Friends of Mill Hill
THE HOLY FATHER’S RAYER INTENTIONS ENTRUSTED TO HIS WORLDWIDE PRAYER NETWORK FOR THE YEAR 2020 JANUARY Prayer intention for evangelization- Promotion of World Peace. We pray that Christians, followers of other religions, and all people of goodwill may promote peace and justice in the world. FEBRUARY Universal prayer intention- Listen to the Migrants’ Cries. We pray that the cries of our migrant brothers and sisters, victims of criminal trafficking, may be heard and considered. MARCH Prayer intention for evangelization – Catholics in China. We pray that the Church in China may persevere in its faithfulness to the Gospel and grow in unity. APRIL Universal prayer intention – Freedom from Addiction. We pray that those suffering from addiction may be helped and accompanied. MAY Prayer intention for evanglization – For Deacons. We pray that deacons, faithful in their service to the Word and the poor, may be an invigorating symbol for the entire Church. JUNE Prayer intention for evangelization - The Way of the Heart. We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. JULY Univeral prayer intention – Our Families. We pray that today’s families may be accompanied with love, respect, and guidance. AUGUST Universal prayer intention – The Maritime World. We pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them sailors, fishermen and their families. SEPTEMBER Universal prayer intention – Respect for the Planet’s Resources. We pray that the planet’s resources will not be plundered, but shared in a just and respectful manner. OCTOBER Prayer intention for evangelization – The Laity’s Mission in the Church. We pray that by the virtue of their baptism, the laity, especially women, may participate more in areas of responsibility in the Church. NOVEMBER Universal prayer intention – Artificial intelligence. We pray that the progress of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve humankind. DECEMBER Prayer intention for evangelization – For a life of prayer. We pray that our personal relationship with Jesus Christ be nourished by the Word of God and a life of prayer.
Friends of Mill Hill
Front Cover: Eleven Mill Hill students from the Pune Second Cycle Formation Centre took the Perpetual Oath on 29th March 2019. Fr. Jimmy Lindero mhm presided at the celebration. They were ordained deacons on the following day, 30th March at the Divine Mercy Church, Wadagaonsheri, Pune. Ordaining minister was Bishop Thomas Dabre, bishop of Poona Diocese. Four of the deacons are from the East Africa area. They are: Andiega Kevin Barasa, from Canadian Martyrs Nangina Catholic Church, Diocese of Bungoma (Kenya); Epiti William from Immaculate Heart of Mary – Ocodri, Diocese of Arua (Uganda); Okwara Joseph from St. Jude’s Parish – Osia, Archdiocese of Tororo (Uganda); Rombo Stephen Odhiambo from St.Joseph’s Catholic Church, Diocese of Kakamega (Kenya)
2. Throughout the year we want to join Pope Francis in praying for his intentions. 4. Fr. Alex Kimbi of Witu-Kipini parish writes about a challenging visit to Boni Forest. 6. Fr. Joe King introduces us to the new Mill Hill Parish St.Jude Busaana in Uganda. 8. Fr. Bernard Phelan tells the story of Soroti Diocese/Uganda. 9 – 12. Novena to St.Joseph. As members of St.Joseph’s Society and as Friends of Mill Hill we have a special devotion to St. Joseph whom we honor and whose intercession we implore during the Novena leading up to his feastday on 19th March. 13. Ms. Janet Alungat, coordinator of FOMH/Uganda has some kind words for those who played some part in the history of the Friends of Mill Hill. Friends of Mill Hill
15. Patrick Lonkoy, a fourth year student at Mill Hill Formation Centre, Nairobi researches FoMH. 16. With great joy and gratitude to God we celebrate the ordination to the priesthood of four young men, two of them from the East African area. 17. Our local superior Philip Adede mhm updates us on some recent events in the East African area. 18. The Franciscan Missionaries of St.Joseph (Mill Hill Sisters) invite young women to join them in their ministry. 19. Fr.Sylvester Odhiambo joins Fr.Roland Kajja in the vocation ministry.
Launching out into the deep Fr. Alex Kimbi mhm
In Kenya, Boni forest is a popular name due to the many stories related to the terrorist group ‘Al –Shabaab’ activities that have taken place in that area. The forest is large and extends from Witu right up to neighboring Somalia. One of the villages in Boni forest is called Pandanguo. That is the village that experienced the latest attacks when I was preparing to take up my appointment in Witu last year. Though Pandanguo is just 20 km from Witu, it has been a no – go area for me. It is common knowledge 4
around Witu that it is not safe here. But wait! There are people who live there, and this is their only home. Fr. Adolf Pöll mhm reminded us of this at a table discussion at supper on the 2nd of April 2019. Going for a visit could be a good idea, we thought. Myself, Adolf and three of our MEP (Missionary Experience Programme) students: Camille, Collins and Ochwo, were ready to undertake the journey the next morning to meet the Boni people at Pandanguo. In the morning, we put together Friends of Mill Hill
a few things and some fruit to eat in case no one gave us something to eat. We left the parish, went through Witu town and off into the bush. We went for about 10 kms. It was a quiet road with few houses along the road. Few motorbikes passed us by as we went along. All of a sudden there was a vehicle coming towards us at high speed. When they saw us, they started flashing their lights. I was driving and I was a bit scared. They came close and stopped. It was the GSU, a branch of Kenya Armed Forces. Within a few seconds, the commander had asked us many questions, we had no idea where to start answering them all. ‘Who, how, when , why authorized you to go to this village?’ Even before we could put our heads together to give an answer, our vehicle was already surrounded and instructions were given that everyone of us should alight from the car. The students had to step out immediately with their identification documents. We managed to explain to them who we were. Fortunately for us, the only water well that the whole village was fetching water from, including the soldiers themselves, had been constructed by Adolf. So we also told them we had sent someone to repair the well, and we wanted to find out how he got on. Immediately things Friends of Mill Hill
changed. They called their inspector there at Pandanguo to tell him we were coming. When we arrived in the village, there was a group of elders sitting at the village dispensary. They all knew Adolf. They immediately brought us seats and started recounting the many good things that Fr.Adolf had done for them in the past. I was amazed to see that when other elders heard that Adolf was around, they were all coming out to meet him at the village centre. I recall the smile on the face of one elderly man who came and said to Adolf: ‘I am still alive.’ Adolf himself was wondering what he meant. The man continued: ‘I was dying some years back and you came and took me to the hospital in Lamu. I got well and came back and I am still alive and well.’ For me those words were emotional. I felt that that the visit was worthwhile. One of the elders took us around the village. We waved to people as we walked around, shaking hands with those seeking shelter under the trees because of the blazing sun. Some who knew Fr.Adolf called him from a distance ‘Father .....’ as they came towards us; many people were happy to meet him again.
THE NEW MILL HILL PARISH IN LUGAZI DIOCESE In the East Africa Area, the Mill Hill Missionaries have recently taken up two new Mission challenges: Lemek in Ngong Diocese/Kenya and Busaana in Lugazi Diocese/Uganda. On December 19th 2018, while at a Christmas party together with fellow priests of Lugazi diocese I was having a chat with our bishop Rt Rev Christopher Kakooza. He shared with me about a new parish he intends to open and he was wondering if Mill Hill could take up the challenge. My reply was that nothing is impossible as long as it is shared; and I promised to get back to him. That is how the whole idea of Busaana came up and I shared with the Local Council and the General Council. At the end of the day it was the Local Council to decide if we were ready for that challenge. So when it was brought up at the Annual Society Assembly it was overwhelmingly accepted that we take up the challenge. So the Society Representative and myself were assigned to take back the feedback to the bishop which he was so excited to hear, and wished we could even start immediately. We made a few visits there to assess the area and we also interacted with the parish Priest of Kayunga Fr. Emmanuel Walakira from whose parish Busaana was being cut off. We found it worth taking up, also considering that Kayunga was such a big parish with 30 sub parishes 6
by Fr.Joe King mhm with one full time priest. From then on, everything just went faster than anyone would imagine and today St. Jude Parish Busaana is already functional.
In our interaction with the bishop on this issue, he kept reminding us of who we are, the ‘Jajjas’ (grandfathers) of faith in Uganda and Lugazi in particular. At some moments he would quote Cardinal Wamala who was questioning the missionaries why they were leaving – ‘leaving, where to?’, when there is still a lot to offer. That it was not enough to open parishes these days and hand over. In the past, that was understandable but in the present days, the local Church still needs the Missionaries among them to remind the faithful of where they have come from and thus inspiring them to have a missionary mindset as well. At some point he would even joke why a grandfather will only have one home where he used to have many; in other words, he was just concerned as to how Mill Hill was only in Mbikko in the whole of Central and Eastern region. So we set out to make the
Friends of Mill Hill
timelines for the opening of the new parish and who would likely begin it. May 23rd 2019 was set as the official opening and Fred Yangnyi mhm who had until then been with me in Mbikko was given the responsibility to pioneer the Busaana Challenge. After the opening he was to officially report on June 8th 2019. The opening ceremony was very colorful. The bishop Rt.Rev. Christopher Kakooza and our General Superior Fr. Michael Corcoran graced the occasion which included the installation of the new Parish Priest. The Parish Priest of Kayunga offered us a house from where the
Friends of Mill Hill
new team will operate till we will have constructed our own place in Busaana. The new parish was a Sub Parish of Kayunga Parish. It is situated about 50km from Njeru town (Jinja Kampala highway), 10km from Kayunga town towards the river Nile. It is very near to the recently opened Isimba Dam and where the ferry connects Kayunga and Kamuli districts. The parish is made up of fifteen Sub Parishes and offers a good missionary challenge to our team. Kevin Baraza mhm has recently been appointed to join Fred. So we wish the Busaana team all the best.
Soroti Diocese: the new bishop by Bernard C. Phelan MHM The first Parish in what is now Soroti Catholic Diocese was in Ngora. Already in 1903 Fr.Christopher Kirk MHM had visited there. Eventually the Parish was established by John Kiggen MHM, in 1912. With a resident priest things began to develop. John Greif MHM who was later chosen to be Bishop of Tororo Diocese, also worked in Ngora. Madera Parish was founded in 1914, as also Lwala Parish. From these three Parishes Missionaries of St.Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill spread out all over what is now Soroti Catholic Diocese and established the various Parishes. Most of the Parishes were established by them except for a few established later by the Missionaries of Africa, and the Apostolic Administrator. John Kiggen MHM worked hard to prepare an Ateso – English dictionary. Jan Hilders MHM also worked on a grammar. It was considered by our Society as very important that those working in Soroti Catholic Diocese should learn Ateso and Kumam. Various Schools were set up throughout the Diocese. Also Health Centres were a priority. The Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa (FMSA) played a very essential role in all of this. When I first arrived in the Soroti area at the beginning of 1968, there were 103 Missionaries in Tororo Diocese which then included Soroti. The numbers of Diocesan Priests were much fewer. Soroti Catholic Diocese was established on March 29th 1981 8
and the first Bishop was Bishop Erasmus Desiderius Wandera. St.Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill is very proud of what has been achieved in Soroti Catholic Diocese. Without the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit we would not have been able to persevere. We are also very happy that finally one of the Priests of Soroti Catholic Diocese has been chosen to be the third Bishop of the Diocese. We congratulate Bishop Joseph Oliach Eciru, and pray that the Holy Spirit will guide him in his service to the people of Soroti Catholic Diocese. We will be with you in Spirit on May 25th.
Bishop Joseph Oliach Eciru Friends of Mill Hill
In addition to the nine day Novena of Masses, a Mass will be offered each day in March for the intentions of all our subscibers and benefactors. Please join the Novena by reading the short reflections for each day, and saying the Novena Prayer to St. Joseph. Novena Prayer to St. Joseph Ever glorious St. Joseph, good and faithful servant, God was pleased to place his own family in your care. We thank you for being such a wonderful example of humility and faith, of prayerfulness and courage, in your ordinary daily life. Through your intercession, may God grant us the blessing of living continually in his presence, and responding to his love in our daily lives. And when we have lived our days on earth, may God give us the great joy he gave you - that of entering eternal life in the company of Jesus and Mary. Most loving St. Joseph, accept our Novena prayers and obtain for us through your powerful intercession, the favours and graces we ask for in this Novena. Pause to call to mind your special intentions ... St. Joseph, Pray for us. Add: Our father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to the Father..., Amen. Friends of Mill Hill
‘Joseph took the child and his Mother and left for Egypt’. (Mt. 2:14)
When Fr. Herbert Vaughan founded the Mill Hill Missionaries (St. Joseph’s Missionary Society) in 1866, he chose St. Joseph to be the patron and protector of his missionaries. He wanted them to be in the care of this great saint. Joseph would look after them as he looked after Mary and Jesus in the ‘flight to Egypt’ and at all other times. He took Mary and their new born child to Egypt to protect the infant Jesus from Herod. Joseph was the ‘guardian of the redeemer’ (Saint John Paul II) on that ‘missionary journey’ to a foreign land and fulfilled his role as guardian or protector of Jesus and Mary for the rest of his life. Pope Francis sees St. Joseph as a protector to whom we can turn when we are struggling to cope with suffering or heartbroken with grief or weighed down with distress and loneliness.
May St. Joseph be our protector on our journey through life.
Joseph was a just man who always did what was right’ (Mt. 1:19)
What a predicament Joseph was in when he discovered Mary was pregnant. Joseph did not know who was the father of the child. He only knew that the child was not his. We can imagine how devastated he was when he discovered that the love of his life was pregnant before they came to live together. What was he to do? In the culture of the time he had no choice but to divorce Mary. It must have been heart breaking for him but he was not going to make a fuss. Even before he received the Angel’s message that Mary was pregnant through the Holy Spirit, he had decided to act in a caring way. He was going to act quietly and thus save her publicity and disgrace. He was a caring, honourable man, a just man, a man of God.
May St. Joseph help us to put our problems before God and trust in Him.
‘An angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said …’ (Mt. 1:20)“ If discouragement overwhelms you, think of the faith of Joseph.” (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) Joseph lived his life in the light of faith, always drawing strength and courage from his openness to God. He was a good listener. His heart was in the right place to discern God’s Will. We see this when Joseph had decided to divorce Mary quietly, but then received the Angel’s message that Mary ‘had conceived what was in her by the Holy Spirit’. He responded with the ‘obedience of faith’ (St. John Paul II) and took Mary to his home as his wife. “St. Joseph exercised his role by hearing God’s voice and being guided by God’s will in his daily life. He did this with faith and fidelity, with goodness and tenderness, as a strong and courageous man.” (Pope Francis)
May Joseph lead us to a deeper faith and trust in God.
Friends of Mill Hill
(Jesus said) ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God and trust in me’ (Jn. 14:1)
Joseph is an example of one who lived with a deep awareness of God’s Spirit in his heart and life, always noticing and responding to the movements of the Spirit. This was the ground of his hope and the source of his boundless love for Mary and Jesus. “If anxiety has its grip on you, think of the hope of Joseph. If exasperation or hatred seizes you, think of the love of Joseph, who was the first man to set eyes on the human face of God in the person of the infant conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the VirginMary. Let us praise and thank Christ for having drawn so close to us, and for giving us Joseph as an example and model of love.” (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Through the intercession of St. Joseph may we grow in faith, hope and love.
“Where did that man (Jesus) get all this wisdom?” (Mt.13:54)
“We can now see that Joseph must have played a decisive role in the formation of the youthful Jesus and his message. A key pointer in this area is the question of the contemporaries of Jesus: “Where did that man (Jesus) get all this wisdom?” (Mt.13:54) Traditionally, Christians would be inclined to answer: “Well, Jesus was divine, so he knew everything.” But that is not a good answer, for St. Paul warns us that Jesus never took advantage of his divine nature, and had to learn the same lessons as all of us. The answer must be: he learnt it at home, from his parents Joseph and Mary. It is good to realize that all that Jesus knew about fatherly love that is so central to his message, he had learnt from Joseph, whom he admired and loved so dearly. In that he followed the example of his mother Mary, who must have loved Joseph beyond measure.” (Hans Burgman, mhm)
May St. Joseph help us to know and experience God as a loving and merciful Father. DAY 6 JOSEPH - THE WORKER
“Isn’t he the carpenter’s son?’ (Mt. 13:55)
In 1955 pope Pius XII chose May 1st as a special day to remember St. Joseph the worker. He described him as the patron of all working people. Joseph was dedicated to his work as a carpenter and Jesus, the carpenter’s son, would have learned the skills of his craft. In the words of Pope Francis: “Saint Joseph appears as a strong and courageous man, a working man, yet in his heart we see great tenderness and a capacity for concern, for compassion, for genuine openness to others, for love. Joseph exercised his role as teacher of Jesus: “Discreetly and humbly, but with an unfailing presence and utter fidelity. From the time of his betrothal to Mary until the finding of the twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem and then back in Nazareth, he is there at every moment with loving care.” Joseph probably knew the hardship of unemployment when there was little or no work for himself and Jesus.
St. Joseph help us to be committed to our work and help those who cannot find work.
Friends of Mill Hill
Mary said: ‘See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you’ (Lk. 2:48)
Some of the Saints were convinced that `the discovery of Joseph` is a personal journey to Nazareth, to meet Joseph in the intimacy of the Holy Family. We can be sure that he held the baby Jesus in his arms and sat him on his lap; that he often carried Him as a child. St. Francis de Sales found the thought of this closeness fascinating: “I find nothing sweeter to my imagination than to see the child Jesus in the arms of this great Saint, calling him daddy.” With Joseph everything is so simple and yet so profound, so ordinary and yet so special. He is a person we can feel at home with. He was the village carpenter, the family man who worked for his living. He was profoundly loved by God and experienced that love and lived it and shared it, especially in the home at Nazareth with Jesus and Mary.
May St. Joseph help us to discover God’s closeness in the ups and downs of family life.
8 JOSEPH - PATRON OF A HAPPY DEATH ‘At death life is changed, not ended’
In the Autumn Issue of St. Joseph’s Advocate, we usually have a photo of a stained glass window that depicts St. Joseph on his deathbed. The text at the base of the window reads: ‘Saint Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death, pray for us.’ Jesus is holding Joseph’s hand and blessing him, while Mary is praying and grieving close by. Just gazing at the window can bring comfort when we have to turn our thoughts to death or perhaps find ourselves grieving the loss of a loved one. The same gentle, loving Jesus is with each of us all through life and at the hour of our death. We draw great comfort from his promise: ‘I am the Resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live; everyone who believes in me will never die.’ (Jn. 11:25-26). The preface of the Mass for the dead reminds us: ‘At death life is changed, not ended.
St. Joseph obtain for us the grace of entering eternal life in the company of Jesus and Mary.
‘To love and to serve’ ‘To love and to serve’ is the motto that was chosen by Herbert Vaughan in 1866 for St. Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill. He pointed to the example of Joseph’s life of loving service and wanted his future missionaries ‘To love and to Serve.’ He saw in Joseph a model for missionary life. Later as Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, he wrote: “Of old it was said to the needy and suffering people in the kingdom of Egypt: ‘Go to Joseph, and do all that he shall say to you.’ (Gen. 41:55). The same is now said to all needy and suffering people: ‘Go to Joseph.’ What was truly said of the first Joseph in the Old Testament as to his goodness and love is verified much more perfectly in the second Joseph – St. Joseph”. In 2016 the Mill Hill Missionaries celebrated 150 years of missionary service. Our mission continues now with around 100 young missionary priests from Africa and Asia and nearly 200 students preparing for the missionary priesthood.
Friends of Mill Hill
Janet Alungat - Coordinator FOMH/Uganda
It’s often said that(little things change people’s lives). I would like to begin by circling the following: as FOMH in Uganda, we sincerely extend our deepest appreciation to the following personalities for the wonderful work they did during their term in office. Fr. Philip O’Halloran who conceived the idea in 1996 and Fr. Zonnevelt (RIP) and nurtured it until the time Fr.Jim Fanning (RIP) came in to run the association in both Kenya and Uganda. Much as Fr.Philip O’Halloran got transferred from Uganda, his love for the association remained deep in his heart. An opportunity again came in when he was transferred back
Friends of Mill Hill
to Uganda from Luanda Formation House. Indeed this time the FOMH started resurrecting. The Eastern region woke up from sleep. Fr. Jim Fanning (RIP) had attained a special name from the Eastern, especially in the diocese of Soroti. His name was Fr.Omukebe, meaning (Fr.Tin). Whenever he visited a parish on a Sunday for appeal, his word was always; ‘Pray for the missionaries, support them by taking a tin. When he got transferred, they stopped seeing tins but had the idea in their hearts. No sooner had we covered a few parishes with Fr. Philip O’Halloran than another great opportunity kicked in. Fr. Bernard Phelan came in, he had
an intense passion for the FOMH as the blessings continue to flow. Fr. Charles Okata came in time to bridge the gap. Fr. Bernard had left as he got transferred back to the UK. Everything continued moving on well. We sincerely thank the other MHM who have been stepping in whenever need arose not forgetting those who even on their home leave holidays continue to support us. It would take the day mentioning individual names. Thank you. The Society Representative for East Africa Rev. Fr. Philip Amek Adede has played an integral role in the FOMH, his encouragement and words of wisdom. Last but not least, I would like to thank those FOMH who managed to attend the consecration of the Bishop of Soroti which took place on the 25th of May 2019.
In a special way our gratitude goes to the General Superior, Fr. Michael Corcoran, for attending the Consecration. His presence made a remarkable impact on the people of the diocese of Soroti. To all the priests from the different parishes who have hosted us for the appeals of FOMH, we are so indebted to you all. To all our dear editors for the tremendous job you do to make sure the magazine is as perfect as the final product. Fr. Jakob, Fr. Ignatius, and the rest of the team, please keep up the good work. The promoters of the FOMH and all the FOMH, please let us continue to keep the candle burning without forgetting the motto of the Mill Hill missionaries, ‘ To Love and To Serve.’ Fr. Philip O’Halloran mhm and Fr. Monday Noah mhm
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with prayers and donations. For 500/- Ksh or 10,000/- Ush per year you can be enrolled as a Friend of Mill Hill, and receive the FOMH magazine two times a year. If using Pay Bill or MTN Mobile Phone please write or send an SMS with your name, address and the amount you sent. In Kenya: Payment for membership of the Friends of Mill Hill should be sent to P.O. Box 2011, 40100, Kisumu, Kenya. Or: Pay Bill Number: Business No. 811908 Account No. 0717 20 84 81 In Uganda: Payment for membership of the Friends of Mill Hill should be sent to P.O. Box 520, Jinja, Uganda. Or via MTN Mobile Money 0784 786 184 14
Friends of Mill Hill
Research on the Friends of Mill Hill
Mr.Patrick Lonkoy is a fourth year Mill Hill student. As part of his studies he has to present a ‘long’ essay on some missionary or spiritual topic. Patrick chose to write this essay about the collaboration of the Friends of Mill Hill in the mission of Mill Hill. Patrick explains the reasons for the choice of this topic. There are four reasons that impelled me to write about the Friends of Mill Hill (FoMH). The first reason lies in the nature of the relationship or friendship between the FoMH and the Mill Hill Missionaries (MHM). In other words, there is still a great need to know the essence of the relationship between the MHM and the FoMH, and how to maintain and strengthen this relationship. The second reason lies in the quality of the collaboration of the FoMH with MHM in the Mission. Various FoMH groups seem to be reduced to a material or financial sponsoring group. From the look of things, there is still a great need for proper formation of the spiritual aspect of this group; for it should be in this that all the activities of this group are anchored: activities, which span from raising funds for the missions to the promotion of vocations. Another reason that triggered my interest in this research was to look at and to correct the notion that the FoMH only support those in Mission but are not actively involved in Mission. Finally, because this very important group in some parts of Kenya and Uganda appears not to be very active, I thought that reflecting on its very crucial role in the Mission of Christ in collaboration with MHM will wake them up to the realization of their importance. To assess the FoMH in Collaboration with MHM in Mission, specifically in Kenya and Uganda, I collected and analysed data: through direct observation, interviews, document analysis, questionnaires, personal experiences, opinions and my own knowledge. Most of the FoMH in Kenya and Uganda received the questionnaire. I visited some members in Kampala, Entebbe, Mbikko, Jinja, Panyangara and Loyoro in Uganda; Luanda, Kisumu, Homa Bay, Shauri Moyo, Witu and Malindi in Kenya for interviews. Friends of Mill Hill
Ordinations Homa Bay, Kenya: The ordination of Zachaeus Okoth MHM and Brian Owino MHM was celebrated on the 18th of May 2019 on the beautiful shores of Lake Victoria on Rusinga Island. It was presided over by Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth, Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Kisumu. The celebration was attended by a good number of Mill Hill Missionaries from Kenya and Uganda, religious men and women from the diocese and a large number of the faithful. In his homily, the ordaining prelate thanked God for the gift of the two missionary priests who, like their predecessors, were ready to follow Christ unreservedly and to walk in the footsteps of the Mill Hill Missionaries who planted the seed of faith in the whole Western region of Kenya. He called upon the new priests to be men of prayer and to be available to their parishioners. Fr. Hillary Awiti MHM, gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the Mill Hill Missionaries and reminded the new missionary priests of their call to live fully the Mill Hill charism of loving service in their missions. Frs. Brian and Zachaeus have been appointed to Pakistan. Damien Fuh mhm Fr.Philip Shube Bawe mhm was ordained on 7thJune 2019 at All Saints Parish, Bayelle, Archdiocese of Bamenda, Cameroon. He has been appointed to further studies at St. Patrick’s Pontifical Catholic University of Maynooth, Ireland. Linus Kang mhm was ordained on15th June 2019 at St. Anthony’s Parish, Njinikom, Archdiocese of Bamenda, Cameroon. He has been appointed to the Archdiocese of Juba, South Sudan. 16
Friends of Mill Hill Friends of Mill Hill
From the Society Representative Fr. Philip Amek Adede mhm It is nearly a year since the tragic sudden death of Fr. Cosmas Ondari. Many thanks to all who supported us in prayers, emotionally and materially during and after the burial. A special gratitude to all the Christian faithful from Kisii, Omboto family and Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura for the wonderful send off you gave your great missionary. We continue to pray that Fr. Cosmas’ blood may bring lasting peace to Cameroon where he offered his very life in witnessing to the love of Christ in a very difficult situation. During the year, the Lord blessed us with two more missionaries from Kenya who were ordained priests in May and both have been appointed to Pakistan. We accompany them with our prayers and thoughts. We are also looking forward to other four young men from Kenya and Uganda who will be ordained towards the end of this year or early next year. Let us continue to pray for more vocations so that the Lord of the harvest my send more laborers to his vineyard. Our gratitude goes to the Friends of Mill Hill EA for their promotion of missionary work in their own parishes. We are also grateful for your support and presence in the lives and ministry of our missionaries. We thank Fr. Charles Okata who has been the contact person for the Friends of Mill Hill in Uganda in the last one year. As we usher in Fr. Kajja who is taking over from Charles we thank him for accepting the responsibility. We pray and wish him well in this his new ministry. As we continue to grow in numbers and presence in EA, we thank God for enabling us to open two new parish communities in St. Jude Busaana, Lugazi Diocese in Uganda and in Ngong Diocese in Kenya. In conclusion, “In defeat there is a victory, in humiliation there is glory, in confusion there is always a new clarity, in the absurd one finds meaning, in tears lie relief, and in virtually every death there is new and deeper life.” (Ronald Rolheiser)
We remember our deceased missionaries and friends: Fr. Anton Timmerman mhm who died on 25th May 2019, aged 100, in Auckland, New Zealand. Fr. John Ball mhm who died on 10th June 2019, aged 87, in Herbert House, Freshfield, England. Fr. Matthew Dunne mhm wo died on 10th July 2019, aged 93, in St. James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. Fr. Noel Hanrahan mhm who died on 11th July 2019, aged 90, in St. James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. Fr. David Whelan mhm who died on 3rd August 2019, aged 89, in Queen’s Court Hospice, Southport, England. Fr. John Courtney mhm who died on 3rd August 2019, aged 73, in Dublin, Ireland. Fr. John spent most of his missionary life in Kenya: Nyahururu, Kisii, Sotik, and Salawa. May they Rest in Peace. Amen. Friends of Mill Hill
Friends of Mill Hill Friends of Mill Hill
Introduction of the Vocations’ Director I am Fr. Sylvester Odhiambo Owino, a Mill Hill Missionary. I was ordained a priest in 2008. Soon after my ordination I was appointed to Kotido Diocese in North East Uganda, where I served for several years. In June 2018 I left Kotido Diocese. Then I went to Ireland to do a course on religious formation. I finished that course in June 2019. At the end of my course I was appointed as the vocations’ director for Kenya. I am now back in Kenya and will take up that new responsibility in September 2019. I ask for your prayers and support. The Mill Hill Missionaries are called to dedicate their lives to Evangelisation with preference for the poor, the oppressed and those in greatest need.
“Yes, I am ready to follow you, Lord.” For more information write to: Vocation Director
Fr. Sylvester Odhiambo mhm
In Kenya: In Kenya: P.O.Box 2011, 40100 Kisumu, Kenya mobile 0705819773& 0732458117 Email:
In Uganda: P.O. Box 520 Jinja, Uganda Mobile: 0757106323 Email:
Fr. Roland Kajja mhm Friends of Mill Hill
The theme of the Mission’s Extraordinary Month is “Baptized and Sent: Christ’s Church on Mission in the World,” states a press release, stressing that “the mission is understood as a proposal of faith that God makes to man.” Logo: A specially conceived logo for the Extraordinary Missionary Month represents “a missionary cross whose traditional colours recall the five Continents.” A press release explained that “The Cross is the instrument and the effective sign of communion between God and mankind for the mission’s universality: it is luminous, coloured, a sign of victory and resurrection.”
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