August 2021 (Issue 483)
Bright day on the Snow Trip, August 1st, 2021
Follow us on our webpage: Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A—0006149J / FWDV Member
Mailing address: c/- 24 Hill Street, Hawthorn, VIC, 3122 NB: Our Mt Waverley P O Box has closed
ABOUT THE CLUB The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 40 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities.
The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. The fees for 2021/22 were set by members at the General Meeting in April 2021 and are as follows: MEMBERS RATES Single: $85 (Senior card - $80) Joint/Family: $95 (Senior card - $90) (Note: these are annual rates. New members joining mid-year pay pro-rata) One off joining fee of $15 ($30 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $30 These fees are based on an electronic newsletter distribution only. Requests for a hard copy magazine will be considered by the Committee. NON-MEMBER TRIP FEE A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes). This is a one-off charge and may be offset if the visitor later joins the club. Please contact the membership officer with any enquiries. Email:
COMMITTEE President: Mark Tyssen Vice President and FWDV Delegate: Tim Folliard Secretary: Martin Foot Treasurer: Angela Bombardieri Membership: Erica Auld Trip & Social: Tim Folliard Venue coordinator: Mark Tyssen Editor (acting): Martin Foot Community Manager: Peter Kakalias Ordinary Member: Nicholas Leask Off-Committee: Resources: Bev Davison
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Again this month’s General Meeting will be conducted via Zoom due to the imposed restrictions. The meeting is expected to run shorter than usual as it is followed by our Annual General Meeting. Due to the COVID imposed restrictions, I again needed to postpone and reschedule to a later month, the social bike ride trip along the Warburton Trail from Woori Yallock to Launching Place. Keep an eye out in the Member’s Section – Proposed Trips, on our website. I will provide two sets of dates. In case restrictions prevent the October dates, we hope there will be a chance for the November trip dates. During the last few months, our Club has been approached by quite a number of people via email asking about obtaining a “Club Vehicle Permit”. This prompted our Committee to put in place a formal process and policy for our Club, which also needs to meet the requirements of VicRoads, for the provision and monitoring of a Club members’ vehicle Club Permit for their vehicle. We think the rush of requests has been because of the potential lengthening of the age of the vehicle to be extended from 25 years to 30 years to be eligible for a “Club Permit”. This is yet to be confirmed. Erica has lead the creation of the process and policy for our Club, and it will be discussed at the upcoming General meeting to gain members’ feedback on the draft Erica has put together. I thank Erica for taking the lead on this task. Once adopted, this Policy will also become part of our By-Laws. Also for discussion at the general meeting last month and is to be included in our By-Laws is our Social Media Policy, led by Nicholas. Please read through the previously supplied link for this document. It is one component of the Marketing, Branding & Communication strategy. We are well into the planning of our 45th Anniversary, a catered event to be held locally in Wantirna. We have previously asked members to keep October 23rd free. However, the current situation with COVID restrictions make this date too risky, so we are proposing Saturday 27 November instead. So please keep this free until further notice. See page 7 for more details. Did member’s note in the June issue of Trackwatch that FWDV have now made public their purchase of an old quarry for the building of their test track. We’ll be interested to see its completion, and the training programs that they may develop. Remember on the up coming Tuesday 31st August 2021 is our next General Meeting 8pm, followed by AGM. Both meetings will all be conducted via zoom. The Committee will be trialling the zoom’s voting ability prior to the AGM, should it be necessary. Till Later, Stay Safe Mark Tyssen President
35th Anniversary memories from 2011: Bev Davison, former long-time members Enid Hewett and Glenys Howell, and Martin Foot at the Stock Farm in Woodside North
VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT Vehicle Communications Basics In convoy, UHF CBs are used. Depending on the environment, the unit power (most car units are 5 watt), antennae type and mounting, the range can be over 20 km; but expect it to be much less than this especially in hilly terrain unless you are at the top (works via line of sight). Ideally we will select a channel at the start of the trip. One issue with CBs is anyone on channel in range can listen in and be heard. At times we may need to change channels if the chat from others (not our group) gets too annoying. There are 80 channels in modern UHF radios. Some are repeater channels (base stations that re-transmit for a longer range), some are reserved. Some are legally restricted e.g. 5 and 35 for emergency, 40 for highway road users. Usually we use 12-17 as a general use conversation channel but there are other channel ranges 24-30, 49-60, 64-70 provided we all have 80 channel sets. Always check before each trip you can send and receive. Volume set, on channel, all connected up. Some low power handhelds will receive but not send except over a shorter range or as battery gets low, so always check. Too late if the “Stop, stop!” is not heard, but these are fine for guiding vehicles over obstacles. The Club has a set of these for trips. Unlike a phone, only one person can speak at a time. If you are in a conversation, break often in case an urgent message needs to be sent. On difficult tracks chat should be restricted so warnings can be transmitted in a timely way. Out of mobile range, the club has a satellite phone (intended only for emergency or urgent calls). Tim Folliard Vice President, e:
Opening Balance at 1st July 2021
Balance $5,135.61
Income for July: Membership Fees
Total Income for month of July 2021
Expenses: 28/6/21
Optus Sat. phone monthly service fee Total Expenses for month of July 2021
$15.00 $15.00
Closing Balance @ 30 April 2021
Term Deposit rolled over for three months maturing 10 September 2021
Angela Bombardieri Treasurer, e: 5
TRIP AND SOCIAL More details on these trips can be found in the Club Website under proposed trips. It is easy to add your name to trip bookings. Alternatively, you can still email, or contact the trip leader directly, to register for a trip or to propose a new one.
Nerrima Historic Area (near Ballarat) - Bookings open When: Saturday, 4 September Rating: Easy (dry) Day Trip Contact: Daniel Ho, e:
Grand Ridge Road Day Trip - Bookings open When: Sunday, 12 September Rating: Easy / Social (2WD OK) Details: Starting at Yarragon, up into the ranges to Mirboo North for lunch, westerly along Grand Ridge Road turning off at McDonalds Track and taking backroads into Warragul. Contact: Martin Foot, e:
Bike Ride - Bookings open When: Rescheduled to Sat 16 or Sun 17 October (please indicate preference when booking). If we’re still in restrictions then, the trip will be on Saturday 13 or Sun 14 November. Rating: Easy/Social Where: Warburton Rail Trail (part) Contact: Mark Tyssen, e:
Little Desert and Mt Arapiles Trip - Bookings open (almost full) When: October 30 - November 2 (Melbourne Cup long weekend) Rating: Medium - (sand). Details: Little Desert: Horseshoe Bend campsite near Dimboola on the Wimmera River as base. Contact: Tim Folliard: e:
Heathcote - Bookings open When: 3 - 5 December Rating: Easy/Social Details: ASV Dark Sky Site (Astronomical Society of Victoria) and area drives including winery Contact: Stewart Southam, e:
Post-Christmas High Country Trip - Bookings opening soon When: 27 December to New Years Day Rating: Medium / Difficult Details: Bairnsdale to overnight Nuninyong Plains to Buckwong Creek Hut, via Moscow Villa Hut and Hells Gap. (Difficult). Or drive directly into Buckwong Creek. Day Trips will proceed out from Buckwong Creek Hut along the Davies Plain Track and to The Poplars (on the Murray) Contact: David Wilson, e:
Big River/Mt Terrible Trip - Bookings open When: 29, 30 January 2022 (Australia Day falls on a Wednesday, so this is a weekend trip with an option to extend). Rating: Medium - (in dry).
Limestone Coast (S.A.) - Bookings open When: 25 - 29 March, 2022 Rating: Difficult Details: Beach driving - touring. Contact: Daniel Ho, e:
North Flinders Ranges Touring Trip - has been rescheduled to 2022 due to lockdown. When: 15 - 28 May 2022
Rating: Easy/Medium 6
TRIP AND SOCIAL (CONT.) Contact: Martin Foot, e: Details: A long Touring trip. Trailers OK.
Camerons Corner - Early Bookings open When: 7 - 22 October 2022 Rating: TBA. Details: Cameron’s Corner, via Swan Hill, Lake Mungo, Menindee Lakes, Tibooburra to Cameron’s Corner and back through. Contact: Peter Kakalias, e:
FUTURE TRIPS (in planning) Subaru 4WD Club - 45th Birthday Dinner
NOTE CHANGE OF DATE! due to COVID concerns … (was 23 October) Proposed new date: Sat 27 November - please reserve the date! Rating: Social Cost: $35 per head, discount for Joint/Family (2A + 2C) Venue: CAV Hall in Wantirna Details: Afternoon catch-up, followed by sit-down dinner Contact: Mark or Martin NB: This is the usual weekend of the Annual Christmas Party, so we may not run both. TBA. === As always, get onto the website to book trips and further information and also the discussion forum.. It is a great resource. I am always seeking trip ideas and trip leaders. You do not have to be the lead vehicle up the unknown track to be a trip leader, just put the planning together, work out the route and camping arrangements. Tim Folliard, Trip & Social Coordinator e:
Convoy Etiquette Convoy etiquette is one of those things we don’t think about until we’re in convoy and everyone has their own idea on what do to. We all need to be on the same page! Communication is key to keeping a convoy together.. and safe. Sometimes in convoys, it seems to be more about the destination and not so much the trip. Remember to take it all in. Have a way of communicating Have a leader or person-on-point Have a tail-end Charlie Mark your corners Give a bit of room Leave a bit of room, too Back off Shut the bloody gate Call obstacles and oncoming Have fun!
Tuesday, August 31 at 8pm.
Now as Zoom only due to extended COVID lockdown.
Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 841 9592 1472 The General Meeting will be followed (after a short break) by the 2021 Annual General Meeting (see Notice on page 5). Access is via the same link. There will be no separate presentation. Mark Tyssen Venue Coordinator
GENERAL MEETING NOTICE The Agenda for members’ meetings is as follows: Welcome of members and visitors. Review and acceptance of previous General Meeting’s minutes. Correspondence. Reports by various office bearers. Other business as mentioned below. General business raised by members. “Fines and Fun” – including brief summaries of recent trips. Guest speaker or presentation (not on this occasion, see above) Supper and networking. Details of the next few general meetings are as per the schedule below:
Guest Speaker/Presentation
Other Business
Tues 31 August
South Camberwell Tennis Club, and/or Zoom, TBA.
Annual General Meeting
Tues 28 September
South Camberwell Tennis Club, and/or Zoom, TBA.
Tues 26 October
South Camberwell Tennis Club, and/or Zoom, TBA.
Tues 30 November
South Camberwell Tennis Club, and/or Zoom, TBA.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2021 The Annual General Meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc., will be held on Tuesday, 31 August, 2021 commencing after the finish of the August General Meeting. The Meeting will be held via the use of teleconferencing software (Zoom). There will be no face-to-face meeting due to COVID-19 restrictions. The link is the same as for the General Meeting: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 841 9592 1472 Order of business is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Confirmation of the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting. Presentation of the 2021 Annual Report. Presentation of 2021 Annual Financial Statement. General Business. Election of officers of the club and ordinary members of the committee.
Nominations for committee positions should be submitted to the club secretary by no later than 7 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. However, on the day, nominations for committee positions will be accepted from the floor of the meeting. Special Resolutions: No special resolutions have been requested for the Meeting. Martin Foot Secretary e:
FWDV NEWS The August edition of FWDV has recently been issued and can be downloaded here: Matters discussed include: 4WD Lifeblood Challenge Camp Host Dates Upcoming Melbourne National 4x4 Show Mt. Skene Permits Now Open Mornington Great Outdoors Show 2021 Volunteer Hours recording Closed Facebook Group Four Wheel Drive Victoria Social Media 9
Nerrima Heritage Area (near Ballarat)
4 September
Daniel Ho
Grand Ridge Road Day Trip
12 September
Martin Foot & Dot Greiveson
Easy / Social
Little Desert and Mt Arapilies
Melbourne Cup Long Weekend
Tim Folliard
Medium (sand)
45th Anniversary and/ or Christmas Party
27 or 28 November (TBC)
Committee Contact Mark or Martin
3 - 5 December
Stewart Southam
Post-Christmas High Country Trip
27 Dec - 1 Jan 2022
David Wilson
CLUB FACEBOOK GROUP Hi Members As part of our plan to promote the club more in the community, we have set up a Facebook Group for the Subaru 4wd Club of Vic for both members of the club as well as the general public to participate in. Please do join the group at Regards Peter Kakalias - Community Manager e: (as per email sent 16 August) (You can also find this Group from the club’s existing Facebook page, by selecting “Groups” in the left menu - Ed.) 10
CLUB PERMIT SCHEME (CPS) There has been an unexpected surge of interest in 2021 from non-members regarding the Club Permit Scheme. As outlined in the June magazine, this is a service provided by VicRoads to registered car clubs to enable vehicles over 25 years old to remain on the roads without full registration. The annual renewal cost is about a fifth of the normal amount. And this is the big attraction to non-members. The scheme limits the number of days of travel (either 45 or 90 per year) and requires the club member to keep a log book of travels. The vehicle can’t be used for commercial purposes. The club has to vouch that the vehicle is not modified outside the allowed limits, maintain a register of vehicles and keep photos. A RWC is required for issuing the permit. The increase in CPS enquiries this year may be connected to a current review of Motor Vehicle Regulations that could see the Scheme’s eligibility criteria tightened. In particular, 25 years may become 30 years and vehicles may have to be recognized as “classics”. We might regard a 1980’s Brumby or MY as a classic, but the authorities may not agree! We’ll hear more later this year. The Committee is of the view that our club is about promoting active membership and not simply about building numbers of people that we never see. We are developing policy to govern the CPS process so as to encourage permit holders to be active participants in club events. Erica has the lead on this. In particular, we are looking at the following: a new member would have to wait six months before they could apply for a Club Permit. Renewal will not be automatic. Permit holders would need to attend at least two club events with the vehicle per year to continue. In general, inspections would be done at club meetings and events as arranged so that club officers did not have to chase around after the applicant. The policy (or guidelines consistent with the policy) should be available on the club’s website for reference by applicants. The matter is listed for discussion at the next Committee Meeting. If you have a view on this, contact a Committee member. There’ll also be an opportunity for discussion at the August General Meeting. Martin Foot Secretary e:
EDITOR’S NOTE Thanks to all contributors to the August magazine. The deadline for submissions for the next edition is:
Friday, September 17, 2021 Email editor:
TRIP REPORTS Snow Trip 2021 - The Search for Snow 1 August 2021 This trip was intended for 2 weeks earlier but with restrictions being applied, the trip was rescheduled. And as I write this restrictions are back on so it looks like I took the lockdown window and headed north. The previous days rain had passed and the weather was clear and sunny. After meeting up in Warburton, we headed up Mt Donna Buang Rd to the rainforest walkway. The main walk was closed due to recent storm damage but there is still the 15 metre high viewing platform. From there it was dirt road through some spectacular forest along Acheron Way. Apart from a few decent potholes and a couple of landslides where half the road had collapsed in the valley below (which the engineers are probably still working out a fix), this was uneventful and we entered Marysville in time for morning tea.
From Marysville it was a short run past the Lake Mountain turnoff to Cambarville. I think the toilet block was “temporarily closed” the last two times I have stopped here so it gives a new meaning to temporary. Heading north and the dirt road gets a little steeper and maybe even the air is cooler but no snow yet. It wasn’t until Royston Gap (on Royston Rd) that the white stuff appeared. At that point we were about 2 km east of the Lake Mountain trails. But it lasted less than a kilometre and wasn’t enough to even cover the road. A bit of snow play was about it. Somewhat disappointing but Rick pointed out on the last snow trip 2 years ago the snow was down to Cambarville so this wasn’t the weekend for snow. Still it was good to get into the hills again even if the old truck remained in 2WD the entire time. Back to Cambarville and individually head for home. A few enticing steep tracks running of the Warburton – Woods Point Rd (not marked) for exploration later in the year. 12
Participants: Tim & Kerry
Toyota Land Cruiser
Rick, Jackie & Josh
Forester (Josh’s Blue)
Nick & Deb
Peter K & Amanda
Snow Fun! (‘s no fun to be stuck indoors!)
More pics from the Snow Trip 14
MINUTES Committee Meeting Minutes (abridged) Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. held online on Tuesday, 10 August 2021, commencing at 8:10pm approximately, using Zoom conferencing software. 1. Present: Mark Tyssen, Tim Folliard, Martin Foot, Angela Bombardieri, Erica Auld, Nicholas Leask, Peter Kakalias (in part) 2. Apologies: Nil. 3. Visitors: Nil. 4. Quorum: A quorum was achieved with 6/7 members present for the entirety. 5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes of the meeting of Committee held on 6 July 2021 were accepted as a true record without amendment. Moved Mark, seconded by Erica, CARRIED. Business Arising from the Minutes: Nil. 6. Correspondence 6.1 In: via Post:
via email: FWDV: 8/7 8/7 9/7 16/7 2/8 4/8
Daniel Whitby (Projects) – July E-News Alison McLaughlin (Office Manager) – 2021-22 Vehicle Stickers Alison McLaughlin (Office Manager) – First Aid Course 28.08.21 Wayne Hevey (CEO) – National 4X4 Revised dates: 26-28 November Daniel Whitby (Projects) – Yinnar Assistance Trip 14th, 15th August 2021 Alison McLaughlin (Office Manager) – Monthly member affiliation Invoice template
28,29/7 31/7 31/7 2-8/8 2/8
various membership / club vehicle permit enquiries Alec GG – queries re membership, club permit and capability of a Brumby to handle club trips David Peck (President, S4WDCWA) - invitation to attend Zoom meetings held by the WA club Shirley Teh (CAV) – response to query r Hall Hire for 45th Birthday event Consumer Affairs Victoria – Annual Statement Notification State Library of Victoria – outstanding magazines not yet received; National eDeposit (NED) (2) Anthony Franklin – set of Brumby wheels FS AuHost4u –$10 p.a. rise in webhosting fees from next renewal (15/5/22) Bendigo Bank – Statement available Phil Jelleff – Outback 3.0 premium with failed auto trans. – offers invited (4) S4WDCSA – August 2021 “Bullsheet” magazine
Shirley Teh (MT) – Enquiry re CAV Hall Hire Sept/Oct for 45th Birthday event (2)
6/7 7/7 14/7 26,27/7
6.2 Out: 16
8/7 13/7 23/7 29/7 31/7 4/8 5/8 7/8 7/8
Alison McLaughlin, FWDV (MT) – re collection of 2021/22 car stickers Membership (TF) – save the date Club 45th Anniversary 23 October 2021 Membership (MF) – July General Meeting notice and July magazine links Membership (MF) – set of Brumby wheels FS Membership (TF) – new trip to Nerrina Historic Area on 4/9/22 Committee (MF) – Notice and Agenda for CoM Meeting 10/8 Paul Jackson (EA) – re Club Permit scheme for Brumby Phil Jelleff (MF) – re Outback 3.0 premium with failed auto trans Industry contacts and 4WD clubs (MF) – S4WDCV July magazine online
6.3 Business Arising: Nil. 7. Reports 7.1 Resources: No Report. Bev continuing to manage clothing sales and orders. 7.2 Trip and Social: The Snow Trip ran prior to the latest lockdown on 1 August. TL Tim. There were 4 vehicles and 9 attendees. North Flinders Ranges Trip: TLs Martin and Dot. Unable to be run, due to lockdown announced three days prior to departure. Rescheduled 15 – 18 May 2022. Bike Trip, 22 August. TL Mark. Warburton Rail Trail (in part). Three bookings only. In doubt unless numbers increase, but COVID is the big unknown. Nerrina Heritage Area. New trip. 4 September. Near Ballarat. TL Daniel. Rated Easy. Grand Ridge Road, 12 September. TLs Martin and Dot. Social trip on 2WD roads, starting at Yarragon and finishing at Warragul, lunch at Mirboo North. 45th Birthday Celebrations: Saturday, 23 October 2021, as a late afternoon gathering and dinner at the CAV hall in Wantirna. Invitees to be limited to current members and their families, plus past members (if they hear about it and wish to come). Otherwise, no nonmembers. $35 ph charge OK, catering costs quoted at around $33 per head. Additional funds will be required to cover the shortfall. MOTION: That up to $500 from club reserves be committed to the event. Moved Martin, seconded Erica. CARRIED. ACTION: Mark to convene s/c members to progress planning and promotion. Cup Day long weekend: Little Desert and Mt. Arapiles, with a base camp at Dimboola. TL Tim. Some confusion over campsite bookings, now being sorted out. Christmas Party – date not yet confirmed, no discussion. Heathcote Day trip. Weekend in December. Stewart Southam TL. Easy/Medium. Post Christmas Trip – Strathfieldsaye again? Or possibly the Davies Plain area beyond Omeo. TBA. Australia Day 2022, actually weekend of 29,30 January. Big River Cambarville base camp with day trips eg to Mt Terrible. Limestone Coast (Robe, SA). 25 – 29 March 2022. Rating: Difficult. TL Daniel. Open for bookings. Possible joint trip with S4WDCSA. The Committee were happy for Daniel to make the necessary negotiations. ACTION: Tim to advise Daniel. Cameron Corner. 7 -22 October 2022. Peter Kakalias TL. Early bookings / EOI invited. NW Cape, WA. 24 March – 26 May 2023. Stewart Southam TL. The trip itinerary contains some remote stretches where an TL experienced in outback driving and survival strategies will be required. ACTION: Tim to discuss further with Stewart before listing.
MINUTES (CONT.) [carried over] Possible trips: Yarck to Euroa. Strathbogies? Dinner Plain. Samantha and Daniel had raised with Tim the possibility of an out-ofseason club event at the alpine club they are part of at Dinner Plain, as fees would be discounted. ACTION: Tim to liaise further with Sam and Daniel. Wombat State Park. No specific proposal. 7.3 Venue: 7.3.1 July General Meeting: This was held on the 27th entirely on Zoom, due to COVID resrictions. 21 members and one visitor attended. 7.3.2 August General Meeting: Will be held on Tuesday, 31st at 8pm and will be followed by the AGM. After discussion it was agreed that the uncertainty around COVID lockdowns and restrictions on numbers attending made it impractical to organise a face to face meeting and so it will be held entirely on Zoom. ACTION: Martin to notify members. 7.4 Membership: 7.4.1 Membership applications: Two applications for membership had been received, for Charles Hobbes and Rhys Knightly. Both had completed application forms and paid the required fee. However, while Charles had attended a trip and a meeting, we have yet to meet Rhys. MOTION: That Charles Hobbes be admitted to membership of the club. Moved Erica, seconded Nicholas. CARRIED. ACTION: Erica to advise Charles accordingly. ACTION: Erica to contact Rhys and explain the club’s policy regarding prior attendance and to advise opportunities for him to meet the club. It was agreed that the club’s website (and possibly also the membership form) be updated to explain this requirement. Nicholas expressed concern that we should avoid unnecessary impediments to growing our membership. ACTION: Martin, Erica 7.4.2 Membership renewals: Mike Dunn has renewed and expressed interest to Erica in attending the Grand Ridge Road Trip. ACTION: Erica and Angela to advise FWDV. Martin to contact Mike to confirm his attendance. 7.4.3 Club Permit Scheme. Erica had offered to prepare a draft Club Permit Policy with the intention of it being adopted as a new By-Law of the club. She had circulated a draft prior to the meeting. It was agreed this was a necessary and worthwhile development, given the lack of clear guidelines for applicants. Some essential matters were agreed, including the requirements that: a new member would have to wait six months before they could apply for a Club Permit. Permit holders would need to attend at least two club events with the vehicle per year to continue. In general, inspections would be done at club meetings and events as arranged so that club officers did not have to chase around after the applicant. The policy (or guidelines consistent with the policy) should be available on the club’s website for reference by applicants. ACTION: Erica to prepare a second draft for consideration at the next Committee Meeting. 7.5 Communications and Marketing: 7.5.1 Magazine: The deadline for the August magazine is the 20th. Daniel has offered to take over 18
as Editor. Martin will “walk him through” the production of the August edition. Nicholas commented that the appropriate time for Daniel to take over would be when new software tools were being introduced, so he did not have to learn old methods. ACTION: Martin 7.5.2 Social Media: Facebook: Peter and Erica are now Facebook administrators, and able to replace Damian. A new Group is to be set up following adoption of the MB&C recommendations, but is not yet established. Instagram: Peter is in negotiation with Instagram admin to have the club recognised as the owner of the existing Instagram site. He is also sourcing and organising photo material for the site. 7.5.3 Advertising: [carried over] Martin yet to discuss advertising with Subaxtreme. Mark yet to investigate possible advertising with wreckers: Subaru Heaven, Subabits, SubaRoos Burwood. 7.6 Treasurer 7.6.1 Bank Balances: $5,485.61 in the operational account. Investment account balance is $8,301.07 and will mature on 10 September. 7.6.2 Asset list [updated]: CB radios x 2 are with Mark The satellite phone is with Martin The club’s marquee and pop-up tent is with Mark. 7.7 Secretary: 7.7.1 Notices for the AGM on 31 August were included in the June and July magazines. ACTION: Martin to prepare a Nomination form for the Committee members who are re-standing. ACTION: Martin 7.7.2 The Annual Report 2021 contributions are now due. Martin has commenced work on the Report, to be completed before the magazine deadline. 7.8 Vice-President: No report. 7.9 President: No report. 8. Priorities and Planning 8.1 By-Laws 8.1.1 A new By-Law to govern Club Permits is being prepared (see item 7.4.3 above). 8.1.2 [carried over]: Mark is near to completing his section on Roles and responsibilities. 8.1.3 [carried over]: Martin to continue to draft Code of Conduct section. 9. General Business: None. 10. Next Meeting: Subject to the agreement of any incoming Committee members, the date of the next Committee Meeting will be Tuesday, 7 September 2021, at 8:00pm via Zoom. 11. Meeting closed at 10:45pm approximately.
MINUTES General Meeting Minutes The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held online via Zoom teleconferencing software on Tuesday, 27 July, 2021, starting at 8:10pm approximately. There was no face-to-face meeting, due to COVID-19 lockdown. 1. Present: Angela Bombardieri, Martin Foot, Dot Greiveson, Samantha Lee, Daniel Ho, Erica Auld, Mark Tyssen, Michael Bauer, Peter and Katie Mynard, Bev Davison, Les Ralph, Damian Stock, Des Burns, Tim Folliard, Peter Kakalias, Chris Balfour, Andrew Jantke, Rick Koster, Deborah Leask, David Wilson 2. Apologies: Julie Dyer, Robert Townsend 3. Visitors: Charles Hobbs 4. Quorum: A quorum was a members present. 5. Welcome: Mark welcomed members and visitors to the meeting. 6. Minutes of the Previous Meeting: 6.1 The Minutes of the general meeting held on 29 June 2021 had been circulated to members. The Minutes were adopted. Moved Mark Tyssen, seconded Angela Bombardieri. CARRIED. 6.2 Business Arising: (Item 9. Gen Bus) David has not yet had a chance to speak to his contact “Jim” re 4X4 training. 7. Correspondence: Recent correspondence has included: 7.1 In: Post - Nil FWDV Alison McLaughlin (Office Manager) – First Aid Course 28 August Daniel Whitby (Projects) – July E-News Wayne Hevey (CEO) – National 4X4 Revised dates: 26-28 November General Various membership enquiries and renewals Chinese Association of Vic – re Hall Hire enquiry for 45th Anniversary Magazines from other clubs: S4WDCSA S4WDCWA 7.2 Outgoing Responses to above items as appropriate Members – FWDV survey closing 23 July Members – save the date: 23 October for club’s 45th Anniversary Members – Meeting arrangements 27 July, July magazine, E-News 8. Reports: 8.1 Resources: No report. 20
[carried over] Bev Davison is available to discuss any clothing orders with members. If there is no stock in hand, individual orders, eg vests, will be placed on a waiting list until a minimum number of 10 is met (otherwise a surcharge applies for the logo). 8.2 Editor / Communications: 8.2.1 Magazine: The deadline for the next edition is 20 August. Any contributions from members welcome, such as a description of cars you own, ie “Members Rides”. Martin can provide a template format to assist. 8.2.2 Social media: Martin reported that at the last Committee meeting, the Social Media Policy, developed by the Marketing, Branding and Communications sub-committee, was adopted as a By-Law of the club. The position of Community Manager was created and Peter Kakalias appointed. Erica and Peter K have been authorised as administrators of the FB page. Peter is setting up a new FB facility to allow direct submissions by members. He is also establishing a new Instagram page. 8.3 Trip & Social: North Flinders Ranges trip (was July 2021.) TLs Martin and Dot. Postponed until May 2022. Existing bookings have priority. Snow Trip – 1 August. TL Tim. Likely to be held around the Big River / Matlock area, but could be in the Upper Thomson/ Mt. St. Gwinear area. Anglesea – 7 August. TLs Daniel and Samantha. Powerline track to start with. More difficult sections in the afternoon depending on conditions. Bike Trip –22 August. TL Mark. Bookings open, numbers low. Grand Ridge Road – 12 September. TLs Martin and Dot. Social drive (2WD OK). Starting at Yarragon, through Mirboo North and the GRR towards Warragul. 45th Birthday celebration event - 23 October. Will consist of a sit-down dinner and a gathering beforehand (show and shine?). Will be held most likely at the Chinese Association hall in Wantirna. Attendance will be restricted to current members and their families, plus any former members approached and wishing to attend. A sub-committee has been formed to plan the event. Final costings yet to be determined but will be around $30-$35 per head. Bookings opening soon. Little Desert / Mt. Arapiles Trip – Cup Day long weekend (29 October through 1 November), based at Dimboola somewhere along the Wimmera River. Bookings. Christmas Party – 27 November, no details as yet. Post Christmas Trip –David Wilson looking at running a trip in the Benambra Davies Plain region. No details as yet. Robe, SA. Possible trip with SA Subie club. TLs Daniel and Samantha. TBC. Big River / Mt Terrible – late January 2022 (Australia Day falls on a Wednesday) Cameron Corner Touring Trip – October 2022. TL Peter Kakalias. Full details to follow. EOI via website. Other Trips – members’ ideas and proposals for Social trips requested. Possible day trip along the Murrindindi Valley possibly ending at the Cheviot railway tunnel. Daniel looking at Creswick Forest area. 8.4 Venue: Meeting via video due to COVID lockdown. August hopefully will be at SCTC for the AGM. 8.5 Membership: Charles Hobbs, who attended an earlier meeting held at Ringwood Training’s workshop, has 21
MINUTES (CONT.) applied for membership of the club. 8.6 Secretary: Martin reminded members that the Annual General Meeting will be held on 31 August following the August club meeting. (See magazine for the formal notice). Members invited to consider standing for Committee. 8.7 Treasurer: Current operating balance $5,295.61. Term deposit matured in June and has been rolled over for three months at 0.1% interest. Current balance is $8,301. Martin noted that there may be costs associated with implementing the Marketing, Branding and Communications strategy. A budget will be put to members for comment before any major expenditures are made. 8.8 Vice-President: As per the magazine. 8.9 President: As per magazine. 9. General Business: Martin has the front bumper and supporting bar / brackets for a Forester X 2003. As new, replaced by a Subaxtreme bullbar back in the day. Contact him if interested. Angela’s problems with Eyesight switching off unexpectedly in her Forester, causing cruise control and other issues continue. Dealers have been unable to replicate the fault. Very frustrating. Daniel informed members of a potential failure of the seals in Oil Control Solenoid Valves (part of the VVT system) in certain Subaru models that can allow leakage of oil into its electrical connectors and from there, via capillary action, potentially contaminate the wiring loom and even ruin the vehicle’s ECU, at great cost to the owner if not diagnosed. Replacement valves cost $230. The ECU will be ~$12K. Replacement seals have been fitted new since 2017. He has a Service Bulletin that gives further information. Chris Balfour had experienced cooling system failure in his L-series recently while on a relatively long run to Gippsland. Rick Koster offered to have a look. Peter Mynard mentioned there is a not-so-easy-to-see hose under the manifold that may have developed a leak. He also mentioned that his L-series has an upgraded radiator (alloy, he thought) to cope with towing and hot days. 10. Fines and Fun: No report. 11. Presentation: No presentation. 12. Meeting closed at 10:00pm approximately. 13. Next meeting: Tuesday, 31 August at 8pm, at South Camberwell Tennis Club (subject to COVID-19 restrictions) to be followed by the AGM.
BUY IT AND SELL IT HERE Please note: If you have any items listed here for sale which are no longer available please remember to let us know at: Item: Forester aluminium bash plates Details: Made from 6.0 mm construction grade aluminium SF Forester $350 SG & SH Forester $380 SJ Forester $420 CVT & Gearbox Protection $380 Outback & Diesel Vehicles $420 Fitting can be arranged. 10% discount for Subaru Club members. Please contact David via TXT after hours Road less Travelled - Vehicle under body protection e: Item: Subaru Outback ( failed auto transmission) FS: Phil Jelleff writes: I’ve owned this 2007 Subaru Outback 3.0R Premium Automatic since new and maintained to a very high standard. Though it’s covered 307,000 km, it’s in amazing condition. Since new we have been delighted with the car and it’s given us very good service. Last week though, the automatic transmission failed. Due the mileage on the car it’s not economical to repair. With everything else on/in the car in such good order, I thought if a club member was wanting restore/ repair/upgrade an Outback, this would be a great donor. Or if someone has a suitable auto laying about, install it and go! The car was serviced a couple of weeks ago and was fitted with a brand new radiator. The car still runs and drives so the engine/brakes/accessories can be checked. The car is urban grey with black leather interior, McIntosh sound system and sat nav. It has all keys, service book and owner’s manuals. The car is excellent inside and out and is located in Gisborne. More pics of the car are available here: Being a car club member myself for many years (Jaguar), I have restored a couple of cars a know the benefit of having good spares. I also know this car is too good to scrap. I hope it can help someone. I’m open to offers for the car. As I hope you agree, the attached photos show this isn’t a car for the crusher. Surely it can help someone out there. Once this lockdown ends, I hope an interested party comes to view the car. Vic Reg is USB783. VIN JF2BPEKUA7G054691 Contact: Phil Jelleff m: 0418 560 115 e: 23
TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards.
Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received.
Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader Two rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t) Rated snatch strap Recovery points, front & rear; plus, optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design; UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio. Ideally in car but hand held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last the trip. 1. Fire extinguisher, accessible to the driver 2. Spare tyre (full size) 3. Jack and wheel brace, or equivalent 4. Emergency supplies (matches, food, water and clothing) 5. Sufficient fuel, oil and water for the trip and delays 6. A tyre pressure gauge; compressor (according to the trip) 7. An axe, bow or chain saw; 8. A sturdy shovel (collapsible shovels are no good) 9. Spare parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip) 10. A tool kit 11. Personal first aid kit 12. Your vehicle manual
Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies. 24