Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria - July 2020 newsletter

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July 2020 (Issue 470)

New member Matt powering through the mud on the Toolangi trip, June 2020

Follow us on our webpage: Like us on Facebook: Connect with Instagram:

Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A—0006149J / FWDV Member

PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149

Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre

We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.

John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 2

ABOUT THE CLUB The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 40 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities.

The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Fees for the 2020/21 year have not been set as yet, as the club has not been able to meet due to coronavirus restrictions. Current members remain financial until this can occur (hopefully by September or October 2020). New applicants for membership are asked to pay only the Joining Fee for the time being until annual fees are determined: Single Joint/Family

$15 $30

NON-MEMBER TRIP FEE A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further enquiries Email:


COMMITTEE President: Mark Tyssen

Vice President and FWDV Delegate: Tim Folliard

Secretary: Martin Foot

Treasurer: Angela Bombardieri

Trip & Social: Tim Folliard

Editor: Damian Stock

Venue coordinator: Mark Tyssen

Resources: Bev Davison

Membership: Martin Foot


PRESIDENT’S REPORT Well, the horizon still looks far away till we are ALL out of the Covid dilemma, those ‘lucky’ enough to be outside the ‘Greater Metropolitan area & Mitchell Shire’ are not restricted nearly as much as those members within. The ‘second wave’ that was predicted is in progress, not just in Victoria, but though most of the eastern states. With heavy control of State borders. Once again the Committee needed to review our potential plans for re-emerging for a minimum of being able to conduct limited trips; but alas there was further restriction. During the restrictions, the Committee has continued behind the scenes to keep a social presence via Facebook, please send any photos and videos of trips held recently and earlier to Damian, contact him first for advice on format, size etc. The Committee has continued financial responsibilities to ensure we as a Club are complying with all standard Statutory requirements. The ball has not been dropped. In order to maintain contact with as many members as possible, we have proposed holding a Zoom online meeting session, with the ability to conduct discussion & catch up between members, and hold a brief online ‘general meeting’. See notice in this issue. Here in the stricter restriction zone, Covid restrictions have required us all to wear masks from Wednesday 22nd July 2020 at 11:59pm. There are exceptions to when you must wear the mask in public, and one of them is in a ‘Zoom’ online meeting session - you are not required to wear your mask. We will advise if we conduct a masquerade ball, limited with social distancing etc. Jokes aside, covid is more serious than the standard yearly strains of ‘flu’. Follow link to Victorian guidelines, it is quite often amended: Many of the members have asked about payment of membership fees, this is one topic that we will be discussing. FWDV has reduced their insurance cost to us, noting that we are not able to drive around on Club trips, but only for the current financial year, which we intend, subject to acceptance from the membership, pass on in our consolidated ‘membership fee cost’, but this reduction is only for this current year. In discussion online, the components of the membership fee will be explained. I look forward to connecting up with as many members as possible, online, in the near future. Please, everyone stay safe. Mark Tyssen, President.

(save the picture & enlarge)

President, e:


VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT Not unexpectedly, Four Wheel Drive Victoria has again suspended Mt Skene permits for this winter. When there is no snow it is just a dirt road linking some much better tracks, so the snow challenge is the highlight. The permits were introduced after a number of vehicles required emergency support and the road was then closed each winter. The permit is for 4WD clubs who undertake to self recover if any issues arise. While I rarely watch 4WD videos, which can be too hyped up and dramatic in the set up or too long and uneventful, I did see a few from a Melbourne guy Tim Bates ( in his GU Patrol. Of interest was the few trips in the Walhalla area very recently. He has too many underbody shots of his suspension in action but he does give a really good view of the track conditions, with his driving advice ("second gear, low range, steeper than it looks in the video"), navigation, camp sites and most seem to be 10-15 minutes long. It is almost like a pre-trip. Tim Folliard Vice President, e:

RESOURCES REPORT Items on order have now been received. Members please contact me to arrange collection, or to place a new order (which will be lodged when we have sufficient numbers). Hopefully we’ll have a chance to wear club clothing again in the not too distant future! Bev Davison Resources Officer, e:


SECRETARY’S REPORT The club hasn’t been able to meet face to face since February, apart from a couple of day trips in May and June, where a small number of members were able to get out there and do some 4WDing. But most of us haven’t had that opportunity. Now with restrictions imposed until mid August and likely longer, it’s time to have a social chat session. So, in response to suggestions by several people, we are pleased to announce there will be a:

Zoom Meeting to be held at the normal General Meeting time, next

Tuesday 28 July at 8pm (we’ll be up from 7:45 to sort out any technical hitches).

The link will be provided in an email to members on Monday, 27 July. This will not be a formal business meeting, just an opportunity for chat and to hear how everyone’s coping with the new world we find ourselves in. If members find it useful and all goes well technically, we’ll consider resuming formal general meetings this way in the future. Thanks to Angela B and Julie for enabling this. Martin Foot Secretary, e:

EDITOR’S NOTE As mentioned last month the club had an interesting day trip into the Toolangi Ranges at the end of last month, just as the magazine was being finalised. Tim has put together another great trip report for this month’s magazine which clearly shows the challenges faced by our club members, as well as other 4WDers who were out on the tracks that day. I hope you enjoy the article, especially the photos of the trip. With the club calendar being impacted by the current COVID-19 restrictions it is likely that we won’t have much to report on next month, apart from some committee minutes and hopefully a bulging trip and social calendar. We might have to delve into the club archive and find an interesting trip report to reprint. Don’t forget to contact me if you have any photos or videos from our recent club trips so that they can be shared with other club members through our magazine, our website or our Facebook page. Damian Stock The deadline for submissions for the next edition is:

Friday, August 14th, 2020 7

TREASURER’S REPORT JUNE 2020 Date 01-06-20




Opening Balance as at 1 June 2020

Balance $3,352.12

Income: 18-06-20

Tom Morley Membership fees (new)



Volks-Baru Advertising Fees 2020



P. Landouris 20-21 Member fees



M Foot Trip Fees Toolangi


Total Income



Expenses: 12-06-20

Sth Camberwell Tennis Club Hall Hire July to Dec 2019


Optus Monthly Sat phone service fee


Reimburse Bev Davison Inv. UN06802 Club Clothing


Reimburse D. Stock - Strathfieldsaye Estate Donation

180.00 15.00 355.26 50

M Foot Printing & Postage


Total Expenses


Closing Balance as at 30 June 2020


Angela Bombardieri Treasurer, e:


TRIP AND SOCIAL Full details and bookings for trips are on the website. In this COVID19 environment, trips after the lockdown period may again be restricted in participant numbers. While the club practice has not been to limit convoy numbers, in the current environment I would suggest you book early as once the vehicle limit is reached, no further bookings can be accepted.

Tim Folliard, Trip & Social Coordinator e:

Snow Trip Postponed to Saturday or Sunday late August (not the date on the website) . Day trip possibly Mt Matlock area. Register online and you will be emailed in the week before the trip if conditions look good, Standard: Medium (as far as we can get without chains)

Northern Flinders Ranges Martin's long outback touring trip is dependent on S.A. border restrictions. Postponed to 18 to 31 July 2021 Classic Flinders Ranges trip. Expressions of interest by booking in the website

Border Track Remote Touring Still scheduled for 4 to 9 October 2020 (S.A. border dependent) Sand dunes, desert camping Standard: Medium (sand)

With the current restrictions I have not scheduled any further trip dates. Watch the website once restrictions lift. I have a few planned out, Otways inland from Apollo Bay in the summer, return to Toolangi day trip (more difficult tracks on the western end) and rescheduling the Mt Cole weekend (maybe Cup Weekend with the Pyrenees). As always, looking for trip plans from any member and it need not be a 4WD trip (photography, bush walk, wine tasting, bike trail). Tim at the “Big Tree�, Toolangi trip


VENUE REPORT This month we anticipate holding a ‘Zoom’ online meeting at the same time as our scheduled General Meeting, Tuesday, July 28th. This will be a social get-together rather than a formal meeting. More info on page 7. Mark Tyssen Venue Coordinator

Wirrawilla Forest Walk, Toolangi trip

FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA TRAINING CALENDAR FOR 2020 - UPCOMING PROFICIENCY COURSES: The association’s training courses have been postponed until the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. Course details will be available on the association web site, as below, when they become available again. Member Price is $220.00 Contact:

Four Wheel Drive Victoria, RTO: 21605 Ph: 03 9874 7222, Web:


TRIP REPORTS Toolangi Mid-Winter Day Trip Sunday, 28 June, 2020. It was a cold but fine morning when we gathered at Yarra Glen for the short trip up the Melba Hwy to Dixons Creek and a right turn into the Old Toolangi-Dixons Creek Rd. This dirt road took us into Spraggs Rd just before Toolangi township. From there we turned into Blowhard Rd to air down and the tracks began. Blowhard Rd crosses the forest to the east eventually ending up on Sylvia Creek Rd and our morning destination Wirrawilla Rainforest Walk. This short walk along boardwalks follows part of Sylvia Creek which runs into the Yea, the Goulburn and eventually the Murray River.

Part of the convoy entering the forest

From there it was north into Kalatha Rd to the Kalatha Giant tree. Kalatha Rd continued on uneventfully through to forest until a point where it runs close to the Murrindindi River. All the rivers and creeks were running fast and clear today. Two kilometres from our lunch site in the Murrindindi Reserve we came upon some wetter sections of the track and the first of two bog holes. The first we crossed easily enough.

The second bog hole warranted a stop and inspection and supplied most of the photos for this report. The centre track was full of water and the exit steep and slippery and about a metre to climb. The right was relatively flat and dry but sections seemed a bit too narrow with trees to the right and a large hole to the left. The right was rutted and muddy but seemed the best go. I went first to the left but ultimately lost traction, front diff buried, alternate wheels spinning. Maxx tracks out, some shovel work but still no movement. Another group approached with a few heavily

And from the drone. Airing down 11

TRIP REPORTS CONT. modified Nissan Patrols and took the centre track. Patrol 1 had a couple of attempts but the best was lifting the front wheels out of the hole with steam and smoke blanketing the area. Winch in action and eventually clear. Then a quick snatch and I was free. Great thing about 4WDers on the track, happy to help each other out then hang around taking a video of everything that moves. Hopefully with images of a range of Subarus getting through as easily as an Isuzu, Ranger and Hilux now wisely avoiding the centre bog. Patrol 2 into the bog and not much better. This time the winch rope snapped. Guys were very well practiced at getting the winch going but a bit too quick for all the photographers to clear out. Luckily no harm done. Next up Hilux 3 eventually towed through. The rest of the convoy slugged it through the left side. A series of maxx tracks through the worst of it, the Subies all slipped, slid and bounced through the mud and all emerged unaided on the other side. Even the XV recently shod in aggressive AT tyres.

Tim stuck in the mud

Late lunch at the Cascades picnic area then north on Murrindindi Rd as far as the Suspension Bridge where after a short walk across the river we farewelled Erica. There are several well set up camping areas along the river filed away for future reference.

With plans to exit the forest in daylight we followed Marginal Rd back to the Melba Hwy at Glenburn, airing up before the return home. There were a lot of tracks heading off Marginal Rd well worth exploring in warmer conditions and earlier in the day, although Rick followed by Peter K climbed a particularly wet and rutted track for a few hundred metres before returning to the group. Plenty to do in this area so close to Melbourne with surprisingly few gated tracks. Main access roads all in very good condition. Well worth a return visit.

Martin making progress through the mud 12

TRIP REPORTS CONT. Drivers and their Vehicles:

Tim F

Land Cruiser


Subaru L series



Peter K


Daryl C

Subaru XV


Forester Diesel

Matt E


Angelo (visitor)

Ford Ranger

Winch time. Not one of our group, but demonstrating the difficulty of exiting the bog hole.

The more difficult exit. Awaiting assistance 13


Peter K gets the Outback through

Rick “gently does it” Koster 14

MINUTES Committee Meeting Minutes (abridged) Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. held online on Tuesday, 14 July 2020, commencing at 7:45pm, using Webex conferencing software .

1. Present: Mark Tyssen, Martin Foot, Tim Folliard, Angela Bombardieri 2. Apologies: Nil. 3. Visitors: Damian Stock (in part). 4. Quorum: A quorum was achieved with all committee members present. Mark was experiencing some audio difficulties during the meeting, but Angela was able to relay his comments via phone connection to the others. 5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 5.1 Minutes of the meeting of Committee members held on 2 June 2020 were accepted as a true record without amendment. Moved Mark, seconded by Angela, CARRIED . 5.2 Business Arising from the Minutes: 5.2.1 (6.3.2) David Rankine: Mark has purchased all items on offer from David. Any items he does not require will be offered to members FTGH. 6. Correspondence 6.1 In via Post Box: cleared 14/7 Bendigo Bank - investment account statement to June via email: FWDV: 10, 11/6 Alison Mclaughlin – reminder re Liability Insurance Questionnaire & Matrix and confirmation of receipt 19/6 Alison Mclaughlin – re BlazeAid, assistance requested Orbost area 22/6 David Crainean (Secretary) – advice re ARMA 24/6 Alison Mclaughlin – advice re corona virus restrictions 24/6 Alison Mclaughlin – Mt. Skene permits closed for July 1/7 Alison Mclaughlin – 2021 affiliation form / letter 8/7 Wayne Hevey – Mt. Skene scheme cancelled for 2020 General: 4/6, 4/7 6/6 8, 23/6 Council 20/6 22/6 22/6 30/6 30/6 30/6

S4WDCWA – June, July magazine links Pajero Club of Vic – Exceed magazine May-June Roger Church, CSTC – updating tenants of hall re coronavirus restrictions and passing on advice re hall access Hawthorn West Baptist Church – response to enquiry re hall hire Patrick Delcourt – help to contact John Bailey of Volksbaru Planett Pty Ltd – quote for club clothing Bendigo Bank – Statement available S4WDCSA – July Bullsheet magazine Nissan Club of Vic magazine 15

1/7 1-3/7

Enthusiast Motor – re premiere of streaming video “Sunday Driver” LRCOV – proficiency training for their members received in error and response

10/6 14/6 20/6 25/6 25/6 29/6 30/6 3/7 11/7 various

Alison McLaughlin, FWDV (MF) – sending completed Liability Insurance questionnaire Membership (TF) – New trips posted on website Hawthorn West Baptist Church (MF) – enquiry re hall hire Membership (MF) – June meeting cancelled Membership (TF) – New trip notification – Mt Cole Membership (MF) - June magazine distribution Advertisers, 4WD clubs (MF) – June magazine link LRCOV (MF) – proficiency training mail received in error Committee (MF) – Notice and Agenda for Meeting 14 July Responses to enquiries re membership and trips (MF, TF)

6.2 Out:

6.3 Business Arising 6.3.1

Alison Mclaughlin, FWDV – 2021 affiliation form. ACTION: Martin to complete and forward to FWDV.


Roger Church – availability of CSTC. Martin had spoken with Roger regarding access restrictions still applying and clarified that any decision by S4WDCV not to resume meetings during the restrictions would not result in cancellation of tenancy.


ARMA: Invitation to join. The advice from David Crainean of FWDV has been circulated. No further action is intended.

7. Reports 7.1 Resources Bev has ordered the club clothing items and been reimbursed. Once these arrive, and while trips and meetings are suspended, the club will hold on to items. Distribution to individuals will occur when opportunities arise and no monies will be required from members in the meantime. ACTION: Martin to inform Bev. 7.2 Trip and Social. Successful trip to Toolangi State Forest on 28 June. Thanks to TL Tim for organising. With resumption of Stage 3 pandemic restrictions through July and August, no trips are permissible. As a result planned trips have been postponed or suspended indefinitely. Mt Cole trip: was to be held 18,19 July, now suspended. Possible Cup Day LWE trip. ACTION: Tim Snow day trip to Mt Matlock now postponed until late August at the earliest. May be a “mud trip” at that stage! ACTION: Tim. Border Track: rescheduled to 4-9 October, subject to border and lockdown restrictions being lifted. Alternatives within Victoria to be considered. ACTION: Tim North Flinders Ranges Trip has been postponed until 18 – 31 July 2021. However, EOIs and suggestions welcome. ACTION: Martin. [carried over] Nick and Deb’s overnight trip from Marysville to Walhalla postponed until later in the year. ACTION: Tim to liaise with Nick and Deb. [carried over] Martin proposed a day social drive along the Grand Ridge Road returning via the South Gippsland Hwy. Not yet scheduled. ACTION: Martin. [carried over] Bike Trip has not yet been scheduled. May be better later in the year? ACTION: Mark to advise further. [carried over] Angela suggested a Show and Tell day, where members could inspect each other’s vehicles and exchange information about useful upgrades. Martin commented that his might be 16

achieved by rescheduling David Wilson’s offer of a meeting venue, once the pandemic is over. For further discussion . 7.3 Venue July, August General Meetings: No prospect of holding a July meeting due to Stage 3 restrictions in place. An online meeting using Zoom software was proposed (Angela has access to a paid account without time limits). Following discussion, Tim proposed the meeting be held in the normal August timeslot (Tuesday 25th at 7:45pm for 8pm) with the intention of setting the annual fees (assuming face -to-face meetings are still not permissible at that stage). The business meeting would be kept short and followed by general social chat. Angela would host with Julie’s technical assistance and Mark and Martin would officiate as normal. To be confirmed. 7.4 Membership: Membership Applications: Matthew Eggleston had attended Lerderderg and Toolangi trips. After discussion, it was agreed as follows: MOTION: That Matthew Eggleston be admitted to membership of the club. Moved Martin, seconded Tim, CARRIED Tom Morley has not attended any club trips, but has 4WD experience and drives an off-road ready Forester. He has already paid full fees at the 2109/20 rates. After discussion, it was agreed as follows: MOTION: That Tom Morley be admitted to membership of the club. Moved Tim, seconded Martin, CARRIED Proposed Fees 2020/21: It was noted that FWDV has set a discounted rate for 2020/21 levy to $30 from $52, including insurance. As a result, total club fees can also reduce. MOTION: That it be recommended to members that the total club fees for 2020/21, including the FWDV levy, be $65 (Single) and $75 (Joint/Family) with a $5 reduction on each for Seniors. Moved: Angela, seconded Tim, CARRIED. ACTION: this recommendation to be conveyed to members, prior to a meeting being convened at which a valid vote is achievable. ACTION: Martin. 7.5 Editor: Damian Stock joined the meeting for this item. Next magazine. It was confirmed that the next magazine would be published on the normal date in July. Deadline is 17th. ACTION: Committee (reports). There may not be enough material for an August edition, however, to be confirmed. Social media: Pictures of recent trips are now appearing on Facebook, thanks to Damian and contributors. Meanwhile it has been raised the club has an inactive Instagram account. If so who has control of it? ACTION: Martin to enquire of the previous Committee. [carried over] Advertising: Martin yet to discuss advertising with Subaxtreme. Mark yet to investigate possible advertising with wreckers: Subaru Heaven, Subabits, SubaRoos Burwood. [carried over] Magazine format. A suggestion has been put by a member that the magazine adopt a new paperless format more suitable for hand-held devices and that she would be prepared to do some work on this. ACTION: Martin to follow up and suggest that a proposal be put to Committee for consideration. [on hold] 7.6 Treasurer Bank Balance: $3,151.50. Investment account balance: $8,207.48 (matures in October). Recent Transactions: Income: Sponsorship/advertising received from Volksbaru ($280). Membership fees received from P. Landouris (renewal $95), M. Kearney ($15 Joining Fee), Tom Morley ($100 fees, inc Joining Fee) and 5 trip memberships totaling $75 from the Toolangi trip. Expenses: M. Foot for magazine and website expenses ($165.36). Angela Stock for donation to Strathfieldsaye Homestead ($50). Reimbursement to Bev Davison for club clothing ($355.26). 17

Camberwell South Tennis Club – hall hire to 30 June ($180). Claims for re-imbursement yet to be lodged: Engraving of club awards (~$180) – Mark Meat for club BBQs (~$160) – Mark Angela requested that these claims be made ASAP. ACTION: Mark [carried over] Asset list: It was noted that the following items were removed from the CSTC for safekeeping by Mark during the pandemic: Projector and screen CB radios x 2 Cashbox (with $200 float) The satellite phone is with Tim. 7.7 Secretary Annual Report 2019-20: Martin has commenced work on this and needs reports from President; VicePresident; Trip & Social and Treasurer. No deadline set pending the AGM date being determined. A statement of sale items in hand is required, but this may have to be deduced from sales records rather than a stocktake due to access restrictions at CSTC. ACTION: Committee (reports) [carried over] AGM: It may need to be delayed from the usual August date, depending on pandemic restrictions. If so, it can be held legally as late as November. There was general agreement that it should be held with the second general meeting of 2020/21 (providing that occurs by November) 7.8 Vice-President Tim noted that the Discussion Forum on the website has been slow in take-up by members, despite regular postings by a few people. 7.9 President Mark commented that Victoria might yet face Stage 4 restrictions before things ease off. 8. Priorities and Planning 8.1 By-Laws: No new activity to report since the last Committee meeting. [carried over] It was noted that the By-Laws would in time consist of the Trip section and other sections that are still being worked on. ACTIONS: Martin to continue to draft Code of Conduct section. Mark to continue to draft Roles and Responsibilities section. 9.General Business: There was no general business. 10. Next Meeting: Tuesday, 7 July 2020, at 7:30pm, online. ACTION: Mark to issue meeting invitations. As noted above, a special meeting of the Committee may be called mid-June should the government ease restrictions sufficiently to consider a general meeting on 30th June. 11. Meeting closed at 10:05pm.


BUY IT AND SELL IT HERE Please note: If you have any items listed here for sale which are no longer available please remember to let us know at:

Items for sale Item: Forester aluminium bash plates Details: Made from 6.0 mm construction grade aluminium SF Forester $350 SG & SH Forester $380 SJ Forester $420 CVT & Gearbox Protection $380 Outback & Diesel Vehicles $420 Fitting can be arranged. 10% discount for Subaru Club members. Please contact David via TXT after hours Road less Travelled - Vehicle under body protection 0429 942 724 Item: Old Subaru Parts I have lots of Subaru parts for older models. They are too good to throw out! Please call me on 0414 532024 or email (may not work) - Michael Scott (ex-club member) Subaru Forester GT 2000, silver, soft cloth interior. Good/Very Good condition throughout. Mechanically sound but requires (loving) work. 433,000 Km. Selling unregistered/no roadworthy. Vin No. JF2SF5KD31GO51602. $2000. Contact: Rob, 0418 798 690, or email: === The Club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. PLEASE NOTE: that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1988-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered.


TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards.

Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received.

Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader Two rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t) Rated snatch strap Recovery points, front & rear; plus, optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design; UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio. Ideally in car but hand held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last the trip. 1. Fire extinguisher, accessible to the driver 2. Spare tyre (full size) 3. Jack and wheel brace, or equivalent 4. Emergency supplies (matches, food, water and clothing) 5. Sufficient fuel, oil and water for the trip and delays 6. A tyre pressure gauge; compressor (according to the trip) 7. An axe, bow or chain saw; 8. A sturdy shovel (collapsible shovels are no good) 9. Spare parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip) 10. A tool kit 11. Personal first aid kit 12. Your vehicle manual

Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies. 20

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