Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria - November 2015 magazine online version

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November 2015 (Issue 420)

Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J / FWDV Member PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149

Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre

We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.

John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655


CONTENTS Intro 4 Committee 5 From The President 6 Upcoming 7 Next Meeting - Tuesday November 24th 7 Photo Competition 8 Trips and Social Events 9 2016 Trips 11 Long Term Future Planning 13 Trip and Recovery Gear 14 Trip Reports 15 The Border Trip 2015 15 Frog Hollow 24 How to take photos like a pro 23 Member Tips and Reviews 28 CB Radios - Part 2 In-Car Radios 28 Buy and Sell 32 Club Resources 32 Member Items for Sale 33 Minutes 34 Club Meeting Minutes 34 Committee Meeting Minutes 36 Editor Notes 39


INTRO The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 30 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2015/16 year were agreed at the general meeting in April 2015 and are as follows:

Member rates: Single: $120 (Seniors card - $110) Joint/family: $140 - (Seniors card - $125). One off joining fee of $10 ($20 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $47

Non-member trip fee: A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes)

Please contact the membership officer for further enquiries. Email:


COMMITTEE Stephen Whittaker (President)

Dale Rebgetz (Vice President)

Peter Bellis (Secretary)

Bob Marshall (Treasurer)

Duncan McCrae (OM: General Committee)

Dan Conlon (OM: Editor) au

Jean Bellis (OM: Social Coordinator )

Jamie Scott (OM: Trips Coordinator)

Meredith Dale (OM: Venue Coordinator)

Mike Dale (OM: Website/ Magazine Content)


F R OM T HE P RE SI DE N T President’s Report: November Magazine Welcome to the November Subaru 4WD Club magazine… and the last magazine for 2015. What a year! As I look back on 2015, I’ve enjoyed every moment with club members and visitors on our trips. There’ve been a few; we went to: Mt Samaria State Park/Tolmie Toolangi Tasmania Jamie’s place (a couple of times) Explore Australia Expo Jamieson (Knockwood) Yarra Valley Lodge Lake Mungo & Menindee Lakes Brisbane Ranges Lerderderg & Wombat State Forests The Border Track… to name just a few. We’ve been everywhere (man!). It’s been a very successful year with new trip leaders also stepping up to take on the important leadership role on our club trips. Thank you to everyone who made it a truly successful (but most importantly) fun year! There’ll be a great opportunity to reflect on this successful year at the club Christmas Party coming up later this month – but more on that later. At our last club meeting, we were very privileged to have photographer Frank Amato join us for an insightful presentation on photography. I, personally, can’t count the big lessons I took from his presentation on one hand. He had so many great tips to improve how we, as individuals, can improve our photography and enjoy the process. Sincere thanks go to Frank for his time and passion for this great activity. Not long after the last club meeting, 11 vehicles left Melbourne heading north-west to tackle the Border Track (VIC/SA). It was an excellent trip, thanks to Peter and Jean. Though, if you’re looking for some entertainment, you’ll find it during this month’s ‘Fines and Fun’ segment at the club meeting. The trip was eventful. I’ll leave it at that. You’ll just have to enjoy the trip report later in this magazine and come along to the meeting to find out more. Earlier this month, I attended Four Wheel Drive Victoria’s (FWDV) Annual General Meeting, along with Jessica (our Club Delegate). The meeting was really well attended by other clubs from across Victoria. Damian (President FWDV – and member and past-President Subaru 4WD Club) chaired a productive meeting during which a new board was elected, except his role which is up next year. The various reports from board members were impressive. The association is in a really strong position and Damian is doing a tremendous job of leading it! The positive shift in the association’s


direction was very evident on the night and in the recently released Annual Report. Thanks to Damian and the FWDV board who enable us to benefit greatly from the recreational activity we most love and enjoy. Speaking of FWDV, they have invited us to develop a Subaru 4WD Club Touring Route! This would involve us: -

Developing a route, with start and end points, and directions along the way Listing 5 or so points of interest – like we’re giving a virtual ‘tour’ Classifying the difficulty of the route (easy, medium, difficult, very difficult) Determining trip length and an approximate time to complete Mapping the route

Once we’ve provided the content, Parks Victoria and the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning (DEWLP) will create a ‘forest notes’ or an ‘iconic drive’ and promote the Subaru 4WD Club as a result! It would essentially be our tour. This is an exciting opportunity to showcase our club and the incredible capabilities of Subies. Please bring along your suggestions of where our Subaru Touring Route might head to the next meeting and we can start working towards getting it out there. You will have seen my emails this month promoting the Club Christmas Party on 29 November. We’re looking forward to a relaxed day, yummy food and great company at Sugarloaf Reservoir to celebrate the end of a fantastic year for the club. Details of the 2015 Christmas Trip are now out. Dave will lead another fantastic trip, but instead of the usual moving camp, this year we will have a standing camp based just outside Corryong. The day trips from there are plenty and vary in difficulty, so be sure to put your details on the trip sheet if you’re interested in attending. Once again, thank you to all our members and their families for a fantastic 2015. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year! Looking forward to your company at the November General Meeting, where you can catch up on the latest club news, hear trip reports and mingle with other members. In the meantime, enjoy the November magazine and I’ll see you at the meeting and/or out on the tracks – wherever we may be heading! Stephen Whittaker President

UPCOMING Next Meeting - Tuesday November 24th Date: Tuesday, 24th November 2015 at 8:00pm - Meetings are the Last Tuesday of every month (except December)


Venue: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris

Presentation: John Turbill will be talking about the 11th Australian 4wd Gathering which is being held in August Barmera S.A 2016 which is an official fundraiser for the Royal Flying Doctors Service. John will also displaying the Freshield (Cyvac Vacuum sealer) during supper and with the chance to purchase Door Prize: Come along to win a special door prize at this month's meeting From the Venue Coordinator

Photo Competition Our photo competition will once again held at our February meeting (February 23rd). Categories: Best Portrait (photo of a person) Best group photo Best landscape/nature scene Best close-up nature shot (Flower, animal, etc.) Best Subaru action shot Funniest photo

We request all entries to be in by February 16th (1 week prior to the February meeting) to ensure we can collate the presentation. All photos must be entered electronically so please email them to

All photographs submitted must have been taken within the last two years, taken by the person entering the photo, and taken at a club event. There is a limit of one photo per person, per category. Any photographs that have won a prize previously are NOT ELIGIBLE.


So rifle through your photographs of club events from the last two years and send them to us. When you send in your photos, please include a brief description of the trip on which they were taken, the category the photo is for and a title for the photo. Members in attendance at the February meeting will be able to vote for the best photos. Venue Coordinator Meredith Dale

Trips and Social Events If you have an idea for a trip or event during 2016 please let Jamie and Jean know. If you don’t want to lead it someone else may. If you want to run your first trip or event, again talk with Jamie or Jean. We will provide you with a mentor who can give you advice or can be a co leader with you. We have a Trip Leader pack that includes a check list and other helpful items to assist you.

Christmas Break up. th

When: Sunday 29 November. Where: Sugarloaf Reservoir, Christmas Hills. (North East of Melbourne) Contact: Jean Bellis - th

RSVP: by Tuesday 24 November 2015

Trip Standard: Social Come and enjoy a relaxed day in a beautiful setting as the Club celebrates the end of a fantastic year. Meat for a BBQ lunch will be provided along with soft drinks and cold water. BYO a salad or desert to share, other drinks, chairs, plates, cutlery, glasses etc. There will be some shelter and shade but don’t forget hats and sunscreen. During the afternoon the Club Awards will be presented.


We are hoping that Santa may be able to find time in his busy schedule to visit. Parents/grandparents are asked to bring a small gift for their child/children. We will also have lolly bags for the children. For those feeling energetic after lunch there are walking and bike tracks.

Oxfam Christmas Tree Delivery When: Saturday 5th or Sunday 6th December. Trip Leader: Peter Bellis -

Trip Standard: Social Every year our club joins with other 4WD clubs to deliver pre ordered Christmas trees for Oxfam. Saturday trees are collected from Heatherwood School in Donvale for delivery in southern and eastern suburbs Or Sunday trees are collected from Princes Hill Primary School, Nth Carlton for delivery in northern and western suburbs. You will need a trailer unless you willing to have pine needles in your car or want to put trees to the roof rack. It also makes the task easier if you have a driver and navigator.

Mystery Trip – Pre Trip When: Sunday 13th December 2015 Where: A mystery. Trip Leader: Jamie Scott – Trip Standard: Very difficult ♦♦ Convoy Limit: 5 vehicles Meeting place: Main Street, Gembrook.

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Christmas Trip When: Saturday 26th or Sunday 27th December to Friday 1st January (TBC) Where: Corryong area (TBA) Trip Leader: Dave Wilson – Trip Standard: Day trips will range from medium ■ to hard ♦ to very hard. ♦♦ It is proposed that this trip will be a standing camp somewhere in the Corryong area but this is still to be confirmed as it will depend on campsites. This will give you the opportunity to came and just have a relaxed time around camp or do days trips.

2016 Trips We have started planning for 2016 and have the following trips:

Twilight Cinema Trip Leaders: Jan and Dale Rebgetz – When: to be advised but January or February 2016. Location: Belgrave

Trip Standard: Social Come and have a meal at the Reel Café before enjoying the movie at the Outdoor cinema.

Mt Alexander (near Castlemaine) When: Friday 22nd to Tuesday 26th January 2016 (For some this may be a Long Weekend with Australia Day on the Tuesday) Where: Leanganook Camp Ground, Joseph Young Drive, Mount Alexander. This will be a standing camp with room to bring Campers. There are flushing toilets Trip leaders: Mike and Meredith Dale -

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Trip Standard: Easy ● to Medium ■ Convoy Limit 14 Activities will include a trip to Maldon and Mount Tarrengower, Chocolate Mill (near Daylesford) via medium 4WD tracks, a visit to a winery, the giant slide at Vaughan Springs, old gold digging site and an old welsh village using a variety of tracks to access these places.

Welcome Back BBQ (First meeting for 2016) To start the New Year the club has their annual Welcome Back BBQ. Starting at 6:30pm (prior to the meeting at 8:00pm). When: 26th of January 2016 (note this is Australia Day) Where: in the park next to the Camberwell Tennis Club Sausages $1 Hamburgers $2 Vegie Burgers $2 Soft Drink $1.50 BYO chairs For catering purposes please lets us know if you are coming and a rough idea what you would like to order. Please advise Meredith via email by Jan 20th

Yarra Glen to Whittlesea When: Sunday 14th February Trip Leaders: Edith and Peter Fullalove Trip Standard: Easy ● to Medium ■ More details to come.

Disputed Border This Trip has reached Convoy Limit. Trip Standard: Medium ■

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Trip Leaders: Jean and Peter Bellis - The Full length of VIC/SA border) Friday 25 March to Sunday 3rd April 2016 (Easter 25-28th March) Option for people to do just Easter as there are exit points on major roads.

Simpson Desert When: 17th July 2016 for 3 weeks Trip Leader: Dale Rebgetz -

11th Australian 4WD Gathering When: 19th – 22nd August 2016 Where: Barmera, South Australia (2 hours west of Mildura) Loveday 4x4 Park.

40th Anniversary Celebrations Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary during 2016. Stay tuned for some special events during the year.

Long Term Future Planning 2017

Central Australia Kangaroo Island? Fraser Island


Cape York


Canning Stock Route Simpson Desert – re-enactment of the 40th anniversary of the Club’s 1974 crossing from Macumba Station to Purine Bore

Trip and Social Contacts • • •

Trip Coordinator: Jamie Scott Social Coordinator : Jean Bellis

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TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WD’ing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip: 1.

Personal details form as 8. Jack and wheel Brace, or specified by FWDV, copy to equivalent Trip Leader 9. Emergency Supplies 2. Two rated D- Shackles (matches, food, water and (minimum 3.2t) clothing) 3. Rated snatch strap 10. Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water 4. Recovery Points, Front & for the trip and delays Rear; plus optional bridle 11. A Tyre Pressure Gauge; strap, according to vehicle Compressor (according to the design; trip) 5. AM (27Mhz) Channel 5 or 12. An Axe, Bow or Chain saw; UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB 13. A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible Radio. Ideally in car but hand shovels are no good) held are ok provided 14. Spare Parts (appropriate to sufficient battery(s) to last the nature of the trip) the trip. 15. A Tool Kit 6. Fire Extinguisher, accessible 16. Personal First Aid Kit to the driver 17. The Vehicle Manual 7. Spare Tyre (full size) Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned.

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All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All nonemergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.

TRIP REPORTS The Border Trip 2015 Friday 30th October 2015. People started arriving at the Rainbow Caravan Park from early afternoon and settled in. Some took the time to relax, others checked out the town and most had a chat to the resident Care-taker Leanne. Jean made a group booking for 8 (6 confirmed and 2 extras) at the Eureka Hotel at 7pm for Dinner. Jean and Peter arrived in Rainbow at 10 to 7 having been delayed in getting away. The others headed off to the pub while Peter and Jean quickly set up the tent and joined the others about half an hour later. Eventually 11 of us enjoyed a wonderful meal. Most of us enjoyed ½ price fish, chips and salad and a couple managed to finish off very large parmas. But Lee outshone everyone with the huge T-bone steak that she enjoyed. Those who still had room left went for desert with the most popular choice being Florentines and ice cream. Somehow Kerry and Graeme, who chose to share a desert ended up with a double serve of biscuit. I believe the extra biscuit was enjoyed the next day. Back at camp a few others had arrived and we sat around chatting and waited for a few more to arrive. We also waited for the tennis to finish on the floodlit courts next door as the caravan park was lit up by the lights as well, Some of us were awoken just before 2am with the arrival of Dan, Peter L. and Dave. (Editor’s note: sorry guys!!) Saturday 31st October Everyone was up early and packed ready to go with the arranged meeting place the Service Station as many of the group needed to fuel up. Last out of the Caravan Pack were the Bellis’. I had collected everyone’s camp fee and gave it in bulk to the wonderful caretaker Leanne. Leanne was in for the chat and as we have met her a couple of times before and knew her partner. We were saddened to learn that he had passed away from cancer since our last visit and I got the detailed version.

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With everyone fueled up and Go Pros attached it was time for a briefing and we were off. We headed north along the bitumen and then turned off to Lake Albacutya. It wasn’t long before we started to get into the sand and after Peter struggled to just get up the first sand dune it was time to stop everyone and reduce tyre pressures. In doing this Graham stopped in some very soft sand and managed to get bogged and it took some time to get him out. Over the next 40 minutes Mike H. was pulled out twice by Peter B. With Mike’s tyres still at 26psi it was suggested that they should be much lower at about 18 which he did. This still did not help when he was again bogged just a short distance from the end of the sandy track. Peter B backed up to snatch him out. All hocked up and ready to go only to discover that Peter too had become bogged. With the help of some digging and Maxtrax and a push Peter was free. Duncan then came to the rescue and pulled Michael out. A few other rescues were made including Graham and Kerry and Peter L. During this time Martin and Dot changed drivers and as Dot is getting ready to drive off she notices a red light on the dash. Martin looks at it and says it is not an engine warning light. Peter B asked if the hand brake was off. Dot releases the handbrake and the light went off.

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All out of the sand and onto firm a track we turned down Outlet Track. A call from someone in the convoy came to inform us that they had come down this track last year and that access was now been blocked. Sure enough the paddock had been fenced and gated. So it was back to the main track and then roads to take a slightly longer route to Wyperfeld National Park and lunch. After lunch, some more wonderful sandy tracks including Duttack Tk, Eagle Tk, and Moonah Tk. At one stage we stopped to wait for the convoy to get back together and were fascinated by the number of cockroaches that were scurrying back and forth across the road in the shade of the cars. We made our way passed Snow Drift sand dune and over the Wirrengern Plain and Gunners Tk before coming out onto the bitumen of the Mallee Highway for a short drive into Underbool. The plan was to pump up tyres to highway pressures and get ice creams, as it was very very hot. On arrival in Underbool just before 5pm the local store was closed much to our disappointment. Meredith and Edith found a better way to cool off with a walk through the sprinkler in the park. A few others followed. It was just over 80kms along the Highway into Pinnaroo and the caravan park for the night. On arrival the caretaker was not to be found with a note on the door to say he would be back in a few minutes, just pick a site. The park was fairly full and as we had booked we just didn’t want to set up anywhere and then be told to move. Peter had the contact phone numbers for the caretaker but his mobile phone was not being

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answered and the landline was someone who was not at the park but would try and located the caretaker. After a long wait and trying the mobile several times we were just selecting camping spots when the person from the landline phone arrived. He too had been unable to locate the caretaker so had come down himself. He directed us away from an area that was not part of the park and left us to set up. Most people, while we were waiting, had taken the opportunity to fuel up and buy ice creams and cool drinks. The Caretaker arrived back just as we had finished setting up. The evening was spent having showers, cooking tea (except Mike H who opted for a take away hamburger when he went to fuel up). I must admit that after a lovely hot shower I felt much better and after our tea of home-made hamburgers and salad, I did enjoy the treat of the ice- cream that Peter bought ( and put in the fridge) when he went down to fuel up just before dinner. Most people were in bed early as we had an early start the next morning. We went to bed with the sound of the young backpackers have a great fun time at a party in the camp kitchen and loud music coming from somewhere else. Sunday 1st November, Everyone was up early and on the road ready to tackle what we had all come to do the Border Track. The first fine of the day was to Edith and Peter who had forgotten to turn on their CB radio. The first part was along a well-made road with wheat fields stretching as far as you could see, Just before the entrance to the Ngarkat Conservation Park we got a surprise to see that a race track, Scorpion Park, had been built. We stopped here to reduce tyre pressures as we were

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suddenly in deep sand with a very chewed up sand dune in front of us. Before we knew it, we were in through the closed gate to the one-way southbound section, with some sweet surprises left for Steve, who was Tail end Charlie. Then it was time to pay our park entrance fee and our camping fee. There was just one problem - there were no envelopes in the box. I had a business sized envelope in the trip pack so we all wrote our names on that and put all the money in one envelope. We also wrote a note explaining why we were doing that and I included my name and mobile number and we put it in the honesty box. (During the following week I received a phone call from Rebecca at Parks SA thanking us for doing what we did and leaving the lovely note. She was surprised to hear that there were no envelopes as she had personally filled the box prior to the weekend.) One more gate with a few more sweet treats for Steve and it was time for the fun to begin. We had soft deep sand. We had some very big holes, ruts and corrugations. We had some steep dunes and we had very few chicken tracks because most had been closed off and revegetated. Slowly the convoy made its way along the track with numerous stops while people had two, three, four, five or more attempts to get up and over some of the more tricky dunes. Thank you to Peter and Edith, and Duncan and Lee who were called on to get some of us out of deep sand and over the top. Peter B, Steve and one or two others were also called on at times. Lunch was at the Hensley Trig Lookout with wonderful views out over the plain and the track. Mike H. had the drone out to take footage of cars coming up the dune. We had had a group pass us earlier on the track and they were just finishing lunch when we arrived so offered to move off to allow us room. When we had seen them earlier, their Tail End Charlie radioed that he was going to wait just

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Next Meeting



Tuesday November 24th

Christmas Break

Sunday 29th



Committee Meeting

Oxfam Christmas Tree Delivery

Tuesday 1st December at 7:30pm Saturday 5th or Sunday 6



Mystery Trip –

Sunday 13th

Pre Trip

December 2015

See you there

Jean Bellisevents@subaru4wdvic.

At the home of Duncan McCrae

Peter Bellis – secretary@subaru4wdv

Jamie Scott – au

Saturday 26th or Christmas Trip

Sunday 27th

Dave Wilson –

December to

Friday 1st January



January or Twilight Cinema

February 2016 (TBA)


Very difficult ♦♦

Medium ■ to hard ♦ to very hard. ♦♦

Jan and Dale Rebgetz vicepresident@subaru4wdv

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Friday 22nd to Tuesday 26th Mt Alexander

January 2016 (For


some this may be


a Long Weekend with Australia Day

Mike and Meredith Dale -

Easy ● to


Medium ■

on the Tuesday)

Please advise Meredith via email Welcome Back BBQ (First meeting for 2016)

26th of January

by Jan 20th if you’re

2016 (note this is

attending and what

Australia Day)

you’ll eat venue@subaru4wdvic.

Yarra Glen to

Sunday 14th

Edith and Peter

Easy ● to




Medium ■

Disputed Border

Friday 25 March to Sunday 3rd April

This Trip has reached Convoy Limit.

Simpson Desert

2016 (Easter 2528th March)

17th July 2016 for 3 weeks

11th Australian

19th – 22nd

4WD Gathering

August 2016

40th Anniversary Celebrations

Stay tuned

Jean and Peter Bellis events@subaru4wdvic.

Medium ■

Dale Rebgetz- vicepresident@subaru4wdv

Medium ■

See you there

See you there

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over the top of a rather difficult dune in case our lead car (which was Peter and Jean) had difficulty getting up and might need to be snatched. When we reached the top without any problems, we thanked him very much for waiting. When we arrived at the Trig point he was very quick to congratulate Peter on a great drive to get to the top of the Trig dune. I think he was impressed with what the Subbies could do. After lunch, the fun continued. I think most people helped to dig someone out, do some track repairs by filling in holes or levelling off the sand in the middle of deep wheel ruts. We dug, we pushed, we snatched, we had several attempts in places and cheered loudly as cars made it over difficult sections. Doggers Hut campsite was a very welcome site at the end of a long but great day of driving. The outstanding car of the day was Martin and Dot’s Forester, which was the only car that had not bogged, needed a snatch or had to have at least a second attempt at something. We set up camp and the ‘Loo with a view’ (thanks Les for lending us the seat) and then had a very relaxing evening. While it would have been nice to sit around a campfire we could not as the National Park had moved its fire restriction period forward due to the dry conditions. Monday 2nd November For most of us the day started with being woken up by Paul starting up his car at about 6am. Soon everyone was up and on the track again. The deep sand continued and Peter and Edith managed to strand their vehicle on the top of a dune and it took some time to get them free. We turned off onto Red Bluff Track where we were surprised to see how deep the sand was and how much more vegetation was around to the last time we had been along this track. Progress was slow and we ended up having lunch along here instead of at Big Billy Bore which was the destination. We also collected some firewood along this track. When we reached the Murrayville Nhill Road, we increased the tyre pressures, took a group photo and said good bye to Mike H who was heading home. We arrive at Big Billy Bore mid-afternoon. The campsite was large but had many other campers there. We found spots, and set up. Dan dug the best fire pit I have ever seen in preparation for a fire that evening. Most of the group were happy to relax around camp for the afternoon. Mike D and Peter F. went out to do a loop route and back to camp. Dan, Peter L and Dave went out to collect firewood but I am sure they spent more time exploring tracks and evening finding so mud. Dot got out a new card game she had found called Dobble and some of us laughed our way through a great couple of hours of fun.

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After tea Steve took some of the group out on a short night drive. Those of us we stayed back at camp listened in on the radio as they attempted to get up a rather difficult sand dune. Dan got a flat tyre getting up the sand dune. Once at the top he radioed back that the ruts and corrugations were not too bad or deep. Mike D has decided that he is not going to believe Dan’s descriptions any more as in Mike opinion some of the ruts were nearly deep enough to lose the Forester in (now who is exaggerating). Peter L’s solution to getting up was to go fast so that the wheels didn’t touch the ground. Duncan had difficulty getting up as well and the next morning when he checked, he discovered that his tyre pressures were at 26 not 18. A few people stayed up and enjoyed the campfire. Tuesday 3rd November We packed up and made an early start with everyone ready at just after 8.30am. We took to the Milmed Rock track which was again very sandy. We all laughed at the sign at the start of the track that warned people to beware of bees, wasps and falling tree branches. The vegetation for as far as we could see was not even head height. A few of the ladies took the opportunity to drive on this section and I must admit that driving in the sand is very different but a lot of fun. We arrived at the mighty Milmed rock in time for morning tea. With everyone up on the rock we took the obligatory group photo. At the end of Milmed track we made our way over a couple of very undulating and bumpy dirt tracks to Lake Albacutya. By this time it was about 12 o’clock. We increased our tyre pressures to highway levels and said good bye to Dot and Martin. We then drove into Rainbow where most of us were planning to get fuel and then go our various ways home. On arrival at the service station we discovered that due to it being Melbourne Cup day the petrol station had closed at 12 o’clock and it was now 12.45pm.

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We said our goodbyes and went our various ways home, all except Kerry and Graham who were going to stay overnight in Rainbow and head home on Wednesday. Thank you everyone who came on the trip and helped to make it so much fun. We covered some very amazing country and it has given us some areas that we would love to go back to and spend more time in. Trip participants Steve Whittaker


Mike Hartshorne


Dan Conlon


Peter Landouris and friend Dave


Dot Greiveson and Martin Foot


Mike and Meredith Dale


Peter and Edith Fullalove


Paul and Richard Saleeba


Graham and Kerry Gill


Lee Wegner and Duncan McCrae

Ford Ranger (Recovery Vehicle)

Peter and Jean Bellis (trip leaders)


Report written by Jean Bellis

Frog Hollow A large Aussie flag with a Subaru Club sign confirmed the GPS has found Jamie's place. A short trip around the back found a great camping area. Huge grass area surrounded by big, old trees. A big shelter area with a wood fire in the centre was perfect when the rain fell at night. Our dog Jasper had lots of fun with Shelby and later Splash. Dad says Jasper should get a fine as after the cows mooed at him, we went under the fence and rounded them up, but not getting too close.

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On the Sunday, Jamie led 2 great local trips either side of lunch with the 2 Land Cruisers and Suboo. Only minutes from his home and you are in 4WD going up and down steep slopes, some sandy tracks and some rougher ones. There are good views of the whole valley at the top. There was even a smashed boat on one track. Later Jessica and Bev arrived, we went to the Churchill Hotel for dinner. It was too wet for a night run to the lookout and the dogs didn't like the thunder. Monday started wet and Jamie was off to work for the day. After Tim & Jack left driving home in the rain, Les, Bev and Jess went out to Lake Glenmaggie. They called into the bakery twice. Cup Day, Tuesday there was a short drive back up to the lookout and back to camp were Jess left us, with Bev and Les leaving later that day. Thank you Jamie. Your backyard is the best camping area. Trip participants Jamie Les & Shelby Bev & Splash Jessica Tim, Jack & Jasper

05 Land Cruiser Suboo Forester Pajero FJ40

Report written by Jack Folliard (11 years old!)

(Editor’s note: Great stuff Jack!!!)

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H OW T O T A KE P HOT OS LIKE A PR O By Frank Amato Editor’s Note: This is a summary of the presentation Frank gave at a previous General Meeting. Way too many top tips for people to remember so Frank’s been good enough to put it down on paper for us. Thanks Frank! Camera Maintenance Lens Hood and UV Filter to protect the lens. Make sure the lens hood is the right size/shape for your lens, especially with zoom lenses. Blower and brush/s - two separate items, avoid the two in one type - brush with one hand and blow dust away with the other. When swapping lenses give the external areas of the camera a good brush and blow to eliminate dust ingress. Lint free cloth and spray to clean stubborn lens marks and clean the filter have two and use one for each cleaning surface so as to not contaminate. Sensor clean: Shoot a frame against a clear blue sky (with the sun behind you) then view the image on your computer screen and look for dust spots - zoom in to the picture. If you have a dust problem you have a few options - if you are confident give this a try but I suggest being very careful not to touch any other part of the camera with the brush. The other alternative and the easiest/safest option is to get it professionally cleaned - especially before and after a long trip.

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Camera and Media Storage Pelican cases for gear are great as they are strong and secure if locked. php?CaseSize=Medium%20Case% e=0915 Raw vs Jpeg Shooting Plenty of advice on the web so a quick search will give you hours of fun!!! Chris has some good one day workshops too. Exposure Modes Research your cameras exposure modes in particular the exposure lock functionality Printing Images If you’re keen to get great colour balance Some semi-pro labs to consider If members would like to go on the mailing list to be notified of next year July outback trip into SA they can register via the newsletter: OR

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Frank Amato, Photographer Tel: 0418 380 341

Copyright Frank Amato Photographer

MEMBER TIPS AND REVIEWS Looking to get some new bits for your car but not sure what to get? Or curious how to install this or that? The member tips and reviews sections is a “by members for members” section to share advice or review on gear bought. All entries to this section will get a “oh yeah that sounds reasonable” test before being published. We also must stress that this is advice from one person to another and should still be verified and checked like any other. There are a lot of people in this club that know an awful lot about cars, but your car is ultimately yours and we are not responsible for anything that happens as a result of taking our advice.

CB Radios - Part 2 In-Car Radios By Michael Dale This is part two of CB radios. This month will focus on in car radios and a little on antennas. To state the obvious, an in car radio is one that is installed into a vehicle

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and uses 12V DC to power it. This is not to be confused with a hand held which is typically battery powered and easy to carry, or a base station which may be installed in a home and is powered by 240V AC. Before purchasing a CB radio for the car you will want to consider a few factors. Where will it be installed? Some vehicles have a nice place to comfortably fit a radio, while in other vehicles space is very limited. Will it be permanently installed? There may be reasons why you don’t want to start cutting holes in the cars consoles, such as leased vehicle, plans to sell it in the near term, or just lazy like me who can’t be bothered to do it and are too cheap to pay someone! There are kits on the market that provide an easy to mount and remove functionality, and keeping in mind that in-car radios usually provide a much better range and less hassle than hand-held’s. Budget – how much you want to spend on a radio. Type. This will relate back to the budget and how much space is available. The more expensive radios (such as remote head) have more flexible installation options.

GME TX3100 Plug 'n' Play kit. Easy to install and remove from the vehicle. The kit comes with a magnetic unity gain antenna (which just sits on the roof) and a 12V power plug which plugs into the utility socket. Essentially there are three types of in car radios. The most common is the all in one a case which contains the transmitter/receiver circuitry with a display and buttons at the front and a microphone attached via a cable. Then there are remote head systems with the transmitter/receiver circuitry separate from the display/controls and microphone. Lastly there are all in handset radios (a specialised remote head system), where the controls and display are in the microphone while the transmitter/receiver circuitry is separate. The remote head systems provide more flexibility for installation as the transmitter/receiver circuitry can be installed out of the way – like under the dashboard.

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Uniden UH8070S remote head CD radio. Note how the transmitter/receiver can be mounted out of the way, with a smaller head unit more easily mounted.

Before deciding on a radio, examine your vehicle and determine where to place it. You want it to be within easy reach, but not in the way of your legs or hands when operating the vehicle. Consider the strength of the mounting bracket and what it’s being mounted to (from experience Velcro is not a great option). Also depending on where it is mounted an external speaker may be required to hear the conversations clearly. When considering budget constraints, the more expensive models generally have better receivers that provide better reception which is clearer. The RF Gain is also an important feature on a CB Radio. A radio with an RF Gain normally has a better receiver and incorporates better noise filtering which can be adjusted reduce static on the radio.

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Uniden UH8080NB compact all in handset CB radio All in handset radios are designed to have all the controls built into the handset. In order to incorporate the controls into the handset these type of units have a slightly larger microphone than a standard CB. All in handset CB radios are generally ergonomically designed to allow the user to control the radio with one hand. Their compact size and ease of installation sets them apart from other mobile radios. For a smaller vehicle, or difficult mounting applications, an All in handset CB radio might be a good choice. This type of radio has a small connector box (which connects to the antenna, power & external speaker) that installs under the dashboard or under the seat. The handset then plugs into the connector box. The speaker function can be built into the microphone or provided by an external speaker. Antennas Good antenna performance is important as it assists your reception and transmission greatly. Various UHF aerials require a ground plane, which means they should be mounted on top of a metal surface. The centre of the roof is ideal, but clearly not practical. A compromise is on the bulbar, side of the bonnet or the side of the roof rails. This however will provide a directional radiation pattern. Antennas can also be ground independent and in general these should be mounted as high up as possible... Helical Whip The length of the antenna is very critical and typically come in either quarter, half or full wave lengths. The wavelength of a UHF radio signal (477MHz) is approximately 62cm. The most basic type of whip antenna is the quarter wave ground plane, which are about 15cm in length and are made of stainless steel or wire, for more flexibility. These relatively small antennas have a naturally high angle of radiation and are best used in hilly countryside. They work well with repeaters because they are ideal for carrying the signal from a low point such as your vehicle to a high point where the repeater may be situated.

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Gain Antennas are also able to have gain, which will increase the Effective Radiated Power (ERP) of the CB. A 4.5 to 6 dB gain antenna is great for all types of terrain and is suitable for most situations. Gain is measured in decibels (dB) and the higher the gain, the more power that can be transmitted. High gain antennas usually have coils wound into the steel or fibreglass rod, increasing the length considerably. The clear advantages are that a 5 watt radio with a 6dB antenna can perform like a 20 watt radio because 6dB results in 4 times more power.

Want your voice here? There are a lot of people in this club who know a lot and we’d love your input! Send submissions in a word document to

BUY AND SELL Club Resources We have plenty of resources to sell. We may have many, some or none of the following items so if you are interested in any of these then please come along to the club meeting and I will be very happy to sell them to you. Correct change will be much appreciated. Short sleeve blue chambray shirt w/logo (Size 14) - $30.00 Long sleeve blue chambray shirt w/logo (Size M) - $60.00 New Style Red Polo Shirts (M, L, XL, 2XL) - $30.00 Hat Oiled Skin size 55 - $20.00 Hat Safari size 59 - $20.00 New Style Vest - $60.00 New Style Jacket - $70.00 Blue Polo Shirt - $15.00 Large Sew on Badges - $3.50 Small Sew on Badges - $2.00 Fuel Filter Plastic x 45deg. - $5.00 Fuel Filter Plastic x 90deg. - $5.00 Fuel Filter Plastic x Straight - $5.00 eFlare HZ510 Red with Base - $55.00 Wheel Nuts [Set of 4] - $1.60 CV Boot Clamps Large & Small - $3.00 CV Joint Grease - $4.00 MSP Engine Formulation (oil additive) - $50.00

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For substantial discounts on all general automotive spare parts, oils, filters, shocks, etc., please see me for details. Resources Officer: Dale Rebgetz Email:

Member Items for Sale Item: Forester Aluminium Bash Plates Details: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium Cost: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Contact: David Wilson, Item: Set of 4 alloy rims from Outback 1997 model Cost: $120.00 ONO Contact: David Wilson, Item: Roof console to hold CB and lights and switches for Outback Cost: $100.00 Contact: David Wilson,

Want to sell something Subaru/off-road related? Contact

The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered.

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M IN U T E S Club Meeting Minutes The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 27th October 2015 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:10pm. 1.

Present Jean Bellis, Peter Bellis, Gary Impson, Peter Fullalove, Edith Fullalove, Michael Hartshorne, Meredith Dale, Michael Dale, Paul Saleeba, Bob Marshall, Jessica Walsh, Tim Folliard, Stephen Whittaker, Graham Gill, Kerry Gill, Dale Rebgetz, Damian Stock, Katie Mynard, Peter Mynard, Les Scott,

Martin Foot, Jamie Scott, Duncan McCrae, Lee Wegner, Peter Landouris, Daniel Conlon, Rick Koster, David Wilson, Andy Santuccione. 2.

Apologies Ruth Marshall, Andrew Jantke, Lisa Jantke, Elaine Hyde, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins.


Visitors Frank Amato – guest speaker, Richard Saleeba


Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors

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Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 5.1. The minutes of the September 2015 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Edith Fullalove and seconded by Bob Marshall. 5.2. There was no business arising from the minutes.


Correspondence 6.1. In Magazines from various 4WD clubs. 4WD Victoria – notice of AGM, and Various advertising material. 6.2. Out None


Reports 7.1. Resources Michael Dale has some carpet off-cuts available. LED lighting is available from Duncan. Samples are viewable at the front. 7.2. Editor As per the magazine. Seeking more interesting articles. If you no longer want a paper copy of the magazine, please let Dan or Martin know. Editorial deadline for November is 10th November. 7.3. Trip and Social Details of future trips and events are elsewhere in the magazine. Will need to start implementing trip limits due to the large numbers we are getting. Will be looking at running multiple trips in a month or at the same time. 7.4. Venue Details of future general meetings elsewhere in the magazine. 7.5. Membership. Nothing to report. 7.6. Treasurer

Current bank account balance is $8,978.33. Major income in the last month was three members. Major payments including printing and trophies. 7.7. Secretary Next committee meeting is on Tuesday 10th November 2015 at Dan’s place. Club annual awards o Seeking nominations – have already received some. o Will be presented at the club’s Christmas part. 7.8. Vice-President Nothing to report. 7.9. President As per the magazine. Dan was presented with his committee nametag. Andy was also presented with his nametag. 7.10. 4WD Victoria Delegate Fire season is starting early this year. Training – the club’s driver training will start in March next year. 4WD Victoria AGM is the 9th November 2015.


General Business 8.1. Rick will be retiring his red L-series wagon after 29 years of faithful service (the rust bugs have gotten into it). It will be replaced by a 1987 Subaru Leone (with parts from the red car). 8.2. Damian spoke about deepcycle 12-volt batteries, which he has some for sale. It is necessary to run a lowbattery cut-out with the units so that they cannot be irreversibly damaged. 8.3. Peter Mynard raised the idea of having a national Subaru 4WD club gathering, with us running the first one, and then rotating around the states. It would preferably be held at an Easter time, since its timing

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is consistent across all the states. Stephen’s brother’s result in the recent Akademos rally was not very good – it was rolled and landed on the roof (instead of running head-on into a tree). Unfortunately, the car is now wrecked (it’s a feature in the backyard).

Fines and Fun 9.1. Nametags None. Last to Meeting David Wilson. 9.3. Trips 9.3.1. Avoca Michael – for not telling friend to exit at the Sunraysia highway. Meredith – for putting a tent up upside down. Lynette and Stuart – last to camp. Maddie – for letting all the air out of her tyres. Edith – for spilling her tea. Stewart – for not tying down a 10litre water can. Stephen – for climbing up the drain pipe in the photograph. Charles and Paula – for driving 200 metres to the pub. 9.3.2. Frog Hollow Les – for getting bogged in the backyard. 9.3.3. Photography Day Peter and Jean – for only turning up for lunch. 9.4. Total fines collected - $6.60.

photography and the use of and maintenance of cameras. 11. The lucky door prize was won by Paul Saleeba.

12. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th November 2015 commencing at 8pm.

13. Meeting closed at 10:10pm and was followed by supper.


10. Guest Speaker / Presentation Frank Amato gave a very informative presentation on

Committee Meeting Minutes Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday, 11th November 2015 at the home of Dan Conlon starting at 7:43pm. 1.

Present Dan Conlon, Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Bob Marshall, Michael Dale, Meredith Dale, Jamie Scott, Dale Rebgetz, Stephen Whittaker.


Apologies None


Visitors Duncan McCrae


Quorum A quorum was achieved with nine committee members present.


Appointment of Committee Member


The committee resolved to appoint Duncan McCrae as a committee meeting, in accordance with rule 57a of the club’s constitution.

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Minutes of the Previous Meeting 6.1. Minutes of the October 2015 were accepted without amendment. 6.2. Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 6.2.1. Bank account signatories. 6.2.2. Club’s cupboard. Have problems finding a locksmith who can access the blank (evidently these are kept in the USA). 6.2.3. Ongoing 4WD Education / Awareness. 6.2.4. Membership renewal form.

Correspondence 7.1. In Query about Subaru engine error message. 4WD Victoria – notification of annual general meeting. Name tags Subaru 4WD Club of South Australia. Advertising material – Outback 4x4. Enquiry about long-lost ex step sister (whose partner was supposedly a member of the club). Parks Victoria – enquiry about club’s favourite route. Stephen to follow up. Drive would ideally be easy to medium to attract Subarus. Parks SA – thank-you for paying the Border Track access and camping fee. 7.2. Out None.




8.6. 8.

Reports 8.1. Resources Many thanks to Meredith for helping out while Dale was away. 8.2. Trip and Social


Details of future trips and events elsewhere in the magazine. The Disputed Border trip is full. Therefore, the club has the opportunity to organise another trip over Easter. ANZAC Day in 2016 is on Monday. Therefore, will have another long weekend. Club’s 40th Anniversary – the sub-committee needs to meet soon to start moving things along. Suggestion from Peter Mynard for a national gathering of Subaru 4WD clubs. To follow up. Venue Details of future monthly meetings elsewhere in the magazine. Thank-you sent to Frank for his photography presentation. Query as to whether the club should give a gift voucher (say $20) or something else for noncommercial presenters. Committee agreed to the suggestion. Further, give a bottle of wine to commercial presenters (with a Subaru label). Looking for a presenter on 4WD tyres. Membership Have not received any membership applications in the past year. Have made no progress on the revised membership form. Editor Seeking articles for inclusion in the magazine. Extended trip articles of members’ trip are sort for inclusion. Treasurer Current bank account balance is $8,864.93. Secretary Committee reports – need to be circulated prior to the meeting. Club annual registration – need to chase up Consumer

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8.8. 8.9.


Affairs Victoria for renewal form. Vice-President Nothing to report. President Attended 4WD Victoria’s annual general meeting last night. The meeting was over in 54 minutes.

Sub-Committees / Other 9.1. Communications Current members of SC are Stephen, Martin, and Michael D. Michael D is looking after the general content of the club’s website. Seeking to add a photograph gallery – will be done via an add-on. 9.2. Community Involvement Current member of SC is Jessica. Nothing reported. 9.3. Constitution Review Current members of SC are Peter B and Jessica. No further work has been done on the convoy bylaws. 9.4. Education / Training Duncan has offered to take on the education/training co-ordination/promotion. Will need to be involved with Jessica – the club’s 4WD driving instructor. Jean has offered to help.

10. Club Annual Award Nominations for the club’s annual awards for 2014/5 were reviewed and the awardees determined. The awards, trophies and certificates will be presented at the club’s Christmas party.

Have sought feedback from recent members as to their impressions on initial information given to new members. Membership application needs to include appropriate qualifications relevant to the club and for when driving. Suggestion made that the common information new members require be put into a booklet. Need to source some freebies/handouts to include in the pack. List needs to be recirculated to committee members. - Jean

12. Fundraising - Batteries Damian mentioned that the club would be able to get $6 to $10 for old car batteries. Les offered to store the batteries prior to sale. Dale may have an alternative courtesy his work.

13. General Business None

14. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st December 2015 at 7:30pm at the home of Duncan McCrae.

15. February committee meeting will be held on Saturday, 6th February 2016 at 11am at Jamie’s place at Hazelwood South. Will be an extended planning meeting.

16. Meeting closed at 10:01pm.

11. New Member Pack

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E DIT OR N OT E S Thanks for all the contributions again this month!

Just a couple of things from me: In an effort to BE GREEN AND SAVE PAPER please let me know via email if you currently receive a paper version of this magazine and would be happy with an email version instead Any interesting articles you find and want to share, or if you would like to write an article for the magazine in the member's tips and reviews sections, let me know! The deadline for submissions for next month (January publication) is:

Tuesday 12th January As always please send emails to:

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