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Mathletes Compete Across the State
from MHS Courier February 2023
by MHS Courier
— Andi Nelson, Reporter
Mandan High School’s Mathlete team has started their annual competition season starting this winter. With the completion of the competition at U-Mary, and the upcoming Tri-College meet at NDSU, the mathlete team has a lot of brain power planned this year.
Despite the nearly 100 club offerings, Mandan High Schools’ Mathlete team has seen numbers rising this year, surprising naysayers and drawing participation from some of the school’s most capable students.
“We have had more students interested in competing this year than I have seen in the past,” said Paul Christen, Mathlete Supervisor and math teacher.
Students think that to join the team you have to be exceptionally good at math. However, that is not true. Math comes with many strategizing problems that involve deep thinking.
“Typically the better math students do participate, but we have a few who enjoy challenging and strategizing that have joined,” said Christen.
As the students learn more about the club and experience going to a competition first hand, the allure to join becomes very clear.
The club is more of an individual effort, giving students a sense of personal fulfillment. But it still offers that team dynamic and support that many seek.
Gearing up for competitions doesn’t take much while being part of the team. The club doesn’t hold practices, so students have to learn more on their own.
“I try to advance myself on my own time when I can,” said Junior Leif Lahtinen.
The competitions tend to last most of the day and are composed of two parts. Each lasting about thirty minutes to an hour.
“Generally, competitions consist of an individual test and a team test,” said junior Michael Storsved.
The questions on the two tests range from high school and above questions. Examples consist of College Algebra, Calculus, and Trigonometry.
“It’s all levels of nine, most of the math isn’t just high levels, it’s really about learning how to figure it out,” said Christen.
Making the tests very versatile and challenging for everyone.
Yearly, the team tends to go to two to three competitions. This year the team added another competition by creating their own! On the 23 of January, Mandan held their own math competition. 12 people attended this competition, taking an individual test, and then a group test. The group test consisted of 3 groups of 4 people.
Joining the Mathlete club can be a fulfilling experience and will add a new type of thinking skill for students who choose to participate.
“Being on the team and going to competitions has really advanced me and pushed me to be the best I can be,” said