Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria - March 2020 magazine

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March 2020 (Issue 467)

The Snow Trip Gang! - Josh Koster Winner, Best Group Shot, 2020 Photo Competition .

Follow us on our webpage: Like us on Facebook: Connect with Instagram:

Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A—0006149J / FWDV Member

PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149

Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre

We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.

John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 2

ABOUT THE CLUB The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 40 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities.

The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2019/20 year were ratified at the general meeting in April 2019 and are as follows:

MEMBERS RATES Single: $85 (Senior card - $80) Joint/Family: $95 (Senior card - $90) (Note: these are annual rates. New members joining mid-year pay pro-rata) One off joining fee of $15 ($30 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $52 These fees are based on an electronic newsletter distribution only. No levy or discount to be offered. Requests for a hard copy magazine will be considered by the Committee.

NON-MEMBER TRIP FEE A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further enquiries Email:


COMMITTEE President: Mark Tyssen

Vice President and FWDV Delegate: Tim Folliard

Secretary: Martin Foot

Treasurer: Angela Bombardieri

Trip & Social: Tim Folliard

Editor: Damian Stock

Venue coordinator: Mark Tyssen

Resources: Bev Davison

Membership: Martin Foot


PRESIDENT’S REPORT As most of you already aware, the PM announced more drastic measures on Sunday night (29th March) to fight the spread of COVID-19. Victoria enacted these in law on Monday the 30th. These stage 3 restrictions include the “Stay at Home – Only Four Reasons to Go Out” directive and the limitation on gatherings of no more than two persons (unless they are from the same household). This followed the previous announcements to shut down a range of activities: the Stage 2 restrictions in movement & business activity, put in place on the evening 24th March, by both the Federal & State Governments. As a result, the General Meeting on Tuesday 31st March 2020 was cancelled. The meeting was to be held at Ringwood Training, which is part of Ringwood Secondary College, and with all schools being closed from 8am on Tuesday 24th March, this venue was no longer available. Our usual meeting location, South Camberwell Tennis Club was also closed due to the Stage 2 restrictions. Also, with the closing of the state borders by a number of State Governments the proposed Border Trip is now cancelled, as is all travel between states. All domestic travel for the Club, and individuals, is also restricted under the Federal & State Government regulations. This means all Club trips are also cancelled for April & May, due to ‘social distancing' requirements of stage 2 and tighter stage 3 restrictions. It is likely that the April General Meeting will also be cancelled, depending on the duration of imposed Government restrictions. Martin and I will provide an update closer to the meeting date, or if there is any easing of restrictions that would allow the club to re-instate its activities, including the April meeting. With the introduction of stage 3 restrictions, the Committee is considering 'meeting' via Video Conferencing (VC) technology, such as Zoom. I have trialled Zoom for 40 persons when I underwent training from Community Language School, part of the Department of Education & Training, in third week of March, and then conducted a CAV Board meeting, with 11 members, via zoom on March 28th, for 3hrs. We will continue our discussion of issues by email, or if required, via VC while meeting restrictions are still in place. If there is any matter that needs to be brought to the Committee's attention, kindly let Martin and I know and we can consider the urgency of the matter and what action needs to be taken to address it. Thank you for your understanding especially in this difficult time for Australia. As most members are aware, I work at a GP Medical Clinic as its Practice Manager, and in this role I am continually being updated on personal hygiene best practices. Hand cleanliness is one of the best methods of reducing infection with soap & water being more effective than alcohol rub sanitisers. Only use hand sanitiser if it contains greater than 60% alcohol. If you would like a copy of the health industry’s recommended hand washing method please email me directly & I will return email the document to you. (Ed: here’s the link: ) The March magazine is being published a little late this month, as was advised in the earlier bulletin sent out regarding the March general meeting being cancelled. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Strong. Stay Connected & Support Each Other. Cheers. Stay at home, Mark Tyssen President, e:


VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT A Four Wheel Drive Victoria members update day for 21 March was cancelled due to the new guidelines for Coronavius and public events (and possibly the age profile of many of the delegates). 4WDVIC is also requesting members not attend their offices without prior arrangements. The Association’s board president, Michael Martin, resigned in February and has been replaced by the current board vicepresident, Colin Oates, from the Off Peak 4WD Club. Two weeks ago when I first submitted my report to the editor I expected I would be leading the Border Trip as you read this. All socially isolating in the desert. How quickly things have changed - camp grounds closed, South Australian border closed and rural communities asking visitors to stay away. I even did an oil change and removed the sump to change the cork sump gasket. Not sure why there are some many bolts as even with all removed, the sump is still very firmly attached and scraping the 41 year old gasket off isn't fun but after 3 weeks there are no leaks anywhere. But of course the disappointment of postponing trips pales into insignificance for those living with the virus and it's economic impacts. Hoping we all stay well and get through this as quickly as possible. The Committee has discussed the implications of Coronavirus restrictions and until further notice all trips and meetings are postponed Tim Folliard Vice President, e:

EDITOR’S NOTE My apologies for the lateness of the magazine this month. As fast as things were changing in the world, due to COVID-19, so too were things changing in the club. From still being able to get together, for club meetings at least, we suddenly could no longer do so, nor could we conduct any travel events. As a result many pages of the magazine were changing so quickly. I also had the president and vice-president doing final edits on their reports as they were so dated by the time I was able to finalise the magazine content. I didn’t want to be accused of encouraging our members to congregate, in contravention of the current social distancing instructions, by leaving the trip and social, venue and calendar sections in the magazine this month so I have deleted them, for now at least. Let’s hope that by the next deadline we will have a better view of when we will be able to resume normal club activities, and normal life as well. I can’t remember a time in the club where things were in such as uncertain state. I heard that our last trip, to Mount Stirling and Craig’s Hut, was extremely successful. With everything else going on I didn’t push the trip leaders for a report, but I hope to bring one to you next month, with plenty of photos as well. In the meantime, stay safe and well. Enjoy the winning photos from the recent photos competition. Damian Stock The deadline for submissions for the next edition is:

Friday, April 17th, 2020 Email editor: 6





Opening Balance @ 1 February 2020

Balance $3,594.32

Income: 02-02-20

Membership fees E. Auld




" N. Redden




" D. Cheshire




" D. Cheshire - joining fee


Total Income



Expenses: M.H. Foot - Consumer. Affairs Annual Fees Erica Auld refund on fee overpayment 28-02-20

Optus Monthly Sat phone servicefee Total Expenses

59.20 *

42.50 15.00 116.70

Closing Balance at 29 February 2020


NOTE: 1. Term Deposit of $8,178 (this includes interest accrued) matures on 10 April, 2020. Angela Bombardieri Treasurer, e:

SECRETARY’S REPORT Members’ online Forum coming In the absence of face to face meetings, possibly for six months, we need a way to keep in touch as a club. The Committee are looking at setting up an online Forum on the club website. With the assistance of our web guru, Glenn Arkell, we have installed the software package Kunena Forum. This will hopefully provide a means for members to login and share information on subjects of interest such as car accessories, modifications, trip suggestions and good humour. More information will be forthcoming once we know more about the package and how to use it. Martin Foot e: 7


Blue vista (Landscape) - Nick Leask (above) Canny old bird (Funny) - Martin Foot (left) Frog Prince (Close-up) - Deb Leask (right) Home is where the Heart (Morass) Is (Nature) - Damian Stock (below)

Pick your line (Action) -- Kylie Davies (published last month) The snow trip gang! (Group) — Josh Koster (this month’s front cover) 8

MINUTES Committee Meeting Minutes (abridged) Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. held on Monday, 3 March 2020 at the home of Angela Bombardieri, 16 Mercil Street, Alphington, starting at 7.45pm approximately. Present: Mark Tyssen, Martin Foot, Tim Folliard, Angela Bombardieri Apologies: Nil. Visitors: Nil. Quorum: A quorum was achieved with all committee members present. Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes of the meeting of Committee members held on 10 February 2010 were accepted as a true record without amendment. Moved Mark Tyssen, seconded by Angela Bombardieri, CARRIED. Business Arising from the Minutes: (5.2.2 Business Arising) Regarding a possible membership handover from Martin to Angela. This won’t proceed, as the Committee felt it was better to have two people involved in the membership process to ensure accuracy of record-keeping. (6.3.3 Correspondence) Spurious emails. No further emails will be sent from mailbox. Martin will start a changeover process to this month. ACTION: Martin. (6.3.4 Correspondence) Graeme Chapman’s proposed trip to APY lands in late March is noted (but is not a club trip). (6.3.6) Club Constitution has been updated to include the By-Law: “Trips” adopted in late 2019, and posted on the website on the membership page. Correspondence In via Post Box and “by hand”: 25/2 25/2 25/2

C&D Trophies – badges and invoice Australia Post – PO Box renewal invoice RFDS – request for support re fires / newsletter

via email: FWDV: 12/2 13/2 18/2 19/2 26/2 27/2 2/2

Members’ Update Day – Saturday 21 March 2020 Ian Fletcher – Volunteer Hours and New FB page Ian Fletcher – Trackwatch articles needed Wayne Hevey – Blaze Aid at Wulgulmerang needs volunteers, 3-4 days Wayne Hevey – Wulgulmerang update Ian Fletcher – E-News Alison McLaughlin – Member Update day reminder and RSVP

General: 14/2 20/2 24/2 26/2 28/2 29/2

C&D Trophy – re: order for badges N & D Leask – pre-trip proposal Peter Kakalias – qualifications update Stewart Southam – re towbars for Forester (3) Steve Mathews – Brumby FS (2) Bendigo Bank – statement available 9

various Spoof emails using various Membership enquiries various Photo Competition entries

Out: 12/2 14/2 21/2 22/2 28/2 29/2 29/2 3/3 various

Membership (MF) – reminder re photo competition, noting eligibility variation C&D Trophy (MF) – order for badges Membership (MF) – magazine mailing Membership (MF) – re 4WD show, Lumberjack Campers Steve Mathews (MF) – re Brumby FS (2) New members (MF) – forwarding FWDV E-News Erica Auld (AB) – invoice for items of clothing purchased Industry mailing list – February magazine link responses to membership enquiries

6.3 Business Arising 6.3.1 Royal Flying Doctor Service – request for support. ACTION: to be referred to members at the next general meeting with a recommendation for $100 donation. 6.3.2 FWDV Members Update Meeting. ACTION: Mark and Tim to attend. Martin to alert members to RSVP. Reports Resources Bev Davison has confirmed availability of clothing with U Name It Embroidery of Bayswater. We must have at least ten items (to justify the embroidery of the logo). Existing orders can now be filled, plus some stock to be purchased of Polo shirts in common sizes, as well as black beanies. ACTION: Martin to draw up the order with Bev and check with Angela before placing. Trip and Social. Labour Day LWE Trip: Craig’s Hut and district trip. TLs David and Rick. Leaving from Mansfield. Standing camp at King Hut. Currently 6 or 7 vehicles going. ACTION: Tim to collect sat phone from Martin after the meeting. Pre-Easter 2020 Trip: Border Track. 11 bookings in hand, now closed. TL Tim. Leaving from Serviceton. Walhalla to Marysville Day Trip: Sunday, 3 May. Early departure, so arriving at Walhalla the previous day encouraged. TLs Nick and Deb Leask. Further information to follow. ACTION: Tim to liaise. Bike Day Trip, Warburton rail trail. Leaving from Launching Place. Tentative date 10 May. TBC. ACTION: Mark. Queens Birthday LWE trip. – open to ideas and proposals. Northern Flinders Ranges Trip in July 2020. Two weeks duration following the SA school holidays, focussed on Arcaroola, Strezlecki Track, Parachilna and Wilpena Pound areas. TL Martin and Dot. Three tentative bookings in hand at present. In discussions with Damian and Pam Parker regarding visiting Calperum Station, Darnggali NP and on to Yunta. Snow Trip. June – August as weather conditions permit. Need a TL and a route / destination. Driver Awareness Day: exploring AWD vehicle capabilities. Damian in discussion with prospective leader Robert Pepper. No date as yet. TBA. ACTION: Tim and Martin to liaise with Damian Photography Day Social Trip. Proposed by Peter Kakalias. “4 stop” opportunity for exploring photography. No date as yet. TBA. FWDV Iconic Drives (including in East Gippsalnd as mentioned by Damian at the February GM). ACTION: Tim to investigate [carried over] Proposed Cobaw State Forest Trip. Tim to investigate. [carried over] More social trips also needed in between the above. 10

Cup day LWE – open to ideas and proposals. Venue The March 2020 General Meeting to be held at Ringwood Trade Training Facility. Members welcome to use the hoists from 6:30pm. Opportunity to display / discuss other equipment as per the trip requirements list in the magazine. Meeting to start at 8pm and kept short. ACTION: Mark to liaise with David Wilson. Speakers / Presentations: The Photo Competition judging was held at the February Meeting. Successful with 32 entries accepted in 7 categories. Winners listed in GM minutes. ACTION: Martin to thank Dot Greiveson for her organisation. March meeting (RTTF as above). April Meeting presentation – setting of annual membership fees, with 4WD videos to follow if necessary. Angela will be absent. Presenters for May and beyond needed. Communications company? ACTION: Martin to canvas members for suggestions. Membership: Badges presented at the February GM to new members Stewart Southam, Graeme Chapman, Daryl Cheshire and Erica Auld. Editor Submission deadline: 20 March 2020. Could reports please be on time. Members Drives appeared in the February edition. Social media: More recent postings of photos and videos needed. Advertising: Volksbaru yet to receive invoice for advertising Martin yet to discuss advertising with Subaxtreme. Mark yet to investigate possible advertising with wreckers: Subaru Heaven, Subabits, SubaRoos Burwood. [carried forward] Magazine format. A suggestion has been put by a member that the magazine adopt a new paperless format more suitable for hand-held devices and that she would be prepared to do some work on this. ACTION: Martin to follow up and suggest that a proposal be put to Committee for consideration. Treasurer Bank Balance: $3690.12. Recent Payments: Erica’s overpayment; C&D Trophy for badges; Aust Post for P O Box. Mark urged to lodge claims for catering and trophies asap. Investment account: Matures 10 April 2020. Asset list to be updated. Sign-off book to be kept at meeting hall. ACTION: Angela to check with Committee members specific items. Secretary Annual Club Awards: Silver Socket Award currently with engravers, for presentation at March meeting. Vice-President Members were invited at the GM to suggest any camping items that they were particularly pleased with. The response was encouraging. Worth persisting with as a regular item. Mark mentioned that Jaycar had a good fridge deal at the moment (“Brass Monkey”). President No report. 11

Priorities and Planning 8.1 By-Laws: No new activity to report since the last Committee meeting. [carried over] It was noted that the By-Laws would in time consist of the Trip section and other sections that are still being worked on. ACTIONS: Martin to continue to draft Code of Conduct section. Mark to continue to draft Roles and Responsibilities section. General Business: There was no general business. Next Meeting: Tuesday, 14 April 2020, at the Chinese Association of Victoria clubrooms in Wantirna, commencing at 7.30pm. Later meetings, on odd dates, due to members’ various other commitments (TBC): Tuesday, 19 May No meeting in June (members O/S) Tuesday 14 July Tuesday 4 August (Angela via Skype from Noosa) Meeting closed at 10:10pm.

BUY IT AND SELL IT HERE Please note: If you have any items listed here for sale which are no longer available please remember to let us know at:

Items for sale Item: Forester aluminium bash plates Details: Made from 6.0 mm construction grade aluminium SF Forester $350 SG & SH Forester $380 SJ Forester $420 CVT & Gearbox Protection $380 Outback & Diesel Vehicles $420 Fitting can be arranged. 10% discount for Subaru Club members. Please contact David via TXT after hours Road less Travelled - Vehicle under body protection e; Item: Brumby EA81 engine Currently not running. May need overhaul or for spares. Has both heads, in GC, but no manifolds, etc. Also air conditioner pump. Free to good home. Contact Terry: === The Club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. PLEASE NOTE: that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1988-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered. 12

MINUTES General Meeting Minutes The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:20pm approximately. Present Martin Foot, Mark Tyssen, Michael Bauer, Damian Stock, Matt Chaplin, Daryl Cheshire, Tim Folliard, Stewart Southam, Les Ralph, Peter Devine, Dorothy Greiveson, Rick Koster, Deb Leask, Nick Leask, Erica Auld, David Wilson, Peter Kakalias, Graeme Chapman Apologies Bev Davison, Angela Bombadieri, Kylie Davies, Peter Mynard, Katie Mynard Visitors Nicholas Lim (has a 98 Forester, he found us on the Internet) Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. Minutes of the Previous General Meeting The Minutes of the January 2020 General Meeting were accepted without amendment. Moved by Les ralph and seconded by Damian Stock. Business Arising: (Item 8, 2nd dot point) Driver Awareness Day. Damian has been in contact with Robert Pepper regarding leading a training day. Nothing definite as yet. (item 8, 5th dot point) Buchan: Damian has spoken regarding the fires with Wayne Moraz, owner of the farm property in Buchan that was a popular location for the club for many years. There has been building loss and other property damage, including fencing, but the main house is OK. He was pleased to hear from the club. Correspondence In Royal Flying Doctor Service – re impact of the fires Four Wheel Drive Victoria: Members’ Update Day, Saturday 21 March. ACTION: Martin to circulate. Trackwatch articles needed. Blaze aid – call for assistance for Wulgulmerang district. New FB page. General: Consumer Affairs Victoria report/fees lodged Invoices (2) Various membership enquiries and applications, badge orders Lumberjack Campers offerering special rates for members at Vic 4WD Show Spoof emails using mship@subaru4wdvic, - will be replaced by “members@” Out Responding to above Order for badges 13

Reports Resources Bev Davison had offered at the previous meeting to take over the Resources function. Following handover with Martin, she contacted the past clothing supplier and confirmed availability of all styles plus the minimum order size (10 items). An order will now be placed based on current requests and the likely immediate need. Sales: Erica Auld selected three items of club clothing from existing stock. Invoice to be issued for payment by direct deposit. ACTION: Martin, Angela. Editor Magazine: Damian thanked all for the contributions, especially the response to Member Drives. Template available from Martin, or do your own thing. Photo spread in the centrefold very effective. Social media: Still working on processing / posting of videos. Nick Leask suggested posting to YouTube and linking to FB. Deadline: Friday, 20 March. Trip and Social Lerderderg day trip. Sunday 2 February went head with 8 vehicles participating. Some problems experienced with CVT vehicles on steep slopes. Labour Day long weekend. Overnight trip camping based at King Hut, visiting Craig’s Hut and others. TLs David Wilson and Rick Koster. Meeting at Mansfield in order to depart by 11am. Border Track (vic/SA border). Sand dunes and desert camping in SA and Victoria, from 6 April for five days. No trailers. Will need to obtain a SA National Parks permit beforehand online. Best to arrive in Servicetown on Sunday 5th and stay over. TL Tim Folliard. North Flinders Ranges Touring Trip. A two week trip from 19 July to 1 August 2020 with some 4WD-ing (Arkaroola) and desert driving, notably the southern end of the Strezlecki Track, through Lyndhurst, Parachilna Gorge to Wilpena Pound (walks, fossils and cultural activities). Suitable for trailers. Looking seriously at inclusion of Calperum property north of Renmark. More onfo to follow. TL Martin Foot Nick and Deb Leask gave notice of a possible overnight club trip in May, from Marysville to Walhalla. They have pre-tripped the route. It mainly involves travelling on major gravel roads, but could involve side trips (eg Jericho, Red Jacket) if time allows. TBC. Peter Devine gave notice of an extended touring trip he intends to do in June/early July, taking in Balranald, Lake Mungo, Bourke, the Dig Tree, Innamincka, Cameron Corner, Montecello Bore, Arkaroola, Yunta and Danggali NP. Anyone interested in coming to contact him. Graeme Chapman spoke about his intention to visit the APY lands in NW of SA from late March to early April. Access restrictions apply, but he has a personal invitation from the elders to come. He left information out, in case any member was interested in accompanying him. Damian raised the possibility of trip into East Gippsland once the bushfire relief and track clearances had finished, the object being to help support communities. FWDV have many “iconic trips” as illustrated on a wall map he had brought. Trip leaders needed however for these. Social Trips also needed. Contact Tim with ideas / proposals. Venue Photo Competition to be held at the end of the current meeting. 31 March general meeting to be held at Ringwood Training Facility, 3 Hill Street, Ringwood East from 6:30pm (TBC), hosted by David Wilson. Opportunity for members’ cars to be inspected while on a hoist, followed by the meeting at 8pm. Door prize: Peter Kakalias. Membership 14

Badge presentations were made to new members: Graeme Chapman, Stewart Southam (and wife Gabrielle in absentia), Daryl Cheshire and Erica Auld. Treasurer Statement as per the magazine (Angela an apology). Secretary Silver Socket Award has now been received and will be engraved for presentation by the next meeting. ACTION: Mark. Vice-President – Tim asked for suggestions from members regarding camping equipment etc that they found particularly useful. Suggestions included “Jetboil” cooking stoves, double swags for plenty of room and lithium deep cycle batteries that fit in the wheel well, to run car fridges. President – As per the magazine. General Business. Peter Kakalias - Ironman 4x4 have fitted a newly developed front nudge bar to his Outback and thrown in a free fridge in return for his help with development. Tim commented on the use of UHF radios on his recent trip. He had found that low powered handheld units were not effective in keeping communication at distances greater than about 1 Km, as they don’t have adequate antennas. He advised the fitting of 5W inbuilt models, with mounted antennas. Alternatively, units were available that could be removed between trips, powered from car sockets and with demountable antennas. Stewart Southam is looking for advice regarding supply and fitting of towbars to his Subaru. Martin had a couple of recommendations to suggest and will follow up with him. Fines and Fun Nametags None. Last to Meeting David Wilson Trips: Lerderderg Trip. Nathon Redden – for wrapping his rear wheel arch moulding around his tyre and having to stop to remove it, then not communicating this to the convoy. Daryl Cheshire – for being the first Subaru to stall on the ascent Daryl Lynch – for being the last to arrive – 4 hours after commencement! Total fines collected - $1.00 Presentation: Photo Competition. Dorothy handed out voting forms and explained how the judging of the competition would be conducted. Then followed a Powerpoint presentation, one slide per entry, category by category. Time was allowed for members to fill in their votes. The meeting then adjourned for supper while the votes were tallied. The meeting reconvened after about 15 minutes and winners announced as follows: Best Portrait: Cuppa Time, by Peter Kakalias Action: Pick your line, by Kylie Davies Close-up (Nature): Frog Prince, by Deb Leask Funny / Humorous: Canny Old Bird, by Martin Foot Nature: Home is where the Heart Is, by Damian Stock Group: The Snow Trip Gang, by Josh Koster


TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards.

Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received.

Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader Two rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t) Rated snatch strap Recovery points, front & rear; plus, optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design; UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio. Ideally in car but hand held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last the trip. 1. Fire extinguisher, accessible to the driver 2. Spare tyre (full size) 3. Jack and wheel brace, or equivalent 4. Emergency supplies (matches, food, water and clothing) 5. Sufficient fuel, oil and water for the trip and delays 6. A tyre pressure gauge; compressor (according to the trip) 7. An axe, bow or chain saw; 8. A sturdy shovel (collapsible shovels are no good) 9. Spare parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip) 10. A tool kit 11. Personal first aid kit 12. Your vehicle manual

Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies. 16

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