October 2011
A great time was had by all at the 35th Birthday Bash (ISSUE 375) Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J FWDV Member www.subaru4wdvic.com.au GPO BOX 2456 Melbourne VIC. 3001
VOLKS-BARU SUBARU and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre
We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.
John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 Page: 2
INTRODUCTION TO THE SUBARU 4WD CLUB OF VICTORIA: The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 30 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each financial year, due after the yearly AGM. Fees for the 2010/2011 year are currently: Interstate: $90 (Seniors card - $85) � Single: $100 (Seniors card - $90) Joint/family: $105 - (Seniors card - $90) (All fees includes affiliation and Insurance: $40) A trip fee of $10 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further information regarding membership, including pro-rata and monthly rates.
South Camberwell Tennis Club 322 Burke Road Glen Iris (Melways 59 H6)
Last Tuesday of each month at 8:00pm sharp (except December)
Meetings 1st Tuesday each month: 7:30pm
Damian Stock (President) Peter Bellis (Secretary)
Bob Marshall (Treasurer)
Jessica Walsh (Trip & Social)
Martin Foot (Editor)
editor@subaru4wdvic.com. au
Andrew Jantke (Membership) Adam Howley (Resources) Vacant (Venue) Phil Milkins (Ordinary Member) Dale Rebgetz (Ordinary Member)
resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au venue@subaru4wdvic.com.au (diverted to president) pm@subaru4wdvic.com.au dr@subaru4wdvic.com.au
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PRESIDENT’S REPORT Welcome to the October club magazine and another president’s report. What I thought was going to be a bit of a quiet month for me, due to my carpal tunnel operation, has been anything but with plenty of club activity keeping me from feeling sorry for myself. Strangely, I had virtually no pain from the operation at all and was able to resume light activities the day after, including plenty of event planning. The Leisurefest show and the club’s 35 th birthday celebration have come and gone, as has the month, so I am now sitting here at the absolute 11 th hour, trying to get this report written before Martin comes looking for it. I also got a little distracted by the great weather this week, enticing me to get out on my bike a couple of times, so that has put me behind a bit as well. If this weather holds up we should definitely plan a bike ride. Let me know if you want to organize one and I will be up for it. As I mentioned earlier, the last month in the Stock household has been taken th up with preparation for our club stand at Leisurefest and the club’s 35 birthday celebration at the farm. While I was definitely incapacitated by my hand operation I was ably supported by a band of willing (?) workers, ensuring that both events were successful. Leisurefest planning started with trying to find a picture suitable for putting into very big print on a two metre high pull up banner. Andrew came to my rescue with a bush convoy photo that was then massaged into a suitable format by my oldest son, Ben. This pull up banner, together with improvements to our photo board and other signage really did wonders for our stand. I would also like to thank Phil and Elaine, Brian and Glenys, Michael Dickman, Martin, Adam, Jessica, David Wilson and Jean and Peter for representing the club on the stand over the four days of the event. I hope that the presentation I did on 40/80 channel UHF CB at the September meeting provided some useful information. I still have a couple of 40/80 channel commercial CB radios for sale, at $115, if anyone is interested. A number of members have already taken up this excellent offer so please contact me for further details. The 35th birthday celebration was a great success if feedback is any indication. Despite inclement weather on Sunday curtailing further activities, Page: 4
PRESIDENT’S REPORT and making tents a little wet to pack up, the weekend went extremely well. While Angela and I were happy to host the club at our farm I must give all credit to Angela for organizing a great spit roast dinner, ably supported by Cynthia who organized the salads and dessert. Cynthia and Mike also did a great job of the line dancing part of the night, using the new dance floor that had been assembled over the previous weekends. The dance floor was Cynthia’s idea, constructed from timber pallets. The idea of building a dance floor from pallets seemed like a good idea to me, but maybe not to some others, so I enlisted the services of a number of club members to assist with the task. First, Peter Mynard arranged for nearly forty pallets to be made available from his employer in Morwell so on grand final Saturday morning Jamie, Peter and myself collected these and delivered them to the farm in preparation for the assembling the dance floor. On the Sunday I returned to the farm, together with Angela, Dale, David Hewitt, Lisa and Andrew to try to complete the assembly. This became bigger than any of us could have imaged and it subsequently took another four days of my time, and further assistance from Angela, Phil and Elaine, to complete the floor just in time for the weekend’s festivities. While not the most professional looking floor it wasn’t too bad given the roughness of the original pallets and it certainly achieved the desired result, supporting plenty of line dancers on the Saturday night. It also acted as the serving area for the spit roast dinner and dessert prior to the dancers taking over later in the night. I really appreciate the efforts put in by everyone who contributed to the success of the 35th birthday event and I am sure that everyone enjoyed themselves, with great value for money. Dinner, dancing, accommodation and cooked breakfast for $25 per person is pretty good value in anyone’s eyes. I would love to make this an annual event, as maybe a combined birthday and Christmas party, if there is enough interest. I will be looking for feedback on this prior to next year’s event. For the October meeting we do not have a guest presenter, due to the likelihood of members being away on the William Creek trip, so how about bringing your 35th birthday event photos along, on USB key, SD card, camera, etc, and I will put them into an ad hoc slideshow? The video from the event will be edit for showing at another meeting. Anyway that’s enough from me for this month. Take care of yourself out there, on the road or in the bush, and I look forward to seeing you all soon. Damian Page: 5
EDITOR’S REPORT During the month a number of members represented the Club at Leisurefest at Sandown Park. Despite the limited public interest in our stall, members enjoyed the chance to have a relaxed chat with each other and other 4WD Clubs and to go shopping. I lashed out on a beadbreaker kit, a toilet/shower tent and a wheelnut removing tool. What did you get? Thanks to Damian for coordinating it all, including the flash new banner. === The option exists for members to receive their magazine electronically via a web link. They can also choose to discontinue hard copy if they wish. At present, I’m sending the link to all members who have registered their email addresses with Andrew. It you don’t want the email or the hard copy, let me know. Any member of the public can view an abridged version of the current magazine (without personal contact information) via the club’s website, www.subaru4wdvic.com.au === The magazine deadline for next edition is NOVEMBER 15th, 2011. Send all copy to editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au Martin
OCTOBER GENERAL MEETING Date: Tuesday 25 October at 8pm. Venue: Camberwell South Tennis Club Presentation: Bring your photos of the 35th Birthday bash to share in print, on CD or flash drive. Page: 6
VENUE REPORT PHOTO COMPETITION JUDGING AT NOVEMBER MEETING As in 2010, there will be a photo competition as part of the last meeting for the year in November. All photographs submitted must have been taken within the last two years (2010 or 2011) at club events. Any photographs that have won a prize previously are not eligible. There will be a limit of one photo per person per category. (Family Membership allows for each member to submit their favourites as well but they must have taken the photograph personally). You will need to mark the back of the photos with your name or initials and the category they are to be entered in. If you wish to display your photos electronically, you must bring the means of doing so to the meeting. Remember those attending the meeting will be voting on who is the winner in each of the categories. SO IF YOU WANT YOUR VOTE TO BE COUNTED, BE THERE! The categories are: Best portrait photo, ie photo of a person Best Subaru action shot Best recovery shot Best group photo Funniest photo Photos can be submitted any time from now until the November meeting, this will allow you time to search for recent events that tell a tale. The judging will be done by the members present on the night of the meeting, so it should be a fun night and I encourage members to come along and look and judge photos from the recent past. Bev Davison Page: 7
TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT BORDER TRACK TRIP Saturday 29 October – Tuesday 1 November (Cup day) Trip Leader: Peter Bellis, email: secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au This trip will commence from the township of Rainbow in Western Victoria and visit Hattah Lakes before turning west for Pinnaroo and south down the Border Track. For more information contact Peter as time is short and the trip may be full by now.
BUCHAN Saturday 12 – Sunday 13 November Trip Leader/co-ordinator: Adam Howley, email: resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au The club is off to Buchan again for a working-bee and social weekend. This is also a great opportunity to try some of the many tracks in the area. The weather should be on the improve, too.
CHRISTMAS PARTY Sunday 27 November Details are not confirmed at present, but we are looking at holding the party at Kurth Kiln Regional Park just north of Gembrook. There will be an optional navigation rally from 11am (trip standard - Easy). Festivities will commence around 12:30pm. A flyer will be circulated to members in earl/mid November once details are finalised.
OXFAM CHRISTMAS TREE DELIVERIES Saturday 3 & Sunday 4 December This is a social run to deliver Christmas trees on behalf of Oxfam. Saturday covers the south and eastern suburbs, Sunday the north and western. Please consider taking part in the club’s one community service activity for the year. Contact: Peter Bellis, email: secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au Page: 8
TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT CHRISTMAS TRIP Wonangatta through trip, Victorian High Country Wednesday 28 – Saturday 31 December Trip Leader: David Wilson, email: dw@subaru4wdvic.com.au The Wonangatta Valley is one the iconic “must do” 4wd trips. The valley is tranquil with wide open camping areas and a cool stream running along the base of the hills. Patient observers can be rewarded with the sight of a platypus at dusk. The sides of the valley present plenty of challenges for your vehicle, as can the drive in to the valley itself. Any vehicles on this trip need to be well prepared for some rugged driving.
NEXT YEAR Grampians Narbethong Wombat State Forest Mungo World Heritage Area (Easter?) Possible snow trip with the Queensland Subaru Club Goldfields Heritage area
JESSICA’S JAW This is a busy time of year for the club, with lots of activities either underway, or in the last stages of planning. Even if you are not heading off on a trip, now is the ideal time to make sure that your car is ready for the summer months. When was the last time you checked the coolant or the windscreen washer fluid? Is the air-conditioning working as well as it used to? Has the spare wheel been rotated with the other tyres? Vehicle maintenance is important, that is why manufacturers have a service schedule. Even if you do your own servicing, it is still important to keep to the schedule especially for such things as oil and filter changes. If you don't, the repercussions could be expensive! Happy travels, Jessica Walsh Trip & Social Coordinator
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STANDARD TRIP EQUIPMENT & RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items of equipment on every trip: a) Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader b) Two Rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t); c) Rated “Snatch’em” Strap; d) Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design; e) AM (27Mhz) Channel 5 or UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio; f) Fire Extinguisher, accessible to the driver; g) Spare Tyre (full size); h) Jack and Wheel Brace, or equivalent; i) Emergency Supplies (matches, food, water and clothing); j) Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for the trip and delays; k) A Tyre Pressure Gauge; Compressor (according to the trip) l) An Axe, Bow or Chain saw; m) A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible shovels are no good); n) Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the Trip); o) A Tool Kit; p) Personal First Aid Kit; q) The Vehicle Manual. Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All nonemergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.
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TRIP REPORTS 35TH BIRTHDAY BASH Saturday 15 to Sunday 16 October 2011 by Martin Foot A significant milestone was achieved by the club this month as it celebrated its 35th birthday. Some of us haven’t been involved for nearly as long as that, but a select few remember the earliest days when Brumbies and Uglies ruled. In those days, a Forester was an axeman and the Outback was anywhere that didn’t have street lighting. Damian and Angela kindly offered the farm at Woodside North as the venue. They went even further, proposing to turn their tractor shed into a dance hall. This process became an epic saga of bush invention and sweat as dozens of pallets were converted over several weeks of frenetic activity into a floor of unique quality – what it lacked in joinery it made up for with simple effective functionality and an authentic “look”, so long as you weren’t wearing high heels. Damian and Angela also worked tirelessly throughout the weekend to ensure we were all well fed and comfortable. Cynthia had organized the entertainment, salads and desserts and her efforts were much appreciated by all. When Dot and I arrived around afternoon tea time there was already a bustling campsite with a dozen or so tents and campers surrounding the house, ranging from Phil and Elaine’s elegant caravan with all mod cons through Kate and Doug’s go -anywhere 4WD camper, Dale and Jan’s rooftop safari tent and our own two man tent that we originally bought for our trip around Oz many years ago. Everyone was busy setting up, lending a hand with the fire or the food and that set the tone for the weekend, with everyone pitching in to help our hosts. Some light relief was provided by a herd of dairy cattle that came close by to see what was happening and had a lot to say about Page: 11
TRIP REPORTS Damian’s trailer that was blocking their favourite pathway. As the evening came down the food came out and what food it was, beef, pork and chicken with all the trimmings, scrumptious roast potatoes, salads and veges, all in plenteous supply. This was followed by a selection of delicious desserts. There were even Bogong moths available for those who appreciate that peculiar Australian delicacy. Well done, cooks and bottlewashers! Cynthia then stepped up to the microphone and invited, cajoled and growled at us all to get on our feet. Eventually a small number of courageous types took to the dance floor to learn the secrets of line dancing. Over the next hour or so much hilarity was generated (mostly among the pikers and hangersback who enjoyed watching the hapless efforts of the novice bootscooters). Some of the more senior ladies took far too much pleasure in the sight of wiggling male behinds in particular and Cynthia seemed happy to encourage them! After all this sport, Damian entertained us with slideshows and movies of past club exploits, including the 30th Birthday Bash on a Murray River paddlesteamer. As the night wore on, the rain that had been threatening all day started to set in., but in the shed no-one cared as we partied on into the night. The youngsters enjoyed themselves, too and overall there was a great family atmosphere. Dale, Martin and Damian scooting the boot
One by one people straggled off to bed around midnight as the night became wetter and more windy. Everyone seemed to sleep well however. Morning saw quiet chat over juice and cups of tea until the BBQ came out and lashings of bacon and eggs in big white rolls appeared on the breakfast menu. Page: 12
TRIP REPORTS Some people had to pack up early and depart while others had plans for exploring local paths and byways. Dot and I were among the earlier departures as she had to work. We enjoyed a pleasant coffee in Yarragon on the way home and even saw Peter Mynard in the CFA truck as we passed through Trafalgar and exchanged waves. Altogether a great club event and to be repeated. It was good to have the company of Des and Andrew Randall who have contributed significantly to the club’s history and achievements in past years and whom we haven’t seen for a while. Thanks also the Meyer girls who were always willing to help throughout the weekend. Attendees: Doug, Kate, Grace and David Coghlan Beverly Davison Martin Foot and Dorothy Grieveson Brian and Glenys Howell Michael Hartshorne David and Enid Hewett Adam Howley and Damian Hough Andrew and Lisa Jantke Robert and Ruth Marshall Phil and Elaine Milkins Bianca and Maddy Meyer Mike and Cynthia Rennolds Dale and Jan Rebgetz Les and Jamie Scott Damian and Angela Stock David, Anthony and Justin Wilson Jessica Walsh Des Lehman Andrew Randall
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Andrew helps Jessica select the next door prize winner
2011 Tues 25 OCT
General Meeting
Sat 29 Oct – Tue 1 Border Track Nov Tues 1
Tues 8
Committee Meeting
Sat 12 – Sun 13
Buchan Weekend Trip
Tues 15
Magazine deadline for articles, reports, etc
Sun 27
Christmas Party
Tues 29
General Meeting
Sat 3, Sun 4
Oxfam Christmas Tree deliveries
Tues 6
Committee Meeting
Mon 26
Tues 27
Wed 28 Dec – Sat Christmas Trip 31 Mon 2 NEW YEAR’S DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY
Trip Standard
Thurs 26
Tues 31
General Meeting
Vehicle Suitability
Easy Medium
All wheel drive and high range 4WD. Can be Suitable for medium clearance vehicles with d
Difficult Very Difficult
Suitable for medium to high clearance vehicles wit Suitable for high clearance vehicles with dual rang
ALENDAR Location
Standard Contact for further info.
Damian Stock
Meet in Rainbow
Peter Bellis
Peter Bellis
Buchan campsite
t.b.a. Martin Foot
Damian Stock
Blackburn South to allocated areas
Peter Bellis
Peter Bellis
David Wilson
Jessica Walsh
Damian Stock
low clearance with single range and road tyres. dual range and all terrain or road tyres.
th dual range and all terrain tyres. ge and tyres suitable for the terrain (eg. mud terrain tyres).
FOR SALE The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered. Contact the club editor to advertise in this space.
Forester Aluminium Bash Plates: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Contact: David Wilson, email: dw@subaru4wdvic.com.au. Various items to suit Forester 2003 - 7: Bug screen, custom made $50.00; Set of 5 Steel Wheels with Geolander H/T-S 215/60/R16 95H tyres (25000km). Spare fits in wheelwell & is brand new. $125; Thule Ski bars Hi Rise (No Keys) $50.00. Contact: Mick Bourke, 9890 6749 or 0431 500 000. Freedom Camping Family Camper plus two self inflating mattresses. The tent is in near new condition, and has extra poles that could be used for an annexe etc. This type of tent would be appreciated by the serious 4 wheel driver, and would last any owner for many years. The dimensions of the tent are 3.5 metres (L), 2.5 metres (W) and 2.2 metres (H). Visit the Freedom Camping website and look at the family tourer, which is identical to this one. The reason for selling is that I will not be doing any more camping. $400.00 for the tent and mattresses, or $300.00 for just the tent. Contact: Don Rice, ph: 9844 2796 or email: don_maggie@virginbroadband.com.au
RESOURCES Club Clothing prices: Polo - $30 Double-sided vest - $60 Long sleeved fleece top - $65 Storm jacket - $110 Cap $25 Contact Adam Howley to order items, email: resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au Page: 16
SUBARU NEWS SUBARU CONFIRMS XV FUN MACHINE AUSTRALIA-BOUND Subaru has confirmed its fun-themed XV sub-compact Sports Utility Vehicle, unveiled at this month’s Frankfurt Motor Show, will go on sale in Australia in early January. Among the standout features: Choice of super-efficient LineartronicTM Continuously Variable Transmission or smooth six-speed manual New third generation 2.0-litre FB horizontally opposed Boxer engine, taking Subaru petrol engine efficiency to a new level Subaru safety assured – seven airbags including a driver’s knee SRS airbag 17-inch alloy wheels unique to the model Nick Senior, Managing Director, Subaru Australia, said: “The fun -filled Subaru XV will be the first of a number of new Subaru launches in 2012. It will be a stand alone model joining the Forester, Outback and Tribeca in our SUV range. Promising outstanding fuel efficiency, the XV will also be a fun-to-drive vehicle – it puts the sports into Sports Utility Vehicle. Excellent stability, highly responsive handling and exceptional driving dynamics are the hallmark of this vehicle. That’s been achieved because our signature Boxer engine and Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive enables us to have the lowest centre of gravity in its class by the proverbial country mile.” “On preliminary figures, our centre of gravity is 39 mm lower than a Nissan Dualis and 22 mm lower than the Volkswagen Tiguan, and these are key competitors. Yet despite this the new Subaru XV has a ground clearance of 220 mm. That’s 32 mm more than the Dualis and 25 mm more than the Tiguan, demonstrating the superiority of Subaru’s Boxer engine and Symmetrical AWD, and our years of experience in building world class SUVs. A lower centre of gravity, but not ground clearance, adds-up to a load more fun – fun to drive, fun for adventure, fun for recreation, fun for the Australian way of life. It could well be the ultimate late Christmas present!” Pricing for the Subaru XV has yet to be announced. Page: 17
GENERAL NEWS R O O F T O P S O L AR P AN E L S OVERLOADING ELECTRICITY GRID by: Annabel Hepworth. from: The Australian, October 13, 2011 Submitted by Doug Coghlan
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Solar panel installer Chris Hart says the popularity of solar panels has led to increased loads on networks that cause problems if utilities don't adjust flows. Picture: Kelly Barnes
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CLUB MEETING MINUTES The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 27th September 2011 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:20pm. 1. Present Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Jamie Scott, Les Scott, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins, Ruth Marshall, Bob Marshall, Dale Rebgetz, David Hewett, Enid Hewett, Peter Mynard, Katie Mynard, Cynthia Rennolds, Lisa Jantke, Andrew Jantke, Damian Hough, Adam Howley, Damian Stock, Jessica Walsh, David Wilson. 2. Apologies Paul Saleeba, Doug Coghlan, Kate Coghlan, Michael Dickman, Martin Foot 3. Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. 4. Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 4.1 The minutes of the August 2011 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Adam Howley and seconded by Jessica Walsh. 4.2 There was no business arising from the minutes. 5. Correspondence 5.1 In GPO box has not been cleared in the last month. 4WD Victoria – various emails. Eastern Subaru re photographic shoot of various model Subarus. 5.2 Out Wright Air, Lake Eyre re flight pricing. 6. Reports 6.1 Resources Nothing to report at the moment. Will be seeking an expression of interest for those who wish Page: 20
CLUB MEETING MINUTES to purchase club clothing. 6.2 Editor No report submitted. Next month’s editorial deadline is Tuesday 11 th October 2011. 6.3 Trip and Social Refer elsewhere within the magazine for the calendar and details. Trip leaders for future trips are being sought. 4WD and related training courses are available through 4WD Victoria. Two new first aid kits have been purchased and are available for use on club trips. Any supplies used are to be noted so that the kit can be replenished. Trip suggestions for next year: Grampians Narbethong Wombat State Forest Central Goldfields area Possible joint trip with the Queensland Subaru 4WD Club in Victoria. 6.4 Venue Refer elsewhere within the magazine for the calendar and details. We are now back in our regular meeting haunt of the South Camberwell Tennis Club. 6.5 Membership. Two membership renewals. A new membership card will be created for the club. It will cost $1 per card. It will be a jointly branded card with 4WD Victoria, and will be able to be used to get discounts (including fuel discounts). Page: 21
CLUB MEETING MINUTES 6.6 Treasurer Current bank account balance is $2,646.50. Major payments include first aid kits. 6.7 Secretary Next week’s committee meeting is at Martin Foot’s place. 6.8 President 4WD Victoria Delegate’s report Meeting two weeks ago was very poorly attended. 4WD Victoria is continuing to get funding from DSE (instead of Parks Victoria). 4WD Victoria wants to know about clubs’ community involvement as part of promoting 4WD to the State Government. 7. General Business: Damian’s birthday today. 8. Fines and Fun 8.1 Nametags Jean Bellis, Hartsborne.
8.2 Last to Meeting David Wilson. 8.3 Other Peter Mynard – for not getting down on his knee to propose to Katie. 8.4 Total fines collected - $2.30. 9. Damian gave a very informative presentation and demonstration on CB radios – UHF 40 channels verses the new UHF 80 channels. 10. Meeting closed at 10pm and was followed by supper. 11. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 25th October 2011 commencing at 8pm.
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COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Abridged Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday 4th October 2011 at the home of Martin Foot starting at 8pm. Meeting was chaired by Martin Foot. 1. Present Martin Foot, Andrew Jantke, Damian Stock, Phil Milkins, Peter Bellis, Adam Howley. 2. Apologies Jessica Walsh, Dale Rebgetz, Bob Marshall 3. Quorum A quorum was achieved with 6 committee members present. 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4.1. Minutes of the September 2011 committee meeting were accepted without amendment. 4.2. Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 4.2.1. Club Website Waiting on feedback from Dale Rebgetz and Michael Hartsborne. 4.2.2. MS-Publisher for Editor Martin to purchase USD $129 copy. 4.2.3. Club Magazine Distribution List Will accept any additions. 4.2.4. Listing of Resources Adam is waiting on an updated list of club resources from David Wilson. 4.2.5. Use of Social Media for Promoting the Club Adam has now has his computer up and running. He will now be able to setup the Facebook page for the club. 4WD Victoria already has a Facebook page. Adam to check out site for ideas.
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COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 4.2.6. Subaru Docklands Meeting organised for 24th October 2011. 4.2.7. Club Brochure Not yet updated – Adam to liaise with Damian. 4.2.8. Public Liability Insurance The insurance offered by 4WD Victoria is the best going around. 4.2.9. Lift Kits for Foresters Under roadworthy rules, it is almost impossible to get a roadworthy certificate for a vehicle that is fitted with lift kits. 5. Correspondence 5.1. In Club magazines Subaru 4WD Club of South Australia Subaru 4WD Club of Queensland Land Rover Owners’ Club of Victoria Pajero 4WD Club – Victoria Nissan 4x4 Club – Victoria Advertising material Boroondara Library Service – booking of meeting rooms for 2012. ARB Kilysth – open day on Saturday 3rd December 2011. Subaru Docklands 4WD Victoria – Leisurefest exhibitors’ tickets. 5.2. Out Subaru Docklands 6. Reports 6.1. Resources Nothing additional to report.
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COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 6.2 Trip and Social Trip details are mentioned elsewhere in the magazine. Trip suggestions for next year include the Grampians, Narbethong, Wombat State Forest, Central Goldfields area, and a possible joint trip with the Queensland Subaru 4WD Club in Victoria. 6.3 Venue Venue details are mentioned elsewhere in the magazine. Future possibilities include LED vehicle lighting, Hema Mapping, Telstat – 80 channel CB radios, and Off-road storage – internal storage for vehicles. 6.4. Membership Currently have 36 memberships. 10 memberships are outstanding. Will send out an updated membership list in the November magazine. Club membership card – the problems getting the club logo on the card have been sorted out. 6.5. Editor Editorial deadline is Tuesday 11th October 2011. Magazine will be distributed to the new membership list. Need someone to report on the club’s birthday bash for inclusion in the October magazine. Committee contact list in the magazine will be updated in the October magazine. 6.6. Treasurer No report submitted. 6.7. Secretary Nothing to report. 6.8. President Had a very productive meeting with the president of Pajero 4WD of Victoria discussing various 4WD issues. Page: 25
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES A marketing proposal / business plan needs to be prepared for presentation to Subaru Docklands at the upcoming meeting. (Martin to send a template to Damian for use.) 7. 35th Birthday Bash Many thanks to Peter Mynard and Jamie Scott for their assistance with getting the pallets last Saturday. Thank you to those who assisted on Sunday with reworking the pallets. Have about 25 members attending so far. Meat and spit will be paid for tomorrow. Salads and dessert are being organised by Cynthia. Also organising decorations and music. She will be bringing the club’s trailer with the marquee in it. A number of members will be rocking up to the farm on Friday. Breakfast – bacon, eggs, bread and orange juice (cook your own). 8. Leisurefest Have 6 exhibitors tickets. Exhibitors need to be in by 9:30am (or earlier if to get a decent carpark). Have 10 people on the stand over the 4 days. Damian will set up the stand on the Wednesday evening. The stand (314) is at near the first gate. 9. General Business Nothing. 10. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 8th November 2011 at 7:30pm at the home of Peter Bellis. 11. Meeting closed at 10:35pm.
Copies of the unabridged Minutes are available from the Secretary, Peter Bellis, ph: 9801 4762 or email: secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au Page: 26
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA TRAINING CALENDAR November 2011 Thursday 3rd Proficiency Course (PC111105) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 5th Proficiency Course (PC111105) Practical – Werribee Friday 4th Advanced 4x4 Course (ADV111105) Practical - Tallarook Saturday 5th Advanced 4x4 Course (ADV111105) Practical – Tallarook Sunday 6th Advanced 4x4 Course (ADV111105) Practical - Tallarook Monday 7th Chainsaw Course (CS111112) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 12th Chainsaw Course (CS111112) Practical - Tallarook Sunday 13th Chainsaw Course (CS111112) Practical – Tallarook Friday 18th Proficiency Course (PC111119) Theory - Nth Balwyn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------December 2011 Monday 5th Chainsaw Course (CS111210) Theory - Nth Balwyn Saturday 10th Chainsaw Course (CS111210) Practical - Tallarook 11th Chainsaw Course (CS111210) Practical – Tallarook FWDV can be contacted on (03) 9857 5209 or e-mail: training@fwdvictoria.org.au Contact S4WDCV Secretary Peter Bellis, email: secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au regarding attendance at FWDV courses as a club discount may apply.
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