9 minute read

Don’t forget self-care this summer


School is out. The pools are open. The smell of grilling saturates the neighborhoods in the evening and on the weekends. Thank goodness for summertime.

However, summer does not always mean pleasure and fun times for everyone. One constant that rings true is that our mental health should not take a break. Seasonal affective disorder is often perceived to set in during the winter months, but depression in the summer has been documented.

We may feel anxious about what our kids are doing or not doing. Many of us continue to worry about our finances and how to pay for camp or mini-family trips.

Relationships are difficult no matter what the time of year, as well as family dynamics which often change in the summer as kids are on break from college and returning home. As a result of these gnawing pains, indulging in alcohol or other mindaltering substances can become more commonplace.

Perhaps now more than ever, we must be vigilant of our overall well-being and prioritize our mental health. Let us remember that some people might have a different reality of these leisurely months ahead.

The purpose of this article is to remind the community of Marblehead to be grateful that you live near some of the most beautiful beaches. A community on a peninsula; it seems like the perfect place to spend your time. Marblehead is full of history, culture, fun and beauty and let us be reminded to take a step back to basics and make time for summertime.

Emotional well-being

During the summer months we frequently find ourselves spread thin. A multitude of events and invites flood our calendar, but prioritize these events and understand that it is okay to say no. Try setting healthy boundaries as compared to overextending yourself.

When we over-commit ourselves we compromise our mindfulness. Being present is much more than arriving at the party, but instead being mindful of the moments you share. Set your emotions free. Take in the sights and sounds of your whereabouts and actively listen and communicate with others.

For those who feel anxious or jittery, try channeling your anxiety and apprehensions through gardening or listening to the many sounds of the birds. Take a tour of the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary on Marblehead Neck, visit Abbott Hall and the Marblehead Museum to learn about the history and culture of our town.

Spend a day at the zoo and feed a giraffe or take a trip to the New England Aquarium or the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem.

For those of you who like to live on the edge, cross the border of New Hampshire and be dazed by Canobie Lake Park or stroll the strip at Hampton Beach and stay the evening for a concert at the Casino Ballroom.

Check with your employers, local stores and/or the actual venue for discounted tickets, group rates and free festivals and events for the entire family.

Financial well-being

Summer is a time when people tend to treat themselves, whether it is splurging on a vacation, staycation or having a few moonlit dinners.

To avoid financial woes, create a summer fun budget. This helps to tally your spending habits and allows for creativity. Instead of dining harborside, enjoy a picnic at the park or check your local paper for family-friendly activities that won’t break the bank.

On those rainy days and breezy nights, curl up with a good book; you have full permission to get lost in a steamy, summer romance novel. Although many of us like to have time for vacations or staycations, the bills still need to get paid.

For those who have retired, we might feel a sense of integrity by giving back to the community through volunteer work in town or for a foundation or organization you hold near and dear. Research has indicated that those who give back to the community and generate knowledge and goodness feel a sense of integrity and fulfillment as compared to isolation and despair.

Physical well-being

Our physical health is something we try to focus on year-round. Summer can make it easier to get in a daily dose of exercise.

Research indicates that exercise releases natural endorphins, including serotonin and dopamine. Instead of driving, ride a bike or walk if you are able, try some jumping jacks to get your adrenaline going or take a morning jog before it gets too hot.

Whether you are a pool person, or a lover of the ocean and lakes, swimming is great exercise and can help with rehabilitation and general body movement. You might just notice a change in mood, energy level and your overall disposition.

A day in the water can tire a person out, especially with the sun’s rays upon us. It can be quite soothing to put your sun-kissed self to rest and get under the cool bed sheets, as the breeze blows in through the window.

The importance of adequate sleep has been determined through sleep studies and researchers alike. Studies show that going to bed and waking at the same time each day makes for a healthy sleep cycle and balances our circadian rhythm.

Events full of food, fun and libations, as well as longer days and nights, can contribute to less sleep in the summer, so it is important to limit alcohol intake prior to bedtime and commit to a healthy bed routine that makes you feel good.


As we reflect on this article, let us remind ourselves of what is truly important.

Yes, summer is full of exciting activities, opportunities, and gatherings. It is evident that our beautiful town of Marblehead has something to satisfy everyone in the family, including our fur babies.

Surrounding ourselves with friends and family can be exhilarating but it can also be exhausting.

Structure and balance between taking care of others and taking care of yourself is hugely important. We encourage you to utilize the resources that are offered in your community. One day you might find that the park is perfect for your picnic and another day it might be where you practice yoga, meditate or give yourself some freedom from the chaos.

We might feel pressured to pack in as much summertime fun in these short months, but do not forget to check your mental health and overall well-being.

We ask those of you who are planners, to plan for some downtime. To our creatures of habit, do something out of the ordinary. Allow yourself to make choices and create special moments. Life is about quality and knowing your boundaries. Before you know it, the nights will be getting cooler and those back-to-school signs will appear. Take the time to cherish these blissful months, but never lose sight of yourself.

Marblehead Cares is a monthly column written by members of the Marblehead Mental Health Task Force, which provides leadership and a community-wide focus by engaging providers, residents of all ages and the greater Marblehead community in mental health and wellness initiatives. To learn more, visit marbleheadcares.org/ a vehicle crash. When he arrived, the Fire Department and EMS were already on scene. The officer found a white Audi that appeared to have crashed head on into a telephone pole directly in front of 236 Humphrey St. Its airbags were deployed, and the vehicle and pole appeared to have significant damage. After being determined not to have serious injuries by EMS, the driver told the officer that he was traveling inbound on Humphrey Street and veered off the road and crashed into the pole. The officer then spoke with a witness who had been driving outbound on Humphrey Street when he saw the white Audi veer off the road and crash. He then pulled over to see if the driver was OK. The Light Department was called to the scene to assess the damage to the pole.

Saturday, June 24

9:38 a.m. Officers investigated a disturbance reported on Pleasant Street.

10:08 a.m. An officer responded to Terry’s Ice Cream, where the owner and his niece reported that they were being recorded and harassed by a man in a vehicle that was backing out of a parking space property with less than the required lot area, side setback, open area, parking and exceeds the maximum allowable height located at 25 Lee Street in the Central Residence and Shoreline Central Residence District. The new construction will be within the side yard setback, and further reduce the open. This hearing is held in accordance with the provisions of the Marblehead Zoning Bylaw and Chapter 40A of the General Laws as amended and Pursuant to Governor Baker ’s Order allowing suspension of Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law G.L. c. 30A, §18, this public hearing of the Board is being conducted via remote participation The public can attend this meeting via the remote participation platform through the following ways: Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87878347282?pwd=enlwRXd3V2xmdHE3cy92SklTU1BTUT09 Dial in+ 1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 878 7834 7282 Passcode: 404568 Those only dialing in will not have access to the visual presentation at the meeting, but can follow along with the project materials available for download at https://www.marblehead.org under the zoning board of appeals page and the date of meeting. Members of the public attending this meeting virtually will be allowed to make comments if they wish to do so, during the portion of the hearing designated for public comment. Interested persons may also submit comment in writing electronically and send to lyonsl@marblehead.org and the comments, will be included in the record Alan Lipkind Secretary behind Terry’s. The driver, who was known to the officer, rolled down the window and agreed to speak with the officer about the ongoing civil disputes he and his wife, who owned the business next door, were having with the Terry’s Ice Cream owner.

The man explained that he was documenting ice cream containers that had been left in an improper place so he could report them to the Marblehead Board of Health. The officer explained that, in the future, the man should call police to resolve the issue rather than initiate a confrontation. Similar advice was given to the owner of Terry’s and his niece. All of them said they were familiar with the process of obtaining a harassment prevention order from previous incidents.

10:39 a.m. An officer was dispatched to Pond Street to mediate an ongoing neighbor dispute.

The caller brought the officer to the back of her yard to show him her neighbor’s deck, which sits above the caller’s deck. The caller explained that her neighbor has plants above her deck that drip water down onto her deck. The caller then showed the officer under the deck where she had raked out items of trash that she believed her neighbor had put there. The officer asked the caller if she had tried speaking with her neighbor about the dripping plants, and the caller replied that her neighbor would not speak to her. Th e officer then went to the neighbor’s apartment. The neighbor, who was the building manager, invited the officer into her home and explained that the situation with her neighbor had been going on for years. The building manager told the officer that she had tried reasoning with the other woman many times, but she is unwilling to work with her. The building manager said she was consulting with a lawyer and otherwise taking the proper steps to resolve the problem. The officer advised her to keep to herself and otherwise continue with those steps.

7:45 p.m. An officer went back to Pond Street to speak once again to a woman about the problems she was having with her neighbor. The update was that the caller had been on her back deck with her dogs when her neighbor walked by and began speaking to her. The woman showed the officer video footage of the interaction recorded by her Ring camera, although it was unclear what was said. The woman began to speak about her neighbor’s various actions but was unable to paint a clear picture of what had happened, according to the officer. Eventually, the woman explained that her neighbor had been storing her kayaks under her deck, and she wanted them removed. She also stated that her neighbor continuously slams the front door, which upsets her. The officer advised the woman that it was a civil matter and explained the process of obtaining a harassment prevention order. Another officer then arrived, and the woman said she wanted the officer to note that she “owns 60% of the building.” She proceeded to describe other random issues with her neighbor over the past few days. Then abruptly, the woman stood up and walked into her home, ending the conversation.

Sunday, June 25 12:24 a.m. Officers were dispatched to the 7-Eleven convenience store on Pleasant Street to investigate a report that the store was open with no employee inside. Upon their arrival, the officers found that the lights in the store were half on and half off, and the door was open with the lock bolt extended out. The officers searched the store and confirmed that there were no employees on site. They did find a schedule that showed an employee had been scheduled to work the overnight shift but apparently had not shown up. The officers tried to lock the doors and leave, but they were unable to do so. At 1:21 a.m., an assistant manager arrived to relieve the officers of minding the store.

3:37 a.m. Officers investigated a report of suspicious activity on Pleasant and Gerry

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