October 2014
Cobaw State Forest (ISSUE 408) Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J FWDV Member www.subaru4wdvic.com.au PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC 3149
VOLKS-BARU SUBARU and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre
We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.
John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 Page: 2
INTRODUCTION TO THE SUBARU 4WD CLUB The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 30 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2014/15 year were agreed at the general meeting in April 2014 and are as follows: ● Interstate: $110 (Seniors card - $105) ● Single: $120 (Seniors card - $110) ● Joint/family: $140 - (Seniors card - $125). Joining Fee $10 ($20 for Joint/Family) (All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $47) A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further information regarding membership, including pro-rata and monthly rates.
South Camberwell Tennis Club 322 Burke Road Glen Iris (Melways 59 H6)
Last Tuesday of each month at 8:00pm sharp (except December)
COMMITTEE Meetings 1st Tuesday each month: 7:30pm Stephen Whittaker president@subaru4wdvic.com.au (President) Jessica Walsh vice(Vice President) president@subaru4wdvic.com.au Peter Bellis secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au (Secretary) Bob Marshall treasurer@subaru4wdvic.com.au (Treasurer) Martin Foot mship@subaru4wdvic.com.au (OM: Membership) Michael Hartshorne editor@subaru4wdvic.com. au (OM: Editor) Dale Rebgetz resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au (OM: Resources) Jean Bellis (OM: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au Events Coordinator ) Jamie Scott (OM: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au Trips Coordinator) Dale Rebgetz venue@subaru4wdvic.com.au (OM: Venue) Stephen Whittaker / president@subaru4wdvic.com.au Damian Stock (OM) Venue Presentations
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PRESIDENT’S REPORT Well, welcome to the October Subaru 4WD Club magazine. I hope everyone’s past month has been enjoyable. It feels as though this year has moved so fast and with only the last couple of months remaining, it will be over before we know it… and we’ll be enjoying another Christmas Party. At last month’s General Meeting, it was great to get everyone’s thoughts on the (now!) 10-year trip plan for the club. I enjoyed hearing suggestions and interest in exploring Australia as far and wide as possible. Plenty of notes were taken about your suggestions and, along with the form that Jamie handed out, we’ll be able to collate a good list of places the club wishes to explore. Please ensure you bring along your list of places you’d like to see/explore and hand them in at this month’s meeting. Also, in the past month, Jean has put together a list of the public holidays for the next 5 years which will help us commit to dates/times of the year where we don’t have to take as much leave or where we can schedule shorter trips to fit these weekends depending on their duration. Your contribution is absolutely vital as we want you to stay with the club and explore the places you want to explore. You don’t have to lead the trip – just suggest and come along. Of course, it would be good to have more Trip Leaders to run these trips. If you’re wishing to learn what’s involved in becoming a Trip Leader but are not quite sure where to start, then feel free to talk with one of our regular club Trip Leaders. They would be happy to take you through the steps involved as well as allow you to ‘shadow’ them on their next trip preparation, planning and implementation. Trip leading is not for everyone but you don’t have to run the ‘super-difficult, ridiculously challenging 4WD trip!’ – you could run a movie night or a social Sunday lunch or just a day trip to somewhere nice to visit. We certainly need more of these types of trips to be run for members. Also in the past month, our Trip and Social Coordinators, Jean and Jamie, have put together a Trip Leaders Pack. This will be helpful for all trip leaders making it a little easier to tick off the tasks involved in running a trip. And with all the materials you need within the pack, it’s a valuable resource. I’ve been putting it to the test in the lead up to the Cup Weekend Trip (and it’s working very nicely indeed). You’ll hear more about this at the October General Meeting. Page: 4
PRESIDENT’S REPORT On a recent Sunday, Jessica ran a day trip out to Cobaw State Forest. Jessica’s plan was for it to be a difficult trip. We had perfect weather and it was an excellent day out. Of particular note was the two different Land Cruisers getting bogged and recovered by two different Subarus – Rick pulled Tim (new member in his 40 series) out of a small mud hole and Jamie was pulled out of a much deeper one by Suboo (the Brumby). You can read more about the day in this magazine but suffice to say that plenty of fun was had! If you’d like to see photos and video of the day, then check out the club’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/subaru4wdvic. You don’t have to be a member of or signed in to Facebook to be able to view the pics and footage. Speaking of the club’s Facebook page, it keeps growing with interest as more and more people ‘like’ our page. This usually comes after we share some images and footage of what we do. So, if you’ve some pics or video of a recent trip that you’re able to get to me, then please do and I’ll place it up on the page. The club’s explored some areas involving sand driving in the last few years – the Border Track, the Simpson Desert and, shortly more of western and north-western Victoria. As a result, at this month’s meeting, we’ll be discussing sand driving tips and techniques as well as watching a sand-driving video. Well, that’s it for my report for this month. The Melbourne Cup weekend trip, ‘Little Desert, Big Desert, Wyperfeld and the Pink Lakes’ is, no doubt, going to be a fantastic trip for all involved. We’ve 12 vehicles attending so plenty of company and some magnificent sightseeing to be had. Looking forward to seeing you at the October General Meeting and out on the road – wherever we may be heading.
Stephen Whittaker President
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VENUE REPORT OCTOBER GENERAL MEETING Date: Tuesday 28 October at 8pm Venue: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris Presentation: The club’s explored some areas involving sand driving in the last few years – the Border Track, the Simpson Desert and, more of western and north-western Victoria on Melbourne Cup weekend at the end of this month! As a result, at this month’s meeting, we’ll be discussing sand driving tips and techniques as well as watching a sand-driving video. Door Prize: Come along to win a special door prize at this month’s meeting. Venue Coordinator
JESSICA’S JOTTINGS I am currently on holidays (some might say, 'again'? whilst others may say, ‘still!) and I have spent most of the day doing very little. Oh I went for a walk to one of the tourist sites, and then did a bit of shopping on the way back to the apartment I am staying in, but that is about it. I am only here for three days and there is so much to see and do. However I am content to sit and read, stare out the window, or listen to the voices from the street below. Where am I? That isn’t important. What is important is that I have decided to “stop and smell the roses” as it were. Just being here is enough for me. So next time you are on holidays, perhaps give it a try. You may be surprised how productive it can be. Jessica Walsh Page: 6
TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT LITTLE DESERT, BIG DESERT, WYPERFELD AND THE PINK LAKES TRIP Dates: Friday 31 October – Tuesday 4 November (Melbourne Cup Long Weekend) Trip Rating: Medium (to possibly Difficult) Trip Leader: Stephen Whittaker, president@subaru4wdvic.com.au The Mallee region, in Victoria’s north-west, is a large and very special area of Victoria. Sand dunes, Mallee scrub, historic sites and lakes make this region unique. Starting at Mt Arapiles, we’ll head north through the Little Desert National Park to Dimboola, then on to Lake Hindmarsh. From here, we’ll head through the centre of the Big Desert and through Wyperfeld National Park visiting Chinaman’s Well, Milmed Rock and Lake Albacutya. We’ll then head north towards Underbool via Wirrengren Plain. Finally, we’ll visit the beautiful Pink Lakes on the southern side of MurraySunset National Park. This will be a fast-moving trip and challenging in spots with some deep, soft sand expected. Trip rating is medium, with the possibility of some difficult sections. The plans for this moving trip, at this stage, are: Friday 31st November: Arrive Mt Arapiles Camping Ground – anytime you can/like. Saturday 1st November: BIG DAY – Mt Arapiles – through the Little Desert to Dimboola, then north to the Big Desert and Lake Hindmarsh – camp at Lake Hindmarsh or track-side camp in Wyperfeld National Park (along Chinaman’s Well Track). Sunday 2nd November: BIG DAY – Chinaman’s Well, Milmed Rock, Lake Albacutya. Camp near Wirrengren Plain. Monday 3rd November: Wirrengren Plain to the Pink Lakes via Underbool. Tuesday 4th November: Head home.
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TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT CHRISTMAS PARTY Date:- Sunday 30 November Location:- Brimbank Park, Keilor. Start Time 12.00 noon Meat, Bread, sauce and soft drinks will be provided. Please bring a salad or desert to share. You will also need to bring your own chairs, plates and utensils and other drinks etc, and if you wish a folding table. The Park is situated on the banks of the Maribyrnong River and has a series of walking/bike tracks, 3km Nature walk, a Children’s Adventure Playgound and a CafÊ.
OXFAM CHRISTMAS TREE DELIVERY When: Saturday 6th December (from 5.30am to 11am) Where: Heatherwood School, 370 - 380 Springvale Road, Donvale 3111 Mel Ref 48 F4 Delivering south and eastern suburbs of Melbourne OR When: Sunday 7th (from 7am to 11am) Where: Princes Hill Primary School, Wilson Street, North Carlton 3054 Melways Ref 29 J11 Delivering northern and western suburbs of Melbourne Drivers and Navigators are generally required for 1-3 hours. Each driver is given a list of addresses, allocated within close proximity to each other. There is no selling or cash handling. All trees are prepaid. You will need to nominate which day you will do, if you have a trailer and how many trees you can deliver. Trip Leader: Peter Bellis, e: secretary@subaru4wdvic.com.au
HIGH COUNTRY CHRISTMAS TRIP Date:- Friday 26/Saturday 27 to Wednesday 31st December 2014 To start in Dargo and include the Hunted Stream. More details to come. Trip standard:- TBA but possibly difficult. Trip Leader :- Dave Wilson, e: dw@subaru4wdvic.com.au
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TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT MOUNT SAMARIA STATE PARK 24th to 26th January 2015 ( Australia Day weekend) This area is just south of Benalla. It will be a standing camp with access for camper vans. More details to come. Trip Leader :- Stephen Whittaker, e: president@subaru4wdvic.com.au Trip Standard:- social to Medium.
ANGLESEA Date Sat 14 - 15 February 2015 Standard Easy to Medium. This will be an opportunity to do some sand driving and explore an area that the club has done little in. We will start at Winchelsea on Saturday morning and make our way to Anglesea to camp the night. Sunday we will again be back in the sand and exploring some of the Otways National Park to eventually finish at Lorne. Then it will be back home along the Great Ocean Road. Come for the whole weekend or just join us for one day. More details to come. Trip Leader :- Jean Bellis, e: events@subaru4wdvic.com.au
SOUTH GIPPSLAND / TRARALGON Date:- Saturday 7th to Monday 9th March 2015 ( Labor Day Weekend) Trip Leader:- Jamie Scott, e: js@subaru4wdvic.com.au Trip Standard:- Social to Difficult This will be a standing camp with a variety of options. More details to come. TASMANIA Date:- 21-28 March 2015 Trip Standard:- difficult to very difficult Trip Leader Jessica Walsh , e: vice-president@subaru4wdvic.com.au Convoy Limit:- 6 vehicles. This trip will be along the west coast of Tasmania. In 2013 the club went to Tasmania for a tour of the island with some four wheel driving thrown in. This time it will be four wheel driving with a little touring on the side. The trip will concentrate on the north-west coast of the Page: 9
TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT ‘Apple Isle’. If you would like to join us, put “Balfour Track Tasmania” into your favourite search engine. Whilst we won’t necessarily be navigating that track, it gives you an idea of the terrain we will be facing. Vehicles will need to be well prepared and self sufficient. A set of spare parts such as hoses and belts, as well as at least one full size spare tyre. Recovery points front and rear, snatch strap, bow-shackles, under-body protection and extra clearance are required as well. I will be fitting a winch to my car before this trip! It promises to be a fabulous trip with lots of challenges - so are you game? The trip will start and finish with a Saturday night crossing of Bass Strait on the Spirit of Tasmania. Cost of this will be about $500.00
OTHER TRIPS Possible locations include: Cathedral Range Strathbogies Brisbane Ranges Murray River Regional Park (NSW) and Barmah State Forest (Vic) Lake Thomson Round Trip Also, we need more social events, such as: Melbourne Laneways A Picnic at Hanging Rock Queenscliff Blues Train Puffing Billy Dinner & Dance Train Mornington Peninsula Jean Bellis & Jamie Scott Trip and Social Coordinators events@subaru4wdvic.com.au
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TRIP REPORTS COBAW STATE FOREST DAY TRIP by Jessica Walsh We met at a cafe in Sunbury, which gave us a chance to have coffee and breakfast before we headed north to Lancefield. We drove through the town and turned off onto Burke and Wills Track. It was then onto the dirt a short while later where we stopped to lower our tyres pressures. The tracks had a mix of terrain for us to negotiate. With different skills in the group the track gave us all a chance to learn or help learn. The first obstacle was a very rutted stretch of track. We picked our way carefully through with everyone helping to guide the vehicles. There were a few scratches and scrapes along the way, but everyone got through in the end. We had a few mud puddles to negotiate as we headed around the forest. We took plenty of time to check for depth. Some opted to for the direct approach, whilst others chose ‘discretion as the better part of valour’. After we made our way through the water we found a pleasant spot to stop for lunch and discuss our morning’s adventures. After we had eaten, we made our way further into the park. After a couple of false starts we headed around a loop track that dropped down to a creek crossing. This was a little trickier for some than others and the snatch strap got a bit of a work out. We climbed out of the valley to find yet another stretch of wet. There was an option to take a dry track to the left, or a substantial stretch of water to the right. We checked the depth, and the base seemed to be firm, however when I drove into it my car sank more than expected. I stopped and was able to slowly reverse out.. Most of the group chose to skirt the edge of the water hazard, or Page: 11
2014 OCT
Tues 28
General Meeting
Fri Oct 31 Tues 4 Nov
Little Desert, Big Desert, Wyperfeld and the Pink Lakes Trip
Tues 11
Committee Meeting
Sun 30 Nov
Christmas Party
Sat 6 & Sun 7 Dec
Oxfam Christmas Tree deliveries
Fri 26/Sat 27 Dec to High Country Christmas Trip Wed 31st Dec 24th - 2th Jan
Mount Samaria State Park
Sat 14 - 15 Feb
Sat 7th - Mon 9th Mar
South Gippsland / Traralgon
Sat 21 – Sat 28 Mar Tasmania
Trip Standard
Vehicle Suitability
Easy Medium
All wheel drive and high range 4WD. Can be l Suitable for medium clearance vehicles with d
Difficult Very Difficult
Suitable for medium to high clearance vehicles with Suitable for high clearance vehicles with dual range
ALENDAR Location
Standard Contact for further info. events@subaru4wdvic.com.au
Dale Rebgetz
Western Victoria
Stephen Whittaker
The Bellis’
Peter Bellis
Brimbank Park, Keilor
Suburban Melbourne
Dargo Area South of Benalla
Dave Wilson Social -
Winchelsea - Anglesea South Gippsland / Traralgon NW Tasmania
Peter Bellis
Stephen Whittaker Jean Bellis
Social -
Jamie Scott Jessica Walsh
low clearance with single range and road tyres. dual range and all terrain or road tyres.
h dual range and all terrain tyres. e and tyres suitable for the terrain (eg. mud terrain tyres).
TRIP REPORTS take the dry track. Jamie chose to go straight ahead. Out came the snatch strap once more. As time was getting on we made our way back to the main road, but not before a drive along some more ruts that required straddling carefully. After saying our goodbyes we headed home. A great day out, and a good opportunity to learn some new skills. Thanks to everyone who came along, and especially to the Brumby and L Series for getting the two LandCruisers out of trouble. Attendees Jessica Edith & Peter Stephen & Lucinda Tim & Jack Rick, Josh & Fred Jamie Les
Pajero Pajero Forester LandCruiser L Series LandCruiser Brumby
EDITOR’S REPORT The magazine deadline for next edition is Friday 14 November 2014. Send all copy to editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au
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STANDARD TRIP EQUIPMENT & RECOVERY GEAR The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items of equipment on every trip: a) Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader b) Two Rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t); c) Rated “Snatch’em” Strap; d) Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design; e) AM (27Mhz) Channel 5 or UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio; f) Fire Extinguisher, accessible to the driver; g) Spare Tyre (full size); h) Jack and Wheel Brace, or equivalent; i) Emergency Supplies (matches, food, water and clothing); j) Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for the trip and delays; k) A Tyre Pressure Gauge; Compressor (according to the trip) l) An Axe, Bow or Chain saw; m) A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible shovels are no good); n) Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the Trip); o) A Tool Kit; p) Personal First Aid Kit; q) The Vehicle Manual. Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All nonemergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.
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RESOURCES We have plenty of resources to sell. We may have many, some or none of the following items so if you are interested in any of these then please come along to the club meeting and I will be very happy to sell them to you. Correct change will be much appreciated. $ Hat Oiled Skin size 55
Hat Safari size 59
Short sleeve blue chambray shirt with logo Size 14
Long sleeve blue chambray shirt with logo Size M
New Style Red Polo Shirts (M, L, XL, 2XL)
New Style Vest
New Style Jacket
Blue Polo Shirt
Large Sew on Badges
Small Sew on Badges
Fuel Filter Plastic x 45deg.
Fuel Filter Plastic x 90deg.
Fuel Filter Plastic x Straight
eFlare HZ510 Red with Base
CV Boot Clamps Large & Small
CV Joint Grease
Wheel Nuts [Set of 4]
MSP Engine Formulation (oil additive) UHF Radio 80 Channel DIN size
50.00 115.00
For substantial discounts on all general automotive spare parts, oils, filters, shocks, etc., please see me for details. Thanks, Dale Rebgetz Resources Officer, email: resources@subaru4wdvic.com.au Page: 16
FOR SALE Forester Aluminium Bash Plates: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Set of 4 alloy rims from Outback 1997 model, $120.00 ONO Roof console to hold CB + lights and switches for Outback $100.00 Contact: David Wilson, e: dw@subaru4wdvic.com.au Jessica’s Sale: 3x 225/60 R17 Yokohama Geolander G012 A/T-S tyres to suit the current Outback/Liberty. Two of them have been driven about 30,000km ($50 ea.) and the other is near new with about 4,000km of use ($100). Contact: Jessica Walsh, e: jw@subaru4wdvic.com.au Wheels and tyres: 5 x 16 inch Subaru wheels, with used Geolander G900 tyres. Various states of wear. $25 each or $100 the lot (preferred). L-series Cargo barrier, with fitting straps, EC. Donation to club, so pay what you think its worth to Bob. Contact Martin, e: mship@subaru4wdvic.com.au The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered. Contact the club editor to advertise in this space.
CLUB MEETING MINUTES The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 30th September 2014 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:05pm. 1. Present Andrew Jantke, Lisa Jantke, Dale Rebgetz, Less Scott, Paul Saleeba, Jamie Scott, Katie Mynard, Peter Mynard, Stephen Whittaker, Michael Hartshorne, Edith Fullalove, Peter Fullalove, Tim Folliard, Dave Denver, Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Jessica Walsh, Gary Impson, Bev Davison, Page: 17
CLUB MEETING MINUTES Damian Stock, Martin Foot, Bob Marshall, Ruth Marshall, Rick Koster, David Wilson. 2. Apologies Graeme Gill, Kerry Gill, Phil Milkins, Elaine Milkins, Elaine Hyde. 3. Visitors John King, Celeste O’Connor. 4. Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. 5. Minutes of the Previous General Meeting ● The minutes of the August 2014 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Jessica Walsh and seconded by Damian Stock. ● There was no business arising from the minutes. 6. Correspondence 6.1 In ● Magazines from various 4 WD clubs. ● Cadbury – promotional material. 6.2 Out ● None 7. Reports 7.1 Resources ● Club clothing order has come in. ● It appears that the supplier has changed their policy and will no longer have a minimum order quantity. 7.2 Editor ● Nothing to report. 7.3 Trip and Social ● Refer to elsewhere in the magazine for details of upcoming trips and social events. 7.4 Venue ● Refer to elsewhere in the magazine for details of upcoming general meetings. ● Open to suggestions for guest speakers. ● The club has a nice little “kitty” of door prizes.
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CLUB MEETING MINUTES 7.5 Membership. ● A number of dusty files were handed over from Andrew to Martin. ● Have a small turnover of members each year. Need to do “exit” surveys of members leaving. ● Have four outstanding membership renewals. ● For those members who still receive a paper copy of the magazine 7.6 Treasurer ● Current bank account balance is $6,799.34. ● Major income was advertising from VolksBaru. Major expenditure included 7.7 Secretary ● Next committee meeting is next Tuesday, 7th October 2014 at Dale’s place in Belgrave South. ● The committee has formed three sub-committees: Communications – Working on the club’s electronic interfaces. Members are Damian, Michael, Stephen, Martin and Dale. Community Involvement – Seeking involvement for community based activities and any supporting government grants. Members are Jessica and anyone else she can press-gang. Constitution review – Investigating minor amendments and formulating various club by-laws. Members are Peter and Jessica. ● The committee currently has one vacancy. 7.8 Vice-President ● Trackwatch has been recently sent out to club members by 4WD Victoria. ● Track classification training – have not heard any more information. (Postscript: Evidently quite a large expression of interest has been received from a lot of the affiliated 4WD clubs.) 7.9 President ● Currently enjoying the role of being president of a club that I am passionate about. ● The club needs to promote its brand to other Subaru drivers but the club accepts ● President’s awards were made to Damian Stock, Phil Milkins and Andrew Jantke for their service to the club, and in particular through their time on committee, over numerous years.
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CLUB MEETING MINUTES 8. General Business 8.1 Michael Hartshorne – presented with the 2014 Bogger award. 8.2 John King – is it possible for the video of the 1978 crossing of the Simpson Desert to be reconverted to get a better quality? 8.3 4WD Victoria’s regional representatives meeting will be in two weeks time. 8.4 Leisurefest is on this weekend at the Sandown Racecourse. 4WD Victoria has a large stand there. 8.5 Peter Dwyer, former owner of Telstat, 4WD show on FM radio, and 4WD enthusiast, passed away a few weeks ago. 8.6 Club’s facebook page has a video of a Pajero rollover. 9. Fines and Fun 9.1 Nametags Katie Mynard, Michael Harthorne, Peter Mynard. 9.2 Last to Meeting David Wilson. 9.3 Trips Cog Cafe ● Stephen – for not following up early enough with Michael regarding the vehicle bit. ● Michael – for asking what was on. ● Justin Wilson – for getting tangled up in his bike. 9.4 Total fines collected - $2.95. 10. “Five Year Trip Plan” Where does the club what to go in the way of trips and events over the next two to five years? Sheets were handed to club members for compilation of the five year trip target. Jean had dug out the October 2004 magazine, which contained of list of trips/events to do over the next few years. 11. The Lucky door prize was won by Tim Folliard. 12. Meeting closed at 10:30pm and was followed by supper. 13. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th October 2014 commencing at 8pm.
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COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday, 7th October 2014 at the home of Dale Rebgetz starting at 7:43pm. 1. Present Dale Rebgetz, Martin Foot, Stephen Whittaker, Damian Stock, Jamie Scott, Bob Marshall, Jean Bellis, Peter Bellis. 2. Apologies Jessica Walsh, Michael Hartshorne. 3. Quorum A quorum was achieved with 8 committee members present. 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes of the September 2014 were accepted without amendment. Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions Delegate’s nomination form. 5. Correspondence 5.1 In ● Message from the Subaru 4WD Club of Queensland about the death of Dave Gibson, a former member of the Subaru 4WD club of Victoria. 5.2 Out ● None. 6. Reports 6.1 Resources ● Club clothing – a few minor issues. ● A point was raised about the use of the old club logo and its ongoing use. It was agreed that the use of the old logo be put forward to the members at the next club meeting. 6.2 Trip and Social ● Details of forthcoming club trips and events elsewhere in the magazine. ● Comment made by a club member that the club needs a few easier, overnight trips that allow new members to come along and easily join in the club activities. ● Need to have some of the more experienced trip leaders act as co-trip leaders for trips being run by novice trip leaders. Page: 21
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 6.3 Venue ● Details of forthcoming monthly meetings elsewhere in the magazine. ● Should the club pay for up to two training presentation by external parties? Bob indicated that the club can afford it. 6.4 Membership ● Have received one membership renewal. Have four outstanding and most likely will not renew. ● Membership badges – have a few outstanding for new members. Need to follow up with Andrew. ● Electronic form of membership records – should it be done in MS-Excel, MS-Access or some other database? Further discussion to be had between various members as to which way to go. ● Membership cards – still waiting on 4WD Victoria. 6.5 Editor ● No report submitted by Michael. ● Needing to collect spouses’ email addresses so that the club magazine can be sent to both members in the family/joint membership. ● Martin will send a “get well” card to Michael Rennolds, who recently had a heart attack. ● May have some difficulty in printing the October magazine due to printer issues. This should be soon resolved. 6.6 Treasurer ● Current bank account balance is $6,799.34. ● Cambur’s advertisement is paid up to the October magazine. ● Bob needs a copy of the 2014 AGM minutes to change the bank account signatures. 6.7 Secretary ● Nothing to report. 6.8 Vice-President ● No report submitted. 6.9 President ● Nothing to report. 7. Sub-Committees 7.1 Communication ● Nothing has happened so far Page: 22
COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 7.2 Community Involvement ● Nothing to report. 7.3 Constitution Review ● Nothing has happened so far. 8. Meeting Format ● The regular business part of meetings, general and committee, currently tend to dominate the meetings. This was particularly noticeable at last month’s general meeting. A lot of the reporting done was already reported in the magazine. ● It was agreed that: at general meetings – all reports will be taken as read as per the magazine. Only exceptional items or trip reminders need to be brought to members’ attention. “Fines and fun” need to be restricted to fines – it is not a verbal trip report. at committee meetings – committee and sub-committee reports be submitted in writing and circulated prior to the meeting. 9. Trip Leader Information Pack ● The information pack and the trip leader’s trip check list was presented to the committee. It was well received and will be presented to members at this month’s general meeting. ● It was suggested that an enclosed folder instead of a pocket be used. ● It was also suggested that standard information sheets be laminated. 10. General Business ● One of Jamie’s work colleagues was interested in utilising the club to help map unmapped 4WD tracks in part of Gippsland. Also, access to restricted tracks. ● Trips – do not need to be ratified by the committee, it only requires the approval of the trip / social co-ordinators. However, a trip does need to be advertised in the club’s magazine. 11. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11th November 2014 at 7:30pm at the home of the Bellis’. 12. Meeting closed at 10:17pm.
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