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Biden’s Early Actions
Diving Into President Biden’s Early Actions

— Ryan Ulrich, Sports and News Editor
During the early stages of rebuild in order to President Joe Biden’s time, he prevent another has already looked to maintain pandemic-level his agenda immediately. The threat and implement President has already passed thirty mask mandates executive orders during his tenure by working with showing that he is looking to governors and make an imeditate push to spread relying on the his goals into our country. American people to Biden has done a variety of step up. measures that have mostly been “Biden’s plan targeted to undo the previous offers hope for administration’s decisions. a systematic and Perhaps the most notable decision scientific approach affecting North Dakota would to mitigating be backing out of the keystone the burden of pipeline. the COVID-19 “President Biden’s decision to pandemic and is a revoke the Keystone XL pipeline welcome change,” permit is an attack on the way of Dr. Sadiya Khan, life for thousands of people who an epidemiologist rely on energy production to feed at the Northwestern their families,” Republican U.S. University Feinberg Representative Kelly Armstrong Photo by Gage Skidmore from Creative Commons School of Medicine, said in a statement when reacting President Joe Biden delivering a speech said. “The plan to the President’s decision. “The about issues at a theatre. focuses on hitting Keystone XL pipeline would critical needs for a transport safe and reliable energy across our Nation providing strong public health response.” thousands of American jobs in the process and increasing our Another issue the Biden administration is strongly looking to national security, so we must do everything we can to see this combat is racial inequality. President Biden is looking to advance terrible decision reversed and fight for energy policies that help a comprehensive equity agenda to deliver criminal justice reform, move North Dakota and our Nation forward.” end disparities in healthcare access and education, strengthen While his change has been growing overtime, President Biden fair housing and restore Federal respect for Tribal sovereignty, continues to present himself as a more moderate president. among other actions, so that everyone across America has the Currently, the President has a 54.7% approval rating according opportunity to fulfill their potential. to FiveThirtyEighty.com, which is an encouraging sign for a new “I made it very clear that the moment had arrived as a nation president tasked with strong responsibilities. where we face deep racial inequities in America,” President When focusing on combating COVID-19, the Biden Biden said. “We have never fully lived up to the founding Administration is looking to expand testing, safely reopen principles of this nation, to state the obvious, that all people are schools and businesses, and take science-driven steps to address created equal and have a right to be treated equally throughout communities’ worries. The Administration also has a seven their lives, and it is time to act now. point plan to combat COVID-19 which looks to make sure all While the Biden Administration is young, President Biden Americans have access to free testing, fix personal protective has already accomplished many notable accomplishments. equipment problems, provide clear evidence-based guidelines Rejoining the WHO and Paris Climate Accord, passing a $1.9 for helping communities navigate through the pandemic, have an trillion stimulus package and cracking down on racial and gender effective distribution of the vaccine, protect at-risk Americans, inequalities are a few of its’ notable accomplishments so far.