Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria - January 2019 online magazine

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January 2019 (Issue 454)

Up for a Challenge! on Cynthia Range Track, December 2018

Follow us on our webpage: Like us on Facebook: Connect with Instagram:

Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A—0006149J / FWDV Member

PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149

Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre

We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.

John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 2

CONTENTS About the Club

Page 4


Page 5

President’s Report

Pages 6 - 7

Photo Competition

Page 7

What’s in the pipeline!

Page 8

Venue Report

Page 8

General meeting notice

Page 9

Trip and Social

Page 10

Long term future planning

Page 11

Trip Adviser

Page 12

Treasurer’s Report

Page 12

Trip Reports

Page 13

Dave’s High Country Trip report

Pages 13 - 14

Members’ Drives

Page 15

Subaru L Series Wagon - Peter Landouris

Pages 15 - 16

Trip and Recovery gear

Page 17

Buy it and Sell it

Page 18

Four Wheel Drive Victoria Training dates

Page 18


Page 19

Committee Meeting

Pages 19 - 21

General Meeting

Pages 21 - 23

Editor’s Note

Page 24


ABOUT THE CLUB The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 40 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities.

The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2018/19 year were agreed at the general meeting in April 2018 and are as follows:


Single: $125 (Senior card - $115) Joint/Family: $145—(Senior card - $130) One off joining fee of $15 ($30 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $52 Members who choose not to receive a hard copy of the magazine are eligible for a $25 discount


A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further enquiries Email:


COMMITTEE President: Mark Tyssen

Vice President and FWDV Delegate: Tim Folliard

Secretary: Martin Foot

Treasurer: Angela Bombardieri

Trip & Social: Tim Folliard

Editor (acting): Martin Foot

Venue coordinator: Mark Tyssen

Membership: Martin Foot

Resources: Peter Landouris (OM)


PRESIDENT’S REPORT Hi all, happy new year to all and hope that the year ahead is kind to one and all. Even though this month is near an end, we have a number of items happening at our next general meeting after the long weekend on Tuesday 29th January. To start with, there is the “Welcome Back BBQ” in the park from 6:30pm next to the meeting place. See advert in this newsletter about this. Please indicate to myself or Martin your intention to come. Then whilst still outside, there will be the “Show’n’Shine” of members vehicles, this is due a desire to have an award winner for Club’s Silver Socket Award. If you wish to be dramatic, you can take a picture before your vehicles is cleaned, both inside and out, and we can compare like a ‘before and after’ shot. Migrate into the meeting, before 8pm, the meeting and the Club Awards will be presented, along with anecdotes. During January the Committee had a working session on looking at the four projects that were in progress with the previous Committee. Tasks & working groups have been allocated, with requests for involvement from yourselves, the members that these projects will affect. Please volunteer or say ‘yes’ when we approach you about particular projects that we think that you may be able to assist us because of your passion for the project content. These projects arose because the then current Committee thought the projects worthwhile, as do we, and they are to benefit members. Our first bite is on the Club By-Laws, with a good amount of progress being made in that working session alone. We have given ourselves a target to complete each of these projects, and there will be a review with the members before being adopted. A short time ago, the Pajero Club approached me for our involvement in their Pajero Challenge as a checkpoint, number 3 of 4. [See the Trip & Social report for more information - Editor] This event is to be held on February 9th and 10th. If we can get the expected minimum number of persons required to man the checkpoint (8, I think), please advise Tim if you wish to be involved. Tim or myself will advise the Pajero Club of this, whether we will be able to assist them or not. Interclub activities were one of the discussion points we had at our Working Session in early January. I would like to advise them before this months meeting if possible. As you know, we still have available Committee positions or tasks available. If the ‘stumbling block’ to you wishing to volunteer to do a task is because there is the expectation that you are required to attend the Committee Meeting, that will not be a problem as the task eg membership officer, editor or webmaster will be sited under myself or under Martin as Secretary, and we would report the status of the position task. There are ways around ‘stumbling block’ issues, we don’t need to be lumbered by them! 6

At the Working Session, we also mapped out the months ahead we potential events. Keep ‘tuned’ while these come into play, and we can get you fired up on all cylinders. Best regards, stay out of trouble, Mark Tyssen, President.

PHOTO COMPETITION Photo Competition Our photo competition will once again be held at our February meeting this year. Categories are: Categories: Best Portrait (photo of a person) Best group photo
 Best landscape/nature scene
 Best close-up nature shot (Flower, animal, etc.) Best Subaru action shot Funniest photo Don’t forget to keep the camera handy! All photographs submitted must have been taken within the last two years, taken by the person entering the photo, and taken at a club event. There is a limit of one photo per person, per category. Any photographs that have won a prize previously are not eligible. Entries should be emailed to:
 Members in attendance at the February meeting will be able to vote for the best photos. Dot Greiveson has volunteered to organise the competition this year.



Welcome back BBQ Tennis Club carpark from 6.30pm Small charge for meat and salad RSVP for catering purposes to: Mark: OR Martin: plus

Show’n’Shine! Polish your favourite steed and show it off at the Welcome Back BBQ. All vehicle makes welcome to enter. Winner receives the Silver Socket Award

VENUE: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris. DOOR PRIZE: Come along to win a special door prize at this month's meeting. PRESENTATION: No presentation this month. Mark Tyssen Venue Coordinator

Christmas Party 2018


GENERAL MEETING NOTICE The Subaru 4WD Club holds its monthly general meeting on the last Tuesday of the month (no meeting in December) at the club house of the South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris (just off the Monash Freeway) starting at 8pm – unless otherwise specified/advised. The meeting is open to all members and visitors. The usual agenda of the general meeting includes: Welcome of members and visitors. Review and acceptance of previous general meeting’s minutes. Correspondence. Reports by various office bearers. Other business as mentioned below. General business raised by members. “Fines and Fun” – including brief summaries of recent trips. Guest speaker or presentation. Supper and networking.

Details of the next few general meetings are as per the schedule below:



Guest Speaker/Presentation

Other Business

Tue 29 Jan

South Camberwell Tennis Club

Welcome back BBQ (prior to meeting)

Club Awards

Tue 26 Feb

South Camberwell Tennis Club

Photo Competition


Tue 26 Mar

South Camberwell Tennis Club



Tue 30 Apr

South Camberwell Tennis Club


Fees 2019/20


TRIP AND SOCIAL To put your name down for these trips or events you do not need to wait for a club meeting. Email: or contact the trip leader directly. Australia Day Trip - POSTPONED When: Saturday, 26 - 28 January Damian has had to cancel the Australia Day trip to Woodside. His property is very dry and with the high temperatures this week, the fire risk is too high. To be rescheduled. Mitsubishi Pajero Challenge - TBC When: Saturday, Sunday 9, 10 February Location: TBA, within two hours of Melbourne Contact: Tim Folliard, Description: The Pajero Club have asked if the club can support a checkpoint. This would involve setting up camp and supervising activities at the checkpoint and supplying an early morning coffee in the 24 hour rally event. If members can attend, please advise ........ by the January meeting. Trip Standard: (for us) Social / Easy Labour Day long weekend trip When: Saturday - Monday, 9 - 11 March Location: Jamieson / Woods Point Contact: Peter Landouris, e: (however Peter will be OS until late February - in the meantime talk to Tim). Description: The plan is to camp near Woods Point then head north along tracks known to Peter. Trip Standard: Easy, with medium options. Trip sheet: at the January meeting. Goldfields Navigation Run When: Saturday - Sunday, 30, 31 March - choice of making it a whole weekend trip or just a day trip - Navigation Run itself is on Sunday afternoon. Location: Maldon and district - Castlemaine, Newstead, Chewton, Taradale, Guildford areas 10

Trip leaders: Martin Foot and Dot Greiveson, e: Description: Socialise, visit local points of interest, such as old mining sites and structures, dine out, see a show as part of the Castlemaine State Festival (optional), visit the local collectables market, Austrian Kaffeehaus, Botanical Gardens. Participate in the navigation run on Sunday afternoon. Accommodation: For those staying overnight, you will need to source accommodation. There is some in-house accommodation at Baxter Street and limited space for trailers. Not suitable for tents. Alternatives in Maldon include free camping at Butt’s reserve, the caravan Park, plus hotel and motel accommodation. Chat with Martin or Dot about these options. Trip Standard: Social / Easy. 2WD vehicles suitable. Easter / ANZAC Day When: Friday - Monday, 19 - 22 April, and Thursday, 25 April Description: With Easter and ANZAC Day in the same week, there is an option of an extended trip. This could include an extended (up to 10 day) touring run to S.A. to places like the Flinders Ranges. If you are interested please see Tim Folliard (Trip Co-ordinator) at the January meeting. Queen’s Birthday When: Saturday - Monday, 8 - 10 June Description: Anyone interested in running a trip over the long weekend ? This is usually the last chance before the gates close on many of the tracks.




The Committee is considering the suggestions made by members at the September General Meeting and is also open to further proposals for 2019 and beyond. Please contact Tim Folliard to discuss any suggestions, even if you would not be the Trip Leader.

Tim Folliard, Trip & Social Coordinator e:







Australia Day long weekend trip (Woodside North)

January 26 -28

Damian Stock


Pajero Challenge (TBC)

February 9, 10



Jamieson / Woods Point

March 9-11

Peter Landouris


Goldfields Navigation Run

March 30,31

Martin Foot & Dot Greiveson



TREASURER’S REPORT Dr. Opening Balance at 16 November 2018 Transfer to 5 month Term Deposit 8,000.00 Income: FWDV - R Marshall refund New membership - R. Luminati Total income for month Expenses: M. Foot - reimburse magazine and admin expenses CD Trophy - membership badges M. Foot - reimburse CB radios and DNS expenses Total expenses for month Closing Balance at 23 October 2018

Cr. 11,599.11 3,599.11 51.00 102.50 153.50 98.40 49.50 107.50 255.40 3,497.21 12

TRIP REPORTS Dave’s High Country Trip Thursday, 27 December - Tuesday, 1 January By Dot Greiveson Bring on those lazy, hazy days of summer... And so it was when a number of members of the Subaru car club gathered to camp at Talbotville near the end of Collingwood track, an hour from Dargo. In a beautiful spot with easy access to the river, on a grassy stretch, Dave’s Christmas trip had begun.

Friday - spent relaxing. Nothing too much except sitting in the river and enjoying the company. Justin went on an extended eel study while others paddled about, or sat in the water. It had been a hard year and now was the time for a post Christmas relax. Joined by the resident cows who were most curious about the newcomers, but happy to share their grassland. Dot, Martin and Bev and Bev’s hitchhiker, arrived at the end of that day, ready to join everyone for star gazing that evening. Saturday - an intrepid crew left for the long journey into Wonnangatta Station, while some members remained at the camp site for more swimming, chatting and reading. The Wonnangatta crew followed Crooked River Road to the turn-off at Cynthia Spur Track. After the long grinding ascent, and checking the route carefully at the helipad, the convoy made its way along Cynthia Range Track. Peter Devine was held up on a tricky rise, but with recovery help from the team he was quickly back on track. Peter parked his car hopped in with Martin at the Wombat Range Track corner. This section was relatively easy, until the descent down Herne’s Spur to the Wonnangatta valley, which was seriously steep. Everyone coped well. From there the run into the Station was straightforward. Rick needed to check his car for spurious noises, before the return trip. On the way back, the route changed slightly, ascending via Wombat Range Track and approaching camp via Station Track and Pioneer Racecourse Track. Sunday - looking for a more relaxing driving experience, the group took off Collingwood Spur Track to visit Grant before heading into Dargo for an ice cream. It is always wonderful to stop at 13

the ridge half way up the track and enjoy the spectacular views. The beautiful mountains stretching off to the horizon. At Grant, it Is always amazing to consider the town that was once there with so little evidence of occupation. People and lives now consigned to history. We also visited Grant cemetery, which is nestled in the bush and well maintained by a local 4WD club. The threat of storms was flashing around the mountains, continuous rumblings and lightning shows. Yet, our little valley didn’t receive any of the predicted storms. Just a shower or two. It did however mean that that evening, we couldn’t look at the stars, and Anthony couldn’t add to his otherwise impressive tally of satellite and meteorite sightings. Monday - New Years’ Eve - warm and clear. At Grant, we had learned about the Good Hope Mine, which was the most successful of the 19th century ventures in the area. The remains of mine is located south -east of Mcmillans Road, near the intersection with the Bulltown Track. The best approach is via a carpark off Bulltown Track. From camp, we headed up Collingwood Spur Track, another steep ascent, turning west at the top instead of east towards Grant. Soon we came across the side track to the carpark, but as it was overgrown, we left vehicles at the top. The carpark track and the walking track beyond, descended rapidly. The steep and uneven terrain took its toll and several people headed back up to the cars. The remaining group continued to descend and turning east into a wide valley, eventually came upon an old mining site. Here we found an entrance into the side of the mountain (sealed) and the scattered remnants of a large winching device. Further exploration failed to reveal any other locations of interest, so the group headed back. The climb was quite arduous. Water was running short and we were very grateful when Peter Bellis brought his car down to the carpark to meet us. Back in camp, we watched the night and again looked for shooting stars and satellites, in friendly company with enjoyable banter. A tough year had ended and a new one was heralded in. Tuesday - we broke camp on New Year’s morning. Some chose to leave via Talbotville and others via Crooked River Road, by-passing Dargo. The trip home had its moments. Lisa and Andrew’s camper trailer had suspension problems and Bev’s car had to be towed to Bairnsdale with a punctured radiator. Bev’s holiday time was extended by a couple of days, while a replacement part came from Melbourne. Thanks, Dave, for heading up another Christmas Trip and for suggesting there may indeed be another at the end of 2019. It was a wonderful relaxing wind down. Participants: David, Anthony & Justin Wilson Rick and Josh Koster Andrew & Lisa Jantke Peter & Jean Bellis Bev Davison Martin Foot and Dorothy Greiveson Peter Landouris & Berthe Zittlau Peter Devine .

Landcruiser L-series turbo Holden Rodeo ute Forester SF Forester SH Forester SG L-series Forester SG 14

MEMBERS’ DRIVES 1994 Subaru L Series Wagon By Peter Landouris I purchased a 1994 Subaru L Series Wagon from an uncle in 2012 for $1,500. After speaking with him regarding its history, he informed me that this wagon was the last manual L series in stock in the country and that it had to be freighted down from an interstate dealer. Upon purchase the he sent the car away to have the interior door trims removed and treated for rust prevention, central locking immobilizer and alarm fitted. On the first day of owning it, I took it out with friend to an estate being developed in Koo Wee Rup and got so bogged that I had to call a mate in an extremely modified Hilux to come get us out. From that day I decided I needed to make the car more capable off road. I started with a 22 inch light bar, roof basket and awning. These items I found extremely important as I did quite a bit of touring on the highway with my partner. Soon enough I spent a lot of time researching off road tyres in 13 inch only to find out they no longer exist apart from rally tyres which were extremely expensive and didn’t have a long tread life. Upon attending the Explore Australia expo, I came across the Subaru 4wd club on display and decided to go up and have a chat with Steven who was the current President at the time. After speaking with him for a while and telling the current problems I faced with tyre size selection in 13 inch and clearance he recommended I attend a general club meeting and that a few members would love to answer any questions I’d have. I attended the meeting that month and sure enough found myself hearing about a world of custom modifications that I could do to my wagon. Starting with the tyres size issue, I was advised that a company called Eastern Wheel Works in Lilydale could modify most rims and even change offsets This was fantastic so I took a set of Peugeot 504 steel rims down and had the offsets changed. This allowed me to fit 14 inch rims and 27 inch mud tyres without having them sit outside the guards which is unroadworthy and would then require me fit rubber strips around the wheel arches which I find horrible in appearance on any 4wd.


These new tyres made the vehicle more capable off road and significantly increased the ground clearance however I lost substantial torque due to the larger tyre diameter. This now created another problem; I needed more torque and lots of it. After doing some research and looking into other members L series, I learned I could modify a fulltime 86 -87 RX turbo gearbox which also came with a centre diff lock. After some hunting around I managed to source an RX Turbo and stripped out the gearbox, turbo engine, rear disc brakes and wiring loom, fuel lines and fuel tank for the upcoming conversion. A member in the club modified the fulltime gearbox which included the some of following mods, converting the gearbox from single range to duel range, ratios being changed from 3.7 ratio to 4.11 as well as gears from an early liberty which had shorter and stronger gears and lastly a front and rear clutch pack LSD’s. This made the wagon extremely capable off road and regained substantial torque. Modifications still to be done include EJ20 Conversion which is likely to begin March 2019 as well as a new front mounted winch.

Mods and accessories added to my wagon since owning it include: Fulltime dual range gearbox with centre diff lock, 4.11 front and rear LSD Diffs Custom gearbox oil feed to lubricate low range gears 2 inch body lift 14 inch modified offset Peugeot 504 rims Reinforced KYB front and rear shocks, custom heavy duty springs 27 inch Kuhmo mud terrain tyres Rear disc brakes in replacement of drum Duel battery system, 75 ah primary battery with 120 ah secondary battery + battery monitor 1200 watt pure sine wave inverter GME UHF radio, multiple cigarette and USB outlets front and rear of car Custom built rear bar for spare tyre and jerry can holder Piranha 4x4 - fridge slider with 30 second kitchen and Engel MT4-45 fridge / freezer Undercarriage of wagon has been painted with black marine tar to prevent rust Awning, roof basket, rear cargo barrier, LED lighting Custom built draws for storage and food Power steering 16

TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WD’ing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip:


Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader


Two rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t)


Rated snatch strap


Recovery points, front & rear; plus, optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design;


UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio. Ideally in car but hand held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last the trip.


Fire extinguisher, accessible to the driver


Spare tyre (full size)


Jack and wheel brace, or equivalent


Emergency supplies (matches, food, water and clothing)


Sufficient fuel, oil and water for the trip and delays


A tyre pressure gauge; compressor (according to the trip)


An axe, bow or chain saw;


A sturdy shovel (collapsible shovels are no good)


Spare parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip)


A tool kit


Personal first aid kit


Your vehicle manual

Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.


BUY IT AND SELL IT HERE Please note: If you have any items listed here for sale which has been sold please remember to let us know at:

Member items for sale Item: Forester aluminium bash plates Details: Made from 6.0 mm construction grade aluminium SF Forester $350 SG & SH Forester $380 SJ Forester $420 CVT & Gearbox Protection $380 Outback & Diesel Vehicles $420 Fitting can be arranged. 10% discount for Subaru Club members. Please contact David via TXT after hours Road less Travelled - Vehicle under body protection e: The Club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. PLEASE NOTE: that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1988-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered.

FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA TRAINING CALENDAR FOR 2019 UPCOMING PROFICIENCY COURSES: PC190302 - Theory: Tuesday 26 February, Practical: Saturday 2 March, 2019 PC190406 - Theory: Tuesday 2 April, Practical: Saturday 6 April, 2019 PC190504 - Theory: Tuesday 30 April, Practical: Saturday 4 May 2019 PC190601 - Theory: Tuesday 28 May, Practical: Saturday 1 June 2019 Member Price is $220.00 Contact: Four Wheel Drive Victoria, RTO: 21605 Ph: 03 9874 7222, Web: 18

MINUTES Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. FWDV Member Reg. No. A – 0006149J GPO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC. 3149

Committee Meeting Minutes (abridged) Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at the home of Martin Foot and Dorothy Greiveson, 24 Hill Street, Hawthorn, starting at 7:45pm approximately. 1. Present: Mark Tyssen, Martin Foot, Angela Bombardieri, Peter Landouris 2. Apologies: Tim Folliard 3. Visitors: Nil. 4. Quorum: A quorum was achieved with 4 of 5 committee members present (section 63b). 5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 5.1. Minutes of the committee meeting held 13 November 2018 were accepted without amendment. Moved Angela Bombardieri, seconded by Peter Landouris. 5.2. Business Arising from the Minutes Item 5.2.1 Vehicle Permit Register: Signatories to be finalised, then sent to Vicroads advising change of personnel. Item 5.2.2 Camberwell South Tennis Club. Mark yet to speak with CSTC Secretary Roger Church re rental arrangements and keys. 9.1 Facebook: Damian unable to upload new content due to current status as Moderator. MOTION: Angela to upgrade him to Editor and if necessary, to Admin. Moved Mark, seconded Martin. 6. Correspondence 6.1. In No external club magazines received since the GM FWDV: No correspondence since the GM M. Zhang, China Internet registry, re use of subaru4wdvic in .cn, .asia and .hk domains. No action required. Burnt Billy Award returned by Les Scott 6.2

Out: Nil

7. Reports 7.1. Resources A sign-out and sign-in procedure to be established for equipment loans. The club archives include a book for this purpose. Tents and BBQ currently held by Martin. Need better storage arrangements for the tents in particular. Mark may have suitable pallets. Sat phone - needs to set up a contract for it to be usable. Need to investigate alternatives and whether it can be registered for a short period only as required. 7.2. Trip and Social Christmas – New Year High Country Trip. David Wilson will run a high country trip based at Talbotville as in 2017. 19

Australia Day long weekend (26-28 January). As Peter Landouris will be overseas at this time, his high country trip has been postponed. Instead, as suggested at the General Meeting, Damian Stock will offer a trip based at his farm in Woodside North. The trip will include sand driving and a night navigation run. More information to be provided to members ASAP to enable them to register. Labour Day long weekend (9-12 March). Peter Landouris will lead a trip starting at Mansfield, then via Tobacco Flat, working around behind Eildon reservoir to Jamieson. More details needed for the January magazine. Maldon Navigation run (30, 31 March) – Dot and Martin will host a weekend / and or day trip at Maldon, near Castlemaine, featuring a social navigation run with updated locations from the last one in 2016. Easter (Fri 19 – Mon 22 April) if combined with Anzac Day (25 April) and the following weekend, may allow sufficient time for an interstate trip, say to the Flinders Ranges. Trip leader required. Bike Ride (May) – Warburton rail trail, or similar – Mark to investigate further. Queen’s Birthday long weekend – trip options required. Snow Trip (late August) – in the Mawson, Walhalla, Woods Point area - Peter Landouris to investigate options. More social trips also needed. 7.3. Venue Welcome Back BBQ at the next meeting. Club BBQ to be available. Meat and drinks to be provided. February or March meeting – ARB as possible presenter? Former member Matt McConaghy to be contacted. Possible session at RTC in 2019? To be discussed with David. [carried over] Raffle books to be purchased for door prizes. Club to look at acquiring a projector screen 7.4. Membership [carried over] Only one return in July has been made to FWDV so far this financial year. Need to update with more recent membership payments. ACTION: Angela, Martin Membership Application – Renato and Lorelle Luminati. Renato has attended two meetings and both came to the Christmas Party. Renato has an Impreza, but is considering a more off-road vehicle. MOTION: That the Luminatis be admitted to membership. Moved Martin, seconded Mark, CARRIED. ACTION: Martin to advise Renato. Committee badges will not be purchased – members to use existing badges. Discussion on the membership list for internal distribution: Members to be consulted about whether the list is to be distributed this year and if so in what format. A final decision to be made at the February Committee meeting. 7.5. Editor Submission deadline 18 January. [carried over] Searching for a new editor. Currently the magazine is produced using MS Publisher, but templates exist for MS Word. 7.6. Treasurer Current balance $11,650.00. Bank account signatories: Mark and Tim yet to finalise. Term deposit: Lodged with bank. Claims: Martin has claims for reimbursement for domain name renewal, UHF radios and editor’s expenses MOTION: that Martin be reimbursed for all expenses, amount not to exceed $250. Moved Angela, seconded Mark, Peter voted in favour. Quorum not achieved, so requires Tim to approve in due course. 20

Accounting software: Angela still to decide whether there is a need to purchase a dedicated SW package. Claim Form: To be circulated. 7.7. Secretary Club Awards. Presentation deferred from Christmas Party to the Welcome Back BBQ. Certificates and Trophies to be finalised (cost of engraving $50). 7.8. Vice-President No report. 7.9. President No report. 8. Priorities and Planning This item will be the subject of a separate planning meeting, in order to review and progress the Outstanding Actions as listed below. A date early in January to be proposed. [Secretary’s note: A Planning Meeting was held on 10 January. A report will be given at the January General Meeting. Minutes of this meeting are not yet available, butr will be included in the February magazine.] 

By Laws - convoy travel, needs to be reformatted into By-Law format.

New Member Pack - needs to be reworked into a new document.

Club magazine archiving. Currently held by the Secretary.

Trip management facility on club website - web site needs to be updated.

9. General Business Nil 10. Next Meeting - Tuesday, 12 February 2019 at the Chinese Association of Victoria clubrooms. [Secretary’s note: Since changed to 5 February after further discussions.] 11. Meeting closed at 10:37pm.

MINUTES Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. FWDV Member Reg. No. A – 0006149J GPO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley Vic 3149 General Meeting Minutes The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 27 November 2018 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:15pm approximately.

1. Present: Mark Tyssen, Martin Foot, Angela Bombardieri, Tim Folliard, Damian Stock, Peter Landouris, David Wilson, Peter Devine 2. Apologies: Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Dot Greiveson, Angela Stock 3. Visitors: Les Ralph, Renato Luminati, Chris Burgess 21

4. Welcome: A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. 5. Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 5.1. The minutes of the October 2018 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Tim Folliard and seconded by Angela Bombardieri. 5.2. There was no business arising from the minutes. 6. Correspondence 6.1. In FWDV Wayne Hevey, CEO, call for club members to register as trainers with FWDV, must be qualified Ian Fletcher, Project Officer, call for members to try a new phone app: More to Explore, which provides information about tracks and locations of interest in Victoria’s forests. Opportunity for members to provide data to build the database over time. Currently available for iOS, soon for Android. Top Line Communications, thanking the club for inviting them to present at the October General Meeting and apologising for their early departure due to a break-in at their premises. Magazines from: Nissan Club of Victoria (via email) 6.2. Out Nil 7. Reports 7.1. Resources The club has acquired a pair of inexpensive 1W UHF hand-held radios that are available for club trips, where some participants don’t have in-built radios in their cars, or for general use, eg in recovery procedures. They can be booked out through Peter Landouris. 7.2. Editor “Members Drives”. Peter Landouris to write up his L-series for the January edition. Deadline: Friday, 18 January. Social Media: Website up to date with respect to Calendar of Events and public versions of magazines available on-line. Volunteers needed to update trip reports, gallery and members’ backend services. Facebook: Angela Bombadieri is now an Administrator. Damian has been appointed a Moderator and has commenced updating content. Needs recent photos from the Christmas Party. ACTION: Martin 7.3. Trip and Social High Country Trip: Boxing Day to New Years Day, Talbotville standing camp, TL David Wilson. Australia Day long weekend: proposed trip to Wonwron State Forest, TBC – an announcement will be made following the December Committee meeting. Labour Day long weekend: proposed trip to the high country around Mt Buller / Mt Stirling area, proposed TL Peter Landouris, more details to follow. 7.4. Venue Video presentation this evening. No door prize. 7.5. Membership The club has expressed its condolences to the Saleeba family on the recent death of Paul and Richard’s father. An application for membership is with the Committee from Renato Luminati. 22

7.6. Treasurer Balance in account is $11,650. Only income received since the report in the magazine was $51 from Ruth Marshall for the FWDV levy. Reimbursement of $85 pending for UHF radios, waiting on authorisation. Term deposit still in process with Bendigo Bank. 7.7. Secretary Club awards were not distributed at the Christmas Party as a number of intended recipients were not present. Deferred to the Welcome Back BBQ. Photo competition to be run in February, details in the magazine. Dot to coordinate in the absence of Katie Mynard. 7.8. Vice-President Tim gave a report on the FWDV AGM on 12 November, including: The withdrawal of FWDV from FWDA due to financial irregularities. An investigation pending in S.A. into the actions of the FWDA Treasurer. The current situation with insurance, where benefits have decreased due to heavy recent claims, notably death and serious injury benefits have reduced by 50% and loss-of-income payouts to those above 65 y.o. have been all but eliminated. Damian mentioned that some larger clubs and other state bodies are using an alternative, less expensive scheme developed through FWDA (but still underwritten by the same company). Unsuccessful attempts were made at the AGM to have FWDV resolve the issue of multiple memberships. S4WDCV needs to update its delegate nomination in order to exercise voting rights at FWDV meetings. 7.9. President Mark added to his President’s report in the magazine, with respect to the pre-tripping for the Christmas Party. 8. General Business 8.1.

Damian’s gold 2007 Forester XT back on the road, after an expensive restoration.


There was a discussion around the term “Touring Wagon” as applied to a variety of Subaru models over the years. Essentially a limited time market offering, providing certain factory options, pre-packaged.


Les Ralph has a 4WD trailer hitch for sale. It was suggested he place an advertisement in the next magazine.

9. Fines and Fun 9.1. Nametags: Peter Landouris and Peter Devine. 9.2. Last to Meeting: David Wilson 9.3. Trips: Otways Trip Tim, for his vehicle not being repaired by the advertised day and so having to postpone the trip to Cup Day. Charles Tam, for getting stuck sideways on a slippery hill. He eventually managed to free himself using his Maxtraks. 9.4. Total fines collected - $2.80 The meeting adjourned for a short supper and reconvened for a … 10. Presentation … by Peter Landouris, showing a video he had compiled of the 2016 club trip to the Simpson Desert led by Dale Rebgetz. Much interest expressed by all and thanks to Mark for the lollies (in lieu of jaffas and Fantales) to share. 11. Meeting closed at 10:45 pm approximately. 23

EDITOR’S NOTE Thank you for all the contributions this month! Any interesting articles you find and would like to share, or if you would like to write an article for the magazine ‌. Let us know! Just a friendly reminder to please proof read, and be sure to use punctuation and grammar. The deadline for submissions for next edition is:

Friday 15 February 2019 Email editor:

High Country Gallery


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