June 2019 (Issue 459)
Angela crossing the Lerderderg River on the recent Lerderderg State Park and Wombat State Forest trip
Follow us on our webpage: http://subaru4wdvic.com.au/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/subaru4wdvic/ Connect with Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/subaru4wdclub_victoria/
Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A—0006149J / FWDV Member
PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149
Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre
We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.
John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 2
ABOUT THE CLUB The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 40 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities.
The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2019/20 year were ratified at the general meeting in April 2019 and are as follows:
Single: $85 (Senior card - $80) Joint/Family: $95 (Senior card - $90) One off joining fee of $15 ($30 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $52 These fees are based on an electronic newsletter distribution only. No levy or discount to be offered. Requests for a hard copy magazine will be considered by the Committee.
A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further enquiries
COMMITTEE President: Mark Tyssen president@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Vice President and FWDV Delegate: Tim Folliard vice-president@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Secretary: Martin Foot secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Treasurer: Angela Bombardieri treasurer@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Trip & Social: Tim Folliard events@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Editor: Damian Stock editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Venue coordinator: Mark Tyssen venue@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Membership: Martin Foot mship@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Resources: Peter Landouris (OM) resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Well another month has rolled by. Testing a Trip Procedure: It was interesting to note that in planning/organising and running my recent trip, that of the Bike Ride run on May 26th, around the Jells Park area, it gave some of us on the Committee a subtle opportunity to test the new trip procedure that was later discussed at the general meeting on May 28th. Even though I have been a member since April 1993 and been on the Committee for near 10 years, it was the first trip that I have actually led since becoming a member. Mind you, on the trip itself, I took up the ‘Tail End Charlie’ position, but that is a subject for the trip report, elsewhere in the magazine. The simple logistics of a bike ride needed to look initially at many factors: potential inclement/ unfavourable weather translates to (reading weather radar for days ahead to see if we will have a 3-4 hour period of non rain?), how many people could be participating question can translate as (is there sufficient parking area for vehicles to unload & load their bikes?), and are the participants able to do this can translate as (will there be sufficient battery power in the bike I was using [4 hour duration when payload is around 60kg, how long will it last for 110kg load, i.e. me? Reality was 1.5 hours, hence me actually needed to peddle uphill.]). Regarding safety issues, I did carry the Club First Aid Kit in my backpack but did not think it worthwhile to also take the UHF CB radios, even though they were available if required. All boxes ticked, procedurally speaking. On the FWDCV front, there is a call for assistance for fence repairs, etc., in the fire affected areas around Bunyip and also an offer of discounts on tickets for an upcoming 4WD Show. See separate communications sent on this. If you are able to assist at the end of June (2930) I am sure your assistance would be appreciated by the farmers. Stick to the tracks, Mark Tyssen President, e: president@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Opening Balance at 15 May 2019 Income: Membership fees (various) Resources – Sale of Club clothing Fines and Fun Total Income for month Expenses: Printing 29/1 to 20/5/19 Postage AuHost Web Management 15/05/19 to 14/5/20 Optus Sat. phone mthly service fee (Apr/May 2019) Hall Hire fees 01/01/2018 to 30/06/2019 Total Expenses for month Closing Balance at 18 June 2019
Balance $3,528.26
$1,318.70 $ 30.00 $ 5.00 $1,353.70
$ 73.81 $ 34.00 $ 49.99 $ 24.51 $540.00 $722.31 $4,163.66
Angela Bombardieri Treasurer, e: treasurer@subaru4wdvic.com.au
EDITOR’S NOTE My sincerest apologies for the late arrival of the magazine this month. Unfortunately the busy lives of our regular contributors cannot always align with our magazine deadline, so there is sometimes a wait while final submissions arrived. Those responsible will remain nameless but, if it happens again I won’t be afraid to name names, probably during fines and fun. Getting the articles is one thing; fitting everything in around them then takes time. Anyway, if you would like to contribute your own article, so I can fill the pages already allocated to others, just get your material to me by the deadline, or as close to it as possible. Thanks again to those who have contributed to this month’s magazine. Damian Stock The deadline for submissions for the next edition is:
Friday, July 19th, 2019 Email editor: editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au 6
VENUE REPORT MAY GENERAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, June 25th at 8pm VENUE: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris. DOOR PRIZE: Come along to win a special door prize at this month's meeting. PRESENTATION: At this month’s meeting there will be a brief Powerpoint presentation on Strathfieldsaye Estate, a 5000 acre historic homestead in Gippsland on the shores of Lake Wellington. The club will have an opportunity to spend a weekend on the property, if there is sufficient interest, later in the year, maybe when the weather improves. Mark Tyssen Venue Coordinator
GENERAL MEETING NOTICE Welcome of members and visitors. Review and acceptance of previous general meeting’s minutes. Correspondence. Reports by various office bearers. Other business as mentioned below. General business raised by members. “Fines and Fun” – including brief summaries of recent trips. Guest speaker or presentation. Supper and networking. Details of the next few general meetings are as per the schedule below:
Guest Speaker/Presentation
Other Business
Tues 25 June Tues 30 July
South Camberwell Tennis Club South Camberwell Tennis Club
Presentation on historic Gippsland homestead Strathfieldsaye Estate TBA
Tues 27 August
South Camberwell Tennis Club
Fees (overdue) for 19/20! Fees (extremely overdue) for 19/20! Annual General Meeting
Tues 24 September
South Camberwell Tennis Club
TRIP AND SOCIAL To put your name down for these trips or events you do not need to wait for a club meeting. Email: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au or contact the trip leader directly. Snow trip When: Late August (TBA) Location: Mawson, Walhalla, Woods Point area Contact: Peter Landouris, e: resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au Details: Members to contact Peter, to register their interest, and will be contacted when weather forecasts indicate favourable conditions. This could be at short notice. Cup Day long weekend trip When: Saturday - Tuesday, November 2nd - 5th Location: Jamieson / Woods Point Contact: Peter Landouris, e: resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au Details: Available closer to the date of this re-scheduled trip The committee is always looking for trip leaders and trip ideas. While a number of tracks are now closed until November, there are still plenty of options for day trips close to Melbourne. If you want to lead a trip, please contact me for support. Tim Folliard, Trip & Social Coordinator e: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au
The Committee is considering the suggestions made by members at the September 2018 General Meeting and is also open to further proposals for 2019 and beyond. Please contact Tim Folliard to discuss any suggestions, even if you would not be the Trip Leader.
VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT There was to be a Four Wheel Drive Victoria Members Update Day at Doncaster on Saturday, June 22nd. I had sent an RSVP for our club but on Monday Wayne Hevey (CEO) advised "Due to a massive lack of response to this Saturday’s scheduled meeting, the board has decided to cancel it". As a result there will be no update on association activities this month. Tim Folliard Vice President, e: vice-president@subaru4wdvic.com.au
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE Notice is hereby given to members that the Annual General Meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc., will be held on Tuesday, August 27th, 2019 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club rooms, 322 Burke Road, Glen Iris, commencing after the finish of the August 2019 General meeting. Order of business will include: Confirmation of the minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting. Presentation of the 2019 Annual report. Presentation of 2019 Annual financial statement. General business. Election of officers of the club and ordinary members of the committee. Nominations for committee positions should be submitted to the club secretary by no later than 7 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. However, on the day, nominations for committee positions will be accepted from the floor of the meeting. Special Resolutions: If a member wishes to bring an item of business to the Annual General Meeting that requires a special resolution, 21 days written notice of the special resolution must be given to all club members.
Martin Foot Secretary
TRIP REPORTS Glen Waverley Bike Trip by Martin Foot (with help from Mark Tyssen) Sunday May 26th, 2019 Let’s have a bike ride, said Mark. OK ... now, how long has it been since any of us have ridden a bicycle a reasonable distance? You could see that some of us don’t ride very often. In my case I had to polish the rust and evict the spiders from under the seat and in the helmet! Luckily the tyres were still serviceable. We all showed up bravely one bright and sunny Sunday morning, next to the Tennis Club in Shepherd Road, Glen Waverley. Mark proudly connected his electric powered front wheel to his bike frame. He assured us that without its assistance, he would not have offered the trip! as he is still recovering from an op at very end of 2017.
Mark attaching his electric wheel
After much checking of tyre pressures and adjusting of straps, we set off, a little unsteadily, along the link path to the main Dandenong Valley bike path. Soon, though, we were all whizzing along confidently. Mark was sitting up like Chairman Mao taking in the scenery while his motor did the work. The rest of us put our backs into it and after 10 minutes we found ourselves at Jells Park. Well done all, we said and proceeded to dismount for a half hour coffee break.
The coffee went down well. Dodging through the crowds near the lake, we headed further south towards Wellington Road, where we reversed and went back over our tracks passing the lake and our point of entry as we puffed up the rise towards Norton’s Park. It was at this point that some of us realised we were perhaps not as fit as we thought we might have been. But we all managed to keep up with 14 y.o. Jack, so we can’t have been doing so badly. Well Mark made sure nobody was left behind by taking position of Tail End Charlie the majority of the time.
Martin's bike waiting for its rider
TRIP REPORTS CONT On and on (or so it seemed!) we eventually arrived at High Street Road, Wantirna South, and decided that was just about enough for us amateurs. So we turned back yet again until we arrived eventually back at Glen Waverley. Poor Mark had lost power somewhere along the line, battery virtually depleted, and actually had to pedal, happened to be the last uphill section overtaking Jack who walked his bike up the hill, I had passed Jack up the same hill earlier. I carefully loaded my bike on to my rear carrier and bolted it down – until I realised I had overlooked shutting my rear hatch ... so it all came off again. The outing was enough to convince us that we should do more of this sort of thing. In moderation, of course. After all, we are a 4WD club.
At the junction point
It should be noted that Mark had borrowed the power assisted bicycle that he used from a postie friend. This bike has considerably less power than his friend’s Buell motorbike, 1200cc.
Martin's bike found its rider
Mark assisted in its conversion from a standard mountain bike – changed to wider front forks, complete motor & battery mounted on 26” rim (imported), wiring assembly loom, front disk for front braking.
Mark Tyssen Martin Foot Tim and Jack Folliard
TRIP REPORTS Queen’s Birthday Weekend 2019 By Tim Folliard Saturday I had pre-tripped this back in March and it was very dry but early in the week 40mm had fallen over the area so it would be interesting to see how conditions would change as this is rated dry weather only. This was also the last weekend before track closures would apply. Camp was set up at Firth Park Campground inside the Lerderderg/Wombat State Park. This is a large campground with toilets, fire pits, a dam, even horse yards (well used). Tent camping is behind a fence with an area for trailers although on a slope. Peter D was using this as a trial run for his Central Australia trip; a new tent and a fully loaded vehicle. How much can a Forester hold? Martin towed his new off-road, tear-drop camper to add some luxury. The campground was nearly empty Saturday morning but filled throughout the afternoon. It was a quiet camp, bar the doof-doof sound from the bush party more than a kilometre away. The first trip was down Ratcliffe’s Track. The first few kilometres were easy enough, with the track dry, but towards the southern end of the track is a short descent, creek crossing and climb out. Part of the descent was washed away so it took some careful line to get down. A driver of an XV decided, despite it being leased, that this might be the furthest point he got and turned around. May have been interesting but clearance would have been a factor. All down and successfully back up it was time to head to camp for lunch.
Ratcliffe's Track (Rick left and Tim above) Steep descent into the creek made a little difficult by half the track being washed away. Photos always make the tracks seem flat.
TRIP REPORTS CONT. A few kilometres from camp, disaster. Tim lost all drive after the FJ40’s clutch failed. Dave's cruiser towed the older cruiser back to camp.
Waiting to descend Ratcliffe's Track. The guys ahead were lifting wheels, hanging onto the back and making a difficult time of it.
Saturday afternoon. With the trip leader out of action, the planned trip was delayed until Sunday when some extra vehicles were expected. Dave’s LA Cruiser towing Tim’s FJ40 back to camp. No clutch.
The camp departed to collect firewood for the cold night to come. The boys got the fire going well despite damp wood and soon everyone was seated around a roaring fire. Firth Park is well spaced out and in the darkness we could see other roaring fires around us. Some vehicles entered while we sat around the campfire, and it seemed like they were arriving in the middle of the night, but a watch check showed it was only 7:30. The night was cold but once in the sleeping bag it wasn't too bad. I hear that Martin, comfy in his new camper, watched a video on the screen above his bed. [Guilty as charged - Sec.] Firth Park - after firewood collection
Sunday The cool night led to a sunny morning. Angela and Julie arrived at camp and the convoy set out for some more local tracks. I jumped in with Angela and Julie, with the maps, which I think was my first ride in any Subaru. First up was Diggers Track intended as a quick run into O’Briens Crossing and to check out the new Lerderderg camping area. 13
TRIP REPORTS CONT. Rain early in the week had filled the bog holes and we hadn’t gone too far before we came to a stop and the sticks came out to measure depth. After skirting a few holes we came upon one that swallowed my metre long stick. There was a bypass track as seen in the photos which required a muddy climb out.
Rick exiting the deep pool, Diggers Track
Rick entering a deep pool, Diggers Track
Amblers Lane was a good medium 4WD track as it has a bit of everything. A rocky river crossing, rocky climbs with mini staircases, ruts and some good descents through the forest. It would make a good training loop. Martin radioed to Angela that this was a good time to try X-Mode. Everyone navigated all the obstacles successfully with Sunday's tracks considerably damper than those the day before but grip was good, even for those on road tyres. It was good to see that the Lerderderg River was running strongly. It was dry on the pre-trip and the fallen tree wasn't there. After returning to camp it was time for me to call RACV for a flatbed ride back home, once the tow truck driver finally found the camp. A map or working GPS would have saved a few hours. This is a great area, close to Melbourne, with a variety of tracks and options. We didn't even get into the myriad of tracks in the western side of the park. We will return.
TRIP REPORTS CONT. Attendees Angela B and Julie
Martin F
Rick K and Josh
Subaru L Series
Peter D
Dave W, Anthony and Justin Landcruiser 100 Tim F and Jack
Landcruiser 40
Angela B crossing the Lerderderg River on Amblers Lane.
Peter D crossing the Lerderderg River on Amblers Lane.
And finally Rick crosses as well.
Postscript The roadside mechanics were right. The original 40 year old clutch had failed. The centre had separated from the disc and two of the springs detached. Keeping the transmission in one piece means 100 kgs to support so a transmission jack is essential and, with some bolts being a bit stubborn, it isn't a viable do it at home job. With the flywheel machined, the rear main seal changed and a new clutch kit installed, it drives well. I went with the recommended Exedy Safari heavy duty 4WD kit and first impression is that the pedal feel is much firmer, releases earlier and accelerates well.
Snow Trip
Late August
Peter Landouris
Cup Day long weekend trip
November 2—5
Peter Landouris
Strathfieldsaye Estate
Damian Stock
Social / Easy
Woodside North And Surrounding Forests
Damian Stock
Social / Easy
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA TRAINING CALENDAR FOR 2019 - UPCOMING PROFICIENCY COURSES: PC190706 - Theory: Tuesday 2 July, Practical: Saturday 6 July 2019 PC190803 - Theory: Tuesday 30 July, Practical: Saturday 3 August 2019 PC190907 - Theory: Tuesday 3 September, Practical: Saturday 7 September 2019 PC191026 - Theory: Friday 25 October, Practical: Saturday 26 October 2019 PC191123 - Theory: Tuesday 19 November, Practical: Saturday 23 November 2019 PC191207 - Theory: Tuesday 3 December, Practical: Saturday 7 December 2019 Member Price is $220.00 Contact:
Four Wheel Drive Victoria, RTO: 21605 Ph: 03 9874 7222, Web: www.fwdvictoria.org.au 16
TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip:
Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader
Two rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t)
Rated snatch strap
Recovery points, front & rear; plus, optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design;
UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio. Ideally in car but hand held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last the trip.
Fire extinguisher, accessible to the driver
Spare tyre (full size)
Jack and wheel brace, or equivalent
Emergency supplies (matches, food, water and clothing)
Sufficient fuel, oil and water for the trip and delays
A tyre pressure gauge; compressor (according to the trip)
An axe, bow or chain saw;
A sturdy shovel (collapsible shovels are no good)
Spare parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip)
A tool kit
Personal first aid kit
Your vehicle manual
Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.
MINUTES Committee Meeting Minutes (abridged) Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. held on Monday, 4 June 2019 at the home of Angela Bombadieri and Julie Dyer, starting at 7.45pm approximately. 1. Present: Mark Tyssen, Martin Foot, Tim Folliard, Angela Bombardieri 2. Apologies: Peter Landouris 3. Visitors: Peter Devine 4. Quorum: A quorum was achieved with 4 of 5 committee members present (section 63b). 5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 5.1 Minutes of the committee meeting held 7 May 2019 were accepted without amendment. Moved Tim Folliard, seconded by Mark Tyssen. 5.2 Business Arising from the Minutes: (5.2) Sat phone. SIM card received. Forms for direct debit signed for return to Optus. ACTION: Angela to lodge. (7.6) Web hosting transfer complete. Netregistry account cancelled. Glen Arkell provided helpful advice. [carried over] First Aid kits to be checked for contents. ACTION: Mark 6. Correspondence 6.1 In FWDV: 2019-20 Affiliation Fees Insurance Renewal Declaration Help Needed [forwarded to members] Trackwatch Magazine articles Club membership list Query re 2019/20 levy rise [in response to S4WDCV query] Mt. Skene Club permits 2019 General: Pete Sea – enquiry re membership AuHost4u – webhosting order, account information, invoice Optus Satellite - direct debit form Mark La Rosa – selling a Liberty Various persons – enquiries re membership Nicholas and Deborah Leask – membership application Peter Kakalias and Kylie Davies – application for membership Netregistry – re cancellation of account 6.2 Out: VicRoads – advising sale of permit vehicle, removed from register VicRoads – re plates Various persons – reply to membership enquiries Optus Satellite – seeking direct debit form
7. Reports 7.1 Resources Polo sold at April Meeting. Inventory of stock will be needed as at 30 June. Limited stock – orders to be taken and placed with supplier 3 monthly. NB: Current styles may no longer be available. 7.2 Trip and Social Queen’s Birthday long weekend – Lerderderg / Wombat trip. Tim to lead. Base camp at Firth Park, Trentham East. Snow Trip (late August) – in the Rawson, Walhalla, Woods Point area - Peter Landouris to investigate options. Members to place name on an attendance list, to be contacted when weather forecasts indicate favourable conditions. Social event in early July – possibly lunch at Stamford Park in Rowville, otherwise cinema evening. Martin and Dot TLs. Further information required. [Sec. Note: trip postponed date TBA] Woodside North. This trip has been deferred to a date to be decided. Damian and Angela TLs. Woods Point – Jamieson Trip. This trip has been rescheduled for the Cup Day long weekend or as advised by Peter. 4WDs trips with Rick K or David W as TLs. Nothing specific at this stage. Cobaw State Forest trip. Tim to investigate. More social trips also needed in between the above. 7.3 Venue June meeting – Possible video night. ACTION: Mark to speak to Peter L. Possible future presentation at a meeting by Rudi Poeletti on the Walhallla district? Martin to enquire. 7.4 Membership Membership Applications: Several applications had been received to take effect on 1 July: Les Ralph Katie Mynard Peter Kakalias and Kylie Davies Nicholas and Deborah Leask. All approved. Moved Tim, seconded Mark. CARRIED. 7.5 Editor Submission deadline: 14 June. If past trips are to be reprinted, they should be from an earlier era, without too many current or recent members having attended. 7.6 Treasurer Current balance: $3,798 in operational account as at 31/5. Advertising: Leads to be followed up: Volksbaru (invoicing). ACTION: Angela Subaxtreme: ACTION: Martin Wreckers: Subaru Heaven, Subabits, SubaRoos Burwood. ACTION: Mark 7.7 Secretary Annual Report template needed. ACTION: Martin has contacted Peter Bellis. 7.8 Vice-President No report – nothing recently from FWDV. 19
7.9 President No report. 8. Priorities and Planning [this item was dealt with at the beginning of the meeting] By-Laws: Peter Devine has submitted a further revision of his Trip notes. Tim to discuss with Peter, then forward the revised draft to Martin for presentation at the May GM. Membership Safety: Martin tabled a proposed framework based on various organisations for discussion. Several suggestions were made. Martin to fill out the framework and circulate for discussion at the June Committee meeting, when Peter Devine will be available. 9. General Business: Recalls: Mark advised that the Impreza recall (springs) were now available, but securing a booking is now the issue due to demand. Fundraising chocs – sales volunteer needed. To be pursued in the new financial year. Mark has offered to draft an order form. 10. Next Meeting: Tuesday, 2 July 2019, venue Chinese Association of Victoria. 11. Meeting closed at 10:15pm approx.
BUY IT AND SELL IT HERE Please note: If you have any items listed here for sale which are no longer available please remember to let us know at: editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au Items for sale Item: Forester aluminium bash plates Details: Made from 6.0 mm construction grade aluminium SF Forester $350 SG & SH Forester $380 SJ Forester $420 CVT & Gearbox Protection $380 Outback & Diesel Vehicles $420 Fitting can be arranged. 10% discount for Subaru Club members. Please contact David via TXT after hours Road less Travelled - Vehicle under body protection dw@subaru4wdvic.com.au The Club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. PLEASE NOTE: that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1988-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a)
the cash price of the vehicle and;
the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered.
MINUTES General Meeting Minutes The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:25pm approximately. 1. Present Mark Tyssen, Martin Foot, Angela Bombardieri, Tim Folliard, Damian Stock, David Wilson, Rick Koster, Renato Luminati, Peter Mynard 2. Apologies Peter Landouris, Julie Dyer, Angela Stock, Dot Greiveson, Peter Devine, Phil and Elaine Milkins, Les Ralph 3. Visitors Katie Mynard, Nick and Deb Leask, Peter Kakalias, Peter and Steve Carolan 4. Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. 5. Minutes of the Previous General Meeting The minutes of the April 2019 General Meeting were accepted without amendment. Moved by Damian Stock and seconded by Peter Mynard. There was no Business Arising. 6. Correspondence 6.1 In South Camberwell Tennis Club, re hall hire fees. Four Wheel Drive Victoria: Trackwatch articles needed 2019-20 Affiliation fees / Insurance Renewal Declaration Bushfire relief – help needed Query re club membership return 2018-19 Response to query re 2019-20 levy rise Mt Skene Pertmits 2019 General: VicRoads – re vehicle permit update and report of current vehicles Membership enquiries AuHost4u – webhosting order / account info Optus satellite – direct debit form Mark La Rosa – selling a Liberty Magazines from: Land Rover Car Club of Victoria (hard copy) 21
Subaru 4WD Club of WA (via email link) Subaru 4WD Club of SA (via email link) Nissan 4x4 Club of Vic (via email link) 6.2 Out FWDV – Query re 2019 levy amount Responses to Membership enquiries VicRoads – Vehicle register update 7. Reports 7.1 Resources No report, in the absence of Peter Landouris. Club Uniform. Samples on display at the meeting. [1 Polo shirt sold.] 7.2 Editor Damian thanked contributors to the magazine notably Rick Koster at short notice for his trip report and Martin for his article on his visit to Subaxtreme. Also to Martin for checking and correcting the Editor’s report before distribution. In discussion, it was noted that the Subaxtreme business is up for sale. Deadline: Friday, 14 June. Content required or Damian will continue to reprint old trip reports! 7.3 Trip and Social Queen’s Birthday: Lerderderg / Wombat Trip. TL Tim Folliard. Can be 1, 2 or 3 days. Base camp at Firth Park. Range of difficulty to suit all-comers, subject to weather. Snow Trip: Rawson, Walhalla, Woods Point area. Participants to register with TL Peter Landouris who will contact when weather conditions are favourable. Meal and Movie Night: Friday 5 or Saturday 6 July, at Pinewood Cinema of the Lido, Hawthorn. Details TBC. TLs Martin and Dot Cup Day long weekend – Woods Point / Jamieson Trip. Mt. Terrible / Mt. Skene western approaches, southern areas below Woods Point inc. Jericho, Donnelly’s Creek and other gold-rush locations. TL Peter Landouris. Social Trips needed between these. Contact Tim with ideas / proposals. 7.4 Venue Presentation: Update on Trips Procedures (see below). Door prize: visitor Deb Leask. 7.5 Membership Several enquiries regarding membership have been received and responded to by Martin during the month. Some visitors lodged applications at the meeting for consideration at the next Committee meeting. Treasurer Angela was available to take renewals and cash payments at the meeting. A reminder that renewals are due 31 May. 7.6 Treasurer Statement as per the magazine, apart from some memberships received and hall hire to be paid. Balance as at 27 May was $3,798.26. 22
7.7 Secretary – no report. 7.8 Vice-President – no report. No news from FWDV recently regarding any upcoming meetings of delegates. 7.9 President – no report. 8. General Business 8.1 Peter Mynard gave a brief report of the Sakura Picnic, held on 19 May, at Bundoora Park. This is an expo of Japanese cars and motorbikes, run by the Toyota Car Club of Australia. He and Katie displayed their stock L-series wagon and Vortex. 8.2 Mark reported that Subaru’s recalls on brake light switches was going ahead, but further delays were expected on valve springs for his daughter’s Impreza. 8.3 Damian shared some pictures of his Brumby, which recently came off second best in a collision with a fence post on his property. The driver shall remain nameless. 9. Fines and Fun 9.1 Nametags Peter Mynard 9.2 Last to Meeting David Wilson 9.3 Trips Bike Trip – fines: Mark, for using an electric bike while the others used their legs! Martin – for carefully hooking up his bike carrier and bike on departure before realising he had to drop his rear hatch first. Mark – for assuring those with racing tyres that the track was all firm surface, when in fact some was gravel. Plaudits to all for keeping up with 14 y.o. Jack, despite some being 4 times his age. Total fines collected - $5.00. 10. Presentation / Discussion: By-Laws-Trip procedures Tim reported on revisions to the Trip procedures, as part of the By-Laws review ongoing, using a Power point presentation. The topic covered all aspects of conducting a trip, from its conception and planning, through enrolments, selection of participants, assembly, convoy procedures, UHF radio usage, camping standards and members responsibilities, finishing with notes on post-trip admin and private trips. Notes were taken of comments and suggestions for incorporation into the next draft. Thanks to Peter Devine in particular for his work on revising the previous document. 11. Meeting closed at 10:15 pm approximately and was followed by supper and chat. 12. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 25 June 2019, commencing at 8pm.
NATIONAL 4x4 SHOW TICKET DISCOUNT FOR FWDV MEMBERS Tickets are now on sale for the 2019 National 4x4 Outdoors Show, Fishing & Boating Expo, taking place from 16-18 August at the Melbourne Showgrounds. Planning on attending? Buy discounted adult tickets online athttp://bit.ly/4x4Mel19 using the discount code 4WDVIC
HELP NEEDED Help needed by Parks Victoria - Bunyip "Just thought I would give you an outline for the plan on the 30th June. Firstly, I am looking forward to extending our great relationship with Four Wheel Drive Victoria and in advance we appreciate the support in Fire Recovery from the fires in March which swept through more than half of our Park. We will have the opportunity to give you guys a briefing of the fire the day before which will set a lot of the context of what has happened during the fire and some of the recovery efforts to date. Your involvement in the next stage is key to supporting community interest and ownership of the Bunyip State Park and supporting its regrowth into the future. The aim for the activity for Sunday 30th is the removal of old fence lines that have historically been in place and have been exposed from the fire. It is opportunistic to get them out now before vegetation grows back. When: Sunday 30th June at 9:00 am where we will have a briefing before commencing work. Where: Cannibal Creek Horse Unloading Area on Tynong North Road (near Camp Road intersection) What to bring: Gloves suitable for fencing wire, fencing plyers, safety glasses, suitable clothing and footwear for the day, lunch, drinks and snacks. If you don’t have any of the items, no stress, I will bring plenty of spares. Ideally we could use up to 20 people for the day to cover a few locations in the same area. Please call me if you have any questions and I look forward to having a safe enjoyable day out there." Andy Musgrove Senior Ranger 24