Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria - July 2016 magazine online version

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July 2016 (Issue 427)

Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J / FWDV Member PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149

Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre

We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.

John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655


C ON T E N T S Intro 4 Committee 5 From The President 6 Upcoming 7 Next Meeting - July 26th – CHANGE OF VENUE 7 Trips and Social Events 7 Long Term Future Planning 10 Upcoming AGM 11 Membership Reminder 12 Trip and Recovery Gear 13 Trip Reports 14 Trip Summary 20 Buy and Sell 28 Member Items for Sale 28 Club Resources 30 LIVE UPDATE - The Simpson 34 Minutes 34 Editor Notes 39


INTRO The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed almost 40 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2015/16 year were agreed at the general meeting in April 2015 and are as follows:

Member rates: Single: $120 (Seniors card - $110) Joint/family: $140 - (Seniors card - $125). One off joining fee of $10 ($20 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $48

Non-member trip fee: A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes)

Please contact the membership officer for further enquiries. Email:


COMMITTEE Stephen Whittaker (President)

Dale Rebgetz (Vice President)

Peter Bellis (Secretary)

Bob Marshall (Treasurer)

Duncan McCrae (OM: General Committee)

Dan Conlon (OM: Editor) au

Jean Bellis (OM: Social Coordinator)

Jamie Scott (OM: Trips Coordinator)

Meredith Dale (OM: Venue Coordinator)

Mike Dale (OM: Website/ Magazine Content)


F R OM T HE P RE SI DE N T President’s Report: July Magazine

Welcome to the July Subaru 4WD Club magazine! It was great to see everyone at last month’s general meeting. Sincere thanks to Dale for presenting to us the recently written Trip Procedure and highlighting key elements to all members. Given the significant number of new members in our club, we felt it important to produce an educational booklet which highlights the way the club operates including Formalities, Convoy, Driving, CB Radio and Code of Ethics. Based heavily on what other clubs are doing in this area, it will be a very useful booklet to share with new members to ensure we’re all on the same page with regard to trip operation. I’d like to thank Dale for his great work on this document, which is still in draft form but will be distributed to members soon. Thanks, Dale! A couple of weeks ago, my brother and I drove up to Echuca for the day to do some reconnaissance for the club’s 40th Birthday event in September. Now that we’ve been able to secure a private property on which to camp, we needed to check it out and confirm a few things with the owner. We did this and the property will be good for us for the weekend of the 24th and 25th September. I also took the opportunity to meet with the operators of Murray River Paddle Steamers as well as Radcliffes Restaurant. Both of these will be excellent highlights ensuring our 40th Birthday goes off with a bang! Radcliffes Restaurant, in particular, will be a lovely setting in their beautiful function room. Looking forward to this event. Details of the location of the property will be sent to all attendees. Thanks to Jean for some excellent organisation, we were able to have a great Christmas in July function with very little effort. Based at the Wantirna Hill Club, Christmas was celebrated by members in July. The meals were delicious and there was even one of Meredith’s fantastic cakes as a second dessert. Most of us partook because, well, who can resist!? Thank you to those who were there for a wonderful evening. The Simpson Desert trekkers are out and about on their way to one of the finest four-wheel drive destinations in Australia. Here’s hoping the weather remains fine and dry for them. And the vehicles hold up too. In the lead up to the trip, while talking to some of those going, I was reflecting on our trip 6|Page

3 years ago. It was such an incredible trip! We were lucky enough to have some perfect weather (except for one interesting, very wet night at Haddon Corner) and the scenery spectacular. I wish the trekkers all the very best on their trip and we look forward to hearing all about it when they return. Don’t forget, we will be at Sofia’s restaurant for this month’s general meeting. Dinner starts at 6:30pm, or join us for the official meeting at 8pm where you can enjoy just a coffee and cake. I’m looking forward to your company at the July general meeting where you can catch up on the latest club news, hear trip reports and mingle with other members. In the meantime, enjoy the July magazine and I’ll see you at the meeting and/or out on the tracks – wherever we may be heading! Stephen Whittaker President

UPCOMING Next Meeting - July 26th – CHANGE OF VENUE Date: 26th of July from 6.30 onwards Venue: Sofia Restaurant 857 Burke Road Camberwell. Ph. 9882 1142 Booked under The Subaru 4wd Club of Victoria. Venue Coordinator Meredith Dale

Trips and Social Events We have a variety of trips coming up! With that we’d also like to remind you that if you want to get your name down on the list for a trip but maybe can’t make it to the meeting you are always welcome to contact the trip leader directly. As always, if you know a great location that you would love to lead a trip to (or even if you just want to suggest it) let us know, we’re always on the lookout for the next adventure!! 7|Page

Put up the suggestion and someone else might run it Put up the suggestion and ask for someone else who might want to co-lead it with you. You might want it run it yourself and if it is your first time we will provide you with a trip mentor.

Snow Trip Please indicate your interest in a day trip for some snow driving. This trip will happen at short notice. Contact: Email with your name and mobile phone if you are interested in participating. Trip leaders: Possible trip leaders will be Katie & Peter Mynard during July. We are looking for someone to put their hand up to lead a trip in August. Trip standard: Medium  Bring: everyone needs to carry chains which can be hired.

11th Australian 4WD Gathering When: 19th – 22nd August 2016 Where: Barmera, South Australia (2 hours west of Mildura) Loveday 4x4 Park. Trip Leaders: Peter & Jean Bellis | Peter and Jean will be attending this event. To find out more details on the event and to book go to Bookings close on 30th June. Registration includes Dinner Saturday evening, Monday Breakfast, entertainment Saturday and Sunday evening, workshops, lectures, guest speakers, guided 4WD trips, full access to Lovedays 4x4 property and river access and much more.

40th Anniversary Celebrations When: Saturday 24th to Sunday 25th September 2016 RSVP: By now all members should have received an emailed invitation. Please RSVP by August 25th to Trip Leader: Dave Wilson | Location: Echuca. Camping will be on a Private property about 18kms east of Echuca or you can arrange your own accommodation in Echuca. Cost: $50.00 per person. Saturday 3pm – Bus will pick everyone up from the camp site


3.30 – meeting time for Paddle steamer. Ride will include drinks and hors d’oeuvres 6.30 pm Dinner at Radcliffe’s 9.30pm Optional Lantern Tour of the Historic Port area. Additional cost $15 11pm Bus back to the campsite. Sunday Big cooked breakfast at the campsite. Food provided.

Maldon Navigation Run When: Saturday 15th October (optional Sunday 16 October) Trip Leaders: Martin Foot and Dorothy Greiveson |

Trip Standard: Social and Easy ● (2WD vehicles with reasonable clearance will be ok but there will be some dirt back roads) Navigation Run will be in and around Maldon, Australia’s First Notable town, situated in the Goldfields region of central Victoria near Castlemaine. This is a repeat of a previous run several years ago. However, the route will be updated to take in new sites and challenges. The trip can be done as a day trip (Maldon is just under 2 hours from Melbourne). For those wishing to stay over, limited accommodation is available at Martin and Dot’s miner’s cottage (please ask, first in best dressed) or there is accommodation in town if you prefer. There are a variety of local attractions including mine tours, wineries, the Tourist Railway, collectable shops, and the Mt Tarrengower Hill climb for classic cars is also on the Sunday.

Melbourne Laneways Walk When: Saturday 22nd October Trip leaders: Bev Davison & Jean Bellis |

Standard: Social Trip Limit: 10 people (but if there is enough interest Bev will run another walk at a later date).


We will meet in Fed Square at 1pm and do about a 2 hour walk and finish with Coffee and cake somewhere. Those who wish may like to meet up for a quick lunch before we start. Bev is happy to tailor the walk to the interests of the people in the group i.e. checking out laneway graffiti art, chocolate shops etc.

Robe When: 29th Oct to 1st November Where: Robe, SA Trip Rating: Medium ■ to difficult ♦ Convoy Limit: 12 vehicles Trip Leaders: Lee Wegner & Duncan McCrae | Vehicles will need to modify (i.e.: lifted) Standing Camp with drop toilets Cost $14 per campsite. Requirements: Sandflag, tyre pressure gauge, air compressor, sand recovery gear.

Long Term Future Planning 2017

Central Australia – Touring Trip Kangaroo Island - March Kosciusko to Melbourne 20-28th May – Stephen Whittaker Blue Mountains – 25th Oct to 7th Nov - Stephen Whittaker


Tasmania – Hobart and the SE for 2 weeks in March – Jessica Walsh Fraser Island


Canning Stock Route 5-week trip Simpson Desert – re-enactment of the 40th anniversary of the Club’s 1974 crossing from Macumba Station to Purine Bore

Social Events We are starting to plan some social events as well. A social trip with a hot spud lunch at a bush location. Bike Ride to Warburton Navigation run in the Riddles Creek area 10 | P a g e

Trip and Social Contacts • •

Trip Coordinator: Jamie Scott | 0427 707 721 Social Coordinator : Jean Bellis | 9801 4762

U P C O M I N G AGM Notice is hereby given to members that the Annual General Meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc will be held on Tuesday, 30th August 2016 at South Camberwell Tennis Club rooms, 322 Burke Road, Glen Iris commencing after the finish of the August 2016 general meeting. Order of business will include: Confirmation of the minutes of the 2015 annual general meeting. Presentation of the 2016 annual report. Presentation of 2016 annual financial statement. General business. Presentation of awards. Election of officers of the club and ordinary members of the committee. Nominations for committee positions should be submitted to the club secretary by no later than 7 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. However, on the day, nominations for committee positions will be accepted from the floor of the meeting. Special Resolutions If a member wishes to bring an item of business to the Annual General Meeting that requires a special resolution, 21 days’ written notice of the special resolution must be given to all club members. Peter Bellis Secretary

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TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WD’ing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip: 1.

Personal details form as


specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader 2.

Emergency Supplies

(minimum 3.2t)


Rated snatch strap Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus optional bridle

10. Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for the trip and delays 11. A Tyre Pressure Gauge;

strap, according to vehicle

Compressor (according to the



AM (27Mhz) Channel 5 or

12. An Axe, Bow or Chain saw;

UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB

13. A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible

Radio. Ideally in car but hand held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last



(matches, food, water and




Two rated D- Shackles



Jack and wheel Brace, or

shovels are no good) 14. Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip)

the trip.

15. A Tool Kit

Fire Extinguisher, accessible

16. Personal First Aid Kit

to the driver

17. The Vehicle Manual

Spare Tyre (full size)

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Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.

TRIP REPORTS Willow Grove to Jamieson via Mt Skene By Edith Fullalove and Michael Dale Well this trip just about had everything. We had rain, snow, fog and sun. There was wet slippery clay, a water crossing, lots of puddles and a couple of steep sections to keep the adrenaline levels up. It was also went out it dropped to on trip day report).

a trip of attrition, with a few survivors. When the trip intentions sheet initially looked like we might have had 16 to 17 vehicles on the trip. That 13 closer to the day, then to 11, and two days out it was down to 9. Then it went from 9 to 8 to 7 to 6 to 5.5 (yes, that will be explained later in the

Saturday the 11th of June The trip started with everyone meeting outside the grocery store at Willow Grove. Meredith had a message from Lee to say Duncan was sick and that they may be able to meet up with us tomorrow depending on how he went throughout the day. We headed out at 8.30am along Willow Grove Road, then Spillway Road and pulled into have a look at the Blue Rock Lake Dam. It was windy and the lake looked like a beach with small waves crashing. We then headed over the dam wall and turned into Cervi Road, and then into Merv’s Track where we all stopped and aired down. Janelle and Edith walked ahead (a surprisingly fair distance ahead - the trip leaders thought at the time) while the gents were airing down. We then turned right into Mt Carmel Road and then left into Dwyers Track and into Moondarra State Park. The convoy then made its way onto Tanjil Bren Road and right into Seninis Track. We followed this down to the campground for a quick toilet stop. Although it wasn’t an official morning tea stop, the usual suspects pulled out a thermos of coffee and proceeded to have a cup. We then hit the bitumen along the Moe Walhalla Road through Erica and past Rawson. We then turned into Happy Jack Track and down the first real interesting track of the day. This is a single lane, slightly overgrown track with a superb switchback overlooking a steep valley. It was just after the trip leaders had passed the switchback when an oncoming buggy came roaring up the track towards them. After notifying the rest of the convoy, Paul’s amused voice came over the radio exclaiming “did I hear, ‘on coming buggy!’”. There was a little bit of confusion with the buggy who initially said he would wait until we all passed decided to move up past the convoy. We then met Old Depot Road which terminated at the bridge over the Thompson River. It was under the bridge where we stopped for morning tea as it was raining.

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The single lane Happy Jack Track After morning tea we crossed the bridge over the Thompson River and turned into the Walhalla Historic area and up Mormon Town Track. This track climbs for approximately 2km. It is not overly steep but does contain some clay sections which were slippery with the wet weather. Peter and Katie decided they would not risk taking their camper over this track so they headed up the main Walhalla Road and were going to meet us where Mormon Town track finished. On one of the steep clay section there was a group of walkers on a side track taking a break. The illustrious trip leader had time for a quick wave and a ‘hello’ as he slid his car up the track past them. At some point we had to stop and enlist Peter and Meredith’s help to move a tree off the track. After the initial climb the track undulates along the ridge with some short, but steep ascents and descents. One of the descents the track was literally clay. It was the first slip’n’slide of the weekend. Dave almost got air over the last spoon drain before the bottom. Back onto the Walhalla Road we met back up with Peter and Katie. There are lovely views of the Thomson Dam at Barnes Lookout. The road here becomes very narrow, and passing oncoming cars with a cliff less than a metre to your left is an interesting prospect. Fortunately, there was only one vehicle we had to pass on this section. We turned into Thomson Dam Access road and headed over the dam wall to Thompson Reservoir Park and the Silvertop Picnic ground for lunch. We had the park to ourselves and the sun was shining for lunch and standing around soaking up the rays was great to warm up.

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We started to head back over the dam wall to get back to the main road when we had the second casualty of the day. Peter radioed to say there was an issue with his camper trailer. After a bit of diagnosis, it looked like it was a wheel bearing and continuing further did not seem a good idea. So in the end Peter and Katie headed home. They got as far as Erica before the bearing gave up and the camper had to be put on a tray truck for the rest of the trip home. So the rest of us continued back to Walhalla Road, and then headed towards Aberfeldy. Off to the west there were views of snow on the nearby hills. The trip leader decided there was time to play on a few of the side tracks. It was alas on the second last of these that Paul popped a tyre. After changing the tyre, Paul (who was running a different profile to the other Foresters), decided that he didn’t want to risk heading up into the middle of nowhere with no spare. So he also headed home. We finally reached Aberfeldy, which had a light dusting of snow. We then turned right onto O’Keefe Track, which headed down hill to the river. A very wet and slightly eroded track presented itself with the final drop relatively steep. However, a thick gravel base provided good footings for the vehicles and no one really had any problems. At the bottom we found a large puddle and we all stopped to let out brakes cool down a little. The puddle was followed by the river and judging by the steam that came off some of the cars we might have waited a little longer to let things cool off.

The steam would suggest that a longer wait before crossing was required!

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We then ascended via McGuire Track. The trip leader had some difficulties on one section and had to be guided down by Meredith for a second attempt. McGuire Track is long, and while it is generally interesting, it does become a grind after a while. After climbing for a while we started to see snow on the ground and on the trees. We were at 1383 metres above sea level. Towards the end of the track (possibly 4 km or so to go) Rick did a rear strut and had to limp along (the convoy down to 5.5). We finally got off the 4WD track and onto South Road which took us up and over Mount Useful Spur. At the top about half the convoy stopped for a photo session, while Mike, Meredith, Jamie, Rick and Josh continued on to Camp Miserable as Rick had some repair work that needed to be done. Camp Miserable is a few km north of the summit of the spur, off S16 track. When we finally got there, most of the usable flat grass area was covered in mud by vehicles using the area to turn around. Camp Miserable became Camp Very Miserable! After a quick discussion we moved a couple of hundred metres to Camp Roadside, complete with its own swimming pool. We all set up our tents in the snow – way cool!

Camp Roadside – complete with swimming pool There was some thought of having a fire, but after setting up the tents in the snow there was not much enthusiasm of the near impossible task given the waterlogged state of the timber. Dave and Keith had a valiant go using various accelerants, but in the end the weather got the better of them.

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Rick proceeded to fix his broken strut with assistance from Dale, and the trip leader decided to sit under an umbrella and drink his port.

The Trip Leader ‘chilling out’ with his glass of port With the snow continuing on and off, most decided by 7:30pm it was bed time. Rick refused to give in that easily and sat up with Josh and watched a movie until 8:30pm. It was a cold night. While most of the party had a cold but reasonable night, the trip leaders froze and Mike decided he was going to buy -10oC sleeping bags when he got back (and he has). Sunday the 12th of June It had snowed overnight so the ground and all our tents and cars looked just lovely with all the snow on them. This was a very unusual experience to wake up surrounded by snow. It also provided a great photo opportunity for all of us who would like to enter the photo competition for next year. There was even snow on umbrellas that had been left out overnight. M & M’s tent even had sagged from the amount of snow it had on it and Dave & Keith’s had partly fallen down.

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Sofia Next Meeting

Restaurant Tuesday


July 26th


857 Burke Road Camberwell

Snow Trip







19th –







Medium ■

See you there

Saturday 40th

24th to





Dave Wilson


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Saturday Maldon Navigation Run

15th October (optional Sunday 16

Martin Foot and


Dorothy Greiveson

and Easy ●








Bev Davison & Jean Bellis

Saturday 29th Robe, SA

October to

Lee Wegner &


Duncan McCrae


Medium ■ to difficult♦



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It was a very cold night. We all had breakfast and packed up our freezing tents. We then continued north along South Road, and then left into Heyfield-Jamieson Road. There was a quick stop for pictures of the amazing stumps in the forest.

Ring of snow on a tree stump

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The group of happy campers in the snow. Towards the top of Mt Skene, there was an unnamed track which the trip leaders had a bit of an attempt, but stopped a few hundred metres down the track. The trip leader had a bad feeling about leading the convoy up it. It had that likely look that at some stage we would find a large obstruction across the track and with nowhere to turn around (assuming you could drive out of the slippery wheel ruts), it would have been a long reverse out. The trip leaders backed out the few hundred metres they had driven up and we continued on along the road to Mt Skene Scenic Lookout where the sun was shining, but heaps of fog so no scene to look out at. We had morning tea here and even managed to get in a group shot. Here at the lookout we were at 1564 metres above sea level. We continued on down the road until we turned right into Mount Sunday Road to the second night’s camping area. Coming in to Wren's Flat was a slippery affair, with the track becoming progressively worse the closer to camp we got. There was some lovely slippery sliding with many of the cars doing a bit of track ballet sliding from side to side. At one point there was Jamie sliding out one side and Rick on the opposite side. We arrived at the campsite, lunch was had and tents were dried out. There was already a lit fire going and all we had to do was add more wood. Easier said than done given the 48+ hours of rain we just had.

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View from the top Jamie, Josh, Mike, Dale and Dave decided to go out for an afternoon drive up Mitchells Track (a very slippery track with significant sections of churned up clay) and collect fire wood for tonight. Janelle and Edith went for a walk to see the Jamieson River South Branch meet up with the Jamieson River. The lit fire proved a boon, and we took advantage of that and had a great afternoon in front of the fire. That night after collecting some firewood, we had a roaring fire. The game of the night was Giant Jenga with flaming logs. Occasionally a log would fall down and had to be stood back up. Rick won as he put the most number of flaming logs back onto the fire. Monday the 13th of June - Queen’s Birthday We woke up to fog this morning and even a very slight frost. We all had breakfast and packed up our gear. Peter had to help one of the other campers to jump start their car as their fridge had flattened their battery overnight. We headed out at 9.30 via the track we had come in yesterday. What a different a day makes to a track. The track had dried out so much we didn’t have any issues getting out like when we came in. A shame in some ways as it would have been interesting if the track had been like it was the previous day when we came in. We Turned into Jamieson – Licola Road where we were given splendid views of the fog in the valleys.

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The fog in the valley was spectacular We stopped for morning tea beside the Ferguson Saddle Track we were going to head up after morning tea. There were two routes you could take up - Dale and Josh checked out the hard route. We all decided we would be taking the easy way. We said our goodbye to Rick and Josh as they would be taking the main road into Jamieson. We hit Link Track and Mike had to stop part way along as there was a noise coming from his vehicle. Peter removed some bark and Meredith spotted some purple mushrooms off to the side. So while the guys were looking at the car, there was of course an impromptu photo stop taken. We then turned into Jamieson Lookout Track. Dale had to backtrack with Janelle to rescue a pair of forgotten sunglasses (maybe someone did sample those mushrooms!). As M & M were going down a hill their car stopped. It was discovered a hose had come off which was fixed with a cable tie. We then came to the aid of another traveller who was in need of an Alan key to tighten his driving light. Dale and Janelle re-joined the convoy just as the group came to a very steep slippery descent which proved to be challenging. Dave had an interesting time sliding from one side of the track to the other side and sent the photographers (who were standing at the bottom) scattering in all directions. The last section of Jamieson

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Probably not the edible kind! Lookout Track had a long steep ascent. The trip leaders only just got to the top. Dave needed a bit of help from Jamie to make it up. At the top there was lovely view across to Mt Buller and Lake Eildon. We turned into Sapper Track and towards the end of the track we had great views of Jamieson. The descent into Jamieson was on smooth dry red clay. It would have been exceedingly interesting 24-48 hours earlier. We finally crossed the Jamieson River and into Jamieson where we found a lovely café (Deb's Café) to have lunch. This is where we said goodbye to Dave and Keith. Then the rest of us headed down to the botanical gardens to air up before heading home via the Eildon-Jamieson Road. We stopped at the scenic lookout where you could look out over The Goulburn River and valley and Lake Eildon. Dale and Jamie scraped about 3kg of clay off the wheels of M & Ms car so it didn’t vibrate like some weird fitness machine when the vehicle exceeded 60kph. It was a great way to finish off our trip. A big thanks everyone for making this trip a fantastic experience. Trip Participants Mike & Meredith (Forester) Dale & Janelle (Forester) Edith & Peter (Pajero) Dave & Keith (Forester)

Jamie (Landcruiser) Rick & Josh (L series) Paul (Forester) Peter & Katie (L series)

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Christmas in July By Jean Bellis This year Christmas in July took on a different format. It had been suggested that Christmas in July not be held as the major focus for 2016 would be the Club’s 40th Birthday celebrations. After having several people ask when Christmas in July was going to be, the committee discussed running it. Peter and I felt that we needed a break from organising and hosting it, which we had been doing for about 8 years. With short notice it was not possible to arrange an alternative location so the option was to have it at restaurant. The Wantirna Hill Club in Wantirna offered us a good deal with a set menu for a roast meal and plum pudding. Numbers were down on past years due to people being away on holidays, school holidays, it was Election Day, some members being unwell or having other commitments. In keeping with the Christmas theme we were able to decorate the tables with Christmas napkins, decorations and bon-bons. Some members dressed in Christmas colours or had Santa hats. Those members present enjoyed standing around chatting and catching up with members that don’t often make it to club activities. This social time was slightly extended as we waited for 2 people who were late in arriving. We won’t name them but they drove straight pass the Wantirna Hill Club in Wantirna and proceeded onto the Wantirna Club in Wantirna South. The majority of the group enjoyed roast pork, ham and vegetables followed by plum pudding, custard and fruit. The bon-bons not only had paper hats and as usual corny jokes, but some little toys. Our table had some little plastic frogs that kept getting flicked along the table at people. Later in the evening the frogs were used to try and knock over the tiny skittles.

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After enjoying our meals everyone was handed a raffle ticket. A variety of prizes were given away. Thank you to Dot for donating some of these. As a bit of fun we had a wonderful chocolate cake to celebrate 39.85 years of the club. Elaine Milkins cut the cake. Thank you to Meredith for making the cake. It was greatly enjoyed. Attendees Dot Greiveson & Martin Foot Stephen Whittaker Edith Fullalove Meredith Dale Bev Davison Enid Hewitt Micheal Hartshorne Angela and Damian Stock Elaine & Phil Milkins Janelle & Dale Rebgetz Jean & Peter Bellis Charles Tam

B U Y AN D S E LL Member Items for Sale Item: Forester Aluminium Bash Plates Details: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium Cost: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Contact: David Wilson, Item: Set of 4 alloy rims from Outback 1997 model Cost: $120.00 ONO Contact: David Wilson, Item: Roof console to hold CB and lights and switches for Outback Cost: $100.00 Contact: David Wilson,

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Item: Vic blue and white standard number plates in as new condition 1XV4US Cost: $400.00 ONO Contact: Jenny, 0417369405 Item: number plate SUBARU Can be re-issued in any custom design via the Vic Roads website (see link below) if a different colour or style is preferred: Cost: negotiable, but realistic offers between $3,500 to $6,000 Contact: Richard, 0414 737 333 Item: STi Intercooler. Details: Excellent condition, apart from slight dent on side (pictured). Came as spare parts when I purchased my 2007 Forester. Will fit most Turbo Subies. Cost: $250 Contact:

Item: STi Exhaust system Details: STi Exhaust system. Everything you need to give your Suby the perrrr it deserves! Very clean, no dents, minor scuffs, Stainless steel. Everything from the Manifold back to the chrome STi stamped tip!! Cost: Make me an offer!!! Contact:

Want to sell something Subaru/off-road related? Contact The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered.

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Club Resources

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Resources Officer: Dale Rebgetz Email:

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LIVE UPDATE - T HE S IMPS ON Here is a link where you can track our Dale and the crew on the Simpson Trip, progress will automatically update over the next three weeks as they move through the almighty Simpson! (Click the above link or type it into your internet, it’s case sensitive) At time of writing the most recent entries were from the North end of Lake Torrens Lake Torrens lies between the Arcoona Plateau to the west and the Flinders Ranges to the east about 345 kilometres north of the Adelaide city centre. The lake is approximately 30 metres above sea level. It is located within the boundaries of Lake Torrens National Park. Lake Torrens stretches approximately 250 kilometres in length and 30 kilometres in average width. It is Australia's second largest lake when filled with water and encompasses an area of 5,745 square kilometres. Source:

M IN U T E S Committee Meeting Minutes Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday, 5th July 2016 at the home of Michael and Meredith Dale starting at 7:45pm.

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Present Michael Dale, Meredith Dale, Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Dale Rebgetz, Stephen Whittaker, Dan Conlon.


Apologies Bob Marshall, Duncan McCrae, Jamie Scott.


Visitor Damian Stock


Quorum A quorum was achieved with seven committee members present.


Membership – Printing Levy Enquiry Damian presented a financial analysis of the club for the last six years, presented as indication that the austerity measures implemented by the club in 2012 had achieved the desired result of minimising the impact of supplying a club magazine to the members. Damian suggested that due to the healthy state of the club’s finances, implementing a magazine levy was not warranted, especially in the same year that the club would be subsidising the 40th anniversary event. After some discussion about the effects of implementing similar levies at other clubs Damian indicated his concern about the impact this levy would have on some members, and the club overall. After further discussion about the levy Damian left the meeting.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting 6.1. Minutes of the June 2016 committee meeting were accepted without amendment. 6.2. Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 6.2.1. Bank account signatories. 6.2.2. Request for advertising in club’s magazine by AllDrive Subaroo – previous rates from June 2006 were found and circulated to the committee, together with suggested rates reflecting cost increases to 2016. It was agreed to target a higher rate with room to negotiate down. 6.2.3. By-Law – Convoy Travel 6.2.4. New Member Pack.


Correspondence 7.1. In Membership renewal from Enid and David Hewett. Damian Stock regarding printed magazine levy. 7.2. Out Damian Stock regarding printed magazine levy. Reports 8.1. Resources Have ordered some more club sand flags. Have ordered some club clothing based on expressions of interest.


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8.2. Trip and Social Details of future trips and events elsewhere in the magazine. Will insert a trip participation sign-in sheet into the trip leader’s pack. 8.3. Venue Details of future general meetings elsewhere in the magazine. AGM Meredith will provide some cakes. Will do pizza and soft drink again. Will need some plastic cups. 8.4. Membership At the end of June, the club has 47 memberships – 31 family/joint, 13 single, and 3 life. There are two new membership applications in the pipeline – 1 family/joint and 1 single. Membership renewals – so have received 28 renewals, with three of those paying the magazine levy. 8.5. Editor Nothing to report. Will put a membership renewal reminder in this month’s magazine. 8.6. Treasurer Circulated the monthly financial statement, and a draft copy of the annual financial performance statement. The cheque account balance is $10,716. Major income items include membership renewal - $3,002, club clothing - $147. Major expenditure include 4WD Victoria affiliation fee - $1,550, and 4WD driving course expenses - $201. Outstanding commitments include Murray River Paddle Steamers – 6,150. A draft statement of financial performance for the year shows that the club operated at an unexpected surplus of $3,463. The main drivers behind this large surplus are the increase in membership (10) in the last year - $1,600, and the 4WD driving course fees - $1,000. 8.7. Secretary AGM – notice of meeting needs to be included in the July and August magazines. Peter to supply wording to Dan. Also, to email separate notice of AGM and committee nomination form to members. 8.8. Vice-President Nothing to report. 8.9. President Nothing to report. Sub-Committees 9.1. Communications Nothing to report. 9.2. Community Involvement Nothing to report. 9.3. Constitution Review Dale is doing a fantastic job in developing the trip/convoy by-law. 9.4. Training / Education An excellent presentation on the club’s draft convoy/trip procedure was made.

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10. 40th Birthday Celebrations It is booked in for 24th to 25th September, 2016. The event flyer will be distributed to members and other past members in the next week. The campsite is 18km east of Echuca with a good dirt road for access. Will cost $300 plus $120 for two portable toilets. Due to the time of sunset in September, will bring the restaurant forward one hour to 6:30pm with the lantern tour held later at 9:30pm. Photographic book – have about 120 photographs that need scanning. Committee agreed to authorise expenditure of up to $100 to facilitate the professional scanning. To include a forward from both the current club president and a long-term member. Caps – Dale to seek prices for providing a pre-ordered special club cap.

11. General Business Printed magazine levy to members The committee discussed Damian’s presentation and agreed on a number of actions. 12. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th August 2016 at 7:30pm at the home of Duncan. 13. Meeting closed at 11:13pm.

General Meeting Minutes The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 28th June 2016 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:14pm. 1.

Present Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Bev Davison, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins, Michael Dale, Meredith Dale, Paul Saleeba, Richard Saleeba, Peter Fullalove, Stephen Whittaker, Les Scott, Dale Rebgetz, Kerry Gill, Graham Gill, Jamie Scott, Tim Folliard, Katie Mynard, Peter Mynard, Martin Foot, Damian Stock, Meredith Dale, Michael Dale, Cynthia Rennolds, Bob Marshall, Rick Koster, Peter Landouris, David Wilson.


Apologies Duncan McCrae, Lee Wegner, Edith Fullalove, Elaine Hyde, Andrew Jantke, Lisa Jantke, Dave Denver, Gary Impson, Ruth Marshall, Andrew Santuccione.


Visitors Celeste O’Connell.


Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors.


Minutes of the Previous General Meeting

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5.1. The minutes of the May 2016 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Katie Mynard and seconded by Meredith Dale. 5.2. There was no business arising from the minutes. Correspondence 6.1. In Magazines from various four-wheel drive clubs. 4WD Victoria Office relocation to Mitcham New phone number for new office – (03) 9874 7222 Members’ benefit program Notice of general meeting – 25th June Enquiry regarding membership fees. 6.2. Out Reply to enquiry regarding membership fees. Reports 7.1. Resources Payment for club clothing order is now due. 7.2. Editor 1. Nothing reported. 7.3. Trip and Social Details of future trip and social events printed elsewhere in the magazine. A snow trip will be organised at short notice depending on weather/driving conditions. Seeking suggestions for the location of the Christmas Party in late November. 7.4. Venue Details of future monthly meetings printed elsewhere in the magazine. Ringwood trade centre visit may need to be rescheduled to a later month. 7.5. Membership. Membership fees are due by 30th June. Otherwise, it affects people to attend club trips and events. 7.6. Treasurer Current bank account balance is $10, 7.7. Secretary Next committee meeting – Tuesday 5th July at Michael and Meredith’s place, Narre Warren. New trip/convoy rules – up to the third, and hopefully, final draft. 7.8. Vice-President He’s good. 7.9. President As already reported in the magazine. Club’s 40th Birthday Accommodation has been finalised with access to a property 18km east of Echuca between the Murray and Goulburn Rivers. The club will be paying the camping fee. Insurance/legal issues are yet to be sorted out. Property has on-site toilets. Bus trip into Echuca will be shorter than previously anticipated. Seeking to finalise the invitation list of former members. Needing photographs from members of past club events/activities for the book. Targeting to publish about 120 photographs.

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9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14.

Seeking video clips and photographs for inclusion in a video for presentation at the restaurant. Club has acquired a barbecue via 4WD Victoria. David Wilson is currently servicing it. The State Government recently announced the creation of a 4WD advisory committee. As part of this, 4WD Victoria will receive some additional funding for the duration of the committee. Martin has invested in a new 3-way rear sway bar for his 2010 Forester. This has significantly improved the handling of the car. General Business 9.1. None. Fines and Fun 10.1. Nametags Peter Mynard, Katie Mynard, Jamie Scott, Les Scott, Peter Landouris. 10.2. Last to Meeting David Wilson 10.3. Trips 10.3.1. Mt Skene Rick – wheel carrier swinging loose. Dave – getting some air on a spoon drain. Dave – for having his CB radio on channel 3 instead of 16. Paul – flat tyre. Peter and Katie – wheel bearing on camper trailer. Peter M – camper trailer going home on a tow truck. Michael – a few attempts to get up a track. Rick – doing a rear strut. Everyone except Rick and Joshua – for going to bed early. Janelle – leaving her sunglasses behind. Michael – popping a vacuum tube on the engine. Dave – for having trouble getting up the second last hill. Dave – for slip sliding along a track. 10.4. Total fines collected - $8.35. Guest Speaker / Presentation Dale gave a very informative presentation on what makes a trip run smoothly, and an outline of the draft trip/convoy by-law. The lucky door prize was won by Kerry Gill. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 26th July 2016 at Sofia’s restaurant, Camberwell commencing at 6:30pm with a dinner, and an informal meeting at 8pm. Meeting closed at 10:15pm and was followed by supper.

E DIT OR N OT E S Thanks for all the contributions again this month!

Just a couple of things from me: 39 | P a g e

Any interesting articles you find and want to share, or if you would like to write an article for the magazine ….let me know! Just a friendly reminder also to please proof read, and be sure to use punctuation and grammar. The deadline for submissions for next month is:

August – Friday 19th (I’m serious)

As always please send emails to:

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