Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria - April 2016 magazine online edition

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April 2016 (Issue 424)

Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J / FWDV Member PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149

Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre

We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.

John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655


C ON T E N T S Intro 4 Committee 5 From The President 6 Upcoming 8 Next Meeting - April 26th 8 Trips and Social Events 8 Other Trips for 2016 still in the planning stage 10 Long Term Future Planning 10 Upcoming 4wd Driver training 11 Trip and Recovery Gear 12 Trip Reports 14 Trips Summary 20 General Articles 28 There are no general articles this month 28 Buy and Sell 29 Club Resources 29 Member Items for Sale 29 Minutes 32 Committee Meeting Minutes 35 Editor Notes 39


INTRO The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 30 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2015/16 year were agreed at the general meeting in April 2015 and are as follows:

Member rates: Single: $120 (Seniors card - $110) Joint/family: $140 - (Seniors card - $125). One off joining fee of $10 ($20 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $47

Non-member trip fee: A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes)

Please contact the membership officer for further enquiries. Email:


COMMITTEE Stephen Whittaker (President)

Dale Rebgetz (Vice President)

Peter Bellis (Secretary)

Bob Marshall (Treasurer)

Duncan McCrae (OM: General Committee) Dan Conlon (OM: Editor) au

Jean Bellis (OM: Social Coordinator )

Jamie Scott (OM: Trips Coordinator)

Meredith Dale (OM: Venue Coordinator)

Mike Dale (OM: Website/ Magazine Content)


F R OM T HE P RE SI DE N T President’s Report: April Magazine Welcome to the April Subaru 4WD Club magazine! What a month it’s been; we’ve had the Lake Cobbler Trip, Disputed Border Trip and last month’s General Meeting was held at Subaru Berwick – many members took the opportunity to test drive vehicles, discuss new Subaru technology and features with dealership staff and even show off our own (mostly modified) Subarus in the car park! It was a very enjoyable evening and we must sincerely thank Mark and the team at Subaru Berwick for their hospitality and willingness to have us host our meeting at their dealership. Who knows; there might be some members driving around new Subies soon as a result of that visit! On the Labour Day long weekend, we took a trip to Lake Cobbler and surrounds. This trip, led by myself, commenced at Mansfield and toured Tolmie, Powers Lookout, Lake William Hovell, Lake Cobbler, King Hut and King Basin Road as well as Tomahawk Hut finishing at Merrijig. We had incredible weather and tackled some interesting four wheel drive tracks. The views in spots were spectacular. Thanks to everyone for making this trip so enjoyable. A trip report features later in this magazine. I’m aware that there were some members who, unfortunately, missed out on attending the Lake Cobbler Trip. This is as a result of my decision to place a convoy limit for the trip. Convoy limits have been introduced to our club. It’s not something we’ve really had to consider until recently. With a recent welcoming of many new members, our trip intention sheets often have 15 vehicles registered. Some trips are able to cope with this number (though it can still be very tricky to manage!). Other trips are not able to cope with this. Having 15 vehicles at a standing camp where day trips are optional is not a problem. However, moving trips are particularly challenging when managing that many vehicles: -

The convoy can get very drawn out – with sometimes 5 kilometres or more between Trip Leader and Tail-end Charlie; Communication becomes tricky; Finding a campsite that will hold 15 vehicles, tents and equipment can be difficult (especially on long weekends); If there are challenging sections, it can be very time-consuming and landmarks/places of interest that were intended to be visited are missed due to time constraints.

These are just some of the reasons. It also comes down to safety and the trip leaders personal choice in terms of how many vehicles they’re prepared to take through a particular area. I’m very aware that this means some people are unable to attend trips. We are running more and more trips all the time and there is always the


possibility of repeating trips with the proviso that those who were unable to attend the first time are given priority to attend next time. So, trip leaders; when setting down your trips and promoting them, please be aware of what your convoy limit for the trip may be. Thanks to all members for your understanding. Speaking of numbers, I am thrilled to highlight that our club now has 47 memberships and nearly 90 members!! This is fantastic news! The efforts of our club over the past year and a half to generate an increase of 15 memberships is simply incredible. Thank you to the great work undertaken by Committee and all other members in fostering a welcoming, enjoyable club that people want to join! It sounds like a lot of fun was had on the Disputed Border Trip! From what I’ve heard so far, it was quite a trek. I’m looking forward to the full trip report. In May, the club training weekend will be run in Tallarook. Jessica has 10 participants locked in for the first of the training weekends, which is fantastic. We are well aware that there is a need for another training day and we are hoping to be able to commit to one before the end of the year, so please await details soon as we determine a date. I will be attending the training, not as a participant, but as a helper for Jessica and to enjoy the social side of things outside the training. Looking forward to a great weekend on the 14th and 15th of May. Some excellent work has been undertaken on our website. I would like to thanks Mike Dale for taking the initiative to significantly improve the ‘Photos’ and ‘Trip Reports’ pages. Mike has created photo albums specific to trips which link to the relevant trip report and back again. There is a significant amount of time involved in this type of work, so I would like to sincerely thank Mike for his work in this area. Please check out the pages at our website,, and thank Mike when you see him next! You will have seen the email I sent out recently asking for expressions of interest in attending our 40th Birthday celebrations later this year. It will be a great weekend celebrating 40 years exploring in Subarus! If you haven’t already, please ensure you respond as soon as you can to let us know if you will or will not attend so we can determine numbers and lock in bookings. Thank you. At this month’s General Meeting, we will have Kenneth Birch from the Victorian High Country Huts Association join us to talk all things huts, maintenance, history and, hopefully, he will share some secret hut sites for us to visit. We’re always visiting huts – they’re a favourite destination for our club. We’re looking forward to having Kenneth join us! I’m looking forward to your company then where you can catch up on the latest club news, hear trip reports and mingle with other members. In the meantime, enjoy the April magazine and I’ll see you at the meeting and/or out on the tracks – wherever we may be heading! Stephen Whittaker President


UPCOMING Next Meeting - April 26th Date: Tuesday the 26th April at 8pm - Meetings are the Last Tuesday of every month (except December) Venue: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris At this month’s meeting we have Kenneth Birch coming from the Victorian High Country Huts Association to do a presentation on the restorations of the huts and what is involved. Door Prize. Come along to win a special door prize at this months meeting. Venue Coordinator Meredith Dale

Trips and Social Events We have a variety of trips coming up. There have been some very exciting proposals for extended trips and some have had to be but onto the calendar for 2017 or 2018.

There is a need for day trips of various standards but with an emphasis on trips that many of our newer members can come on. This could mean an easy, medium easy or an easy medium. So if you know a great location that you would love to explore with the club let us know. Chances are that there are others in the club that might want to visit the same area. Put up the suggestion and someone else might run it Put up the suggestion and ask for someone else who might want to co lead it with you. You might want it run it yourself and if it is your first time we will provide you with a trip mentor. Social Events are also needed particularly over the cooler winter months. This could be movie and coffee, restaurant meal, bike ride, train ride, walk etc. 8|Page

Kara Kara National Park Friday 22nd to Monday 25th April 2016 (Anzac Day Weekend) Trip Standard: Medium ■ Trip Leaders: Meredith and Mike Dale, Location: Kara Kara National Park north of Avoca Standing camp based at Moonambel Camp Ground

Subaru Club Training Weekend When: 11am Saturday 14th to 4pm Sunday 15th May Where: Tallarook Trip Leader: Jessica Walsh, ph: 0414 692 574 See elsewhere in the Magazine for more details

Noojee When: Sunday 22nd May 2016 Trip Standard: Easy Medium ■ Trip Leaders: Edith Fullalove and Mike Dale, Location: Starting at the Lions Park in Neerim South Trip includes a walk to Toorongo Falls (easy 1.5 km return), water wheel, and Trestle Bridge.

Licola to Jamison over Mt Skene. When: Saturday 11th Monday 13th June (Queens Birthday long weekend Trip Leader: Mike Dale Trip Standard: Medium ■ (TBC)

Simpson Desert This Trip has reached Convoy Limit. When: 17th July 2016 for 3 weeks Trip Leader: Dale Rebgetz -


11th Australian 4WD Gathering When: 19th – 22nd August 2016 Where: Barmera, South Australia (2 hours west of Mildura) Loveday 4x4 Park.

40th Anniversary Celebrations Saturday 24th to Sunday 25th September 2016 Trip Leader: Dave Wilson Location: Echuca Saturday: Paddle steamer ride including drinks and hors d’oeuvres Optional Lantern Tour of the Historic Port area. Dinner at Radcliffes Sunday: Big cooked breakfast. We are still awaiting final costing for this event.

Other Trips for 2016 still in the planning stage Robe When: 29th Oct to 1st November Where: Robe, SA Trip Standard: Medium ■ (to be confirmed) Convoy Limit: TBC Trip Leaders: Lee Wegner & Duncan McCrae

Maldon Navigation Run When: October Trip Leader: Martin Foot,

Long Term Future Planning 2017

Central Australia Kangaroo Island?

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Fraser Island 50th Anniversary Subaru FFI 8-11 April Birdswood SA Kosciusko to Melbourne 20-28th May ??? Blue Mountains – 25th Oct to 7th Nov - Stephen Whittaker 2018

Cape York ??? Tasmania – Hobart and the SE for 2 weeks in March Fraser Island


Canning Stock Route Simpson Desert – re-enactment of the 40th anniversary of the Club’s 1974 crossing from Macumba Station to Purine Bore

Trip and Social Contacts • • •

Trip Coordinator: Jamie Scott Social Coordinator : Jean Bellis

Upcoming 4wd Driver training Subaru Club Training Weekend When: 11am Saturday 14th to 4pm Sunday 15th May Where: Tallarook Trip Leader: Jessica Walsh Cost: around $100 per student - to be confirmed Attendance is limited to 10 students

The Club's training program is finally coming to fruition. We have sourced the use of a property near Tallarook which is a bit over an hour north of Melbourne. The weekend will cover all components of Four Wheel Drive Victoria's proficiency course. This is the first time the club has used this property so I have allocated the whole weekend to allow us to get to know the facilities and environs. This will mean there may be a little more down time than future sessions. The training area provides examples of rocks/ruts, side slopes, hill climbs and descents, water crossings and other hazards.

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An initial program is as follows (with breaks as appropriate): Saturday 11am - 3pm: Theory session 3 - 4pm: Vehicle inspections 4 - 5pm: Recovery overview and demonstration Sunday 9 - 10am: Theory review 10am - 4pm: Practical driving including one-on-one instruction 4pm Review and depart There are toilets and showers (wood fired water heater). There is also a large flat camping area that is big enough for us to spread out on. You will need to be self-sufficient with your own camping equipment, food and water. The property has a building that will allow us to do the theory out of the weather, with 12v solar powered lighting. I will be visiting the property in the next few weeks, so will have some more details then. I have limited the numbers to 10 students (not vehicles) for this weekend. You are welcome to bring family and friends, however unless they are part of 'the ten' they will be limited to observing. There will be an intention sheet at the next meeting - please make sure you specify who would like to do the training. Jessica Walsh

TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WD’ing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received.

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Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip: 1.

Personal details form as


specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader 2.

(matches, food, water and clothing)


Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design;

10. Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for the trip and delays 11. A Tyre Pressure Gauge; Compressor (according to the trip)

AM (27Mhz) Channel 5 or

12. An Axe, Bow or Chain saw;

UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB

13. A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible

Radio. Ideally in car but hand held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last


Emergency Supplies

(minimum 3.2t) Rated snatch strap


equivalent 9.

Two rated D- Shackles



Jack and wheel Brace, or

shovels are no good) 14. Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip)

the trip.

15. A Tool Kit

Fire Extinguisher, accessible

16. Personal First Aid Kit

to the driver

17. The Vehicle Manual

Spare Tyre (full size)

Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals

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own medical supplies.

TRIP REPORTS LAKE COBBLER TRIP Saturday 12th March – Monday 14th March By Stephen Whittaker (trip leader) Saturday: The 2016 Labour Day long weekend arrived and another Subaru 4WD Club adventure was planned! This time, we were headed for Lake Cobbler and surrounds. This moving camp would start and finish at Mansfield. Meeting time was lunchtime on the Saturday with departure planned for 12:30pm (all expected to be fuelled and ready to leave at this time). Everyone was ready early and we departed right on time. Mike & Meredith, Peter & Edith and Kadin were at Tolmie – having stayed at Stringybark Creek the Friday night – so, we picked them up on the way through. Powers Lookout was our first official stop where we looked over the valley towards the Wabonga Plateau, south towards Lake William Hovell and Lake Cobbler (our destination) and north towards Whitfield. This spectacular lookout has one easy access viewing point and one that’s a little trickier to access. The latter involves a myriad of ladders and staircases which weave amongst the rocky outcrops before arriving at a metal platform floating above the trees and providing a sensational view and feeling. The views were taken in and cameras clicked.

Stairs to Power's Lookout

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The view from Powers Lookout After airing down, we hit the road again only to depart the black top shortly after. Our first four wheel drive track was a simple one with only a couple of rocky sections on slight inclines. At one point, a yelp was heard on the radio. Stephen radioed back, “is everything ok back there?” It wasn’t. Tim had jumped out of his 40 series Land Cruiser at one point turning it off and leaving it in gear. However, the compression failed to keep the vehicle stationary and it started creeping forward while Tim was outside the vehicle. With his son, Jack, still in the car and it heading towards the Prado in front, a very quick-thinking Tim, kicked the tyre and the steering wheel turned sharp right and the vehicle ran up onto the bank and stopped on a precarious lean. Stephen and a few others ran (and drove) back up the track to the situation. Once discussed (and with Jack safely out of the car), a recovery plan was put into action and the precariously-leaning Cruiser was back on the flat again. Well done to all involved in a very good recovery! And, again, well done to Tim for his quick-thinking which avoided anything else serious occurring. Back on the move again, we soon arrived at Lake William Hovell. Afternoon tea was consumed and we were back on the tracks. South of Lake William Hovell came the fun stuff with the track deteriorating to an enjoyable four wheel drive track. A creek crossing was enjoyed (a little too much by some – more on that shortly) and then we climbed up to camp. Once at the top of a very decent climb, we arrived at camp. It was a very nice spot, trackside – grassy, secluded and with not another camper or traveller to be seen or heard. As tents were pitched, Stephen looked over to Paul’s vehicle and noticed something was missing from the front of it – his number plate!! Paul had crossed the creek

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crossing earlier (presumably at breakneck speed – as water went up over the bonnet too!) and in that action must have lost his number plate in the river. Pretty sure the rest of us struggled to get our sills wet! Happy Hour drinks were consumed and dinner cooked. A relaxing evening around the campfire was enjoyed by all. Sunday: Waking to a cool but beautiful morning, we aimed to hit the road by 8:30am. We were pretty well on time with the first destination Paradise Falls. Paradise Falls, located within the spectacular King Valley, cascade an uninterrupted 31 metres down into a large chasm. Unfortunately, it’s been dry and, for our visit, there were no falls. Though, that didn’t matter. After the 15 minute walk to the falls, some of us opted to trek right under where the falls would land, underneath the overhang which makes humans look tiny from a distance. Looking up, you get the impression that the falls, when in full flight, would be amazing.

Under the overhang at Paradise Falls Back on the road again, and we were headed for Bennie’s Campground for morning tea and then Lake Cobbler for lunch. Lake Cobbler is a very pretty artificial lake relatively high in altitude. We arrived for a late lunch. Earlier in the week, one of our members, who has been with the club for about 3 years and lives in north east Victoria – but never actually been out on a trip – suggested that he might try to meet us at Lake Cobbler. Stephen gave him an estimated time of arrival. When we arrived, Peter and his family were there! We explored a little, chatted to Peter and his family a lot and enjoyed lunch at this peaceful spot. It was great to be able to finally put a face to a name. Hopefully, we will see Peter and his family out on many more trips in the future. Funnily enough,

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there was also another visitor known to the club at Lake Cobbler. Dave (who had accompanied Peter L as his passenger on the Border Track Trip on Cup Weekend last year) had been touring around the area with his girlfriend and happened to stop by for lunch too! It was great to catch up with Dave again.

Lake Cobbler Following lunch and leaving Lake Cobbler, we tootled south-west via Cobbler Lake Track. Then, we turned left onto Speculation Road. Speculation Road is somewhat ‘famous’ for The Staircase. There is a 50 metre section of track that is fairly rocky. It used to be a whole lot more rocky back in the day. I recall, as a kid in the club, watching my family’s 1980 MY bouncing up rock ledges to get up what was much more of a ‘staircase’ than it is now. Some years ago, it was broken up (I believe for safety concerns). Unfortunate. We had been lucky so far on the trip to have not seen many other vehicles. So, it’s not surprising that, on the narrowest and trickiest sections of track we’d done, that we would come across not just one vehicle but around eight – literally on The Staircase! Stephen and then Kadin had to pass them on the rocky section while others found spots further back up the track where they could allow the convoy to pass. This happened a few more times on the narrow Speculation Road. Once down the winding Speculation Road, we arrived at King Basin Road and then King Hut. We had afternoon tea at the hut which was very busy with many campers. Once group photos were taken and we were back on the road, we were on the hunt for a campsite. King Basin Road is an easy but very pretty four wheel drive track which follows the King River (and actually crosses it around 6 times). There are many known camping spots next to the river along the track but the quiet, good ones are off some hidden side tracks. Stephen went down a couple for a quick look but to no avail. Until, one very pretty, quiet site was investigated. Despite it being very nice

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indeed, with plenty of grass and a water hole for swimming, there wasn’t another camper to be seen! We chose it and set up camp at a very civil 4:15pm.

The Tranquil Campsite next to the King River

Before too long, almost everyone was in the river for a swim! The water was lovely and a welcome relief after a couple of days in the dust. A relaxing evening winding down with drinks, dinner and then time around the fire was enjoyed by everyone. Monday: On Monday morning, we were on the tracks early - by 8:30am. This was in anticipation of the busy roads back home and the vast majority of the group wanting to be home at a reasonable hour. We wound our way around King Basin Road, before turning right onto Weston Track. Weston Track provided us a spectacular climb. Some sections were quite steep and rocky. Paul ran out of grunt right near the top of one of the sections and needed some guidance to back down and have another go (presumably with a little more right foot!). Once on Carters Road, the views were incredible! Carters Road winds its way down towards Tomahawk Hut where we had morning tea. From here, we tootled down from the hills, aired up and finished our trip at Merrijig. Thank you to everyone who attended for making this a very, very enjoyable trip.

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The view from Carters Road Attendees: Stephen Whittaker Paul Saleeba Martin Foot & Dot Grieveson Dale & Jan Rebgetz Tim & Jack Folliard Peter & Edith Fullalove Alan & Sandy Christiansen Mike & Meredith Dale Kadin Dale

Forester Forester Forester Forester Land Cruiser Pajero Prado Forester Forester

Visitors along the way: Peter Siperki & Family Dave & Girlfriend

Forester Hilux

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Next Meeting

Kara Kara National Park


Tuesday April 26th

Friday 22nd to Monday 25th April 2016 ( Anzac Day Weekend)

Subaru Club

11am Saturday


14th to 4pm

Weekend -

Sunday 15th





Normal place, normal time……see you there!

Meredith and Mike Dale

Medium ■


Jessica Walsh See elsewhere in


the Magazine for more details Edith Fullalove and


Sunday 22nd

Mike Dale,

May 2016


Easy Medium ■ Saturday 11th Licola to

Monday 13th

Mike Dale,

Jamison over

June (Queens


Mt Skene

Birthday long

Medium ■ (TBC)


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Simpson Desert 17th July 2016 This Trip has

for 3 weeks


Dale Rebgetz- vicepresident@subaru4

Medium ■

Convoy Limit. 11th Australian

19th – 22nd


August 2016

See you there



Saturday 24th to

Dave Wilson,


Sunday 25th




Saturday 29th

Lee Wegner &

October to

Duncan McCrae,

Tuesday 1st



Robe, SA

Maldon Navigation Run

Medium ■ (TBC)

Martin Foot, October



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Disputed Border Trip Summary written by Jean Bellis Friday All arrived safely at camp at the Nelson Caravan Park. Peter and Jean went off to do some pre tripping for Saturday. Saturday Walked along Ocean Beach to the 141st parallel Visit to Princess Margret Rose Caves which were stunning.


Some of the group went into Mt Gambier to the Blue Lake The rest took a track back along the edge of the forest and then went to a lookout over the river

Sunday Andrew gave out Easter eggs Took group photos under both the SA and Victorian Border signs

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Jean gave out Easter Eggs Travelled through pine plantations for most of the morning. Travelled down a great sandy bush track but it ended at a fence so we had to turn back and go around on gravel roads. Found ourselves on private property at someone’s farm house. They kindly escorted us across their property and out onto the road again. The sheep followed Lisa and Andrew’s Ute hoping that they would be fed. Had to do a few more detours as the track ran out at fences. Peter lost his steering as we turned a corner. The steering wheel nut was loose. After some road side repairs we were able to continue.

Meet up with Rick and Josh at Mullinger Swamp where we camped the night Rick had broken a front spring on the trip up. Time was spent working on both Peter’s and Rick’s cars Saturday had been Les’ Birthday which we were unaware of until today. A match in a snowball made a mini birthday cake.

Monday Great sunrise. On the way out we stopped at a large river red gum that was 11m in diameter and hollow in the centre. The track at times was hard to follow and we had to travel on farm land for some of the way Finally we had to detour out to the main road and on into Frances. Back on the track and into the Little Desert. Time for some sand driving. Took a detour into the desert to visit Mt Moffat and do a loop before coming back to the same spot on the track. Camped at Serviceton Recreational Reserve. This camp site is managed by a group of volunteers. Two of the ladies were mowing the grass. Thanks Kadin for helping them out. Great place to camp. Very clean and great hot showers and we could even have a fire - all for $10 per car! Went into Bordertown for fuel and to restock at the supermarket. Checked out the WWII fuel bunkers at Wolseley on the way.

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Tim and Jack joined the trip that evening. Local character by the name of Rabbit called in and offered to come back after tea to give us a bit of a talk on the district and his experiences on the Canning Stock route repairing wells.

Tuesday Visit to the historical Serviceton Railway Station which is now a museum. Back on the Border Track with a few slight detours and a quick stop for morning tea at roughly the spot where Wade terminated his border survey. Encountered some very large rutted sections. Alan managed to slip into one on a tight corner and did a bit of damage to the rear of his Prado getting out of it. One set of ruts provided time out for a play. The top of the ruts were nearly level with the roof of Suboo. All those who attempted these, negotiated them safely. The afternoon highlight was a large sand dune that proved to be a challenge for some of us. After a few attempts I climbed to the top and located an alternative route around, which we took. Michael H, Jan, Alan, Les and Andrew all made it over while the rest of the group after a few attempts used the alternative route. Camped at Doggers Hut in Ngarkat National park.

Wednesday Sand was firm and the track posed no problems. When we reached the southern end of the one way section that must be travelled from North to South we took the inland track. We turned left and detoured out to Pertendi Bore and Hut. On the way Rick broke a rear left strut. Andrew was not feeling well and the plan was for him and Lisa to leave us at this point, as we were right on a sealed road into Pinaroo. They were going to seek medical assistance for Andrew and then either set up at the Caravan Park or start to head home. Rick decided to go with them so he could work on the car. We stopped at Scorpion Soak for Lunch and spent some time exploring the area and taking photos. This area was used as a base camp for the survey team until they ran out of water and was forced to move on.

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Stayed the night at the Pinaroo Caravan Park, hot showers and a chance to refuel and go to the supermarket. Andrew and Lisa were waiting for us at the Caravan Park. Meeting with the Ranger on the track revealed that she had just opened the one way section a day early due to her day off being the next day. Dale, Mike D, Kadin and Peter F. decided that as we had made camp early enough in the afternoon to go out and do the one way section and come out onto the bitumen at Pertendi Bore and back to Pinaroo that way. Some of the Group had tea at one of the pubs while the rest of us relaxed back at camp.

Thursday Chance for a sleep in and a relaxed morning. Andrew and Lisa decided that they would head home as Andrew was still feeling unwell Rick and Josh had also planned to leave us. Rick, after working on his car till late was going to take it slowly on his way back to Melbourne. Visit to the amazing Pinaroo Museum. Morning Tea at the yummy bakery over the road. Said Goodbye to Les who was leaving and taking a couple of days to get back home. The track north of Pinaroo was declared the best track of the trip by some. Sand, lots of undulations and some good dunes. The tumble weeds also provided some fun for a couple of people Stopped at the Aboriginal Rock holes. While most were dry, the one with water also had a dead goat in it. Some of us had some close encounters with emus running across the track. Arrived at Murray Sunset National Park and turned off to travel in to the Shearer’s Quarters which was our camp site for the night. This was a great spot to camp, free and the drop toilet was clean, large and had a solar light. After quickly setting up we went off to locate the Sunset Crater which turned out to be a very large crater that would hold water but was dry and in the centre still very muddy. We enjoyed a campfire tonight. Friday We were all up before the sun this morning, as we needed to leave at 8am. We were rewarded with a great sunrise. The trip out was slowed by the large number of kangaroos that were around.

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We made it to The Border Cliffs Retreat in plenty of time to meet the farmer who was giving us access to the river and the place where the border meets the Murray River. Tim’s vehicle came to a stop as we turned and as the owner had a deadline to meet we put Tim and Jack with others.

We were stunned by the cliffs and landscape by the river. We enjoyed the walk to the border and took group photos and Mike H. recorded it with the drone. We had reached the end of an incredible journey and it was a very special moment.

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Back at the road we put pressure back in our tyres and attempted to get Tim’s Vehicle going with little success until someone stopped and gave some advice. Visited the old Customs house where we had lunch. Drove into Mildura and set up at the Caravan Park and enjoyed hot showers and relaxed. Had dinner as a group at the Mildura Brewery which was a great way to wind up a wonderful trip

Saturday Everyone got up slowly and went their various ways. Jack and Tim had breakfast in NSW before heading back to Melbourne so Jack could say he had been in 3 states on the trip. Mike and Meredith D, Kadin, Alan, Jamie, and Peter and Edith F went off to spend a few more days in the Mallee area before heading home. Mike H, Jan and Dale, and Peter and I made our separate ways back to Melbourne.

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Trip participants Peter and Jean Bellis (Trip Leaders) Dale and Jan Rebgetz Michael Hartsborne Les Scott Jamie Scott Lisa and Andrew Jantke Tim and Jack Folliard Rick and Josh Koster Mike, Meredith and Kadin Dale Peter and Edith Fullalove Alan Christiansen

Forester Forester Forester Hilux Brumby ( Suboo) Ute Landcrusier L- series Forester Pajero Prado

GENERAL ARTICLES There are no general articles this month

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BUY AND SELL Club Resources We have plenty of resources to sell. We may have many, some or none of the following items so if you are interested in any of these then please come along to the club meeting and I will be very happy to sell them to you. Correct change will be much appreciated. Short sleeve blue chambray shirt w/logo (Size 14) - $30.00 Long sleeve blue chambray shirt w/logo (Size M) - $60.00 New Style Red Polo Shirts (M, L, XL, 2XL) - $30.00 Hat Oiled Skin size 55 - $20.00 Hat Safari size 59 - $20.00 New Style Vest - $60.00 New Style Jacket - $70.00 Blue Polo Shirt - $15.00 Large Sew on Badges - $3.50 Small Sew on Badges - $2.00 Fuel Filter Plastic x 45deg. - $5.00 Fuel Filter Plastic x 90deg. - $5.00 Fuel Filter Plastic x Straight - $5.00 eFlare HZ510 Red with Base - $55.00 Wheel Nuts [Set of 4] - $1.60 CV Boot Clamps Large & Small - $3.00 CV Joint Grease - $4.00 MSP Engine Formulation (oil additive) - $50.00 For substantial discounts on all general automotive spare parts, oils, filters, shocks, etc., please see me for details. Resources Officer: Dale Rebgetz Email:

Member Items for Sale Item: Forester Aluminium Bash Plates Details: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium Cost: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Contact: David Wilson,

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Item: Set of 4 alloy rims from Outback 1997 model Cost: $120.00 ONO Contact: David Wilson,, 0429 942 724 Item: Roof console to hold CB and lights and switches for Outback Cost: $100.00 Contact: David Wilson,, 0429 942 724 Item: Vic blue and white standard number plates in as new condition 1XV4US Cost: $500.00 ONO Contact: Jenny, 0417 369 405

Item: number plate SUBARU Can be re-issued in any custom design via the Vic Roads website (see link below) if a different colour or style is preferred: Cost: negotiable, but realistic offers between $3,500 to $6,000 Contact: Richard, 0414 737 333

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Item: STi Intercooler. Details: Excellent condition, apart from slight dent on side (pictured). Came as spare parts when I purchased my 2007 Forester. Will fit most Turbo Subies. Cost: $250 Contact:

Item: STi Exhaust system Details: STi Exhaust system. Everything you need to give your Suby the perrrr it deserves! Very clean, no dents, minor scuffs, Stainless steel. Everything from the Manifold back to the chrome STi stamped tip!! Cost: Make me an offer!!!


Want to sell something Subaru/off-road related? Contact 31 | P a g e

The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered.

M IN U T E S General Meeting Minutes The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 22nd March 2016 at Berwick Subaru, Narre Warren starting at 7:30pm.


Present Peter Bellis, Bob Marshall, Ruth Marshall, Paul Saleeba, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins, Martin Foot, Dave Denver, Meredith Dale, Michael Dale, Katie Mynard, Peter Mynard, Dennis Scambler, Anthony Saunders, Peter

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Fullalove, Edith Fullalove, Dale Rebgetz, Jessica Walsh, Jamie Scott, Rick Koster, Matt Chaplin, David Wilson, Les Scott, Mike Dunn.


Apologies Jean Bellis, Bev Davison, Andrew Jantke, Lisa Jantke, Jan Crozier, Jan Rebgetz, Angela Bombardieri, Julie Dwyer.


Visitors Richard Saleeba.


Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. Many thanks to Berwick Subaru for hosting the March 2016 meeting, and allowing members to do vehicle test drives prior to the meeting.


Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 5.1. The minutes of the February 2016 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Edith Fullalove and seconded by Bob Marshall. 5.2. There was no business arising from the minutes.



6.1. In

Magazines from various 4WD clubs. 4WD Victoria 4WD handbook draft strategic plan September 2015 general meeting minutes. Subaru 4WD Club of South Australia – invitation to their 40th anniversary celebrations. Public Land Access Council – re formation of new national park near Warragul. 6.2. Out Thank-you to the Petersens at Tominbuk for the use of their property.


Reports 7.1. Resources Got additional keys for the club cupboard. 7.2. Editor No report submitted. Good article regarding diesel engines and cracking fuel intake hoses. 7.3. Trip And Social See elsewhere in the magazine for details on upcoming events and trips. 40th birthday:  Still having issues with accommodation.  Will be compiling a coffee table photo book covering the club’s history. Seeking photographs to include.  Seeking sponsors for various prizes / gifts. Ideas from members welcomed.

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7.4. Venue See elsewhere in the magazine for details of future meetings. 7.5. Membership. Currently have 47 memberships and 84 members. 7.6. Treasurer Current bank account balance is $7,312.15. 7.7. Secretary Nothing to report. 7.8. Vice-President Nothing reported. 7.9. President Nothing further to add.


General Business 8.1. Chocolate fundraising – still have 6 boxes to go. Need to money back a.s.a.p.. 8.2. Training weekend. Will be a basic proficiency course. Will be based at Tallarook. Will involve some theory and a test. Limited to 10 trainees due to maybe only having one instructor. Cost will be approximately $100. 8.3. Club’s website seeking photographs from recent trips. Website has been updated to include photograph albums, and additional trip reports. 8.4. 50 years of Subaru in Australia – having a gathering at the Birdwood car museum in South Australia on 10th April 2016. $20 entrance fee.




Les’ toilet set has been modified to include a safety device on the legs. Stephen has switched his car insurance over to Club 4x4 (available through 4WD Victoria). It gives him coverage for all his accessories/magazines, plus off-road as well as on-road.

Fines and Fun 9.1. Nametags Jamie Scott. 9.2. Last to Meeting David Wilson.

9.3. Trips 9.3.1.


Movie Night Dale – for forgetting his glasses. Bev – for falling asleep in the movie. Tominbuk Peter Devine – for breaking his bash plate twice. Kadin – getting stuck on Gentle Annie. Meredith – for losing her sun glasses. Peter Fullalove – for falling over backwards when sitting down in his chair. Les – for walking into the shovel handle in the dark.

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Les – for making a cup of coffee and asking Jamie how many spoons of sugar he put in. Stephen – for running out of toilet paper. Peter Fullalove – for driving like “the Stig”. 9.3.3. Lake Cobbler Tim – for almost rolling vehicle. Paul – missing a front number plate. 9.4. Total fines collected - $5.50.

10. Subaru Berwick Mark and the team from Subaru Berwick were thanks for the use of the showroom and were presented two bottles of club wine.

11. The lucky door prize was won by Peter Bellis (a Subaru jacket).

12. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 26th April 2016 commencing at 8pm.

13. Meeting closed at 9:08pm and was followed by supper.

Committee Meeting Minutes Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday 6th April

2016 at the home of Stephen Whittaker starting at 7:30pm.


Present Stephen Whittaker, Duncan McCrae, Meredith Dale, Michael Dale, Jamie Scott, Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Bob Marshall, Dale Rebgetz.


Apologies Dan Conlon (something to do with a wedding in Hawaii).


Visitor Martin Foot.


Quorum A quorum was achieved with nine committee members present.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

5.1. Minutes of the March 2016 meeting were accepted without amendment.

5.2. Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 5.2.1. Bank account signatories - Peter to

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provide copy of AGM minutes to Bob. Club’s cupboard – have been able to get additional keys cut. Ongoing 4WD Education / Awareness. Action: Stephen and Damian to compile and submit for review at the next committee meeting. Membership renewal form – has been updated and ready to go. Request for advertising in club’s magazine by AllDrive Subaroo – discussed and actioned.

Correspondence 6.1. In Magazines from:  Land Rover Owners Club of Victoria  Subaru 4WD Club of South Australia  Mt Gambier 4WD Club Membership enquiry 4WD Victoria – seasonal track closure. Enquiry about sale of personalised number plate “SUBARU” – suggested selling price of $10,000. Members’ nametags. 6.2. Out Echuca Paddle Steamers – payment of deposit. Reports 7.1. Resources Nothing to report. 7.2. Trip and Social





7.7. 7.8. 7.9.

Details of future trips and events elsewhere in the magazine. Need to plan some shorter overnight trips of an easier standard for newer members. On extended trips, need to be aware of where medical and hospital facilities are along the trip route. Needs to be added to trip leader’s checklist. The club needs to consider purchase an EPIRB for remote trips. Trip etiquette needs to be re-inforced about letting the trip leader know about any side trips. Venue Details of future meetings elsewhere in the magazine. Need to send a thankyou letter to Subaru Berwick. Membership Currently have 47 memberships and 84 members. Editor Report submitted via email. Editorial deadline is this Friday. Treasurer Current bank account balance is $6,745.87. Paid $500 deposit for 40th birthday steam paddle ride. Secretary Nothing to report. Vice-President Nothing to report. President Stephen covered various topics for a few minutes.

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Sub-Committees 8.1. Communications The club’s website, particularly the trip report and photograph pages, continue to be developed thanks to Michael Dale. 8.2. Community Involvement A lot of rubbish was picked up along the Disputed Border trip. 8.3. Constitution Review A draft of the proposed by-laws has been circulated to committee members for review. Will be discussed at the May committee meeting. 8.4. Education / Training Jessica recommends that a course fee of $100 per participant be charged. This will cover the facility and training material costs, and allow for the purchase of appropriate training equipment (eg. snatch strap, etc). Committee agreed to Jessica’s recommendation.

40th Birthday Celebrations Accommodation is still yet to be arranged – it is proving to be quite challenging. The paddle steamer cruise and restaurant have been booked. The paddle steamer cruise has been extended to two hours. Send out a “book this date” email to potential attendees and get expressions of interest. This will then streamline the subsequent

invitation. Action: Stephen to send email out to current members asking for confirmation of expression of interest.

10. Membership Register Peter discussed and demonstrated the proposed new membership register. It was agreed that there needs to be just one central membership register.

11. Magazine Printing Is it necessary to have a separate levy for printed magazines for those members who require/want a printed copy? The cost per magazine run has gone from $1.80 per month to $2.50. In the meantime, postage has also gone up to $2 per magazine. About 20 members currently opt for a printed and posted copy of the club’s magazine. Need to at least recover printing cost.

12. Membership Fees – 2016/7 Current 2015/6 membership fees are as follows: Membership Type: Membership Subscription, Association Levy, TOTAL, Joining Fee, Senior’s Discount, Trip Fee (adult non-member) Single: $73, $47, $120, $15, -$10, $15

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Family/Joint: $93, $47, $140, $30, -$15, Interstate: $63, $47, $110, $15, -$5, It is expected that the Association levy will increase to $50 per membership. However, it was agreed to make no change to what members are charged (the club will absorb any cost increase). However, this will be reviewed in 12 months’ time. Following the discussion about the cost of printing the club’s magazine, it was agreed that a “printed magazine” levy of $20 be introduced for those members who opt in to have a printed copy. The committee recommends the following fees and levies for 2016/7. Membership Type: Membership, Subscription, Association Levy, TOTAL, Joining Fee, Senior’s Discount, Magazine Levy (opt-in), Trip Fee (adult non-member)

Family/Joint: $90, $50, $140, $30, -$15, $20, Interstate: $60, $50, $110, $15, -$5, $20, -

13. New Members’ Pack Held over to the May meeting. Jean to redistribute list.

14. General Business Meredith had a sample of a wine gift to give to noncommercial guest speakers. Cost is $19 per bottle. (Some members were disappointed that there was no sampling of the contents.)

15. Next Meeting will be held on Saturday 7th May 2016 at 10am at the home of Jamie Scott. BYO lunch (maybe – tbc).

16. Meeting closed at 10:48pm.

Single: $70, $50, $120, $15, -$10, $20, $15

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E DIT OR N OT E S Thanks for all the contributions again this month!

Just a couple of things from me: In an effort to BE GREEN AND SAVE PAPER please let me know via email if you currently receive a paper version of this magazine and would be happy with an email version instead Any interesting articles you find and want to share, or if you would like to write an article for the magazine ‌.let me know! Just a friendly reminder also to please proof read, and be sure to use punctuation and grammar. The deadline for submissions for next month is:

May - Friday 13th As always please send emails to:

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