Central Newsletter

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May your Christmas be a time of joy and peace and may the coming new year bring you all of God’s wonderful blessings. Merry Christmas from the General Council. (photo from the Chapel at Mill Hill, Hartsdale)


MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL SUPERIOR As the Jubilee Year of Mercy came to a close, the message that mercy must always be at the heart of our mission, of our evangelising commitment in the world became more apparent prompting us to listen ever more eagerly to the Spirit in reading the signs of the times. As missionaries we must be capable of gathering the signs of new times and guiding others on the paths that God opens in our Society, the Church and in the World. This World, together with the Church is ‘living a time of great transformation’. It is important to work for a Church that is for all; a Church that is ready to receive and accompany - a common theme of Pope Francis. There is a vast amount of work to do to bring this about and we as missionaries have a specific contribution to make. In this context and over the past one hundred and fifty years as celebrated in our Jubilee gathering world-wide, we as a Society following Our Mill Hill Charism have reached out to distant lands, ‘to go to those most in need of God’s grace’. Today, every land is a missionary land and every dimension of the human person is mission land which awaits the proclamation of the Gospel. I would like to think that we missionaries are ‘the specialists’ especially of difficult missions. In our time the mission land seems to widen every day, always embracing the new poor, men, women and children of the face of Christ who ask for help, consolation and hope in the most desperate situations of life. Therefore there is need for our missionary daring, of our readiness to take to all the Good News that frees and consoles. Times have changed. We need boldness, creativity, and courage to face our mission as part of the greater mission of God in the world. We must make decisions and set policies on General Council/Regional Council levels that will result in a renewed capacity for imagination and at the same time have a desire to respond with generosity to the challenges people face today. In line with our Chapter documents there is a need to widen our gaze and heart to the many dimensions of our world whether it be exploring new opportunities for mission on the home front or charting new territory in Africa and Asia. Involving people in mission through the written word, the various multi-media possibilities and our animation programmes are all part of this new impulse. Each one of us is called to be part of the new missionary impetus through prayer, encounter and discerning together which will allow for a point of departure for new horizons.


There are many emerging challenges to Christian Mission today. As followers of Christ, we have the same mission to bring fullness of life in Jesus to the whole of creation. There is a need to seek courageous answers to the questions of men and women of our time. In continuing with our mission, it is necessary to look at the past with gratitude, to live the present with passion and embrace the future with hope, without allowing ourselves to be discouraged by the difficulties we meet in mission, but strong in commitment to our missionary calling. Des, Andrew and Jimmy join me in wishing you every blessing for Christmas and the year ahead. May the Joy of the Gospel shine first on all of you and in so doing, may it render you joyful witnesses. Michael Corcoran MHM General Superior

GENERAL COUNCIL VISITATION REPORTS BRAZIL The General Superior visited Brazil together with Des McGillicuddy and spent time with our two remaining Mill Hill Missionaries in the Diocese of Governador Valadares. They first visited Eelke Piet Mous in Aimorés, Minas Gerais. Eelke Piet has responsibility for the parish church in the centre of town and over 20 small Christian communities, most of them in the rural interior. They participated in a number of pastoral events and visited important social projects supported by Eelke Piet, including a home for the elderly and disabled. They also went to see the Rio Doce, the river running through the cities of Governador Valadares and Aimorés. The bursting of a dam in November 2015 caused serious contamination of the river. About 60 million cubic metres of mud contaminated with mining residues (arsenic, zinc, etc.) poured into the Atlantic Ocean, spreading the pollution all along the way. To the thousands of people living along the banks of the Rio Doce, dependent on fishing, tourism and marine conservation, the contaminated mud continues to represent a threat to livelihoods. In the city of Governador Valadares, they visited Tony Amort. Tony took them to see some social projects that he is supporting, including an Association of Collectors of Recyclable Materials, and a Crèche located in a poorer area of the city, which caters for 175 children who are well looked after by teachers and other staff. Tony spoke to them about his work with the ‘Boa Nova’ (Good News) movement, which supports around a thousand bible-reflection groups in the diocese by training lay leaders and producing resources. Tony also supports a settlement for landless families, located about 85 km from Governador Valadares.


They visited the tomb of Florian Jud MHM in the cemetery of Governador Valadares. Florian, who died in February 2015, continues – through his legacy – to be very much ‘present’ in Governador Valadares today. They visited two huge parish complexes built by Florian, and enjoyed lunch with his successors there. The question constantly came to mind about the future of our Society in Brazil – if any. This question was answered by our sharing together the call to mission addressed to the Local Church. Our Mill Hill Society should not act in any way that might encourage the Local Church to avoid its missionary responsibilities. The Brazilian Bishops have openly expressed concern about the lack of missionary impetus in the Church in Brazil. In any case, given our dwindling numbers, it was concluded that the Society’s mission in Brazil was drawing to a close, at least for the time being. It was a case of “closing the door but not locking it, much less throwing away the key”. Our commitment to evangelization in Brazil has been a benefit not only to Brazil but also to the Society as we have been enriched by the contribution the Brazilian Church has brought to the universal Church. It is evident that the Church in Brazil has entered a new phase after the period during which ‘varieties’ of Liberation Theology was in vogue.


(Jesus in the mist the morning Michael and Des visited – Is there a message?)

THE NETHERLANDS - MISSION IN/TO THE WEST Already during a visit in 2015 to our Members and Associates in Amsterdam and other parts of the Netherlands, Des got a glimpse of Society involvement with Mission in/to the West in the Dutch Region. In August of this year, he visited three MHMs in The Hague and Rotterdam, involved (in very different ways) in trans-cultural missionary ministry. Since 1998, Sjaak has been parish priest of the Church of our Saviour in The Hague. This is a large international English-Speaking Catholic parish, with about 1,000 parishioners, who come from approximately 95 different countries and different walks of life: refugees, diplomats, business people, professionals, etc. The broad international mix and the spirit of solidarity make this into a very lively parish. This is reflected in the wide range of parish groups and activities, including parish coordination, ministries, international food fair & charities, justice & peace, formation/religious-education, and a ‘build with us’ group to raise funds for building and maintenance. Beyond being parish pastor, Sjaak holds posts in a number of other bodies, including on the Supervisory Board of CordAid (the Dutch Catholic Organization for Relief and Development). In January 1997, Frits Maas joined Stella Maris in Rotterdam, and in May of the same year, he was appointed National Director of Stella Maris in the Netherlands. This apostolate involves a wide range of activities, including ship-visiting, standing up for seafarers’ welfare and rights, liturgical celebrations and one-to-one pastoral care of seafarers. Commensurate with the immensity of the Port of Rotterdam (the third largest in the world) is the enormity of the pastoral challenge to respond to the spiritual and material needs of the thousands of seafarers who call to the port each year. In light of this challenge, also its international character, Frits is proposing the establishment of an MHM multicultural team dedicated to the Apostleship of the Sea – a proposal that the Dutch Region is currently considering in the context of a wider debate on the Society and ‘Mission to the West’. 5

Theodor Wübbels has ministered for the past three years to the Portuguese-speaking Cape Verde community, who assemble in the Parish of Nossa Senhora da Paz in Rotterdam. There he is engaged in the usual pastoral activities that one associates with a parish. On a walk through the city streets with Theodor, I could immediately see that he is a well-known and well-liked figure in the neighbourhood, especially among the many migrants from Cape Verde. When I met him, Theodor had just returned from a three-week visit to the Cape Verde Islands (a Silver Jubilee present from his parishioners). The trip enabled Theodor to gain a better understanding of the socio-economic and cultural background of his parishioners. Theodor brought me to see Avin and Richard, two Indian SVD priests, in their presbytery in Schiedam. Avin, who is the Provincial of the SVDs in The Netherlands, went into some detail about their Society’s ‘Mission-to-the-West’ project in that country. Des also visited some of our Members and Associates in Missiehuis Vrijland and Sint Jozefhuis in June-July, and once again was impressed by the positive spirit reigning in these houses and the high quality of care that our MHMs deservedly enjoy.

BRITISH REGION In August, Des visited St. Anselm’s, where he could see first-hand the invaluable contribution that our MHMs were making to the training of leaders and formators from all parts of the world in a multicultural setting. In November, he visited our MHMs in Scotland and Durham, where the commitment to serve the local Church but in a clearly missionary way, both in our MHM houses (Cardonald, Tenter House) and in other settings was very evident. Des thanks all of you for your kind welcome.

THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Andrew visited Congo in July 2016. He was received in Kinshasa by Francis Hannaway and by Otto Bambokela who was on home leave. Their long and tedious journey to Basankusu began with a flight from Kinshasa to Mbandaka on 13th July, and from there they embarked on a two-day trip by boat, braving the 490 kilometer stretch of Congo River to Basankusu. The river is the only viable mean of transport between Mbandaka and Basankusu. On their way, they were able to make a few stops at various parishes founded by the Mill Hill Missionaries like Lulanga, Mampoko and Bokakata. The legacy of Mill Hill remains visible through the churches and other institutions built in these areas, but unfortunately due to the situation of the country, many of them are in poor condition. Upon their arrival in Basankusu, they were warmly welcomed by Stan Bondoko and John Kirwan, who despite the economic challenges they face each day and the recent fire that engulfed the Mill Hill House, continue to give missionary witness to the area.


Bishop Joseph Mokobe expressed his sincere appreciation for all that Mill Hill has contributed to the Diocese of Basankusu. He expressed his hope and wish for the continued presence of Mill Hill in the Diocese. He also thanked the Society for contributing financially towards the completion of the new cathedral. On 18th July, Bishop Mokobe led the joyful and colourful Eucharistic celebration to mark the 150th Mill Hill Jubilee. A big crowd attended and participated in a vibrant Zairean liturgy, which was animated by the local choir with the help of our Mill Hill students. In the programme that followed, many speakers expressed their felicitations for the missionary contribution of the Mill Hill Missionaries to the local Church. They recalled their life-giving experiences with Mill Hill Missionaries who are now mostly in retirement houses in Europe or have already gone to receive their heavenly reward. They also noted that the charism of Mill Hill is kept alive by the younger generation that has come forward to receive training in the Formation Houses of Mill Hill. Having previously only travelled by river, Andrew ventured into the interior and reached the parish of Waka, a place where Mill Hill had served for many years. The poor state of the road testified how the area had been abandoned by the government. Andrew was given a warm welcome by the joyful and resilient people who expressed their hospitality by offering him a lot of chickens to carry home! During his visit, Andrew thanked and encouraged our remaining missionaries in Basankusu - John, Stan and Francis. He dialogued with them regarding the current missionary challenges and the future of our Society in the Congo, including our recruitment and formation programmes. On 12th


August, Andrew’s memorable Congo visit drew to close as he set out on a dramatic river journey with Otto and John back to Mbandaka, where they fortunately caught a flight to Kinshasa.

THE NETHERLANDS AND NORTH AMERICA The General Superior visited the Netherlands and North America. Acknowledging that our Mill Hill Society has been used to Mission on a geographical level with a movement of missionaries mainly from North to South, it was good to meet with our missionaries working on the home front. Visiting Mill Hill Missionaries living and working outside our base at Oosterbeek brought home once again that mission belongs to the whole Society wherever it is. In Amsterdam and Rotterdam our missionaries work with Spanish and Portuguese speaking migrants. In North America our Mill Hill Society is continuing to explore the possibility of working with Hispanic migrants in the Archdiocese of New York. Our Society is already involved with ‘Mission to the West’ as directed by Chapter 2015 ‘going forth’ embracing human life, involved by word and deed in people’s daily lives. We offer our support and encouragement as we boldly take up these ministries.

UGANDA The General Superior returned to Uganda after a six year break and visited our missionaries in Karamoja, Mbikko, Jinja Formation and Kampala. In taking time to engage with our MHMs in the 8

concrete experience of their daily life, he helped to take stock of a certain number of challenges in evangelisation. In the rich diversity of our membership he was aware that part of our Mill Hill charism was actually placing our specific experience of Christian life at the service of the Church’s evangelising mission.

ROME, UNION OF SUPERIOR GENERAL The General Superior attended the 88th Bi-Annual Assembly of the Union of Superiors General (USG) in Rome which looked at how they can strengthen the option for the radical nature of prophecy and, thus, make their specific contribution to the mission of the entire Church. The gathering ended in a meeting with Pope Francis who conversed with them on the missionary call that they must respond to today.

NAIROBI, AFRICA CLUSTER MEETING This was held on 7th to 11th November 2016 at Mill Hill House, Nairobi. The aim was to create a forum where the Society Representatives from six African countries could come to share the hopes and joys of their local contexts, to evaluate on how Members and Associates carry out the mission priorities of the Society in their respective missions and to discuss matters of Society Policy and its implementation and make recommendations to the General Council for future planning. Andrew attended this meeting on behalf of the General Council and briefed the


participants on the latest developments in the Society regarding South Sudan and Mission to the West among other topics. Reports from different countries were presented. The participants discussed the need for facilitation and community support for our young missionaries and the importance of team work. The participants discussed the future administration of our Mill Hill Houses. The East Africa Representative gave an update regarding the employment of non-Mill Hill personnel to take on administrative roles in our houses. The participants saw this as the way forward and recommended it. Following the request of the General Council, the meeting also made some recommendations regarding the future retirement of Members. It was recognized that although most of our Members from Africa and Asia are at the beginning of their active missionary service, it was necessary to plan now and make the necessary investment in their future retirement. All the participants acknowledged the importance of the Cluster Meeting. They found it enriching to listen to each other and to exchange ideas on how best to advance the missionary activities of the Society.

CAMEROON On 14thNovember 2016, Andrew arrived in Douala to begin his Cameroon visit. This visitation coincided unfortunately with a general strike called by the two Anglophone Provinces of Cameroon who since 10

Independence have experienced a regime of marginalisation from the Francophone part of Cameroon. The strike paralyzed the transport system and violence erupted in some parts of the two provinces. Andrew went to Buea on 15th November to visit Patrick Harrington, the only remaining Mill Hiller in the diocese. Patrick is based in a semi-urban settlement in the Parish of Mutengene. The parish has a very vibrant community with lots of activities going on, but equally facing a number challenges associated with this kind of settlement. On 19th November Andrew travelled to Bamenda where the majority of our Members are working. Five Mill Hillers - Arnold Verhoeven, Richard Njoroge, Huub Welters, Elvis Shudzeka and Duncan Mcgilvrary are fully involved in both Mill Hill and Diocesan ministries in Bamenda town. Harry Peeters continues to teach in the Diocesan Major Seminary. Our Formation House currently has 36 students, combining both Philosophy and Basic Formation. Starting this year, all our Philosophy students are studying in the Catholic University of Bamenda. Our Members are also working in three mountainous parish missions of Fonfuka, Ilung and Fundong. These places are of great need due to the general inaccessibility of many of their outstations. Two Mill Hillers are serving in each parish mission and they are joined by our MEP students. The enthusiasm of our young Members reveals itself in the vibrancy of their missionary ministries, even in the distant and difficult to access outstations. Andrew had the opportunity to visit two of these places. In Kumbo Diocese, we work among the Oku people who are living in a vast and mountainous area. Herman Gufler has been serving in Oku Parish for many years. In honour of his dedication to the Oku people, he was made member of the Royal Tribal Council of the OKu tribe, as an adviser to the Paramount Chief. This year, Poulson Pasala from India has joined him. The parish has 28 outstations and is in great need of mission work. The Bishop is planning to divide the parish in the next two years. On 4th December, Andrew attended the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Mill Hill who originate from four Dioceses of Bamenda ecclesiastical province. A colourful liturgical ceremony was held at the newly completed Formation Chapel where the Friends of Mill Hill were thanked for their support. The Friends of Mill Hill continue the tradition of Red Box collections and raise a considerable amount of money every year for the support of mission. Before leaving the Cameroon on 8th December, Andrew had the chance to meet the Archbishop of Bamenda, Cornelius Esua, and the Bishop of Kumbo, George Nkuo, who both expressed their continued deep appreciation for our presence in their respective dioceses. A plan for Mill Hill to return to Mamfe Diocese in 2017 is already in place.


COLOMBO, XI FABC PLENARY ASSEMBLY On behalf of the General Council, Jimmy attended the XI Plenary Assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences held in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 28th November to 4th December 2016. More than 140 cardinals, bishops and archbishops from Episcopal Conferences in South, Southeast, East and Central Asia came to reflect and share on the theme, “The Catholic Family in Asia: Domestic Church of the Poor on a Mission of Mercy”. The Asian Bishops discussed the pastoral challenges that Asian families are facing like persecution, lack of religious freedom, poverty, migration, dislocation, ideological and cultural colonialism, tensions within families, deterioration of religious Faith and Spiritual Values in the family, global warming and climate change. Confronted with these formidable pastoral challenges, the Asian Bishops raised vital questions: How can the Asian family respond effectively to the challenges that it confronts? How can the Asian family reflect the communion of participatory communities that the Church envisions itself to be? And still a deeper question: how can the Asian family be a domestic church of the poor that can credibly proclaim from within itself the mercy and compassion of God? In response to these pastoral challenges of far reaching proportions, the Asian Bishops produced a final document containing deep theological reflections on family, concrete pastoral imperatives for Catholic families in Asia and recommendations to Episcopal Conferences and local churches. The final document can be downloaded from the FABC website www.fabc.org .

General Council: Schedule of Visitations, Events and Meetings VISITATIONS MICHAEL CORCORAN 31st October to 21st November 2016 05th to 27th January 2017 5th to 24th March 31st March to 21st March

Uganda Cameroon Malaysia German Speaking Region

DESMOND MCGILLICUDDY 11th to 23rd November 2016

Scotland/ Durham

ANDREW MUKULU 03rd November to 14th November 2016 14th November to 06th December 2016

Kenya Cameroon

JIMMY LINDERO 01st to 10th November 2016 05th to 15th December 2016 22nd December 2016 to 27th January 2017 06th March to 15th April 2017

Ireland Cambodia Philippines /Development workshop India /Development workshop


EVENTS AND MEETINGS Mission Conference, Heythrop College, London (GC) African Cluster Meeting, Nairobi (Andrew) FMSJ Assembly, Burnley (Michael) Apostolic Nunciature/Missio, London (Michael) Union of Superiors General, Rome (Michael) APF, Clifton (Michael) Meeting with Vicar General Westminster, London (Michael) FABC, Sri Lanka (Jimmy) Bishop’s Overseas Commission/Bishops’ Conference (Des) General Council Meetings, Maidenhead (GC) Society’s Editors Meeting, Maidenhead (Jimmy) Society Finance Council Meeting, Oosterbeek (Des)

5th October 201607th – 11th November 2016 15th October 2016 20th October 2016 23rd – 25th November 2016 27th October 2016 28th October 2016 28th November to 04th- December 2016 06th December 2016 06th – 24th February 2017 24th – 28th April 2017 29th May – 2nd June 2017

MISSION CONFERENCE 2016 The Mission Conference which was jointly organized by Missio, Catholic Missionary Union, Heythrop College and Mill Hill Missionaries was successfully held on 5th October 2016 in London. The event was to mark the 150th Jubilee of the foundation of the Mill Hill Missionaries. The topic was Catholic Mission in Today’s World, Learning from the Past to Shape the Future: the Contribution of the Church in England and Wales to overseas mission and its enduring legacy. The main speaker, Fr. Bob O’Neil, MHM, made a presentation on the life of Cardinal Vaughan and the lessons to be learned for mission today. After the input, responses were given by Fr. Josephat Ezeanolue CSSp and Dr. Gemma Simmonds CJ, followed by group discussion and open forum. The day concluded with the launching of the latest edition of Bob O’Neil’s biography of Cardinal Herbert Vaughan, originally published in 1997 (The Crossroad Publishing Company).


APPOINTMENTS  Yesudas Nayak, appointed Society Representative in India for three years, effective 9th September 2016.  Joseph Thangaraj, appointed Consultor to the Society Representative in India, for three years, effective 9th September 2016.  Suresh Korechela, appointed Consultor to the Society Representative in India, for three years, effective 9th September 2016.  Mark Connolly, appointed Consultor to the Society Representative in India, for three years, effective 9th September 2016.  Mathews Olili, appointed Society Representative in Malaysia, for three years, effective 1st November 2016.  Philip Odhiambo, appointed Consultor to the Society Representative in Malaysia, for three years, effective 1st November 2016.  John McAulay, appointed Consultor to the Society Representative in Malaysia, for three years effective 1st November 2016.  Terry Burke, appointed Bursar in Malaysia, for three years, effective 1st January 2017.  Ephraim Odhiambo, appointed Society Representative for South Africa, for three years, effective 1st January 2017.  Sylvester Ponje, appointed Consultor to the Society Representative in South Africa, for three years, effective 1st January 2017.  Anthony Ndichia, appointed Consultor to the Society Representative in South Africa, for three years, effective 1st January 2017.  Andreas Agreiter, appointed Regional of the German-Speaking Region, for three years, effective 10th October 2016.  Hans Kronbichler, re-appointed Consultor to the Regional in the German-Speaking Region, for three years, effective 10th October 2016.  Georg Hanser, re-appointed Consultor to the Regional in the German-Speaking Region, for three years, effective 10th October 2016.  Anton Steiner, appointed Consultor to the Regional in the German-Speaking Region, for three years, effective 10th October 2016.


 Hans Kronbichler, re-appointed Bursar of the German-Speaking Region, for three years, effective 6th October 2016.  Georg Hanser, re-appointed Rector of St Josefs Missionshaus, Absam, for three years, effective 6th October 2016.  Anton Steiner, re-appointed Rector of Herberthaus, Brixen, for three years, effective 6th October 2016.  Hans Kronbichler, re-appointed Rector St Josefs Missionshaus, Brixen, for three years, effective 6th October 2016.  Gregory Rice, appointed Consultor to the Society Representative in North America, for three years, from 1st August 2016.  Peter Major, appointed Consultor to the Society Representative in North America, for three years, from 1st August 2016.  Bart Daly, appointed Bursar of the North America Area, for three years, effective 1st January 2017.  Theo Geurtsen, re-appointed Bursar of the Dutch Region, for three years, effective 15th August 2016.  Arie Braak, re-appointed Rector of Missiehuis Vrijland, for three years, effective 1st September 2016.  Emile Frische, appointed Society Representative for New Zealand, for three years, effective 1st January 2017.  Peter Ryan, appointed Consultor to the Society Representative in New Zealand, for three years, effective 1st January 2017.  Dermot Byrne, appointed Regional Representative for Britain for three years, effective 1st January 2017.  Liam Cummins, appointed Consultor to the Regional Representative in Britain, for three years, effective 1st January 2017.  Paul Mooney, appointed Consultor to the Regional Representative in Britain, for three years, effective 1st January 2017.  Toos Beentjes renewed her Contract of Association for five years, effective 1st May 2016.  Corry van den Bosch renewed her Contract of Association for five years, effective 30th Occtober 2016.  Cosmas Omboto Ondari, appointed to the Diocese of Mamfe, effective 25th May 2017.


 Chrysantus Mbiemieh Munu, appointed to the Archdiocese of Kisumu, effective 24th April 2017.  David Masiga Odonya, appointed to the Diocese of Hyderabad, Sindh, effective 18th April 2017.  George Omuto Odero, appointed to the Diocese of Sibu, effective 25th April 2017.  Michael Ochwo, withdrawn from the East Africa Area and appointed to the Archdiocese of Juba, effective 1st February 2017.  Mark Connolly, withdrawn from Pargi Orientation and appointed to the Formation Staff in Karunapuram, for three years, effective 9th January 2017.  Liam Durrant, withdrawn from the British Region and appointed to the Diocese of Miri, Malaysia, effective 31st March 2017.  John Conroy, withdrawn from the British Region and appointed to the Irish Region, effective 1st January 2017.  Ben Snelder, appointed to retirement at Herbert House, Freshfield.


The Holy See has dispensed Eugene Pereira from his priestly obligations and the Perpetual Oath. The Holy See has dispensed Patrick J. Ryan from his priestly obligations and the Perpetual Oath.


Peter Chefor, released from the Temporary Oath as of 6th August 2016. Sagar Polisetti, released from the Temporary Oath as of 18th September 2016.

ORDINATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD 2016 Our heartfelt congratulations to: 

Michael Mandagiri, ordained priest in Siddayapalem, Prakasam Dt. by the Bishop of Nellore on 29th September 2016. He has been appointed to the Archdiocese of Bamenda, to serve in the Parish of Ilung.

Yacob Chilka, ordained priest in Chavapudu by the Bishop of Gunter on 13th October 2016. He has been appointed to the Archdiocese of Hyderabad, India to serve in the Parish of Pargi.


TRANSITIONAL DIACONATE 2016 On their Ordination to Transitional Deaconate on 28th August 2016 in St. Joseph Parish, Shauri Moyo, Nairobi by Bishop Joseph Obanyi Sagwe, Bishop of Kakamega, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to:    

David Masiga Odonya, Chrysantus Mbiemieh Munu George Omuto Odero Cosmas Omboto Ondari

ORDINATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD 2017 DAVID MASIGA ODONYA Date of Ordination: Venue: Ordaining Minister:

18th February 2017 St. John’s Parish, Kajiado, Kenya Rt. Rev. John Oballa Owaa, Bishop of Ngong

CHRYSANTUS MBIEMIEH MUNU Date of Ordination: Venue: Ordaining Minister:

24th February 2017 St. Peter’s Parish, Bambui, Cameroon Rt. Rev. Cornelius Fontem Esua, Archbishop of Bamenda

GEORGE OMUTO ODERO Date of Ordination: Venue: Ordaining Minister:

25th February 2017 St. Theresa’s Parish, Asumbi, Kenya Rt. Rev. Philip Arnold Subira Anyolo, Bishop of Homa Bay

COSMAS OMBOTO ONDARI Date of Ordination: Venue: Ordaining Minister:

25th March 2017 Sengera Catholic Parish, Kisii, Kenya Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura Okemwa, Bishop of Kisii


FUTURE OF FORMATION PROGRAM IN THE CONGO At its meeting in October 2016, the General Council regretfully came to the conclusion that the Society’s formation programme in Basankusu was no longer viable. The principal factors that led to this conclusion were the growing inaccessibility of Basankusu and spiralling costs (as well as difficulties with financial management due to the distance from Kinshasa where the Society’s accounts are held). A shortage of MHM personnel to run the programme was an additional factor. Adding to these difficulties was the growing political and security crisis which have made it impossible for John Kirwan and Francis Hannaway to return to Congo for the foreseeable future. Stan Bondoko is currently our only Mill Hill Missionary on the ground in the country. Mindful of the recent Chapter’s concern for this mission (documents, p. 14) and despite the many problems, the General Council’s commitment to Congo remains undiminished. As soon as the political situation permits, a feasibility study will be carried out in Kinshasa to see whether it is possible to reestablish the formation programme in that city. The 18 Congolese candidates and students currently in major formation will continue their programme with the Society. As regards mission in Basankusu, the intention is to continue our Society’s commitment there, particularly because of the great need in this abandoned part of the world. New financial arrangements are being put in place, and essential repairs are being carried out to the buildings damaged by the fire in April of this year.

65+ Seminar in Rome The 65+ Course will take place at the Benedictine Monastery at Bevilacqua, Rome on 9th – 30th September 2017. The organizing team is composed of Bernard Fox, Liam Cummins and Sr. Sally Hyland, MSHR. Resource persons have been invited to give input on a range of themes. Please get in touch with your Regional/Society Representative or a member of the General Council if you wish to participate. There are still a few spaces left.

MHM Jubilarians 2017 Platinum Jubilee – 70 YEARS Ordination 6th June 1947


Diamond Jubilee - 60 YEARS Ordination 7th July 1957

Perpetual Oath 19th March 1957





Golden Jubilee - 50 YEARS Perpetual Oath 19th March 1967


29th June1967

Ordination 30th June 1967

Ordination 1st July 1967





Ruby Jubilee - 40 YEARS Ordination 17th June 1977

Ordination 25th June 1977



Silver Jubilee 25 YEARS Ordination 21st June 1992


Ad Multus Annos “We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which you show to all God’s people.” Colossians 1:3


OBITUARIES We remember in our prayers

 FR. JAMES DALZIEL, died on17th August 2016 in Herbert House aged 78.  FR. CHARLES CAMMACK, died on 18th September 2016 in Herbert House aged 87.  FR. MICHAEL ORTNER, died on 20th October 2016 in the Klaraheim, Hall aged 92.  FR. JAN APPELMAN, died on 27th October 2016 in Missiehuis Vrijland, aged 82.  BRO. THEODORUS TOLBOOM, died on 31st October 2016 in Rijnstate Hospital, aged 86.  FR. PIET KUNST, died on 16th December 2016 in Tiel, Netherland, aged 84.

Editor: Jimmy Lindero, MHM Contact: gc-asia@millhillmissionaries.com Society Website: www.millhillmissionaries.co.uk 20

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