9 minute read
Electric vehicles are becoming a smarter and easier choice
BY KEITH WEBSTER, member of Sustainable Marblehead’s Clean Energy & Public Policy working group
It may surprise you to learn that vehicles powered by electricity have been around for 180 years. The first electric vehicle was invented approximately 50 years before Karl Benz invented the gasoline vehicle and around 70 years before Henry Ford’s Model T was introduced. One might ask, what happened? According to the Smithsonian, gas- powered vehicles won because they were less costly, faster, could drive longer distances and could travel outside of cities since they did not depend on electrical infrastructure for charging. Ironically, we hear very similar objections about EV adoption today but there has been a real push to address these concerns recently since state and federal governments are actively trying to combat greenhouse gas emissions, 29% of which come from the transportation sector. Cost and availability are cited as two of the main barriers to EV adoption. EVs have historically been more expensive than their similarly appointed/sized gas counterparts but the cost is coming down and rebates are frequently available. A recent New York Times article indicated that the average price
Town wrapped arms around refugees
To the editor:
Last April, we were asked if we would host a Ukrainian refugee family who had recently arrived in Lynn after fleeing Kyiv https:// bit.ly/3qNIB3M.
Like many others, we were horrified by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and the opportunity to share our home with Oxana and her 5-year-old son, Artem, was something we were happy and eager to do.
As they are now preparing to move into their own home in Wakefield, closer to Oxana’s job, we want to take the opportunity to thank the community of friends, neighbors and businesses who generously supported them during this past year.
As soon as they arrived at our home, Oxana and Artem were welcomed with gifts of clothes, toys, gift cards and special treats. Friends offered them transportation until Oxana received her driver’s license. One friend even drove Oxana to and from New York so that she could renew her passport!
The Lynch-van Otterloo YMCA generously offered them full access to their facilities and of an EV at the end of 2022 was over $60,000. In 2023, trends point toward leveling the gas vs. electric vehicle playing field.
Companies like Tesla, Lucid, Ford, Hyundai and Chevy have reduced their prices on several models by as much as 18% this year. These reductions are due to increased competition, improved supply chain and the desire to qualify for incentives.
Finding an EV available to purchase is becoming easier and production is ramping up. Each of the world’s top automakers is planning to invest tens of billions in electric vehicles and batteries by 2030 for an estimated $1.2 trillion in total. The big three U.S. automakers have announced goals of having 40-50% of their sales be electric in the next decade.

GM alone is planning to have 20 different EV models by 2025 and VW is aiming for 70 models by the end of the decade. One would assume that a portion of those models will have to be comparable to or less expensive than gas vehicles to meet those targets, otherwise they will drastically limit their market appeal.
Incentives exist that help drive down the cost. The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act contains an EV component, which stipulates that qualified buyers who purchase an eligible vehicle may receive a tax credit of up to $7,500 for new and $4,000 for used EVs. New vehicles must have a sticker price of less than $55,000 and used vehicles must be under $25,000. In Massachusetts, the MOR-EV program (Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles) offers a rebate of up to $3,500 for the purchase of a new EV to residents. Frequent changes occur, so it’s best to check the U.S. Department of Energy, Mass.gov, or Marblehead Electric websites for the most updated information. Locally, the Marblehead Municipal Light Department has a rebate program for free or discounted home charging stations.
Range anxiety is a term that you may have heard regarding EVs. A U.S. Department of Energy study estimates that 80% of EV owners charge at home. Since the average commute is substantially less than the average EV range, most people can drive to work and back without worry. Trips to rural areas or long distances take more thought, but EVs are equipped with route planning software to locate chargers while on the road. Wait times for charging are decreasing since fast charging stations can add approximately 80% of the total battery capacity in 20-30 minutes. Battery technology is improving and becoming more cost effective. As recently as 10 years ago, the average EV range was 100 miles but today most EVs achieve at least twice that. Additionally, the current administration set aside $7.5 billion to build out the U.S. EV charging network which will take us from 130,000 public charging stations to over 500,000. EV adoption nationwide has grown from 4% in 2020 to 14% in 2022 and pointing towards 18% in 2023. In Marblehead, our aging electrical infrastructure has made widespread EV adoption challenging. Our distribution system was not built to accommodate a fast charger for every household. The short-term solution is demand management. Customers who take advantage of MMLD’s free charger program are automatically signed up for scheduled (off-peak) charging. This is a great way to avoid overloading Marblehead’s electric system by spreading out the timing of electricity demand. Off-peak charging is also good for your wallet — charging at night uses less expensive electricity and avoiding unnecessary demand when the system is peaking between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. reduces your electric bill. Despite the progress, there may be reasons why some feel an electric vehicle may not be right for them today, but that doesn’t mean it never will. With the rapidly changing technology, increased competition and incentives for manufacturers and consumers, the skepticisms about EV adoption are being addressed head on. These vehicles are not only fun to drive but they are coming down in price and improving in functionality. classes, and National Grand Bank opened an account for Oxana and helped her to begin establishing credit in the United States.
We would like to extend a special thank you to the Marblehead Children’s Center for their love and generosity in welcoming Artem into their community.
When he started going to the Center, giving Oxana time to acquire the documentation she needed to be able to work in the U.S., he was a frail and traumatized child who was frightened to leave his mother’s side. He spoke no English, so he was unable to communicate with anyone but her.
Despite these challenges, he was welcomed and embraced by the teachers, staff and other children with kindness and patience. And, slowly but surely, Artem blossomed into the confident and exuberant child he is today. We recently dropped Artem off at the Children’s Center for the day, and we were amazed at how confidently and proudly he showed us around! He has made many friends, and he is increasingly able to talk with them — and us — in English.
On behalf of Oxana and Artem, we would like to thank Gail
Arsenault, Karen Bird, Maura Phelan, Lyn Doran and the entire Marblehead Children’s Center community of teachers, parents and children for giving Artem such a wonderful start to his life in the U.S.
You are living your mission of supporting families while promoting a lifelong love of learning, and we are truly grateful for your support of this special child.
Jim and Lynn Bryant Gregory Street
Standing on side of love
To the editor:
An open letter to the Grace Community Church and Marblehead townspeople: I am writing today as a disheartened individual and community member. We are all aware of anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment, violence and legislation rising across the country; however, I’m deeply dismayed to see this happening in our own community.
I’m writing today as an ally, who holds an incredible amount of privilege. I do not fear judgment or for my safety when expressing proudly who I am, walking down the street or introducing myself to new people.
However, many members of the LGBTQ+ community — our community — do. And the actions made by Grace Community Church, removing pride flags, is an example as to why.
The pride flag is a symbol of love, belonging, acceptance and celebration of difference. At the end of the day, I hope that is something as a community we can unite on. Love. Acceptance. Celebration of difference. Belonging.
Those not only should be the values of our community, but also the Christian faith. There is nothing shameful about the pride flag. There is nothing shameful about celebrating love. There is nothing shameful about proudly being who you are.
There is, however, shame in diminishing someone’s life experience. I wonder where in your Christian faith exclusionary practices fall? Above loving thy neighbor or below? Who are we to throw stones?
Faith comes in all walks of life, action or inaction, acceptance or discrimination. Hate comes in all walks of life, under the surface or out in the daylight, mostly I believe rooted in fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of difference.
I don’t know your thought process behind the action taken to remove the pride flags. I don’t know if your intention was to signal that you do not accept the LGBTQ+ community. However, to many, including myself, that’s exactly how those actions are received.
I’d like you, and all of us as a Marblehead community, to ask ourselves: Why is flying the pride flag — why is signaling your support for this community — such a controversial action? Why is celebrating someone’s love who may look a little different than yours so scary? Why is supporting love not something we can all unite for?
It is your right as a church to do as you wish. This is a community and country that values difference, opposing opinions and healthy debate. However, as a town — and as a faith community especially — I would hope that love is not something that divides but unites us.
It is my right as a member of this community to stand on the side of love when hate is rising around every corner. I do not believe I stand alone in this sentiment. And I do have faith that love will win.
Aliza Bogosian Washington Street
garden a drink. It was never enough. As in the farm fields, the water vanished into the soil and the dust would return the very next day. By midsummer, it was daily hand-to-hand combat with the weeds, my mom sending us kids down there armed with hoes and leather gloves. Out on the plains working the earth is, as they say, a tough row to hoe.
I thought of all this when my partner and I at our house here in Marblehead, decided it was time to wake the garden up from the long winter. “Gardening,” as I said, is a relative term. This was a far cry from the industrial-scale production of my raising. We cleared out last year’s dead growth and planted roses, mandevilla, begonia and impatiens. Making a lovely ornamental garden. Practical stock that we are, the produce of this garden will have its use for flower arrangements and centerpieces that my partner, among her many talents, will expertly craft.
According to the U.S.
Drought Monitor, our area of Massachusetts is currently considered to be “Abnormally Dry.” Digging my fingers into the moist soil of our garden, I found this more than a little hard to believe. In the rainiest year I can ever remember, the soil back home was never as damp as the soil we planted roses into. In addition, this black soil is super rich and doesn’t require amendments like the tough soil out on the plains. My goodness, back home we could’ve fed an army out of this rich soil! Even the weeds are tamer here, timid green shoots with nary a prick nor a thorn to deter the avid plucker.
There were also ferns in the garden, a species of plant that looks positively primordial to my eye. It hasn’t rained enough on the plains to produce ferns since the brontosaurus roamed. I think I learned the reason ferns have survived these few hundred million years: they produce an impressive root system. Digging up the root ball was like uprooting a tree. And even if the fern has no stickers or prickers to deter attackers, they are tenacious. Just a few days after
I pulled every fern root from the soil I could find, new fronds unfurled from the soil. I plucked those, too, but I suspect I have not seen the last of them. In the days since we finished planting, I’ve dragged the garden hose out. My partner gently told me to cease and desist; the plants were fine. And then, it rained, and they got even more to drink. It all feels a bit like cheating, honestly, here in this small garden where Mother Nature doesn’t seem quite so bound and determined to keep you at bay. No, here in Marblehead, she saves her hard licks for the sea and the snow, as I’ve learned. So now I sit in the garden and simply enjoy it. A lovely sort of Marblehead homemade. As always, if you’ve got an idea upon which I can embark for a Marblehead First Time, drop me a line at court.merrigan@gmail.com.