P O R T F O L I O. 2017 - 2022

R C H I T E C T U R A L M O H A M A D K H A N S A .
+ 39 3737495252 | mhmdkh2597@gmail.com
R C H I T E C T U R A L M O H A M A D K H A N S A .
+ 39 3737495252 | mhmdkh2597@gmail.com
I, Mohamad Khansa, a Sustainable Architecture graduate, at Politecnico Di Torino, Italy.
As a creator, my aim has always been to produce innovative and meaningful designs, not just to meet the eye but to touch the heart and soul. I have always believed that the experience of any space is only complete when it’s percieved through all human senses.
This portfolio contains my most significant architectural projects produced in the last four years (between October 2017 and February 2022). Every project presented in this portfolio is merely a preview.
March 2022 - August 2022
Barcode Architects - Rotterdam ( NL ).
As an intern, i had the opportunity to work on the following projects:
. Verwaltung | Dusseldorf, DE | Competition design | Office building.
. Pullman | Eindhoven, NL | Preliminary design | Hotel.
. KLM Headquarters | Amestrdam, NL | Competition vison | Office building.
. Baan Tower | Rotterdam, NL | Competition design | Residential tower.
During these projects, i managed to:
. Meet with both project manager and clients to see if their requirments are fulfilled.
. Executing and drafting of architectural drawings for these projects.
. 3D modeling and rendering different studies while doing these projects.
. Using illustrator and indesign to produce diagrams and panels for submessions.
. Producing physical models for different projects.
July 2021 - September 2021
Amad Company - Beirut ( LB ).
As an intern, i had the opportunity to participate in the following project:
. AL MAAREF University | Beirut, LB | Renovating design | University campus.
During this project, i managed to:
. The project was to combine 2 old buildings to the campus of - AL MAAREF UNIVERSITY.
. Executing and drafting all architeotural drawings of the project using autocad.
. Analysing and studing the damages in the 2 buildings.
. Calculating the expences of renovating the 2 buildings and producing a cost list.
. 3D modeling and rendering of the 2 buildings.
November 2019 - April 2020
CASA ATC Company - Turin ( IT ).
As an intern, i had the opportunity to work on the following projects:
. Vittorio Emanuele Secondo | Turin, IT | Preliminary design | Piazza design.
. Villaretto | Turin, IT | Renovating design | Residential building.
During these projects, i managed to:
. Participating in weekly site visits.
. Learned new softwares like “Estimative Metric Computation” “DOCFA”. “CILA”
. 3D modeling and rendering of the piazza project & building project using Sketch Up and Lumion 10.
. Executing and drafting of architeotural drawings for different projects using autocad.
. Renovating 2 apartments fron the inside.
. LinkedIn : mhmd Khansa
2017 - 2020
. Architectural engineering.
. Politecnico Di Torino ( IT ).
2020 - 2022
. Sustainability of architectural engineering.
. Politecnico Di Torino ( IT ).
. SketchUp . Rhino . Lumion . Enscape . Photoshop . Illustrator . Indesign . Revit
. Facebook : mhmd Khansa . Instagram : _97.mhdkhn
A R C H I T E C T I N T E R N .
B A C H E L O R D E G R E E .
M A S T E R S D E G R E E .
A R C H I T E C T I N T E R N .
A R C H I T E C T I N T E R N .
Politecnico Di Torino, TO
2020 - 2021 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021
01. 02. 03. 04.
2017 - 2022 2021 - 2022 4 - 13 14 - 23 24 - 31 32 - 40
Via Piossasco 29/B, TO Via Bardonecchia 34, TO Via Francesco Cirio 18, TO Flaubert, GNB
Politecnico Di Torino 2021 / 2022. Architectural Sustainability Design. Via Piossasco 29/B, Torino (IT).
Prof. Riccardo Pollo / Advanced Enviromental Technoloy. Prof. Roberta Ingaramo / Architectural and Urban Design. Prof. Elena Fregonara / Economic Sustainability.
Grade: 3OL/30 Software used: Autocad - Sktechup - Rhino - LumionPhotoshop - Illustrator - Indesign.
The aim of this project was to find a balance between human and nature. We tried to recreate long-lost links with environment, by creating two green corridors. The first green corridor goes through Corso Vigevano and connects Parco Dora with the Hill. The second one is smaller, it lies across the abandoned railways and connects Parco Dora with the river and then it goes futher to Porto Palazzo market.
The project BE IN AURORA supports the natural diversity of the area (different cultures, different architectural styles, mixed uses) and keeps the significant buildings and functions of its neighbourhood. “The new platform” of the building is meant to unite this variety and help to create strong and creative community.
The idea of this project was to create the identity of this area and the only way to find it is to create the connection between different users of the place.
Double skinned facade in recycled polycarbonate
Horizontal shading brise soleil
Double skin facade in polycarbonate
Green roof
(1) Connection
(2) Preservation of existing buildings
(3) Reconnection with a platform
(4) Addition of residential blocks
East Elevation- Via Piossasco:
Section A-A’:
Section B-B’: View from the Ground Floor insdie the Lot:
Section C-C’:
Politecnico Di Torino 2020 / 2021. Architectural Sustainability Design. Via Bardonecchia 34, Torino (IT).
Prof. Fabio Favoino, Prof. Carlo Micono / Building Physics. Prof. Mario Grosso / Enviromental Technological Design. Prof. Alberto Daviso Di Charvensond / Architectural & Urban Design.
Grade: 29/30
Software used: Autocad - Sktechup - Rhino - LumionPhotoshop - Illustrator - Indesign.
The project PLANINSESTO stems from the desire to create a meeting point for the community of Cenisia.It is difficult to identify a neighborhood identity. It can be therefore be said that the neighborhood is formed only by activities that are useful for daily life, but that do not give people a sense of belonging.
The project aims to create a relationship between the citizens, translating the fence that surrounds the area into surfaces that connect the neighborhood to the school itself and that accomodate community functions that can change over time.
The concept of “planinsesto” is expressed precisely on such surfaces, according to the people who use them at different times. The analysis and integration of climatic and enviromental elements of the area under consideration have allowed to give more specificity to the project, making it consistent and integrated with the basic concept.
Urban Scale:
Nearest metro 500m Centro 3.3km Metro line Censia
Neighborhood Scale:
Site Axonometry:
Front of school:
Back of school:
Politecnico Di Torino 2019 / 2020. Urban Design Atelier. Via Francesco Cirio 18, Torino (IT).
Prof. Francesca Frassoldati, Prof. Chiara Lucchini / Urban Design. Ast. Lucia Biama, Ast. Francesca Bragaglia, Ast. Simona Della Rocca.
Grade: 29/30
Software used: Autocad - Sktechup - Rhino - LumionPhotoshop - Illustrator - Indesign.
Bust station scale
Neighborhood scale
Urban scale
volumes Ramps for better circulation Creating bar terrace to attract people
Urban Section A-A’:
Section B-B’:
Politecnico Di Torino 2020 / 2021. Urban Design Atelier. Flaubert, Grenoble (FR)
Prof. Mario Artuso, Prof. Federico Guiati / Urban Design and planning.
Prof. Sara Chiodi, Prof. Marcella Lannuzzi/ Urban Sociology.
Grade: 30L/30
Software used: Autocad - Sktechup - Rhino - LumionPhotoshop - Illustrator - Indesign.
Before Before After After
Map 1: Super - blocks map.
Map 2: Intermodal node - mobility map.
Map 3: Green areas map.
Map 4: Zonning map.
(3) User mixity in different time
(4) User mixity in the same building
We create a bicycle path and car / bus parking.
3D render of intermodal node block:
We add the intermodal node and other facilities.
Urban sections:
Section A-A’.
Section B-B’.