March 2012
Late night on the Pajero Challenge 2012
(ISSUE 379) Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J FWDV Member GPO BOX 2456 Melbourne VIC. 3001
VOLKS-BARU SUBARU and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre
We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.
John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 Page: 2
INTRODUCTION TO THE SUBARU 4WD CLUB OF VICTORIA: The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 30 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each financial year, due after the yearly AGM. Fees for the 2010/2011 year are currently: Interstate: $90 (Seniors card - $85) � Single: $100 (Seniors card - $90) Joint/family: $105 - (Seniors card - $90) (All fees includes affiliation and Insurance: $40) A trip fee of $10 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further information regarding membership, including pro-rata and monthly rates.
South Camberwell Tennis Club 322 Burke Road Glen Iris (Melways 59 H6)
Last Tuesday of each month at 8:00pm sharp (except December)
Meetings 1st Tuesday each month: 7:30pm
Damian Stock (President) Peter Bellis (Secretary)
Bob Marshall (Treasurer)
Jessica Walsh (Trip & Social)
Martin Foot (Editor) au
Andrew Jantke (Membership) vacant (Resources) vacant (Venue) Phil Milkins (Ordinary Member) Dale Rebgetz (Ordinary Member) (diverted to president) (diverted to president)
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PRESIDENT’S REPORT Welcome to the March magazine and a very important president’s report. No, I’m not saying that I am very important; the report is. In this report, as well as in other parts of the magazine, we will be drawing to your attention some very important decisions that need to be made in the coming months. These relate to the setting of the club membership fees for the coming year as well as making decisions about increasing our revenue through other means. Before doing so I would like to review what has been happening in the club since last month. Last month’s BBQ prior to the meeting was well attended, despite inclement weather on the day. I am grateful to the willing cooks who took over from me to ensure that the hordes were fed. It was great to meet some prospective new members, Jana and Mark in a Suzuki Grand Vitara, I hope to see them again when they sign up at a future meeting. We also had another prospective new member, Jason, attend the meeting so we hope to see him again in the future as well. Pajero Challenge The Pajero Challenge has come and gone for another year, although it was certainly quite different to previous years. While the setup was similar, the pack up was very different. By the time I arrived, much later in the afternoon than expected, the marquee was already up and the workers were sitting down for a heat break. Bev, who had come up just to help, left soon after, leaving the rest of us to complete the setup and prepare for dinner. Jean had command of the kitchen, probably out of necessity, as some of us were definitely out of our comfort zone in that respect. After a pleasant evening sitting around chatting amongst ourselves, with the radio operator and various officials, it was soon time to grab a couple of hours sleep before the first competitors’ arrival. After a couple of restless hours I awoke to what I thought was a car horn, leading me to think that the competitors were coming in earlier than expected. How wrong I was. After hastily dressing and heading up to the check point I found a new arrival at camp, another radio operator, trying to establish a connection back to base. While assisting him with this task we found out that many of the competitors had taken a wrong turn and had arrived at checkpoint 4.1, bypassing our checkpoint. As we continued with the radio communications we also heard that the competitors were all back tracking to where they had taken the wrong turn so that they could make their way to our check point. As a result, we Page: 4
PRESIDENT’S REPORT expected to see the first competitors much later than expected and this was the case with the first of them not making it to the checkpoint until after 3AM. As I said earlier, thanks to a much later arrival of the entrants into the check point, and with the last ones leaving very close to dawn, we made the decision to pack up and head home before the day warmed up. This was executed with a minimum of fuss by the team and it was quite a shock to be heading home not long after 7AM on Sunday morning. It was definitely a pleasure hoping into my own bed back in Wantirna, instead of curling up in a very small two man tent, on very rocky ground, in the parking area. I would again like to thank Peter and Jean for all their efforts in organizing the event. Understandably, Peter has indicated that he will not be organizing the event next year so we will need a volunteer, or group of volunteers, to take over this responsibility. Peter has assured me that he has everything in a spreadsheet so it will not be too hard to take over, especially if a subcommittee can be formed. I would also like to thank Michael Hartshorne, Peter Mynard and Les and Jamie Scott for all their hard work on the night, even in the face of extreme heat and a rather odorous portable toilet. Thanks also to Bev for her assistance with setup and to those other members who contributed food for the event. It was much appreciated by the competitors. Big River Trip - Labour Day weekend On the weekend following the general meeting Jamie’s planned night trip had to be postponed, due to the unseasonal rain in the area in the previous two weeks. Watch this space for a re-scheduling of this trip. On the recent long weekend Dave led a trip up into the Big River area to the east of Marysville. Despite a late, mid-Saturday departure from the meeting point at Warburton, thanks to yours truly running unfashionably late, the convoy successfully made it to a great camp spot on the top of Mount Duffy by mid-afternoon. After a leisurely setup and a cool evening spent around the campfire, with some interesting discussions about the club, we then spent most of Sunday on some challenging tracks in the area. This was led by Adam who had the most recent experience. Despite the toughness of some of these tracks, especially the Boundary track, our newest member Jarred and his 2008 XS auto handled them with ease. After Adam and Damien headed home to Melbourne, followed by Jarred, the rest of the group headed off for a quick dip at Frenchman’s before heading back up to camp. Around the campfire it was discovered that Jamie had a very useful shade for the back of his vehicle. This was unpacked and placed on the back of the Hilux as a test of its usefulness. It was great being able to Page: 5
PRESIDENT’S REPORT get into and out of the Hilux without having to brave the elements. Definitely another useful item to be added to the camping shopping list. Coming up we have a few trips in the calendar, the first being the photography trip to the Grampians, led by Jessica. Having just spoken to a friend, who visited the area over the long weekend, it sounds like it should be a great trip as the area is certainly open for business after last year’s floods. There is plenty to see and do, without too many crowds, so let Jessica know if you are interested in attending. Membership Fees Now, back to the important decisions I mentioned earlier. In recent years we have aimed to contain our expenses, and membership fees, in recognition of the increasing costs associated with enjoying our pastime. Unfortunately this has now caught up with us and we have found that we are actually in a deficit each year for every member in the club. We still have a reasonably healthy cash reserve however this will not last very long. This will also impact our ability to complete club projects, such as the shelter at Buchan, so we need to urgently address this shortfall. While adding new members will amortize the club’s running costs across a greater number this will not remedy the situation. We will have to increase our fees slightly to also cover the CPI increase in the association’s affiliation and insurance levy. We need to find other ways of supplementing our current income to ensure that we do not have to raise our fees significantly in the future. Various ideas have been suggested, such as charging a fee for trips, making Christmas in July a club fund-raising event and by having more revenue generating social events in the calendar. We also need one major special effort each year, with significant prizes, so that we attract support from outside of our membership . Additional sponsorship, in the form of magazine advertising and prize donations would help as well so please give these options some thought and let the committee know if you have any ideas. Come along to the March general meeting, where we will be discussing the new fee structure, and where we will be looking for new and creative ideas for keeping the club in a sound financial position. This is your club and it is in all of our interests to make sure that it remains viable financially. Anyway that’s enough from me for this month. Take care of yourself out there, on the road or in the bush, and I look forward to seeing you soon. Damian Page: 6
EDITOR’S REPORT This month we have a trip report from the Pajero Challenge and the Committee’s proposals for next year’s membership fees. === PRINTING OUT YOUR OWN MAGAZINE is now an option, and one that would certainly save the club money. The problem to date has been to get the pages in the right order to make a booklet, however, I can now supply a PDF document where this has been done for you. All you have to do is to print it out back and front. If you don’t have a duplexer in your printer, a different version of the file will allow you to flip the paper stack and print both sides in two passes. Contact me if you want to look at this option. === The magazine deadline for next edition is APRIL 10th, 2012. Send all copy to Martin
MARCH GENERAL MEETING Date: Tuesday 27 March at 8pm. Venue: Camberwell South Tennis Club Main items: Special Resolution (see p16) and Membership fees Special guest presentation: by Mark Russell from Fourby Fitouts who will have a vehicle for inspection at the meeting.
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TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT GRAMPIANS DRIVE Victorian Iconic 4WD trip Friday 30 March – Sunday 1 April Trip Standard Medium Contact: Jessica Walsh, email: I would like to do the Grampians iconic 4wd trip.I have not had the opportunity to “pre-trip” this, but the track notes are very comprehensive. The grandeur of the Grampians also lends itself to making this a photographic trip. That is, for all the camera buffs who want to come along, anytime someone wants to stop for a photo, we will. We will meet at the Halls Gap caravan park on Friday evening, and make that our base for two nights. There is a western and eastern loop which we can do in a relaxed fashion on Saturday and Sunday respectively.
MITSUBISHI MUSTER Tolmie (out of Mansfield) Friday 6 – Monday 9 April 2012 Pajero 4WD Club Victoria Contact: TBA The club has received an invitation to the Mitsubishi Muster to be held over Easter in and around Tolmie in the state's north east. The program is still being determined, but if 2011 was anything to go on, it will be a great event. Have a look at the Pajero Club's website for more details.
MUNGO LAKES WORLD HERITAGE AREA Saturday June 9 – Monday June 11 Trip Standard Easy Contact Jessica Walsh, email: The Mungo Lakes area is just north of Mildura and has some of the earliest evidence of Aboriginal inhabitance in Australia. The area used to be a large inland lake, and thousands of years of water and wind action have left us with some amazing formations. The trip will meet at the Centro Shopping Centre on the corner of 15th St and Deakin Ave Mildura at 2pm on Saturday. We will then have a 1 ½ – 2 hour drive out to the campsite, where we will pitch tents and relax. Page: 8
TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT On Sunday we will head around the loop track, past the visitor's centre and around The Walls Of China. This is part of the formation that has contributed to the park's world heritage status. Look closely enough and there are signs of early settlement. Depending on the weather we will head back out to The Walls for an amazing land based sunset, looking out across the dry lake bed. Monday will see a relaxed start and a return to Melbourne. Vehicles will need to be well prepared as we will be in an isolated area. All supplies including water are also needed as the only facilities are some long drop toilets at the campsite, and water cannot be relied on.
CHRISTMAS IN JULY Saturday July 21 Trip Standard Social Contact Peter Bellis, email: This is one of the highlights in the club's social calendar. The Bellis' always provide an outstanding event (with the help of club members). Come along and enjoy the cheer!
TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, CAIRNS 14 November Trip Standard to be determined Contact Dale Rebgetz, email: Cairns is the only place in the world to view the total solar eclipse on November 14 2012. This trip is in the concept phase at this stage, but hopefully will go ahead. Allow about a week before and a week after the eclipse for travel and some touring in the area. If you would like more information on the eclipse itself, go to
LATER IN THE YEAR Narbethong Wombat State Forest Possible snow trip with the Queensland Subaru Club Goldfields Heritage Area
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TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT JESSICA'S JOTTINGS Due to personal circumstances, I will not be standing for a position on the committee this year. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to give the club advance notice in order to find a replacement. Being Trip and Social Coordinator is a very rewarding position, and does not involve a large amount of time. You mainly need to keep track of trips (pun intended). If you don't wish to consider that role, even just being a committee member is a way of putting back into the club. If you have any interest at all, then don't hesitate to talk to me or any of the committee members. Happy travels, Jessica Walsh Trip and Social Co-ordinator
RESOURCES Club Clothing prices: Polo - $33 Double-sided vest - $66 Long sleeved fleece top - $71.50 Storm jacket - $121 Cap $27.50 An order for club clothing will be placed shortly with the suppliers. Members interested in purchasing items, especially for the coming winter season, please contact Damian on email:
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TRIP REPORTS PAJERO CHALLENGE 25, 26 February 2012 by Jean Bellis This year the club again ran ¾ Rest Point for the Pajero challenge. This year’s Challenge was held in the Toolangi State Forest and we were in the area near Glenburn. Peter Bellis again co-ordinated the Club’s participation and has been on the Pajero Challenge Committee. Thank you to all who have assisted with the club’s contribution to this year’s Challenge. On the Sunday prior Peter and Jean took a Sunday drive to Werribee to collect the Club Trailer from Cynthia and Mike’s where it has been stored. We had to spend some time fixing the trailer lights before we could leave. Thursday evening Bev came over and helped to load the equipment that we had borrowed from our Scout Group. Saturday morning Enid and David arrived with pumpkin soup and slices. This will be the first time in the six years that we have done the challenge that Enid has not attended. (Enid ‘s ankle is still in a big brace). David helped Peter load the trailer while Jean made a salad and got all the other food packed (and chattered to Enid who was resting her ankle). Bev arrived (with Splash) and we were ready to leave. Michael joined us at Yarra Glen. After a quick stop at Glenburn for icecreams and ice we headed out to the campsite. There we found Les and Jamie sitting in the shade enjoying a cold drink. After a few comments about “nana naps “ and who was getting old (certainly not Les) we got the marquee up. This was not easy as the ground was extremely rocky and pegs would just not go in or got bent. We also set up the tent for Check in and out. We then decided that it was afternoon tea time and we sat around chatting and having a few laughs. Bev left us at about 5.00pm as she had to work early the next day. Peter Mynard and Damian Stock arrived soon after. After a leisurely afternoon in the shade we finished setting up, put up our tents and enjoyed a great BBQ tea. Thanks to everyone who provided salads and desserts. Between 10 and 11pm we all headed towards bed ready to be up at 1am with the first competitors expected at 1.30am.
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We awoke to the news that most of the competitors had misread the notes and arrived at check point 4.1 instead of us who were check point 4.0. This meant that they had to go back to where the mistake had occurred and continue correctly. It was well after 2.30am before the cars started to arrive. The second problem was that we turned out to be located in a black hole for radio communication. To overcome this problem for the radio operators, a portable aerial had to be constructed so that our check point could communicate with Challenge Control . While Peter M. and Les took on car parking, Damian and Jamie ran check-in and Michael check-out. Peter co-ordinated the whole operation and Jean supervised the catering. Pumpkin and vegetable soup were very popular as were the slices and cakes. The other attraction near the catering tent was Les and Jamie’s Brumby with its interesting paint job. It caused quite a few comments. It certainly helped to make people aware that the Subaru Club was running the check point. As it was nearly 5.30am when the last competitor left the site and it was starting to get light, we decided that we would pack up and then either head home or have a sleep. Everyone opted to head home. Page: 12
TRIP REPORTS Peter and I decided that we would leave unpacking the trailer till later in the afternoon when it was a bit cooler and just have showers and grab some sleep. Damian offered to come over to help us unpack which worked really well, as it meant that we could unload the gear that need to go in the club trailer or our garage and then go and unload the Scout gear. Normally we unload the Scout gear first which is on the bottom as it is the heaviest and bulkiest. We got the job dome in half the time. Thank you to all those who supplied slices, biscuits, salads and desserts, Jean and Enid for the soup and Peter for organizing 他 Rest Point. Participants: Peter and Jean Bellis Bev Davison and Splash Les Scott and Jamie Scott Damian Stock Peter Mynard Michael Hartsborne
Forester Forester Brumby Forester L series Forester
FOR SALE The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered. Contact the club editor to advertise in this space.
Forester Aluminium Bash Plates: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Contact: David Wilson, email WANTED - L series bull bar. Bumper replacement type alloy bulbar to suit an L series Subaru (for adaption to fit Peugeot 505). Not sure if a Brumby bar would fit, are they the same width? Please contact Hank Verwoert, email: Page: 13
2012 Tues 27 MAR
General Meeting, plus presentation by Mark Russell from Fourby Fitouts who will have a vehicle for inspection at the meeting.
Sat 30, Sun 1 April Grampians Trip Tues 3
Committee Meeting
Fri 6 to Mon 9 April Mitsubishi Muster (Pajero Club activity; (Easter) invitation extended to S4WDCV)
Trip Standard
Tues 10
Magazine deadline for articles, reports, etc
Fri 13 - Sun 15
Opposite Lock Vic Winch (not a S4WDCV event)
Fri 20 - Sun 22
4WD Muster presented by the Variety Club (not a S4WDCV event)
Tues 24
General Meeting
Sat 9 - Mon 11 June (Queen’s Birthday)
Mungo Lakes World Heritage Area
Sat 21 July
Christmas in July
Vehicle Suitability
Easy Medium
All wheel drive and high range 4WD. Can be Suitable for medium clearance vehicles with d
Difficult Very Difficult
Suitable for medium to high clearance vehicles wit Suitable for high clearance vehicles with dual rang
k a
Standard Contact for further info.
Damian Stock
Based in Halls Gap
Jessica Walsh
Peter Bellis
Tolmie (out of Mansfield)
Jessica Walsh or
Caravan Park fee
$25 vehicle plus $5 per person per night
Martin Foot Feehans Road Wildwood, Bulla Lardner Park, Warragul
Adults $20
From $100 with campsite
CSTC Mildura
Bellis residence
Jessica Walsh
Jean Bellis
low clearance with single range and road tyres. dual range and all terrain or road tyres.
th dual range and all terrain tyres. ge and tyres suitable for the terrain (eg. mud terrain tyres).
SPECIAL RESOLUTION – CHANGES TO CLUB’S CONSTITUTION Changes to the club’s constitution must be approved by the members of the club by way of a special resolution at a meeting of the club. The requirements for the passing of a special resolution, as set out in section 29 of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (as amended) are as follows: at least 21 days notice is given to all members entitled to vote, specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution at that meeting, at least 3⁄4 of the members at the meeting who are entitled to vote, vote in favour of the resolution, and the chairperson declares the resolution has been carried, unless a poll is demanded.
Proposed Special Resolutions: The following proposed special resolution will be put forward to the members for consideration and determination at the general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc to be held on Tuesday, 27th March 2012. I, Peter Gordon Bellis, propose that the following changes be made the constitution of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. In rule 6.a, replace the words “Annual General Meeting” with “general meeting held no earlier than three (3) months before such fees are due ”. In rule 10.d, delete sub-rule (e) – “to set the schedule of fees for the next financial year”. I, Peter Gordon Bellis, propose that the following changes be made to the by-laws of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. In by-law 14.b, replace the words “Annual General Meeting” with “general meeting held no earlier than three (3) months before such fees are due ”. Motions are moved by Peter Bellis. Motions are seconded by Damian Stock. Page: 16
SECRETARY’S REPORT Purpose of Proposed Special Resolutions The purpose of the resolution is to finish the process of decoupling the membership year from the financial year / annual general meeting so as to allow membership renewal to occur and be finalised by 30th June of each year when the annual affiliation and insurance fee is payable to 4WD Victoria. At the July 2011 general meeting, the membership passed a special resolution that changed the date of membership from the July AGM to 31st May. However, the constitution still states that the entrance and annual subscription, fees and levies are determined at the annual general meeting; some two months after membership fees are now due. Therefore, it is necessary to change the constitution and by-laws so that the entrance and annual subscription, fees and levies are set and determined before membership fees become due at the end of May. To this extent, it is proposed to amend the constitution and by-laws so that such entrance and annual subscription, fees and levies are determined at the May general meeting. Peter Bellis Secretary
Adam on the Wonnangatta through trip, Dec 2011
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STANDARD TRIP EQUIPMENT & RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items of equipment on every trip: a) Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader b) Two Rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t); c) Rated “Snatch’em” Strap; d) Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design; e) AM (27Mhz) Channel 5 or UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio; f) Fire Extinguisher, accessible to the driver; g) Spare Tyre (full size); h) Jack and Wheel Brace, or equivalent; i) Emergency Supplies (matches, food, water and clothing); j) Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for the trip and delays; k) A Tyre Pressure Gauge; Compressor (according to the trip) l) An Axe, Bow or Chain saw; m) A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible shovels are no good); n) Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the Trip); o) A Tool Kit; p) Personal First Aid Kit; q) The Vehicle Manual. Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All nonemergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.
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CLUB MEETING MINUTES The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 28th February 2012 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club officially starting at 8:25pm, having been preceded by a barbecue at 6:30pm. 1. Present Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Peter Mynard, Katie Mynard, Les Scott, Jamie Scott, Bob Marshall, Ruth Marshall, Paul Saleeba, Bev Davison, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins, Lisa Jantke, Andrew Jantke, Adam Howley, Damian Stock, Martin Foot, Dot Greiveson, Rick Koster, Matt McConaghy, David Wilson 2. Apologies Brian Howell, Glenys Howell, Jessica Walsh, Damian Hough. 3. Visitors Jason Bevis (Outback), Mark Harris (Suziki Grand Vitera), Jana Harris. 4. Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. 5. Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 5.1 The minutes of the January 2012 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Martin Foot and seconded by Phil Milkins. 5.2 There was no business arising from the minutes. 6. Correspondence 6.1 In Magazines from various 4WD clubs and other associations. Royal Automobile Club of Victoria – membership card Australia Post – GPO box renewal Department of Justice – Incorporated Association renewal notice Damian Stock – thank you for the support at the time of his mother’s death. FWD Victoria - account statement, Delegates Brief Sheet, Club affiliation listing, Lost and found notice, and General meeting notice – 25th February 2012. Page: 19
CLUB MEETING MINUTES Advertising material Hastings Ostrich Farm 18th Australian Gold Panning Championship Polaris Industries – invitation to the Australian Rally Championship, Calder Park 6.2 Out None. 7. Reports 7.1 Resources Order for a jacket for Bev is still outstanding. Will soon be placing an order for more club clothing. Items and prices are available from Damian. 7.2 Editor Thanks to Andrew for some pictures for the February magazine. Some interesting advertisements are in this month’s magazine. Next month’s magazine deadline is the 13th March 2012. 7.3 Trip and Social See details elsewhere in the magazine. Night drive Will depend a bit on the weather – will confirm Saturday morning. Plan to camp overnight at Kurth Kiln. Grampians Will be camping at the Halls Gap Caravan Park - $27 unpowered per night, $32 powered per night. Drives on Saturday and Sunday with plenty of opportunities for photographs. City Walk To be organised for a Saturday in the City. Page: 20
CLUB MEETING MINUTES Grampians – Melbourne Cup Weekend Plan to access some “management vehicle only” tracks. Further details in future months. Navigation challenge based on a section from this year’s Pajero Challenge. 7.4 Venue See details elsewhere in the magazine. Future guest speakers Paul – Bright Lights Meridian Mapping Have some various donations that the club will be raffling over the next few months. 7.5 Membership. Not a lot to report. Current membership list was published in the February magazine. Can members please inform Andrew of any corrections? 7.6 Treasurer Current operating account balance is $1,252.47. 7.7 Secretary Next month’s committee meeting is at Damian’s house. Peter spoke briefly about the proposed special resolution that will be voted upon at the March meeting. There was some discussion and questions about the proposed special resolution and the implications regarding the setting of membership fees and trip attendance. 7.8 President As per the magazine. The club did not have a delegate at the February general meeting of the Association. Page: 21
CLUB MEETING MINUTES 8. General Business None 9. Fines and Fun Nametags: Lisa Jantke Last to Meeting: David Wilson Trips: Pajero Challenge Damian – for arriving after the checkpoint was all set up. Peter M – for arriving after the checkpoint was all set up. Jamie – for not having his nametag. Les – for not having his nametag. Peter M – for not having his nametag. Total fines collected - $2.00 10. Meeting closed at 9:38pm and was followed by supper. 11. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 27th March 2012 commencing at 8pm.
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COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on 6th March 2012 at the home of Damian Stock starting at 7:50pm. 1. Present Damian Stock, Bob Marshall, Phil Milkins, Jessica Walsh, Martin Foot, Peter Bellis, Andrew Jantke. 2. Apologies: Dale Rebgetz 3. Quorum A quorum was achieved with 7 committee members present. 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4.1 Minutes of the February 2012 committee meeting were accepted without amendment. 4.2 Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 4.2.1
Club Website Have incorporated a link to the club’s Facebook page in the current website. Will incorporate it into the new website design.
MS-Publisher Have not yet been able to source a copy for Martin.
Club Magazine Distribution List Has been updated.
Club Resources Waiting to get a list of current resources off David – Andrew will pick up from David. The trailer needs some repairs – back door latch and replacement of rear lamps.
Subaru Docklands Still waiting for a response in regards to proposal.
5. Correspondence 5.1 In Page: 23
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 4WD Victoria Flood relief. Delegates’ brief sheet. Membership enquiry. 5.2 Out Response to membership enquiry. Polaris – response to Melbourne Rally invitation. 6. Reports 6.1 Resources Damian is currently looking after the role. Enquiry has been made about a club long-sleeve chambray shirt with logo. Will shortly place an order for some more club clothing. A tyre repair kit has been purchased for a future meeting raffle item. 6.2 Trip and Social Details are elsewhere in the magazine. Grampians trip Have 5 people attending. 6.3 Venue Details are elsewhere in the magazine. Meridian Maps – yet to be contacted by Peter. An alternative would be Spatial Vision. Barbecue at the last meeting was very successful. 6.4 Membership Have a visitor considering joining the club. Still have one outstanding membership. 6.5 Editor Received a complaint about the image on the front of the February 2012 magazine. The on-line version has since been Page: 24
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES amended with a new front cover photograph. March deadline is Tuesday 13th. 6.6 Treasurer Current bank account balance is $1,303.73. No major payments were made in February. 6.7 Secretary Nothing to report. 6.8 President Got very little feedback from 4WD Victoria regarding a vehicle rollover at a recent training course. Australian Rally at Calder Park – after the club receiving invitations to the event from Polaris, only Damian ended up at the event on the Sunday. A very good day was had in the Polaris corporate tent. 7. Membership Fees for 2012/13 Have not yet seen any advice from 4WD Victoria as to what their fees will be 2012/13. The current affiliation/insurance fee is $42. Based on the December 2011 Melbourne CPI of 3.1%, the likely fee will be a bit over $43. Magazine printing costs have increased substantially this current financial year due to the loss of subsidisation by various previous benefactors. Current membership fees are: Membership Type
Membership Subscription
Association Levy
Joining Fee
Senior’s Discount
Trip Fee
Family / Joint
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(adult nonmember)
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Committee initially recommended that the membership subscription for each category increase by $2 and the Association levy for each category increase by $3. This may need to be revised if 4WD Victoria advises of a higher levy. A calculation of a budget P&L for 2012/12 based on the membership projections indicated that the club would operate at a loss of $1,200 (equivalent of $40 per membership). Discussion then focused on ways of increasing club revenue – increased membership, advertising, sponsorship, fundraising, etc – and reducing costs (such as minimising the colour in the magazine). The committee finally recommends that the membership subscription for each category increase by $7 and the Association levy for each category increase by $3. This may need to be revised if 4WD Victoria advises of a higher levy. 8. Electronic Media Carry over to next month’s meeting. 9. General Business Driver Instructor Training Jessica is booked on two courses – one in June and another in July – as a trainee instructor. 10. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012 at 7:30pm at the home of Bob Marshall. 11. Meeting closed at 11:05pm.
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FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA TRAINING CALENDAR April 2012 Friday 13th Proficiency Course (PC120415) Theory - Nth Balwyn Sunday 15th Proficiency Course (PC120415) Practical - Werribee Sunday 15th On Road Towing Course (TO120415) - Altona Thursday 19th Intermediate 4WD Course (IN120421) Theory - Nth Balwyn Friday 20th GPS Course (GPS120420) – Nth Balwyn Saturday 21st Intermediate 4WD Course (IN120421) Practical – TBA Saturday 21st Winch Recovery Course (WR120421) Practical – TBA Friday 27th Proficiency Course (PC120428) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 28th Proficiency Course (PC120428) Practical - Werribee May 2012 Thursday 3rd Proficiency Course (PC120505) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 5th Proficiency Course (PC120505) Practical – Werribee Wednesday 9th 4WD Driver Awareness Course (DA120509) – TBA Saturday 12th Advanced 4X4 Driver Training Course (AD120512) – Tallarook Sunday 13th Advanced 4X4 Driver Training Course (AD120512) – Tallarook Friday 18th Ladies 4X4 Course (LC120520) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 19th First Aid Course (FA120519) – Nth Balwyn Sunday 20th Ladies 4X4 Course (LC120520) Practical – Werribee Friday 25th OziExplorer Course (OZ120525) – Nth Balwyn Saturday 26th First Aid Course (FA120519) – Nth Balwyn
FWDV can be contacted on 9857 5209 or e-mail: Contact S4WDCV Secretary Peter Bellis, email: regarding attendance at FWDV courses as a club discount may apply.
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