Michaud, fleet captain at the Boston Yacht Club, as he delves into the captivating history and importance of Marblehead’s renowned sailing tradition. Discover the secrets behind this picturesque town’s sailing legacy on Wednesday, June 21 at 1 p.m.

The event is part of the Marblehead Council on Aging Speaker Series and will take place at the Marblehead Council On Aging.

“Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the fascinating world of Marblehead’s sailing heritage,” said organizers.

what’s represented in the override,” Fox said, adding that the override is critical to the schools.

“We are simply asking to stay at level services. We’re not adding things. This really is because of the financial situation we’re in.”

If the override does not pass, the district will need to cut 33 positions along with several programs, including freshmen sports and language classes, according to Schools Superintendent John Buckey.

Road Race Series returns

The Marblehead Road Race Series is set to restart in 2023, featuring four 5K road races between May 21 and Nov. 5, offering participants the opportunity to compete, win prizes and support charitable causes.

The series, launched by Marblehead resident Bill Park and active from 2013 to 2019, was paused during the pandemic. With road races resuming in 2022, Park and three other race organizers are relaunching the series to foster collaboration, exchange ideas, and build a community among running and walking enthusiasts.

Participation in the Road Race Series is free, aside from individual race fees. Participants who register for and complete all four events will be eligible for a hooded sweatshirt, with potential prizes for overall winners.

The four 5Ks include: ly/3oNdxA1 ly/3n8XmNc

May 21, Head to the Hill 5K: Sponsored by Lynch-van Otterloo YMCA, supporting YMCA Corner Stone, a program providing support to cancer patients, survivors, and families. Register at bit.

» Oct. 1, Run for the Fund 5K: Sponsored by Marblehead Dollars for Scholars, supporting need-based college scholarships for local students. Register at bit.

» Oct. 14, Miles for Mary 5K Walk/Run: Sponsored by Miles for Mary, supporting brain cancer research at Mass General Cancer Center in memory of Mary Park. Register at milesformary.com

» Nov. 5, Marblehead Rotary ly/3NjgeDP Park stressed that it is essential to run the Head to the Hill 5K in order to “preserve your chance to complete a Grand Slam of participating in all four races and earn a Marblehead Road Race Series hoodie designating that accomplishment.” Part of the appeal of the Series is that it boosts all the races and beneficiary charities of these races. Registration links for each of the races can be found on the website: marbleheadraceseries. com.

Club: Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Marblehead, supporting a mindfulness program for the mental health and well-being of Marblehead youth. Register at bit.

Staff who might be laid off have already been notified but they won’t receive official pink slips until after the override vote.

Those cuts won’t just be felt next year, Buckey said.

“The downriver is really the problem. The impact to students will be compounded over time.”

Stay with the Current for continuing coverage of the June 20 override vote, along with elections for School Committee, Select Board and other town positions.

Park continued by stating that all four events are “fun events with challenging courses” in Marblehead. “Each event is a wellrun event managed by experienced sponsors and all are organized to support worthy causes,” Park added, noting that all participants in the YMCA Head to the Hill 5K race will automatically be entered in the Series with no need for separate registration.

Birdwatching program

Mass Audubon is hosting a free bird-watching walk at Marblehead Neck Wildlife Sanctuary on Friday, May 26, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Participants will learn about bird migration, breeding behavior and basic identification skills. Although the event is free, registration is required at bit. ly/3Mnmtpy. The event is made possible by the Marblehead Cultural Council.

Community Golf Day rescheduled

The Marblehead Select Board invites you to participate in the Community Golf Day, which has been rescheduled to Monday, Oct. 23, at Tedesco Country Club, 154 Tedesco St. Registration begins at 10 a.m., with an 11 a.m. tee-off, rain or shine.

The $175 player fee includes a round of golf with a cart, a box lunch, a post-play celebration with awards, hors d’oeuvres and beer or wine. To learn more, visit bit.ly/3ZWr8Sm.

The event supports the Marblehead Counseling Center, which has served Marblehead, Swampscott and surrounding communities since 1969. MCC provides mental health counseling, family support services, community education and charitable assistance.

Appointed vacancies

The town is currently seeking volunteers to fill several vacancies on appointed boards, commissions and committees. Potential candidates should submit a letter of interest and a resume to the Select Board, Abbot Hall, 188 Washington St., or via email at wileyk@ marblehead.org.

For more information, contact the Select Board’s Office at 781631-0000. Below is a list of open positions: Task Force Against Discrimination, one-year term.

» Affordable Housing Trust Fund, one-year term.

Bob Baker

Linda Bassett

Nicole Goodhue-Boyd

Scot Cooper

Laurie Fullerton

Mark Hurwitz

John Lamontagne

Christine McCarriston

Eyal Oren

Frances Roberts

Pam Peterson

Chris Stevens

Linda Werbner



Virginia Buckingham - President

Gene Arnould

Jessica Barnett

Ed Bell

Francie King

Donna Rice

Kate Haesche

Thomson - Secretary

Richard Weed - Treasurer


Ed Bell

Virginia Buckingham

Kris Olson

Will Dowd

Robert Peck

Joseph P. Kahn



Kathryn Whorf



Marion Warner Greely


Jessica Barnett Ed Bell

Leigh Blander

Will Dowd

David Moran

Kris Olson


North of Boston Media Group

Marblehead News 217 Humphrey St. Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945 781.910.8658 info@marbleheadnews.org www.marbleheadCurrent.org

Marblehead Current is published every Wednesday by Marblehead News Group, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It is mailed to all homes and businesses in Marblehead, MA 01945.


Help us deliver sustainable local journalism. Please consider supporting the Marblehead Current by making a tax-deductible donation at marbleheadcurrent.org/donate. For stock transfer donations, please contact: Kathryn Whorf at kwhorf@marbleheadnews.org.


Advertising is available on our website and in our weekly printed newspaper. To learn more, contact our Director of Community Relations, Marion Warner Greely, at mgreely@ marbleheadnews.org, or visit www. marbleheadCurrent.org/ads.


Join us. We invite you to help support our effort to establish and maintain a free press for a strong community. To get involved, visit www. marbleheadCurrent.org/volunteer.


CO-CHAIRPERSONS RE a L ESTaTE TR a NSFERS Buyer(s) Seller(s) Address Date Price Marblehead Robyn Peterson Schultzmadeline P Est and Eric S. Schultz 10 Ames Road May 5 $565,000 Joseph and Nicole Hanlon Robyn and Marilyn J. Peterson 23 Winthrop Ave. May 1 $1,272,500 Judith A. Zissulis Garage 17 Rt and Eric Levy 38 Intrepid Circle Lot G17 May 5 $32,000 Keith Larsen David W. Cronin and Francine B. Rinfret-Cronin 57 Green St. May 3 $515,000 Joseph Paradiso and Soraya Taleb Bruce A. and Lori A. Ehrlich 84 Robert Road May 4 $2,600,000 Andrea E. Crompton and Benjamin F. Ruback Gary Marcos and Leanne Tirilok 115 Rockaway Ave. May 5 $1,500,000 160 Green Street LLC Phv RET and Peter H. Vallis 160 Green St. May 4 $512,500 Swampscott Ian C. and Kathleen D. Anderson James and Terri Lombard 2 Burke Drive May 5 $1,080,000 Sergio R. Betancur and Jennifer O. Rojo Hannah Stone 12 Clark St. May 5 $560,000 Andrea and Scott Schwartz Denise Singley 2019 RET and Denise Singley 21 Prospect Ave. May 1 $870,000 Robert B. Turner and Mary E. Zick-Turner Alfonso G. Diaz and Blathin Wong 40 Norfolk Ave. May 3 $830,000 Christopher and Stephanie Janian Jackson and Pamela Jaques 87 Eastman Ave. May 4 $549,000 INDEX Business 3, 10, 16 Education 1 Government 5, 9, 16 History 4-5 Library 8 News 1-3 Opinion 6-7 Public safety 1, 9, 18 Recreation 1, 3, 12-15, 17 Seniors 1, 19 Sports 12-14 Theater 10

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