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Speech Team Seeks Expansion
‘Tis the season for shining lights and gift giving, with winter weather fast approaching the Winter Sports season is as well. Sports like hockey and basketball are often popular winter activities; but as these teams begin preparing for their newest season, so does the Mandan High School Speech Team.
“Our season starts at the beginning of February and the last official meet before Regions is at the end of March. We will do Regions and State and that normally ends the third week of April.” Loren Nieuwsma, Co-Coach of the Speech Team said.
The main difference between this year’s speech team and the former years is that they have two coaches instead of one. Mr. Nieuswma will coach the beginning of the year practices and Mrs. Bender will coach the end of year practices.
The Speech Team hopes that having two head coaches will help the team grow more.
“It’s difficult to gauge where you’re at in Speech because we’re not like a sports team. There’s so many factors involved throughout the year.” Nieuwsma said.
The Speech Team is looking to expand to the Mandan Middle School in an effort to get a few more middle grade students involved. Getting students involved with the club at younger ages makes it easier for talents to take shape and grow.
“We are trying to grow our program so that it extends to the middle school.” Mrs. Bender said.
Having younger students join the team that place in certain competitions balances out the placing senior students. The problem with the expansion is that it is difficult to have a full time coach at the Middle School, which there needs to be if a Speech Team was to be formed there.
Some of the current strongholds that are returning to the Speech Team happen to be underclassmen–specifically Sophomores. Showing that younger students’ talents grow the achievements of the team
One of those Sophomores, who was on the team last year, is very excited to get back into the swing of things.
“I am just looking forward to competing. I have a lot of anxiety and public speaking helps me with it,” said Sophomore, Megan LaFleur.
The team does have young talent returning for the season with one being the alternate on the North Dakota state team last year.
“I ended up going to nationals in Louisville, Kentucky they had extra room on ND so they took extra people and they wanted a freshman so they picked me and I am very thankful for that,” said LaFleur.
Though they have many returning teammates, the Speech Team is still looking for new recruits.
Some of the current strongholds that are returning to the Speech Team happen to be underclassmen–specifically Sophomores. Showing that younger students’ talents grow the achievements of the team
Though they have many returning teammates, the Speech Team is still looking for new recruits.
“We have a couple of really strong speakers in Student Congress and Student Council that we are trying to get to join Speech. I also have some other students that participate in speaking around the school that I’m trying to sneak in.” Nieuwsma said.
December 2022