Intelligent Solutions for People Analytics

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Intelligent Solutions for People Analytics At our core resides the foundation to provide clients with an optimal experience. Optimization is driven by our technology suite that bonds our offerings. We work with our clients to: Discover needs, known and otherwise; Measure through assessment, traditional and custom; Integrate systems, across and within; Analyze findings, advanced and personalized; culminating in a Solution, unique and actionable.

Expert Consultation Why should you care? As a Talent Professional, your clients and organizations look to you for help with people development. When you are considering an MHS Talent solution for your organizational or client needs, you gain access to a dedicated Talent Solutions Consultant (TSC) that will help no matter where you are in your professional journey. Our consultants will assist from discovery through to implementation, and everything in between. We work to uncover your needs and help to align them with organizational goals. Whether you need assistance in attracting the very best talent, developing your people, or attaining buy in for a critical initiative, MHS and our team of Talent Solution Consultants are here to help.

What we hear from our clients Our clients represent a diverse community and come to us with complex challenges affecting their clients, teams, and organizations. Be it an aspiring leader working their way up the corporate ladder, a dysfunctional team looking for answers to a problem it can’t solve, or a company affected by a disruptive change, our talent tools and solutions help professionals regardless of industry and organizational level.

How important is your reputation? We provide industry leading expertise in test development and fully integrated solutions. Our solutions center around a variety of products such as Emotional Intelligence, Change Management, Leadership Development, Succession Planning, Business Simulations, Hardiness, Sales, Customer Service, Entrepreneurs and many more. Engaging our TSC’s can help facilitate your discussions around data analysis, custom reporting, or any other training and development needs.

How will you stand out? Our team participates in a variety of events including industry conferences, webinars, podcasts, and meet and greets. Whether you would like to learn more about our programs or would like to have greater exposure for your business, our TSCs are focused on delivering value. With a network of trainers and consultants all over the world, we can help provide assistance in the global marketplace.

How we can help Many of our clients’ challenges can be thought of as an iceberg, there are known elements that are visible, but often there are underlying issues that are unknown and not visible. Our Talent Solutions Consultants can help with both the known and unknown, specializing in getting at the core of the challenge and building a solution that solves both the current and prospective issues.

What is your time worth? Talent Solutions Consultants know how valuable your time is and can help you on your way to finding the right solution. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have, our team can take care of everything from program design, sending out assessments, debriefing, and delivery of any solution. The main goal of our team is to ensure that you see value across our variety of talent management solutions.

How will it all come together? If you would like MHS to handle the entire process from consultation to delivery, our TSCs will be your conduit to our inhouse experts to facilitate execution and integration. This includes technology solutions like web services, API’s, ATS, etc. Utilize our team of Talent Solutions Consultants to uncover your Talent Management needs.

Our Process | Identify k Develop k Optimize To achieve the results our clients demand, we work together to identify critical talent development criteria grounded in objective measurement, sound practice, and actionable outcomes. From there we work together to develop people, teams and organizations by creating solutions tailored to the unique needs of the business. To ensure the desired outcomes are met, we work with our clients to optimize their performance management with competency frameworks, training and development evaluation, organizational measurement, and much more.


Identify Identify your top talent, before somebody else does Attracting, finding, hiring, developing and retaining talent is one of the most important strategic functions a competitive organization has, and developing your human capital can make or break a firm’s performance. An organization reflects its individual parts, and attention must be paid to the critical role of bringing in new talent that aligns with the organizations’ goals and culture.

In the war for talent, MHS can help you identify the type of talent needed in your organization, the capabilities needed to remain competitive in your market, and how you can hire for success. Research shows that, “many employers, both in the United States and throughout the world, are currently using suboptimal selection methods.”1 With only 25% of organizations utilizing assessments for the external hiring of senior leaders, there is a vast competitive advantage being squandered by most organizations.2

Whether you are looking to hire in volume, for strategic roles, or bring in/promote leadership, MHS can provide the expertise needed to implement a systematic, structured, and evidence-based process. Using offthe-shelf or customized tools, MHS’ team of Industrial/ Organizational (I/O) Psychologists, Consultants, Data Scientists, Test Experts, and Talent Solutions Consultants can design and implement a system that will help you find the best talent for your needs.




Assessment Validation Let us take the hard work out of your assessment process. MHS’ experts can help you meet industry regulations and legal compliance in your selection process by basing your hiring decisions on defensible, validated assessment processes.

Consultation & Design During the initial consultation phase, MHS works with you to identify your current and future hiring needs as well as access to current job incumbents and future candidates. Part of this process will be establishing key performance indicators for the selected role(s) and reviewing the current selection process and materials.


As part of the research design, MHS will create an applied research and rollout strategy. Depending on available data, MHS may also administer a performance criteria assessment. We will also establish an analysis and reporting strategy.


Administration & Analysis Design

Assessment Validation in Action Reporting


MHS will design a communication plan focused on generating buy-in within your organization for the assessment administration procedure. With our support, the assessments will be rolled out to collect data with your current employees or future job candidates. MHS ensures that quality performance data is used through the generation of new data points or the evaluation of existing data. As the data comes in, our scientists and experts examine relationships, conduct in-depth psychometric analyses, and create mathematical models and algorithms to predict successful performance in your organization and roles.

Reporting & Action Analysis

Often focus is placed on how candidates can excel during an interview process; equally, if not more important are strong interviewer practices to ensure the right decision is made. Using a structured interview process will neutralize common poor evaluation practices such as: • Trusting “gut” instinct • Having a lack of structure • Dominating the conversation • Projecting/Mirroring candidate • Allowing bias to influence

1. Schmidt, F. L., & Hunter, J. E. (1998). The validity and utility of selection methods in personnel psychology: Practical and theoretical implications of 85 years of research findings. Psychological bulletin, 124(2), 262.

MHS provides technical and non-technical reporting to stakeholders, allowing for digestible insights and appropriate communication. We leverage the in-depth analyses to deploy the assessment within a revised hiring process. As part of that, MHS will design an on-going selection and evaluation strategy so that your organization can trust that the hiring process continues to scale with new data and with your organization.

Structured Interviewing Interviews are one of the most common hiring practices in modern organizations and yet most organizations are not leveraging the true predictive power of structured interviews. Research shows that a well-designed structured interview can predict a significant amount of an individual’s performance on the job.1 When built by experts, a properly designed structured interview process has a much higher degree of validity compared to the traditional interview and can be well integrated into a broader assessment process.2 MHS’ team of trained professionals can develop structured interview guides, training, and processes to help you meet your hiring needs.

2. Church, A. H., & Rotolo, C. T. (2013). How are top companies assessing their high-potentials and senior executives? A talent management benchmark study. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 65(3), 199.



In order to continue to grow your business it is critical to nurture and grow your employees, so that they are equipped to meet and overcome current and future challenges. MHS has several ways that we work with your organization to develop your leaders.

Customized Leadership Development Programs Tailored to the unique needs of your organization, we offer leadership development programs, as follows:

1 Working with you to understand the unique nature of your business and specific needs of your team, together we collaborate to unearth the underlying needs associated with the issue, challenge, or change you are experiencing. Before we recommend any solution, we need to understand what you are experiencing so we can pin-point the underlying requirements you have.

2 Once we understand your challenges, we design and develop a program that will produce your desired outcomes. With a team of professionals with deep adult learning expertise, we create a program that not only addresses your needs, but also engages your people in a way that facilitates self-awareness and sharing in a safe environment. We draw on our assessments and business simulations to form the basis of your program, and incorporate other elements we uncover in our needs assessment to ensure we are addressing your unique challenge(s). Learning by doing, we allow individuals to practice new skills in a safe environment so that they can feel confident, competent, and motivated to continue to use those skills once they leave the classroom. We also connect everything we do with your business priorities and use your internal language, so it is easy for people to make the connections to what they do.

3 We leverage a team of experienced adjunct facilitators with an average of 15 years’ education and experience in leadership and organizational development. These facilitators come from a variety of backgrounds, most of whom worked within various industries before joining our team. We work with you to ensure your facilitator is the best match for your culture and people. All of our facilitators have deep knowledge of our tools, using them for an average of 12 years.



4 We do all the heavy lifting, from administration of assessments, to development of material, to facilitation. This allows you to focus on your team, participate in the event or business simulation, and provide support after.

5 We evaluate every program to ensure it hits the mark, and provide that feedback to you directly. A snapshot of our scores:

Facilitators 9.5/10

Content 9.8/10

Program 9/10 *

* 9 out of 10 attendees highly recommend our programs and found it insightful and relevant to their development.

6 Setting you up for success, we provide the tools and resources to support continued learning after the classroom work is done, so you can get the best return on your investment and see real change happen.

Coaching Services Executive Coaching We have a team of experienced executive coaches who work with individuals to achieve their professional goals: 1. We work with you to understand what you are looking for in a coach and what you hope to achieve. 2. We then match you with a coach that will work with you to achieve those goals. 3. We leverage our extensive tools to help accelerate self-discovery and promote development. Whether it is an understanding of your approach to change or a 360 tool that highlights areas of strength and development, our extensive suite of tools will help facilitate self-discovery and allow you to target areas of growth with your coach.

Peer Coaching Leaders have a wealth of knowledge and experience that they’ve gained over the course of their careers. Peer coaching is a great way for leaders to lend their experience to each other, build relationships, build networks, and foster stronger team work among peers. MHS has a tried and true process we teach leaders that help them: • Work on real issues that are important to them • Help them uncover options and solutions they wouldn’t have been able to come up with on their own • Learn coaching skills that they can use with their peers and their direct reports as well • Contribute to building a coaching culture within the organization If you are looking for a cost-effective way to bring coaching into your organization, let us work with you to make it happen.

Keynote Events Dr. Steven Stein, a Clinical Psychologist, is the Founder and Executive Chairman of Multi-Health Systems (MHS), a leading publisher of scientific assessments for more than 30 years.

Facilitation Services Workshop Facilitation We have a roster of seasoned facilitators who are certified in a number of assessments and simulations. You may have a situation where you have a program built in-house but are looking for external support in facilitating it within your organization. Our facilitators are highly experienced working with different levels within different organizations, and are available to facilitate your programs.

Process Facilitation Have a leadership offsite meeting and looking for external support to facilitate you through a process? Our seasoned facilitators can work with you to understand your overall goals, and what you hope to achieve at the end of the event. They will work closely with you to ensure things stay on track, and your goals are met. Whether it’s how to implement a change in your organization, or planning your 3-year strategy, our facilitators can make sure your next offsite is a success.

Dr. Stein is an expert in psychological assessments, emotional intelligence, leadership and resiliency. He is a sought after presenter around the world, having spoken as the keynote speaker at conferences, panel discussions, symposiums and international summits. He has also consulted with military, and government agencies including the Canadian Forces, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, special units of the Pentagon, U.S. FBI Academy, as well as corporate organizations including American Express, Coca-Cola(Mexico), Air Canada, and professional sports teams. He is the author and coauthor of several books on emotional intelligence including the international bestseller “The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success,” and “Emotional Intelligence for Dummies.” Dr. Stein is the author of the new book, “The EQ Leader: Instilling Passion, Creating Shared Goals, and Building Meaningful Organizations through Emotional Intelligence.” To inquire about bookings, please contact your Talent Solutions Consultant (



Continual refinement and evaluation are the keys to successful talent management strategy and implementation. Optimize your human capital through effective performance management processes, competency frameworks, training and development evaluation, and organizational measurement.

MHS’ experts can guide your organization through best practices and new methods of human capital optimization. MHS makes performance management easier by distilling the noise into actionable insights. Our solutions help you implement an effective performance management strategy by aligning process and calibrating key outcomes across the organization.

HR Analytics MHS has the expertise and technological capabilities to mine your existing organizational data to bring your HR strategy into the digital analytics age. While assessments form the backbone of many of our offerings, MHS also services human resources and workforce analytics needs. Here are just a few of the services we can provide.

Predicting Retention

“MHS has been a great partner for our Leader EQ-i 2.0 rollout. They intentionally dove into what makes up the culture of our company and how we define the role of the leader. From there, they helped us build customized workshops and 1:1 interaction to ensure our employees were able to close gaps hindering effectiveness and also build off their strengths. MHS’s customized approach is one of a kind and we are very pleased with their engagement in our leadership development journey”. – Talent Management Director from a global manufacturing organization



Organizational Structure

Job Design

HR Analytics Diversity Analysis

Recruitment Strategies

Performance Evaluation

Understanding Engagement

Competencies Great leadership starts with the right behavior. Aligning your organization and leadership against a well-defined and well constructed competency model is how you identify, measure, and develop great leadership. An example of how we work with you is to map key organizational competencies to skills measured by one of our talent tools. Competency mapping is a great way to connect assessment attributes with what your leaders are being measured on within the organization. This helps them connect the dots and know where their development gaps are.

The EQ-i 2.0® Model


• Problem Solving • Reality Testing 1 2

1 2

Emotional Expression Assertiveness

• Social Responsibility • Interpersonal Relationships



Strategic Thinking





Engagement High performance organizations understand what drives their employees. Uncover insights in your organization through engagement tools and programs. Measure the effects of change, new practices, and shifts in the organization. Learn what your employees need to succeed and where the gaps exist in your people programs. Understand what is driving your culture and how to shape and nurture it.

Evaluation Most organizations can’t put a dollar amount on their training and development spend. With over 30 years in the people development space, MHS designs learning programs that build lasting, sustainable change and have built in evaluation criteria and measurement. MHS can design your learning offering from the ground up to capture sustained learning or we can leverage our experience to build evaluation criteria and measurement points to show the return on your investment.


Custom Assessments

Not using MHS assessments or simulations as part of your talent development? The MHS Team of Experts can work with any talent tools your organization is using to develop the best possible solution.

Implementing Custom Analytics Solutions Organizations need to utilize their internal data to remain competitive in the human capital landscape. Competing for talent means leveraging every data point and every advantage you can get. Let our experts help you generate value by digging deeper into your data to help inform your people decisions. Our analytics solutions are tailored to your individual organizational needs and crafted by our in-house data science and people analytics experts. In close collaboration with your stakeholders, our Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychologists and Data Scientists will help you understand your data, identify gaps in your people metrics, and help you implement HR analytics solutions. Let our team of experts take the heavy lifting of statistics, people measurement, research, and industry best practices, off your plate. With over three decades of experience in helping organizations make the most of their people data, MHS understands the analytic needs in your organization and has the breadth of expertise and experience to solve your challenges.



We offer a variety of services and solutions to meet your specific needs, from analyzing your existing data to helping you build a people analytics pipeline. Build and leverage your data to help inform hiring and selection, learning and development, leadership identification, succession planning, training evaluation, and a variety of applied research questions.

Our Custom Solution Process 1


Consult with you to understand your needs. MHS pairs this with cuttingedge research and industry bestpractices to scope out your custom solution.



MHS’ Consulting, Research, and Data teams work in close collaboration with you to design and iterate a solution that presents the perfect fit of science and your organizations’ specific needs.




MHS supports the rollout and deployment of the solution in your organization to ensure it is embedded in your processes and technology.

Leverage In-house Expertise

MHS’ team of Data Scientists pour over your data to discover insights and trends that provide actionable findings. We work with you to deliver results to key stakeholders.

Whether you’re looking to create a pulse survey to capture quick feedback across your organization or develop an intensive assessment program, MHS has the subject matter experts, design, technology, and psychometric professionals to create a scientifically reliable, valid, and fair tool for use in any organization or industry.



No assessment solution is complete without putting the insights into action. MHS designs a program to solve your challenges and re-evaluates with data to provide return on investment.

Examples of Our Work

Off-the-shelf assessments fit many needs. If your organization has challenges not met by our existing solutions, work with us to build a custom solution that fits your exact needs. MHS’ team of Ph.D and Master’s level test development experts, I/O Psychologists, and Data Scientists can modify and create assessment tools customized to your exact needs and specifications. We use the same rigorous process for customized solutions as we use to develop our renowned off-the-shelf tools that are trusted internationally by leading consultants and I/O Psychologists.


Engagement Program Custom Leadership Assessment

Pulse Survey

Organizational Benchmark

In-House Expertise

360o Feedback Assessment

Entrance/Exit Surveys

Culture Review Annual Employee Survey

Building Data Solutions With custom, integrated data solutions, your organization can gain deep insights into your people development priorities and enact change that is directly tied to needs, backed by evidence.

The Future of Talent Management Through a custom solution, prioritize your talent management activities to drive your organization into the future by understanding where you need to focus and where your organizational strengths are.

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