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Children’s Workshop Montessori

Discover how to set your child on the path to a lifelong love of learning. Our kindergar ten children learn to read chapter boo ks, Write independently in journals, play chess, And so much more!

2 seats available info@marbleheadm ontessori to schedule a visit.

Danuta Shasha, Secretary & Education Dir. Alma Mahon, Volunteer Coordinator Bruce Whear, Marketing Coordinator Stanis Ames, Season Planning Dir. Steve Black, Box Office Coordinator Ted Merit, Membership Coordinator Betty Lautner, Dayle Persons, Anne Lucas, David Foye, Christina Easthope and Erin Pelikhov.

Executive Producer Emily Black has helped steer productions for the past several years.

In addition to the board and staff, we have a community of friends of MLT who fill vital roles in the realms of production, lighting, sound design, music direction, choreography, set design/construction/ painting, stage management, house management and more.

What are some of the programs you provide for children, teens and young adults? MLT offers a variety of youth theater programming throughout the year. We run school vacation workshops in February and April and run four sessions of musical theater workshops in the summer. We also run improv workshops for children and teens, as well as Shakespearean acting workshops. Finally, each fall and spring we run full children’s musical theater productions, which include a full rehearsal schedule and a weekend of performances. Info can be found at mltlive.com/ childrens-theatre/.

What show is coming up on the schedule with Marblehead Little Theatre? “The Great Gatsby, An American Musical” is coming up at MLT this month and runs from June 23 through July 2. Based on the beloved American novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, this new musical by Fred Anthony Marco and Frank Schiro is sure to delight audiences as they’re transported to the “Eggs” on Long Island during the Jazz age. More info at www.mltlive.org.

The spotlight is a weekly feature published in partnership with Discover Marblehead. Discover Marblehead is dedicated to the promotion of the seaside town of Marblehead.

Its mission is to highlight local businesses, tourism, community events and attractions through social media, email marketing and community outreach. To learn more, visit discovermhd.com.


Kathryn Whorf


Marion Warner Greely


Jessica Barnett

Ed Bell

Leigh Blander

Will Dowd

David Moran

Kris Olson


North of Boston Media Group

Marblehead News 217 Humphrey St. Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945 781.910.8658 info@marbleheadnews.org www.marbleheadCurrent.org

Marblehead Current is published every Wednesday by Marblehead News Group, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It is mailed to all homes and businesses in Marblehead, MA 01945.


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account looks like.”

And from Emiyah Setalsingh, “A world with justice provides health care for all and hospitals provide high-quality service no matter the zip code. A world with justice makes my family and me feel protected by the government.”

Juneteenth celebrates the day that word of the Emancipation Proclamation freeing enslaved Black Americans finally reached Galveston, Texas, two years after it was made.

The 90-minute Juneteenth program also featured Greg Coles who played an African drum and spoke about the importance of music, storytelling and resilience in the African tradition. Nicole McClain, president of the North Shore Juneteenth Association, also talked about the resilience of people of color.

“Four-hundred years of slavery, 101 years of segregation and unceasing years of oppression and so-called freedom, and here we are still becoming. Becoming students.

Becoming scientists, lawyers, doctors and so much more while navigating systemic racism the best way we can.”

Rev. Dr. Andre Bennett — who has spoken at many Marblehead social justice events — delivered an impassioned speech about the need for action. He quoted Martin Luther King, Jr., saying, “Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.”

“Marblehead, you know I like you. I come here a lot,” he said with a big smile.

“But I don’t want the sentimental and anemic love. I want you to do something. Until it’s safe for me to drive through Marblehead without my heart on my tongue because I might get pulled over because I don’t look like most people in Marblehead, we who believe in freedom can not rest.

“I want to see some diversity in your local government,” he continued. “Give us power with the love you give us. “

Bennett also addressed attempts nationwide to limit the teaching of African-American history.

“You will not erase our history. You will not erase our history of building this nation.”

At the end of the program, Tanya Crowell sang the Black national anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” while the Juneteenth flag was raised. It flies along with the U.S. flag and the pride flag.

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