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Family: When To Let Go
Family; a theme as old as time itself, rooted in the human need for connection with those around them, and for many, the very first people to shoot you down. This is a rather pessimistic view, there’s no denying it, but something relatable to nearly everyone.
Being stuck in a toxic situation with a family member can bring about very hard and complex feelings. You love them with your entire being, they’re your family; people that are supposed to stick by your side no matter what, who you’ve known for years and are supposed to know you better than anyone.
But when that idea isn’t met, it can be really hurtful, especially when you’re constantly let down and feel that you can’t stand up for yourself because they’re your family.
The truth is, you don’t need that person in your life. That may sound harsh and as hard as it is to say outloud or come to terms with that fact, there comes a point where you have to realize that you deserve so much more than the treatment you receive. You don’t need someone that is constantly hurting you and subtracts from your peace and happiness.
Even if you’re at that point where you’ve come to the realization that you don’t need that family member in your life, it can feel like you’re stabbing your family in the back. They’re the people who raised you, who’ve known you since the first moments you were on this planet. There’s no way that you could stop seeking their approval after they’ve done so much for you, right? Well, not necessarily.
You don’t owe anyone anything, not even family members. Regardless of certain instances of them providing for you and helping you, those specific instances do not cancel out the amount of toxicity they spewed at you, the humiliation and disappointment that has constantly followed your relationship with that person. You deserve way better than that.
Toxic behavior from family members can make many people feel excluded in their own home.
Absolutely no one, no matter how closely related you are, has any right to bring you down or is entitled to being your life, especially if they are not beneficial to you in any way. Family or not, toxic behavior and humiliation is not something you should put up with from anyone.
Instead, you should focus on people who actively help you grow as a person, people who continue to show you support and love without constantly dragging you down. Those are the people that matter and deserve to be lucky enough to be in your life.
— Lily Giggee, Assistant Editor-in-Chief