Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria monthly magazine - January 2012 edition

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January 2012

(ISSUE 377) Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J FWDV Member GPO BOX 2456 Melbourne VIC. 3001

VOLKS-BARU SUBARU and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre

We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.

John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 Page: 2

INTRODUCTION TO THE SUBARU 4WD CLUB OF VICTORIA: The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 30 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each financial year, due after the yearly AGM. Fees for the 2010/2011 year are currently: Interstate: $90 (Seniors card - $85) � Single: $100 (Seniors card - $90) Joint/family: $105 - (Seniors card - $90) (All fees includes affiliation and Insurance: $40) A trip fee of $10 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further information regarding membership, including pro-rata and monthly rates.


COMMITTEE Damian Stock (President) Peter Bellis (Secretary)

South Camberwell Tennis Club 322 Burke Road Glen Iris (Melways 59 H6)

Last Tuesday of each month at 8:00pm sharp (except December)

Meetings 1st Tuesday each month: 7:30pm

Bob Marshall (Treasurer) Jessica Walsh (Trip & Social) Martin Foot (Editor) Andrew Jantke (Membership) vacant (Resources) vacant (Venue) Phil Milkins (Ordinary Member) Dale Rebgetz (Ordinary Member)

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PRESIDENT’S REPORT Welcome to the January club magazine and my first report for 2012. It does seem like such a long time since I wrote my last report and plenty has happened in that time, both personally and from a club perspective. We finished 2011 with the club Christmas party, Oxfam Christmas tree distribution and the club Christmas trip. All of these were very well patronized and I am thankful to those members who spent their time organizing and attending them. As president and delegate I also had the association AGM to attend in late November. The association’s AGM was fairly uneventful however it was prefaced by an interesting presentation by a member of the Victorian High Country Huts Association. This covered their maintenance, repair and replacement projects for the 400 huts that are dotted around the high country. Our association has also announced that we are now members of the huts association and that a new “adopt -a-hut” program has been established. If you know of a high country hut that could do with our attention please let me know. Maybe we can adopt it as part of the program. As one of the first joint activities with the huts association, a request has come from it, via FWDV, for volunteers to work on repairs to Fry’s Hut, at Sheepyard Flat, near Mansfield, This will take place on the weekend of February 4 th and 5th. If you enjoy working with wood this may be something you might be interested in. Let me know and I will put your name forward to the association. The Christmas party, at Kurth Kiln, was well organized by Martin, ably assisted by Andrew, who pre-tripped the morning’s navigation run. Despite the rain during the previous 24 hours most attempted the 4WD section, except for yours truly who had neglected to change the tyres on the Forester to suit the conditions. As it turned out, the Forester was as dirty as most of the others due to the dampness of the dirt roads in and around the park. Fortunately the dampness did not extend to the undercover area near the kiln where an excellent BBQ, prepare by the usual culprits, was enjoyed by all, after the last stragglers from the navigation run finally arrived. A presentation by the friends of Kurth Kiln followed soon after and then Santa made a quick visit, much to the delight of the young, and not so young, members. The Oxfam Christmas tree delivery was this year supported by six club members, in three vehicles. We all met early on Saturday morning, as agreed, to pick up our trees and participate in a quick photo session. After that we all headed off on our individual distribution routes with ours being in the Page: 4

PRESIDENT’S REPORT Ashburton area. Peter and Bev and Dale and Jan went a little further afield. While Angela and I were delivering our trees we heard a request on ABC radio for anyone involved in one of these programs to call in. I took the opportunity to ring in, primarily to promote the event, the association, Oxfam and, of course, the club. On returning home I decided to register on Facebook and then uploaded a couple of the photos to my page. I also created a club page as well, but did not publicize it as I was not sure about the best way to do so. This page has since been replaced by another page created by Adam. Hopefully Facebook will become a modern promotional avenue for the club so watch this space for developments in this area. After a relatively quiet Christmas I was expecting to attend the post-Christmas high country trip, led by Dave. Despite getting some nice new tyres on the Hilux in preparation for this trip I was unfortunately able to attend due to a faulty air-conditioning system. I was immediately reminded of the importance of checking air-conditioning prior to summer and I was kicking myself for not having done so. Despite missing the high country trip itself, Angela and I were still able to make it down to Buchan to meet up with the trip and to enjoy an excellent new year’s eve celebration. It was great hearing about the adventures from Dave’s trip, including his own gearbox fun and games. It is testament to the Outback that he was able to get to Buchan, and subsequently back to Melbourne, with a few less gear options than normal. The shelter and surrounds were looking great when we arrived on New Year’s Eve, thanks to work done on the previous trip in November and also by those who had headed down to the camp a few days earlier for this event. The rocks surrounding the campfire have now been used on the steps to the creek and anything there is now a communal BBQ ready to use in the shelter, just BYO gas bottle. There is still more to be done, including more improvements to the river access, so consider coming down to see the improvements next time a trip heads down that way. Not long after New Year I was made aware that my mum did not have long to live. After a very long and rewarding life, just one month short of 98 years, mum passed away peacefully in her sleep. Both Angela and I were quite moved by the condolences received from the club and also by the attendance at the funeral by Phil, Elaine and Bev, especially given that Elaine was quite unwell due to the length of the service and the heat of the day. This week marks a full 12 months of self-employment in the Stock household. After thirty five years working for large corporate, both local and international, Page: 5

PRESIDENT’S REPORT it is quite strange only having myself to answer to, apart from Angela that is. I certainly have not missed being a full time employee, except for the regular pay cheque, but I did think that it would afford me more time to undertake other pursuits. Unfortunately, that has not been the case so far but maybe 2012 will be different. I am sure that many of you will have seen the latest Subaru TV advertisement for the new Impreza XV. In it, the XV is depicted as being “the best thing we have ever done” and it is seen climbing a rocky outcrop with ease. Interestingly, the XV only comes with a space saver so you would not want to get a flat tyre using the XV in these conditions. It will be interesting to see how this new model sells but I would hope that a full size spare becomes an option really quickly before someone unwittingly gets stuck in the middle of nowhere. When preparing the Forester to head down to Buchan at Christmas I removed the 17in rims and Geolanders to put on the 16in ATs. I noticed how little life was left in the Geolandars and wondered how many kilometres had been done on them. I was shocked to find that I had only done about 25000 kms on them, over a 12 month period, which is around 35-40,000 kms less than what I had previously achieved on Geolandars on both the Outback and the Forester. The only change to the Forester had been total replacement of the suspension with King Springs and KYB shocks, around 12 months ago. I would have thought that new suspension would have given me better tyre wear, not worse. Maybe the other, older suspension components have more of a negative effect on the tyres than the new components can compensate for. I am going to take this up with Yokahama anyway so it will be interesting to see what they can suggest. I will let you know the outcome. In this month’s magazine you will find the new co -branded membership card. Make sure that you use it at any of the advertisers in Trackwatch. Let me know if it achieve savings when dealing with these businesses. Anyway that’s enough from me for this month. Take care of yourself out there, on the road or in the bush, and if I don’t see you at the coming events please have a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year.


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EDITOR’S REPORT This edition is a “catch -up” as it includes trip reports from November and December including the Buchan maintenance trip and the Christmas Party and Rally. There are also some pics from the Christmas New Year high country trip. === The option exists for members to receive their magazine electronically via a web link. They can also choose to discontinue hard copy if they wish. At present, I’m sending the link to all members who have registered their email addresses with Andrew. It you don’t want the email or the hard copy, let me know. Any member of the public can view an abridged version of the current magazine (without personal contact information) via the club’s website, === The magazine deadline for next edition is FEBRUARY 14th, 2012. Send all copy to Martin


JANUARY GENERAL MEETING Date: Tuesday 31 January at 8pm. Venue: Camberwell South Tennis Club Presentation: The highlight this month will be a report on the Christmas/ New Year high country trip. Page: 7


PAJERO CHALLENGE Saturday 25th to Sunday 26th February 2012 Contact: Peter Belllis, Running ¾ rest point – between 1:30am and 5:30am Sunday morning. Location is within 2 hours of Melbourne – good road access. Good site with plenty of space of camping and competitors. Good night’s fun.

STOP PRESS Possible trip from Jamie on first Sunday of March - more details at the General Meeting - ed.

GRAMPIANS DRIVE Victorian Iconic 4WD trip Late March Contact: Jessica Walsh I would like to do the Grampians iconic 4wd trip, probably in late March. I have not had the opportunity to “pre -trip” this, but the track notes are very comprehensive. The grandeur of the Grampians also lends itself to making this a photographic trip. That is, for all the camera buffs who want to come along, anytime someone wants to stop for a photo, we will. We will meet at the Halls Gap caravan park on Friday evening, and make that our base for two nights. There is a western and eastern loop which we can do in a relaxed fashion on Saturday and Sunday respectively.

MITSUBISHI MUSTER Tolmie (out of Mansfield) Friday 6 – Monday 9 April 2012 Pajero 4WD Club Victoria Contact: This will be confirmed at the January meeting. The club has received an invitation to the Mitsubishi Muster to be held over Easter in and around Tolmie in the state's north east. The program is still Page: 8

TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT being determined, but if 2011 was anything to go on, it will be a great event. Further details will be listed as they are received. [See for current information including costs - ed.]

LATER IN THE YEAR Narbethong Wombat State Forest Mungo World Heritage Area Central Goldfields area Possible snow trip with the Queensland Subaru Club

JESSICA'S JOTTINGS Unless you are travelling by yourself you will always be travelling in some sort of convoy on a club trip, even if it is just two vehicles, so here are some guidelines to convoy travelling: Keep the vehicle behind you in sight, or at least keep in touch on the radio. Sometimes it is necessary to drop back a bit from the vehicle in front due to dust. Try not to get too far back as this does slow down the trip's progress, though. If you get to an intersection, wait until it is obvious the vehicle behind you has seen which way to go. If you lose sight of the vehicle in front, give them a call on the radio for directions (and perhaps a friendly reminder to slow down a tad). It is also important that we leave gates as we find them, particularly on private property where stock may be grazing. The trip leader should radio the last vehicle in the convoy (“tail end charlie�) and tell them how to leave each gate the group passes through. Tail end charlie should also keep the trip leader updated with where the end of the convoy is.

Happy travels, Jessica Walsh Trip & Social Coordinator

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TRIP REPORTS BUCHAN TRIP 12, 13 November 2011 by Adam Howley In the months leading up to this trip we had been to so many great places, like the Border track, and Lake Eyre for this e lucky ones, but it was nice to return somewhere familiar. It had been very busy with the lead up to Christmas also taking it's toll so we were really looking forward to the getaway. As we wanted to enjoy the entire weekend to it's fullest I convinced Damien it was a good idea to leave Friday night. Jamie, Lisa & Andrew had also planned to do the same. So we set off at 7pm from Camberwell and arrived about 15 minutes after Lisa and Andrew at about 12:30pm. It was nice to be greeted by Jamie, as he was still up. The next morning we awoke to see the state of the campsite, we knew the grass was long but there was more than I had seen before. So the first task for the day was to use Andrew's slasher! Whilst Andrew & I shared that, Jamie, Lisa & Damien reinforced the barriers around the trees which were struggling to grown thanks to the cattle and sheep. We also installed the new BBQ which was generously donated by Andrew & Lisa and from the pancakes I cooked on them it is brilliant! So as it began to get hotter I investigated some trails that I wanted to take, and we were off. We came across my first creek crossing, and as leader was informed I had to test the waters. A broken safety boot and bent ankle later and I was wet! Happy with the depth and for emptying my pockets we proceeded through, with only a bit of water getting in Andrews air in-take. We managed to take the wrong turn a few times as we passed through the regions pine plantations but continued on, finding a few incredibly steep climbs, and great decants. After our last creek crossing (the third on this trip) was the beginning of the toughest climbs with incredibly steep spoon drains. Of which I was really enjoyed the slow and steady pass, and so was Jamie. Unfortunately for Andrew he got hung up on the last spoon drain, and when it all got a bit scary Lisa decided to walk the rest of the hill. Just as she got to the top Andrew had freed himself and arrived at the same time at the top. I was very happy to not have to head down the hill to recover him. From there the afternoon was ending so we headed back south to camp, enjoying the amazing views on the way home as the sun was beginning to set. Page: 10

TRIP REPORTS We set about starting the fire and cooking dinner, whilst Andrew set up his shower to be used for the first time. As all of you are aware, when there is fire, there is cooking. To say that Masterchef auditions were underway is an understatement. Jamie brought out the big guns with Chocolate damper, and would have shone above my bundles, but he burnt them! I have to say I was quite proud mine turned out to be edible. We discussed our options for Sunday and all agreed we would leave for home at about 10am, but go out via The Haunted Stream Track. From my previous experience, and memory it was only a couple of hours and relatively easy. At this point I should urge all to consider the time since last travel, and whether the winter just past brought record rains to the area. About 45 minutes in to the track we were been hounded with loud thunder, and ominous black clouds to our right, and the brightest sun to our left we pressed on. From past experience in my Forester I remembered one or two steep exit/ entries to the creek crossings, however the deterioration in the crossings was clear when just about every crossing required slow navigation, and at some points snatching. We also spent time building up the track to make it passable. Whilst Jamie was up front he struggled with one exit so I gave it a shot, managing to lift multiple wheels in great style. It also bent my exhaust and my mudflap disappeared but we managed to get through. Towards the final stages in the track we came across a few gigantic trees which were down across the track, which fortunately didn't prevent us passing, as the thought of going back was not something I wished to consider. The weather started to turn, with a slow drizzle, and a very muddy creek exit ahead both Andrew and I required a snatch to pass it. Finally we reached our turn off to head up the steep rocky track and the rain had held up making it reasonably easy, but still a fantastic challenge. Once at the top of the last hill we stopped to congratulate each other, and for me to profusely apologise for not considering the possible track changes, but it was a fantastic trip. We continued in convoy to Bairnsdale where we were introduced to one of the best tasting kebabs around. At this point it was about 8pm and we all headed off for home. We arrived home at 11:45pm and were exhausted! It was a complete weekend trip like never before and was thankful all returned home safely. Attendees: Adam Howley & Damien Hough Lisa & Andrew Janke Jamie Scott Page: 11

Discovery 3 Rodeo Ute Land Cruiser 100

TRIP REPORTS CHRISTMAS PARTY AND RALLY TRIP Sunday, 27 November 2011 by Martin Foot As in recent years, the annual Christmas Party was preceded by a navigational rally. This year the venue for the party was Kurth Kiln Park north of Gembrook, and the rally was held between the Jantke home in Cockatoo and the Kiln reserve. There were two routes offered, one for 2WD and another section for 4WD vehicles, along Ure Road. There had been a good deal of rain on the rally route over the preceding 48 hours, and doubts were held that the 4WD section would be passable. However, a test run by Andrew and Martin at 9am established that it was OK, although there was deep water on the track. Dot volunteered to be left at the Kiln to claim our site, while Andrew and Martin returned to Cockatoo to meet the rally crews.

Some vehicles with 2WD, low clearance or road tyres chose the easier route, but the majority headed off at five minute intervals to gather the clues and face the challenges of the 4WD section. In the event, everyone got through safely although Michael Dickman needed a pull through a damp spot. Rick Page: 12

TRIP REPORTS decided that once was not enough, and took a left turn instead of a right, ending up somewhere out Macclesfield way, before returning to Andrew’s and doing the whole route again! He seemed quite happy with this (more 4WD-ing) although Jackie, who arrived separately, had a decidedly worried look until he turned up at the party about an hour later than everyone else. In the wash-up, the winning vehicles were Peter and Jean Bellis for the 4WD route and Damian and Angela Stock for the 2WD one. Meanwhile the party group assembled at the kiln under the shade of the canopy in front of the works building, which comfortably accommodated the group of over forty people. The BBQ was wedged onto the site through the bollards and soon the chops and snags were sizzling. Everyone settled back to enjoy the meal including the excellent desserts and salads brought by members. After all were rested, Santa made his appearance magically arriving from out of the forest with his bag of goodies. There were half a dozen youngsters very pleased to see him and they all duly received their presents. Santa then bid us all merry Christmas, and ho ho ho-ed off over the hill. Next we had a most interesting presentation from Alfred and Ursula members of the Friends of Kurth Kiln, who spoke to the group about the kiln’s history and the realities of wartime Page: 13



2012 JAN



Tues 31

General Meeting

Sat 4, Sun 5

Restoration of Fry’s Hut (FWDV and High Country Huts Association activity)

Tues 7

Committee Meeting

Tues 14

Magazine deadline for articles, reports, etc

Sun 19

Victorian 4WD Show (LROCV activity NB: S4WDCV not involved this year)

Sat 25 & Sun 26

Pajero Challenge (Club activity with the Pajero Club of Vic)

Tues 28

General Meeting

Sun 4

Day Trip

Tues 6

Committee Meeting

Sat 10 - Mon 12


Tues 13

Magazine deadline for articles, reports, etc

Late March

Grampians Trip

Tues 27

General Meeting

Fri 6 to Mon 9 April Mitsubishi Muster (Pajero Club activity; (Easter) invitation extended to S4WDCV) APRIL +

Trip Standard


Vehicle Suitability

Easy Medium

All wheel drive and high range 4WD. Can be Suitable for medium clearance vehicles with d

Difficult Very Difficult

Suitable for medium to high clearance vehicles wit Suitable for high clearance vehicles with dual rang

ALENDAR Location

Standard Contact for further info.

CSTC Mansfield district


Damian Stock See page 30 for details


Peter Bellis Martin Foot




Peter Bellis


Damian Stock




$16, children free

Jessica Walsh Peter Bellis Martin Foot



Jessica Walsh


Damian Stock

Tolmie (out of Mansfield)

Jessica Walsh or

low clearance with single range and road tyres. dual range and all terrain or road tyres.

th dual range and all terrain tyres. ge and tyres suitable for the terrain (eg. mud terrain tyres).

$25 vehicle plus $5 per person per night

TRIP REPORTS driving using a charcoal burner strapped to the back of your car. Some examples of these contraptions can be seen at the site. Wildlife was in evidence in the vicinity of the kiln, particularly three or four koalas who were sleeping off their dinners high in the trees above the creek. These furry chaps provided plenty of entertainment for adults and children alike as they moved slowly around the branches. The weather continued to improve throughout the day, and overall a very pleasant time was had by all. People starting departing around four. Thanks, particularly to Andrew for his advice and assistance with the organisation; also to David for the meat supply and Peter and Jean for bringing the BBQ. Attendees: Martin Foot and Dot Greiveson Forester Andrew and Lisa Jantke Rodeo Ute Damian, Angela and Brendan Stock Forester Peter Mynard and Katie Scambler L-series Jamie Scott MY Les Scott, Elaine Hyde Landcruiser Peter and Jean Bellis Forester Bev Davison Forester Phil and Elaine Milkins Surf Brian and Glynis Howell (with the MIlkins) Bob and Ruth Marshall Liberty Dale and Jan Rebgetz Forester Gareth, Tracy, Mitchell and Lachlan McGregor Liberty Rae and Alby Turner Forester David and Enid Hewett Landcruiser Cynthia and Mike Rennolds and grandson Lachlan Forester Michael Dickman and friend Kerry MY Rick, Jackie and Joshua Koster L-series turbo/Outback David, Anthony, Justin Wilson and Antoinette Bulle Outback Page: 16

TRIP REPORTS OXFAM CHRISTMAS TREES Sunday, 4 December 2011 by Martin Foot The club has supported this annual fundraising event for Oxfam for many years. The four wheel drive community gets behind it solidly and many thousands of trees are delivered to Melbourne families. This year, three club vehicles assisted in the delivery of Christmas trees to residents in the southern and eastern suburbs. The arrival of the trees at a family home is usually met with much pleasure by the young folk who take it as a sign that the big day is not far away. Hopefully Santa will treat them well! Thanks to members who contributed this year. Attendees: Peter Bellis, Damian and Angela Stock, Bev Davison and Dale and Jan Rebgetz.

Page: 17

FOR SALE The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered. Contact the club editor to advertise in this space.

Forester Aluminium Bash Plates: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Contact: David Wilson, Bug blind for a Subaru Forester with an unmodified front end. This item was mentioned during general Business at the October general meeting. Further details are not to hand, but contact Martin on 0434 770 497 or if interested and I will follow it up.


Club Clothing prices: Polo - $30 Double-sided vest - $60 Long sleeved fleece top - $65 Storm jacket - $110 Cap $25 Adam is no longer looking after Resources, so if you wish to order any clothing, contact Damian in the first instance on 0400 118 853 or email: Page: 18

CLUB MEETING MINUTES A General Meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 29th November 2011 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 7:00pm. 1. Present Jean Bellis, Peter Bellis, Brian Howell, Glenys Howell, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins, Jessica Walsh, Damian Hough, Adam Howley, Andrew Jantke, Dale Rebgetz, Bev Davison, Damian Stock, Cynthia Rennolds, Katie Mynard, Peter Mynard, Rick Koster, Les Scott, Jamie Scott, Martin Foot, Tom Boltadzija, David Wilson, Michael Dickman, Matt McConaghy. 2. Apologies Paul Saleeba, Doug Coghlan, Kate Coghlan, Lisa Jantke, Bob Marshall, Ruth Marshall. 3. Visitors: Alec Brody, Judy Brody. 4. Welcome: A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. 5. Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 5.1 The minutes of the October 2011 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Adam Howley and seconded by Phil Milkins. 5.2 There was no business arising from the minutes. 6. Correspondence 6.1 In Magazines from various 4WD clubs. Membership renewal x2. Internet name registration for a name similar to that of the club’s. Advertising material. 4WD Victoria Various emails. Annual report. Pajero Club muster – Tolmie (near Mansfield). 6.2 Out None. Page: 19

CLUB MEETING MINUTES 7. Reports 7.1 Resources Committee position is vacant. Any resources requirements – please see Damian. 7.2 Editor Thanks to those who contributed trip reports. There will be not December magazine. However, expect to see something about the Buchan and Christmas trips in the January magazine. 7.3 Trip and Social Refer elsewhere in the magazine for the trip calendar and trip details Club first aid kits are now with Adam and David. 7.4 Venue: Refer elsewhere in the magazine for meeting details. 7.5 Membership. In the last 4 days, have had 4 membership renewals. Membership cards – waiting on a response from 4WD Victoria. Will have one card per membership. Should be available with the January 2012 magazine. 7.6 Treasurer: No report submitted. 7.7 Secretary: Next committee meeting is at Dale Rebgetz’s home. 7.8 President As per the magazine. Attended the annual general meeting of 4WD Victoria this last week. An informative presentation was made by the president of the Victorian High County Huts’ Association. The meeting was also informed that Victoria Police are targeting vehicles that have gas discharge headlamps fitted as an aftermarket item and don’t have automatic levelling or headlamp washer units fitted. Everyone is wished a happy and safe Christmas. 8. General Business Adam needs an indication of orders for damper on the Christmas trip so that he can bring enough flour. Tom has found that he is wearing through his inner CV joint boots due to the liftkit he has fitted. Have sourced some other boots of Chinese origin as an alternative and they seem to work better. Page: 20

CLUB MEETING MINUTES The Subaru BRZ 2WD coupe is being released at tonight’s Tokyo Motor Show. 9. Fines and Fun 9.1 Nametags: Jamie Scott, Peter Mynard, Michael Dickman, Rick Koster 9.2 Last to Meeting: Matt McConaghy. 9.3 Trips 9.3.1

Lake Eyre Jessica – CB aerial fell off on the way to Mildura. Michael – rearranging the pieces of the various “Bob the Builder” jigsaws. Michael – two flat tyres. Michael – wheel jack was a bit short. Jan – caught her hand in the scissors. Jan – for buying a large pink “cowboy” hat. Michael – for leaving his lollies on the car roof. Dale – for delaying filling up with fuel. 9.3.2 Border Track Andrew – for leaving his fuel cap behind at the petrol station at Ararat. Michael Hartsborne – for falling over in the mud. Peter Mynard – for a snatch on the first sand dune. Dot Grieveson – for having the handbrake on when trying to go up a sand dune. Adam Howley and Michael Hartsborne – for not treading lightly through the puddle. Adam Howley – for driving through puddles in the main street of Underbool outside the police station to wash the mud of his car. Lisa Jantke – for too much fun driving on the undulating Border Track north of Pinnaroo. Jamie Scott – for getting stuck on the first sand dune on the Border Track. Damian Hough - getting stuck on the first sand dune on the Border Track. David Wilson – for getting stuck on the second sand dune. Adam Howley – for bribing the 3 young boys to collect fire wood. Adam Howley – for the damper cooking (the recipe is not 3 cups of water to 3 cups of flour). Page: 21

CLUB MEETING MINUTES Jan – leaving her camera at the campfire. Matt – for getting stuck in the large track dugout. Rick – for stopping halfway through the dugout, getting out of the car through the driver’s window, taking a photo of the car, climbing back in through the window and driving out. David – for getting stuck in the large track dugout. Andrew Jantke – for attempting to go up a sand dune in two wheel drive. Andrew Jantke – for failing to check the air compressor fitting before leaving for the trip. 9.3.3 Buchan Trip Adam – for falling into the creek whilst checking its depth. Adam – for taking the trip down the wrong track. Adam – for damaging his exhaust and mud flaps in the Haunted Stream. Andrew – for needing to be snatched out of the stream several times. Adam – for bottoming out with his suspension fully extended. 9.3.4 Christmas Party Martin – for leaving behind the Forester banner. Rick Koster – for doing the course twice. Martin – for leaving the “turn right” off the instructions at a key intersection. 9.4 Total fines collected - $22.70. 10. Photograph Competition Best portrait – Jean Bellis – of Justin Wilson Best recovery – Peter Bellis – of Rick Koster being pulled out at Wombat Forest Best action – Jamie Scott – of Adam Howley on Haunted Steam Funniest – Martin Foot – of Peter Bellis on the Bright trip Group – Martin Foot – Heritage walking trip Scene – Adam Howley – sunset over the Pink Lakes Flowers – Peter Bellis – fringed lily on the Border Track 11. Meeting closed at 11pm and was followed by supper. 12. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 31st January 2012 commencing at 8pm. Page: 22

COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on 6th December 2011 at the home of Dale Rebgetz. Meeting commenced at 8PM. 1. Present: Damian Stock, Andrew Jantke, Bob Marshall, Dale Rebgetz. 2. Apologies: Peter Bellis, Martin Foot, Jessica Walsh, Phil Milkins. 3. Quorum A quorum was not achieved with 4 committee members present. 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4.1 Minutes of the November 2011 committee meeting were reviewed for any action items. 4.2 Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 4.2.1

Club Website


Waiting on feedback from Dale Rebgetz. MS-Publisher for Editor


Still in Martin’s hands. Club Magazine Distribution List


No further additions expected. Listing of Resources


Damian, as stand-in resources officer, to contact David Wilson regarding an updated list of club resources. Use of Social Media for Promoting the Club


Created a Facebook page. Will add Adam as an admin to construct it for us. Subaru Docklands


Damian to follow up with email regarding next steps. Club Brochure


Socialize current brochure with committee for comments and suggestions. Training For Docklands Application for club trainer received from Jessica. This will be forwarded to FWDV for entry into program. Will enable us to run this training. Page: 23

COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 5. Correspondence 5.1 In Letter from visitors to meeting last week, Judy and Alec Brody, thanking us for our hospitality. Delegates brief sheet from FWDV. 5.2 Out: None. 6. Reports 6.1 Resources: Nothing to report from stand-in resources officer. 6.2 Trip and Social: No report Christmas trip medium/hard into Wonnangatta. Damian to collect Sat-phone from Martin. Asked to consider a trip of some kind over Australia Day holiday period. November 14th , 2012 – Eclipse viewing in Cairns. Jan to develop trip plan. Visit to inland locations of interest such as Longreach, Carnarvon, a cattle property, etc. 6.3 Venue November meeting most successful with Photo competition and lengthy Fines and Fun session. January meeting to be normal catch-up and review of Christmas trip. February meeting Damian to follow up on Greg Smith of Smithy’s Outback Gear Potential guest speakers ORS 4WD storage drawers Mark from Forby Fitouts would be available to present. LED lighting system. 6.4 Membership No change in status since the general meeting. Andrew to contact Peter re modifications to constitution. Need to get copies out to all members ASAP. Andrew to liaise with Bob regarding final membership list for card printing. 6.5 Editor Off on another overseas jaunt on the 17th. Page: 24

COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Will need January copy by the 16th. 6.6 Treasurer Current bank account balance is $1902.45. Only three memberships to FWDV outstanding. 6.7 Secretary: Absent. No report submitted. 6.8 President: Nothing to report. 7. General Business Suggestion that official contact be made with Nissan club regarding their behaviour on the border track. Peter, as trip leader, to contact Nissan club trip leader. Will consider if a formal approach is necessary after that. Buddy system for new or potential members: At meetings to be owned by membership officer and delegated as, or when, necessary. On trips to be delegated by trip leader as early as possible at start of trip, if not before. Need a check list to go to a new member when signing up for their first trip. Empty committee positions and those considering retiring at next AGM – succession planning should be happening now. Dale offered to possibly take over venue office position. Will need to be ratified at next committee meeting. Pro-rata membership fees – what cut off for association fees? Damian to confirm cut off date. Should joining fee be increased to incorporate club clothing purchase? What about cost of compulsory driver training, possibly around $50-60. Andrew to obtain clothing costs from Dave and canvas for orders from newest and current members. Question about vehicle rolling on driver education course at Werribee. Damian to ask FWDV due to impact on potential new member. Style over fence at Buchan – Damian to cost and design. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th February 2012 at 7:30pm at the home of Jessica in Sunbury. Meeting closed at 10.30pm. Page: 25

FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA NEWS From: FWDV Events [] Sent: Tuesday, 24 January 2012 4:10 PM Subject: Fry's Hut Repair Work Hello all, This request has been sent to us from Ken Birch, President of the High Country Huts Association. We are looking to assist him in with willing volunteers to complete the work required. If you can help out at all, please contact the appropriate people listed below as soon as possible. Our Hut Association received a grant to cover ongoing repairs to Fry's Hut (Sheep Yard Flat near Mansfield) and require about 12-14 volunteers to assist us on the first rebuild for 2012. If you have a 4x4 club (or two) already interested in hut repairs this would be a great introduction to Alpine Hut repair processes, otherwise sending a notice to 4x4 club delegates might be considered. It would not be necessary to record it as a "club trip" as we will be working with Parks Vic for the week end & will be covered by their "volunteer insurance cover". Only condition here is they attend a OH&S briefing on Saturday & sign the register. Details are as follows. Hut Name: Fry's Hut Location: Sheep yard Flat, ( just past Merrijig, Mansfield) Dates: 4th -5th February Arrival time: any time Friday afternoon 3rd February onwards Camping place: Specially marked & reserved space next to Fry's Hut. Space for Caravan, Camper Trailer & Tents Toilets: Public long drop, Meals etc: Self catered. BYO everything incl water What to bring: Wood working hand tools & PPE ( gloves, goggles etc) Jobs to do: Varied repair work incl, repairing drop log walls, leaking roof, sections of flooring, re-apply weatherproofing to wooden walls. Number of people required: 12-14‌ Any individual or 4x4 Clubs interested are requested to contact your Association to record their interest and they can then contact one of the following Hut Association members in order of preference: Markus Richardson (HMO for area) email‌

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FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA NEWS Gavin Powell Co ordinator for all huts) email… Ken Birch President… email Regards, Wayne Hevey Projects & Events Manager Four Wheel Drive Victoria

FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA TRAINING CALENDAR February 2012 Thursday 2nd Proficiency Course (PC120204) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 4th Proficiency Course (PC120204) Practical – Werribee Friday 24th Proficiency Course (PC120226) Theory - Nth Balwyn Sunday 26th Proficiency Course (PC120226) Practical - Werribee

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------March 2012 Thursday 15th Proficiency Course (PC120317) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 17th Proficiency Course (PC120317) Practical - Werribee Tuesday 20th Chainsaw Course (CS120324) Theory - Nth Balwyn Friday 23rd Map Reading and Into to GPS Course (MR120323) – Nth Balwyn Saturday 24th Chainsaw Course (CS120324) Practical - Tallarook

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FWDV can be contacted on (03) 9857 5209 or e-mail: Contact S4WDCV Secretary Peter Bellis, email: regarding attendance at FWDV courses as a club discount may apply.

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Mansfield - Buchan via Wonnangatta, Dec 2011

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