July 2015
July Snow Trip (ISSUE 416) Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J FWDV Member www.subaru4wdvic.com.au PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149
VOLKS-BARU SUBARU and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre
We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.
John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 Page: 2
INTRODUCTION TO THE SUBARU 4WD CLUB The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 30 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2015/16 year were agreed at the general meeting in April 2015 and are as follows: ● Single: $120 (Seniors card - $110) ● Joint/family: $140 - (Seniors card - $125). Joining Fee $10 ($20 for Joint/Family) (All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $47) A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further information regarding membership, including pro-rata and monthly rates.
South Camberwell Tennis Club 322 Burke Road Glen Iris (Melways 59 H6)
Last Tuesday of each month at 8:00pm sharp (except December)
COMMITTEE Meetings 1st Tuesday each month: 7:30pm Stephen Whittaker president@subaru4wdvic.com.au (President) Jessica Walsh vice(Vice President) president@subaru4wdvic.com.au Peter Bellis secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au (Secretary) Bob Marshall treasurer@subaru4wdvic.com.au (Treasurer) Martin Foot mship@subaru4wdvic.com.au (OM: Membership) Michael Hartshorne editor@subaru4wdvic.com. au (OM: Editor) Dale Rebgetz resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au (OM: Resources) Jean Bellis (OM: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au Events Coordinator ) Jamie Scott (OM: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au Trips Coordinator) Dale Rebgetz venue@subaru4wdvic.com.au (OM: Venue) Stephen Whittaker / president@subaru4wdvic.com.au, Damian Stock (OM) ds@subaru4wdvic.com.au Venue Presentations
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PRESIDENT’S REPORT Welcome to the July Subaru 4WD Club magazine. It’s been a bumper month for the club. If you haven’t frozen or shivered away in the past record cold month, thanks for reading our magazine. We hope you enjoy this edition. What a night we had at last month’s General Meeting! I arrived slightly late and struggled to get a car park. This is due to the fact that we had 15 visitors in attendance. What a fantastic turnout. Our visitors heard about us through a wide range of different avenues, including; the Explore Australia Expo, Facebook and our website (via a Google search). We’re doing something right. Our promotions are obviously working and the word about our club is spreading (despite the fact we’ve been around for 40 years!). Let’s continue this great work. Also at last month’s meeting, we watched the full feature video of the Tassie Trek 2015. This incredible and challenging 4WD trip took in the west-coast of Tasmania including Sandy Cape, Trial Harbour, Climes Track, Queenstown & Montezuma Falls – to name just a few places. If you weren’t at the meeting, you can see the full feature on the ‘Videos’ section of our website www.subaru4wdvic.com.au Since last month’s meeting, we have had a couple of great events. Peter and Katie ran a very successful Snow Trip. As per usual, the trip was called spontaneously based on the forecast in the week leading up to the weekend of 11 & 12 July. We had a very good attendance at the day with 11 vehicles. Two of those vehicles were visitors experiencing the first of their (hopefully) many trips with the Subaru 4WD Club. We started at Erica, then headed towards Mount St Gwinear, up the Thomson Valley Road finishing up at Cambarville and then going our separate ways. The snow wasn’t knee deep but we had morning tea and lunch while the snow fell. It was very pretty indeed. Thanks to Peter and Katie for running a great, successful day. The other great event this month was Christmas in July, held at Peter and Jean’s place. A very enjoyable, social evening was had by all who attended this traditional celebration of Christmas in winter. The array of food including Page: 4
PRESIDENT’S REPORT desserts was very impressive and perfectly cooked. Thank you, again, to Peter and Jean for hosting a wonderful night. We look forward to reading the trip reports from both of these events. Next year, the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria turns 40!! We’re currently looking for ideas on how to celebrate this big occasion. We have some thoughts floating around the Committee at the moment but would be very happy to consider any other suggestions for what we might do. So, please feel free to throw your suggestion up at the Committee. Speaking of the Committee, we have been lucky enough to have a very strong team for a number of years now. Members who are committed to ensuring the success of the club currently make up our Committee. We work very well together and I would like to see this continue post the AGM in August. A couple of our Committee members will be stepping down from their roles in August. In due time, we will acknowledge their great efforts and contributions to the club but, in the meantime, we need to consider how we will fill these roles. If you would like to provide some of your time and skills to growing the club, we would love to hear from you. Consider what you can bring to the club; it might be special design skills in producing a publication, marketing skills or general event management skills. Between now and the AGM, have a think about what you can bring and if you’d like to be involved, let us know. We can guarantee that you will love working with the Committee and assisting in growing our great club! Don’t forget – if you haven’t paid your membership fees, please do so as soon as possible. We look forward to your company at the July General Meeting where you can catch up on the latest club news, hear trip reports and interact with club members. In the meantime, enjoy the July magazine and I’ll see you at the July General Meeting and/or out on the tracks – wherever we may be heading! Stephen Whittaker President Page: 5
VENUE REPORT JULY GENERAL MEETING Date: Tuesday 28th July at 8pm. Venue: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris Come along for plenty of club news, trip reports and member interaction. Door Prize: Come along to win a special door prize at this month’s meeting. Venue Coordinator
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Just about all the chocolate money is in so that is a welcome boost to the club coffers. Thank you to everyone who took a box (or two, or three) and sold them. Or enjoyed them on the kitchen bench as they slowly disappeared. Once this spate of cold weather passes and things start to dry out and warm up, I will be heading back to the Stock farm to see how the training areas have held up. I hope to run the club’s proficiency course around November/ December. It will last the better part of one weekend, depending on the number of participants. There will be a modest fee to cover incidentals, and it will be open to all members to attend. If there are too many for the one course, then we can arrange a second course. So don’t worry, you won’t miss out. As I mentioned at the last meeting, I will not be running for a committee position this year. Please consider if you would like to step up to a role on the committee as it is a great way to put back into the Club that we all get so much from. Jessica Walsh Vice President Page: 6
TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT Trivia Night Saturday 8 August. 7.30pm Trip Leader: Jean Bellis, email: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au Trip Standard: social ☺ Location: Stephen’s Anglican Church, Cr of Phyllis & Warrunga Ave, Bayswater Cost: $15 plus gold coins for competitions and buying answers. BYO drinks and Nibbles. Supper is provided. Brisbane Ranges Sunday 16 August Trip Leaders: Peter and Edith Fullalove Email: editfull@optusnet.com.au Trip Standard: Easy ● We are doing the Brisbane Ranges and Steiglitz. The trip will start at Bacchus Marsh and finish at Anakie. Will be meeting at Jolly Miller (136 Main St, Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340) and finishing at the Anakie Pub/Cafe/Milk Bar with the option of refreshments before the trip home. Train Ride and High Tea Date: Sunday 13th September Trip Leader: Jean Bellis, email: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au Trip Standard: social ☺ Join us at 10.30 am for a trip on the historic Walker RM22 Railmotor from Healesville to Tunnel Hill, crossing the Watts River, under the Donovan's Road overbridge and through the historic tunnel at Tarrawarra Winery. Relax and take in the spectacular sights and sounds of the beautiful Yarra Valley on this 45 minute trip. Cost $15 per person. Then take an easy scenic drive to the Yarra Valley Lodge in Chirnside Park for a wonderful High Tea from 1-4pm. Cost will be $45 per person and will include hot and cold savories, sandwiches, scones with jam and cream and a buffet desert selection with an emphasis on Chocolate. Join us for the whole trip or just come for the High Tea. Photography Day Date: Saturday 19th September Trip Leader: Jan Rebgetz , email: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au Trip Standard: social ☺ Location: Cloudehill Nursery and Gardens Olinda then back to the Rebgetz Residence. Page: 7
TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT Cost:- $5-$10 entry TBC. Diggers Club members free. Lunch at the restaurant attached to the Gardens. Mains $25 -$30 but the food is excellent. Overview: There are many of us in the club who enjoy taking photos, close-ups, macro photography, scenery, nature while we are on trips. The purpose of this is to get together, take some photos and then later in the day choose a few of our better compositions to share with the group, so that we might discover what makes a good photo, thinking about composition and lighting etc. Border Track Please Note that this trip is full. Saturday 31st October to Tuesday 3rd November 2015 Trip Leader:- Peter Bellis, email: secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au Trip Standard :- Medium ■ to hard ♦ This trip will involve exploration of the Victorian and South Australian Border in the Mallee Region. Further details will be sent to all participants. Trips and Events to look forward to in 2015 Avoca Area Early in October for the weekend Mike and Meredith Dale More details on this trip will be available at the next meeting. Christmas Break up. Sunday 29th November. OTHER TRIP AND SOCIAL EVENTS without set date yet. Driver Training Night Run High Country Huts Mud Day Trip Coombe the Melba Estate for a garden Tour and Devonshire Tea Discover Melbourne Walk - Trip Leader Bev Davison Puffing Billy – Dinner and Murder Mystery Night
Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary in September 2016. We have starting planning.
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TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT OTHER POSSIBLE TRIP AND SOCIAL EVENTS Would you like to lead on of these trips? Possible locations include: Cathedral Range Strathbogies Brisbane Ranges Lake Thomson Round Trip Murray River Regional Park (NSW) and Barmah State Forest (Vic) or social events, such as: A Picnic at Hanging Rock Queenscliff Blues Train Mornington Peninsula food and wine trail
Trips proposed for that Year
Disputed Border (The Full length of VIC/SA border) Friday 25 March to Sunday 3rd April 2016 (Easter 25-28th March) Option for People to do just Easter as there are exit points on major roads.
Kangaroo Island? Simpson Desert 11th Australian 4WD Gathering – 19-22 August Central Australia Fraser Island
Cape York
Canning Stock Route Simpson Desert – re-enactment of the 40th anniversary of the Club’s 1974 crossing from Macumba Station to Purine Bore
Jamie Scott & Jean Bellis Trip and Social Coordinators events@subaru4wdvic.com.au
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NOTICE TO MEMBERS Notice is hereby given to members that the Annual General Meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc will be held on Tuesday, 25th August 2015 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club rooms, 322 Burke Road, Glen Iris commencing after the finish of the August general meeting. Order of business will include: Confirmation of the minutes of the 2014 annual general meeting. Presentation of the 2015 annual report. Presentation of 2015 annual financial statement. General business. Presentation of annual and other awards. Election of officers of the club and ordinary members of the committee. Nominations for committee positions should be submitted to the club secretary by no later than 7 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. However, on the day, nominations for committee positions will be accepted from the floor of the meeting. Special Resolutions If a member wishes to bring an item of business to the Annual General Meeting that requires a special resolution, 21 days written notice of the special resolution must be given to all club members. Peter Bellis Secretary 20 July 2015 Page: 10
JESSICA’S JOTTINGS When was the last time that you checked under the bonnet? Do you know how to check the oil and where to top up the coolant? You don’t have to be a mechanic for the basics. It is important to be able to check that everything is as it should be. This is particularly important on longer trips, where the constant vibration and jolting of rough roads increases the chances of something rubbing or wearing out. Ask your mechanic or a friendly club member to show you the things you should be checking daily. These include oil and water, brake and clutch fluids as well as battery levels. It pays to be familiar with what is where under the bonnet as well. If you are not confident with what it should look like, then take a photo with your phone so you have a reference point. That will make it easier to spot if something has come loose, or is missing. Preventative maintenance is far cheaper than the repair bill. And a lot easier too, particularly if you are miles from anywhere. Safe Travels, Jessica
EDITOR’S REPORT The magazine deadline for next edition is Friday 14 Aug 2015. I will be stepping down as editor at the AGM. If you have an interest in doing the magazine give me a call to discuss what this involves. Send all copy to editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au
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2015 JULY
Tues 28
General Meeting
Tues 4
Committee Meeting
Sat 8
Trivia Night
Sun 16
Brisbane Ranges
Tues 25
General Meeting & AGM
Tues 1st Sep
Committee Meeting
Sun 13th Sep
Train Ride and High Tea
Sat 19th Sep
Photography Day
Sep 29th
General Meeting
Sat 31 Oct to Tues Border Track 3 Nov
Trip Standard
Vehicle Suitability
Easy Medium
All wheel drive and high range 4WD. Can be l Suitable for medium clearance vehicles with d
Difficult Very Difficult
Suitable for medium to high clearance vehicles with Suitable for high clearance vehicles with dual range
ALENDAR Location
Standard Contact for further info.
events@subaru4wdvic.com.au CSTC
Dale Rebgetz
Jean Bellis’s
Peter Bellis
Jean Bellis
Bacchus Marsh
Peter and Edith Fullalove
Dale Rebgetz
Peter Bellis
Jean Bellis
$15 + $45
Jan Rebgetz
Lunch $25 - $30
Dale Rebgetz
Mallee Region
Peter Bellis
low clearance with single range and road tyres. dual range and all terrain or road tyres.
h dual range and all terrain tyres. e and tyres suitable for the terrain (eg. mud terrain tyres).
STANDARD TRIP EQUIPMENT & RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items of equipment on every trip: a) Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader b) Two Rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t); c) Rated “Snatch’em” Strap; d) Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design; e) AM (27Mhz) Channel 5 or UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio; f) Fire Extinguisher, accessible to the driver; g) Spare Tyre (full size); h) Jack and Wheel Brace, or equivalent; i) Emergency Supplies (matches, food, water and clothing); j) Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for the trip and delays; k) A Tyre Pressure Gauge; Compressor (according to the trip) l) An Axe, Bow or Chain saw; m) A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible shovels are no good); n) Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the Trip); o) A Tool Kit; p) Personal First Aid Kit; q) The Vehicle Manual. Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All nonemergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.
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RESOURCES We have plenty of resources to sell. We may have many, some or none of the following items so if you are interested in any of these then please come along to the club meeting and I will be very happy to sell them to you. Correct change will be much appreciated. $ Hat Oiled Skin size 55
Hat Safari size 59
Short sleeve blue chambray shirt with logo Size 14
Long sleeve blue chambray shirt with logo Size M
New Style Red Polo Shirts (M, L, XL, 2XL)
New Style Vest
New Style Jacket
Blue Polo Shirt
Large Sew on Badges
Small Sew on Badges
Fuel Filter Plastic x 45deg.
Fuel Filter Plastic x 90deg.
Fuel Filter Plastic x Straight
eFlare HZ510 Red with Base
CV Boot Clamps Large & Small
CV Joint Grease
Wheel Nuts [Set of 4]
MSP Engine Formulation (oil additive)
For substantial discounts on all general automotive spare parts, oils, filters, shocks, etc., please see me for details. Thanks, Dale Rebgetz Resources Officer, email: resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au Page: 15
CLUB MEETING MINUTES The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 30 June 2015 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:15pm. 1. Present Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Jessica Walsh, Peter Mynard, Katie Mynard, Paul Saleeba, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins, Mike Dunn, Dale Rebgetz, Jan Aylott, Dave Denver, Michael Dale, Meredith Dale, Andrew Jantke, Lisa Jantke, Bev Davison, Peter Fullalove, Edith Fullalove, Tim Folliard, Damian Stock, Ruth Marshall, Bob Marshall, Stephen Whittaker, Rick Koster, David Wilson, Peter Devine. 2. Apologies: Jamie Scott, Graham and Kerry Gill, Martin Foot. 3. Visitors Celeste O’Connell, Sophie Boreham, Lawrence Pozzani, Liz Milla, Craig Jackson, Jacinta Kearney, Dan Conlon, Peter Landouris, Matt Chaplin, Rod Ford, Angela Bombardieri, Andrew Randall, Samantha Randall, Lee Wegner, Duncan McCrae. 4. Welcome: A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. 5. Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 5.1 The minutes of the May 2015 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Jessica Walsh and seconded by Bob Marshall. 5.2 There was no business arising from the minutes. 6. Correspondence 6.1 In ● 4WD Victoria – renewal of membership, etc. ● Education Training Unit – update for instructors for 29/30 August 2015. 6.2 Out: None 7. Reports 7.1 Resources ● Have some club T-shirts for sale. Also have other resources available to club members. 7.2 Editor: No report submitted. 7.3 Trip and Social: Details elsewhere in the magazine. 7.4 Venue: Details elsewhere in the magazine. 7.5 Membership. ● Welcome to the visitors. ● Club’s magazine can be downloaded from the website. Page: 16
CLUB MEETING MINUTES 7.6 Treasurer ● Current bank account balance is $6,410.73. ● Some more chocolate money is to come. 7.7 Secretary: Nothing to report. 7.8 Vice-President ● First aid – recommend ● Will be standing down as vice-president at the AGM. 7.9 President ● Thank you to those who helped at Expo Australia at the Melbourne Showgrounds. ● Attending 4WD Victoria meeting last Saturday. Most camping fees in Victorian national parks have been abolished. Planning to expand the camp host scheme. The Association is in a much better financial situation than this time last year. ● Attended a test drive of the new 2015 Subaru Forester last Sunday. The Subarus there got a very good write up. Check out the club’s Facebook page on some comments about one of the 8. General Business 8.1 Some of the visitors found out about the club through an internet search, Expo Australia and Facebook. 8.2 Andrew Randall returned a long-lost club flag to the club. 8.3 Canning Stock Route – able to get access to it $30 cheaper next year due to a rebate from 4WD Australia. 9. Fines and Fun 9.1 Nametags ● Bev Davison. 9.2 Last to Meeting ● David Wilson. 9.3 Total fines collected - $0.70. 10. Guest Speaker / Presentation ● Stephen presented the video from the club’s recent trip to the west coast of Tasmania. 11. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th July 2015 commencing at 8pm. 12. Meeting closed at 10:15pm and was followed by supper. Page: 17
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday, 7th July 2015 at the home of Dale Rebgetz starting at 7:30pm. 1. Present Dale Rebgetz, Stephen Whittaker, Bob Marshall, Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Damian Stock, Martin Foot, Jessica Walsh, Jamie Scott. 2. Apologies: None 3. Absent: Michael Hartshorne. 4. Quorum: A quorum was achieved with nine committee members present. 5. Visitors: Michael Dale 6. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 6.1 Minutes of the June 2015 committee meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Bob Marshall and seconded by Jessica Walsh. 6.2 Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 6.2.1 Bank account signatories. 6.2.2 AGM report for 2014 – need to update the vice-president’s report and email to members in PDF format. 6.2.3 Club’s cupboard. Have problems finding a locksmith who can access the blank (evidently these are kept in the USA). 6.2.4 Club’s website needs to be updated in terms of content. It is currently a “work in progress”. Stephen has done some updating of the picture gallery. It is currently in a basic format. He has also updated the club trip and social calendar. Will need to access a photo gallery module to make it easier. Will next work on adding some trip and social reports. No further work has been done on the on-line members’ area. Work-in-progress. 6.2.5 Club listing in the “Just 4x4” magazine. Have sent an email to them but had no response as to whether it has been updated. Will wait for the next magazine to come out. 6.2.6 Ongoing 4WD Education / Awareness. 6.2.7 Membership renewal form. 6.2.8 4WD Victoria membership renewal – Bob cannot operate the spreadsheet sent out by 4WD Victoria as he is running an older Page: 18
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES version of MS-Excel. The spreadsheet does contain a page that allows the club to update its description on 4WD Victoria’s website. 7. Correspondence 7.1 In ● 4WD Victoria – 30% discount on Spatial Victoria maps. ● 4WD Victoria – current year membership sticker. ● Magazines from various 4WD clubs. ● Various advertising material. 7.2 Out ● Enquires from Expo Australia – personalised response to people who enquired about the club. ● Education Training Unit – Jessica has informed them of her inability to attend the next instructor update course. 8. Reports 8.1 Resources: Nothing to report. 8.2 Trip and Social ● As per submitted report. ● Details elsewhere in the magazine. ● Sand flags – Damian to investigate the option of a special buy deal. 8.3 Venue ● Details elsewhere in the magazine. ● Possible guest speakers – survey of noxious weeds in the bush, John Turbull – 11th Australian 4WD Gathering, Rob Pepper (books and travelling). ● Also need to invite the Subaru Australia representative. 8.4 Membership ● Have received two membership applications. The committee discussed the two applications. RESOLUTION
The committee resolved to accept Shaun Lodge’s membership application.
The committee resolved to accept Simon Whitehead’s membership application. Page: 19
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES ● Membership retention of recent members – have a number of recent members who have not yet renewed their membership. Need to do some active follow-up on members who have not yet renewed. ● Retiring members – have a number of members who are retiring from the club due to age. However, some of the members have indicated that they would like to stay in contact and attend the occasional social activity. The committee discussed the issue in some detail, referring to the club’s constitution and 4WD Victoria’s affiliation requirements. ● Follow up of visitors to meetings – Stephen will do follow up. Peter to supply PDF copy of meeting attendance sheet. ● Membership renewal – a renewal notice should be posted in the club’s magazine, and a line item in the club’s calendar, in addition to the separate renewal notice. 8.5 Editor: No report submitted. 8.6 Treasurer ● Current bank account balance is $6,832.93. ● The club’s trailer and the equipment it contains needs to be checked out. Currently located at Andrew and Lisa’s place. 8.7 Secretary: Nothing to report. 8.8 Vice-President ● As per submitted report. ● Would be able to run a one-day sand driving course down at Woodside for those new members doing the Border Track trip. ● Chocolate fundraiser was a success. ● Will be stepping down from the role at the AGM. 8.9 President ● Last month’s meeting was excellent. Members’ response to the visitors was brilliant and much appreciated by the visitors. ● Expo Australia – many thanks to Les Scott, Jamie Scott, Damian Stock, Edith Fullalove, Paul Saleeba, Peter Devine, Graham Gill, Kerry Gill, Michael Dale, Meredith Dale, and Tim Folliard for assisting on the club’s stand over the three days of the Expo. ● Have developed a page highlighting what the club offers to people / what people would find in the club. Page: 20
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES ● 4WD Victoria general meeting: The club has the opportunity to volunteer for activities with 4WD Victoria in regards to the relationship with Parks Victoria and DELWP. 4WD Victoria website has a link to an interactive map that shows seasonal road closures, etc. Camp host – the club should investigate the possibility of regularly participating in the Camp Host scheme run in conjunction with PV / DELWP. 9. Sub-Committees 9.1 Communications ● Need to improve the website so that it continues to rise in search engines’ rankings. ● As mentioned elsewhere in the minutes. 9.2 Community Involvement: Nothing to report so far. 9.3 Constitution Review: In progress. 10. Club’s 40th Anniversary Celebration ● Have formed a sub-committee comprising of Stephen Whittaker, Jean Bellis and David Wilson. ● Have received a number of suggestions as to where a major celebration could be held. ● Need to consider as to whether the club has one major event or a series of events. ● Need to start collection club memorabilia, photographs, video, etc. 11. Annual General Meeting ● Notice will need to be published in the next magazine. ● Membership awards – will need information from Martin. ● Committee nominations – need to get form circulated. ● Committee succession – vice president, editor and membership are stepping down at the AGM. 12. General Business Some more door prizes were donated to the club. 13. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 4th August 2015 at 7:30pm at the home of Jean Bellis. 14. Meeting closed at 10:20pm. Page: 21
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA ENEWS 40TH ANNIVERSARY A GREAT SUCCESS The weather gods must drive 4X4's because they smiled on Mansfield for FWDV's 40th anniversary party which was held over the recent Queens Birthday long weekend. While snow on the higher ranges necessitated some of the planned trips being rejigged for safety reasons, all those who got out on the tracks enjoyed themselves. The success of the organised trips was largely due to the efforts and experience of Tony Middleditch from the Toyota Land Cruiser Club. At this time of the year it was always going to be cold and special thanks go to the volunteers who cut and carted five tonnes of firewood to the campground. This ample supply of wood, along with several fire pits constructed especially for the event, contributed to the camaraderie in the campground over the weekend. The event was well attended with 47 powered and 30 unpowered camp sites taken at the Mansfield Showgrounds, the hub of activity for the weekend’s activities. Over 200 people attended the Saturday night celebration dinner, including special guests Bart Smith, Parks Area Chief Ranger of the local King-Howqua Unit and Senior Sargent Lynnette Holland, officer in charge of the Victoria Police Mansfield cluster. A sumptuous dinner, excellent speeches by our special guests, a tribute to the early days of the association by Brian Tanner, numerous door prizes, a great raffle and some entertaining music all contributed to making the evening a wonderful celebration of the association’s first forty years. The only negative to report is the realisation that it will be another 10 years before the next major association anniversary can be celebrated. DRIVER TRAINING COURSES AVAILABLE SHORTLY Following the renewal of the Association's status as an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) it is hoped that both advanced driving and chainsaw operation courses will once again be available from FWDV in the very near future. Anyone interested in undertaking a course can register their interest with the Association. RELOCATION UPDATE FWDV needs to relocate from its existing Balwyn North premises as it is earmarked for redevelopment next year. While some promising sites have eventually proved to be unavailable or impractical, negotiations remain Page: 22
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA ENEWS ongoing on others. While office space is readily available, finding an affordable location with a large meeting room, such as presently enjoyed, is more problematic. When a property is finally located the Association now has somewhere secure to store its files and equipment. A 20' container, purchased by the Association several years ago for use at a then proposed driver training ground, was subsequently 'misplaced'. Despite numerous enquiries over the years nobody seemed to be able to shed any light on what had become of the container - that is, until Parks recently discovered it stored at one of their depots! FINANCIAL UPDATE The Association's preliminary results for the year to June 30th have confirmed a modest surplus, testimony to the tight budgetary controls imposed by its Board. This result would also not have been possible without the valuable support of volunteers who have contributed in assisting FWDV over the year. After losses in previous years the surplus will enable the Association to begin to build a buffer against the unknown vagaries of its funding and thereby avoid unplanned levies on member clubs. The Association is also pleased to report having received a $250,000 grant from the State government towards FWDV's operational costs for the coming year. Of particular note, this year's grant includes an allowance to fund a part -time role in the office to oversee strategic planning and promotion of the Association's key performance undertakings, as contained in its grant application. As the position requires an ability to work closely with DELPW and Parks Victoria, it is quite likely the successful candidate will have had a past association with those departments. Other big news is that the Association has been successful in lobbying for the establishment of a Ministerial 4WD Advisory Committee. While the structure of the Committee is yet to be determined, the Association is likely to play a prominent role. The Committee will provide advice to the Environment Minister on all matters pertaining to four-wheel-driving in Victoria and will provide FWDV with a forum in which to present its members' views to the highest levels of state government. MT SKENE PERMITS The last eNews reported that the Mansfield Shire was considering leaving the Jamieson Licola Road open this winter. In the interests of safety it was decided to maintain the practice of seasonally closing the road with access Page: 23
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA ENEWS being available to members of affiliated 4WD club members under a permit system administered by FWDV. Given the sudden cold snap that the state is currently experiencing we expect that clubs availing themselves of these permits will, as a result, quite possibly encounter some very interesting snow driving during their trips into this area. BUCKLAND & BEYOND - MARCH 2016 Every club member reading this article needs to take out their calendar, mark the 12th - 20th March 2016, and book some leave. Over that week plans are being made to hold a FWDV club event to be known as "Buckland & Beyond" based out of Beveridge Station in the Buckland Valley. A range of trips will be on offer - from 1 day (returning to camp each night) to 3 and 4 day trips camping out overnight. Participants will be asked to pay a modest entry fee to cover running costs in staging the event such as toilet and shower facilities. More details will be provided as they become available over the coming months. NATIONAL 4X4 OUTDOORS SHOW, FISHING AND BOATING EXPO The 4X4 Outdoors Show being held 21st – 23rd August 2015 at the Melbourne Showgrounds will again see FWDV running a 4WD driver training area. Volunteers are needed to assist with this event and anyone able to help is asked to contact FWDV's office. THE 4WD BUCKET LIST With winter now upon us and local 4WD opportunities limited, cabin fever gives rise to dreams about those big trips we're going to do 'one day'. Starting this month the eNews will include a location from our Bucket List. Karijini National Park, located in Western Australia's Pilbara is perhaps better known to foreign tourists than the average Australian. It's a long way from anywhere – by road it’s an 11,000km return trip from Melbourne, 250km from the nearest airport at Newman and a 200km round trip to Mt Tom Price for fuel or supplies. Karijini arguably has the most spectacular gorges in Australia and, with campgrounds as well as affordable accommodation and meals available from the Eco-Resort, it's a great place to stay. You have the option of flying to Newman and hiring a 4X4 for a few days - or a very long drive. Best time to visit Karijini is April – May, after the wet season, when the Park (a tropical desert) is at its most lush and while water is still running in the gorges. Page: 24