Subaru Club of Victoria June 2017 magazine online version

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June 2017 (Issue 437)

Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J / FWDV Member

PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149

Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre

We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.

John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655


C ON T E N T S Intro 4 Committee 5 From The President 6 Upcoming 7 Next Meeting – Tuesday 27th June at 8pm 7 Notices and Reminders 8 Trips and Social Events 10 External Events 12 Trip Report 12 Pink Lakes – Murry Sunset National Park, Easter 2017 12 Trip Summary 16 Trip and Recovery Gear 21 Jamie’s Report 22 Buy and Sell 22 Member Items for Sale 22 Minutes 24 Editor Notes 30 Committee Positions Nomination Form Error! Bookmark not defined.


INTRO The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 40 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2017/18 year were agreed at the general meeting in May 2017 and are as follows:

Member rates: Single: $125 (Seniors card - $115) Joint/family: $145 - (Seniors card - $130). One off joining fee of $15 ($30 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $51 Members who choose not to receive a hard copy of the magazine are eligible for a $25 discount

Non-member trip fee: A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes)

Please contact the membership officer for further enquiries. Email:


COMMITTEE Dale Rebgetz (President)

Duncan McCrae (Vice President)

Peter Bellis (Secretary)

Bob Marshall (Treasurer)

Dan Conlon (OM: Editor) au

Lee Wagner (OM: Social)

Jamie Scott (OM: Community)

Meredith Dale (OM: Venue Coordinator)

Mike Dale (OM: Trip)

Edith Fullalove (OM)


F R OM T HE P RE SI DE N T President’s Report, June 2017 Technology – don’t you just love it, or should that be – hate it? The truth is we adapt to it. It is there, and over time we learn how it can help us. Our dependence on it is such that even when it goes wrong or simply frustrates us, very few us would genuinely be happy to give it ALL up and return to “the good old days” – if that were even possible. Look at how it has pervaded our cars – the AM push-button radio, then the cassette tape (and for a while eight-track tape), CD player, MP3 player, phone integration, Bluetooth connectivity, built-in streaming media, GPS navigation. That’s just a few of the toys for the driver and passengers. Under the bonnet things were also developing – electronic ignition, electronic fuel injection, electronic engine management, electronic traction and stability control, driver assist, plus a host of other little thinks. It also impacts our life at the club level. Take the club magazine as an example. In the early days it was prepared on a typewriter, and reproduction was via Roneo or mimeograph machines, and later on by photocopying. It was then posted to all members. Today the magazine is still very important, with some members still receiving their magazines in the post, and almost all now receiving it electronically via email. The impact of technology has mainly been in its preparation and distribution, rather than the content. The quality is better – fancy-full colour printers are used, content is prepared on computer, and everything is moved around digitally – mostly via email. However technology is an enabler – and that means there are newer and constantly changing means of communication. There is the almost oldfashioned web site, and more recently “social media” tools like facebook. Facebook has proved to be a valuable tool for lifting the club’s profile and increasing membership. The downside of these tools, though, is that because they are complementary rather than replacements, we need a magazine editor AND a web master AND facebook posters. They also have their own specific rules – for which training is required. We have recently 6|Page

finished creating our Social Media Guide; this will become part of our bylaws when they are updated in the near future. Also in development (and it has been for a long time) is fully electronic membership management via the web site, as well as moving the trip intention sheets onto the web. The committee has neither the time nor the skills to manage these tasks unaided. This is your club, so if you think you may be able to help in any way, please speak to one of your committee members. See you soon. In the meantime, travel safely and watch out for those risks. Dale Rebgetz President.

UPCOMING Next Meeting – Tuesday 27th June at 8pm Date: Tuesday 27th June at 8pm. Venue: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris. Dale will be giving a short presentation on car safety. Door Prize: Come along to win a special door prize at this month's meeting. Meredith Dale. Venue Coordinator

General Meeting Notice The Subaru 4WD Club holds its monthly general meeting on the last Tuesday of the month (no meeting in December) at the club house of the South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris (just off the Monash Freeway) starting at 8pm – unless otherwise specified/advised. The meeting is open to all members and visitors.


The usual agenda of the general meeting includes:  Welcome of members and visitors.  Review and acceptance of previous general meeting’s minutes.  Correspondence.  Reports by various office bearers.  Other business as mentioned below.  General business raised by members.  “Fines and Fun” – including brief summaries of recent trips.  Guest speaker or presentation.  Supper and networking. Details of the next few general meetings are as per the schedule below. Date


Tue 27 Jun

South Camberwell Tennis Club South Camberwell Tennis Club South Camberwell Tennis Club

Tue 25 Jul Tue 29 Aug

Tue 26 Sep Tue 31 Oct

South Camberwell Tennis Club South Camberwell Tennis Club

Guest Speaker / Presentation Dale

Other Business



The 2017 Annual General Meeting will follow immediately after the conclusion of the general meeting. t.b.a.






Notices and Reminders Notice of AGM Notice is hereby given to members that the Annual General Meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc will be held on Tuesday, 29th August 2017 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club rooms, 322 Burke Road, Glen Iris commencing after the finish of the August 2017 general meeting. Order of business will include:     

Confirmation of the minutes of the 2016 annual general meeting. Presentation of the 2017 annual report. Presentation of 2017 annual financial statement. General business. Presentation of awards. 8|Page


Election of officers of the club and ordinary members of the committee.

Nominations for committee positions should be submitted to the club secretary by no later than 7 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. However, on the day, nominations for committee positions will be accepted from the floor of the meeting. Special Resolutions If a member wishes to bring an item of business to the Annual General Meeting that requires a special resolution, 21 days written notice of the special resolution must be given to all club members. Peter Bellis Secretary 13th/June/2017

Payment Reminder


Trips and Social Events We have a variety of trips coming up! With that we’d also like to remind you that if you want to get your name down on the list for a trip but maybe can’t make it to the meeting you are always welcome to contact the trip leader directly or contact As always, if you know a great location that you would love to lead a trip to (or even if you just want to suggest it) let us know, we’re always on the lookout for the next adventure!!   

Put up the suggestion and someone else might run it Put up the suggestion and ask for someone else who might want to co-lead it with you. You might want it run it yourself and if it is your first time we will provide you with a trip mentor.

Christmas in July When: 29th of July Trip leader: Meredith Dale

Trip Standard: Social Come and pig out at the Dale’s and marvel at their new shed. $25 per person.

High Tea Chateau Yering Hotel When: 3rd of August Trip leader: Lee Wegner

Trip Standard: Social

Winter Lights - Walhalla When: 19th to 20th of August. Trip leader: Katie and Peter

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Trip Standard: Social

and Medium

Mt Skene When: 19th to 20th of August Trip leader: Mike Dale Trip Standard: Medium

Camping above the snow line. Bring some firewood and a something warm to sleep in. Snow chains would be a good idea also

Wyperfield When: Cup Weekend 4th to 7th of November. Trip leader: Mike Dale Trip Standard: Medium

Meet at Rainbow on Friday night. Head off Saturday down Milmet Road track to Big Billy Bore. Camp there Saturday, Sunday and Monday night. Day drives around Wyperfield National Park. Tackle the monster dune, but in the day time!

Long Term Future Planning 2018

Deua National Park, Easter (10 days). Trip leader: Mike Dale Tasmania, TBC. Trip leader: Jessica Kangaroo Island, TBC. Trip leaders: Jean and Lisa


Simpson Desert. Trip leader: Jamie Gawler Rangers/ Googs Track, TBC. Trip Leader: Mike Dale


Coffin Bay/Lincoln NP, TBC. Trip Leader: Mike Dale


CSR, TBC. Trip Leader: Dale

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Trip and Social Contacts • •

Trip Coordinator: Mike Dale Social Coordinator: Lee Wegner

External Events Find more events on our Facebook page Our Facebook page:

TRIP REPORT Pink Lakes – Murry Sunset National Park, Easter 2017 Edith Fullalove & Michael Dale We planned to stay at Lake Becking camp ground, which being quite small, Peter, Edith, Sandy and Meredith went up early on the Tuesday before Easter to ensure the club would have a good place to camp for the weekend. Thursday morning Meredith and Edith went in search of fire wood for cooking tea and a fire for later on in the night. Graham and Kerry arrived 12 | P a g e

in the afternoon, followed by Mike, Rob and Alan, who just arrived in time for a roast dinner. Paul arrived a bit later in the evening. Friday morning Meredith stayed at camp to wait for the others to arrive. The rest of the group went for a drive followed by a walk to Mount Jess lookout. We went out along Pioneer Drive and stopped to look at Lake Kenyan. We then went along Bertalli Road, then through some farmer’s paddocks. Mike was having nightmares about the last time he followed a map with a marked trail through a farmer’s paddock. On that occasion it was about an hour of wasted time looking for a non-existent gate and avoiding exploding cows! This time however, we found the gate (after a bit of searching) and there were no deceased bloated cows to avoid. The track to Mount Jess is about 900 metres long. It is not especially long, but it rose about 70 vertical metres and was very sandy in places. Needless to say it challenged the trip leader. However, once at the top there were magnificent 360 degree views of the surrounding country side. We planned to fit in another walk, but we didn’t have time. The return route was via Mt Jess track, Gnarr Road, Aikman Road, Mamengorock Road, Pink Lakes Road and into camp at 12.55 for lunch. Dale and Janelle arrived early on in the afternoon. Mike was having itchy feet about not getting the second walk done and was able to convince most people that after a short drive the walk would be worth it and that we would be back by dusk. He got one of those correct. The drive took ages as the gravel road was incredibly dusty and the convoy was spread out several kilometres. We arrived back at camp well and truly after dark, but the view from McCarthurs Trig lookout was outstanding overlooking a pristine reference area.

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We headed out about 3:30 in the afternoon. Graham and Kerry stayed behind at camp to do some bird watching. We followed this route to the lookout: Pink Lakes Road, Mamengorock Road, Aikman Road, Kruss Road, Parallel Road, Meridian Road, Honeymoon Hut Track and McArthur Trig Track. We drove up to the gate then walked to the top. It was once again very sandy and steep near the top. Some found it easier than others! We returned via this route: Honeymoon Track, Mt Jess Track, Gnarr Road, Aikman Road, Mamengarock Road and Pink Lakes Road, getting back into camp in the dark. Charles and Paul arrived pretty late after an epic drive. Saturday morning we left camp at 8:45 a.m. Chaos reigned. Without naming names, there were car alarm problems (which immobilised the vehicle), a flat hand-held radio, an aerial that was not connected to the radio, and the trip leaders simply blowing away convoy procedure and taking the group on a bizarre tour of Ouyen. Some were able to get coffee, and most topped up with fuel. 14 | P a g e

We then headed north along the Calder Highway, left into Castle Crossing Road, Cleary Road then we had morning tea and aired down. We took Boundary Track into the MurraySunset National Park, and then a series of very narrow tracks where low branches caused some issues for the larger vehicles. We think these tracks form a loop for off-road motor bike racing. After exiting these motor bike tracks we went down Double Tank Track and Meridian Road, with lunch at 1:00 p.m. at a very scenic lookout overlooking Raak Plain (a flood plain).

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Tue 27 Jun @

Berwick Subaru,


Narre Warren

Tue 25 Jul @

South Camberwell


Tennis Club

29th of July

Meredith Dale

3rd of August

Lee Wegner

Winter Lights -

19th to 20th of

Katie and Peter




Christmas in

Standard Social




High Tea


Chateau Yering Hotel

Social and Medium ■

Mt Skene

19th to 20th of

Mike Dale

Medium ■

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August. Meeting



Tue 29 Aug @

South Camberwell


Tennis Club

Tue 26 Sep @

South Camberwell


Tennis Club

Cup Weekend

Mike Dale



Medium â–

4th to 7th of November.

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We finished lunch at 2:00 p.m. and headed off down Tank Track, Midnight Tank Track, Henschke Track and Nowinigi Track. This track was brilliant, it was sandy and followed an old fence line and had heaps of little whoopty doops (ups and downs). It was reminiscent of the SA/VIC boarder track, where you really got the feeling you were out in the middle of nowhere. This was followed by Pheenys Track, Rocket Lake Track and Mopoke Road. We dropped into Mopoke Hut for afternoon tea. We had a looked at the Hut. They also had an old cattle yard. We finished afternoon tea at 4:35 p.m. and headed out onto Honeymoon Track and Mount Crozier Track, arriving at Lake Kenyan around 6:00 p.m. for a car line up. Back to camp around 6.10 for dinner and a sit around the camp fire. Sunday morning the Easter bunny was very busy. Everyone received a Lint bunny even another young man who was staying at the camp ground with us. Then Easter Bunny Mike was handing out eggs from his basket. Charles and Paula were leaving a bit later this morning so when we left camp at 9:35 a.m. we had said our goodbyes to them. We were going to look at the area to the west of the camp ground. Out along 18 | P a g e

Pioneer Drive, Grub Track (note: the tracks to the west of Grub track are no longer there), Clay Lake Track and past Boinka Lake. There was a well used side track which obviously leads to nowhere, but it spiked my curiosity. Following the track it leads up a hill to a lookout with views of Boinka Lake on one side and Red lake on the other. It was probably the highlight of the day, if not the trip. We followed Kinnersley Road until we found an unnamed track heading north. We drove off into the never never of Linga State Forest. It’s the forest you have when it’s actually a flood plain with small copses of trees. The trip leader was a little surprised (and significantly relieved) when the track actually went somewhere. We stopped for morning tea at an old gypsum mine. We then went along Sunwater Road, Underbool Track and up an unnamed track up to Linda Trig. 19 | P a g e

M&M could smell a burning smell, Alan got under the car to check it out. We then headed down to Underbool Track and Rockholes Track which would take us to the green opal mine. However the track was very overgrown and continuing along it was not sensible. So we turned around and went in from the other end. We had lunch first before walking up to the old mine. There was not much to see. Mainly a large pile of gypsum, but we did find out where the other track would have come in. We left at 2:40 p.m. and followed Underbool Track, South East Plain Track and Mt Crozier Track. We arrived at Mt Crozier camp ground around 3:00 p.m. where we had afternoon tea. A few people wanted to walk up Mt Crozier, while a few others wanted to get back to camp. So after making sure both groups knew the way back to camp we split the convoy into two groups. We all got back to camp without drama and had dinner and a fire. Monday morning, Graham and Kerry were staying another night. The rest of us packed up and headed home. Trip Participants        

Mike & Meredith Peter & Edith Sandy & Alan Charles & Paula Dale and Janelle Paul Rob Graham & Kerry

Forester Pajero Prado Prado Forester Forester Grand Vitara Outback

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TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WD’ing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver, you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip: 1.

Personal details form as specified


by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader 2.

the driver

Two rated D- Shackles (minimum


Spare Tyre (full size)



Jack and wheel Brace, or


Rated snatch strap


Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus, optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design;


Fire Extinguisher, accessible to

equivalent 9.

Emergency Supplies (matches, food, water and clothing)

10. Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for

UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB

the trip and delays

Radio. Ideally in car but hand

11. A Tyre Pressure Gauge;

held are ok provided sufficient

Compressor (according to the

battery(s) to last the trip.


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12. An Axe, Bow or Chain saw;

15. A Tool Kit

13. A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible

16. Personal First Aid Kit

shovels are no good)

17. The Vehicle Manual

14. Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip)

Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be met by individuals own medical supplies.


“Still have a few boxes of chocolates for sale. Also, don't forget it's winter time again so there's lots of tracks closed around the areas. Thanks. Jamie.”

B U Y AN D S E LL Member Items for Sale Editor’s note: if you have anything listed for sale which has been sold please remember to let us know at Item: 1991 L series GL wagon Details: My father's 1991 L series GL wagon. 235000 gentle kms, none off road. Auto. Burgundy. ETZ424. Cost: $250 ONO

Contact Rob Boykett

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Item: Forester Aluminium Bash Plates Details: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium Cost: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Contact: David Wilson, Item: Set of 4 alloy rims from Outback 1997 model Cost: $120.00 ONO Contact: David Wilson, Item: Roof console to hold CB and lights and switches for Outback Cost: $100.00 Contact: David Wilson, Item: Vic blue and white standard number plates in as new condition 1XV4US Cost: $400.00 ONO Contact: Jenny Item: number plate SUBARU Can be re-issued in any custom design via the Vic Roads website (see link below) if a different colour or style is preferred: Cost: negotiable, but realistic offers between $3,500 to $6,000 Contact: Richard

Want to sell something Subaru/off-road related? Contact

The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered.

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M IN U T E S Committee Meeting Minutes Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday, 6th June 2017 at the home of Michael and Meredith Dale starting at 7:47pm. 1.

Present Michael Dale, Meredith Dale, Edith Fullalove, Duncan McCrae, Dale Rebgetz, Peter Bellis, Lee Wegner.


Apologies Dan Conlon, Bob Marshall, Jamie Scott.


Quorum A quorum was achieved with seven committee members present.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4.1. Minutes of the May 2017 committee meeting were accepted without amendment. 4.2. Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 4.2.1. Bank account signatories – Duncan yet to verify identity with the bank (he will endeavour to do it this week). 4.2.2. Request for advertising in club’s magazine. 4.2.3. By-Law – Convoy Travel. 4.2.4. New Member Pack. 4.2.5. 40th Birthday Photo Book. 4.2.6. Club equipment register. 4.2.7. Club magazine archiving.


Correspondence 5.1. In  4WD Victoria – notice of general meeting on 17th June 2017, request for club brochures, affiliation fee renewal, Leisurefest 2017 update, and camp host opportunity on Queen’s Birthday weekend  Jamie Scott – “nothing to report” email.  Martin Foot – update of membership register.  Martin Foot – life membership renewal information.  Stephen Whittaker – upgrade of membership.  Martin Foot - draft 2017/8 membership renewal form. 5.2. Out  Dale Rebgetz – club clothing order to members.  Peter Bellis – 2017/8 budget information and membership fee proposal to members.


Reports 6.1. Resources

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6.3. 6.4.

Club clothing – waiting for quote from supplier. Have received payment with all orders. Have also ordered some caps (minimum order is 20). Committee agreed to purchase the minimum order for the caps.  Have some order corduroy shirts and two wide brim hats in stock that need moving. Will offer them at a reduced price to move them. Trip and Social  Details elsewhere in the magazine.  Need to push the extended planning calendar.  Tim Folliard has offered to lead a trip. Venue  Details elsewhere in the magazine. Membership  Membership numbers are currently 48 (6 life, 28 family/joint, and 14 single).  Stephen Whittaker submitted an application to change his membership from single to family/joint, to include Queenie Sosa.


The committee resolved to accept the membership upgrade from Stephen Whittaker, and Queenie Sosa’s membership.


Editor  Nothing to report. 6.6. Treasurer  Current bank balance is $7,633.51. 6.7. Secretary  Due to Peter’s absence in late June and July, someone else will need to do the June general meeting and July committee meetings’ minutes. Lee has volunteered.  Will need to have the AGM notice and committee nomination forms included in the June, July and August magazines.  Will need annual reports from committee members by the end of July. 6.8. Vice-President  Nothing to report. 6.9. President  Nothing to report. 7. Sub-Committees 7.1. Communications  Facebook – now have 536 likes.  Media policy – After reviewing the second draft circulated by Edith, the committee thanked Edith for her efforts. RESOLUTION The committee resolved to adopted the latest draft version of the club’s media policy as a club by-law.


Club website development – still in progress with some issues pending adoption of the club’s media policy. The current website is currently very static and not being updated. This needs to be progressed even during Martin’s 3-month absence. Community Involvement

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7.3. 7.4.


 Nothing reported. Constitution Review  Nothing progressed in regards to the club’s constitution. Education / Training  4WD driver trainer – the Toyota Landcruiser club has offered to assist us with member 4WD driving training. Duncan will put a few dates forward to them for agreement. Training most likely will be at the TLC’s property at Yarck. Training will be offered initially to the carry-over from the first course run by Jessica (Lee to investigate).

Trip / Convoy Procedure  After reviewing the current draft of the trip/convoy procedure, the committee decided to implement the procedure.



The committee resolved to adopted the latest draft version of the club’s trip/convoy procedure as a club by-law.

General Business  Magazine printing and distribution – July to September 2017  Edith will talk to Martin about the process.  Lee and Duncan will check with their printing contacts for a cost update – last quote was $7 per magazine.  Editor’s role – will need another member(s) to take on the role in the new club year.  Club Plate Scheme – documents are being signed and sent off

10. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th July 2017 at 7:30pm at the home of Duncan McCrae. 11. Meeting closed at 9:35pm.

General Meeting Minutes The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 30th May 2017 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:12pm. 1.

Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors.


Guest Speaker / Presentation  Heather Rendell gave a very informative presentation and much appreciated on the Royal Flying Doctor Service, in particular the initiatives it has undertaken in Victoria to offer primary health care access to people living in rural and remote areas of Victoria. Meeting adjourned for 15 minutes for supper, clothing orders and networking. 3.


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Meredith Dale, Michael Dale, Jamie Scott, Les Scott, Duncan McCrae, Paul Saleeba, Richard Saleeba, Dale Rebgetz, Janelle Rebgetz, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins, Bob Marshall, Graham Gill, Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Peter Fullalove, Martin Foot, Katie Mynard, Peter Mynard, Kevin Bird, Rob Millen, Simon Whitehead, Sandra Christiansen, Alan Christiansen, Matt Chaplin, Cynthia Rennolds, Peter Devine, Rick Koster, David Wilson, Tim Folliard. 4.

Apologies Lee Wegner, Ruth Marshall, Kerry Gill, Edith Fullalove, Andrew Jantke, Lisa Jantke.


Visitors Kurt Imberger, Rosemary Webb, Heather Rendell (RFDS), Queenie Sosa.


Quorum A quorum was achieved with 31 members present (rule 36b requires 10% of members entitled to vote – require 9 members).


Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 7.1. The minutes of the April 2017 General Meeting were accepted without amendment. 7.2. There was no business arising from the minutes. Correspondence 8.1. In  Magazines from various 4WD clubs.  4WD Show – October 2017 8.2. Out  nil Reports 9.1. Resources  Taking orders for club clothing. Discount on polo shirts available for new members. Prompt payment is required. Order will be placed later this week so that it is available for collection at the next meeting. 9.2. Editor 1. No report submitted. 9.3. Trip and Social  Craig’s Hut – 4th June. Meet at Mansfield. Trip standard is easy to medium. Snow chains may be required.  Castlemaine – QB weekend.  Yerring Station  Mt Skene  Christmas in July 9.4. Venue  June – car safety presentation and High Country video.  July – Subaru Berwick – 7:30pm start.  August - AGM 9.5. Membership.  Have had a number of membership enquiries.  Currently have 48 memberships (6 life, 28 family/joint, 14 single). Have 86 members. 9.6. Treasurer  Current cheque account balance is $7,633.51. 9.7. Secretary  Nothing to report. 9.8. Vice-President



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 Nothing to report. President  As per the magazine. 10. Membership Fees  The financial outlook for the current financial year and next financial year was presented by Peter Bellis to the members present. The financial outlook for the 2017/8 year is a deficit of $2,290; due primarily to purchase of a satellite phone ($800), possible cost of external 4WD driver training for those members on the training waiting list ($1,600), and the external printing of the club’s magazine for three months ($550).  Various comments and questions about the financial outlook were made/raised by members:  Why is the club living beyond its means?  Concern expressed about a “2-tier” fee structure. Should instead continue with one level of fees.  Cannot have a reduction in fees yet have an increase in expenditure.  The outlook for 2017/8 is presenting a worst case scenario.  If there is to be a training subsidy, then the fees need to be kept at the current level.  How many members will change to “electronic only” if the discount is introduced?  A suggestion was made that the proposed fee structure be turned around with a basic membership fee which includes an “electronic only” club magazine, and an additional charge for those who want a printed version.  Should the magazine be produced less often – every second or third or sixth month? It was pointed out that this has been tried in the past with little success. Furthermore, the magazine is a primary source of communication between the club and its members, and it acts as a prompt for the forthcoming monthly general meeting.  Printed magazine is still required for those members who cannot access the electronic version.  A number of other Victorian 4WD clubs either offer an “electronic magazine only” discount or have gone totally electronic.  How much does an advertisement in the magazine cost? Answer was given.  The cost of printing will invariably go up as the printer currently used to produce the magazine is getting to the end of its working life. Our current publisher will not be getting another similar printer and so, the club will eventually need to look elsewhere for printing the magazine.  Duncan announced that another 4WD club has offered to provide instructors to do our 4WD driver training and assist with training some additional club instructors. Therefore, the proposed additional training expenditure of $1,600 is now redundant.  Peter B moved that the committee’s recommendation for the membership fees for 2017/8 as previously circulated to members on 26th May 2017, and shown below be adopted. Electroni Trip Fee Membershi Senior’s c (adult Membershi p Associatio Joining TOTAL Discoun Magazin nonp Type Subscriptio n Levy Fee t e only member n discount ) 9.9.









Family /








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Joint Life







 



13. 14. 15.

Duncan seconded the motion. Compared to the current year, the main changes in fees are a $2 increase in membership subscription, a $3 increase in 4WD Victoria levy, and the introduction of a $25 discount for electronic copy only of the club’s magazine.  The vote on the motion was by way of secret ballot, with Katie Mynard and Peter Devine appointed by Dale (as chairman of the meeting) as tellers for the vote. Thirty votes were cast.  Dale declared that the motion was carried on the vote result of 22 votes for the motion, 7 against the motion, and 1 abstention. General Business 11.1. Chainsaw course – Peter B attending a weekend course run by 4WD Victoria a few weeks ago. It was an excellent course and good value. Other interested members are urged to contact 4WD Victoria to book in for the next course. 11.2. Les – received 6 more batteries tonight for recycling. 11.3. 1998 SF Forester cargo barrier available for a good home – speak to Katie. Fines and Fun 12.1. Nametags  Stephen Whittaker, Les Scott, Jamie Scott, Peter Mynard, Katie Mynard, Peter Devine 12.2. Last to Meeting  Tim Folliard 12.3. Trips 12.3.1. Kosciuszko / High Country  Jamie – for giving all of Les’ desserts to 2 possums.  Martin – for not realising the bash plate was not bolted onto his vehicle.  Jamie – for not accepting the chairlift discount for over 60 year olds.  Duncan – for leaving his jumper at the summit of Mt Kosciuszko.  Andrew – for having his lightbar fall off his vehicle on the way to camp.  Stephen – for a worn CV joint/driveshaft.  Queenie – for leaving the video camera turned on at Mt Kosciuszko for 45 minutes.  Jamie – for breaking a rear driveshaft on the exit of the Murray River at Tom Groggin.  Lisa – for teasing everyone with a beautifully cooked piece of silverside and not sharing it with the rest of the group.  Jamie – for rolling up his car keys inside his sway.  Jamie – for rolling up his mobile phone inside his sway.  Alan – for falling asleep around the campfire at Beveridges Station.  Peter – for accidentally leaning on his car horn whilst leaning into his car.  Katie – for taking a photo of the trip leader washing his car in Mansfield and sending that photo via mobile phone to everyone on the trip. 12.4. Total fines collected - $13.55. The lucky door prize was won by Katie Mynard. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th June 2017 commencing at 8pm. Meeting closed at 10:38pm.

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E DIT OR N OT E S Thanks for all the contributions again this month!  

Any interesting articles you find and want to share, or if you would like to write an article for the magazine …. let me know! Just a friendly reminder also to please proof read, and be sure to use punctuation and grammar.  The deadline for submissions for next month is:

Friday 14 July As always please send emails to:

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