June 2016 (Issue 426)
Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J / FWDV Member PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149
Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre
We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.
John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655
C ON T E N T S Intro 4 Committee 5 From The President 6 Upcoming 8 Next Meeting - June 28th 8 Trips and Social Events 8 Long Term Future Planning 11 Membership Reminder 13 Trip and Recovery Gear 14 Trip Reports 15 Noojee Trip 15 Trip Summary 18 Buy and Sell 22 Member Items for Sale 22 Club Resources 24 Bonus Feature - The Simpson 28 Minutes 29 Editor Notes 35
INTRO The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 30 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2015/16 year were agreed at the general meeting in April 2015 and are as follows:
Member rates: Single: $120 (Seniors card - $110) Joint/family: $140 - (Seniors card - $125). One off joining fee of $10 ($20 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $48 NEW MAGAZINE LEVY: $20 for hard copy (whether posted or collected at meetings) Non-member trip fee: A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes)
Please contact the membership officer for further enquiries. Email: mship@subaru4wdvic.com.au
COMMITTEE Stephen Whittaker (President)
Dale Rebgetz (Vice President)
Peter Bellis (Secretary)
Bob Marshall (Treasurer)
Duncan McCrae (OM: General Committee)
Dan Conlon (OM: Editor)
editor@subaru4wdvic.com. au
Jean Bellis (OM: Social Coordinator )
Jamie Scott (OM: Trips Coordinator)
Meredith Dale (OM: Venue Coordinator)
Mike Dale (OM: Website/ Magazine Content)
F R OM T HE P RE SI DE N T President’s Report: May Magazine
Welcome to the June Subaru 4WD Club magazine! Last month’s General Meeting was a great one. Thanks to all who attended. And sincere thanks to David Smith from Forestry for a very informative and interesting discussion on forestry, forest diseases and his great stories about his experiences in eradicating and minimising the impact of these diseases on the Australian landscape. I certainly learned a lot about the flora we see out in the bush! We are very grateful to David for giving up his time to inform us and, should we notice anything that doesn’t look quite right out in the bush sometime, we will alert him. Just prior to the last meeting, Mike and Edith ran a day trip to Noojee and surrounds. Starting at Neerim South, we headed bush and enjoyed a great day. Unfortunately, during the morning, I had an incident which resulted in me filling up my car with some pretty filthy water after I got stuck in a mud hole. While avoidable (no, I hadn’t checked the depth), and while not all that deep, the base was very soft and boggy. The impressive part was that the Subie stayed running the whole time. But it was sitting in there at least 10 minutes before we were able to get it out. During this time, it started filling up – mainly via the fuel cap release in the driver’s footwell. By the time I climbed back in the window after hooking up a strap, it was well over ankle deep. My main concern was the ECU, as with this wet, I would have to be towed home. Fortunately, it did not get wet and the car has not missed a beat mechanically since! However, the clean up took some time. I worked that evening to pull the interior out as I didn’t want it sitting wet too long. I high pressure cleaned the carpets the following evening and they dried in a few days. Once wiped out and with everything back together, the car (I don’t believe) has ever been cleaner! Yes, hard to believe, I know. The lesson being: check the depth or be prepared for some fun! Translation: hard work. Our Long Term Trip Planner is working well… and filling up! It’s great that we have new trip leaders stepping up to the plate to lead trips so enthusiastically as well as those who have been around for a while committing to leading some excellent longer and more adventurous trips – such as: 6|Page
Robe (SA) Mt Kosciuszko & the Victorian High Country Trek The Blue Mountains Kangaroo Island The Simpson Desert Re-enactment These will be some magnificent trips and they’re all now coming together. So, be sure to remember that, if there is a place you want to go with our club, tap the shoulder of another trip leader to co-lead it with you if you haven’t done it before or just propose it and see if there are others who also want to go there. A trip only needs three vehicles to get off the ground! We are, of course, very excited about our 40th year exploring Australia in our Subarus! And, with the club turning 40 this year, we’re having what will be a fantastic celebration. We will be heading to Echuca for the party where we will enjoy afternoon drinks on a paddle steamer, an optional ‘Port After Dark’ guided lantern tour and then dinner at the renowned Radcliffe’s restaurant right in the Echuca Port precinct. After a huge night celebrating, we will then enjoy a big breakfast cook up Subaru 4WD Club-style! Sincere thanks to David Wilson for his fantastic efforts in arranging everything so far – thanks, Dave. For more details, refer to the ‘Trip and Social’ section of this magazine. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE… if you know any ex-members who you feel would like to attend our 40th, could you pass on their details to us so that we can invite them? We are going out to ex-members now and with around 50 confirmed they are attending the 40th Birthday celebrations so far, we’d ideally like to get up to 80-90! We believe we will do that, but we need your help. I’m looking forward to your company at the June General Meeting where you can catch up on the latest club news, hear trip reports and mingle with other members. In the meantime, enjoy the June magazine and I’ll see you at the meeting and/or out on the tracks – wherever we may be heading! Stephen Whittaker President
UPCOMING Next Meeting - June 28th Date: Tuesday the 28th June at 8pm - Meetings are the Last Tuesday of every month (except December) Venue: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris At this month’s meeting Dale will be giving a presentation on Trip Procedures and C.B radio and convoy. Door Prize. Come along to win a special door prize at this month’s meeting. Venue Coordinator Meredith Dale
Trips and Social Events We have a variety of trips coming up! With that we’d also like to remind you that if you want to get your name down on the list for a trip but maybe can’t make it to the meeting you are always welcome to contact the trip leader directly. As always, if you know a great location that you would love to lead a trip to (or even if you just want to suggest it) let us know, we’re always on the lookout for the next adventure!! Put up the suggestion and someone else might run it Put up the suggestion and ask for someone else who might want to co-lead it with you. You might want it run it yourself and if it is your first time we will provide you with a trip mentor.
Christmas in July When: Saturday 2nd July 6.30 pm, Trip leader: Jean Bellis | events@subaru4wdvic.com.au Where: Wantirna Hill Club, 715 Boronia Rd, Wantirna. (Easy access off Eastlink) Cost: $25 per person or $20 seniors.
Meal: Bread rolls, Garlic bread. Ham & Turkey with veggies or Fish and chips with Salad or veggies, plum pudding or Berry Mousse Drinks from the bar. (No BYO) We will decorate the tables and there will some give-aways. We will also have a Special Cake to celebrate Christmas. Please: To assist with catering Jean needs to know the following details for each person attending. Name Phone No. Main or Senior Meal Preference of: o Roast o or Fish& Chips with Vegetables or Salad o or Vegetarian (an alternative will be arranged on the evening) Plum pudding or Berry mousse. Numbers are needed by the next club meeting on Tuesday 28 th June as we need to confirm the next day with the Venue. RSVP by email is preferred events@subaru4wdvic.com.au Payment: is to be made to Jean at the Club’s June meeting or on the night.
Simpson Desert Two positions on this trip are available to well-prepared members. Please discuss with Dale ASAP if interested. When: 17th July 2016 for 3 weeks Trip Leader: Dale Rebgetz | drebgetz@melbpc.org.au
11th Australian 4WD Gathering When: 19th – 22nd August 2016 Where: Barmera, South Australia (2 hours west of Mildura) Loveday 4x4 Park. Trip Leaders: Peter & Jean Bellis | events@subaru4wdvic.com.au Peter and Jean will be attending this event. To find out more details on the event and to book go to www.4wdgathering.org.au. Bookings close on 30th June.
Registration includes Dinner Saturday evening, Monday Breakfast, entertainment Saturday and Sunday evening, workshops, lectures, guest speakers, guided 4WD trips, full access to Lovedays 4x4 property and river access and much more.
40th Anniversary Celebrations Saturday 24th to Sunday 25th September 2016 Trip Leader: Dave Wilson | dw@subaru4wdvic.com.au Location: Echuca Saturday: Paddle steamer ride including drinks and hors d’oeuvres Optional Lantern Tour of the Historic Port area. Dinner at Radcliffes Sunday: Big cooked breakfast. A booking form will be sent out shortly with full details and payment options.
Maldon Navigation Run – When: Saturday 15th October (optional Sunday 16 October) Trip Leaders: Martin Foot and Dorothy Greiveson | mship@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Trip Standard: Social and Easy ● (2WD vehicles with reasonable clearance will be ok but there will be some dirt back roads) Navigation Run will be in and around Maldon, Australia’s First Notable town, situated in the Goldfields region of central Victoria near Castlemaine. This is a repeat of a previous run several years ago. However the route will be updated to take in new sites and challenges. The trip can be done as a day trip (Maldon is just under 2 hours from Melbourne). For those wishing to stay over, limited accommodation is available at Martin and Dot’s miner’s cottage (please ask, first in best dressed) or there is accommodation in town if you prefer. There are a variety of local attractions including mine tours, wineries, the Tourist Railway, collectable shops, and the Mt Tarrengower Hill climb for classic cars is also on the Sunday.
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Melbourne Laneways Walk When: Saturday 22nd October Trip leaders: Bev Davison & Jean Bellis | events@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Standard: Social Trip Limit: 10 people (but if there is enough interest Bev will run another walk at a later date). We will meet in Fed Square at 1pm and do about a 2 hour walk and finish with Coffee and cake somewhere. Those who wish may like to meet up for a quick lunch before we start. Bev is happy to tailor the walk to the interests of the people in the group ie checking out laneway graffiti art, chocolate shops etc
Robe When: 29th Oct to 1st November Where: Robe, SA Trip Rating: Medium ■ to difficult ♦ Convoy Limit: 12 vehicles Trip Leaders: Lee Wegner | Duncan McCrae | Duncan.mccrae.aust@gmail.com Vehicles will need to modify (ie: lifted) Standing Camp with drop toilets Cost $14 per campsite. Requirements: Sandflag, tyre pressure gauge, air compressor, sand recovery gear.
Long Term Future Planning 2017
Central Australia – Touring Trip Kangaroo Island - March Kosciusko to Melbourne 20-28th May – Stephen Whittaker Blue Mountains – 25th Oct to 7th Nov - Stephen Whittaker
Tasmania – Hobart and the SE for 2 weeks in March – Jessica Walsh Fraser Island
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Canning Stock Route 5-week trip Simpson Desert – re-enactment of the 40th anniversary of the Club’s 1974 crossing from Macumba Station to Purine Bore
Social Events We are starting to plan some social events as well. A social trip with a hot spud lunch at a bush location. Bike Ride to Warburton Navigation run in the Riddles Creek area
Trip and Social Contacts • • •
Trip Coordinator: Jamie Scott Social Coordinator : Jean Bellis events@subaru4wdvic.com.au
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TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WD’ing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip: 1.
Personal details form as
specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader 2.
Emergency Supplies
(minimum 3.2t)
Rated snatch strap Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus optional bridle
10. Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for the trip and delays 11. A Tyre Pressure Gauge;
strap, according to vehicle
Compressor (according to the
AM (27Mhz) Channel 5 or
12. An Axe, Bow or Chain saw;
UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB
13. A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible
Radio. Ideally in car but hand held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last
(matches, food, water and
Two rated D- Shackles
Jack and wheel Brace, or
shovels are no good) 14. Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip)
the trip.
15. A Tool Kit
Fire Extinguisher, accessible
16. Personal First Aid Kit
to the driver
17. The Vehicle Manual
Spare Tyre (full size)
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Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.
TRIP REPORTS Noojee Trip By Edith Fullalove and Michael Dale We all met at the Neerim South Skate Park in Neerim East Road, Neerim South. Some early birds had coffee at the local cafÊ. Tyres were aired down, pre-trip speeches were said and we hit the road heading east along East Neerim Road. The first small hiccup came at the first intersection, when the driver and navigator looked at each other wondering if they were meant to turn right. They were. They didn’t, and they took half the convoy with them. Still, it could have been worse; it was only half the convoy. Alas we were the first fine of the trip; Mike and Edith leading half of the vehicles on a scenic tour.
Saw Dust Heap Track a no-go this trip Once we rectified that and turned into Latrobe River Road we came to Whitelaws Track which has some nice little ruts and puddles to navigate around. The drivers had a choice of around or through, depending on vehicle or skill. We turned along Patrol Road for a short way and then we rolled the dice and tried a track that we had not pre-tripped - Saw Dust Heap Track. Alas it seems that the house won and about 100 metres down the track we found some very large ruts and a huge puddle. We turned around and back out on to the main road. We then turned into an unnamed track that ran parallel to Latrobe River Road. About half way up there is a lovely play area so we pulled in and let those that wanted to have a play. Stephen decided he would inadvertently offer up his car for a recovery demonstration – just to show some new members how it’s done. It certainly attracted some attention and there are numerous photos of his efforts on the photo page. Peter’s Pajero to the rescue, and it was good to hear the use of the horns as part of the recovery protocol. Steve unfortunately had to do a bit of cleaning out of his interior that night. There were a few suggestions that we should give the playground a new name ‘Stephen’s Playpen’.
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Les also had a bit of an issue with leaking coolant. It was unclear whether it was just the overflow due to a few atypical angles the vehicle was on or something a little more sinister. We continued along the track and up to the motor bike unloading area for morning tea. It was here that Les found that he had a couple of leaks in his new radiator. He decided he would head home and sort out the problem.
It certainly was a large puddle We exited the car park and headed up Latrobe River Road which lead to Hawthorn Creek. We then crossed the bridge and up Wild Bull Road. This was a basic rough two wheel drive road which was probably more monotonous than fun, but the alternative paths were either steep and slippery or made roads. Wild Bull gave way to into Ferguson Road, which in turn became Vesper Road. We then turned into Baw Baw Tourist Road which took us into the township of Noojee where we stopped for lunch in a park on the banks of the Latrobe River. Lunch was lovely with plenty of shelter, toilets and the gentle flow of the Latrobe River. Charles’s brother in law Peter turned up with his daughter; who joined us for the rest of the trip. After lunch we drove our cars down to the Heritage Centre. We first walked down to the river behind the Pub to see the old Water wheel.
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Normal place, Next Meeting
Tuesday June 28
normal time……see you there!
Christmas in July
Saturday 2nd July 6.30 pm
Simpson Desert This Trip has reached
Dale Rebgetz17th July
2016 for 3
19th –
Anniversary Celebrations
Medium ■
Convoy Limit.
Jean Bellis
See you there
Saturday 24th to
Dave Wilson
Sunday 18 | P a g e
25th September
Saturday Maldon Navigation Run
15th October (optional Sunday 16
Martin Foot and
Dorothy Greiveson
and Easy ●
Bev Davison & Jean Bellis
Saturday 29th Robe, SA
October to
Lee Wegner &
Duncan McCrae
Medium ■ (TBC)
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The old water wheel: the idea was to generate electricity
The group has gone loco! We then looked inside the heritage centre which is housed in a replica of the original Noojee railway station, with a 1950s locomotive stationed at the platform. There are engaging displays which illustrate the region’s timber and railway past, and stories
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which depict the culture and lives of people from that era. We had a group photo taken in front of the old 1950s locomotive. We then hit the road again and headed back past the park, along Loch Valley Road, crossed the bridge and turned into McCarthy Spur Road. It was here that the convoy members had a choice on which track to take. During the pre-trip Jamie had found a track where the breach and bar mounds (spoon drains) are steep and deep. Jamie had offered to lead those that wanted to up that way, while the others would follow us along a slightly easier route. So Jamie took off with the usual suspects up Jeep Track, while the others (about half) followed us up Monument Track. Before the trip had started I had spruiked this track up as being one where the vehicle was sure to scrape – both going in and out of the drains. This is of course treated with some scepticism when such vagrant claims like that are made by the trip leader. So it was with some amusement to hear Dot exclaim over the radio regarding just how steep and deep the drains are. It is a shame there are no photos of cars along this track; the headlights are literally pointed down at the road. Both tracks bring you to Monument Track where there is a monument to the Woolstencroft family that arrived there in 1887. Edith and Mike went and scouted ahead while we waited for the Jeep Track stragglers to catch up. We discovered that this track was a little more difficult than what we had advertised the standard of the trip (some large boulders and logs), so we instead just did the short loop back to McCarthy Spur Road and headed back to Noojee. At Noojee, Charles collected his car. We all then headed to the Trestle Bridge for a lovely afternoon tea to finish off the trip. Some of the more energetic people even managed to walk over the trestle bridge. Tyres were aired up and people started heading home. Meredith, Mike, Mike, Jamie, Peter and Edith all went into Noojee to have pizza for tea. We had tried it out on pre-trip and found it rather yummy. Thanks to everyone who attend and made this an eventful and highly entertaining trip. Mike and Meredith Dale - Forester Edith and Peter Fullalove - Pajero Paul Saleeba - Forester Jamie Scott - Brumby Les Scott - Brumby David Denver and Shaun - Forester Mike Dunn - Patrol Stephen Whitaker - Forester Anthony - Grand Cherokee
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Peter Devine - Forester Martin and Dot Foote - Forester Charles Tam and Peter & Scarlet – Prado & FJ Cruiser Kevin, Vickie and Mary Bird – Forester
B U Y AN D S E LL Member Items for Sale Item: Forester Aluminium Bash Plates Details: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium Cost: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Contact: David Wilson, dw@subaru4wdvic.com.au Item: Set of 4 alloy rims from Outback 1997 model Cost: $120.00 ONO Contact: David Wilson, dw@subaru4wdvic.com.au Item: Roof console to hold CB and lights and switches for Outback Cost: $100.00 Contact: David Wilson, dw@subaru4wdvic.com.au Item: Vic blue and white standard number plates in as new condition 1XV4US Cost: $400.00 ONO Contact: Jenny, 0417369405 Item: number plate SUBARU Can be re-issued in any custom design via the Vic Roads website (see link below) if a different colour or style is preferred: https://www.vplates.com.au/index.php?page=customise-plate Cost: negotiable, but realistic offers between $3,500 to $6,000 Contact: Richard, 0414 737 333
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Item: STi Intercooler. Details: Excellent condition, apart from slight dent on side (pictured). Came as spare parts when I purchased my 2007 Forester. Will fit most Turbo Subies. Cost: $250 Contact: dgreenall79@gmail.com
Item: STi Exhaust system Details: STi Exhaust system. Everything you need to give your Suby the perrrr it deserves! Very clean, no dents, minor scuffs, Stainless steel. Everything from the Manifold back to the chrome STi stamped tip!! Cost: Make me an offer!!! Contact: dgreenall79@gmail.com
Want to sell something Subaru/off-road related? Contact editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au
The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered.
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Club Resources
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Resources Officer: Dale Rebgetz Email: resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au
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B ON U S F E AT U RE - T HE S IM PSON As there are a of the club member heading across the Simpson Desert next month, here’s a few snaps to get you excited! Have a great and safe time!!
Source: 4wd Action Forum – “Crossing the Simpson in a 30 Year Old Ute” http://www.4wdaction.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?f=129&t=134937 28 | P a g e
M IN U T E S Committee Meeting Minutes Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday 7th June 2016 at the home of Jean and Peter Bellis starting at 7:40pm.
Present Jean Bellis, Peter Bellis, Jamie Scott, Bob Marshall, Duncan McCrae, Stephen Whittaker, Michael Dale, Meredith Dale, Dale Rebgetz, Dan Conlon.
Apologies None
Quorum A quorum was achieved with 10 committee members present.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4.1. Minutes of the May 2015 committee meeting were accepted without amendment.. 4.2. Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 4.2.1. Bank account signatories. 4.2.2. Ongoing 4WD Education / Awareness. 4.2.3. Request for advertising in club’s magazine by AllDrive Subaroo – previous rates from June 2006 were found and circulated to the committee, together with suggested rates reflecting cost increases to 2016. It was agreed to target a higher rate with room to negotiate down. 4.2.4. By-Law – Convoy Travel – Peter yet to complete reformatting of agreed text into By-Law format. 4.2.5. New Member Pack – Dan has completed the format and layout of the new member booklet and sent it out to a few people seeking some comment. Committee members to respond. Meredith yet to follow-up for hand-outs. 4.2.6. Satellite sleeve for iPhones – need to check out Pivotel.com.au.
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5.1. In
5.2. Out
4WD Victoria National 4x4 show – opportunity for club to have stand. Office relocation – to Mitcham later this month. National 4x4 Outdoor Show – Melbourne Showgrounds, 19 to 21 August. Damian Stock – query regarding printed magazine levy. Membership enquiry. None.
Reports 6.1. Resources Club clothing – pricing has been reviewed to account for the new logo cost and encourage members to acquire at least a club polo shirt. There is a pricing penalty of $9 per item when clothing orders have less than eight items. Committee agreed to go ahead with Dale’s recommendation. 6.2. Trip and Social Details of future trips and events elsewhere in the magazine. Query as to whether a full weekend trip for the Grand Final weekend is making the calendar a bit crowded. Should a day trip be run instead? A trip suggestion of a day trip into the Rubicon area was made. Also the Tallarook area. Congratulations offered to Jean for organising the “Christmas in July”. Will have a birthday cake to celebrate “39.85” years. 6.3. Venue Details of future meetings elsewhere in the magazine. Last month’s speaker was excellent and much appreciated. Guest speaker suggestions include Alan Johnson from Piranha. AGM – will have pizza and cake again. 6.4. Membership 28 members have renewed their membership so far. Single members need to be reminded that there is a trip limit for visitors. Therefore, members with partners but with a single membership need to upgrade their membership to family/joint. 6.5. Editor No one on the committee noticed the dinosaur in the Brumby in the Volks-Baru advertisement in the May magazine. Editorial deadline this month is Tuesday 14th June. 6.6. Treasurer Current bank account balance is $9,167.51. 6.7. Secretary A notice for the annual general meeting needs to be included in the July magazine. 6.8. Vice-President Nothing to report.
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6.9. President Nothing to report. Need to consider succession planning with the AGM coming up in a few months’ time.
Sub-Committees 7.1. Communications Michael has continued to update the website regarding photographs and trip reports. Need to follow up with Martin about future website development by consultant in Ballarat. 7.2. Community Involvement Nothing to report. 7.3. Constitution Review Dale has sent out the updated convoy procedure. Since then, he has reworked it and come up with a version two. Version two is yet to be discussed by the committee – it is less prescriptive. Committee members need to review the document prior to the next committee meeting. Need to respond with any changes to Dale by Sunday 26th June 2016. 7.4. Training / Education Nothing to report.
40th Birthday Celebrations It is looked in for 24th to 25th September, 2016. Still have some challenges with accommodation. However, another possibility has arisen which Stephen is to follow up. Stephen requested Dan if he could do the event invitation? It needs to be out within the next few weeks. Invitation list has been compiled by David Wilson based on the 30th birthday list, those who attended the event, and current members. Photo-book – still seeking submissions. Need to send out a reminder to members. Club trailer – currently needs a major upgrade. Therefore, will need to use another trailer to take the marquee up to Echuca. Peter offered his trailer for someone else to tow. Event memorabilia – to include stubbie holder with sand picture.
Privacy Policy / Social Media Policy The club needs to address these issues in light of recent experiences with photographs and videos being posted on social media. It was suggested that the general rule for club members should be that videos or photographs should not be posted on-line that shows a person in an embarrassing or compromising position without the person’s permission. This will be incorporated in the trip guidelines.
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10. General Business Batteries and Scrap Metal - need to make a last call in this month’s meeting. Guest speaker gift – need to offer an alternative for alcohol (ie. bottle of wine). A certificate and Subaru key ring were proposed as an alternate. Succession planning – most committee members indicated their willingness to stay on committee after the next AGM.
11. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th July 2016 at 7:30pm at the home of Michael Dale.
12. Meeting closed at 10:20pm.
Committee Meeting Minutes The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 31st May 2016 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:02pm.
Present Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Bob Marshall, Anthony Saunders, Gary Impson, Kerry Gill, Graham Gill, Phil Milkins, Andrew Jantke, Lisa Jantke, Dave Denver, Michael Dale, Meredith Dale, Paul Saleeba, Katie Mynard, Peter Mynard, Dennis Scambler, Jessica Walsh, Edith Fullalove, Peter Fullalove, Jamie Scott, Les Scott, Duncan McCrae, Lee Wegner, Bev Davison, Peter Devine, Charles Tan, Richard Saleeba, Damian Stock, Stephen Whittaker, Tim Folliard, Kevin Bird, David Wilson, Dale Rebgetz, Martin Foot, Rick Koster.
Apologies Dan Conlon, Angela Bombardieri, Julie Dyer, Ruth Marshall, Elaine Milkins, Elaine Hyde, Andy Santuccione.
Visitors David Smith, David Godfrey.
Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors.
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Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 5.1. The minutes of the April 2016 General Meeting were accepted as amended after being moved by Jessica Walsh and seconded by Meredith. 5.2. There was no business arising from the minutes.
Correspondence 6.1. In 4WD Victoria – affiliation renewal fee - $50 per member 6.2. Out None
Reports 7.1. Resources Club clothing – taking orders with money. Club vehicle stickers are available for members. 7.2. Editor 1. No report submitted. 7.3. Trip and Social Details of future trips and events are elsewhere in the magazine. 7.4. Venue Details of future meetings are elsewhere in the magazine. 7.5. Membership. Membership fees for 2016/7 are now due. 7.6. Treasurer Current bank account is $9.167.07. Monies in – 4WD training - $1,000 7.7. Secretary Committee is currently drafting a by-law on convoy procedure. Next month’s committee meeting is at Jean’s place. 7.8. Vice-President Nothing to report. 7.9. President Nothing to report.
40th Anniversary 8.1. Still having problems with accommodation. May end up camping at Green Lake near Rochester.
General Business 9.1. Peter D is looking for a towbar for a 2017 Forester. Suggested that he contact John Bailey at Volks-Baru. 9.2. Bev has some various Subaru parts available for sale.
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9.3. 9.4. 9.5.
Leigh was happy with the service and price given at Subaru Berwick for the replacement of the timing belt, and service. Fundraising – have two boxes left to sell. Training weekend – was a great success. Thanks to Matt and Simon from the Toyota Landcruiser club for assisting with the practical aspect. Will run another course in September/October. Jessica was thanked for all her time and effort in running the course, and the prior instructor training.
10. Fines and Fun 10.1. Nametags Jamie Scott, Les Scott, Peter Mynard 10.2. Last to Meeting Rick Koster. 10.3. Trips 10.3.1. Kara Kara Sandy, Meredith, Edith and Jamie – for inappropriate food comments. Peter Fullalove – forgetting the pots and pans. Janelle – forgetting the tea towel. Charles – forgetting to turn the CB radio on after lunch. 10.3.2. Noojee Mike and Edith – leading the convoy astray. Stephen – for leading an impromptu recovery from a bog hole. 10.4. Total fines collected - $13.15.
11. Guest Speaker / Presentation A very informative presentation was given by David Smith on Forest Biosecurity in Victoria.
12. The Lucky door prize was won by Les Scott.
13. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 28th June 2016 commencing at 8pm.
14. Meeting closed at 9:45pm and was followed by supper.
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E DIT OR N OT E S Thanks for all the contributions again this month!
Just a couple of things from me: Any interesting articles you find and want to share, or if you would like to write an article for the magazine ….let me know! Just a friendly reminder also to please proof read, and be sure to use punctuation and grammar. The deadline for submissions for next month is:
July – Friday 15th As always please send emails to: editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au
…oh and in other “news”
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