June 2014
Queen’s Birthday Licola Trip (ISSUE 404) Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J FWDV Member www.subaru4wdvic.com.au PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC. 3149
VOLKS-BARU SUBARU and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre
We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.
John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 Page: 2
INTRODUCTION TO THE SUBARU 4WD CLUB The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 30 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2013/14 year were agreed at the general meeting in April 2013 and are as follows: ● Interstate: $110 (Seniors card - $105) ● Single: $120 (Seniors card - $110) ● Joint/family: $140 - (Seniors card - $125). Joining Fee $10 ($20 for Joint/Family) (All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $47) A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further information regarding membership, including pro-rata and monthly rates.
South Camberwell Tennis Club 322 Burke Road Glen Iris (Melways 59 H6)
Last Tuesday of each month at 8:00pm sharp (except December)
COMMITTEE Meetings 1st Tuesday each month: 7:30pm Damian Stock president@subaru4wdvic.com.au (President) Jessica Walsh vice-president@subaru4wdvic.com.au (Vice President) Peter Bellis secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au (Secretary) Bob Marshall treasurer@subaru4wdvic.com.au (Treasurer) Martin Foot events@subaru4wdvic.com.au (OM: Trip & Social) Michael Hartshorne editor@subaru4wdvic.com. au (OM: Editor) Andrew Jantke mship@subaru4wdvic.com.au (OM: Membership) Dale Rebgetz resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au (OM: Resources) Stephen Whittaker venue@subaru4wdvic.com.au (OM: Venue) Doug Greenall (Ordinary Member) Phil Milkins (Ordinary Member)
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PRESIDENT’S REPORT Welcome to the June club magazine. I cannot believe that it is nearly twelve months since we were preparing for our Simpson Desert trip although a recent arrival in the mail, being a desert parks pass renewal, brought this fact home to me fairly quickly. It is actually a full twelve months since Angela and I were in California as part of our whirlwind trip to the USA and Ireland before I came home to a mad scramble in order to be ready for the Simpson Desert departure less than a week later. While we were in Ireland we met up with a number of Angela’s relatives including an eighteen year old second cousin, Aoife, who was planning on visiting Australia after she completed her high school studies. Aoife has recently visited us, during her backpacking trip around Australia and we were quite impressed by what she had achieved in her time here. Apart from a few months working in Brisbane, to build up her funds, Aoife has been able to travel as far north as Cairns and Darwin, as far west as Perth and Broome and then as far South East as our Woodside farm. This is a pretty good effort for someone whose travel companion pulled out of the trip a week before they were to leave Ireland. In between her east and west coast exploits Aoife travelled through the red center on a bus tour, sleeping under the stars, and, as a result getting to see some great parts of our country. A funny story from her trip was hearing that she had to pay a cleaning fee for the low cost rental vehicle that they drove from Perth to Darwin. The fee was imposed due to the fact that the car had obviously been driven off the bitumen; something that I thought would be expected between these two locations, if you really wanted to see anything. There is certainly something to be said for having plenty of time, and no set schedule, when traveling around our land, especially when you know that it will be a long time before you will get the chance to do the same trip again. After another month or so here, traveling back to Queensland and then onto Bali for a couple of weeks of sun-bathing, Aoife will head back to her first year of college at Edinburgh University. I hope that she takes back with her lots of great memories of our country. Last month I mentioned that Jessica was working on her club instructor accreditation. Since then Jess has successfully completed her practical and theory components so we can now all thank her for her efforts in achieving this on behalf of the club. We can also now enlist Jess to run a proficiency course on our behalf, after we decide how and where we should accomplish this. While we could run this course at the Werribee training facility, where the Page: 4
PRESIDENT’S REPORT association runs its courses, this would make the cost fairly high, making it not as compelling as we would like it to be. We would also like to make the course as focused as possible on our vehicles so we definitely want to select a location, or locations that suit the majority of the vehicles on the course. Watch this space for further developments. At last month’s meeting Jessica did a great presentation on the recommended equipment to carry on club trips. I must admit, after seeing this presentation, that it would be a struggle to fit everything on display into my current model Forester, while leaving room for the other things needed to enjoy a trip away. As a result we really need to think about the essentials that every vehicle should have on each trip and which items should be shared across the convoy. All vehicles should at least carry their own snatch strap and be prepared to use it in the event that their vehicle needs to be recovered. When it comes to shared resources we need to be fairly coordinated in this regard as it is easy to assume that someone else will have what we need in the event of a recovery or emergency situation. This includes club resources, such as the first aid kit, which will be generally under the control of the trip leader, and the club Tirfor winch. We also need to make sure that our recovery items are cleaned and inspected after use so that they are either replaced or ready for future use. Coming up in the next couple of months we have our annual, except for last year, Christmas in July social event, which is not to be missed, followed by our special club meeting at the Ringwood Technical Trade Centre. This will be a great opportunity for those of us mechanically minded, to take a closer look at our vehicles to see how our exploits in the bush have treated them. A BBQ will start the evening, in the warmth and comfort of the workshop. A comfortable meeting room will also be available for those who are not interested in the workshop. In August we have our annual general meeting and club elections so think about maybe joining the committee if you want to help run this madhouse. You will be welcomed with open arms by the rest of the team and will find it to be a very rewarding experience. If you want to find out more about the committee then just approach one of the current members and I am sure that they will be happy to tell you all about it. Anyway that’s enough from me for this month. I look forward to seeing you all soon, wherever our paths might cross. Take care. Damian Page: 5
VENUE REPORT JUNE GENERAL MEETING Date: Tuesday 24 June at 8pm Venue: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris Door Prize: This month, our door prize for members will be a Dick Smith Home & In Car 7” Media Player – a fantastic prize (kindly donated by Jamie Scott – thanks Jamie!). Come along to be in the draw to win! Presentation: With so many trips recently, we’ll have a number of trip reports to run through for ‘fines and fun’. We’ll also watch a 6-minute video promoting our club that was recently uploaded to our Facebook page! NEXT MONTH’s SUBARU 4WD CLUB MEETING: JULY GENERAL MEETING – WORKSHOP, BBQ AND MEETING IN RINGWOOD Date: Tuesday 29 July… Workshop presentations from 6pm… Meeting starts at 8pm Venue: Ringwood Trade Training Facility: 3 Hill Street, Ringwood East What’s happening at this meeting: Thanks to David Wilson for arranging a visit to Ringwood Trade Training Facility for a workshop/ mechanical meeting. You’ll have the opportunity to put your vehicle up on the hoist and learn a little more about various parts and components (and inspect any knocks or bumps you may have had underneath recently!). 6pm – 8pm – place cars up on hoists, inspect vehicles, hear from expert mechanics and enjoy a BBQ 8pm – Meeting commences For those who aren’t interested in the mechanical side of things, the BBQ will be social and upstairs we’ll be showing videos of some of our trips from recent years. The meeting room is heated and very comfortable. It overlooks the workshop, so you can also watch the action from upstairs. It’s important to note that there are some stairs involved in getting up to the meeting room. We are very grateful for the time of the management of RTTF for the use of their facility and, as a result, we’re asking for a donation of just $5 per membership/visitor on the evening. Page: 6
TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT NOVICE NIGHT TRIP Date: Sat 21 June 2014 (option to stay over to Sunday 22 June) Trip Rating: Easy/Moderate (plus of course the social aspect). Description: Starting and ending at the Stock farm, on the CarrajungWoodside Road, Woodside North, the trip will involve a fun Navigation Run along local tracks. Experienced members are invited to pair with newer members as navigators and drivers, with the objective of imparting a degree of knowledge and experience in a not too challenging environment. Members are welcome from mid-afternoon. Catering: Dinner will be a BBQ (BYO meat and a salad/dessert to share). On Sunday morning, the Stocks will host a traditional bacon and eggs breakfast (gold coin donation appreciated). Limited accommodation is available in the house plus camping in tent or trailer is readily available nearby. Further novice training, in the way of some practical demonstrations and another drive, if time allows, will be conducted on the Sunday morning. Bring along a trailer, with or without chainsaw, if you want some free firewood. Maps: will be provided for the Navigation Run. Contact: Damian, email: president@subaru4wdvic.com.au. RSVP: Please let Damian know asap and definitely by mid-week prior, ie Wednesday 18, to allow for breakfast catering in particular. Check with him for directions to the farm if you've not been there before. CHRISTMAS IN JULY Date: Sat 19 July, Time: 6.00/6.30pm to be seated at 7:00pm Trip rating: Social Location: The home of Peter and Jean Bellis in Boronia Cost $25 per head. Meal will include roast beef, pork and chicken as well as roast vegetables, Page: 7
TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT followed by plum pudding or Peter’s Raspberry Cheese Cake. BYO drinks (but fruit punch and tea and coffee provided). Payment must be received by the June meeting (June 24th). Anyone who would like to arrive earlier in the afternoon to assist with food preparation, cooking, setting up or decorating the house would be more than welcome. If you would like to come, and haven’t yet put your name down, contact Jean at secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au to book your place.
LITTLE DESERT, BIG DESERT, WYPERFELD AND THE PINK LAKES TRIP Dates: Friday 31 October – Tuesday 4 November (Melbourne Cup Long Weekend) Trip Rating: Medium (to possibly Difficult) Trip Leader: Stephen Whittaker, email: venue@subaru4wdvic.com.au The Mallee region, in Victoria’s north-west, is a large and very special area of Victoria. Sand dunes, Mallee scrub, historic sites and lakes make this region unique. Starting at Mt Arapiles, we’ll head north through the Little Desert National Park to Dimboola, then on to Lake Hindmarsh. From here, we’ll head through the centre of the Big Desert and through Wyperfeld National Park visiting Chinaman’s Well, Milmed Rock and Lake Albacutya. We’ll then head north towards Underbool via Wirrengren Plain. Finally, we’ll visit the beautiful Pink Lakes on the southern side of MurraySunset National Park. This will be a fast-moving trip and challenging in spots with some deep, soft sand expected. Trip rating is medium, with the possibility of some difficult sections. The plans for this moving trip, at this stage, are: Friday 31st November: Arrive Mt Arapiles Camping Ground – anytime you can/like. Saturday 1st November: BIG DAY – Mt Arapiles – through the Little Desert to Dimboola, then north to the Big Desert and Lake Hindmarsh – camp at Lake Hindmarsh or track-side camp in Wyperfeld National Park (along Chinaman’s Well Track).
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TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT Sunday 2nd November: BIG DAY – Chinaman’s Well, Milmed Rock, Lake Albacutya. Camp near Wirrengren Plain. Monday 3rd November: Wirrengren Plain to the Pink Lakes via Underbool. Tuesday 4th November: Head home. OTHER TRIPS Note that we currently have no vehicle trips planned for July through October! Obviously, annual track closures don’t make it any easier. Nevertheless, we’re a 4WD car club, so members, please put your thinking caps on and contact me with your trip proposals, which could include touring and navigation runs. Possible locations include: ● ● ● ● ●
Cathedral Range Strathbogies Brisbane Ranges Murray River Regional Park (NSW) and Barmah State Forest (Vic) Lake Thomson Round Trip
Maybe some Bike trips, eg Warburton Rail Trail Launching Place to Cog Café Warburton Also, we need more social events, such as: ● Melbourne Laneways ● A Picnic at Hanging Rock ● Queenscliff Blues Train ● Puffing Billy Dinner & Dance Train ● Mornington Peninsula Martin Foot Trip and Social Coordinator Email: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au
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TRIP REPORTS WOODS POINT WEEKEND Sat 23 - Sun 24 May By Jamie Scott Saturday Everyone arrived on time so about 9.15am. We took off to Aberfeldy Cemetery for look around, air down and a cuppa. It wasn’t far to the turn-off, so down we went to cross the river and climb up and out to McGuire, around here, then it was back down to the river along Mt Selma Track with two small crossings. The climb out was rutted out and wet red clay. We were going to have some fun here. Jamie and Stephen drove it successfully and Michael was his way but got stuck in the ruts. He gave it a couple off goes but no luck, so we hooked up the straps for a tow out. David & Keith had a go with a couple of tries, up they came. We cleared the area as Les was on his way, yes, he drove it like he stole it! Rick came along and just cruised up. By the time we got all 4WDs up it took around an hour. From here it was all up to the top, there was lot of rock climb clay sections and muddy with some big washouts, but we made it to the top. At Mt Selma we had lunch with some sun shining but still cool. Then someone said look at this: Michael had dented his guard some how along the way. That was the hardest track we had to do for the trip. After lunch, it was off to Champion Spur Track. We drove along the ridge top, nice and easy going apart from the odd descent down. We got to the bottom where the Black River and Goulburn River meet, with a little drop down into the river and across onto Webber Spur Track, then up to the helipad to regroup. With a stop for a look at the view from here it was time to go camp. Along the way we stop for some wood. With wood loaded on my roof rack, off we went. Jamie started to go down the hill then it dropped over and down with big wheel ruts, big rocks and wet. l stopped and we had a look at it and said “no”, so l tried to back out but l was stuck and l needed a tow out. With that done, l did have a piece off wood fall off and hit my wiper arm as l was to find out later on the trip. We went back out around to Woods Point. We camped at Comet Flat for the night. The fire was lit. Page: 10
TRIP REPORTS Around 7 or 8pm we had visitors. Doug and Michelle drove out to see us and cooked tea. Time to cook - got the meat, but no frying pan, no cooker, no chairs !!!!!! They stayed for a couple of hours, then it was time to go home. Thanks Doug and Michelle for coming up. Sunday In the morning we packed up ready for the day ahead. Just driving off, it started to rain as we went around to show the group a hut not far from camp. Back out past camp, my wipers stoped working, great! l pulled over to check it and after looking at it, l found that plastic socket had broken off the wiper motor. With some hard work done we fixed it (temporarily) thanks to Rick & Les. That was the wood that fell off my roof. With lots off time taken up, it was towards home we went. We stoped for lunch at the Triangle. Foggy and cold from here we split up. Three went via Warburton and three went the Noojee way. Attendees: Jamie Scott Landcruiser Les Scott Brumby (SUBOO) Stephen Whittaker Forester Michael Hartshorne Forester David & Kith Denver Nissan Doug & Michelle Greenall Forester
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TRIP REPORTS QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY LONG WEEKEND LICOLA TRIP Friday 6 June - Monday 9 June By Kerry & Graham Gill Friday: 11am and all was ready to go - camper packed, Outback fuelled … just the final “pre-flight” lights check. Camper’s right indicator isn’t working - check the globe (all good), check the contact (seems ok) - try again … works intermittently. Wiggle the trailer connection … oops - Outback now has no parking lights. Owners’ manual and Subaru workshops of no use in determining which fuse it is, so decide to check all 30-odd fuses under the bonnet and the 30-odd in the cabin. All seem ok. Now 2.30pm. Decide to chance it and leave anyway as we hoped to arrive in daylight. Murphy was not on our side and we were stopped by the police outside Licola and then again at the police and Parks roadblock 5kms from the campsite. Pleaded ignorance and promised to investigate the problem in the daylight. Arrived at Manna Gum camp #7 around 6.30pm to a roaring fire which Jamie had lit on his arrival at about 10am. Peter and Katie rolled in some time later and we settled in for an evening of conversation and story swapping. Saturday: Since the Outback wasn’t going on the drive, we split up with Graham in Stephen’s Forrester and Kerry in Jamie’s Landcruiser. Page: 12
TRIP REPORTS First challenge was up the Mt Margaret Track, which had deteriorated since the Club last faced it and now had Suby swallowing holes. After a couple of attempts to scramble out of one of the nasty holes, Stephen admitted defeat and with some assistance from Jamie’s Cruiser (and 4 snatch straps linked together), the Forester flew up the rest of the slope. Peter in the L-series had one attempt then found the right wheel placement and crawled through the hole. The convoy continued on upwards to a clearing at the top of the range for a quick lunch stop, where Rick climbed onto the roofrack of Jamie’s Cruiser and made some phone calls. Meanwhile Scootie and Josh did a few laps of the clearing to keep warm. We continued on the Mt Margaret Track with ascents and descents of varying difficulty until stopping at the Burgoyne Track junction to regroup, where we met a group of vehicles including a troopie with swags and gear piled a metre high on the roof. We continued along the Burgoyne Track, past some stunning formations that looked like the Hanging Rock pillars. Further along the sun broke through and we travelled along a ridgeline with superb views and very bright green and lush grass. There was a flat clearing where people had set up camp … at least they could see the rain fronts coming.
Back at camp, Rick had a look at the Outback’s fuses, and found that there was indeed a blown one. With that replaced, we had parking lights again. Page: 13
TRIP REPORTS By the fire that evening, Stephen was lamenting the Forester’s performance and planning what alterations he would make to get the vehicle just right, when Rick advised that it had taken him 15 years to get the L-series to its current state. Stephen is starting with a big upgrade in September, which can’t come soon enough. Bets were being laid as to how late the Wilsons would arrive, when they surprised all and arrived at about 9pm. The firewood crew of Fred, the trailer, some helpers and the chainsaws had come back with a heap of nice dry wood which appeared to be at least 2 days’ worth. Next morning there were only a few logs left. Apparently there had been a lot of discussion solving the world’s problems and designing the perfect Suby until 1am. Sunday: The day dawned a little gloomy and the (clean) Outback and Hilux joined the convoy up to Howitt Hut. The higher we climbed, the lower the temperature down to 0. Up on the high plains, we had a few snow flurries and had a section where there was a dusting of snow on the trees. Really eerie and
beautiful in the mist. A couple of the vehicles stopped for photos - luckily, since on the way back, the sun had come out and the snow had melted. We arrived at the Hut to find it very busy with mud covered 4WD’s. One group proudly boasted that they had camped out the previous night when the Page: 14
TRIP REPORTS temperature fell to -7. There had been a thought that some of the more capable vehicles might have a play on the Caledonian River track. That was until Rick was advised that it had taken a group of big 4WD’s 3 hours and a lot of winching and snatching to get up the track. Discretion being the better part of valour, we headed back to Bryce’s Gorge and a walk to Guy’s Hut. At the Hut, there was some discussion about continuing the 8km loop to Pieman Creek Falls, but at 2 degrees, the fire in the picnic area was more inviting.
Dave and the 3 boys did the shorter walk to the Falls and reported that it was well worth it. Turning out of the carpark we made the mistake of letting a Camry pass. Annoyed Rick greatly as the car kept choosing the wrong line through the numerous potholes. Despite having our convoy on his tail, the Camry resolutely refused to let us past. That was until we were descended upon by a group of 7 very fast and aggressive large 4WD’s. Given they appeared prepared to drive over us to get past, we all, Camry included, pulled over. Two of us got past the Camry, but Stephen and the remaining convoy were left to escort the Camry down. Back at camp, the Outback was declared sufficiently dirty and the wood collection crew set off and came back with another 2 day’s worth. The Fire Elf (aka Justin in his beanie) was on duty. A new set of the world’s problems were solved until midnight - early night. Page: 15
2014 JUNE
Sat 21
Novice Night Trip
Tues 24
June General Meeting
Tues 1
Committee Meeting
Sat 19
Christmas in July
Tue 29
July General Meeting
Tue 26 August
August General Meeting and Annual General Meeting
Fri 31 Oct – Tue 4 Nov
Little Desert, Big Desert, Wyperfeld and the Pink Lakes Trip Post your Trip Here!
Trip Standard
Vehicle Suitability
Easy Medium
All wheel drive and high range 4WD. Can be Suitable for medium clearance vehicles with d
Difficult Very Difficult
Suitable for medium to high clearance vehicles wit Suitable for high clearance vehicles with dual rang
Standard Contact for further info. events@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Woodside North
Damian Stock
Stephen Whittaker
Martin Foot’s
Peter Bellis
Jean & Peter Bellis’s
Jean & Peter Bellis
Ringwood East
Stephen Whittaker
Peter Bellis
Western Victoria
Stephen Whittaker
low clearance with single range and road tyres. dual range and all terrain or road tyres.
th dual range and all terrain tyres. ge and tyres suitable for the terrain (eg. mud terrain tyres).
TRIP REPORTS Monday: With the rest of the crew heading home, we took Jamie’s advice and explored the Target Creek Road. Beautiful drive following the creek through mainly private pasture. We continued on past Primrose Gap on the Glencairn Road and descended to the Barkly River where there is a pit toilet and an open camping area on the opposite side of the river. Time was getting on so we returned and took the Link Road shortcut back to the Licola-Jamieson Road from Primrose Gap. On the way back to camp, we checked out all the campsites along the Wellington River and made notes on the size and facilities at each if any Club members are looking to check out the area. Thank you Rick for organising a very enjoyable weekend and two excellent drives.
Attendees : Rick Koster Fred Koster Josh Koster Jamie Scott Stephen Whittaker Daryl Lynch Peter & Katie Mynard Kerry & Graham Gill David, Anthony & Justin Wilson
L-series Toyota Hilux Twin Cab Scooter, also known as scootie Toyota Landcruiser Forrester 2.5X Toyota 75 Tray L-series Outback TDi Toyota Landcruiser
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TRIP REPORTS MOVIE AND DINNER NIGHT Sunday, 8 June 2014, by Paula Tam A few friends mentioned that “Heaven is for Real” is a must-see movie. That’s how my intention of having a Movie & Dinner Night with club members came about. I thought Sunday 8 June was a perfect day for a Movie & Dinner Night for members (who haven’t had any plans) to relax and unwind during the long weekend. If it’s not for the Committee’s quick approval of my proposal and Martin’s prompt action to send out email to everyone, Movie & Dinner Night wouldn’t have been possible. There wasn’t much time for anyone to consider and respond. I was truly glad to receive responses from Bob and Ruth, Bev, Dale and Jan. Bev invited her friend (Pat Beatie) to come along, and Charles invited his friend (Jan Scheffer), too. Nine of us met up at Waverley Cinema Pinewood at 4pm. The movie was called “Heaven is for Real” based on the incredible true story of a real-life couple whose son claims to have visited Heaven during a near death experience. The boy recounts the details of his amazing journey about things that happened before his birth … things he couldn’t possibly know. It was a popular movie, indeed as it was screened in a bigger cinema to accommodate a large number of people. Thankfully, I have made group bookings a few days prior, so 9 of us had good allocated seatings.
Group Photo taken in Waverley Cinema Pinewood (in order of appearance): Bob Marshall, Beverley Davison, Jan Scheffer, Ruth Marshall, Dale Rebgetz, Pat Beatie, Paula Tam
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Group Photo taken in Waverley Cinema Pinewood (in order of appearance): Bob Marshall, Beverley Davison, Charles Tam, Ruth Marshall, Jan Rebgetz, Paula Tam, Pat Beatie
After the movie, Bob and Ruth, Bev and her friend, Charles & myself went off to Village Green Hotel, Mulgrave for Feast Buffet Dinner. Jan and Dale and Jan Scheffer (Charles’ friend) didn’t join us for dinner. The restaurant was quite full. Thankfully, 6 of us had a nice table where we all could chat comfortably while enjoying our meals. We left the restaurant just before it was closed.
Group Photo taken in Village Green Hotel, Mulgrave (in order of appearance): Bob & Ruth Marshall, Pat Beatie, Beverley Davison, Charles Tam
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Seasonal Track Closures Many roads and tracks are closed to vehicle traffic each year. These tracks are closed to vehicles for visitor safety, to maintain water quality and prevent erosion during the wetter months as rain and snow softens the tracks, making them vulnerable to damage. Seasonal road closures generally operate from the long weekend in June through to the end of October, but may be extended due to seasonal conditions. Seasonal road closures for 2014 will commence Thursday 12 June 2014 (the Thursday after the Queen's Birthday long weekend in June) and finish on the 31 October 2014 (the Friday before the Melbourne Cup Day long weekend). A full list of seasonal road closure maps can be found here http:// parkweb.vic.gov.au/safety/fire,-flood-and-other-closures/seasonal-roadclosures2 Some tracks are subject to early closures and some tracks extend past the general closure period up until the end of November. For more information please contact 13 1963.
FOR SALE The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered. Contact the club editor to advertise in this space.
Forester Aluminium Bash Plates: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Set of 4 alloy rims from Outback 1997 model, $120.00 ONO Roof console to hold CB + lights and switches for Outback $100.00 Contact: David Wilson, email: dw@subaru4wdvic.com.au Jessica’s Sale: 17" alloy rim to suit the current model Outback. It is fitted with an almost new Kumho 225/60 R17 road tyre that has done about 500km (max). $200 3x 225/60 R17 Yokohama Geolander G012 A/T-S tyres to suit the current Outback/Liberty. Two of them have been driven about 30,000km ($50 ea.) and the other is near new with about 4,000km of use ($100). For more details on any of the above, email: jw@subaru4wdvic.com.au
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA TRAINING CALENDAR July 2014 Tuesday 1st Intermediate (PC 140705) Theory - Nth Balwyn Friday 4th Proficiency (PC140705) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 5th Intermediate (PC 140705) Practical - Werribee Saturday 5th Proficiency (PC140705) Practical - Werribee Saturday 5th Winch Recovery (WR140705) Practical - Belgrave Thursday 17th Proficiency (PC140719) Theory - Nth Balwyn Thursday 17th Women’s 4X4 (LC140720) Theory - Nth Balwyn Friday 18th GPS (GPS140718) Nth Balwyn Saturday 19th Proficiency (PC140719) Practical - Werribee Saturday 19th First Aid (FA140719) Nth Balwyn Sunday 20th Women’s 4X4 (LC140720) Practical - Werribee Tuesday 29th Advanced Winter (WD140809) Theory - Nth Balwyn August 2014 Friday 1st Proficiency (PC140802) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 2nd Proficiency (PC140802) Practical - Werribee Tuesday 5th Chainsaw (CS140809) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 9th Chainsaw (CS140809) Practical - Tallarook Friday 8th Advanced Winter (WD140809) Mt Skene District (tbc) Saturday 9th Advanced Winter (WD140809) Mt Skene District (tbc) Sunday 10th Chainsaw (CS140809) Practical - Tallarook Sunday 10th Advanced Winter (WD140809) Mt Skene District (tbc) Friday 15th Proficiency (PC140816) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 16th Proficiency (PC140816) Practical - Werribee Thursday 21st Ozi-Explorer (OZ140821) Nth Balwyn FWDV can be contacted on 9857 5209 or e-mail: training@fwdvictoria.org.au Contact S4WDCV Secretary Peter Bellis, email: secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au regarding attendance at FWDV courses as a club discount may apply.
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PRESIDENT’S REPORT The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 27th May 2014 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:10pm. 1. Present Peter Bellis, Michael Hartshorne, Bev Davison, Damian Stock, Jamie Scott, Graham Gill, Kerry Gill, David Denver, Paul Rebgetz, Jessica Walsh, Less Scott, Bob Marshall, Ruth Marshall, Stephen Whittaker, Peter Mynard, Katie Mynard, Martin Foot, Andrew Jantke, Lisa Jantke, Rick Koster, David Wilson, Paul Saleeba. 2. Apologies Jean Bellis, Cynthia Rennolds, Doug Greenall, Brian Howell, Glenys Howell, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins. 3. Visitors Tim Follard, Peter Fullalove, Edith Fullalove, 4. Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. 5. Minutes of the Previous General Meeting ● The minutes of the April 2014 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Jessica Walsh and seconded by Peter Mynard. ● There was no business arising from the minutes. 6. Correspondence 6.1 In ● Magazines from various 4WD clubs. ● Membership monies – Daryl and Rose Lynch ● Membership application – Peter and Edith Fullalove ● 4WD Victoria – May 2014 general meeting agenda, and camping fees for Victoria’s parks and reserves. ● Query from a member of the public regarding Yokohama tyres on the 2014 Forester. ● Query from a member of another 4WD club concerning buying a Subaru for about $2,000 for his eighteen year old son. 6.2 Out ● None.
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CLUB MEETING MINUTES 7. Reports 7.1 Resources ● New club shirt – needing to get a new style as the existing one is no longer available. Should have a sample available for review at the next meeting. ● Club cap – expressions of interest were sought for new club caps. Quite a few members expressed such interest. 7.2 Editor ● As per the magazine. 7.3 Trip and Social ● Details elsewhere in the magazine. ● Trip suggestions and volunteers for trip leaders are sought from members. 7.4 Venue ● Details elsewhere in the magazine. ● Door prize tonight is a “home and in-car” media player. Many thanks to Jamie for the donations. 7.5 Membership. ● Membership fees are due this month. ● David Denver’s membership application was accepted at the last committee meeting. ● Received application from Peter and Edith Fullalove. 7.6 Treasurer ● Current bank account balance is $5,120.42. ● Major receipts include membership renewals, and chocolate fundraising sales. ● Major payments include payment for the chocolate, and magazine printing and postage costs for the last four months. 7.7 Secretary ● Committee meeting next Tuesday is at Stephen’s place at 7:30pm. 7.8 Vice President ● Attended the last general meeting of 4WD Victoria. ● Financial situation is improving and will stabilise in the next year. ● 4WD driving instructor course - will being completing the practical assessment this coming weekend. ● The Association is looking at various ways of reducing postage costs associated with the distribution of Trackwatch. ● The Association is doing a review of its current constitution to ensure that inconsistencies and errors are removed. ● Have monies outstanding for three chocolate boxes.
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CLUB MEETING MINUTES ● 2014 travel companion was sent out last week from 4WD Victoria to members. 7.9 President ● Have been very busy in the last week or two with 4WD Victoria related activities. ● Four wheel drive vehicles are continuing to become “soft” – ie. the next Landcruiser will not have a transfer case and will have independent suspension. Therefore, clubs need to adapt to cater for such vehicles. ● Once Jessica is an accredited 4WD instructor with 4WD Victoria, the club will be able to run its own accredited training courses. 8. General Business ● Andrew has a variable timing engine suitable for a Subaru for sale. ● Lisa suggested a cafe/coffee evening in Ringwood on 29th July for the ladies who are not interested in the mechanics of a car. ● A new club brochure is available for members to hand out to prospective members, and promote the club. Many thanks to Stephen for his efforts in putting it together. ● Stephen put a six minute video of action from various club trips up on the club’s Facebook page. It got shared by about 20 people and got viewed by about 3,000 people. Had a lot of positive responses. 9. Fines and Fun 9.1 Nametags ● Les Scott, Peter Mynard. 9.2 Last to Meeting ● Paul Saleeba. 9.3 Trips 9.3.1 Arkaroola ● Martin and Dot - staying in cabins more than anyone else. ● Jan Rebgetz – for leaving her handbag behind in Morgan. ● Dot – dropping her camera case on the ridge trip. ● Dale – acting like a mountain goat. ● Peter – leaking radiator hose. ● Martin – wrong prediction of bitumen road ahead. ● Jan – leaving her shirt in the shower at Innaminka. ● Martin – running out of fuel four kilometres short of Innaminka. ● Peter – puddle of oil under his car at Wentworth. ● Michael – leaving early and getting back to Melbourne in 12 hours. Page: 25
CLUB MEETING MINUTES ● Jan – drooling over a red Brumby. ● Martin – getting lost heading to Maldon. 9.3.2 Jericho Valley ● Michael – getting bogged around a corner and up a hill. ● Michael – damaging the front mudguard. ● Jamie – getting stuck on downhill slope that he had not checked out previously. ● Jamie – wood falling off the roof and landing on the bonnet. ● Jamie – for another bit of wood falling of the roof and landing on the bonnet. ● David’s father – forgetting his sleeping bag and pillow. ● Jamie – forgetting his kettle. ● Doug – not bringing his pan or cooker to cook tea, and forgetting his seat. ● Jamie – needing to fix his wiper that was damaged by one of the pieces of wood. 9.4 Total fines collected - $16.70. 10. Presentation An informative presentation on recovery gear that members need to carry on a trip was made by Jessica. 11. Meeting closed at 10:45pm and was followed by supper. 12. The Lucky door prize was won by Lisa Jantke. 13. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th June 2014 commencing at 8pm
EDITOR’S REPORT The magazine deadline for next edition is Friday 18 July 2014. Send all copy to editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au Thanks Michael
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STANDARD TRIP EQUIPMENT The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items of equipment on every trip: a) Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader b) Two Rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t); c) Rated “Snatch’em” Strap; d) Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design; e) AM (27Mhz) Channel 5 or UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio; f) Fire Extinguisher, accessible to the driver; g) Spare Tyre (full size); h) Jack and Wheel Brace, or equivalent; i) Emergency Supplies (matches, food, water and clothing); j) Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for the trip and delays; k) A Tyre Pressure Gauge; Compressor (according to the trip) l) An Axe, Bow or Chain saw; m) A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible shovels are no good); n) Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the Trip); o) A Tool Kit; p) Personal First Aid Kit; q) The Vehicle Manual. Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All nonemergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.
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RESOURCES We have plenty of resources to sell. We may have many, some or none of the following items so if you are interested in any of these then please come along to the club meeting and I will be very happy to sell them to you. Correct change will be much appreciated. $ Hat Oiled Skin size 55
Hat Safari size 59
Short sleeve blue chambray shirt with logo Size 14
Long sleeve blue chambray shirt with logo Size M
New Style Red Polo Shirts (M, L, XL, 2XL)
New Style Vest
New Style Jacket
Blue Polo Shirt
Large Sew on Badges
Small Sew on Badges
Fuel Filter Plastic x 45deg.
Fuel Filter Plastic x 90deg.
Fuel Filter Plastic x Straight
eFlare HZ510 Red with Base
CV Boot Clamps Large & Small
CV Joint Grease
Wheel Nuts [Set of 4]
MSP Engine Formulation (oil additive) UHF Radio 80 Channel DIN size
50.00 115.00
For substantial discounts on all general automotive spare parts, oils, filters, shocks, etc., please see me for details. Thanks, Dale Rebgetz Resources Officer, email: resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au Page: 28
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday 10th June 2014 at the home of Stephen Whittaker starting at 7:38pm. 1. Present Stephen Whittaker, Jessica Walsh, Bob Marshall, Dale Rebgetz, Damian Stock, Peter Bellis, Michael Hartshorne, Martin Foot. 2. Apologies Phil Milkins, Andrew Jantke, Doug Greenall. 3. Quorum A quorum was achieved with 8 committee members present. 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4.1 Minutes of the May 2014 meeting were accepted without amendment. 4.2 Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions ● Delegate’s nomination form. ● Club perpetual calendar. ● Club website – Martin has contacted Glenn Arkell and received a proposal/suggestions from him. It is yet to be discussed by the Communications sub-committee. Received support from the subcommittee and Michael Stock. Will upgrade to Jumla version 3.3. Glenn has done some work and awaiting feedback. ● List of new members. ● Driver awareness training sessions for new members – Lower cost courses for club meetings is still in discussion. ● Club succession planning – to start discussions at the June committee meeting. 5. Correspondence 5.1 In ● Email from Paul Saleeba re TrackWatch – Bob contacted 4WD Victoria and they acknowledged that they stuffed up the distribution list. Bob has since contacted Paul and given him an update and informed him that he will receive the latest copy. ● Membership enquiry from Chris Hill. 5.2 Out ● None.
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COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 6. Reports 6.1 Resources ● Have identified a new option that has a fabric weight of 220gsm compared to the existing one that is 290gsm. ● Existing stock of club shirts will be consumed before the new style is implemented. ● Have investigated long sleeve shirt options – long sleeve for men and ¾ sleeve for women. Alternative is to stay with the chambray shirt. In regards to colour, it was suggested that we stick with either black or red, although there was some dissent. Dale will endeavour to get some samples for the June general meeting. 6.2 Trip and Social ● Details are elsewhere in the magazine. ● Have a dearth of vehicle or social trips from July to November. ● Stephen is investigating a camping night drive. ● Future trip suggestion is lunch at Cog Bike cafe at Warburton (Doug Greenall’s business). 6.3 Venue ● Details are elsewhere in the magazine. 6.4 Membership ● Membership application – received application from Peter and Edith Fullalove. RESOLUTION
Committee resolved to accept the membership application from Peter and Edith Fullalove.
● Outstanding years of membership certificates have been forwarded to Mark Tyssen, after having a phone call to confirm the date of joining. 6.5 Editor ● Reports for June magazine are due by this Sunday, 15 th June 2014. 6.6 Treasurer ● Current balance is $6,554.28. ● Major income items include membership renewals and chocolate fundraising. ● Will pre-pay 4WD Victoria the affiliation fee for memberships that have renewed. 6.7 Secretary ● AGM – need to issue committee nomination and annual award nominations forms with June and July magazines. ● AGM – will need to put notice of AGM in June and July magazines. Page: 30
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 6.8 Vice President ● Seasonal road closures start on 12th June and finish on 31st October. ● Have been advised verbally that have completed club level driving instructor training. ● Will organise a training course for the club. 6.9 President ● Nothing to report (only kidding!!). ● Based on training models used by other organisations, there is no reason why the club cannot do the necessary practical training out in the bush. However, to allow this to occur, the club would need to offer a variety of trips over a year. ● The club has the opportunity to develop a training capability targeted at “soft roaders”. ● Furthermore, the club has the opportunity to market and position itself in a market niche that is not being serviced by any other 4WD club. 7. Succession Planning ● The club needs to look at the succession planning of key roles, giving existing committee members to progress in their involvement in the club or to step aside and have a break, and encouraging new club members to get involved with the running of the club. ● The upcoming AGM provides an opportunity to reshuffle/renew the committee. 8. General Business ● Club archivist / historian – the club needs to seek the services of a member to look after the club’s archives and extract various matters of historical interest. 9. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st July 2014 at 7:30pm at the home of Martin Foot (tbc). 10. Meeting closed at 10:15pm.
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