Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria - November 2016 magazine online version

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November 2016 (Issue 431)

Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J / FWDV Member PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149

Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre

We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.

John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655


C ON T E N T S Intro 4 Committee 5 From The President 6 Upcoming 7 Next Meeting – Tuesday 29th November 7 Trips and Social Events 8 Long Term Future Planning 10 Trip and Recovery Gear 12 Trip Reports 13 Melbourne Laneways Walk by Jean Bellis 13 Maldon Navigation Run by Martin Foot 15 ROBE, South Australia By Duncan and Lee 19 Trip Summary 22 Visit to Ringwood TAFE by Kerry Gill 28 Trivia Night by Jean Bellis 32 Buy and Sell 33 Member Items for Sale 33 Club Resources 35 Minutes 39 Editor Notes 44


INTRO The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed 40 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in the exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2016/17 year were agreed at the general meeting in April 2015 and are as follows:

Member rates: Single: $120 (Seniors card - $110) Joint/family: $140 - (Seniors card - $125). One off joining fee of $10 ($20 for Joint/Family) also applies All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $48

Non-member trip fee: A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes)

Please contact the membership officer for further enquiries. Email:


COMMITTEE Dale Rebgetz (President)

Duncan McCrae (Vice President)

Peter Bellis (Secretary)

Bob Marshall (Treasurer)

Dan Conlon (OM: Editor) au

Lee Wagner (OM: Social)

Jamie Scott (OM: Community) Meredith Dale (OM: Venue Coordinator)

Mike Dale (OM: Trip)

Edith Fullalove (OM)


F R OM T HE P RE SI DE N T President’s Report: November Magazine What is it about some vehicles, particularly older vehicles, that creates such interest or desire, that makes them iconic? One thing I have learnt since purchasing a Subaru Brumby Ute (1992 vintage) last year is there is no way one can drive it and not be noticed – not that is a problem. It can be a great conversation starter. Just last week I pulled up beside a bus at the lights and got a thumbs up from the driver. Then he opened the bus door so he could have a chat about Brumbys. There are not many vehicles that attract that sort of interest. As a daily driver it’s basic and lethargic, but I enjoy driving it. Meanwhile my poor Forester, more refined and with lots more power (thanks to the turbo) feels like a lumbering barge when I first get back into it. The poor thing is waiting patiently in the shed for the next “serious” trip :-( As I write this, Damian Stock (one of our new life members) will be giving his President’s Report at Four Wheel Drive Victoria’s AGM. For the last three years Damian served first as Vice-President, then as President, achieving much positive exposure for the organisation and securing $750,000 funding over three years from the Victorian Government. He is standing down from FWDV and taking up a new government liaison role where I am sure he will do well. Our last club meeting represents the second time we have had a meeting at the Ringwood Trade Centre, hosted by Dave Wilson. Again we had lots of members’ cars up on the hoists for inspection – while we hoed into the barbecue burgers and snags. The best and worst thing about putting ones vehicle up for inspection is the number of problems we find. Okay, there weren’t that many found, but for those who did, it was worth being aware of them. Thanks, Dave, for the use of the facilities. This weekend reminds us that Christmas is fast approaching as it is our Christmas party on Sunday. Blue Rock Lake is a little further from the CBD than we commonly choose, but the venue should be well worth the drive. Santa will be there to greet young and old, and the club awards will be presented – Club Man, Club Woman, Jacked Up, Piggy Bank, etc. I’m looking forward to it. Full marks to Mike on the recent Marysville trip he ran. Apart from a great trip he also accepted three extra vehicles – all visitors. They appeared to 6|Page

have enjoyed the experience enough to consider joining up for more fun in the future. This month is Movember; hopefully everybody is aware of it. “30 days of action to stop men dying too young”. Maybe your workplace is participating. This year in my workplace 22 men are participating – which is over half the male workforce. Not a bad effort. For my sins I have had to shave my beard so I can “participate” with all the others and grow a moustache. It’s for a good cause, so please consider donating to this worth charity. See you soon. Dale Rebgetz President

UPCOMING Next Meeting – Tuesday 29th November Date: Tuesday 29th November at 8pm Venue: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Bourke Road, Glen Iris Presentation: This month we have Robert Pepper coming to give a short presentation on how he puts his books together and how he goes about choosing tracks, Robert will also take general questions on the new car Door Prize: Come along to win a special door prize at this month's meeting.

Club Awards At the Christmas Party (as is tradition) we will be presenting our annual Club Awards. These are a way of recognising those who have contributed to our club in a very positive way in the past year – particularly with the Clubman and Clubwoman Awards. There are also the other, rather entertaining, awards; including: Burnt Billy – most humiliating campfire cooking or lighting disaster Piggy Bank – individual who received the most number of fines Silver Socket – the most well maintained vehicle Bent Valve – mechanical breakdown on trips or vehicle most worthy of retirement Jacked Up – most number of flat tyres or most impressive puncture Bogger – vehicle stuck most often


Photo Competition – Advance Warning Our photo competition will once again be held at our February meeting this year. Categories: Best Portrait (photo of a person) Best group photo Best landscape/nature scene Best close-up nature shot (Flower, animal, etc.) Best Subaru action shot Funniest photo To don’t forget to keep that camera handy!!! All photographs submitted must have been taken within the last two years, taken by the person entering the photo, and taken at a club event. There is a limit of one photo per person, per category. Any photographs that have won a prize previously are NOT ELIGIBLE. Send entries to: Members in attendance at the February meeting will be able to vote for the best photos. Venue Coordinator Meredith Dale

Trips and Social Events We have a variety of trips coming up! With that we’d also like to remind you that if you want to get your name down on the list for a trip but maybe can’t make it to the meeting you are always welcome to contact the trip leader directly or contact As always, if you know a great location that you would love to lead a trip to (or even if you just want to suggest it) let us know, we’re always on the lookout for the next adventure!! Put up the suggestion and someone else might run it Put up the suggestion and ask for someone else who might want to co-lead it with you. You might want it run it yourself and if it is your first time we will provide you with a trip mentor.


Club Christmas Breakup and Awards Day When: Our Annual Christmas BBQ and Awards Day will be held on Sunday 27th November.

Trip Standard: Social Where: The venue is Blue Rock Lake. It is next to Willow Grove (about an hour and a half from Melbourne CBD) at the Big Rock Spillway Wall. BYO Salad or Dessert to share for the group.

Oxfam Christmas Tree Delivery When: Weekend of 3th and 4th of December 2016. You only need to dedicate a morning or afternoon. Check with Peter and Jean if there are still spaces. Trip leaders: Jean and Peter Bellis on behalf of Oxfam | |

Dave’s Christmas Trip When: TBA – but somewhere in the Vic high country around Christmas 2016. Trip leader: Dave Wilson | | Trip Standard: Very Difficult


Gippsland High Country- Bruthen & Surrounding Area When: Australia Day 26th to 29th of January Trip leader: Mike Dale | Trip Standard: Medium

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Details: TBA. Current thoughts are somewhere near Bruthen. A travelling camp, and depending on the weather and the risk of bush fires may determine whether we go east, west or north.

Tominik When: Feb/Mar 2017, exact dates to be confirmed. Trip Leader: Jamie & Les | Details: Forms are out now, get on it!

Pink Lakes: Murry-Sunset National Park When: Easter 14th to 17th of April 2017. Trip leader: Mike Dale | Trip Standard: Medium

Details: still to be confirmed, but looking like a standing camp (Lake Becking campground). Day drives around Murray-Sunset National Park to look at the other lakes and a walk to Mt Jess.

Long Term Future Planning 2017

Kangaroo Island - March Kosciusko to Melbourne - April or May – Stephen Whittaker Blue Mountains – 25th Oct to 7th Nov - Stephen Whittaker


Tasmania – Hobart and the SE for 2 weeks in March – Jessica Walsh Mt Ives, Gawler Ranges/ Googs Track - Michael Dale


Canning Stock Route 5wk Trip Simpson Desert – re-enactment of the 40th anniversary of the Club’s 1979 crossing from Macumba Station to Purni Bore

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Social Events We are starting to plan some social events as well. A social trip with a hot spud lunch at a bush location. Bike Ride to Warburton Navigation run in the Riddles Creek area Wonthaggi Coal Museum with a visit to local waterfalls 2017

Trip and Social Contacts • •

Trip Coordinator: Mike Dale | Social Coordinator: Lee Wegner |

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TRIP AND RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WD’ing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip: 1.

Personal details form as


specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader 2.

Emergency Supplies

(minimum 3.2t)


Rated snatch strap Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus, optional bridle

10. Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for the trip and delays 11. A Tyre Pressure Gauge;

strap, according to vehicle

Compressor (according to the



UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB

12. An Axe, Bow or Chain saw;

Radio. Ideally in car but hand

13. A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible

held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last the trip.



(matches, food, water and




Two rated D- Shackles



Jack and wheel Brace, or

shovels are no good) 14. Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip)

Fire Extinguisher, accessible

15. A Tool Kit

to the driver

16. Personal First Aid Kit

Spare Tyre (full size)

17. The Vehicle Manual

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Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All non-emergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.

TRIP REPORTS Editor’s note: We’ve certainly been busy with all these trips!!

Melbourne Laneways Walk by Jean Bellis On what turned out to be a very cold wet and windy Saturday 22 October we gathered at the Information Centre in Federation Square. Most of us took the opportunity to grab a hot coffee or hot chocolate before we headed off to start exploring the city. As some of the group had never been into St Paul’s Cathedral I took them in for a quick look. We then make our way into Hosea Lane and checked out the graffiti and one very bright orange mushroom.

From there we made our way down Flinders Lane and into Cathedral Arcade. As we walked Bev kept reminding us to look up at the architecture. We did a lot of window shopping as we walked checking out chocolates, wooden toys including a variety of Babushka dolls, scarfs, and the list goes. Our exploration took as along many other lanes including the Royal Arcade, Block Arcade and Hardware Lane. Our final destination was the State Library to see an art exhibition. While some of the group headed to the Café the rest of us went up into the dome and looked out over the Reading Room. Then it was time to order hots drinks and cakes and lots more chatter. From here we all went our various ways Thanks Bev for showing us some parts of Melbourne that we didn’t know. Attendees: Bev Davison – Tour Guide and her friend Meredith Dale Paula and Charles Tan

Janelle and Dale Rebgetz Lee Wegner Jean Bellis

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Maldon Navigation Run by Martin Foot Saturday 15, Sunday 16 October This trip was based at Martin and Dot’s miner’s cottage in the Victorian Central Goldfields town of Maldon, 10 mins west of Castlemaine. Unlike the previous trip in 2012, which was located mainly around the town, this event focussed on the forested areas to the south and south-east of Maldon, between Muckleford Creek and Welshman’s Reef. This is an area that was extensively mined between from 1850’s up to the early nineteen hundreds. The locations on the Run included an impressive poppet head (at the Red White and Blue Mine) and an old quartz mine carved into the hillside (Dunn’s Reef). Besides these mine sites, there were other places that were more about the people themselves, e.g. an old cemetery in Welshman’s Reef that closed many years ago and where lie many of those early pioneers, as well as the ruins of the old Gowar schoolhouse and of an early farmhouse and stables on Sandy Creek Road (see pic).

Members started arriving from 11:30-ish. The weather was fine and pleasant (a relief after a month of saturating rain). The vehicles lined up in a

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row out on a piece of open ground just outside our block, that we had prepared (well, mown, anyway) earlier.

Jean and Peter had brought their camper trailer to stay over. This was carefully shoe-horned into the back yard. In 2012, when the last Maldon Navigation Run was held, the trailer was brand new. This year, it was their very smart little blue XV that turned heads, and it seemed to be very comfortable towing the trailer.

Speaking of turning heads, Angela and Julie turned up a bright and shiny 2016 Forester, very new and spiffy. I was glad I had selected a few muddy tracks to keep it honest! We all enjoyed a BBQ lunch with salads to share on the deck. It was turning into a very pleasant social outing. There was considerable inertia to be 16 | P a g e

overcome before people could be convinced to assemble at around 1.30pm for a briefing prior to the start of the Navigation Run itself. I talked through the trip instructions and the map, which included 6-figure co-ordinates for most locations (although I took a fine when someone pointed out that one of the specified locations was actually off the map – whoops!). So off everyone went, at five minute intervals. The trip took about 2 hours to complete, mostly along dirt roads and easy tracks, following my instructions and collecting trivial information along the way. By 5.30pm, all were back at Baxter Street. Some diverted via the coffee shops in town (no fine imposed!). While people relaxed, I totted up the scores. In a very close finish, and with considerable hilarity, Peter and Jean, with a perfect score, were once again confirmed as the club’s unofficial navigation run champions. We then jumped back in the vehicles and headed to the Maldon Hotel for dinner and a drop of what you fancy. As dusk approached, most people headed home to Melbourne after a very enjoyable day. However, Graham, Kerry, Peter and Jean stayed over to Sunday with us. In the morning, we had a splendid breakfast on the deck (see pic below).

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We discussed our options for the day. The Tarrengower Hill Climb attracted no votes, so instead, after, Dot and I led our small convoy to some of the sites we visited in 2012, including the gold dredge on the Bendigo road, the ruins of the railway trestle bridge on the disused Shelbourne line, and the Maldon Cemetery, under the impressive outcrop known to locals as the “Rock of Ages”. Jean had a particular interest to check a family memorial at the cemetery.

We then adjourned for morning tea in the town, before the trip ended around midday.

Attendees: Martin Foot and Dot Greiveson (trip leaders) - Forester XS and Suzuki SX-4 Peter and Jean Bellis - XV Peter and Edith Fullalove - Pajero Simon Whitehead - Forester Duncan McCrae and Lee Wegner - Ford Ranger Angela Bombarieri and Julie Dyer - Forester Graham and Kerry Gill – Outback Kevin, Vickie and Mary Bird - Forester

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ROBE, South Australia By Duncan and Lee October 29th to November 1st, 2016 Saturday The plan general plan was to head to Robe in South Australia to experience the local environment over the Melbourne Cup long weekend. Official arrival was on the Saturday around noon(ish) although this was not set in stone as the 4WDing was planned for Sunday and Monday. Lee and I arrived around 1.00pm and found Simon sitting in his chair having some quiet time and perhaps reflecting the coming days. Michael, Meredith, Peter and Edith had arrived on the Friday whereas Jamie and Les had arrived on Thursday and they were exploring all that Robe had to offer. Turns out there is quite a lot of walking to be done in town, Meredith reported 6 Kms of it in fact. Lee and I set up camp, Simon headed into town also to do a spot of fishing. Once we had set up Lee and I went for a walk. The weather was perfect, but not to last. Dot and Martin arrived and not long after that so did Dale and Janelle. By late Saturday afternoon camp had been established in Long Gully Camp Ground in Little Dip Conservation Park about 20 minutes out of Robe. A fire was lit, cheese, biscuits and a few drinks were opened and we sat down in front of the fire that Jamie had set up so that Michael could cook his sole potato (probably should be fined for setting up a fire for just one potato!). Dinner was next on the agenda and meeting back at the fire to continue with solving the problems of the world. At this point the wind had started to pick up. Everyone headed off to bed around the same time and it was at this point the wind had strengthened and was swinging around to the west. Sunday Around 2.30am we had a centre pole in our tent collapse, one attempt to reextend it failed, the wing nut needed to be more than finger tight, pliers were then employed. Ropes were added to help tie the tent down as the wind was well and truly gusting. About to get back into bed when I looked across the camp to see torches and heard voices coming from where the Dales, Fullaloves, Foots and Simon had set up camp. Chaos had begun. The Dales lost the verandah of their camp trailer over the top of the main tent; 19 | P a g e

it was still connected but needed to be secured. Simon’s free standing shade didn’t survive and was blown over and destroyed by the wind. The Foots survived by moving their Forester to afford some shelter and used it as a tie down point for their tent. We lowered Jamie’s shelter and added more ropes so it didn’t blow away. Everyone else got through the night with no further damage. Apparently the wind gusts were up to 100kph. The morning started off slowly as everyone, bar one was helping out securing tents, moving cars etc. etc. during the night…. Who was the bar one? I can’t say on the grounds that I will get in trouble from Lee who managed to sleep through most of the chaos. That morning some tents were moved, camper trailer swung around so that it was better protected, more ropes added to tents, more pegs……. Mother Nature was clearly against us! The planned route was delayed by the rising tide. High tide was around 12.30pm meaning no beach runs until the tide was falling. Not keen on getting stuck on a beach with the tide coming in. So we went off in search of some tracks through the sand dunes. As we had not accounted for the possibility of high tides being in the middle of the day when doing our pre-trip the search of tracks was stunted by a few U turns until we found our feet. That said, everyone does a great U turn now and are now all very professional! The morning drive was relatively easy yet the scenery and some of the views were stunning. We ended up in Robe around lunchtime, so it was a good time to grab a bite to eat and to explore the town. After lunch and the turning of the tide, we headed back to the sand with the intent of doing some driving along the beach. First beach we start on to……. we sunk straight to the chassis. Shovels, Maxtrax and elbow grease couldn’t get us out, rain, wind, cold…. winch recovery was the next plan of attack. Peter hooked up to the back of us and proceeded to pull us out backwards. All was going well until Peter started to move towards us rather than us towards Peter. New plan! Snatch us out, we were connected to Peter, Peter connected to Jamie and away we went. Back on terra-firma or at least firm sand we made our way along the track through the hills towards camp some 15 Kms away. Throughout the course of the day we did come across other vehicles out enjoying the sand, each time we were met by friendly people as we worked our way past each other, most of the tracks were limited to a single car width. Fortunately, there are some areas where getting past each other is a little easier than others. 20 | P a g e

Travelling east, we headed through some dunes and along the conservation park border track as the tide was a still a little high and as previously stated, I was not keen on losing a vehicle to the sea. That and during our earlier recovery we got the end of a large wave (which became small) wash under us. The tracks and dunes consisted of mostly sand but there were some rocky sections where care needed to be taken so that you didn’t puncture or tear out a side wall of a tire as everyone was running tire pressures around 15psi, tyre placement was important and everyone did well. There is an abundance of wild life as we saw kangaroos, emus, a couple of rabbits, large numbers of bird life and of course mozzies and flies. The wind was continuing to blow and in some cases the sand blowing of the beach was almost like being in a sand blaster, short, sharp and stinging. Towards the end of the track as the tide had fallen far enough, we back tracked once as there was still a possibility of not getting off the beach further along as we hadn’t been able to do that section when Lee and I first visited (we were on our own and didn’t want to get stuck on a beach on a quiet weekend). Once more through the sand dunes until we reached a point where Martin and Dot had come through the afternoon before. (Yes, they did the track when coming in from Robe; they said they thought it was the way to camp…. not so sure, I think they wanted to arrive at camp via the scenic route). A couple of beach runs later and we were back at camp. Did I mention that the wind had been blowing all day?

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Next Meeting

Tuesday 29th November at 8pm

Club Christmas Breakup

Sunday 27th November


Weekend of

Christmas Tree

3th and 4th


of December


South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332



Bourke Road, Glen Iris

Venue is Blue


Rock Lake

Jean and Peter Bellis

Community Event


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Dave’s Christmas Trip


Dave Wilson

Very Difficult ♦♦

Australia Gippsland High

Day 26th to


29th of

Mike Dale

Medium ■

Jamie & Les


Mike Dale

Medium ■



Feb/Mar 2017, exact dates to be confirmed.

Pink Lakes:

Easter 14th


to 17th of

National Park

April 2017.

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Upon arriving back at camp we found that Martin and Dot’s tent had completely collapsed and was not recoverable. Unfortunately, they packed up as there was no other choice and were going to stay in Robe that night. Dale and Janelle elected to do the same as they were concerned that their tent was going to suffer the same fate. Simon’s tent also looked a little windblown so he relocated to a quieter spot out where the scrub and bush offered some protection, Jamie and Les relocated their swags to a more protected area and Lee and I put in a few more pegs as our floor had pulled out the existing pegs. At this point we were down four people and two vehicles. Cheese, dip, biscuit and a few drinks under the awning of the Dale Camper as it was the most protected place to get out of the wind! Dinner was not much later and as dark few upon us we decided it was probably time for bed. That night the wind blew, we had some heavy showers and some heavy rain but the following morning the rain had passed however the wind didn’t leave us though. Monday Monday morning. the plan was to head east along the Nora Creina Road which turns into Bog Lane in the direction of Beachport to cut in to the track past the section where the only option was to drive along the beach, the rising tide was again the factor. So we headed out to Nora Creina Road and headed towards Beachport so we could cut into the dunes past the initial beach runs with the plan to come back and do those in later in the afternoon once the tide had fallen sufficiently. We turned right onto Lake George Road which took us into the back of the sand dunes which were vast and expansive and it was easy to lose the contours of the dunes. At one point I stop to check the drop off of a dune only to find it was very steep and very high and heading down it was not advisable. A small detour and some more searching up dunes, down dunes, around dunes……… we picked up the track to take us into Beachport.

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Heading along the track, it was suggested to me that a cup of tea might be in order. As I am not a tea drinker such things don’t occur to me, however it was also strongly suggested by my co-pilot that we stop as she was driving at the time so I had little to no choice. Whilst enjoying the cuppa a Ranger (not the vehicle type) stopped and we had a chat about the area, what to look out for, any troubles or dramas ahead, the only advice was ‘if in doubt, walk it first’ which is good advice for all 4WDing. We headed off again and the track narrowed in places where we gained some new bush pin striping, I think Michael calls them memories. There were also some tight turns blind drop offs along with blinds crests. Sand flags are an important tool here. We popped over the top of another dune to find another couple of Rangers (again, not the vehicle type) sitting on the side of the track facing us. We stopped and I asked if they had set up a radar gun. “No, saw your sand flag coming over the hill”. We told them there were four more following and headed on our way. There were some moderate areas of erosion on the track which meant for potential for sea sickness on land, up and down up 25 | P a g e

and down almost like rolling over small ocean waves. As we neared Beachport the tide had fallen far enough that we could comfortably do the couple of short beach runs before ending up in town. This is where Simon left us and headed towards Victoria for an overnight camp before making his journey all the way home to Melbourne. The rest of us had a short break for lunch before getting back out on the track and heading back towards Nora Creina.

We headed out along Lake George Road and picked up a track that took us back into the sand dunes, cutting across them so that we could pick up the track and head back from where we had come and then continue west to do the beach runs. More dune exploring, along with some rather interesting short sharp climbs and descents and in some cases momentum was certainly our friend. On to the beach and the view and the scenery was spectacular. With the sea being as rough as it was, it almost looked like a washing machine, the wind was up adding to the swell and the picturesque drive along the beach. Driving along the beach, with only a few other people around, it was tranquil, peaceful and most enjoyable except for the bloody wind! 26 | P a g e

We ended our journey at the settlement of Nora Creina, it is an unusual little place, one person owns the land and people lease house lots and build their shack/holiday home/home there, it is private property although they do allow access from the road to the beach and vice versa. Oh, and did I mention that there is one phone, a Telstra Public Phone Box? From there it was back to camp to check to see if anything else had blown down or away. We are happy to report that everything was intact and had survived. Lee and I had decided to pack up and head into Robe for the evening to get some sleep as sleeping in a single pole tent for the couple of nights previously in the rain and wind that constantly caused the canvas to flap against us whilst trying to sleep lead to two almost sleepless nights on my count and with the 6 and a half hour journey home ahead of us on the Tuesday‌. we thought it wise. Did I mention Lee can sleep through almost anything including sleeping in a tent whilst the wind tries to blow us away?

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Tuesday (Cup Day) The tale doesn’t end there, as on our journey home we developed a little problem – the linkage for reverse, 1st and 2nd gear failed. So from the border of SA/Vic through to Ballarat we had 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th. Horsham, Ararat and Stawell were all shut for Melbourne Cup Day, but fortunately Ballarat was still open for business. We pulled into Eclipse Ford at around 4.00pm and left around 5.20pm. Turns out a bolt had come out and was sitting on gear box bash plate. Most of the time was spent waiting for everything to cool down, so the mechanic could refit the bolt and check the others whilst under their hoist. The journey then continued until we got home. Lee and I would like to thank everyone who came along and for the help, guidance and support for us leading our first trip. We hope to do the Robe trip again, this time we will probably pick a different camp site where we are protected from the wind. Cheers from Duncan and Lee (photos by Simon and Lee) Attendees: Martin and Dot Greiveson Michael and Meredith Dale Jamie and Les Scott Peter and Edith Fullalove Dale and Janelle Rebgetz Simon Whitehead

Visit to Ringwood TAFE by Kerry Gill 25th October As usual the opportunity to put vehicles up on a hoist to assess the damage from a year’s worth of Subaru trips or just to check that “bits” were still were they should be, brought plenty of interest from members. The turnout was excellent with more chairs having to be found for the meeting. About 15 cars went up on the hoist to be poked, prodded and photographed. Les’ Suboo 2 drew much interest for his innovative approach to restoring the Brumby’s 4wd gear, and after the dramas on the Simpson, Suboo also attracted inspections to check out the fixes. 28 | P a g e

Dale/Janelle, Peter M and Suboo

Peter M and Suboo

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Suboo 2, Matt C’s serious touring Forester and Paul S Peter Mynard went away thinking that it might not have been such a good idea putting his wagon on the hoist. The words “expensive” and “lot of work” were heard being muttered from the driver’s seat.

At last something with worse clearance than the Outback! Richard’s car.

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M&M (Dale), Bellis and a touring wagon Not too many really expensive problems were found. We found that our Dave Wilson special Outback bash plate had certainly lived up to its name and that the towing attachment was causing cracking around the mounting point. A few leaks and loose bits (sorry for the highly technical explanations!) were the usual things found. Lee and Duncan did a sterling job with the bbq which kept the hoards fed and happy. Once again, many thanks Dave for opening up the facility.

Waaay too clean 31 | P a g e

Trivia Night by Jean Bellis

Thank you to the members of the club who made up the Super Subies team. After leading the competition for most of the night the Famous Faces in the last round were their downfall and they finished the night in equal 2 nd place. Team members were: Gabrelle and Richard Saleeba Jackie Koster Elaine and Phil Milkins Katie and Peter Mynard.

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B U Y AN D S E LL Member Items for Sale Item: Oztent Foxwing Awning - BRAND NEW, NEVER USED. Details: Left hand side, comes with poles, ropes, pegs etc including roof bar fittings. Two awnings and tapered. Zip extensions allows you to join the two walls together to create an enclosed area. Also includes Floor Saver, this mesh floor covers the whole Fox Wing area. Cost: $800.00 Contact: Duncan, Item: 1991 L series GL wagon Details: My father's 1991 L series GL wagon. 235000 gentle kms, none off road. Auto. Burgundy. ETZ424. Cost: $250 ONO Contact Rob Boykett,, 0424211748 Item: Protective mat for rear cargo area of a Forester Details: Fits Forester SH (Gen 3, 2008 - 2012). Protects cloth surface from dirt, spillages, tears, etc. Coated foam type with surrounding lip. Black. VGC. Cost: $20 Contact Martin Foot, Item: Milford Cargo Barrier for Forester SH Details: Fits Forester without sunroof (P/N 705400). Grey colour. Requires fitting kit (not supplied) to be installed in the car. VGC. Cost: $30 Contact Martin Foot, Item: Forester Aluminium Bash Plates Details: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium Cost: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Contact: David Wilson, Item: Set of 4 alloy rims from Outback 1997 model Cost: $120.00 ONO Contact: David Wilson, Item: Roof console to hold CB and lights and switches for Outback Cost: $100.00 Contact: David Wilson,

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Item: Vic blue and white standard number plates in as new condition 1XV4US Cost: $400.00 ONO Contact: Jenny, 0417 369 405 Item: number plate SUBARU Can be re-issued in any custom design via the Vic Roads website (see link below) if a different colour or style is preferred: =customise-plate Cost: negotiable, but realistic offers between $3,500 to $6,000 Contact: Richard, 0414 737 333 Item: STi Intercooler. Details: Excellent condition, apart from slight dent on side (pictured). Came as spare parts when I purchased my 2007 Forester. Will fit most Turbo Subies. Cost: $250 Contact:

Item: STi Exhaust system Details: STi Exhaust system. Everything you need to give your Suby the perrrr it deserves! Very clean, no dents, minor scuffs, Stainless steel. Everything from the Manifold back to the chrome STi stamped tip!! Cost: Make me an offer!!! Contact:

Want to sell something Subaru/off-road related? Contact The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered.

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Club Resources

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Resources Officer Dale Rebgetz Email:

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M IN U T E S Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday 8th November 2016 at the home of Edith Fullalove starting at 7:45pm. 1.

Present Edith Fullalove, Lee Wegner, Duncan McCrae, Michael Dale, Jamie Scott, Dale Rebgetz, Peter Bellis, Meredith Dale, Dan Conlon.


Apologies Bob Marshall.


Quorum A quorum was achieved with eight committee members present.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4.1. Minutes of the October 2016 committee meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Edith and seconded by Meredith. 4.2. Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 4.2.1. Bank account signatories – update for Dale and Duncan. 4.2.2. Request for advertising in club’s magazine by AllDrive Subaroo. 4.2.3. By-Law – Convoy Travel – Peter yet to complete reformatting of agreed text into By-Law format – waiting on Dale. 4.2.4. New Member Pack. 4.2.5. Magazine levy – forensic accounting is on-going. Will be expanded to look at the member value proposition. 4.2.6. Special 40th birthday magazine be put out that profiles some of the older or former or life members, some old trip reports, etc? Duncan has volunteered to do this. Will be published before the Christmas party. Correspondence 5.1. In Club awards – various nominations via email. 4WD Victoria – deferral of AGM, seeking of nominations for second vacant board position, notice of next regional meeting. Heron Holdings – invoice for hire of property (what and by whom?). Sale of motor vehicles – email regarding sale of Subaru SVX. Membership enquiry. 5.2. Out 4WD Victoria – submission of club delegate nomination form. Heron Holdings – faxes regarding invoice for property hire. 5.3. Business Arising from the Correspondence Heron Holdings – invoice for $250 was not meant for us. Therefore, will ignore. Reports 6.1. Resources Nothing to report.



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If someone else is willing to take it on, it would be much appreciated. (Dan to advertise in the magazine.) 6.2. Trip and Social Details elsewhere in the magazine. Future trip ideas - Grand Ridge Road trip, outdoor movie – both Belgrave and the Botanical Gardens. Longer term trips – details elsewhere in the magazine. 6.3. Venue Details elsewhere in the magazine. Suggestions for meeting presentations would be appreciated. 6.4. Membership Nothing to report. 6.5. Editor This month’s editorial deadline is Monday 14th December 2016. 6.6. Treasurer Current cheque account balance is $9,469.20. Current term deposit account is $5,000. Recent payments include C&D Trophies (nametags) - $124, Stephen Whittaker - $14, and Lee Wegner - $47. 6.7. Secretary 4WD Victoria has been advised of our club delegate and alternate. Association registration – has been lodged. 6.8. Vice-President Nothing to report yet. 6.9. President Nothing to report. Sub-Committees 7.1. Communications Nothing recently has happened with the club’s website. Damian is still an administrator for the club’s Facebook website. Edith volunteered to take over the position. Stephen Whittaker to update. 7.2. Community Involvement Nothing to report. 7.3. Constitution Review Still waiting for the updated convoy rules. Life membership and payment of 4WD Victoria affiliation fee – query has been raised about the distinction between active and inactive members. A recent query with 4WD Victoria resulted in advice that the life members need to be included in the 4WD Victoria affiliation return. Dale will prepare a discussion paper on the topic for the committee to consider. 7.4. Education / Training Nothing to report. Annual Club Awards Some trophies need new/additional bases to allow the addition of more name plates. The trophies concerned include Burnt Billy (needs to be mounted), and Silver Socket (needs an additional base). Committee agreed to add additional base with new nameplates. Have received 10 lots of nominations – would have preferred to have had more. The committee discussed and determined the annual awards. Peter, via Jean, will arrange for the trophies to be engraved. Need to get Martin to print certificates.

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12. 13.

Goals / Challenges for the Next Year Over the past few years, the club has greatly increased its profile to the public, and lifted its trip and social activity level. This has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of club members, particularly younger members. What does the committee need to do over the next 12 months to further progress the club? Increase its public profile by utilising Twitter, and actively updating the club’s Facebook site. Increase mentoring of new trip leaders. How does the club return value to its members? Club’s on-line facilities – membership application/renewal, trip intentions/registration. Should the club pay for a new site to be developed and then use club resources to maintain? Michael offers to collate other committee members’ suggestions for the specifications. Leave of Absence The committee, under rule 67 of the Club’s constitution, granted Bob Marshall a leave of absence in regards to attending committee meetings for a period of 4 months from 8th November 2016 to give him the necessary time to recover from recent ill health and surgery. Dan, due to his employment workload, is finding it difficult to attend committee meetings. The committee agreed to grant Dan a leave of absence from attending committee meetings for a period of 4 months from 8th November 2016. General Business Visitor fee to trips – it is $5 per adult visitor. Certificates of Appreciation – need some done for those who made donations towards the 40th birthday. Dan offered to put together a certificate and MSPublisher template. Club’s 40th birthday photo book – to be given to John Bailey, together with a certificate of appreciation. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th December 2016 at 7:30pm at the home of Meredith Dale. Meeting closed at 10:25pm.

General Meeting Minutes 1.

Present Kerry Gill, Graham Gill, Peter Fullalove, Edith Fullalove, Katie Mynard, Peter Mynard, Meredith Dale, Michael Dale, Lee Wegner, Duncan McCrae, Paul Saleeba, Bev Davison, Mike Dunn, Peter Bellis, Anthony Saunders, Peter Devine, Richard Saleeba, Kevin Bird, Dale Rebgetz, Matt Chaplin, ??, Les Scott, Martin Foot, Tim Folliard, Rick Koster, David Wilson, Damian Stock, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins.


Apologies Daryl Lynch, Rose Lynch, Dennis Scambler, Lisa Jantke, Andrew Jantke, Angela Bombardieri, Jean Bellis, Bob Marshall, Ruth Marshall, Janelle Rebgetz, David Hogben, Elaine Hyde.

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Visitors Henry Huynh, Phuong Nguyen.


Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors.


Thanks For David for organising tonight’s location and the ability to view under vehicles up on the hoist. For Duncan and Lee organising and managing the barbecue.




Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 6.1. The minutes of the September 2016 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Meredith Dale and seconded by Katie Scambler. 6.2. There was no business arising from the minutes. Correspondence 7.1. In Magazines from Pajero 4WD Club of Victoria Subaru 4WD Club of South Australia Fundraising material from Cadbury Advertising material from RegoMate Invoice from C&D Trophies Four Wheel Drive Victoria Notice of annual general meeting Minutes of September 2016 general meeting Oxfam re Christmas tree delivery Sale of Subaru MY sports wagon 7.2. Out None. Reports 8.1. Resources Nothing to report. 8.2. Editor 1. No reported submitted. 8.3. Trip and Social Robe – Melbourne Cup weekend. Trip is full. Details have been circulated to participants. Marysville – details tbc. Have a rough outline of the trip. Trivia night – contact Peter and Jean for details. Christmas party and annual awards – need to bring either a salad or desert to share. Also need nominations for the annual awards. Oxfam tree delivery – members are encouraged to participate. Post Christmas trip – will be a moving trip over five days. Start near Ensay, through Hells Gate and across Davis Plain. May head into the Poplars. Standard is double diamond. Bruthen trip in January – organised by Mike Dale. Plenty of opportunities in 2017 for trips. Need ideas and trip leaders. 8.4. Venue

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11. 12. 13.

Thanks to Dave for hosting tonight. November – Rob Pepper. January – Welcome back barbecue. February – Photograph competition. 8.5. Membership. Richard Saleeba was presented with his membership badge. 8.6. Treasurer Current bank account balance is $9,469.20. Not spending much money since the treasurer is in hospital. Still have a few outstanding claims regarding the 40th birthday bash. 8.7. Secretary Nothing to report. 8.8. Vice-President Nothing to report. 8.9. President Everything has been reported in the president’s report in this month’s magazine. Thanks to all members for the support they give each other on trips when in difficulties. General Business 9.1. FWDV – Annual general meeting has been deferred for two weeks due to an additional board member needing to be elected. 9.2. Les is yet to cash in the batteries that he has collected. Still accepted more batteries. 9.3. 4WD driver trainer – what is available now that the club trainer (Jessica) has relocated to south west Victoria. A 4WD driver training intention sheet will be put out for those who wish to register interest. Fines and Fun 10.1. Nametags Peter Devine, Kevin Bird. 10.2. Last to Meeting Not able to determine. 10.3. Trips 10.3.1. Maldon Navigation Trip Lee – her dog Chloe disgracing herself on Vicki Bird. Martin Foot – an incorrect co-ordinate in the directions. Martin Foot – for not knowing his left from his right when he reversed the direction of the course. 10.3.2. Laneways of Melbourne No fine-able incidents. 10.4. Total fines collected - $5.10. The Lucky door prizes were won by Richard Saleeba and Martin Foot. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 29th November commencing at 8pm. Meeting closed at 9:05pm and was followed by supper.

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E DIT OR N OT E S Thanks for all the contributions again this month! Any interesting articles you find and want to share, or if you would like to write an article for the magazine ‌. let me know! Just a friendly reminder also to please proof read, and be sure to use punctuation and grammar. The deadline for submissions for next month is:

Friday 20st January As always please send emails to:

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