Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria - July 2021 magazine

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July 2021 (Issue 482)

Rick guiding Keong and Anya down a tricky descent in the Cobaw State Forest (May 2021)

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Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A—0006149J / FWDV Member

Mailing address: c/- 24 Hill Street, Hawthorn, VIC, 3122 NB: Our Mt Waverley P O Box has closed

ABOUT THE CLUB The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 40 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities.

The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. The fees for 2021/22 were set by members at the General Meeting in April 2021 and are as follows: MEMBERS RATES Single: $85 (Senior card - $80) Joint/Family: $95 (Senior card - $90) (Note: these are annual rates. New members joining mid-year pay pro-rata) One off joining fee of $15 ($30 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $30 These fees are based on an electronic newsletter distribution only. Requests for a hard copy magazine will be considered by the Committee. NON-MEMBER TRIP FEE A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes). This is a one-off charge and may be offset if the visitor later joins the club. Please contact the membership officer with any enquiries. Email:


COMMITTEE President: Mark Tyssen Vice President and FWDV Delegate: Tim Folliard Secretary: Martin Foot Treasurer: Angela Bombardieri Membership: Erica Auld Trip & Social: Tim Folliard Venue coordinator: Mark Tyssen Editor (acting): Martin Foot Community Manager: Peter Kakalias Ordinary Member: Nicholas Leask Off-Committee: Resources: Bev Davison


PRESIDENT’S REPORT Writing a report earlier than in the standard time frame is a challenge, and so soon after the Committee Meeting. However, it’s nothing like the challenge faced by those club members and individuals (like Martin and Dot) who need to ‘accommodate’ in organising interstate trips during snap lockdown periods of COVID restrictions. In fact it’s the second one in a short time, the other being the Tim’s Border Track Trip in April. Well, despite all indications are that the North Flinders Ranges Trip would proceed, it didn’t. Due to the imposed five day snap lockdown on 16th July and a seven day extension to Tuesday 27th July, the trip has now been deferred to May 2022. Martin and Dot commenced planning this trip well over 17 months ago (as it was to run last year in 2020). The club expected the trip would go well, and to be thoroughly enjoyed by all, a reprieve from the woes we have all suffered. For those unsure of the area of the Flinders Ranges trip, see the accompanying map image: So the next trip we have coming up is a brief snow trip, now rescheduled to Sunday, 1st August. This will also be subject to Victorian COVID restrictions. August (22) also sees the Bike Ride that I will be running along a small section Warburton Rail Trail. This is going ahead, subject to COVID restrictions, so please indicate your desire to tour at a slower pace the area of Yarra Valley via the Member’s Portal on the Club website. More details at July General Meeting, as I will be pre-tripping beforehand to see for any BBQ facilities etc. at the park or along the route. August (31) we will hold our AGM. We anticipate face to face. As a Committee, even with COVID restrictions, we have accomplished quite a lot, long term strategic planning, and setting the stage to implement a portion of those plans, some of which were discussed at the last two General Meetings: involvement of distant members at general meetings; social media platforms communications; and more recently, putting together a formal policy for the VicRoads Club Permit Scheme. All to be discussed, and be considered as additions to our By-Laws. Till later, Stick to the track, and Stay Safe, Mark Tyssen President 4

VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT Looking through some car reports I noticed the new 300 Landcruiser, with its' hot vee twin turbo 6, has launched (after a 15 year run of the previous model). It is for sale even if there is no stock to take home. On the less expensive scale, there were also two new Chinese brand 4WDs, Big Dog and Tank being tested. Are you an early adopter who would take on a new brand, even if some of the major components are licensed from well known brands? Would you buy a new model from a well known brand with an engine far more technically advanced but with a design that for other brands has not been considered reliable? The long reported demise of the Cruiser V8 (still retained in the ute for now) has caused a big rise in new sales and stock shortages from Japan has led to long delays in deliveries. Used prices up 50%, dealers offering $15K for people to sign vehicles back rather than take deliveries so they can resell them at even higher prices. Probably indicates the buyers of these type of vehicles are somewhat risk averse to getting something new, even if it looks better in the brochure, A recent U.S. report showed the Subaru Forester, Outback and XV models led their categories in owners buying the same model again, I wonder which member will buy the first Hybrid Subie? Tim Folliard Vice President, e:





Opening Balance at 1st June 2021

Balance $6,213.13

Income: Membership Fees


Resources (merchandise)


Total Income for month of May 2021



Expenses: 21/6/21

FWDV - affiliation fees


Optus Sat. phone monthly service fee


M. Foot - printing and postage Total Expenses for month of May 2021


$1,887.00 $15.00 84.27 $1,986.27

Closing Balance @ 30 April 2021


Term Deposit rolled over for three months maturing 10 September 2021


Angela Bombardieri Treasurer, e:


TRIP AND SOCIAL More details on these trips can be found in the Club Website under proposed trips. It is easy to add your name to trip bookings. Alternatively, you can still email, or contact the trip leader directly, to register for a trip or to propose a new one.

Snow Day Trip - Trip full When: Now Looking at Sunday 1 August - final date to be advised to those who have booked - COVID and snow forecast dependant. Rating: Medium - as far as we can go in the snow. Location: Yarra Ranges area around Marysville. Contact: Tim Folliard e:

Bike Ride - Bookings open When: (rescheduled to) 22 August Rating: Easy/Social Where: Warburton Rail Trail Contact: Mark Tyssen, e:

Grand Ridge Road Day Trip - Bookings open When: Sunday, 12 September Rating: Easy / Social (2WD OK) Details: Starting at Yarragon, up into the ranges to Mirboo North for lunch, westerly along Grand Ridge Road turning off at McDonalds Track and taking backroads into Warragul. Contact: Martin Foot, e:

Little Desert and Mt Arapiles Trip - Bookings open When: October 30 - November 2 (Melbourne Cup long weekend) Rating: Medium - (sand). Details: May book campsite near Dimboola on the Wimmera River as base. Contact: Tim Folliard: e:

Big River/Mt Terrible Trip - Bookings open When: 29, 30 January 2022 (Australia Day falls on a Wednesday, so this is a weekend trip with an option to extend). Rating: Medium - (in dry).

Camerons Corner - Early Bookings open When: 7 - 22 October 2022 Rating: TBA. Contact: Peter Kakalias, e:

FUTURE TRIPS (in planning) Subaru 4WD Club - 45th Birthday - Bookings opening soon When: likely 23 October - please reserve the date! Details: Afternoon catch-up, followed by dinner

Rating: Social Cost: TBC, not expensive Venue: likely a hall in Wantirna, TBC

North Flinders Ranges Touring Trip - will be rescheduled to 2022 due to lockdown. When: tentatively 15 - 28 May 2022 Contact: Martin Foot, e: Details: A long Touring trip. Trailers OK.

Rating: Easy/Medium

As always, get onto the website to book trips and further information and also the discussion forum.. It is a great resource. 6

TRIP AND SOCIAL (CONT.) I am always seeking trip ideas and trip leaders. You do not have to be the lead vehicle up the unknown track to be a trip leader, just put the planning together, work out the route and camping arrangements. Tim Folliard, Trip & Social Coordinator e:

SECRETARY’S REPORT New By-Law: Social Media Policy As reported in the June magazine, the club is conducting a review of Marketing, Branding and Communication and has developed a strategy to position us more pro-actively into the Social Media space. Part of this involves a more collaborative approach, including direct posting by members and other registered users to the club’s Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other social media assets and tools. To provide guidelines for use, the Committee, at its July 2021 meeting, adopted a new Social Media Policy. This policy has been enacted as a By-Law of the club under Rule 79 of the Constitution. As such, it is binding on members and any other person who may register with us to post on our social media. It is intended to provide a structure for this to happen safely and appropriately. The Social Media Policy is available as an appendix to the Constitution, (see pages 33 onwards): 2020210706.pdf?dl=0

Appointment of Community Manager The implementation of the Policy and the structures to enable it will be overseen by the Committee and supervised on a day-to-day basis by a new role position in the club, the Community Manager. Here, “community” refers to the broader community of people interacting via the Internet, with a common interest in 4WD-ing, Subarus, soft-roaders, etc, etc.. Peter Kakalias has been nominated and has accepted the appointment as the club’s first Community Manager. He can be reached via the email One of Peter’s early tasks will be to create a closed Facebook group that members and others will be able to join via a registration process. More information in due course. Martin Foot Secretary e: 7

VENUE REPORT JULY GENERAL MEETING Now as Zoom only due to imposed restrictions. DATE:

Tuesday, July 27 at 8pm.

VENUE: We did intend to conduct the next General Meeting at the South Camberwell Tennis Club, be it with a reduced number of attendees available. Some were to be on the Flinders Ranges Trip - now deferred to May 2022. Unfortunately, it will now have to be a purely Zoom meeting.


Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 884 8726 4321

PRESENTATION: If video from recent trips can be provided on the night, or indicated earlier to me, we can show highlights via Zoom. Mark Tyssen Venue Coordinator

GENERAL MEETING NOTICE The Agenda for members’ meetings is as follows: Welcome of members and visitors. Review and acceptance of previous general meeting’s minutes. Correspondence. Reports by various office bearers. Other business as mentioned below. General business raised by members. “Fines and Fun” – including brief summaries of recent trips. Guest speaker or presentation. Supper and networking. Details of the next few general meetings are as per the schedule below:



Guest Speaker/Presentation

Other Business

Tues 27 July

South Camberwell Tennis Club

Videos of recent trips


Tues 31 August

South Camberwell Tennis Club


Annual General Meeting

Tues 28 September

South Camberwell Tennis Club



Tues 26 October

South Camberwell Tennis Club









Snow Trip

1 August

Tim Folliard


Bike Trip

22 August

Mark Tyssen


Grand Ridge Road Day Trip

12 September

Martin Foot & Dot Greiveson

Easy / Social

45th Birthday Celebration

23 October

Sub-Committee, contact Mark


Melbourne Cup Long Weekend

Tim Folliard

Medium (sand)

likely in Wantirna

Little Desert and Mt Arapilies

EDITOR’S NOTE Thanks to all contributors to the July magazine. The deadline for submissions for the next edition is:

Friday, August 20, 2021 Email editor: We are looking for a replacement for Martin as magazine editor, maybe to start after the AGM in August? If this could be you, why not get in touch with him and discuss. The format of the magazine and the method of production is under review as part of the club’s Marketing, Branding and Commmunication strategy.



Notice is hereby given to members that the Annual General Meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc., will be held on Tuesday, 31 August, 2021 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club rooms, 322 Burke Road, Glen Iris, commencing after the finish of the August 2021 General Meeting. Members may also choose to attend via the use of teleconferencing software (eg Zoom). A link will be provided closer to the day. The AGM and the General Meeting proceeding it will share the same link. Order of business will include: 1.

Confirmation of the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting.


Presentation of the 2021 Annual Report.


Presentation of 2021 Annual Financial Statement.


General Business.


Election of officers of the club and ordinary members of the committee.

Nominations for committee positions should be submitted to the club secretary by no later than 7 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. However, on the day, nominations for committee positions will be accepted from the floor of the meeting. Special Resolutions: If a member wishes to bring an item of business to the Annual General Meeting that requires a special resolution, 21 days written notice of the special resolution must be given to all club members. Martin Foot Secretary e:


FWDV NEWS RTO: 21605 6/27 Thornton Cres Mitcham 3132 PO Box 292 Mitcham 3132 Ph: 03 9874 7222 Email: Pic from the FWDV website, ex Pajero Club of Vic.

Website: Facebook: YouTube:

FWDV News The July edition of FWDV has recently been issued and can be downloaded here: Matters discussed include: Mt. Skene Permits Volunteer hours Seasonal Road Closures are in Effect High Resolution Photos for Media Use Closed Facebook Group Four Wheel Drive Victoria Social Media

Member Survey FWDV have prepared a survey of club members to obtain feedback on how they are doing their job and what could be done differently to improve the service. Responses close 23 July. For more details visit the website:

First Aid Course FWDV have a one day first aid course scheduled for Saturday 28th August, 2021. Location: St Simons School Hall, Rowville or Wellness on Wellington, Rowville Time: 9:00am for 9:30am start Cost: Level 2 = $95.00; CPR only = $55.00 Please call the FWDV office directly if you would like to attend. Places are limited. 11

MINUTES Committee Meeting Minutes (abridged) Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. held online on Tuesday, 6 July 2021, commencing at 8:05pm approximately, using Zoom conferencing software. Present: Mark Tyssen, Tim Folliard, Martin Foot, Angela Bombardieri, Erica Auld, Nicholas Leask, Peter Kakalias Apologies: Nil. Visitors: Nil. Quorum: A quorum was achieved with all members present. Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes of the meeting of Committee held on 8 June 2021 were accepted as a true record without amendment. Moved Erica, seconded by Angela, CARRIED. Business Arising from the Minutes: Nil. Correspondence In: FWDV: 16/6 17/6 25/6 5/7

Daniel Whitby (Projects) – June E-News Daniel Whitby (Projects) – Gippsland Area Assistance Trips Wayne Hevey (CEO) – Central West investigation (VEAC) Alison McLaughlin (Office Manager) – Club Member Survey reminder

General: 10/6 16/6 28/6 30/6 30/6 30/6

Various membership and club permit scheme enquiries Unsealed 4x4 – 4x4 of the Year competition Pajero Club – latest magazine James Graham – query 4WD-ing in an AWD CVT Bendigo Bank – Statement now available S4WDCSA – “Bullsheet” magazine S4WDCWA – magazine

10/6 21/6 25/6 28/6 5/7

Certain members (EA) – reminder re overdue fees Alison McLaughlin, FWDV (AB) – Affiliation Renewal documents Members – Notice of June GM online only, magazine and FWDV E-News James Graham (EA) – re query 4WD-ing in an AWD CVT Members (MF) – FWDV Club member survey closing 23/7


Business Arising: Daniel Ho: VicRoads response to XV suspension lift query. It was agreed that this was essentially personal advice to Daniel regarding his car in particular and shouldn’t be taken as a general statement of VicRoads policy. Others would need to make their own enquiries if they were concerned. However it is a matter of general interest to members. ACTION: Martin to discuss with Daniel whether the correspondence might be reprinted in the magazine. Club Permit Scheme correspondence (several). There has been a number of enquiries about CPS 12

in the last several months. Erica suggested that we need a policy on who can get a club permit and what they need to do to comply. Proposed conditions were discussed, including that an applicant must have been a member for at least 6 months; they must have attended at least two events in that time (club meetings or trips or both); they must undertake to bring the vehicle to at least two events each year on-going (subject to their personal circumstances, such as location, health, etc). ACTION: Erica to draft a policy for discussion at the next Committee Meeting. Marketing, Branding and Communications Strategy During the month, the sub-committee had met to revise the Community Manager documentation that had been discussed at length at the June Committee meeting. There was a discussion concerning the protocols around allowing non-members to post on club social media. Nick confirmed that with respect to Facebook, a private group would be created requiring registration and sign-in. Non-members would be required to answer a short questionnaire and agree to comply with the social media policy. The Community Manager and/or delegates would moderate the group. Those consistently not complying with the policy and having been warned may be denied further access. Martin explained that for the draft policy documentation to be binding on members, it would have to be couched as a By-Law under Rule 79 of the Constitution. He proposed an introductory paragraph to precede the documentation to achieve this. With this addition, the Committee were generally accepting of the revisions and so the following Motion was put: That section C: Social Media Policy of the Community Manager documentation be adopted as a By-Law of the club, with immediate effect. Moved Nicholas, seconded Erica, CARRIED. ACTION: The By-Laws appendix to the Constitution to be updated and members informed accordingly. Peter Kakalias was proposed as (and agreed to appointment as) the Community Manager. Moved Martin, seconded Mark, CARRIED. ACTIONS: Peter to commence setup of the FB group as per the new By-Law. (As Peter is not intending to continue on Committee after the AGM, Nick agreed to liaise with Peter and provide a verbal report on social media at future Committee meetings.) Other actions under the MBC strategy include consideration of budget expenditure to allow: (a) purchase of teleconferencing equipment including camera(s), microphone(s) and a WiFi modem, so personal property is no longer needed at General Meetings. In addition, (b) expenditure on software licensing, etc will be required for future magazine production and maintaining a social media presence. Finally, (c) the costs of researching and developing a new branding for the club needs to be considered, but we are unlikely to be able to afford commercial prices. These matters were deferred pending further advice from the s/c to be considered at the next Committee meeting. Reports Resources: No Report. Bev continuing to manage clothing sales and orders. Trip and Social: There were no trips to report during June, due to COVID lockdown. North Flinders Ranges Trip: 18 – 31 July 2021. TLs Martin and Dot. Following several cancellations, current numbers are 7 vehicles and 9 attendees. The S.A. border is now open without restriction to Victorians. A final meeting of participants will be held on 11 June. Snow Trip. Dates dependant on suitable weather conditions, possibly 18 July. Currently 12 vehicles and 17 people registered. Daniel Ho had provided a suggested route to Tim for consideration, via Healesville, Narbethong, Mt. Margaret and Lake Mountain. 13

MINUTES Bike Trip, 22 August. TL Mark. Warburton Rail Trail (in part). Now posted on the website for bookings. Grand Ridge Road, 12 September. TLs Martin and Dot. Social trip on 2WD roads, starting at Yarragon and finishing at Warragul, lunch at Mirboo North. th 45 Birthday Celebrations: to be held on a weekend in mid October. Invitees will be limited to current members and their families and friends. The plan is for a Saturday lunch or dinner at a venue not too far from Melbourne, with an overnight accommodation option. Also, a day trip on the Saturday for those who are interested would finish at the dinner location. At the June GM, David Wilson and Damian Stock had volunteered to join the subcommittee. A meeting on the following Tuesday 13 July was proposed. ACTION: Martin to notify s/c members. Cup Day long weekend: Little Desert and Mt. Arapiles, with a base camp at Dimboola. TL Tim. Now open for bookings. Post Christmas Trip – Strathfieldsaye again? Or possibly the Davies Plain area beyond Omeo. Australia Day 2022, actually weekend of 29,30 January. Big River Cambarville base camp with day trips eg to Mt Terrible. Possible trips: Yarck to Euroa. Strathbogies? Dinner Plain. Samantha and Daniel had raised with Tim the possibility of an out-ofseason club event at the alpine club they are part of at Dinner Plain, as fees would be discounted. ACTION: Tim to liaise further with Sam and Daniel. Wombat State Park. No specific proposal. Venue: June General Meeting: This was held on the 29th entirely on Zoom, due to COVID concerns. 23 members attended. July General Meeting: Will be held on Tuesday, 27th at 8pm. Subject to any restrictions, the venue will be SCTC. ACTION: Mark and Committee Membership: Membership applications: There were no new applications for membership tabled for consideration. [carried over] While two applications for membership had been received (Dragic and Midgeley), neither has as yet attended a club meeting, so their applications were deferred. ACTION: Erica to monitor. Membership renewals: There are currently five non-financial members following membership renewal. Of these, two have indicated they are not renewing due to circumstances but may return in the future. The other three have not responded to reminder emails. Membership enquiries Some enquiries about membership have been received. Several of these have also enquired about club permits. ACTION: Erica to monitor Communications and Marketing: Magazine: The deadline for the July magazine was brought forward to the 9 th July, so Martin can complete it before his SA trip. 14

Social Media: (See item 7. above regarding the Marketing, Communications and Branding Review discussions.) [carried over] No updates to FB at present. Mark and Erica have volunteered to assist. ACTION: Angela to appoint Mark and Erica as administrators. Advertising: [carried over] Martin yet to discuss advertising with Subaxtreme. Mark yet to investigate possible advertising with wreckers: Subaru Heaven, Subabits, SubaRoos Burwood. Treasurer Bank Balances: $5,361 in the operational account. Investment account balance is $8,301.07 after being rolled over for 3 months on 10 June. Asset list [updated]: CB radios x 2 – are with Mark The satellite phone is with now with Martin for the North Flinders Trip The club’s marquee and pop-up tent is with Mark. Secretary: Notices for the AGM on 31 August were included in the June magazine and will be repeated in the July edition. The Annual Report preparation is now a priority. ACTION: individual reports to be forwarded to Martin by 10 August. Martin has circulated a copy of the 2020 report for reference. Martin reminded the Committee that he will be absent at the General Meeting on 27 July due to the Flinders Ranges trip. ACTION: Mark agreed to take the Minutes. Vice-President: No report. President: No report. Priorities and Planning Marketing, Branding and Communications sub-committee: (see item 7 above.) By-Laws A new By-Law will be included following adoption of the Social Media Policy (see item 7 above). ACTION: Martin [carried over]: Mark is near to completing his section on Roles and responsibilities, but is waiting for resolution of current discussions re the Editor and Community Manager (see item 7 above). [carried over]: Martin to continue to draft Code of Conduct section. A section on the operation of the Club Permit Scheme has also been proposed. ACTION: Erica to draft. General Business: Angela discussed her recent experiences with Eyesight expectantly in her Forester causing her to lose cruise control. Peter asked how long it had been since the club had been to Cameron Corner? He had been reading an account of the Moke club trip there. [See: Sec] Next Meeting: Martin requested the meeting be deferred until Tuesday, 10 August 2021, at 8:00pm via Zoom. Meeting closed at 10:10pm approximately.


MINUTES General Meeting Minutes The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held online via Zoom teleconferencing software starting at 8:15pm approximately. There was no face-to-face meeting, due to COVID-19 concerns. 1. Present: Angela Bombardieri, Martin Foot, Nathon Redden, Samantha Lee, Daniel Ho, Les Ralph, Peter Devine, Erica Auld, Peter Landouris, Mark Tyssen, Bev Davison, Andre King, Tim Folliard, Chris Balfour, Robert Townsend, Michael Bauer, Damian Stock, Andrew Jantke, Rick Koster, Deborah Leask, David Wilson, Peter Kakalias, Keong Yip 2. Apologies: Julie Dyer, Dot Greiveson, Nicholas Leask, Matt Eggleston, Phil and Elaine Milkins 3. Visitors: Cameron (“Rex”) and Susan Hinthcliffe (in part) 4. Quorum: A quorum was achieved with 23 members present. 5. Welcome: Mark welcomed members and visitors to the meeting. 6. Minutes of the Previous Meeting: 6.1 The Minutes of the general meeting held on 25 May 2021 had been circulated to members. The Minutes were adopted. Moved Damian Stock, seconded Mark Tyssen. CARRIED. 6.2 Business Arising: Nil. 6.3 Deb Leask queried part of the Committee Minutes of 10 June as published in the magazine: “Tim commented however that the vehicles / drivers were having problems with clearance and traction on tracks that were not really that hard. The club needs to monitor the ability of modern Subarus to cope with such conditions.” Deb felt this represented unfair assessment of the capability of “modern Subarus” and the ability to negotiate tricky terrain largely comes down to the experience and skill of the driver. Tim responded that he was referring to the vehicles’ limited gearing, articulation and clearance, making a medium track into a difficult one. Tim said he took the ratings from the published descriptions for the trips. Damian commented that the definition of “medium” and “difficult” for club trips should relate to the vehicles we typically drive. The debate was one of strong opinions and was left unresolved. 7. Correspondence: Recent correspondence has included: 7.1 In: FWDV Alison McLaughlin (Office Manager) – Affiliation Renewal 2021-22 Daniel Whitby (Projects) – June E-News Wayne Hevey (CEO) – Central West Investigation (VEAC) General Various membership enquiries and renewals Promotion received re “Gearshifter”, a new classic car and bike automobilia swap meet site Magazines from other clubs: S4WDCSA S4WDCWA Pajero Daniel Ho – forwarding VicRoads response to his enquiry re suspension lift for an XV 7.2 Outgoing Responses to above items as appropriate Members – membership renewal overdue reminder Members – Meeting arrangements 29 June, June magazine, E-News 16

8. Reports: 8.1 Resources: Bev Davison is available to discuss any clothing orders with members. If there is no stock in hand, individual orders, eg vests, will be placed on a waiting list until a minimum number of 10 is met (otherwise a surcharge applies for the logo). 8.2 Editor / Communications: Magazine: Martin thanked contributors to the June magazine, particularly Daniel for his trip report. The deadline for the next edition is 16 July, but may need to come forward, as Martin will be away on the North Flinders Ranges during the production period. ACTION: For discussion at Committee on 6 July. Social media: the work of the Marketing, Branding and Communications sub-committee was noted with thanks, including the proposal for a Community manager for social media and a social media policy. See magazine article and link. Meanwhile, there needs to be more activity on FB. 8.3 Trip & Social (Tim’s report) North Flinders Ranges trip (July 2021.) Now has two vacancies (contact TLs Martin and Dot). The trip is entirely subject to SA COVID border restrictions. Bike Trip – 21 or 22 August. TL Mark. Members indicated a preference for the Sunday. Not currently on the website. [since added – Sec.] Snow Trip – will be scheduled at short notice. Members should register and will be contacted a few days prior, depending on weather forecasts. Likely to be held around the Big River / Matlock area, but could be in the Upper Thomson/ Mt. St. Gwinear area. Daniel noted that the main Mt. BawBaw road had been closed the previous weekend and access to the area may need to be along South Face Road. 45th Birthday celebration event will be held in mid October. Will consist of a sit-down dinner and an optional trip beforehand. Will be held relatively close to Melbourne so people can return home not too late. Attendance will be restricted to current members and their families. A sub-committee has been formed to plan the event and has had its first meeting. David Wilson and Damian Stock volunteered to join the s/c. Little Desert / Mt. Arapiles Trip – Cup Day long weekend, based at Dimboola somewhere along the Wimmera River. Now on the website for bookings. Christmas Party, Post Christmas Trip – no plans as yet, possibly Omeo/NSW border region. Big River / Mt Terrible – late January 2022 (Australia Day falls on a Wednesday) Social Trips – members’ ideas and proposals for these requested. Martin and Dot to look at running a trip along the Grand Ridge Road in September. Possible day trip along the Murrindindi valley possibly ending at the Cheviot railway tunnel. 8.4 Venue: Meeting via video due to uncertainties about COVID. Mark mentioned that he had obtained some containers of Diesel Injector cleaner as door prizes. 8.5 Membership: Chris Balfour, Wendy Atkins and their sons James and Edwin are now members of the club. Chris and James were on the Cobaw SF trip in May. Chris has also become the first member in some years to have a vehicle (an L-series wagon) on the club permit scheme register. The membership affiliation return has been submitted to FWDV. Currently there are five non-financial members. 8.6 Secretary: The Annual General Meeting will be held on 31 August following the August club meeting. (See magazine for the formal notice). Martin will not be present to take the Minutes at the July General Meeting, as he will be leading the Northern Flinders Ranges trip and is unlikely to have reliable Internet. 17

MINUTES 8.7 Treasurer Current balance $5,219.88. A levy payment of $1,887 was made to FWDV as part of the affiliation return. Term deposit matured in June and has been rolled over for three months at 0.1% interest. Current balance is $8,301. 8.8 Vice-President: As per the magazine, for the V-P Report concerning wind damage and obstruction to forest tracks due to fallen trees. Currently, the Victorian Road Safety (Vehicles) regulations are under review, including the Club Permit Scheme. The most significant proposal for change is that to be eligible a vehicle must be at least 30 years old. 8.9 President: As per magazine. Mark wished the Northern Flinders ranges trip members well. 9. General Business: Damian commented that his 2013 Forester (SJ series) recently developed a shudder and noise in the front suspension/steering in the direct straight-ahead position at highway speeds around 100Kph. After some false leads, this was eventually traced to worn bushes in the front control arms. The damage was not at all obvious however on casual inspection. These bushes (inner and outer) have now been replaced, and his car is now tracking well as new. Angela has experienced in her 2009 Forester (SH series) the loss of cruise control accompanied by the screen message “Eyesight not functioning”. Damian mentioned that his 2013 Forester has taken to intermittently refusing to recognise his keys. Wondering about the location and condition of the sensors. Damian was asked about storm damage at his farm in Woodside North. Apart from loss of power, all was OK. Repairs held up, cattle OK. On a positive note, his dams are now full! Peter Kakalias was asked about his recent radiator leak that left him stranded in western Victoria while on a job. He commented that the hole was only the size of a pin and very hard to see. A new radiator has since been fitted. The dashboard warning light on late model Outbacks is not of much use in this sort of situation, and as another member added, the sensor needs to be in coolant to give a correct reading. He is looking at a suitable OBD-2 reader to give him accurate and continuous information. Tim commented that engine guards are sometimes not effective at protecting the radiator from below. There was a discussion on tyre pressure sensors. Daniel commented that in his opinion, the external ones (which he has on his XV) are not much use in off-road situations, because they measure pressure by letting out a small amount of air through the valve. Daniel asked if there was interest in investigating provision of a certified 4x4 course suitable for our vehicles. Angela and Erica both said they would be interested. ACTION: David Wilson will have words with his colleague “Jim”. 10. Fines and Fun: Badges: Nil. Last to Meeting: None. Trips: Cobaw SF Trip. Daniel as Trip Leader, was called for arriving late, just after the published starting time. (However, partner Samantha had been ill that morning, so all forgiven). The comment was made, “you don’t get fined if you’re startled by a deer”. 11. Presentation: No presentation. 12. Meeting closed at 10:15pm approximately. 13. Next meeting: Tuesday, 27 July at 8pm, at South Camberwell Tennis Club. 18

BUY IT AND SELL IT HERE Please note: If you have any items listed here for sale which are no longer available please remember to let us know at: Item: Forester aluminium bash plates Details: Made from 6.0 mm construction grade aluminium SF Forester $350 SG & SH Forester $380 SJ Forester $420 CVT & Gearbox Protection $380 Outback & Diesel Vehicles $420 Fitting can be arranged. 10% discount for Subaru Club members. Please contact David via TXT after hours Road less Travelled - Vehicle under body protection e: ===

“All packed but nowhere to go“ The Northern Flinders Ranges trip was to depart 18 July, but COVID lockdown put paid to that. Ah well, there’s always next year.


TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards.

Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received.

Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader Two rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t) Rated snatch strap Recovery points, front & rear; plus, optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design; UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio. Ideally in car but hand held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last the trip. 1. Fire extinguisher, accessible to the driver 2. Spare tyre (full size) 3. Jack and wheel brace, or equivalent 4. Emergency supplies (matches, food, water and clothing) 5. Sufficient fuel, oil and water for the trip and delays 6. A tyre pressure gauge; compressor (according to the trip) 7. An axe, bow or chain saw; 8. A sturdy shovel (collapsible shovels are no good) 9. Spare parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip) 10. A tool kit 11. Personal first aid kit 12. Your vehicle manual

Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies. 20

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