Saturday Mansfield was a busy place as we met up under clear, blue skies ready to depart. It was interesting to see a lot of water past Bonnie Doon and water skiers. The last few trips I could have driven across Lake Eildon under the bridge. A few vehicles had had some recent repairs so this was to be a good test run. After leaving Mansfield first stop was Powers Lookout. At lunch, we checked the viewing platform near the carpark and another a short walk (and climb) away. Both give spectacular views along the King Valley that bushranger Harry Power in used to ensure he had warning of any police approaching in 1870. The intention was to follow a short track down into the valley below but the gate was closed, We backtracked and took McDonalds Spur Track, which had a few challenging sections before following Christophers Rd into the sealed Upper King Valley Rd for the run into Lake William Hovell, which was seemed to contain a good volume of water and had a few swimmers and non-power boating activity. The Top Crossing Track to Sandy Flat Campsite was a little rough in parts but the difficult rating arises from 2 water crossings. High water levels would make this crossing impossible. One had a rough exit which caused some wheel lift and spin but the -18-
Powers Lookout
McDonalds Spur Track